The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

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Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
5-Fourth Wing
6- The Sparring
7- The Journal
8-The Woods
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
24- I Heard Him!
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
27- Liam Mairi
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
32- The Fight
33- Mistake
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
71- To Bend Death
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
77- The End
Book 2

34- Authors Note/ Training

1.3K 57 6
By Quietdreamer52

Hey hey!

So sorry for the delays but I appreciate all the comments.. I read every single one and try to reply ;)

But with work and extra things I do it's been a shitshow but here we were.. Enjoy!!


Xaden had me on room arrest for almost a week. Saying it had something to do with Barlowe's attempt on me or I was really sick. I really didn't know because no one was allowed to see me and he was only in my room for a few minutes periodically throughout the day.

He's throw his little remarks in, make sure I'm still breathing, and ignore anything I'd have to say. It's been driving me insane, but ofcourse  I look forward to the idiot checking in on me.

I think it's just the boredom, something else to look at besides the window or bickering with Rhys about Xaden's decisions, with Andarna trying to make the best of the situation. 

For Rhys not being the hugest fan of Xaden he defends him. Alot. Almost makes me sick.

The door opens, Xaden comes walking in. I roll my eyes looking over at him, " Still here."

" Get dressed, we're training today." He instructs scanning my room. Like there's anything in here.

" Training?"

His bright Amber eyes come back to me. " Training, did I stutter?"

My face sours as I glare at him, " Sorry, I'm just a little shocked your letting me out of the cage."

He fakes a gasp, " Can you believe it?" A snide smirk appears on his face, " Now come on."

" Your not staying in here. Out in the hall."

He rolls his eyes, " Don't flatter yourself, I'm not going to look."

" Out in the hall." I repeat, my voice a bit more forward.

He sighs rolling his eyes, " Malek..your impossible.."

" Wasting time Riorson."

He narrows his eyes on me for just a few seconds before he turns walking out. I shake my head lightly in fraustration as I put on a tighter black uniform putting my hair in two tight braids before I walk out once more the Xaden glaring against the wall at anyone remotely close to my door.

His eyes snap to me looking me up and down quickly before pushing off the wall, " We could've been done already if you didn't take so damn long."

" You think 10 minutes is long..." I raise a brow, " Pity whoever you end up with." Without a beat I start walking letting him trail behind then next to me. 

" You really want to piss me off before we spar?"

" Thought we were training." I answer back plainly.

" Both."

I take in a slow breath, just knowing I'm going to hurt once this is all over. If I can get a couple hits on him though I'll be good.

We arrive to the Combat rooms where several others were sparring with one another, I see Garrick and Bohdi by some of the punching bags looking over to us. " Go warm up." Xaden instructs walking over to the two of them without another word.

I watch him for just a few seconds, noticing now how tight fitted his long sleeve shirt is... showing off everything... If he decides to take it off I'm done way I'll be able to focus like that.

He reaches the guys saying something before he looks back over with a snide smirk... I bet he's going to enjoy bossing me around more then he already does...

" Freya!" Liam voice rings from 2 mats down, he quickly pins a girl from 2nd Wing, jogging over. " Hey."

I smile, " Hi."

" I'm so sorry about Jack I-"

" Liam.. It's fine. I'm fine."

He still doesn't look convinced, " He almost got you Freya.. I tried pulling you away but his magic went-"

" It's fine Liam." I reassure. " I'm here aren't I?"

He seems to look me over, " Took you long enough to recover..Almost 2 weeks you barely must've been holding on though."

I furrow my brow, I was only out for...

" Did Xaden tell you that?"

He nods, " Yea, said you weren't awake."

I bite the inside of my cheek, " Well, he lied. I've been fine. If you haven't noticed..when Xaden is involved things-"

" Sorrengail! Get warming up!" Xaden yells from acoss the room. " Mairi, leave her alone!"

Liam's eyes go quickly to Xaden's, his cheeks reddenign just a bit. " Shit.. sorry-" He was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand. " Ignore him I haven't seen you in like.. 2 weeks." I say softer " I miss my bodyguard."

His face reddens some more but a boyish grin appears, " I thought you said I was a nuisance."

" Liam get the hell away! Freya get your ass moving!" Xaden now bellows making everyone look over as he strides angrily over. I turn clenching my jaw as he approaches, " The hell is your deal?!"

" My deal? My deal is that you can't follow simple directions for 5 seconds!" He fumes before his eyes go to Liam, " I told you to go."

"And I told him to stay." I snap.

His eyes are still trained on Liam, " Go."

" I can talk to him Xaden-"

" Get on the mat Freya. NOW."

I look at him then Liam, who lost his grin having that soldier like expression on his face as he nods at Xaden, barely giving me a look before he turns around going back to his mat, sparring another cadet.

" What the actual hell Xaden?!"

" I gave you orders."

" I don't care!"

" You can goggle over him after our lesson. Understood?"

I scoff, " I don't like him like that, not that it's any of your buisness. I missed him cause you know... I was so sick he couldn't visit me from Barlowe.."

Xaden's face stiffens as he looks at me, " You needed to rest."

" I've been perfectly fine."

" You weren't. And you almost got killed..again."

" But I didn't."

" But you were close."  Xaden  seethes taking a step forward, " So I said before I'm taking his spot over. So I need you to shut up..get on the mat and I'm going to teach you how to fight."

" I do know how to fight."

" Not as good as my Fury."

" If I remember I got you a few times. If I can hold out against you, I think I'll be fine."

He pushes me onto the mat, " Yea, but you never beat me in a spar. There's a difference."

 " If I beat you, will you finally leave me alone?" I spit.

He seems to consider this looking at me, his tongue poking his cheek slowly before a small smile appears. " Yes."

