The Waitress (GxG)

De gorillagroddshelmet

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When working at a failing high end restaurant in New York, Mariah Breaux knows every corner about scraping by... Mais



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De gorillagroddshelmet

I thanked the driver and hopped out of the backseat of the car. I glanced at the cafe and took in its appearance. It was a white Victorian building with huge tinted windows lining the building. There were shaded tables with umbrellas placed strategically on the outside.

I walked across the sidewalk toward the entrance, and the inside was the complete opposite of the outside. The inside was a nice sage green, with plants everywhere, fairy lights, and even though the windows were tinted, warm lighting was persistent throughout the inside.

I glanced around the cafe until my eyes met Ethan and Camilla waving me down and I already felt a smile growing on my face. I walked toward the wooden table with a huge smile already.

I pulled Camilla into a hug, "I swear I haven't seen you guys in forever," I said through my smile.

I missed talking to my friends more than anything, finally having time to have a sit down with them when I've been completely busy, feels amazing.

"Right, business has been slow without you," Ethan joked as I pulled him into a hug also.

I quickly realized what he meant, laughing along with Camilla when we both understood.

I pulled back from the warm hug, "So how many customers did we lose since I left? 1 out of the 3?" I said jokingly. I pulled a chair out and we all got situated.

"One in a half actually," she corrected, "One comes 5 minutes a week instead of the usual 8," Camilla elaborated and I immediately found myself missing our trio dynamic.

Having the chance to be friends with such caring and loving people was amazing, but working with them somehow made it ten times better.

"I seriously missed you guys so much," I continued, glancing at both of them. Even though I was gone a little over a week, it felt like an eternity without them. And even though we barely got business at the restaurant, I really missed being there, part of me even missed Mr. Zho.

"We missed you too," Ethan gushed.

A smile erupted on Camilla's face, "Agreed, now spill." Camilla deadpanned.

"Right, how's the 90 story 4 million acre hotel you're staying at?" Ethan teased, and I playfully rolled my eyes, knowing that they were back to the daily gossipping.

Camilla lightly nudged his shoulder, "Obviously great, look how happy she looks," she motioned her hand to me,"I've never seen her smile this hard." Camilla added, taking a sip of her ice water.

And shortly after they both froze.

I felt confusion grow inside of me as they slowly turned to face each other, "No way..." They both trailed off. I furrowed my brows not understanding what they came to the realization of.

"With who?!" They asked me completely surprised.

I narrowed my eyes at them still not understanding, "With who what...?"

"Who did you fall in love with at dreamland!?" Camilla responded, and upon hearing the words come out her mouth my body temperature instantly shot up.

"I knew it!" Ethan shouted while standing up, seeing the blush creeping on my face.

"Okay-okay, just sit down," I whispered, noticing the different stares heading in the direction toward our table.

"Okay?! so you did fall in love!" She said eagerly.
I averted my gaze to Ethan and he had a shocked expression painted all over his face.

"Can I explain?" I whispered. To be completely honest I haven't really told them much about what I've been doing there—well I told them about majority of the stuff... just excluding Nova from almost everything...

"You need to, and fast." Camilla added stirring her drink.

"So... the event..." I trailed off looking away.

Should I really be saying this outloud? What if they throw a grenade in the cafe as soon as I tell them it's a mafia?

"The event..." They repeated back to me together.

Here goes nothing.

"Is for a...mafia," I said, scrunching up my face upon hearing the words fall out of my mouth.

I didn't know what their reaction would be but I did not expect Ethan to spit out his water.

He shot up from his seat once again,"What?!" he called out, leaning over the now slightly wet table.

Camilla raised both of her brows, "Those still exist?"

"Yeah, and the event is basically like a coronation... thing? Their daughter is going to be the leader," I continued.

Would Nova care if I told them?

Hope not.

I was taken away from the thought when Ethan spit out his water again.

"Can you stop-"

"What?!" He shouted once more.

"I would be scared out of my mind." Camilla said, placing napkins over the table.

Relief washed over me now that the words were finally out of my mouth, being able to tell someone who didn't already know, really took the weight off me.

"Trust me, I was, so much that I had to go home to take a mental day." I said recalling the memory.

"You're better than me Mariah I would have left for good once I found out— wait, how did you find out?" Ethan wondered.

"I kind of... asked her to tell me," I trailed off looking away.

Camilla squinted her eyes, obviously noticing I was leaving information out. "And she told you? just like that?"

"Well no...? I kind of asked multiple times, after she said she couldn't say..."

"So you peer pressured her into telling you?" Ethan jetted in, pointing his straw at me.


