i know the end, supernatural...

By maybankwalker

15.3K 861 1.3K

[ supernatural -- seasons 11-15 ] Second Crossover Series: Someone to You Not Strong Enough I Know the End I... More

cast, act one
001. snappy
002. baby
003. amara's favorite food
004. killer clown
005. marshmallow nachos
006. back to normal
007. uncomfortable dinner
008. valentine's day
009. the vessel
010. dead
011. first date
012. "what's a hooker?"
013. terrible fathers
014. everything and nothing
cast, act two
015. reunions
016. don't wanna die
017. worst day
018. mac and cheese
019. new babysitter
020. terrible mom
021. funeral
022. l.a.
023. the president
024. captivity
025. apologies
026. worst case
027. mary's truth
028. sales pitch
029. destroyed relationships
030. werewolf girls
031. locked doors
032. stupid
033. tight fit
034. breaking points
035. it all comes crashing down
036. escape plan
037. one sister for another
038. new world
cast, act three
040. late night ice cream
041. training
042. therapy
043. sibling trip
044. tombstone
045. captured
046. dreamwalkers
047. the bad place
048. depression
049. love spell
050. reconciling
051. psycho donatello
052. jealousy and disgust
053. undercover
054. drugged
055. scooby-doo
056. demon blood
057. detox
058. recruiting rowena
059. trust
060. death tunnel
061. escape
062. sacrifice
cast, act four
063. shared trauma
064. like father, like daughter
065. halloween
066. djinn
067. soul deals
068. have yourself a merry little christmas
069. snow
070. happy birthday
071. tag team
072. unwanted reunion
073. michael
074. unhealthy coping mechanisms
075. fights and warnings
076. game night
077. terrible hospital staff
078. trick
079. welcome to the end
cast, act five
080. least favorite
081. scary girl and punk boy
082. oreo theft
083. bacon
084. ghost pepper jerky
085. young love
086. terrible breakfast topic
087. hunting alone
088. lost hope
089. monster brawl
090. pool
091. snapped
092. happy hour
093. holiday cheer
094. evil mrs. butters
095. mama bear
096. fighting and disapperances
097. new god
098. moving
099. death
100. sam and larissa
101. natalie and jacob
102. billy and helena
103. daphne and alexandra
104. ophelia and nathan
105. libby and ethan
106. evie and delaney
Thank You

039. panic attacks

148 8 11
By maybankwalker


Jack stands up making Sam, Jacob, and Natalie back up.

"Uh... sorry, dude, I ain't got the anatomy for that." Natalie says.

"No, no, no. No. I'm not your father, Jack. It is Jack, right?" Sam asks.

"Father." Jack says.

"Sam? Sammy?" They hear Dean yell out and he rushes upstairs with Larissa following. Dean draws his gun, shooting at Jack.

"No!" Sam yells.

"Dean!" Natalie shouts.

Jack screams, the sound coming off in waves of light and when it's over, the five are thrown across the room, all unconscious.

"Father?" The teens hear and turn around.

"Oh, my--" Ophelia shuts her eyes, turning her back to the guy. "What the fuck?" She whispers.

"I don't-- I'm confused, too." Nathan frowns as he looks away.

"Yo, TMI, dude." Delaney grimaces, putting her head on the back of Evie's head to prevent her from looking.

"Oh." Daphne immediately turns back around when she sees the guy naked. "Nope. No, def-- definitely not anybody's father." She says, not facing him. "What the fuck?" She whispers to herself. When she looks back again, the guy's gone.

"Aw, shit. Were we supposed to let him leave?" Daphne asks.

"The fuck if I know." Nathan says.

"Probably not." Ophelia says.

When the five hunters come to, Jack is gone.

"Wait, was that--" Dean starts.

"Lucifer's son." Sam says for his brother. Dean gets his gun.

"Daddy!" They hear Athena call and the door open.

"Those kids slept through all of this? Damn." Dean mutters.

"Hey. Hey, baby." Sam greets, opening the door and kneeling in front of her. Natalie and Jacob go past him and check on their kids.

