Hidden in plain sight

By Z1ppersProbablyG8y

11.5K 319 210

... I never know what to put here TvT More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 25

264 9 4
By Z1ppersProbablyG8y

I could not be bothered proof reading this so it probably makes no sense👍

A l e x

The moment we got into the car his whole demeaner changed and he was so angry I swore steam was about to come out of his ears.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" He screams, getting all up in my face. Spit flew out of his mouth and onto the side of my face as he let out his anger on me.

"YOU ARE FUCKED IN THE HEAD. FUCKEDDD" His eyes were wide and his pointer finger was pointing to his own temple.


He speed out of the school parking lot and through the streets. Flying by other cars.

He turned his music all the way up so it was blaring through the speakers. 

My heart raced fast and I could now smell how badly it reeked of weed and alcohol now.

I covered my ears and brought my knees to my chest, just like a child would. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

He looked over and grabbed one of my wrists. "WHAT ALEX, IS THE MUSIC TO LOUD FOR YOU?!" He yelled, making me sob harder. He then started laughing hysterically. 

"HAHAH AM I TOO LOUD FOR YOU??" He asked, speeding up.

I shook my head fast, hoping he'd calm down. 

He then looked at me. tears filling his own eyes. 

I felt taken aback. 

"Do You remember when we all went to that holiday park and your mother got so drunk and then ending throwing up all over her friend Stacy?" He said, a ''genuine'' smile spread across his face, but his voice was still raised.

I nodded quickly. 

"Yeah that was funny wasn't it?" 

I looked at him puzzled.

He grabbed my throat and brought my face so close to his I could smell his acohol laced breath. 


I was back to nodding.

"FUCKING SPEAK TO ME" he pushed back into the door after he almost crashed into another car.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I tried so hard but couldn't spit anything out.

"YOU KNOW HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE??? CANT EVEN TALK TO YOUR OWN FATHER" He yelled, Throwing a bottle in my direction, It smashed over the dashboard and all over me.

He then pulled over at a beach. He jumped out of his truck and came over to my side and swung the door open. 


I shook my head, trying to get away.

He then Grabbed me by my hair, dragging me onto the gravel road. 


I was sobbing so much that I was now choking on my own saliva. 

He then grabbed both of my wrists, picking me up off the ground and taking me down the beach.

I was swinging my legs, trying to get him to unhand me. 

After several minutes I gave up and just let him take me, let him do whatever he wanted. We walked down the beach for what seemed like forever. Soon he Threw me onto the hard sand. 

I looked up at him, Hatred and pain painted on my features. 

"Don't look at me like that you pig" He spat, Pulling his phone. It seemed like he was typing something until he brought his device to his ear. 

He walked away, far enough that I couldn't hear what he was saying but also close enough that if I tried to get away he'd be able to catch me.

Not that I would try to make a run for it. But I guess he still didn't trust me.

I felt myself put my head back and try and relax.

More tears fell down my cheeks as I thought about my friends. As I thought about how everything was getting better. 

All of this could've been avoided if I just let them contact the police. The two of them probably think I'm pathetic.

I wouldn't blame them.

I'm weak. Most people would tell someone if their parents hit them, but not me, I just stopped talking completely and let it all happen. 

My eyelids grew heavy and I started to drift off to sleep. But of course he grabbed me again and yelled in my face.


"People are waiting for you" he sneered. 

I furrowed my eyebrows confused. 

"They paid me a lot you know... 20 fucking grand" He chuckled. 

"Not that I think that your worth that much but hey, whatever gets me money"

He got all up in my face. "You wanna know what they are gonna do to you?" the man whispered in my ear.

I shook my head and pushed him away from me. He stumbled backwards and I ran.

Jagged breathes escaped my throat, My lungs burned. But I can't stop. 

Suddenly I felt hands push me to the ground, Sand covering my face and in my mouth. The bidder and dryness of it made me sick. 

I felt my fathers fist connect with my side but it was nothing new. A weird part of me felt comfort in his aggressiveness. He was also punching me in my face and head, anywhere he possibly could.

After I don't even know how long we heard loud voice.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER" We look up to see Chat, Raya and.. Waverly?

I Don't know why she's here but I didn't pay to much attention to it as I watched as Chat ran straight to my dad.  

They instantly started fighting. Fists were flying and insults left their lips. 

Raya and Waverly both came to me to check if I was alright but my eyes were fixated on Chat and my father.

I wanted to scream at them to stop. Try break it up in some why.

Blood was pouring down Chats face.

"I'm Calling the police" Waverly stated, pulling out her phone in a panic.

Parts of me wanted to stop her. But I didn't. It wasn't just me he was hurting now.

Chat was now had him pinned to the ground. 

I looked away from the scene, feeling sick. Raya was kneeling right next to me. We briefly made eye contact but I immediately went to bury my face into her neck.

Her arms wrapped around me, Making me want to start crying once again. She must've  noticed my harbored breathing because she then told me to 'let everything out'

And I did. My fingers dug into Rayas shoulders as I completely broke down.

I could still hear the sound of Chats fists meeting his face. Hell maybe the other way round. Either way it still made me feel worse.

I sneaked a peak and saw that my dad was now up. Chat wasn't looking too good. I was shaking hard. I need this to stop. 

Chat laid on the ground and I could see that Mitch Was now walking toward us, Waverly tried to stop him but he just shoved her to the ground. 

Raya moved me so she was in front of me. I shook my head but the girl didn't listen.

I watched the 40 year old man wipe blood from his nose as he stood over us in an intimidating way. 

"Move" he told Raya. She narrowed her eyes at him, but didn't say anything.

"Look kid, I really don't wanna hurt you but if you don't move I will" He warned.

"You're telling me you would hurt your own daughter but you won't some random girl" She challenged. 

"Its different" He said, sounding more angry by the second.

"How so?" Rayas head tilted to the side.

Raya what are you doing?

The mans fist tightend. He went to grab her but then I lifted my leg and kicked him in his knee as hard as I could.

My mouth opened and in a quiet, raspy voice said, "Just stop"

Both of them looked at me stunned. 

The attention was quickly taken off me as red and blue lights flashed in everyones eyes.

Police emerged from their cars shouting "EVERYONE STAY WHERE YOU ARE AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR" 

Ambulances pulled up and they took Chat up in a carrier, they also took the rest of us in.

I looked out the window to where they had my da- Mitch in cuffs. 

I can't believe this is finally happening.


also if you hadn't noticed this chapter is purely based off of Kim by Eminem😭😭

1419 words

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