Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung...

By karaaii

202K 12.6K 4.6K

(Currently Editing the previous chapters as well as updating further. ) Kim Taehyung the ceo of Kim. Construc... More

The History : Hunt Begins.
1. Parallel Realities.
2. Murderer
3. No emotions..
4. Words
5. Event
6. It hurts.
7. Sensitive
8. Stop please
9. Burns
10. Maybe
11. Sold
12. Wedding
13. Slut
14. U Deserve
15. His Toy
16. Guilt
17. Cold
18. Fever
19. Why?
20. Full moon
21. Full moon (pt.2)
22. Full moon (pt.3)
23. Scared
24. Forced
25. Comfort
26. sympathy
27. Humiliated
28. Blue eyes
29. Disturbed
30. Quiet
31. Her Sorrow
32. Back
33. liar
34. Pain
35. Truth
36. Hate
37. Thunder
38. Cries
39. Slap
40. Regret
41. Friends
42. Restless
43. Attacked
44. Stitches
45. Nightmare
46. Frustration
47. Beautiful Her
48. Panic Attack
49. Forgiveness
50. Dr. Kim seokjin
51. Let me
52. Blank
53. Remorse
54. The Alpha
55. The hallucination
56. Full moon (pt.4)
57. Things falling apart
58. Eachother's Support
59. Strangers
60. Whispers of sorrow
61. Untold secret ( Her )
62. Love unleashed
63. His Shelter of Trust
64. Protector's guilt.
65. Enchanted Beginnings.
66. A Husband's Warth pt.(1).
67. A Husband's Warth pt.( 2 ).
68. " Stone Head".
69. Moonlit Confessions and Sweet Kisses.
70. Dusk of Despair.
71. Strengthening Love.
72. Closer Together.
73. The Midnight Escape.
74. Mysteries Unfolded.
75. Horseback Bonds.
76. Fires of Passion.
77. Pampering.
78. Heated Affections and Sweet Melodies.
79. Unanswered calls.
80. Sensual Flames.
81. Mischief and Laughter.
82. Gentle Seduction : A Year Together.
83. Moonlight : My Lover.
84. Haunting Beauty of the Moon.
85. "I Crave Your Attention : Moonlight"
86. Mate's Desires : Kitten.
87. Drunken Whispers :Bigger Boobs.
88. Guardian's Farewell.
89. Protector and Predator.
90. Elevating Intimacy.
91. Quest.
92. Toyed and Torn.
94. "Brain-Dead-slut"
95. Homecoming Tears.
96. Healing Bonds (pt.1).
97. Healing Bonds (pt.2).
98. Sheltered Passion.
99. Love's Ritual.
100. Proximity & Distance.
101. Embrace.
102. With You.
103. A Night of Terror.
104. Lost and Alone.
105. A Heart Divided.
106. A Twist of Fate.

93. Plaything?

510 58 19
By karaaii

As the man drew closer, Y/n felt as though the air around her had turned thick and suffocating, each breath a struggle against the weight of her fear and exhaustion. The fourth day of her captivity had taken its toll, leaving her battered and broken, her body a canvas of pain and wounds.

With every movement, every step he took toward her, Y/n's senses screamed in protest, her body unable to bear the anticipation of further torment.

Her wounds throbbed with a relentless ache, each pulse a cruel reminder of the brutality she had endured.

The hunger gnawed at her stomach, a constant reminder of her deprivation, while her parched throat begged for even a drop of water to quench its desperate thirst. Each passing moment seemed to stretch into eternity, each second a torturous countdown to her next ordeal.

Y/n's strength waned with each passing moment, her body betraying her as she teetered on the brink of unconsciousness. The agony was overwhelming, her mind a haze of pain and despair as she prayed for a reprieve that seemed endlessly out of reach.

He loomed over her, his presence suffocating as he observed her labored breaths. A sinister chuckle escaped his lips as his hand tightened around her throat, squeezing the air from her lungs.