Athena hugs him, Sam hugging her back before pulling away.

"Hey. I have a really cool surprise for you." Sam excitedly whispers.

"What?" Athena asks. Sam makes her turn to the side and her eyes widen when she spots Larissa.

"Hi, baby." Larissa softly smiles. She waits for her daughter to make the first move, not wanting to freak the girl out. Even though all Larissa wants to do is snuggle her for eternity.

"Mommy? But... but mean man and Ellie's park boy hurt you." Athena frowns in confusion. Sam flinches at the mention of his oldest daughter.

"I know, baby. And I am so sorry you had to see that... but Crowley brought me back." Larissa gently explains, kneeling down.

"I thought Crowley bad guy?" Athena's face scrunches in confusion.

"Well... sometimes." Sam says.

"So mommy back?" Athena asks.

"Yes. And she is here to stay." Sam promises. It takes Athena a moment but then she's grinning and races to Larissa, crashing into her.

Larissa lets out a small laugh of relief, hugging her daughter, holding as close to her as she can.

"Oh, I love you so much, baby girl." Larissa tells her.

"I love you, too. I missed you." Athena says.

"I missed you, too." Larissa smiles, kissing the side of Athena's head. "C'mon, we gotta go."

"Go where?" Athena asks.

"Find Jack." Larissa tells her, picking her up and carrying her downstairs.

"Who?" Athena asks.

"The kid with special powers." Larissa says.

"You guys see Jack?" Dean asks the five as he gets outside.

"Naked dude asking for his father?" Daphne asks.

"Yeah." Dean nods.

"Yep." Daphne nods.

"Where is he?" Dean asks.

"I dunno." Nathan shrugs.

"You guys just let him go?" Dean asks.

"Well, we-- we weren't really sure how to approach a dude who was just born who looks like a 20 year old and is completely naked, all right?" Nathan remarks.

Dean rolls his eyes.

"Hey." They turn as the four parents walk out. Larissa is holding Athena, Natalie is holding Briar, and Jacob is holding Justin, the twins still asleep.

"They let him go." Dean says.

"You're the adult, don't go blaming us." Ophelia says.

"You're 19." Dean hisses. "Can he teleport?" Dean asks.

"Huh?" Sam asks.

"The kid. Does he have wings?" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Sam shrugs.


Dean is driving and Sam is in the passenger seat. Daphne is sitting in the back and her elbow is resting on the bottom of the window, her hand tangled in her hair. Her other hand is twisting her rings and her leg is bouncing.

Ophelia is sitting next to her and Nathan is by her. Delaney is by Nathan and Evie is in the front seat between Sam and Dean. Justin, Briar, Larissa, Natalie, Athena, and Jacob are in the other car, following the Impala.

"We still have holy oil, right?" Dean asks.

"For what?" Sam asks.

"Cause we're gonna have to hit him with everything we got." Dean says.

"Hold on a second. Can we just talk about what happened back there?" Sam asks.

"Sure. Which part? Let's see. Crowley's dead, Kelly's dead, Cas is--" Dean pauses. "Mom's gone, Billy's gone, Libby's gone, and apparently, the devil's kid hit puberty in thirty seconds flat. Oh, and almost killed us."

"Yeah, because you tried to shoot him." Sam says.

"I tried to shoot the monster, Sam. It's kind of what we do." Dean says.

"We don't know what we he is yet, Dean. And Nat, Jacob, and I had it under control." Sam says.

"I'm sorry. Are you defending the son of Satan?" Dean questions.

"I'm not defending anything. I'm just saying, look, with everything that's happened, I'm obviously spun out also, but we need a plan." Sam says.

"Yeah, kill him! Okay? That's the plan. Look, right now, all that matters is finding him and ending him before he hurts anybody else. And once we do that we'll figure everything else out."

"What about Cas? Is he-- is he really dead?" Sam asks.

"You know he is." Dean says.


