i know the end, supernatural...

By maybankwalker

15.3K 861 1.3K

[ supernatural -- seasons 11-15 ] Second Crossover Series: Someone to You Not Strong Enough I Know the End I... More

cast, act one
001. snappy
002. baby
003. amara's favorite food
004. killer clown
005. marshmallow nachos
006. back to normal
007. uncomfortable dinner
008. valentine's day
009. the vessel
010. dead
011. first date
012. "what's a hooker?"
013. terrible fathers
014. everything and nothing
cast, act two
015. reunions
016. don't wanna die
017. worst day
018. mac and cheese
019. new babysitter
020. terrible mom
021. funeral
022. l.a.
023. the president
024. captivity
025. apologies
026. worst case
027. mary's truth
028. sales pitch
029. destroyed relationships
030. werewolf girls
031. locked doors
032. stupid
033. tight fit
034. breaking points
035. it all comes crashing down
036. escape plan
037. one sister for another
038. new world
cast, act three
039. panic attacks
040. late night ice cream
041. training
042. therapy
043. sibling trip
044. tombstone
045. captured
046. dreamwalkers
047. the bad place
048. depression
049. love spell
050. reconciling
051. psycho donatello
052. jealousy and disgust
053. undercover
054. drugged
055. scooby-doo
056. demon blood
057. detox
058. recruiting rowena
059. trust
060. death tunnel
061. escape
062. sacrifice
cast, act four
063. shared trauma
064. like father, like daughter
065. halloween
067. soul deals
068. have yourself a merry little christmas
069. snow
070. happy birthday
071. tag team
072. unwanted reunion
073. michael
074. unhealthy coping mechanisms
075. fights and warnings
076. game night
077. terrible hospital staff
078. trick
079. welcome to the end
cast, act five
080. least favorite
081. scary girl and punk boy
082. oreo theft
083. bacon
084. ghost pepper jerky
085. young love
086. terrible breakfast topic
087. hunting alone
088. lost hope
089. monster brawl
090. pool
091. snapped
092. happy hour
093. holiday cheer
094. evil mrs. butters
095. mama bear
096. fighting and disapperances
097. new god
098. moving
099. death
100. sam and larissa
101. natalie and jacob
102. billy and helena
103. daphne and alexandra
104. ophelia and nathan
105. libby and ethan
106. evie and delaney
Thank You

066. djinn

128 6 6
By maybankwalker

"Just tell us what happened." Ophelia pressures her cousin to revealing anything about the Halloween party. The blonde, Evie, and Daphne are on the second to youngest girl's bed while said girl paces the room.

"I told you, I was wasted. I don't remember a lot of it." Libby says.

"I can feel you lying, you realize that, right?" Ophelia asks.

"Yeah, I can tell to. Twin connection or no twin connection." Evie says.

"Dude, even I can tell you're lying." Daphne says. "I mean, were you shitfaced? Sure. But you definitely remember some things you do not want to tell us."

"We... might've almost kissed." Libby quietly says.

"What?" Ophelia asks, not hearing her. Daphne's face scrunches in confusion. Evie's eyes widen, her jaw dropping, being the only one to make out her sister's statement.

"We almost kissed." Libby quickly says.

It takes the older two a moment before their eyes widen in realization.

"Holy, shit!" They both exclaim.

"You almost kissed?" Evie grins and Libby nods a little.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God!" Ophelia grins.

"How close were you? Like-- like was he two feet away? Were your lips touching? What?" Daphne asks.

"I could feel his breath on my face." Libby says. Daphne squeals, excitedly shaking Ophelia's arm. "But it doesn't matter. Nothing is going to happen." Libby says.

"What?" Evie frowns.

"Oh, come on." Ophelia groans.

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't have a great track record with trusting boyfriends." Libby says.

"You had one boyfriend. You need more to start making references." Daphne says.

"Not everybody is a secret psycho, honey." Ophelia tells her. "Trust me, I've been around Ethan. There is not a bad bone in that boy's body."

"Unless he's so good that he can hide those bad bones from a psychic." Libby points out. "Huh? You think about that?"

"I don't think any human has the ability to do that to me." Ophelia says. "It-- I mean, does Ethan even know I'm psychic?"

"I think so." Libby says. "But even if he told me no, does he really not know? I mean, our family is pretty famous in the hunter world. We're basically the Kardashians of hunting or some shit."

"Look, Libs, I... I know your last dude ended up being... well, a piece of shit." Ophelia says.

