Bionic Hearts | Chase Davenpo...

By MayLarie10

9.6K 183 44

~Book Dedication~ It could take some time for you to realize you love someone, but enjoy the rollercoaster. I... More



311 7 1
By MayLarie10

Season 3 - Episode 16

[Alien Gladiators]

"I've been working on something I want to show you," Sara skipped into the room as she stood in front of the others she held a ball in her hand. "Catch!" She threw it at Adam. He went to catch it, but it passed through him and hit the floor.

"Not cool." He frowned.

"You can push it onto objects too?" Bree picked the ball up throwing it back toward her. Sara nodded as she smiled, her eyes wandered to Chase, but he seemed preoccupied with something on the desk as typed something in.

"Guys! Alien Gladiators are coming to Mission Creek!" Leo announced as he walked into the room.

"Who?" Bree and Sara asked as they stood side by side.

"I knew this day would come," Adam backed up slowly. "Luckily I'm prepared for an alien invasion." He put on a tin foil hat. Sara pointed at him.

"Where did he get that from?"

"Chase, you hold them off." Adam pointed at his brother. "While the rest of us deserve to escape." Adam grabbed Bree, he tried to grab Sara, but his hand went through her.

"Why is Chase being sacrificed, he's got the brain?" Sara offered.

"Exactly," Adam hid behind Bree. "The tastier the better."

"That's zombies," Chase pointed out.

"It's not real Aliens', it's my favorite Sci-fi movie franchise, Alien Gladiators," Leo explained. He jumped up and down excitedly. "They're here! They hold annual conventions and this year it's at Mission Creek."

"I love Alien Gladiators!" Chase came over with Leo as they both geeked out and started quoting the catch line.

"Oh, I remember that movie. It was terrible, the whole thing was blurry."

"You didn't wear your 3-D glasses," Bree smirked.

"I didn't wanna look stupid," He adjusted his tinfoil hat making Sara smile.

"I bet the entire cast will be there," Chase moved around Leo to stand next to Sara. "I have everyone's autograph except Prince Landor, the new guy played by Andre Either."

"That's familiar." Sara furrowed her eyebrows as she thought.

"Andre Either as in baseball Andre Either?" Bree asked as she gripped Sara's arm excitedly.

"You don't know anything about baseball," Chase crossed his arms.

"Of course I do, I love baseball. You know," Bree tried to get help from Sara, but she shook her head. "The bases and the ball." She grimaced. "He's hot and if he's there I'm there."

"I want to see cute boys," Sara smiled. Chase stared at her until her smile went away. "Why can't I see cute boys." She huffed.

"They are bringing back the fire staff challenge," Leo smirked.

"What's a fire staff?"

"This," Leo walked to the side and picked up a staff as he twirled it in the air. "Is a fire staff."

"Don't hurt yourself," Sara crossed her arms as she leaned against the desk. Her hip touched Chase on accident. Leo put it down as it lit up. "Giant glowstick."

"It looks like a light stick," Adam tilted his head.

"It's a fire staff! The competitors battle each other with their own fire staff and the winner gets a walk-on scene in the next movie," Leo smiled. He pointed the fire staff at Sara. "And that winner is going to be me." He moved it back hitting himself in the face.

"Called it." Sara muttered.

"Greetings good Morfs," Davenport came in with a cloak and a blue fire staff.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked as they both went face to face. Sara leaned close to Chase.

"Which Morf will win?" He smirked at her.

"Getting ready for the Alien Gladiator convention. I am Elder Lumina." Davenport smirked. He looked at his firestaff as it made a noise. "And Elder Lumina will be victorious in the fire staff challenge."

"Look Elderly Lumina," Leo twirled his staff. "I hate to get your robes in a bunch, but that role is mine."

"Funny, but I've grown up loving the movies, and being a part of it has been my childhood dream." Davenport passed his weight from one hip to the other.

"Funny, I thought childhood dreams died when you're forty," Leo shot back.

"Okay out of the way micro morf," Davenport started twirling the fire staff as Leo moved back. Chase pulled Bree and Sara out of the way as the two of them stood opposite each other. Davenport did have skill with the staff, more than Leo at least. "Still think I can be beat?"

"I don't know what was more amazing your moves or the fact that your dentures didn't fall out?" Leo put his arms out as he taunted. They both ran after each other.

"What are the chances that Leo can win?" Sara asked as she stole Chase's chair before he could sit back down.

"Zero," Chase added as he crossed his arms and leaned against the desk.

"Adam, honey, you gonna take the hat off yet?"

"No," Adam touched it to make sure it was still there.

"We should get going," Bree smirked. "We're going to be late for school." She grabbed Sara's hand dragging her from the chair as they went to grab their bags.

Leo was in the hallway twirling the fire staff around like he wasn't in the middle of school. Bree, Chase, and Sara were sitting on the bench in front of him as others passed through the halls.

"It's so shiny," Sara pointed out as she leaned back.