"Well. You really think that Lucifer Jr.'s at Pirate Pete's Jolly Treats?" Dean asks, pulling up to the fast food place. "That he was like, what, "Before I destroy the world, let me just grab a bag of curly fries"?"

"Look, if he would've kept to the main road, he would have walked past it. And I don't know--" Sam says.

"Fine, just make it quick." Dean tells him.

"You're not coming?" Sam asks.

"No. Look, maybe you're right. Maybe the devil's kid is in there just hanging out. Or maybe he's halfway across the country, torching Chicago. I'm gonna call Jody, check in, see if she can't help us put a nationwide APB out on the creepy satanic nudist."

"Good." Sam says.

"Good is not the word I would use." Dean says.

"Daph?" Sam looks back at her, but she just silently shakes her head, keeping her gaze focused on her lap.

"Food." Briar points to the building. "I'm hungry."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay, we'll get some food." Natalie says.

Larissa gets Athena out and holds her, the twins and Jacob getting out.

"Get me, like, chicken strips and fries or something. Oh, and a soda." Nathan tells his girlfriend. "Please."

"Yeah." Ophelia nods, getting out and following the four.

"How you doing?" Nathan asks.

"If Claire was in an alternate universe with Lucifer, how would you be doing?" Daphne questions.

"Point made." Nathan quietly says.

Nathan leans up and scratches Evie's head.

"E?" He gently asks.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She mumbles.

Nathan sighs, kissing the back of her head.

Nathan glances at Daphne before leaning over and kissing her on the head. Daphne glances at him before resting her head on his shoulder. Nathan rests his head on top of hers and gently squeezes her hand.

"Welcome to Pirate Pete's Jolly Treats. Argh! How can I help you?" The kid behind the counter asks.

"They want fries. We all want fries." A woman who is obviously drunk states.

"Shut up!" The kid tells her. "Ignore her. She's drunk off her ass." He tells them.

"Little bit." The woman admits.

"We are gonna wanna order, though." Natalie informs.

"Yeah, I can see that." Larissa mumbles, slightly tightening her grip on Athena as she stares at the drunk woman.

"Right. Uh, okay, we're looking for a guy. Uh, he-- he's about your height. Uh... naked." Sam says.

"You and me both, sister." The woman laughs.

"What did I say?" The kid asks.

"Sorry." The woman says.

"And, yeah, I saw him." The kid informs.

They ordered food, mostly just for the kids while Larissa called the sheriff.

Dean walks back to the car as the drunk woman who was in Pirate Pete's walks over, noticing his busted up hand.

"Whoa. What happened to your hand?" The woman asks.

"Nothin'." Dean dismisses.

"Doesn't look like nothing." The woman says. "You punch a wall or something? I punched a wall once. Well, a poster on a wall, but same diff, right? Freshman year, I had this roommate, Becky. She had this giant poster of Elsa. You know, from Frozen? And I mean, first, who brings something like that to college? A cartoon? Really? Like, "hello homeschool," right?"

"What's wrong with Elsa?" Daphne whispers.

"Ask Athy, I'm sure she'll have a speech prepared." Nathan says.

"You done?" Dean asks.

"Anyway, Becky was -- and I say this in the most feminist, fuck the patriarchy way -- a giant super bitch. She'd take things, and break things, and piss people off, and just do whatever she wanted, no matter who it hurt. It's like the whole world was just Becky to her, you know?"

"Mmm. So you punched her poster."

"And lit most of her stuff on fire." The woman states and Dean gives her a look. "I got issues."

"Hey, s--" Sam stops when he sees the drunk woman. "Dude, what'd you do to your hand?" He asks Dean.

"Don't ask. He's super sensitive." The woman says.

"You got anything?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I-I know where he is." Sam says.

"Good. Great. Let's go." Dean says, the group getting in the cars and leaving.

Sam grabs one of the bags and drinks from Ophelia.

"Here. You should eat." Sam tells Evie. "Even got you a root beer." He waves the drink in front of her face. "Chicken and fries." He opens the bag, wafting it back and forth.

"You're pathetic." Evie mumbles, taking the drink.