"Who killed me." Libby adds.

"Right." Ophelia mumbles. "But not every guy is out to get you. Take it from the person who has everybody's emotions trapped inside of her 24/7, he likes you, and he's a good person. He walked you home drunk. He respects your boundaries, he-- he doesn't pry too much if it's uncomfortable, he didn't run when you told him about the demon blood or anything else."

"Well, even if he was a good person, he's annoying." Libby comments.

"No, that's just you trying not to like him." Daphne says.

"It is not. He's a pain in my ass." Libby states.

"I mean... if you admit some feelings or just wanna relieve stress, something else could be in your ass." Daphne muses.

Libby chucks a pillow at her as the older two laugh and Evie grimaces, shaking her head.

After the two older ones leave, Evie hangs back for a bit.

"You should try it." Evie speaks up making Libby look at her. "Going out with him."

"Evie, no. I'm not explaining myself again." Libby states.

"Bee, you had a psychotic ex-boyfriend, I know. But you can't avoid feelings forever." Evie says.

"Watch me." Libby challenges.

"You deserve something good after Harry." Evie states.

"And Harry is exactly why I can't do this, why I'm not doing it." Libby firmly states. Evie frowns at the pain in her sister's eyes, wishing she could go back in time and smack the shit out of the boy before he was able to get too close.


"Uh... everybody good?" Sam asks the hunters. "Any questions? Okay. Let's get to work." They all go off to do whatever they need to.

"You kids have fun out there." Dean says.

"Don't even say it." Sam warns his brother.

"What? No, it's good. It's got, like, a very camp counselor vibe to it. Just need to get you a whistle." Dean says.

"A very hot camp counselor vibe." Larissa smirks, wrapping her arms around Sam's neck, her smile growing as his ears turn red.

"What is that?" Dean asks, hearing a phone constantly chime.

"It's nothing. It's just..." Sam pulls his phone out. "Hunter check-ins."

"Check-ins?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"That's adorable." Dean says.

"You got any rest lately? Like at all?" Dean asks his brother as the five walk into the kitchen where Daphne is. "I mean, look, man, I know things are crazy right now, okay? I mean, hell, I just went toe-to-toe with my own personal horror movie icon, but we all need our beauty sleep."

"Dean, I have sixteen hunters on cases right now. And that's not counting Jack and Cas in Sarasota or mom and Bobby working that rugaru in Texas."

"Okay, you know that these people survived a war, right?" Dean asks as they sit down at the table.

"Yeah, but a war isn't hunting. These people need, uh, lore and weapons and tips and backup, and-- look, don't worry about me, all right? I'm-I'm-- I'm good." Sam says, looking at his phone.

"What is it?" Dean asks, seeing Sam's face.

"Two of the hunters, uh, missed check-in." Sam says.

"Who?" Dean asks.

"Maggie and Lennox." Sam informs.

"Lennox?" Daphne immediately turns to him.

~ ~ ~

Sam is on his laptop while Dean and Natalie try to call the two girls. Daphne tried to call Lennox, but the girl wouldn't pick up.

"Come on, kid, answer the phone." Dean mutters, but doesn't get an answer.

"You got them wearing body cams now?" Dean asks as Sam pulls up the footage.

"Yeah, they're new. I figured watching each other hunt is the best way to learn. They upload directly to the serve." Sam says.

"And if something goes wrong, you got a place to start." Dean says.

Daphne feels her hands start to sweat more at the idea. Billy notices her reaction and keeps his hands on her shoulders, attempting to comfort her.

"Yeah. yeah, that too." Sam mumbles.

They watch as Maggie and Lennox talk to the camera. They watch as the two girls enter the crypt and are almost immediately attacked. Daphne slightly flinches at Lennox's scream, Billy's grip on her shoulders tightening.

Sam quickly switches to the footage of Lennox's body cam, the group watching the same thing happen from a slightly different angle.

"Something jumped 'em." Dean says. Sam rewinds and pauses on the creature. "The ghoul?"

"Dean, if they're hurt or dead--"

"We don't know that, okay? We don't know anything yet." Dean says, trying not to let his own anxiety set in.

"You just watched the same thing I did." Sam says.

"I saw a ghoul, okay? And, yeah, they're nasty little sons of bitches, but they're also scavengers. They don't usually feed on the living." Dean says.

"Yeah, so, why attack them?" Sam questions.