"I showered with it."

"Gross." Sara grimaced. Bree stood up and walked toward him stopping his twirling before he hurt himself.

"Do you really think you're going to beat Mr. Davenport?"

"Please, once he starts sweating he'll go blind from his hair dye," Leo explained as he leaned onto his fire staff. Adam jogged down the stairs pulling down the bottom of his shirt.

"Okay, all caught up on Alien Gladiators."

"This will be interesting," Chase whispered to Sara as she smirked.

"They are great movies, but they're missing one thing. A space dog." Adam smiled. Sara's smile went to a confused expression.

"Soace dog?" She and Chase said at the same time.

"He'd be the perfect companion. I mean after he does his business it'll just float off into space."

"Odd take,' Sara admitted.

"Hey guys," A blonde girl shoved between Bree and Adam. "You're new." She pointed at Sara.

"Sara." She introduced.

"Sorry, I'm late." The girl ignored Sara. She leaned back and shrugged her shoulders.

"I hate girls." She muttered.

"We weren't waiting for you," Bree explained.

"Back off Bree, it's been a bad day," The girl threatened. "Cool, fire staff." She moved closer to Leo. "Are you guys going to the convention tomorrow too?"

"Yup, we're even dressing in character." Chase smiled. "I'm going as Gigabit, half human, half robot." He stood up beside Sara and started doing robotic movements.

"It's almost like you are," Sara teased.

"And I'm going as Prince Landor, handsome, yet brave, yet handsome."

"Well I will be going as the beautiful queen Andromeda," Bree flicked her hair over her shoulder. The girl grimaced.

"Really? You? Well it is a fantasy world." The girl started to walk away. Sara went to stand up and say something, but Chase put his hand over her mouth keeping her in place.

"Beast not to poke the bear." He muttered.

"We need new friends," Bree sighed. Leo started twirling his fire staff around once more as he spun it toward Principal Perry.

"Ahh! Watch the glowstick," She grumbled. "Cirque-du-lame-o."

"Sorry, Principal Perry I'm just getting my morf on. There's the Alien Gladiators competition tomorrow and I'm just-."

"Blah, blah, blah, I hate all that morf stuff," Perry shrugged.

"But alien gladiators rule," Leo did a heor pose as he pointed the fire staff in the air.

"No I rule," Perry took the staff. "That's why I'm conviscating this stick. No weapons on the school grounds." Sara leaned over to Bree.

"She realized that we are weapons right?" Bree put a finger to her lips as Leo and she fought over the fire staff.

"What am I going to do?" Leo complained. "I need my staff to beat Big D." A mischievous smile appeared on his face. "I know someone who can get it for me." He sang and stood in front of Sara. "My beatuirul, bionic bestie."


"Please," He fell to his knees. "You would be able to do it so easily, please, please, I'm begging you." She laughed a little and patted the top of his head.

"I wasn't going to deny it," She smiled. The bell rang as she grabbed her bag. "It'll be after school okay,"

"Sara, come on, we can't be late," Chase waited for her as they walked to their first period together.

"If I pass out just hit me." She yawned.

"You didn't sleep well?"

"I don't sleep standing up remember," She rubbed her eyes. "So if you could do me this favor, I would love you forever and ever."

"That's a lot of evers," Chase opened the door for her as she walked in and slumped in the chair. "I have a feeling this is going to be a long day."

"Me too."

Leo and Sara had to split up from the others as they made their way through the school. The convention was going on and everyone else was in the gym walking around. Leo was in his robe, all he needed was his staff.

"You stay out here and guard, shouldn't take long at all." Sara offered as she passed through the wall. She wasn't in a costume for the convention. She hadn't watched the movies and she didn't feel like trying to get into a costume she didn't understand. She saw the jackal and phased back through the wall blinking several times.

"Where is my staff?"

"She's got a jackal in there," Sara pointed at the wall. "Like an actual jackal."

"Is that a problem?"

"Not even a little bit, but do you really think that's legal?"

"Hurry the competition starts soon," Leo shoved her back through the wall. The jackal turned its head to face her as it nibbled on some cheese.

"You're adorable, but I can't pet you right now." She grabbed Leo's fire staff and phased back through the wall. "Here you go, Landor."

"Thank you, good lady, now I'm off to defeat the old man." Sara laughed as they walked into the gym together.

"I wish you the best of luck, I'm going to find the others." She waved at Leo and walked past the curtains seeing everyone in costume. She didn't know how seriously people would take this stuff. She saw Bree, Chase, and Adam. Adam had a giant dog costume on.

"Cute Space dog," She smiled on the other side of the line.

"Sara, you made it." Adam smiled as he offered her the clipboard.

"I wouldn't," Chase warned. Sara gave each of them a knowing smile and signed it.

"You don't want an autograph?" Bree asked.

"I don't want to cut in line," She stayed with them as the line slowly moved forward. Chase jumped up and down.