Y/n turned her face away, shutting her eyes tightly, seeking refuge from the nightmare unfolding before her.

A kiss followed by a bite on her cheek shattered the illusion of safety, and she cried out, her voice desperate and raw with fear, invoking the name of her beloved Taehyung.

The man's laughter turned to menace as he gripped her throat tighter, his threat cutting through the air like a blade.

"Take that name again, and I'll end you," he growled, his voice dripping with malice.

Undeterred, Y/n locked eyes with him, her gaze unwavering even as her throat constricted under his grasp. Though every breath was a struggle, she summoned her courage and spoke his name defiantly, "Kim Taehyung!"

As darkness enveloped her, she fell into unconsciousness, the last vestiges of her defiance echoing in the empty room. With a cold indifference, the man pushed her to the floor and exited the room, leaving behind a trail of terror and despair.

As the man left the room, the air hung heavy with the weight of Y/n's unconsciousness. She lay sprawled on the floor, her body battered and broken, yet her spirit remained unbroken. In the darkness of her mind, fragments of memories with Taehyung flickered like distant stars, offering solace in the midst of despair.

Hours passed, marked only by the faint sound of rustling leaves outside the window. Y/n stirred, her consciousness ebbing back to the surface. Every movement sent waves of pain coursing through her body, a relentless reminder of the ordeal she endured.

With great effort, she pushed herself upright, her muscles protesting against the strain. The room blurred before her eyes, but she fought to focus, to gather the fragments of her shattered resolve. Despite the darkness that enveloped her, a spark of determination flickered within.

Through the haze of pain and fear, Y/n clung to the memory of Taehyung, a beacon of hope in the endless night. She knew that as long as he remained in her heart, she would find the strength to endure, to defy the darkness that sought to consume her. With renewed resolve, she whispered his name like a prayer, a silent vow to survive, no matter the cost.

For the past hour, Taehyung had been trekking through the dense forest, his backpack laden with essential supplies for the search ahead. Despite his efforts, the police had already scoured the area to no avail.

Yet, deep down, Taehyung remained convinced that y/n was somewhere within the forest's embrace. With determination etched into his features, he scanned his surroundings, a dagger clenched firmly in his grasp and a gun holstered at his waist. He refused to retreat without her by his side.

For three relentless hours, Taehyung traversed the forest, his cries for y/n echoing through the trees. At times, his voice cracked with emotion, tears streaming down his cheeks, but the clock showed only 9 am. He knew he had until nightfall to find her.

"Y/n!" His voice reverberated, bouncing off the trees, the only sound in the silent forest. Wiping away his tears, he whispered, "Where are you, love?" Each word filled with longing and determination to reunite with his beloved.

Taehyung's breaths came in ragged gasps, the weight of five hours of searching bearing down on him. Seated on a weathered stone, tears streamed down his face, his hands shielding his eyes from the harsh reality. With a determined swipe, he brushed away the tears, knowing time was of the essence. Casting a glance around the eerie forest, he imagined y/n's fear and loneliness in such a desolate place.

Suddenly, a rustling sound among the dried leaves caught Taehyung's attention. His gaze fixed on a small white bunny emerging from the shadows. A tentative smile tugged at his lips as the bunny drew nearer, its tiny paws scratching at his pants. Taehyung lifted the bunny, finding solace in its presence. As their eyes met, a silent understanding seemed to pass between them.

Recalling how bunnies adored y/n, encircling her with their affection, a spark of hope ignited within Taehyung. Could this little creature lead him to her? With a mixture of desperation and anticipation, he posed the question to the bunny, his voice trembling with emotion. "Do you know where y/n is?"

In response, the bunny wriggled out of his grasp and fixed him with a knowing gaze before darting off into the undergrowth. Without hesitation, Taehyung sprang to his feet, his heart pounding with renewed determination as he pursued the bunny, his beacon of hope in the darkness of the forest.