"I know it's hard." He quietly says. "But just eat, please. You need something in your system." He kisses her on the head.


They get to the police station and rush in.

"Hey." Dean calls as Jack falls to his knees while clutching his head. Jack's eyes start to glow and he tries to get to his feet. Sam tasers him which knocks him out.

"Nice shot." Dean comments.

They move closer to Jack as the sheriff comes out with her gun aimed at them.

"Don't... what the hell is going on here?" She asks.

~ ~ ~

Sam, Larissa, Evie, Athena, Delaney, Jack, and Daphne are in one cell. Natalie, Jacob, the twins, Ophelia, and Nathan are in another. Jack is unconscious while Dean is getting questioned by the sheriff. The little kids are only in the cells since none of them would leave their parents.

Jack comes to, waking up. He notices the group and quickly moves away, his eyes glowing.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy, easy, easy. It's okay. You're okay. We're not gonna hurt you." Sam assures.

"You already hurt me." Jack says.

"Actually, only he hurt you." Daphne says, pointing to Sam.

"Yes, I did. I-I'm sorry. I was just trying to slow you down. You-- you were, uh... are you all right?" Sam asks.

"I don't... I... I was scared and when I get scared, things happen. I... I can't stop them." Jack says. He sits down, his eyes going to their natural color.

"Why were you scared?" Sam asks.

"Because of the voices. They were so... loud, so... angry." Jack says.

"Do you hear them right now?" Sam asks.

"No." Jack answers after a moment.

"Good. Good." Sam says.

"I'm sorry." Jack says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Will you tell them that I'm sorry?" He asks.

"Yeah. Sure. Of course. Jack... how are you, um... how are we... talking right now? I mean, you're-- you're not even a day old. How do you speak English?"

"My mother taught me."

"So you talked to her?"

"I was her."

"Okay. And, um... your powers. Did she teach you those, too, or..." Sam trails off. Jack stands up and walks to the wall, placing his hand on it.

"No, I... I don't know why these things happen. It's like I'm me, but... not me." Jack says.

"Jack, look, um... before you were born, you-- you opened up a door to another world. Do you remember that?" Sam asks.

"Yes." Jack says.

"Okay, um, could you do that again?" Sam asks.

"I don't... I... I have to find my father. He'll protect me." Jack says.

"Trust me, you do not want that dude protecting you." Ophelia says.

"Jack, you gotta listen to me. That's not really what Lucifer does." Sam says.

"Lucifer? No, that's not his name. My father is Castiel." Jack states.

"What?" Sam asks.

"My mother, she said Castiel, he would keep me safe. She said the world was a dangerous place. That's-- that's why I couldn't be a baby or a child. I... that's why I had to grow up fast. That's why I chose him to be my father. Where is he?"

"He's dead." Sam says.

"It's fine, you don't want him protecting you either." Larissa says.

~ ~ ~

"All right, we're good to go." Dean announces, walking in.

"Really?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, the sheriff -- I gave her the talk. She's gonna need a minute, but she's cool." Dean says. "So... let's grab Damien here and find some place quiet..." Dean clicks his tongue and gives a thumbs up.

"No, no, no, Dean. Jack isn't evil. He-he-- he's just a kid." Sam says.

"Are you... he's Lucifer's son." Dean says.

"I'm your kid, I'm not evil." Ophelia points out.

"Very true. Same philosophy applies to me and Sam." Natalie says.

"We need him." Sam says.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Like--" Sam starts.

"Help!" They hear Clark scream and Dean races out of the room.

"Dean?" Sam calls, hearing loud noises from outside of the room. Glass shatters and metal creaks at the door to the room which is ripped from its hinges.

"Dean?!" Sam yells.

Two angels walk in, their eyes glowing. Jack hunches over in pain, holding his head.

One angel rips the door to the holding cell that Jack's in off, throwing it aside. Sam punches her and the two fight, the angel slamming Sam against the bars. He head butts her and she flings him across the room.

Larissa gives Athena to Evie.

