To be Loki'd - Loki x fem re...

By 1StarryStar1

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You are a young avenger when Loki is brought over to Earth and the Avengers to amend himself. But your simila... More

Chapter 1- Meeting a trickster
Chapter 2- Draining training
Chapter 3- Nightmares
Chapter 4- Sunset and Sherlock
Chapter 5 - Memories
Chapter 6- Feelings
Chapter 7- Sparkles and champagne
Chapter 8- Galas usually don't end up in fights even when drunk
Chapter 9- Iron suit but human heart
Chapter 10- Love will always prevail
Chapter 11- To unleash the fury of a God
Chapter 12 - Life as an Avenger is never normal
Chapter 13 - Hide n seek
Chapter 14 - Pain, pain go away, come back another day
Chapter 15 - On your left
Chapter 16 - Your prince in fine Asgardian armour
Chapter 17 - Why bacon should be oven baked
Chapter 18 - Movie night
Chapter 19 - Me and my broken heart
Chapter 20 - I do love nothing in the world so well as you-is not that strange?
Chapter 21 - Flower crowns
Chapter 22 - Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind
Chapter 23 - Déjà vu much
Chapter 24 - Should I tell them darling?
Chapter 26 - Steadfast badass
Chapter 27 - Does Santa know you've gone rogue?
Chapter 28 - Oh dear, is she dead?
Quick Author's note
Chapter 29 - A seat from which to watch Asgard burn
Chapter 30 - Loki wasn't there
Chapter 31 - Attempts
Chapter 32 - Yes father
Chapter 33 - Cold
Chapter 34 - A plan
Chapter 35 - To hell with it
Chapter 36 - I probably will never be an angel
Chapter 37 - Laufey

Chapter 25 - With all due respect

41 4 0
By 1StarryStar1

Night fell around you, cloaking the tower in darkness and silence. Only the city far below still thrummed with life and lights. You walked over to the balcony to gaze up at the night world. Somehow when the sun sets, it's as if the world changed, just like a coin had two sides. Night shifted the feel of the city. A few pale stars flickered in the dark sky, fighting against the blinding lights of New York. No clouds covered the dark blue drapes of the sky, leaving it clear and empty. You knew you should be sleeping as the trip was tomorrow at dawn but you couldn't. 

Not the best night to not sleep, you muttered to yourself, knowing your body didn't give a damn about the trip or you being tired. It hit you again, you were leaving tomorrow for Asgard. To meet the royal family. Casual right? You sighed, your breath mixing with the cold night air. Finally, you wrenched free from the magnetic pull that kept you on this balcony so often and closed the doors, pulling the curtains together afterwards. 

You flopped on your sheets, rumpled from your tossing and turning a few minutes ago. For a while, you just stare at the ceiling blankly. It must be scary, you thought, if someone just walked in on you like this, staring into nothingness as if dead. Grateful for your eyelids finally feeling heavy, you let yourself dive into the comforting arms of sleep, arriving like a much awaited guest. 


"Y/n. Y/n." 

Someone shook you firmly yet still with gentleness. You groaned and turned around, facing the other way than the one who was trying to rudely interrupt your sleep. The shaking intensified. In a semi-conscious state where one is tethering between sleep and alertness, you slapped the person hard, desperate for them to leave you alone. 

"Y/N IT IS TIME TO RISE!" boomed a loud voice, jolting you wide awake. "I knew that would work." chuckled the blonde god who was currently patting your back softly, as if to apologise for his previous actions. 

"Thor Odinson. I will commit arson if you dare to do this again to me." you muttered through gritted teeth, scowling as your body slowly escaping the grip of sleep. He simply smiled brightly and left the room, not before telling you to be ready in fifteen minutes and to meet him on the roof afterwards. 

Today was the day you went to Asgard. It felt momentous in your mind, weighing heavy like a huge boulder. To go to Asgard. It kept running through your mind with the regularity of a toy train, constantly going round and round. You took a deep breath, desperately trying to stay calm. It would be fine. Completely, totally, absolutely, 100 percent fine. 

After taking a quick shower and slipping on your suit, you picked up the backpack where you had stuffed the bare necessities, knowing all would be provided for and closed your bedroom door. You stepped inside the lift, feeling it slowly glide up to the roof. The doors opened with a satisfactory dinging noise and you were outside. The dawn air slapped your face, removing the last scraps of fatigue inside of you. Dawn was softly creeping up, it's pinkish tips appeared in the dark blue sky. 