As Taehyung chased after the bunny, his heart raced with a blend of anticipation and apprehension. Every step echoed with the urgency of finding y/n, his mind consumed by thoughts of her safety and well-being. The dense foliage of the forest seemed to close in around him, casting eerie shadows that danced with the shifting light.

The bunny darted through the underbrush, leading Taehyung deeper into the labyrinth of trees and tangled vines. Branches reached out like gnarled fingers, threatening to snag his clothing and impede his progress, but he pressed on with unwavering determination.

With each passing moment, the forest grew thicker and more foreboding, yet Taehyung refused to falter. He couldn't bear the thought of y/n suffering alone in the darkness, her cries for help lost amidst the whispers of the trees.

As he followed the bunny's elusive trail, Taehyung's resolve hardened like steel. He would brave any obstacle, confront any danger, to reunite with his beloved y/n. For in the depths of his heart, he knew that their love would guide him through even the darkest of nights.

The bunny vanished before Taehyung's disbelieving eyes, leaving him stunned and questioning the reality of what he had just witnessed. Was it a mere illusion, a trick of his weary mind?

In its place stood a quaint cottage, its presence both comforting and ominous. With a mixture of hope and trepidation, Taehyung kicked open the door, hoping against hope to find y/n within its walls. But the cottage offered only emptiness, echoing the void in his heart.

Falling to his knees in anguish, Taehyung's spirit faltered as he grappled with the uncertainty of y/n's whereabouts. The disappearance of the bunny only added to his despair, leaving him lost and adrift in a sea of anguish.

Yet, amidst the desolation, a glimmer of solace emerged. His eyes alighted upon a shimmering object on the ground, y/n's moon-shaped ring glinting in the dim light. With a cry of recognition and determination, Taehyung realized that y/n had been there, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

Clutching the ring tightly to his chest, Taehyung's resolve hardened. He would find y/n, no matter the cost. With renewed purpose, he steeled himself for the journey ahead, the ring a silent promise of love and redemption as he stepped out of the cottage into the unknown.

Y/n's gaze remained fixed on the wall before her, her mind heavy with uncertainty. Despite clinging to hope that Taehyung would rescue her, doubt gnawed at her resolve. The haunting image of Taehyung, bloodied and broken, lingered in her thoughts, casting a shadow of fear over her fragile optimism.

What if Taehyung was unable to come to her aid? The chilling prospect sent shivers down her spine. Alone and vulnerable, she dreaded the consequences of being at the mercy of her captor. The uncertainty of her fate weighed heavily upon her, each passing moment amplifying her apprehension.

Yet, even in the depths of despair, a flicker of determination burned within her. With gritted teeth and trembling resolve, she vowed to cling to hope, to endure whatever trials lay ahead until the moment Taehyung's embrace would finally envelop her in safety once more.

As Y/n struggled against her restraints, a chilling realization crept over her like a shadow. There was something disturbingly familiar about the man before her.

With closed eyes, she delved deep into her memories, tracing the contours of his face in her mind's eye. Suddenly, it all fell into place like pieces of a grim puzzle.

He was her tormentor from high school, the senior whose predatory behavior had once haunted her every step. His unwelcome advances, his invasive touches-they were etched into the fabric of her past. Y/n recalled the countless times he had tried to violate her boundaries, leaving her feeling powerless and exposed.

But she hadn't suffered in silence. With courage fueled by desperation, she had confided in Yeonjun, revealing the sinister truth of her daily ordeal. Together, they had taken a stand against the darkness that lurked within their school's walls.

When the bully's actions reached a tipping point, Yeonjun had acted decisively. With unwavering resolve, he had summoned the courage to report the harassment to their homeroom teacher, who wasted no time in escalating the matter to the school authorities. Justice had been swift, and the bully had been swiftly expelled, his reign of terror brought to a resounding end.

Now, faced once again with her past tormentor, Y/n's heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. Though bound and vulnerable, she drew strength from the memory of her past triumph. She refused to be a victim again, resolved to confront the darkness that threatened to engulf her once more.

