Bionic Hearts | Chase Davenpo...

By MayLarie10

9.6K 183 44

~Book Dedication~ It could take some time for you to realize you love someone, but enjoy the rollercoaster. I... More



111 3 0
By MayLarie10

Season 4 - Episode 16

[Bob Zombie]

Bob was turned into a human lasagna pan for Adam. Sara knew that boy would do anything for Adam since he was his mentor, but it was still a bit sad the way he just let whatever happened to him. Another thing Sara didn't like was the fact that Douglas was trying to duplicate Chase's super intelligence.

"You're going to make me like Chase?" Bree grimaced. "Yeah, pass."

"Well I wasn't expecting everyone to line up, and none of you will be affected by it anyway," Douglas paused on Sara. "Well you are another situation entirely, but I need a student subject."

"We don't experiment on them." Sara crossed her arms. "Also why are you going to do exactly what Giselle wanted to do."

"Bad news Bob, it's cloudy we're going to have to cook you in here with my heat vision," Adam sighed.

"Will it hurt?"

"Let's find that out together," Adam smirked as he used his heat vision to cook the tinfoil.

"Well, something is definitely cooking."

"Okay, maybe he would benefit from some smarts," Sara grimaced as she watched the smoke rise from his body.

"Then it's settled."

"Maybe we should let him cook first," Bree cringed. Bob turned as his back started to cook as well.

Once they were finished with that Chase grabbed Bob before Adam could take him away again. They brought him down to the capsule room.

"What is this going to do?" Bob asked as Sara stuck the tag to his neck.

"It'll make you smart." Chase put his hands on his hips.

"Like you?" He asked. Sara shook her head. "Cool!" They adjusted his bionics until they scanned in the duplication. Sara stepped back as Chase and he had intellectual conversations. It wasn't just random stupid disagreements, it was actual knowledge.

"Wow," Sara smiled.

"It's impressive right?" Douglas asked. Chase and Bob started to debate.

"Yeah, now he doesn't just have to argue with me or you." Sara patted Douglas's shoulder as she pulled the tag from Bob's neck.

"Hey, Bob," Adam came around the corner with his students behind him. "We should probably do something today. Do you wanna learn CPR? Or see how many students can fit in the pool?" He chuckled. Bob crossed his arms and nodded.

"Easy, all you have to do is divide the average mass of the students by the pool's volumetric capacity," Bob explained. Chase touched his nose as he fought the urge to laugh.

"Ah!" Adam stepped back. "What did you do to my Bob?" He gasped looking at Chase.

"Thanks to my new intelligence upgrade, Bob is now as brilliant as Chase," Douglas explained as he put his arm around Chase's shoulders. Chase tapped his temple with a big grin.

"Yep, I'm the whole package," Bob smirked.

"I finally have an intellectual peer that isn't my girlfriend," Chase moved forward putting his arm around Bob. "We've been bonding for hours about countless topics."

"We even had a tiff about Socrates." Bob nodded. Adam looked at Sara horrified.

"How could you let him do this to him," He fake cried. "Bob you're scaring me. I demand you burp the entire alphabet right now?"

"Can you believe it, Douglas's intelligence duplicator, actually worked," Chase moved forward picking up the duplicator. To Sara, it just looked like a grocery store scanner.

"Actually?" Douglas scoffed.

"Okay, you don't have the best track record in this," Chase reasoned.

"I made you, didn't I." Sara nodded to the both of them.

"Hey, look leftover lasagna," Adam grabbed a noodle from Bob and ate it.

"You also made him," Chase smirked. Douglas cringed and grabbed the duplicator from Chase's hands.

"So does this mean everyone is going to be just like Chase?" Sara asked.

"Relatively speaking."

"You aren't going to leave me, right?" Chase whispered to her. Sara smirked and put her arm through his.