"Just a few more minutes, just a few more minutes." Her cheered. Sara could see how annoyed the other two were, but she thought it was cute how geeky Chase got about things he enjoyed.

"You have been saying that for two hours," Bree rolled her eyes. "When will you stop talking."

"Just a few more minutes," Sara shrugged.

"I like all this time, I was able to gather signatures, so far I have Space Dog, Adam Davenport, and Sara James." Adam showed the three signatures on his clipboard.

"I still can't believe you signed that," Chase sighed.

"Well it's a good idea, it's better to influence creativity rather than squash it," She reasoned as she turned around. The girl came over toward them. Caitlyn, Sara leaned after this morning.

"Hey, guys. Great costumes," She complimented Chase. "Oh look we both dressed up as Queen Andromeda." She looked at Bree. Her eyes fell on Sara. "And you're normal, go figure."

"I told you I was dressing up as Queen Andromeda," Bree snapped. She looked at Sara for help, but she looked at the others passing by them.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad. Hey, can I jump in line with you?"

"No," Sara faced her as the two blonds stared at one another.

"You're not in line," Caitlin put her hand in front of Sara's face as she talked around her. "The morfs pride themselves on being loyal to other morfs, Bree." Sara smacked her hand.


"Fine get in line." Chase cut off Sara. She turned around glaring at him.

"Are you serious?" she stared at him. Chase's face flushed as he stuttered over his words. Caitlyn pushed past each of them getting in front of them.

"Excuse me, everyone!" The security guard approached with bands in his hands. "There is a bigger turnout this year and due to that we are going to be cutting the line shorter. Now please don't riot like you did last year, I just got feeling back to my scalp."

"Congratulations," Sara told him.

"Thank you. From this point forward get a wristband," He pointed at Caitlyn and she smiled at Sara. "That grants them access to the Andre Either signing. Woohoo." He started handing out the bands.

"What about everyone else?" Chase asked. Sara didn't know why it annoyed her that Chase let Catulyn, butt in line, but it did.

"You get a frustrating story to share in the cafeteria." The guard gave them a false smile.

"Caitlin!" Bree yell. The blonde turned and batted her eyes.

"I'm sorry do I know you." Sara laughed a little as the others were forced to get out of line.

"Why are you laughing this isn't funny," Chase scoffed. "We waited so long for that. I'm gonna miss my chance."

"She just took it from us," Bree shook her head. "I won't get to see Andre."

"I would say this is karma." Sara pointed out.

"I'm going to meet Andre Either! We are going to be best friends," Caitlin rubbed it in further as she cheered excitedly.

"Caitlin, we were in line first. We only let you in as a courtesy." Bree explained.

"Which is why I deserve it," Chase added. "What happened to morf loyalty?"

"Get a grip dude, it's just a movie," Caitlin rolled her eyes as she adjusted her headpiece.

"Give me that wristband!" Chase released the rope as he grabbed Cailtin's wrist. Bree and Adam tried to pull Chase away and all of them started screaming. Sara just stared at them as the security came over and then she decided it was time to leave. She was going to go see how Leo was doing, but instead, she decided to go home and see what Tasha was up to.

"Alert a bionic kid here!" Eddy announced.

"Shut it wall mount," Sara shot over her shoulder.

"Who spit gum in your, hair today?" Eddy asked. Sara stared at the screen as he stared right back.


"Oh, Sara," Tasha smiled. "Honey, I've been meaning to talk to you about the whole cat incident."

"Oh it's okay," Sara sat down on the couch and rested her head on the back.

"I know, but you seemed so excited about them, I just wanted to say I was sorry." Tasha sat down next to her. "They were cute."

"I know," Sara smiled at the ceiling. "But I didn't ask, so that's my fault and don't apologize for allergies there isn't anything you can do about them." Sara offered.

"So what are you doing back so early? I thought the convention was going to take a couple more hours."

"Yeah, well Chase let Cailtin butt in line and then they got into an argument and put in convention jail for a bit," Sara explained as she picked at her nails.

"Karma." Tasha nodded.

"That's what I said," Sara smiled.

"What would you like to do to pass the time?" Tasha asked. Sara opened her mouth, "Within reason. I'm not bionic or a genius, I'm just a woman." Sara laughed.

"Do you want to make cookies?" She asked. Tasha cursed her lips and then nodded.

"I think we have everything to make cookies," She stood up. "Have you ever baked before?" Sara shook her head. Tasha grabbed an apron from the closet door and put it around Sara's neck. She turned her finger. "Spin. I'm gonna teach you to the best of my ability, but I have to warn you." She tied the back of her apron. "I'm a terrible baker."

"Well we can learn together," Sara smiled. Tasha looked around.

"We're going to need a recipe." She muttered. Sara laughed as she searched the cabinet until she ultimately just pulled one up on her phone. The two of them struggled to make the cookies and ended up burning the first batch, but they made one edible batch before the others came home from the convention.

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