Pretending To Be Mysterious

By TheHealer076

507K 23.7K 13.2K

(Y/n) suddenly teleported to Teyvat. She got system. Since then,the mysterious goddess appeared in Teyvat. (M... More

The Mysterious God level Pretender System?
From Feeding Ducks to Drowning
Archon of Every Regions
Pretending Level 100
Mission Reward
The power of legendary skill.
Venti:You can do whatever you want to me!
The Secrect Between Us.
Meet Bennett Again
Sus Paimon
What is your mission?
Special Item
Legendary Mission Part-2
Mom...I'm sorry.
Main System:Stop thinking about breaking the rule or...
Amnesia or Something else?
The Past
Let's make a deal.
The Truth
The Truth(Part-2)
Aftermath:The No.1 rebel from the Inazuma.
Aftermath:The Letter.
Aftermath:Walking Wallet
Aftermath:The Unique Mission
Aftermath:(Y/n) and Nameless
Aftermath:The Corrupted Fate line
Aftermath:Her fate,I will fix it!
Aftermath:The End.
The Upgrade Function
Aether:Adventure with you.
Diluc: The departure from the Mondstadt
Amber:The Gliding Lesson
Kaeya:I am here to thank you.
Bennett:Please,stop lying.
System's Story 1
A/N:About What I Want To Say.
Nameless strikes Again
There is no Zhongli X Guizhong ship?
The Skill Fruit
I need a girlfriend.
My clone can earn money.
Treatment goes wrong.
✓Special Chapter✓
Real (Y/n) is dead.
This is impossible.
The Forbidden One
I will have to kill you.
They will definitely reunite.
The difficult choice
Of course, you are not alone.
The Legendary Mission
Don't ask. I also want to know.
The Familiar Design
Don't worry, I am here.
A/N :Not An Update
Time for revenge
The Memory Of Sinner
The One Behind The Scenes

Last Hit

2.7K 153 42
By TheHealer076

Lore will not be accurate.

[ Congratulation for Host to obtaining the one of the five artifacts of ' Goddess Of Seal ' -
'The Safe Haven'.( damaged)

Safe Haven - You can enter the space inside of the artifact.While in Safe Haven, elemental power cannot be used. The longer you stay in the Safe Haven, the longer the elemental power restriction can be because the artifact is damaged.

Doomsday's protection - While in Safe Haven , immune from any attack from outside world and 50% of damage of the attacker will be reflected to the attacker.

(Status- Damaged. The functions of the artifact will not work properly sometime. ) ]

After the notification of the System, (Y/n) realized the main function of the artifact.

Firstly, it can be very useful for kidnapping.Secondly, it can be used for hiding which is very suitable for her.

Although there is also elemental restriction, she has no problem with that. She doesn't even have elemental power from the start. All of her power comes from the skill!

How can this artifact restrict her?

Everything about this artifact is perfect but there is one thing that make (Y/n) feel uneasy.

This artifact has 'damaged' status.It is stated that some functions won't work properly sometime.

The problem is that when is that 'sometime'. It is totally random.

' System, how to repair 'damaged' artifact? '
(Y/n) asked to the System.

{ There are restrictions , Host. I cannot tell you. }
The System replied.

' Restriction again? How many restriction you have?'

{ I cannot answer that one either.}
The System said in apologized voice.

(Y/n) is speechless.

'Well, forget it. My life is more important. Focus on priority! The mission must be completed.'
(Y/n) decided not to think too much. She stored the newly acquired artifact in the System's storage.

' They don't even look exhausted because of elemental power restrictions.'
(Y/n) looked at the guy with the magician hat and the cat girl in front of her and said in her mind.Besides, (Y/n) feel that she had seen them somewhere before. They looked so fine!

But nothing came out from her memory.

" Aether, are you okay?"
(Y/n) asked Aether with her usual 'Nameless' voice. She felt that faking the voice isn't easy. Sometimes, her throat becomes hurt. But she has no choice. She can't let her identity be exposed because of her voice.

" Yes. "
Aether replied. Now, his elemental powers are gradually returned. He looked at two people who kidnapped him and locked him up. He smiled slightly at them and draw out his sword.

Lynette who feel the sense of danger from Aether looked at Lyney.Lyney nodded at her.The three cards appeared on his hand and he shot them toward Nameless.

However , Aether cut them in mid-air.

"How dare you attack to Nameless?! Your opponent is me!"
Aether said and rushed toward Lyney and Lynette.

' I don't do anything to you. Why are you so aggressive?!'
(Y/n) said in her mind. Fortunately, there is Aether. But that magician Fatui is so cool.And there is also cute cat girl.

'Ugh...what is wrong with my mind?They are people who tried to kill me!'
(Y/n) said to herself.But her eyes are on three handsome and pretty people fighting each other.

Yes, the battle is getting intense. The boy use the card to divert Aether's attention and the cat girl attack Aether whenever she find weak spot.