Y/n's tears flowed uncontrollably as she lamented her cruel fate. Despite her relentless efforts to escape the shadows of her past and find solace in the loving embrace of Taehyung, the specter of her former tormentors persisted, relentlessly haunting her.

It was a bitter truth she couldn't escape: no matter how fervently she sought refuge in her newfound happiness, the ghosts of her past relentlessly pursued her, inflicting pain upon her wounded soul. Even the unwavering love of Taehyung, the man who cherished her beyond measure, couldn't shield her from the relentless onslaught of her tormentors.

The man reentered the room, his eyes fixated on y/n, who sat huddled in the corner, her hands and feet bound. Tears streamed down her face as she leaned against the wall, her eyes shut tight.

As he stepped forward, y/n's eyes snapped open, burning with fury as they locked onto his. She longed to unleash her rage, to strike him down where he stood.

He chuckled at her defiance. "You can't, darling! Those glares won't kill me," he taunted, amusement dancing in his voice.

Through gritted teeth, y/n uttered his name, "Kang Jiwon."

He laughed mockingly. "Impressive! You remembered me, hmm?"

As y/n heard his voice, memories flooded back, each one a painful reminder of her past struggles against him. She refused to show any sign of weakness, despite the fear and anger coursing through her veins.

With a trembling voice, she retorted, "How could I forget the monster who tormented me in high school? You made my life a living hell."

Kang Jiwon's grin widened at her words, relishing in the power he still held over her. "Ah, but darling, I'm not done with you yet. You thought you could escape, but fate has brought us back together," he sneered, his tone dripping with malice.

Y/n's heart raced with dread as she realized the full extent of her predicament. She was trapped once again, at the mercy of her tormentor, with no one to hear her cries for help.

He positioned himself next to her, his arm encircling her waist while she squirmed in his grasp, her defiance evident in her struggle. With a brutal force, his hand connected with her cheek, tears cascading down her face in response.

"I'll be honest with you. When I got kicked out, I wanted to end you right then and there. But dear old dad insisted I leave the country to dodge the legal heat," he sneered, his fingers tracing unwelcome paths along her legs, drawing her closer despite her protests.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on me! Keep your hands to yourself!" she screamed, her voice trembling with a mix of terror and revulsion.

Yet, his touch persisted, his grip finding its way to her buttocks, his sickening words dripping with depravity.

"I've always admired this plum ass of yours, you know," he chuckled, his laughter a grotesque echo in the room.

"And then, just last month, I catch a glimpse of you at the mall, hanging off that gay guy. Couldn't believe my eyes! You've turned into quite the doll, haven't you? Damn, I couldn't resist."

As he leered at her, y/n's heart pounded in fear and disgust. She couldn't believe the audacity of this man, the one who tormented her in the past, now reappearing to haunt her present.

With every touch, she felt violated, her skin crawling with revulsion. Yet, she refused to let him break her spirit, to succumb to his twisted desires.

"I won't let you do this to me," she whispered, her voice trembling but resolute. "I won't let you win."

But the man only laughed, his grip tightening around her waist as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "Oh, sweetheart, you don't have a choice. You belong to me now."

Y/n's heart sank as she realized the depth of her predicament. Trapped in a nightmare, she knew she had to find a way out, to hold on to hope until Taehyung could come to her rescue.

With a sinister grin, he drew her closer, his arms enveloping her like chains of despair. "I wanted to claim you right then, but imagine my surprise when I saw your dear husband fetching you. Quite the wealthy catch you've got there," he sneered.

A cruel laugh escaped his lips as he continued, "I watched you both, every step, every touch. It sickened me to see you together, knowing you should have been mine. I deserved to indulge in that exquisite body of yours, not him. So when the opportunity arose, I seized it, crashing into your car."

Y/n's sobs intensified, her tears flowing freely as the weight of his words bore down on her soul, trapping her in a nightmare she couldn't wake from.