" Yes?"

He nods, " Yea, if you beat me.. 3 times.. I'll leave you alone. No bodyguard, no more checking in on you, no more babysitting."

I examine him for a few seconds, " Your serious?"

He nods, " I'm serious. And it doesn't even need to be in the same session..only 3 in all and I'll leave you alone."

" There needs to be a catch."

This makes him smile, " Nope. No catch. Kinda."

I cock a brow, " So there's somewhat of a catch?"

He tilts his head from side to side, " Not exactly Fury, you just need to follow my orders until you beat me."

I grin " Deal."

His smile grows, " Perfect. Now... take off all my knives off of me."

My smile instantly falls. " What?"

" Take off.. All my knives, put them on the side." He repeats, his voice now lowering to a sultry like purr.

I straighten looking at him, unsure If I'm hearing..or I guess understanding him right. " Like..disarm you?"

" Try to. I have 5 on me. If you get them all off of me, count that as one of your wins, if you can genuinely pin me, that could count as your second win."

" Where are your knives?"

He simply shrugs, " Guess you'll just need to find out yourself." His grin returns as he raises a challenging brow.

I clench my jaw glaring at him, " You just want me to touch you."

He takes a step closer, to close as he leans forward " You act like you never touched me before Fury." he whispers, feeling his hot breath on the shell of my ear.

I feel shivers up my spine as I push him back roughly, " That's not funny. It was a mistake, remember?"

" Yea..but you still did it."

" So did you." I counter.

He takes two steps back, " Remember this is still a spar, so..try not to get pinned by me. Although I have a feeling you just might let me."

I crack my knuckles,  " Can I leave cuts?"

" Only if I can leave some of my work on you Fury." He adds. " You know I like admiring mine as much as you do."

Arrogant ass.

He's just trying to get a rise out of you...

I quickly take in his clothes, scouting out the daggers, I saw two on his thighs, one on his arm, two on his chest.. There's the 5.

My eyes snap back to him, he's just watching me intently with a small smile curved in his lips. " I'm flattered-"

" -Shut up!"

I go at him with such speed, he steps away making me go past him. while I'm semi behind him I send my foot in the back of his knee, he trips giving me enough time to grab the one on his arm. He blows a puff of air quickly getting up again.

" 4 more."

I smirk, " If it's going to be that easy I'll get them in no time."

" I made sure to at least put one in an easy spot." Xaden counters, " Come on."

I grab one of my own knives going around the mat before I lunge at him, he steps to the side once more pushing my dagger away from him.

Pushed it. From the side of the blade.

He grabbed one of my daggers putting in in the same sheath his was previously. " Well, now we're back up to 5 Fury."

" What?! That's not fair! You never said you could take mine!"

" Did I forget to mention that? Guess you'll just need to work harder." He taunts.

I feel the red hot anger slowly boil within me as I take another swipe at him, which he counters once more, I growl sending my foot quickly in his stomach making him grunt. He stumbles back a couple steps smiling at me.


" You need to do better then that Fury.. I'm even going easy on you."

" Going easy but I got you two times already asshole?" I spit.

" Want me to go harder?" He teases in a suggestive tone that makes my blood boil even more. 

" Go for it."

He nods slightly, " Suit yourself."

I envy his speed, he came at me grabbign both my thighs like he was going to pick me up, instead making my back slam into the mat underneath me. He was quick to get on top pressing his body against mine.

" Still want more?"

I glare at him trying to catch my breath, I quickly grab the two off his chest in one foul swoop. " I could always take more."

I get my legs underneath him kicking straight up sending him flying off of me with a thud a foot or so away, he was alot heavier then I thought making him not go as far..bummer. I quickly got up pinning him to the ground with a knife to his throat.

" Stand down." I grit pushing his harder into his neck.

I raises a brow, " I'll need to put that move in my book, impressive."

" Surrender!" I yell a bit triumphantly. I got him, I beat Xaden Riorson!

He smiles, " No."

I didn't even have time to question him before I see the blackness pull my hair, just enough to off center me, Xaden with one fluid motion flipped us over so now I'm pinned to the mat. He looks down at me smugly while the gentle flow my shadows pick my daggers one by one.

" Oh..that ones nice.." He teases, " I like the gold on that one.."

" You can't use your signet during sparring asshole!" I yell trying to break free from his grip.

" That's Lark's rule.. not mine of the real world. For fighting and killing..use whatever you got." He muses. His eyes trail to my last knife then back to my face, then lips. " And whats my reward for beating you, surely if you get a prize I should get one to."

" Yea, and what do you want? A kiss? Something absolutely stupid?"

He shakes his head, " Mmmm... I guess my reward will be.. Spending more time with my little Fury."

I refuse to blush, or make any face besides absolute distain as I glare up at him, I should feel pissed he's above me having me pinned but... pissed is the last thing I'm feeling.

He chuckles before he pushes himself off, " We'll try again tomorrow." He offers his hand which I take, he quickly pulls me up twirling me around so my back is pressed up against him again with his knife against my throat. " Come on Fury..we've done this before.. never take my hand."

" And I thought you'd be a decent gentlemen for once." I mutter leaning my head up more looking at him.

He chuckles slowly putting my knives back in my sheaths, " Never."

He puts the last knife in the sheath on my upper thigh " I'm almost impressed, do better tomorrow." his hand trails to my hip patting me there before letting go. " Now.. you can go talk to your beloved body guard, seems like he can't take his eyes off of you." 

I glance at Xaden then looking over to see Liam staring at the two of us, arms crossed looking at bit.. disappointed?

" Mairi, do me a favor and make sure she makes it back to her room. Directly to her room."  Xaden commands looking at Liam then one last look at me before he walks off.

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