Did I really?

I never thought of it that way.

"So then what? she took you to the gun range to prepare to be her bodyguard?" Camilla asked but it was obvious she was joking.

A slight chuckle left my lips. "No-"

Ethan shook his head, "So wait, what happened when you got back? you guys were just cool?" he asked.

"Well, when I got back her brother invited me to what I assume was a mafia party? I don't know." I replied.

Camilla hummed, "Oh so you're just living it up huh? They gave you some secret menu drinks at the party or something?" she asked, picking up a menu.

I genuinely forgot we were supposed to order.
I've been so wrapped up in their questions I haven't had any time to take a look.

"They had some of the best champagne I ever tasted, but no we had to leave the party early because this dude at the bar was being weird with me." I summarized.

Camilla averted her gaze away from the menu, "Weird? How?" Ethan interjected.

"Just being odd, asking me weird questions and touching me." I said trying to keep it as vague as possible.

"Oh hell nah I would have been gone," Camilla said, shaking her head.

I would have too if he didn't grab me.

"Wait so what happened after that? he just left you alone?" Ethan asked furrowing his brows.

"No, Nova had-"

"Her name is Nova?!" Camilla cut me off.

Have I not said her name this entire time?

"She's in a mafia and her name is Nova?" Camilla reiterated what I've said so far. "Girl I would have ran."

"What's wrong with the name Nova?" Ethan asked, turning to Camilla.

"That name is scary as hell, if somebody said some mafia boss named Nova wanted to see me?!" she emphasized, "I would be halfway across the country," and I laughed at her response.

"If any mafia boss wanted to see me–I would be halfway in space," Ethan added.

"Okay-okay but what did she do?" Camilla asked, leaning in.

"She just uh-"

I didn't really know what to say.

That she was about to pull a gun out on him?
"Don't tell me she got a machine gun and blew him up." Camilla squinted her eyes, noticing my sudden silence.

A faint chuckle left my lips before responding, "Yes and no? It was a lot."

Ethan clicked his tongue, "Mariah, Mariah, Mariah... you know we need all the details, being vague isn't gonna work with us." he shook his head.

"It was like... an almost fight? I'm not really sure what it was. She was on the verge of pulling a gun out on him though."

"She was willing to kill that dude for you? Wow you guys are locked in." Camilla shook her head.

"So she didn't kill him?" Ethan asked, raising a brow and I shook my head.

"Dang, well at least you know she wasn't lying about it being a mafia," Ethan added.

"So you like her?" Camilla said flatly. But I didn't really have an answer to that.


I don't really know where my feelings are right now.

"Yes you do, you guys literally kissed" She said teasingly. And although I knew she was joking I remained completely silent.

Because we did.

"Oh my god you guys did?!" she shouted and I put my head down on the table.


Camilla gasped. "Oh my god was that your first kiss?" She added as I lifted my head back up.

"Camilla..." I groaned.

"It's okay Mariah, it's not your fault you took West Side Story too literally." Ethan said, leaning over the table patting my shoulder.

And I groaned again remembering Ramona said the same thing when I was with Nova.

"It's not funny." I said putting my head in my hands.

"How did you guys kiss, was the air the right temperature or something? You never were the type to do romantic things." Ethan said concerned.

"I don't know... she took me out I guess." I said softly. I don't know why I was embarrassed.

"Took you out?!" They said in sync.

The people in the cafe had to be tired of their yelling by now.

"Yeah, she took me bowling and to get ice cream as a sort of an apology." I summarized the events from yesterday.

"She took you bowling and to get ice cream as an apology?" He reiterated.

"Right, she definitely likes you." Camilla said, "It's so obvious at this point."

"I don't know," I shook my head.

"What do you not know? If you want her, go get her." Camilla asked, but I don't think she understood how deep this actually was.

"Camilla, she's about to be the leader of a world wide mafia in 2 weeks," I squinted my eyes.

She raised a brow. "And? Yall can rule the world together." She added.

"Camilla, mafia's kill people and she's about to be the leader of one, she's going to be super busy, I could be put in danger-"

"Mariahhh, youre thinking too deeply into it, just talk to her and sort all this out." She groaned in irritation.

It was not that easy.

It couldn't be.

"No hate, but this is a cafe, I'm ready to eat," Ethan stretched.

"We'll continue this convo later, what are you guys trying to get?" Camilla picked up the menu once more.

And I found myself enjoying our time together and I couldn't wait to get back to the restaurant.

But I still couldn't help but wonder.

What will happen when this is all over in 2 weeks?

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