"I don't know. But I bet if we go there and find out, we got a shot at bringing them home." Dean says. "They'll be okay. We'll make sure they're okay."

"I'm going." Daphne states, getting up.

"Daph--" Natalie starts.

"I'm going." Daphne states, storming out.


"So, what's the big deal here?" Dean asks as they walk to the crypt.

"I don't know. Same family owns the whole place." Sam says.

"Huh. Private cemetery. Must be nice." Dean says.

"What?" Sam asks, the group giving him weird looks.

"As in convenient." Dean says.

"Wh-- dude, not everybody dies as much as you guys." Billy says. "There's probably a few decades between the skeletons under the ground here."

"Okay." Dean rolls his eyes. "But what are we talking here? Are they some sort of weirdo shut-ins like the Addams Family?" Dean asks.

"Uh, the girls were working a lead. Kids online said they were studying when -- and I quote -- "a walker tried to end them." It's a zombie -- a Walking Dead thing." Sam explains.

"I know what a walker is, Sam." Dean says. They reach the crypt, finding abandoned beer cans. "Studying, huh?"

They walk into the crypt, their flashlights being the only thing to help them see.

"Hey, check it out." Dean calls, kneeling to the floor.

"Drag marks." Sam says.

"But no blood, which means they could still be alive." Dean says.

"Or were just alive when they got dragged." Daphne remarks.

"Ghouls don't take prisoners." Sam says.

"Okay, say that they surprised it, it attacked, and then took them somewhere to feed for later, right? Maybe it didn't finish the job yet. Either way, I say we find it -- and kill it."

"Hello?" They hear someone call from up top. "Who's down there?"

"Oh, come on." Billy quietly groans.

"All right, we're coming up." Sam calls as they walk up the stairs. They hold their hands up in surrender as they walk out of the crypt, being met with the groundskeeper.

"Can I help you?" The man asks.

"Yeah. I'm-- I'm Mr. Harrison. This is Mr. Byrne. We're with the Historic Preservation Society. They're shadowing us for a school project. She's our... secretary." Sam says. Larissa gives him a weird look.

"This is private property." The groundskeeper says.

"Sure. Uh, the city sent us. They-- they are gonna make this whole place a historic site." Sam says.

"Yeah. Yeah. We just need to take a look around, uh, survey the grounds and then the time. I-If we could just speak with the owner." Dean says.

"Follow me." The groundskeeper says.

~ ~ ~

He led them to the house and a man answered the door.

"I knew it! I always said this place had historical significance." The guy excitedly says.

"So much significance." Sam says.

"Thought so. Oh, please." He lets the three in and shuts the door behind them. "I'm no expert. I do subscribe to Architectural Digest."

"Oh, is that right?" Dean asks and Neil nods.

"The thing is... how many of you does this take? I mean, two of you seems like enough." Neil says.

"Two of us?" Sam asks.

"Your colleagues? Well, they got here right before you did -- said they were from the H.P.S., too." Neil says.

"Really?" Dean asks as they make it to the living room. "You gotta be kidding me."

"Hello, kids." Mary greets.

"Oh... yay." Larissa sarcastically smiles.

"What are you doing here?" Bobby asks, him and Mary standing up.

"Oh, no. Was there a mix-up?" Neil asks.

"No. Not at all. We-- w-we're all good. We, uh, just wish you'd checked in with the main office before coming all the way out here." Sam says.

"Well, we don't need permission to look at houses. Especially when the main office is run by a bunch of idjits." Bobby says.

"You wanna say that again, grandpa?" Larissa glares at the older man.

"I really hope this won't affect our chances of being historically preserved." Neil says after a few awkward moments of silence.

"Could you just give us a minute?" Mary asks, walking over and gently dragging Sam away. Larissa follows.

"It was their first hunt and they were both nervous, excited. Bobby and I were talking them through it. We were giving them pointers, and then all of a sudden, they just stopped texting. We were worried, but we should have called."

"Did you find anything?" Sam asks and Mary shakes her head.

"So, uh, Neil, right?" Dean asks. "How long has the house been in your family?"

"Oh. No. I can see why you think that. I'm-- I'm flattered." Neil says. "I'm not the owner. Oh, that'd be Mr. Rawling. I'm his nurse."

"Oh." Dean mumbles.

"We're gonna need to talk to him." Bobby says.

Neil leads them into the office room where Mr. Rawling is lying in a hospital bed and hooked up to machines, unconscious.

"Um... wait, isn't that...?" Billy whispers, recognizing the man.