"No, I'm just saying. Adam is going to be crushed and Bree is going to be annoyed. I love you a lot, but too many of you's is going to be a lot to handle. You like to play the probability game way too often." Sara defended as she watched Chase's jaw drop. "Hey, I said I love you."

"Doesn't make it any less painful," Douglas muttered.

"You didn't even have a girlfriend" Sara pointed at him.

"So? I'm fine being single."

"Giselle," Chase muttered and Douglas fake cried.

"We should let him be, go hand out with your new friend. I don't think he'll like spending too much time with Adam anymore after being made into human lasagna." She patted Chase's shoulder as he moved over to Bob and Adam.

"I'll be back." She phased through the floor coming into the main level. She was going to go warn Bree, but Perry's screaming caught her attention.

"Welcome to the united Republic of Perryland!" Perry announced. Bree and Leo came forward giving Sara a look. She just shrugged.

"I know I'm going to regret this, but what's Perryland?" Leo asked. Bree held up the flag.

"And why does the flag have a cow on it?" She showed the flag design.

"It's an ox, know your meats," She rolled her eyes. "When I went to pay the garbage bill, they told me you'd never registered the island as a country." Perry walked toward a table where there was a scroll-looking thing. "So I seized the opportunity. As of today, you're all second-class citizens of Perryland." She unrolled the scroll showing Bree and Sara. "This is the official charter. Read it and weep." Bree held it in her hands as Sara read over her shoulder.

"You expect us to believe that's real." Leo scoffed.

"Oh it's real, just ask the muscle," Perry blew a whistle and five men in uniform came running into the room as they stood behind Perry.

"This is bad. This is very very bad," Leo shook his head.

"Who are they?"

"They're on loan from a tyrant friend of mine and speaking of a tyrant. Guess who the dictator is of Perryland." Perry rubbed her hands together with a smirk. Bree held up the paper.

"Your cat, Mr. Whiskers." she laughed.

"Don't be ridiculous! He's vice dictator, he reports me." Perry reasoned.

"You do know what usually happens to dictators right?" Sara asked. The guards behind Perry moved forward a bit making Sara step back.

"Hehe, they're great, right? Now, join me in singing the Perryland national anthem." The guards saluted while Perry started to sing. Halfway through the anthema bout eating meat Sara leaned back to Leo.

"I'm horrified and impressed." Perry finished singing as the music stopped and the people dropped the salute.

"When did you have time to write that?" Leo asked. Perry shrugged. Sara grabbed Bree and Leo's arms dragging them back.

"On a scale of bad hair day to apocalypse how bad do you think this is going to be?" Sara whispered. Already the students brought in a chair as Perry sat down they carried her out of the room.

"Very, very bad."

Sara was the first to try to hide in the capsule room. Bree and Leo were behind her, but she stopped when she saw everything was decorated in leopard print. Perry was sitting on her throne in a white suit with military pines and shoulder pads.

"Okay, I get you own the island, but you can't take over our home."

"It's Perryland. Perry does whatever Perry wants," Perry reasoned as the man kept filing her toes.

"He's touching her skin," Sara gagged. A man came around the corner with a wheelbarrow of sand. "Where is that going?" They watched them move it outside to the pool.

"Mr. Whiskers is being flown in tomorrow and he requested a much bigger litter box," Perry smiled. "You can still swim in it." She laughed along with her two guards.

"Perry we still need our capsules." Bree gestured to the things she was covering.

"Fine I'll allow you to charge your batteries at night, but just a head up, I changed the code on the door. You'll need to buy a key card from me. They're about twenty bucks each."

"What?!" The three gasped.

"Alright fine, forty." Sara grabbed their arms.

"Run, run," She pulled them into the halls. "I can steal the cards from her, but I'm hiding."

"What are we going to do?" Bree asked.

"What Sara just said, hide," Leo nodded. Sara agreed.