"Keep her." Larissa orders.

"Wha-- okay." Evie frowns, tightly holding her sister. She puts her hand on Athena's head, making her hide her face in her shoulder.

Larissa tackles the female angel, the two crashing onto the floor. They wrestle around, hitting each other. The angel flings Larissa across the room.

Conrad kicks Sam as he tries to stand, punching him so he falls back to the ground, kicking him some more. The female angel goes for Jack.

Daphne charges at her. The angel bangs Daphne's head against the cell. Daphne grunts in pain and then the angel throws her across the cell, Daphne crashing to the floor.

Daphne gets up after a few moments and attacks the female angel. Daphne manages to wrestle her to the floor and sits on top of her. Daphne grabs the angel's blade and reels her hand back and stabs the angel with the blade. The angel's eyes and mouth glow as she dies.

Daphne pulls the blade out only to stab the angel again. She repeatedly stabs the angel, despite her already being dead.

"Should-- should we be concerned?" Nathan quietly asks, Jacob and Natalie both covering their kids' eyes.

"Probably." Natalie nods.

"I mean, she-- she is going through a lot and... I did the same thing with Ketch except it was bullets." Ophelia says. "But, yeah, maybe, cause I'm not the most stable person anyway, so..."

Conrad grabs Daphne and yanks her away from the female angel, throwing her to the floor. Conrad raises the angel blade to stab Daphne.

"Hey!" Sam yells. They turn to see Sam next to a banishing sigil he drew. He slaps his hand on it, Conrad disappearing. Gold lines appear on Jack's neck until he collapses onto the floor.

"Jack!" Sam yells.

Miriam confronts Sam who stands between her and Jack.

"Don't." Sam warns. Daphne groans, propping herself up on her elbows.

"Or what, other one?" Miriam asks.

"Guess." Dean says, walking in.

"Stay away from the kid." Sam orders.

"You're right. But if we can't have him--" Miriam stabs Jack through the bars, "no one can."

Jack drops to his knees, looking down at the blade in his chest. Sam stabs Miriam, killing her. They watch as Jack pulls the angel blade out of his chest.

"Jack. Jack." Sam calls. They watch as nothing happens to Jack.

"I... I'm fine." Jack says.


They're all outside of the station and an ambulance is loading up Clark and his mom is with him. Jack, Athena, Briar, and Justin are sitting on a bench with the five teenagers standing by them. Nathan and Ophelia are handing out candy. Sam, Natalie, Jacob, Larissa, and Dean are by the Impala.

"How's the kid?" Dean asks.

"He's gonna be all right. I mean, angel radio sets his brain on fire, but other than that..." Sam says.

"So apparently, he can take an angel blade to the heart and keep on tickin'." Dean says.

"Yeah. I guess." Sam says. "Listen, I-I think we should take him back to the bunker with us. I know what you're gonna say--"

"I agree." Dean says, cutting his brother off. The younger four share looks.

"W-what?" Sam asks.

"I agree." Dean repeats.

"Really?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah." Dean nods.

"So you... changed your mind?" Sam asks.

"No. No, nothin's changed. He's still the devil's kid. He's still evil. He still brainwashed Kelly and Cas. And even if he hasn't gone big bad yet, he will." Dean says.

"And there it is." Larissa mumbles.

"You don't know that." Sam argues.

"Yeah, I do." Dean says. "Cause when have things ever gone right for us? So until I figure out a way to end him, we'll bring him home. At least there, the only people he can hurt are us. We'll keep him away from the people under 18." Dean looks down.


They get back to the cabin and get out.

"Hey... hey, you, uh, you sure about this, Dean? I mean, it's-- it's Cas, you know? Maybe we can bring him back, like you said." Sam suggests.

"No, we can't." Dean argues.

"Chuck did-- uh, God did. Remember that? So maybe, um, I don't know, maybe if we prayed to him or-or--"

"You don't think I've tried that?" Dean asks. "God's not listening. He doesn't give a damn."

~ ~ ~

They're standing in front of the pyre they built and have Cas and Kelly's bodies on it.