Loki smiled softly and tapped your shoulders. Something flowed behind you out of nowhere  and you saw he had added a gorgeous dark green cape to your suit. Tony would not like that, you knew it. He grinned proudly and mumbled something about it being more fit for Asgard as well as meeting the royal family.

"Ready?" Thor asked as he lifted his hammer, joy penetrating his bright irises. You both nodded and he boomed "Heimdall, open the Bifrost!" 

Instantly, it felt like you were being sucked through a tunnel, travelling in a bright beam of light. Loki and Thor seemed unbothered, having done the roundtrip several times before. Barely a few seconds later, your feet touch solid floor and the blinding light gives way to an entire gold setting. 

"Greetings princes of Asgard." said a warm voice upon your arrival. You turned around to see a strong, dark skinned man with glowing irises whose color reflected the one of melting gold. He was clad in golden armour as well and held a sword. His smile was infused with warmth and welcoming. "Greetings to you too Lady Y/n. I have been watching you." 

"I'm sorry?" You looked at the brothers for an explanation. Thor's vibrant laughter bounced off the walls at your concerned and mostly confused face. 

"Heimdall is simply the Guardian of the Bifrost. He protects the kingdom in short. He sees all. Without him, the kingdom of Asgard wouldn't be as protected from the other realms." he explained, guiding you away from where you had landed. Heimdall did a curt nod and positionned himself back, looking into the world, all seeing. 

A loud gasp escapes your amazed lips as soon as you set eyes on the kingdom. A vast, luscious spread of land; a bright blue sky; a grand castle whose shape resembles one of a noble crown; a huge town spread around it, homes clustered. Bright bridges surround it all, shining as if covered by the light of a thousand suns. 

"This is the Rainbow Bridge." points out Thor to the biggest and grandest of them all, leading straight from the Bifrost to the palace. 

"I got pushed off of it once. " Loki hums, coughing loudly at the end of his sentence to emphasise the fact. You giggled as Thor rolled his eyes.

"Shut it you diva, you let go." he teased his brother, who remained as stone faced as usual.


Two horses whinnied loudly near you. As soon as they set eyes on their masters, they start trotting peacefully towards them, as if running into their arms. One is white and the other is jet black with silky hair. It's really not hard to tell to whom each one belongs. 

"You share your hair products with your horse Loki?" you ask innocently. The god scoffed loudly as he sent huge daggers your way with his emerald eyes. However, he softens immediately when his horse comes up to him, slightly bowing. Loki caressed its soft head, fingers trailing across the horse's hair coat. For a moment, it's a reunion between two friends, just him and the horse.

"We'll ride these to the palace." announced Thor, smoothly settling on his, patting the animal lovingly. 

Loki grabbed your waist carefully, his cold and firm grip placing you delicately on the saddle before jumping on behind you. 

"Care for a race?" Thor asked mischieviously at his brother, now that all of you were settled on.

"I'll win anyways." responded Loki, flipping his hair dramatically and grinning. His strong arm wrapped itself around your waist, pressing you into his chest as the other picked up the reins. They crackled in the air and he tapped his horse, signalling for him to start galloping. Straight away, the horse took off, its' hooves clapping against the strong bridge. You are pressed even closer to Loki's chest, his soft scent reaching you. The stallion picked up speed as Loki quickly started advancing in front of his brother. Thor's white horse caught up in a flash and led to the race intensifying. The two brothers fought vehemently for whatever petty millimeter they gained. 

Winds whistles in your ears and the whole landscape whizzes by to the rythmn of Loki's strong heart. The castle comes into view and once more Loki's horse regained speed, leaving Thor behind. He chuckles lightly, trying to keep his hard earned advantage, his grip never wavering neither on you nor the reins.

At last, the horse's regular gallops slow down to a steady trot as you approach the castle stables. Barely a second after, Thor's mane arrived as well, the god slightly red either from the effort or for having been defeated by his younger. 

"I win!" announced Loki in a sing song voice, his irises brimming with joy. He let go of you and slid off smoothly before straightening out his clothes. You didn't even have the occasion to try and descend that Loki had already done it, placing you on the straw strewn flooring with all the care and love in the world. His green eyes shone brightly and you couldn't help but lean in and kiss gently that beautiful side of him. That joyous and childish side of him that was so often locked up away with his past. His arm lowered to the small of your back as he made you dip ever so slightly, not breaking away from the feather soft kiss. 

A loud cough rung out in the stables. Followed by another one. Loki grinned against your lips and indulged even more, just to annoy his brother. "Brother! It is enough! I am still here!" exclaimed Thor in exasperation, more than ready to split you apart.