"Is it wrong if I let Striker, kill her?" Bree and Leo both looked at Sara like they were debating it. "Ah, you both are horrible influences. I'm hiding in the lab where she will never find me." Sara walked through the walls leaving the other two behind. She got to the lab and opened her snacks, it was a bag of popcorn. She let Striker out as she sat down.

"What's the issue?" Striker looked around. "A lab?" She cringed. Sara sat down and pulled out the checker's board.

"I'm hiding from Perry, would you play me?"

"Chase, hasn't come back to you yet has he?" Striker asked. Sara didn't respond she just set up her side of the board. "Fine." Striker groaned.

"Yay!" Sara laughed. The two of them had been playing for an hour or two when Chase finally came into the lab.

"About time you remember your girlfriend!" Striker yelled at Chase.

"Shut up I'm hiding," She threw popcorn at Striker. "Behave or I'm putting you back."

"Fine, but let me at least win first." Striker focused back on the board.

"Have you won once yet?" Chase put his hands on his hips as he looked down at the board. Sara smirked.


"Shut," Striker held her hand up. "Your mouth." Sara leaned back smirking as Striker moved her hand from piece to piece struggling to move one.

"Oh you're taking too long," Sara sighed as Striker flipped her off. The two of them phased back together.

"Seems like you're getting along just fine," Chase nodded as he stole Striker's chair.

"Yeah, well we are hiding from Dictator Perry until one of you fix it." Sara set the bag of popcorn to the side. "Wait, why are you here?"

"Am I not allowed to seek you out?" Chase moved the checker piece across the board hopping over two of Sara's epcies.

"She's gonna be pissed you touched that," Sara smiled. Chase watched her bit her lip as she thought about her move.

"I did miss you," Chase added. "I like having others to talk with, but no one beats you." Sara pursed her lips as she blushed and took out three of his peices. "She sucks at this game."

"I don't think she truly knows how to play," Sara laughed as she quickly finished the game.

"Wait, Perry is a dictator?" Chase moved over sitting beside her on the small sofa. She put her legs across his lap as they sat together.

"Yeah, Davenport didn't name the island as a country, so she did. Oh," She leaned forward. "Also don't go to the capsule rooms for a long while. She's got leopard print everywhere."

"No." Chase stared at her. Sara grimaced and nodded.

"It's bad, oh." She turned as Striker reformed seeing the fixed board.

"Okay, what the actual—"

"Wanna steal something for me?" Sara asked.

"Oooo, yes," Striker nodded happily. "Who, wait am I finally killing Perry?"

"No, you can't kill Perry. I need you to go steal the cards from her." Sara shook her head.

"After I kill Perry—"

"Oh my god," Sara leaned her head on Chase's shoulder as the two-phased back together. "I don't even know why I try with her."

"At least you can talk to her, I don't even know if Spike and I were in the same situation what our conversations would be like." Chase laughed a little. Sara sat up and looked at him.

"He would probably maul you," She nodded. Chase pursed his lips for a moment as he actually thought about it. "You're cute." He smiled at her as she kissed him.

Sara had left the lab a few minutes ago to go check on the others, but she didn't expect to find everyone bleating like goats and walking around mindlessly. It was all of the students.

"What happened to their super intelligence?" She asked.

"Adam made them mindless zombies and then Bob ate the duplicator and we can't fix it!" Chase yelled. Sara put her hand on his shoulders as he took a deep breath. The hydra loop behind them opened showing Douglas.

"Oh great timing," Sara smirked.

"Why is this a bionic barnyard?" He asked. They explained the entire situation to him and how it was all Adam's fault.

"But it's kind of funny isn't it," Adam laughed nervously.

"You know, I was smart enough to know that with you people, I always have to make two of something." Douglas pulled a second duplicator from his bag as he moved over to the table.

"Look out!" Perry yelled. Bree ran into the room with a group of students behind her as Perry opened fire with a laser gun attached to her arm. Chase grabbed Sara moving her out of the way as the second duplicator was shot from Douglas's hands.