"I think so." Dean mumbles. "Mr. Harrison, a word." He calls out to Sam and Sam, Larissa, and Mary walk in.

"Is it just me or does this guy look exactly--"

"No, that's him, from the video." Sam cuts his brother off.

"So, if he's here, where are Lennox and Maggie?" Dean asks.

"Mr. Rawling. Groundskeeper found him like this. He had a stroke. I'm doing my best to keep him comfortable, but..." Neil trails off.

"Neil? Give me a hand?" They hear a woman call out.

"In here!" He calls out. "Sasha -- Mr. Rawling's daughter." They all look over as Sasha walks in.

"Sasha, they're from the National Historic Preservation Society. Isn't that exciting?" Neil asks.

"What?" Sasha asks.

~ ~ ~

"This house? You're sure?" Sasha asks.

"Yeah, she's, uh... she's got good bones." Dean says.

"My grandpa used to say that when he and my grandma lived here." Sasha says.

"Now, your father-- how long has he lived here?" Sam asks.

"Full time? I don't really know." Sasha says.

"You don't know?" Dean asks.

"Look, I just came down here to get everything in order before he-- well, before he dies." Sasha says. "Look, it's-- it's been a really long week."

"Sure. Sorry, um... we'll just take a second, and we'll be out of your hair." Sam says.

"You know what? I can't. Not today. So, I'm sorry. You're gonna have to leave." Sasha says.


"Well, it ain't a ghoul. I checked the old guy out pretty good back there -- no bites." Bobby says as the group stand by their cars.

"Maybe we're looking at a shifter." Mary suggests.

"I don't know. Shifters don't usually hang out in graveyards." Dean says.

"Maybe he was possessed, you know, or maybe a demon took his body for a joyride?" Sam shrugs.

"Yeah, and then what? He tucks him back in like he's returning a library book? Anyways, I spritzed him with holy water when the nurses' head was turned. This case obviously ain't a milk run." Bobby says.

"Something on your mind, Bobby?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. Your brother. He let Maggie and Lennox come here when they had no idea what she was walking into. They weren't ready." Bobby states.

"Oh, c'mon, when is anybody ever ready?" Dean asks.

"You are or you ain't. A real leader would've seen that a mile away." Bobby says.

"Okay, how about you just get that stick out of your ass? That sound like something you can try to do?" Larissa remarks.

"Bobby." Mary glares at him. "Look, we all want the same thing. We-- we have a job to do, so let's do it. Sam, Billy, Larissa, you're with me. Bobby, Daphne, you're with Dean." Mary states.

"Um, no." Larissa argues. "I'm taking the two kids and we're away from you two shitheads." She points between Mary and Bobby. "Let's go." She ushers the two siblings off.

~ ~ ~

"Sam, are you ever gonna talk to me again?" Mary asks.

"I talked to you earlier." Sam says.

"About something not hunter related." Mary clarifies.

"Have you even tried apologizing to my wife yet?" Sam asks, turning to his mom.

"...No." Mary admits.

"Then there's nothing to talk about." Sam shrugs, continuing to walk. Mary sighs, following him.

~ ~ ~

"Why do you hate Mary so much?" Billy curiously asks. "I mean, I get the whole working with Brits thing, but you forgave Sam. You forgave Libby for dating one of them."

"Let's just say she has harmful opinions about certain topics -- including pregnancies." Larissa remarks.

"Right." Billy mumbles. "Oh." He whispers, realizing what she could judge about. "Oh, I probably don't wanna know."

"You don't wanna know and I don't wanna talk about it." Larissa says.

"I'm sorry." Billy tells her. "For whatever she said."

"Thanks." Larissa mumbles.


"A thing chased me down the hall." Sasha states.

"What kind of thing?" Mary asks.

"It couldn't have been real. It looked-- it looked like a vampire. Oh, I'm crazy. That sounded crazy." Sasha says.

"You're not crazy." Sam assures.

"I'm sorry. What are you doing in my house?" Sasha asks.

~ ~ ~

"You hunt monsters?" Sasha asks.

"What about the Historic Society?" Neil asks.

"Uh... yeah, sorry." Sam tells him.

The door opens and shuts, Dean rushing in.

"You're not gonna believe what I found in the shed." Dean says.

"You hunt monsters?" Sasha repeats.

"Oh, good, you told them." Dean says.

"What did you find in the shed?" Mary asks.

"Dead guy." Dean states.