Y/n trembled as his words echoed in her mind, each syllable like a dagger to her heart. The realization of his sinister intentions filled her with a mixture of fear and despair.

"I hate you," she whispered, her voice choked with tears. "I hate everything about you."

But he only chuckled, his grip on her tightening as he reveled in her anguish. "Oh, darling, hate me all you want. It won't change a thing. You're mine now, whether you like it or not."

Y/n's heart sank as she felt the weight of his words, the cruel reality of her situation crashing down upon her. She was trapped, a pawn in his sick game, and the thought of Taehyung out there, unaware of her suffering, only intensified her agony.

As he sat down beside her, his words were like a dagger to y/n's heart. "I was planning to kill him first. But then I saw your little husband dead," he uttered, his voice dripping with cruelty. Y/n's eyes widened in shock, her breath caught in her throat as she struggled to comprehend the horrifying revelation. Denial flooded her mind, and she stammered, "N-No, that's not true... Taehyung can't be..."

But he laughed, a cold, chilling sound that echoed in the room. "Oh, he's dead alright," he sneered, his eyes gleaming with malicious triumph. "I made sure of it myself." His words struck y/n like a physical blow, sending waves of anguish crashing over her. The crushing weight of the news threatened to consume her as she grappled with the unbearable truth of taehyung's demise.

Y/n's world shattered around her as she struggled to process the devastating news.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she clung to the faint hope that taehyung was still alive, that this nightmare couldn't possibly be real.

But the man's words hung in the air, suffocating her with their finality. She felt a crushing weight descend upon her chest, squeezing the breath from her lungs. Every fiber of her being rebelled against the notion that taehyung, her beloved husband, was gone.

In a trembling voice, she whispered, "No... Taehyung... it can't be..." Her heart clenched with anguish, her mind unable to comprehend the magnitude of the loss.

The man's laughter pierced through her despair, a cruel reminder of the agony that enveloped her. "Believe what you want, sweetheart," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "But taehyung is dead, and there's nothing you can do about it."

As he witnessed her emotional collapse, he felt a surge of satisfaction knowing his manipulation was taking hold. Drawing nearer to y/n, he reached out and touched her shoulders, sensing her vulnerability as tears streamed down her face. Just as he leaned in for a kiss, she unleashed a fierce roar, her voice ringing with defiance.

"Don't you dare touch me! Keep your eyes off my husband!" she thundered, her words laced with fury. "Release my hands, and I'll show you what real hell looks like."

Caught off guard by her sudden outburst, he recoiled, momentarily stunned by the ferocity of her response.

As y/n's words echoed in the room, the atmosphere crackled with tension. Her defiance challenged his authority, and for a moment, he hesitated, unsure how to respond to her unwavering resolve.

But then, a sinister grin spread across his face, betraying his amusement at her futile resistance. With a menacing chuckle, he leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear.

"Oh, darling, you have such fire in you," he murmured, his voice dripping with malice. "But remember, I hold all the power here. You're at my mercy, and there's nothing you can do to escape."

With deliberate slowness, he traced his fingers along her cheek, relishing the fear in her eyes. "Your husband? He's gone, sweetheart. Accept it. Now, be a good girl and play along, and maybe, just maybe, I'll go easy on you."

Y/n's heart pounded with dread as she realized the depth of her predicament. Her husband, her love, gone? It couldn't be true. Desperation fueled her defiance as she resolved to fight, no matter the cost.

As y/n locked eyes with Jiwon, her voice trembled with defiance. "I dare you, Jiwon, open my hands."

Jiwon's laughter echoed through the room, his arrogance on full display. "And what if I don't?" he challenged, his tone dripping with contempt.

A defiant smirk played across y/n's lips as she retorted, "Why are you so scared of me?" Her words carried a hint of mockery, a glimmer of the strength she held within, ready to confront the darkness that threatened to consume her.