"We'll continue this later darling." Loki whispered, kissing gently your knuckles. 

"Teenagers and their hormones..." muttered a scowling Thor, guiding you into the palace. 

The castle doors swung open, revealing an even more majestic inside. It all shone and glowed, radiating. Your eyes widened in awe as you three made your ways through the endless palace corridors. Finally, solely the doors of the throne room separated you and the king. Your anxiety started kicking in, your heart thumped wildly against your ribcage and your breathing increased. A cold and calm hand linked with yours, fingers entertwining. He did a small nod to his brother and the doors were opened. 

Thor and Loki walked in front and you trailed behind them as per etiquette. Odin sat on his towering throne, watching over the room. His persona seemed steeped in self content and arrogance, making your gut slightly clench at him. The way Loki had described him didn't help much either. However, the lady next to him you liked. She didn't need fancy attire for someone to know she was queen and a powerful one at that. Just her stature and eyes inspired respect to those passing. Frigga. Loki did consider her as his mother and even when he discovered his heritage, it didn't change or waver. 

 The two brother kneeled and bowed in reverence to their father. 

"Ah, my sons! How great it is to beset eyes upon you again!" His arms were wide open and he had a small smile. You felt Loki's mind tense uncomfortably and wished you could go and stand by his side. "And who might you be?" 

You advanced slowly, your feet feeling as if they weighed a thousand pounds. Each step you took resounded madly in your mind. You curtsied perfectly, thanks to Pepper's training since Tony met a lot of important people, and settled next to Loki before clearing your throat. "I am Y/n Y/l/n. I come from Earth and take part in the Avengers." 

"What would a measly Midgardian do here in Asgard? Surely this is no place for you!" The king looked down at you, a slight expression of distate woven on his olden face. Silence hung in the air for a while until Loki decided to speak up. To stand for the one he loved.

"Because I am courting her." he announced loud and clear, grasping your hand, the kaerasta band glittering under the candles. The whole room gasped at his announcement, surprised to see the cold, mischievious, supposedly evil, prince having found love. Frigga's brilliant blue eyes melted and she placed a hand over her heart fondly but Odin... Odin's eyes flared up and red spread across his entire face.

"You? Courting her? Tell me this is some sick joke." he spat out his wine, spraying droplets of the crimsom liquid everywhere. "She is a Midgardian, weak, feeble and mortal! In short, useless and uninteresting. At least you come from around here!" After insulting you, he turned to look at you and pointed viciously at Loki's slightly wavering figure, "And you! Do you know what he is? His heritage? I'm sure you wouldn't like him half as much!"

You felt Loki's mind twist sickly in pain, fighting to block off the flow of emotions that wanted to burst forth. You despised Odin. A man who treats people, especially his son like this. It was one thing to insult you but another to insult Loki.

"Father!" exclaimed Thor, outraged. You did a hand signal for him to calm down and stood up, loud gasps leaving the assembly. 

"With all due respect your Majesty, you should take those words back." 

"Eh?" the king frowned at your insubordination and gripped the sides of his throne tighter as if to affirm his power. 

"Firstly, I'm not some weak or useless Midgardian. I have magic in me that can rival some of Asgard's men. If you want, I can do a survey back on Earth to see how many people have that strong magic. Maybe that would make you reconsider your rather unpleaseant description of me. I've saved numerous lives and helped your sons defend Earth, as well as avoiding death on numerous occasions. So let me check, that's not feeble, not weak, not useless. If you actually tried to be civil, you'd realise people have more to offer than what shows."

A small, inauble breath escaped Loki's lips. 

"And to finish. Never insult Loki in my presence ever again. He could be Asgardian, Jotun or polka dot for all I care and I'd still love him equally. Loki in his time with me has shown more consideration and love than I have ever seen in my entire life." you hissed, glaring at the king's crimson face. Loki's eyes shone like stars, the warmth in his soul from your words spreading to yours as well. 

"Love? You pathetic little fool! You cannot love him. I mean-" 

"Enough! He's worth ten of you. You're lucky at least I was raised properly and have decency to not say everything to your face." you shot back, your eyes burning like embers from the fury building up. 

"You stupid little -" 

"FATHER!" Thor boomed but Frigga cut him to chase, standing in front of Odin now, furious.

"ODIN! That is more than enough from you! I think we need to talk seriously." She turned round to face all of you and whispered softly "You're all dismissed." 

You all dashed out of the throne room, one of you furious, one of you awestruck and one of you just even more in love.

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