But who is Aether? He can defend them all and strike back. When his sword is about to cut the cat girl , the magician boy immediately pulled the hand of the cat girl.

' This pose is very familiar....wait...these two are from the Teyvat chapter trailer!'
Upon seeing such scene, (Y/n) finally recalled her memories.

"You who disturbed the peace of Liyue must die!"
Xaio activated his adeptus power and is about to join Aether but his hand was grabbed by Nameless.

"Nameless, why are you stopping me?"
Xiao asked Nameless. He saw that Aether can't catch up with the speed of two Fatui and want to help him.

" Aether can handle them."
(Y/n) said. She is really scared when she saw Xiao want to fight. If he join the battle now, it will definitely become r-rated!

And these two Fatui must be important character ! They even appeared on Teyvat Story Chapter Line trailer!

If they die here, what will happen to the future?

(Y/n) don't dare to take this gamble.


Aether was attacking these two Fatui, but he couldn't keep up with their speed.Then, he heard Nameless's words.

"Aether can handle them."

Unknowingly, Aether's fighting spirit becomes to boost. He circulates the Anemo elemental throughout his body. His attack became faster.

'Why did he become faster?!'
Lyney said in his mind. He knew that his sister is also at her limits. He glanced at Nameless who is silently watching their fight.

He can see her cold eyes staring at him under her mask. It was as if everything is according her plan.

Wait...what if this is her plan?

According to Fatui's report, Nameless is a very powerful person.She can kil them if she wants to.

He also notice that Aether has so many battle experiences but still lacks experience of control over elemental power.

In short, Nameless is helping Aether to improve his power! She is treating them like training dummies!

Now, Lyney can see that Aether is slowly getting better at using Anemo element during their fight. If the thing continue like this, they will definitely lose.

'Fortunately, I figured out her intention. We must get out of here quickly.'
Lyney gritted his teeth and take out the smoke bombs from his Vision's storage.

"Nameless, I must admit that your schemes are perfect. I won't fall under your trap next time."
Lyney said as he throw the smoke bomb to the ground.

Black smoke immediately filled the room, blocking the view for a moment.When the smoke cleared,  Lyney and Lynette were gone.

(Y/n) - ' System, what did he mean?'

System - { I don't know. Maybe there is something wrong with his thinking process?}

' I think so. Now , they are gone. It's time to go back to Liyue and defeat Osial! Then , the mission will complete!'
(Y/n) said to the System.

" I can sense them. I must not let them escape!"
Xiao want to chase them but his hand is grabbed by Nameless again.

"No need. Liyue's safety is more important."
(Y/n) immediately stopped Xaio and said.

Then, she looked at Aether and asked,

"Aether, can you still fight?"

" Of course, I am. But can you explain what is going on?"
Aether said.

(Y/n) nodded and started explaining to Aether.
"Nameless, tell me what to do. I will follow your order."
After listening to Nameless, Aether said with serious expression.

Fatui is going to release the Osial. The legendary namesis of Rex Lapis is now going to be released.  Rex Lapis is gone. There is no one who can stop it.

During these days, Aether made a lot of friends in Liyue. He don't want them to suffer from this disaster. He want to protect them. Besides, (Y/n) is in Liyue too.

Must stop it !

"Go to Golden House. The Fatui Harbinger will break the seal there."
(Y/n) said.Then , she looked at Xiao and said,

"Xiao, inform every adepti and member of Liyue Qixing about this matter."

"Alright. But what's about you?"
Xiao asked.

" I have something to do."
(Y/n) said.Then, she used her teleport skill.
Seeing Nameless disappeared, Xiao and Aether looked at each other for a moment.Then, the child like voice appeared.

" Yum~Yum grilled chicken drumsticks ~ Come to Paimon~"


(Y/n) teleported to the safe place where she can see Liyue Harbor from distance.She took off her black cloak and mask.

"Now, I just have to wait for the moment to come."
(Y/n) said with smile.

{ Host, what are you doing here?}
The System cannot understand (Y/n)'s action. In his opinion, (Y/n) should be with Aether to defeat Osial.

" According to the story, Osial will be release no matter what. But Aether and Liyue Qixing will defeat him. "
(Y/n) calmly said as she sits down and leans on the tree.She continued,

" The mission only said I just need to kill him. It mean I don't need to involve in unnecessary battle."

" Now, I saved Aether .Soon, the battle between Osial and Liyue Qixing will start. What I need to do is to kill Osaial at his low HP. Well, I am simply waiting for the 'Last Hit' moment."

{Woah! Host, how can you think of this plan? You are amazing.You will definitely complete this mission. }
The System said with excitement.

" Humph, don't underestimate the challenger player of Group of Legend. Besides, why should I waste my strength if I just need to do is to get the last hit."
(Y/n) said and smiled.

{But Host, your actual rank is at bronze....}

"Shut up ,System. You really know how to ruin the mood!"

A/n : Sorry for late update, my dear readers. Cya in next update.✨
Goodnight. 🥰

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