As y/n's words hung in the air, Jiwon's expression shifted from amusement to irritation. He clenched his fists, his demeanor turning aggressive.

"You think you can challenge me?" he spat, his voice laced with venom. "You're nothing but a weak little girl, trapped in my domain."

Y/n held his gaze, her defiance unwavering. "I may be trapped now," she said, her voice steady despite the fear coursing through her veins, "but I won't be forever. And when I'm free, you'll regret ever laying a hand on me."

Her words struck a nerve, and Jiwon's eyes flashed with anger. Without another word, he turned and stormed out of the room, leaving y/n alone with her thoughts and her determination to survive.

Y/n, bound and tethered by ropes, whispered softly to herself, her voice barely audible in the stifling silence of the room. "He's okay! He's okay! Nothing happened to him! He's coming for me." Each word carried a fervent hope, a desperate plea to the universe for Taehyung's safety and his imminent rescue.

In the dimness, her words echoed, ricocheting off the walls like a fragile hymn of faith. Despite the constraints that held her captive, y/n clung to the belief that Taehyung remained unscathed, his unwavering resolve guiding him back to her side.

As she repeated the mantra, each syllable infused with unwavering determination, y/n sought refuge in the assurance that Taehyung's love would prevail, that he would navigate through the darkness to find her. It was a whispered promise, a beacon of hope amidst the shadows, anchoring her spirit in the belief that their bond was unbreakable, their reunion inevitable.

Taehyung sat exhausted, the weight of the day heavy on his shoulders. Evening cast its long shadows, enveloping him in a cloak of weariness and despair. Despite his relentless search, y/n remained elusive, lost somewhere within the labyrinth of the forest.

His heart ached with longing, yearning for the warmth of her embrace, the solace of her presence. How he wished to hold her close, to pour out his soul and tell her of the void that consumed him in her absence. His life felt incomplete without her, every moment a reminder of the gaping hole she left behind.

As he gazed up at the darkening sky, Taehyung's thoughts turned somber, his wishes whispered into the ether. "If I cannot find y/n, if fate decrees that I must live without her, then I choose to embrace oblivion. Let me fade away in this forest, let my existence cease to be."

In the fading light, his resolve wavered, his spirit weary from the relentless pursuit. Yet amidst the shadows, a flicker of hope remained, a silent prayer that somewhere, somehow, y/n would find her way back to him, and they would conquer the darkness together.

Taehyung rose to his feet, determination fueling his weary limbs as he prepared to press on. Half the forest still lay unexplored, and with every step, hope and fear wrestled within him for dominance.

Suddenly, a guttural growl shattered the silence, freezing Taehyung in his tracks.

His heart skipped a beat as he beheld a majestic sight before him: a colossal white wolf, its fur gleaming like moonlight, its eyes ablaze with a fiery intensity that pierced the gathering darkness.

Taehyung stood transfixed, a wave of primal instinct coursing through him as he locked eyes with the formidable creature. In that moment, he sensed the specter of his own mortality looming large, the specter of death itself manifesting in the form of this magnificent beast.

Fear and awe mingled in his heart, his mind racing with uncertainty and trepidation. Yet amidst the fear, a glimmer of defiance flickered, a silent vow to confront whatever trials lay ahead, even if it meant staring death in the face.

With bated breath, Taehyung awaited his fate, his resolve steeled by the knowledge that even in the darkest of moments, hope still flickered faintly, a beacon guiding him through the shadows.

As the majestic wolf approached, Taehyung's hand instinctively reached for his gun, its weight a reminder of the dangers lurking in the forest.

Yet, as the wolf lowered its massive frame before him, bowing with a reverence that seemed incongruent with its wild nature, Taehyung's fear wavered.

In the wolf's presence, there was a sense of ancient wisdom, a silent understanding that transcended human language.

The wolf's approach was deliberate, its movements calculated yet graceful. As it drew near, Taehyung's pulse quickened, the tension palpable in the air.