Sam grabs one of the IDs they found.

"Any chance, uh... any chance it was him?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's him." Dean nods.

"Great. So, we think something is killing hunters." Sam says.

"Where's Bobby?" Mary asks.

"Said he had to grab something out of the truck." Dean says.

"I'll go check." Mary leaves.

"No, wait, time out. There's a dead body on our property?" Sasha asks.

"Yeah, that's not all. A wormy clone of her dad tried to kill me. It was the same thing that attacked Lennox and Maggie in the video." Dean says.

"W-Who are Maggie and Lennox?" Neil asks.

"But my dad is right there." Sasha says.

"This makes no sense. Sasha, can we talk to the groundskeeper, please?" Sam asks.

"Don? He left hours ago. What about the thing that I saw?" Sasha asks.

"Right. Yep. S-so, she had a vampire chase her down the hall." Sam informs Dean.

"Okay, you're right -- no sense. I mean, what kind of vampire lets its dinner go AWOL? And that thing that I killed died weird." Dean says.

"Okay, you know what? This is a stretch, but... but go with me. What if what we're dealing with, what if they aren't monsters at all?" Sam asks.

"Oh, thank God." Neil says.

"All right. Well, then what are they?" Dean asks.

"Maybe some kind of manifestation?" Sam asks.

"Like from a witch or a psychic?" Dean asks.

"Remember, uh, the-the guy in the old folks' home? He could-- he could make things go Looney Tunes." Sam says.

"Fred Jones -- yeah, dad's buddy." Dean says.

"Fred Jones? You-you mean, like, from Scooby-Doo?" Billy asks.

"Exactly. He was psychokinetic. He could reshape reality." Sam says.

"Reshape? That's not possible." Neil says.

"Oh, pal, you have no idea what's possible." Dean tells him. "Yeah, but Fred Jones was damn near catatonic. He had no idea what he was doing."

"Well, maybe he doesn't either." Sam motions to Mr. Rawling.

"You think my dad's doing this?" Sasha asks.

"Sasha, has your dad ever shown any signs of, um..." Dean thinks of how to word it.

"Psychic powers? There's-- no. No. I mean, if we're talking textbook workaholic with toxic narcissistic tendencies, then, yeah, sure, maybe. But a psychic? No way."

"Why would he manifest a vampire to scare his own daughter?" Dean asks.

"Sasha, tell us exactly what was going on when you saw the vampire." Sam says.

"I thought I heard rats or something in the attic. I was going up to see, but I--"

"But you got scared. You got scared so you didn't go." Dean says.

"The attic." Sam says.

"Yeah." Dean says.

Daphne immediately rushes upstairs.

"We'll go. You stay with them." Sam says before he, Larissa, Daphne, and Billy go upstairs.

~ ~ ~

The four walk up to the attic door, having machetes in hand. They turn their flashlights on, Sam opening the door.

They walk up the stairs, finding the two girls chained up, both seemingly unconscious.

"Lennox?" Daphne rushes over to her, her guard dropping. Billy quickly follows, looking around for any monster.

Daphne carefully takes the large needle out of Lennox's neck, waking her up.

"Daphne?" Lennox slurs.

"Hey. Hey." Daphne smiles.

"Djinn." Sam says. He carefully takes the needle out of Maggie's neck which wakes her up.

"Sam?" Maggie asks.

"Hey." Sam says.

"It's here. It's-- it's here." Maggie informs.

"What's here?" Larissa asks.

Sam, Larissa, Daphne, and Billy turn around where the two girls are looking and they find a vampire and two werewolves. They grab their machetes and Sam stabs the vampire as Billy stabs the werewolf and Larissa stabs the second werewolf. After being stabbed, the three monsters turn into ashes.

"Uh..." Larissa frowns in confusion.

"What the hell?" Sam asks.

"What the fuck was that?" Billy asks.

"No idea." Sam says.

"I-- we didn't mean to get caught. I'm s--"

"No, no, no. Stop that." Sam tells Maggie. "You did nothing wrong. None of you did anything wrong, all right?" Sam says.

Billy helps Daphne get Lennox down while Sam and Larissa work on freeing Maggie.

"Okay. Hey, you all right?" Daphne worriedly asks.

"Much better than five minutes ago." Lennox comments.


They get back to the bunker and when they spot Maggie and Lennox, the other hunters immediately greet the two girls. Bobby and Mary walk off to the infirmary.

"You did this. You got them home." Dean tells Sam.