"You wanna say anything?" Sam asks Jack.

"I... what do you say?" Jack asks.

"Right. Thank you. You say thank you. And you say you're sorry. You hope they're somewhere without, uh, sadness or pain. You hope they're somewhere better. You say goodbye." Sam explains.

Dean gets his lighter out, standing beside his family.

"Well, goodbye, Cas. Goodbye, Kelly. Goodbye, Crowley. Goodbye, mom. Goodbye, Billy. Goodbye, Libby." Dean says.

"Dean, we don't know if Libby, mom, and Billy--"

"Yeah, we do." Dean cuts his brother off. "We do, Sam. Lucifer killed them the moment he realized we trapped his ass. He killed them. You know he did. They're gone. They're all gone."

His words make Evie lose her breath, the girl's chest tightening, her hands starting to shake.

"Dean." Natalie hisses, giving him an incredulous look.

Dean ignores her as he flicks the lighter and tosses it at the pyre, them all watching it go up in flames.

Daphne feels her eyes sting with tears, feeling her throat close up. She quickly walks away, running her hands over her face and through her hair.

Sam stares at the fire, ignoring the sting of his eyes as tears well up. Larissa touches his arm, but that seems to be the final straw for Sam and he walks off.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Natalie smacks Dean over the head.

"They're gone, Nat. We know they're gone." Dean says.

"Yeah, well, whether they are or aren't dead, there's something called human decency and another thing called empathy. Or you could at least try to be sympathetic."

"Would you just accept that they're gone? Libby's included in the group of dead people." Dean says.

Evie stumbles before walking away, her breathing quickening.

"Fuck off, Dean." Larissa sneers, picking Athena up and walking away.

"You're a dick." Ophelia tells him.

"Why hasn't anybody shot this dude yet?" Delaney questions before rushing after Evie.

Dean rolls his eyes, focusing back on the pyre.

"E?" Delaney catches up to her. "E, E. Hey."

"I can't-- I can't breathe." Evie gasps.

"I know. I know. It-- you're having a panic attack. Totally understandable." Delaney says. "Honestly, I'm a little shocked this is the first one I've seen cause your life really sucks."

"Not helping." Evie frowns.

"Sorry." Delaney says. "Okay, just-- just breathe with me. We'll work through it."

"I don't-- I can't breathe." Evie cries, pressing on her chest.

"Okay. Okay, um..." Delaney tries to think of something before an idea comes to her. "If you wanna smack me for lack of consent once you're able to, have at it."

Evie stares at her, confused, before Delaney grabs her cheeks and kisses her. Evie lets out a quiet noise of shock, but starts to kiss back after a few seconds.

Delaney pulls away after a few moments, watching Evie, making sure her breathing is back to normal. She's only a little out of breath due to the kiss, but no longer panicking.

"Holding your breath helps. And you hold your breath when you're kissing, so..." Delaney shrugs. "But-- but I didn't exactly ask you or anything so-- and consent is super important, so if you wanna hit me, go for it."

Evie stares at her, still processing the last few moments. She raises her hand, lightly patting Delaney on the head twice.

"That--" Delaney's eyebrows furrow. "Wouldn't call that a hit, but if that's what makes you feel better... cool."


After realizing Lucifer was too focused on the closed rift, Billy, Libby, and Mary managed to run off. They continue running, stopping when Lucifer appears in front of them.

"Hey." Lucifer greets. He backhands Mary and then Billy and then Libby, the three flying a few feet away and crashing to the ground. Billy coughs, spitting some of the dirt out of his mouth.

"So you three thought you could run away from me?" Lucifer asks. "Really? Really? You do know I can fly, right? Come on, Libs, you know this. Thought you were smarter." Libby glares at him.

"So what now? You kill us?" Mary asks.

"Sure." Lucifer flings Mary and just before she's impaled by a pointy piece of metal, Lucifer uses his powers to hold her up.

"Or maybe not. Maybe... maybe I need you. Maybe even all of you." Lucifer says.

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