Bionic Hearts | Chase Davenpo...

By MayLarie10

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~Book Dedication~ It could take some time for you to realize you love someone, but enjoy the rollercoaster. I... More



250 6 1
By MayLarie10

Season 3 - Episode 17

[Brother Battle]

"Leo you made the tea wrong again." Sara complained as she set down her unsweetened glass.

"I know, but I don't feel like getting up again to go fix it after the water filter incident," Leo grumbled. "It's not that bad." He took a sip and then set it down. "It's not that good either."

"I'm so glad to be home." Bree sat down.

"I hear you it's been a rough morning, I can't make tea," Leo whined. "I replaced the water filter after I made the first batch so that was hot and then this one I forgot the lemons and sugar."

"I just worked a twelve-hour shift at Tech Town with all the nerds trying to win."

"Win?" Leo asked.

"Oh god, I'm making better tea." She grabbed her glass and phased through the walls as she made it to the stairs and brought herself to the kitchen. She saw Douglas and Chase walk down the hall together.

She'd heard several stories about Douglas, him being a villain, he was also the one to create the other three. He's also very interested in Sara's anatomy and bionics. He's tried to talk to her on several occasions, but Davenport told him to stay away from her. She poured a tablespoon of sugar into her drink and stirred it around.

"Mmm, yes," She phased through the floor seeing Douglas and Chase at the desk. She leaned against eh wall. "This isn't a good pair."

"Sara," Chase smiled. "Uh, what are you doing down here?"

"I live here." Chase laughed as he looked at Douglas and then walked over to her. "Okay, so-."

"Well don't tell her," Douglas scoffed.

"I trust her," Chase argued as he touched Sara's shoulder.

"Oh god, this is going to be bad isn't it," She set down her glass of tea. Douglas stuck something to Chases's neck, she turned his head to see the tag. "What are we doing?"

"Douglas is going to give me one of my hidden abilities," Chase smiled. "I'm tired of Adam hitting on me all the time. You have to admit, I deserve this?"

"What did Davenport say?" She moved around chase to see what Douglas was doing on the tablet. He scrolled and laughed a little.

"He uh," Chase stuttered.

"What about some acid spit?" Douglas smiled. "Ooo no if you drool you could mess up your face."

"Yeah, let's not do that," Sara shook her head.

"Ah, this one!" He set the tablet down on the desk.

"Is this going to hurt him?" Sara asked. Chase came to stand next to her their shoulders hitting.

"Well it's not going to hurt me," Douglas smiled. "Oh that reminds me, Sara, we should look at yours next."

"You're not supposed to get into Sara's bionics," Chase argued. "Mr. Davenport told you-."

"I thought you didn't want him to control me today, brace yourself," He clicked something on the desk and Cahse's knees caved. Sara went to grab him, but it was too late so she just held his shoulder. Douglas stuck a tag to Sara's neck making her put he hand over it.

"And you my dear-."

"That wasn't that bad," Chase struggled to stand up on his own so Sara assisted. "What's my ability."

"It's your bow staff," Douglas waved his hand through the air. Chase put his arm out and a blue electricity staff appeared.

"Sick," Sara laughed. Chase swung it through the air.

"Oh yeah, this will teach him." He smirked. "I gotta find him!" He set down the tag on the table and ran out of the lag leaving Sara with Douglas.

"You've got interesting features," Douglas muttered to himself as she chewed on his lip.

"Why are you so interested in my bionics?" She asked.

"Cause I didn't make you and I really really want to know who did because some of this stuff is," He laughed to himself as he jumped and giggled like a child. Sara watched him mutter to himself as he walked back and forth.

"Are you going to tell me what any of this is or just keep going back and forth?"

"Woah!" He turned around almost hitting her as she stopped. "You have a commando app too!"

"Wait a what?" She came around the other side of him and stared at all of her small upgrades.

"I should try and set you and Spike up against one another to see who the strongest is?" Douglas laughed.

"I think we already know that one," Sara offered as she waited for him to explain more, but he didn't. His face went right back to the iPad as he scrolled through her upgrades.

"Why didn't I think of any of these," Douglas put his arm around Sara. "Whoever made you were a genius." Sara nodded and phased through Douglas as she went to sit back down. She didn't know why, but every time someone mentions her maker, she gets sad. She can't remember who they were or why they left her. She can't remember anything other than being in the government.

"Here, I'll give you this one."

"Wait, I never-." The searing pain started in her neck as she gripped the edge of her chair. A minute passed and she relaxed. "I didn't ask for an upgrade."

"Yeah, well now you've got power absorption, by the way, your welcome." Douglas set the tablet down and held out his hand.

"Is there a way to figure out who created my bionics?" Sara asked as she handed him back the chip. Douglas shook his head.

"Unfortunately no," He shook his head. "I would love to meet him though." Sara pushed herself up.

"How do you know it's a man?" She followed after Douglas as he put the chips away.

"Well, ya know."

"No I don't know, woman can be smart too." Douglas nodded.

"I'm not doubting that, I just assumed that it would have been a man since you realized what me and my brother have created." Sara watched him leave the lab.

"Women can be smart too," she muttered to herself as she looked around the empty lab.

"Ah Sara, just the gal I was looking for," Adam jogged in. "Okay, so what's scarier a bunch of duck-sized horses or a horse-sized duck." He looked at two spots on the floor like he was imagining them. "Cause I think the small horses, but then again a giant duck could eat me 'cause it's a big duck."