Sam and Larissa are in their room and Larissa is sitting on the bed.

"You okay?" She asks her husband when he walks in.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Sam nods.

"Hey." Larissa calls and gets him to look at her. "Don't listen to shit about what Bobby said. He doesn't know what he's talking about."

"I shouldn't have let two teenage girls go on a hunt alone." Sam says.

"Teenage girls are capable of fighting. Daph, Oph, E. and Libs do more than enough stuff. It's not your fault. Things happen, we know this. You could've gotten kidnapped if you went alone, too." Larissa comments.

"Yeah, maybe." Sam mumbles, frowning. Larissa gets up and walks over to him.

"Hey. Even the best of hunters get kidnapped. It doesn't mean you did the wrong thing. Them going on the hunt just didn't work out well the first time. It's okay. I mean, they both said that they wanted to get out there again -- and very soon. They're not scarred for life and that's something."

"Listen to me. You are doing amazing at this whole leader thing. Okay? I mean, you've never really had to do this kind of thing before and for a first timer, you are rocking it. And I know you better than anybody else and I know that you are doing your best and it's going well. There's gonna be some bumps in the road, but that doesn't make you a bad leader. How you handle the bumps is what determines you good or bad and you're really good."

Sam softly smiles at her idea of him.

"I love you." Sam quietly says.

"I know." Larissa smiles. She pecks him on the lips. "You're not so bad yourself." She pats his cheek, starting to leave. Sam tackles her onto the bed making her shriek and laugh.


Larissa is in the kitchen and making Athena a sandwich while the girl helps her and snacks on a carrot.

"Hi." She looks up and finds Mary. "Um... can I talk to you?"

Larissa sighs and finishes the sandwich.

"Go find your dad, babe." Larissa tells her daughter, giving her the paper plate and Athena rushes off. "What?" She asks Mary.

"Larissa, I... I am so sorry about what happened in our fight when-when I was working for the Brits. I... I never should have slapped you or blamed you for the miscarriage or said any of the things I did that night. It was wrong. I know that-- that if I ever had a miscarriage and somebody blamed me for it, I would be upset."

"Upset?" Larissa asks.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Larissa. From... from what I've seen, you-- you're a good mom. To the twins and Athena." Mary says.

"Right." Larissa mumbles.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. At least not now. But maybe one day..." Mary trails off. Larissa nods, not saying anything.

"Well... don't hold your breath." Larissa says, walking out.


"Hey." Daphne looks over at the door to see Lennox.

"Hey." She smiles. "Um... I'm sorry. That-- that your first hunt didn't, uh... didn't exactly go as well as I promised it probably would."

"It's okay. It's not like you could've known Maggie and I would get kidnapped and drained." Lennox says. Daphne smiles a little. "I'm shockingly not super traumatized by it. I am ready for another hunt."

"Really?" Daphne asks.

"Yeah. Why not?" Lennox shrugs. "Especially if, uh... if somebody's there to back me up. Preferably you." She says and Daphne smiles.

"Well, I do have my badass moments." Daphne flips her hair and Lennox laughs.

"I believe you." Lennox nods. "But, uh... really, just... I'm okay. I know you're probably still a little worried, but I'm good." Lennox promises.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. I just-- I was really worried when Sam said you hadn't checked in. I mean, it felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest and it hurt so much and I was just drowning in fear and-- and I was so terrified you'd be dead when we found you. You weren't answering your phone and-- and the video cam footage of the thing attacking you guys, it was terrifying, and your scream was so heartbreaking and--"

Daphne's cut off as Lennox cups her face, connecting her lips with hers. Daphne lets out a small, muffled noise of shock, but it passes and she kisses back.

Lennox pulls away after a few moments.

"What was that?" Daphne softly asks.

"Well, kids these days call it kissing." Lennox teases and Daphne gives her a look, both quietly laughing. "You said whatever works for getting you to stop rambling. Kissing works. Not that I don't love hearing you talk, though."

"But also your breath was starting to get a little erratic since you were talking so quickly in such little time and I needed you to hold your breath... which kissing helps doing. You can thank Teen Wolf for me having that knowledge. Except this wasn't really a panic attack and just you getting kind of, uh... overwhelmed."

"Are you okay with this tactic?" Lennox asks.

"Yeah." Daphne nods, a small smile on her face. "This is probably my favorite tactic."

Lennox quietly giggles as Daphne cups her face and pulls her into another kiss.

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