"Any chance you've got a third one?" Sara asked.

"I'm going to have to make it from scratch!" Douglas shook his head. "Why are you trying to shoot at the students?" Douglas stared down at her.

"They were coming for me." Perry defended.

"No, they're not!"


"Stop shooting at them."

"Okay," Perry pointed.

"I've been trying to tell you that for an hour, why do you listen to him?" Bree asked as she stared annoyedly at Perry.

"Because he's going to become the king of Perryland," She smiled.

"How are we going to contain them?" Bree asked as one of the students started slamming his hands down on the table.

"Oh, me!" Adam smirked. "I've got an idea." His idea was to herd the students in the pool, which worked out surprisingly. They couldn't figure out to step over the lip of the pool so they all just shuffled around one another.

"I'm still surprised they can't figure out how to get out." Chase titled his head.

"Oh hey now we can find out, hey guys count yourselves off!" Adam yelled at the group. Around they went as they bleated. "Wait someone said five twice." Douglas came forward with a fixed duplicator.

"This better work or else I'll have to get rid of these kids and whip up a whole new batch," Douglas adjusted the settings.

"That's what I said," Adam smacked Chase's shoulders. Douglas scanned the duplicator over the crowd of students as they slowly regained their brains.

"Bob, name an element on the periodic table?" Chase asked him.

"Uh, Lasagna." He shook his head.

"That's my bob, welcome back buddy." Adam hugged the little kid. Perry moved forward giving Douglas the eyes.

"I'll be inside preparing the royal bathing." Perry walked past them. Douglas brought out the paperwork and showed the others that there was no legal fix to get around Perry owning the island. Well until Leo pointed out that if she were married her husband would own half the island.

"I can't believe this," Douglas shook his head.

"I can," Striker laughed in his face. "This is the best day ever."

"Can you please shut her up?" Douglas asked Sara. She shook her head.

"No because this is very entertaining," Sara smirked. Adam walked forward in a black graduation gown.

"Alright, I was ordained online," Adam took a deep breath. "I can officially marry you and Perry."

"Sara, let's sit," Striker moved to Perry's side as they sat in the front row. Chase was supposed to sit next to her on the other side.

"Hit it, Bob," Adam threw his gown to the side showing himself in his tanktop, shorts, and flip-flops.

"Well he looked official for a few minutes," Striker whispered. Polka music started to play until Bob hit the keyboard a few times. Then the wedding music played. Sara turned to see Chase wearing a suit jacket over an island shirt, which made her laugh. He started angrily throwing the petals to the side. He sat down next to Sara giving her a look and she and Striker turned to one another laughing. Perry came down the aisle with Bree behind her.

"Thank you for coming," Perry said to Striker and Sara. They both nodded.

"I wouldn't have missed this for the world." Striker covered her mouth as she laughed again.

"Alright everyone we've gathered you here to marry these two," Adam paused. "People. Please if anyone has objections please raise your hand." Everyone in the room raised their hands including Sara and Chase. Striker was the only one to keep her hand down. "Nobody. Great. Great. Well, now but the power given to me by a random sight online. I marry you both! You may not kiss the—"

"Cue the music!" Douglas pointed at Bob.

"That was fast," Striker sighed as she phased back with Sara.

"One more thing," Bree caught the two married people as they were about to walk down the island. "You've gotta sign your marriage license." Perry grabbed the pen and signed it. Bree nodded to Sara as they both looked at the paper.

"Yes! We did it!" Douglas cheered. "As your husband, I own half the island."

"Nah, ah ah, the woman still takes it all, read the charter!" Perry cackled.

"Actually we switched the documents, so you just gave the island back to us," Sara explained. Perry glared at her.

"There is a reason I like Striker more than you," She dropped her bouquet. "Laser time!" Bree ran out of the room as the other students hit the deck. It was a true Bridezilla moment as she kept shooting at people angrily.

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