But when the wolf gently rubbed its head against Taehyung's thigh, a wave of unexpected calm washed over him, his trembling hands stilling as he reciprocated the gesture with hesitant tenderness.

In the depths of Taehyung's despair, his voice cracked with emotion as he implored, "Can you please help me find my wife?" The words hung heavy in the air, a desperate plea to the silent forest and its enigmatic guardian.

Suddenly, as if in response to Taehyung's plea, the pendant around his neck ignited with a brilliance that seemed to defy the encroaching darkness of the forest. It was a beacon of hope, a guiding light in his darkest hour, a tangible reminder of the promise he made to never lose sight of his beloved y/n.

With a gentle nudge, the wolf rested its head on Taehyung's shoulder, a silent reassurance that he was not alone in his search. In that fleeting moment of connection, Taehyung found solace amidst the chaos, his tears mingling with the wolf's fur as they embarked on a journey fraught with uncertainty and peril.

And as the wolf locked eyes with Taehyung, its silent gaze spoke volumes, a silent vow to lead him through the labyrinthine depths of the forest, to unravel the mysteries that lay shrouded in the shadows, and to reunite him with the one he loved above all else.

Y/n was sitting, her fingers raw and trembling as she struggled to loosen the ropes that bound her. Each movement sent waves of pain shooting through her, but she refused to give up. Tears streaked her cheeks as she worked tirelessly, her determination the only thing driving her forward.

After what felt like an eternity, she felt the ropes begin to loosen. With a final, desperate tug, she freed herself, wincing as the blood rushed back into her hands. Untying her feet, she stood, her legs unsteady beneath her as she swayed with exhaustion.

Silently, she made her way out of the room, her heart pounding in her chest as she crept down the hallway. The stairs loomed ahead, a daunting obstacle standing between her and freedom. Just as she reached for the railing, a voice cut through the silence, freezing her in place.

"Trying to run, little slut?" The words dripped with malice, sending a shiver down her spine as she turned to face her tormentor.

Without a second thought, her wolf took over, a primal instinct guiding her actions. With a strength she didn't know she possessed, she lunged forward, grabbing the man by his collar and hurling him off the stairs with a force that left her breathless.

As he tumbled down, y/n stood, her chest heaving with exertion and adrenaline coursing through her veins. For the first time in days, she felt a flicker of hope ignite within her. Today, she had taken back control, refusing to be a victim any longer.

As y/n descended the stairs, her eyes fell upon the man lying motionless, a pool of blood spreading beneath him. Her wolf prowled beside her, a silent sentinel guarding her against any threat. She paid no heed to the fallen figure, her focus fixed on the path ahead.

But as she reached the bottom of the stairs, three men emerged from the shadows, their faces contorted with rage and disbelief at the sight before them.

"Bloody bitch! Did you do it?" they demanded, their voices dripping with venom as they glanced at their fallen comrade.

Y/n's gaze remained steady, her expression unflinching as she met their accusatory stares. Without a hint of remorse, she answered, "I did."

The men lunged forward, their fists clenched and teeth bared in fury. But y/n was faster. With a swift, decisive movement, she raised her hand and delivered a resounding slap, the force of it sending one of the men crashing to the floor in a daze.

In that moment, y/n stood tall, a beacon of defiance amidst the chaos. She refused to cower in the face of their aggression, her spirit unbroken and her resolve unwavering. With each step forward, she reclaimed a piece of herself, refusing to be shackled by fear any longer.

As y/n strode forward, determination coursing through her veins, it didn't take long for the three men to meet their demise, their lifeless bodies strewn across the floor in a silent testament to her strength.

But just as she reached out to grasp the doorknob, a sudden, searing pain erupted at the base of her neck. A sharp needle, swift and merciless, pierced her skin, injecting its paralyzing venom into her veins.

With a gasp of agony, y/n's world spun into darkness as she crumpled to the ground, consciousness slipping away from her grasp like grains of sand through clenched fists.

To be continued 👀💚

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