"Adam, how did we get here?"

"I walked."

"No, that's not what I meant." Sara laughed a little. "But it's definitely the horse-sized duck cause small horses would be cute."

"Adam there you are, are you ready to bench press me," Chase smirked as he strutted in.

"Hodl on Chase, we're in the middle of something," Adam put his hand up. He muttered to himself and then stared at the imaginary spots on the floor.

"Would you just hit me?"

"We're trying to decide what's scarier-."

"Hit me." Chase interrupted. Adam looked at him.

"Keep interrupting me and I will."

"Just hit me already," Chase smirked.

"That wasn't interrupting, to interrupt you would have to-."

"Hit me!"

"Fine!" Adam moved toward him angrily, but Chase moved his hand as the bow staff formed. "What's that?"

"My new ability," Chase smirked.

"Doesn't matter, it's a giant glowstick." Adam laughed as he went to punch chase, but was deflected. Each time the bow staff touched Adam it electrocuted him until Chase was able to get a solid hit on his chest sending him back into the wall. Sara let Adam phase through her so she wasn't taken back with him.

"That just shook the whole lab," Sara looked over her shoulder as Adam grimaced. Chase smirked and walked out of the lab without another word.

"When did he get an upgrade? Did you?"

"No." Sara lied. She helped Adam to his feet.

"That kinda hurt," He rubbed his chest. "Agh, I gotta find a way to still beat him."

"You get to that?" Sara encouraged.

"Are you not going to help me?"

"I was gonna go to tech town and check on Bree, do you need my help?" Adam pouted for a moment and then shook his head.

"Oo! No, I have an idea already!" He skipped out of the lab cackling.

Sara walked into Tech Town just as a frenzy started. She barely had time to make it to the counter before she was almost run over by Principal Perry.

"Uh Bree," Sara hid bhien dhte counter.

"Ah, I'm so glad you're here," Bree gave her a tight hug.

"Oh goodie," A man said. "If you stand behind the counter you can help ring people up." He handed her a scanner.

"I don't work here."

"You do now," The man grabbed a nametag and stuck it on her shirt. It said hello my name is Sam.

"Do I at least get paid?" She asked, but he walked off.

"You shouldn't have come here," Bree's voice was lost to the sound of people running around grabbing things to buy.

"I can see that now," She turned around and started checking people out. They kept asking if they were a winner, but she didn't understand what that meant. She just kept saying no as more and more people shoved in the lines.

"We are getting closer!" The man yelled out and people surged once more. Sara saw Leo through the crowds as he went to grab a radio, but was too late as a man grabbed it.

"Go faster!" A woman yelled.

"Don't yell at me!" Sara yelled back at the woman as she swiped her card. An alarm started blaring and green lights flashed.

"We've got our one-millionth customer!" The man announced.

"Yes!" Bree and Sara both moved closer to him as he celebrated.

"So that's what this was?" Sara whispered. Bree nodded.

"Although relatives of employees are invalid for the award." Leo's eye twitched as he looked around the man.

"Bree, did you know about this?"

"Hey I've got a week left, so I'm checked out." Bree defended as she slung her arm around Sara's shoulders.

"So by default, it goes to the next person in line-."

"Oo, me, me, me!" Principal Perry shoved past Leo.

"Oh goodie, it won."

"I'm leaving before Leo fights the gnome." Sara shoved past the people as she peeled off her Hello my name is sticker and stuck it to the door of Tech Town.

"I'm right behind you."

When the two got home there was a lot of shouting downstairs and things were getting thrown around. Sara saw Douglas and Davenport talking with the boys in the middle of the mess.

"Aw my tea," Sara complained as she saw the broken pitcher.

"Sara is the strongest and Bree is invisible." Douglas gestured toward Sara. She looked over her shoulder and realized Bree was gone.

"That's so cool." She smiled.

"What do you mean Sara is the strongest?" Davenport asked.

"I've always been the strongest, let's be honest."

"I've got a blowy thing!" Adam took a deep breath and tried to blow Sara away, but she lifted her hand watching as the mist disappeared before it touched her. She shook out her limbs.

"That's so creepy, it's cold," She looked down at her hands.

"Wait, what happens after you've absorbed the power though?" Chase asked. "You have to release it."

"I can, hit me," She told him. "Well try."

"I will," Bree turned visible once more and lightly struck Sara's arm, but it deflected which sent Bree into the wall.

"Sorry, Bree." Sara grimaced as Bree groaned.

"Great so she's untouchable."

"Hey, I was before this!" Sara pointed at Davenport. "Women should be stronger and smarter than men."

"I wouldn't say you're smarter," Davenport laughed.

"Shut your mouth, Elderly man," Sara threatened as Douglas hit his shoulder.

"You're really pushing her buttons, she's got a commando app as well."

"Seriously?" Chase smirked.

"Two Spikes!" Adam laughed. "I want to watch them fight each other."

"I'd rather not fight Sara," Chase shook his head.

"Cause she'd beat you," Adam whispered.

"Yeah." Chase nodded. Sara turned on her heel and blushed as she met Bree's smile.

"You seem to-."

"Not a word, Bree." Sara grabbed her arm and dragged her upstairs as Leo came in and fell on the couch.

"Movie time!" Sara yelled as she flopped next to him.

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