The Babysitter

By noni185

248K 10.9K 1.1K

After being unemployed for almost six months, Mon finally was hired, as a babysitter. However this wasn't an... More

Meet the Characters
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 47
Part 48
Final Part!
Special Chapter

Part 46

3.2K 173 21
By noni185

Enjoy your reading...

Sam's POV

I was awoken by a little high-pitched squeal. Right when I opened my eyes, between my wife and I, was our newest form of happiness; little Joy, what we like to call him.

It's true that ever since he arrived our home has been more than joyful - For the past four weeks we've had encounters enormous moments of happiness; even changing his dirty and stinky diaper brings us happiness. He's just the cutest thing ever!

His big sister has also found a new source of happiness through him. As soon as Sarai met with Joy for the first time we could tell she fell deeply in love with his little brother. She wanted to hold him and kiss him all the time, and couldn't stop contemplating how adorable he was! She also said she couldn't wait to brag all around the school that her mommies make the cutest babies ever (including herself, of course)!

We were so happy to see that our girl was loving the new big sister role!

Back to our little Joy; he's the calmest baby EVER! He's so calm that me and Mon worries something might happen to him and we might not notice. Mon even called Doctor Heng to see if it was normal; he only said we were lucky and we should be thankful because normally newborns cry a lot.

Not our Joy!

He sleeps all day and only eats because we wake him up to do so! We have been so on top of his schedule as well that we haven't missed a dirty
diaper. He sleeps like an Angel, and Mon decided that it was best for him to sleep in our room to be sure if he cries or something happens we won't miss it - So, we brought his bassinet into our room but he usually wakes up between us. It's a bad habit that both me and Mon have picked up and we were advised by our friends and doctors to let him sleep on his bassinet.

He's too little and precious, it's not our fault we can't be away from him for two minutes.

For example, he's right next to me but I miss him already... I just don't know how to explain it.

It's the same way I used to feel when I first met Sarai at the orphanage, the only thing is that I would actually have to leave her behind every time. It took a while to understand that I had taken the motherhood role and the love I had for her was beyond friendship or pity!

Now, with this new baby at home and experiencing the whole pregnancy and motherhood at a new level has made me happier than I have ever been in my entire life!

Watching my wife care for our son so gently and with so much care and love makes this ten times worth it - I've always admired how she cared for our daughter and other children but I can't stop to admire every time she is on a rocking chair feeding him or when she's simply changing his diaper. Mon does everything with so much love that I sometimes forget that we are actually sleep-deprived and that we haven't had a full bath time without interruption since he arrived!

Not because he cries or anything but because we are so self-conscious with him and Sarai at home that we've totally forgotten how to act without them for a few seconds.

Mon has been very supportive, extremely supportive actually! She lets me sleep during the day, for the most part, while she takes care of both Sarai and Joy. It's been helpful because I don't feel that postpartum burden, instead, I feel loved and taken care of! Even my doctor noticed it and he was very happy that childbirth didn't leave a big negative impact on our lives. We are enjoying it. Every second of it!

I feel so grateful!

Honestly, if this is a dream I don't want to ever wake up. I want to stay just like this, with my little family. They bring the best out of me. No, they made the best of me and I can't begin to picture my life before them - I mean, I don't want to actually!

I looked over at my wife who was still soundly asleep and I smiled - she was beautiful even in her sleep and I feel so lucky that she landed right here next to me! She's the biggest reason why there are so many happy moments in my life!

I heard the little cute squeal again, I looked at my baby boy who now had his thumb in his mouth - He does that every time he is hungry - I smiled brightly at his cuteness. His eyes were now fully open and he was facing Mon; he probably felt very lucky and happy to wake up next to a beautiful lady like my wife/his mommy!

I sat on the bed and grabbed him carefully. Now he was facing me. I smiled and he looked at me very intensely.

Sam: Hi there little Joy, Mama will feed you in just a second. Let me check your diapers first!

I whispered as I talked to him, I didn't want to wake up Mon. She deserves to rest!

I laid him on my lap and opened his cute onesie that said "Take me to my aunt, you peasant"

And I know that was Yuki's work! I didn't even have to ask - and she probably put it on him since they came over yesterday to spend the day, yesterday!

I chuckled and checked his diaper - it was dry. I'm assuming Mon changed him not too long ago.

You see, she's so careful that I don't even notice when she wakes up during the night to take care of our son. Mostly, because she doesn't want to wake me up!

Sam: Your mommy is so perfect!

He made a little sound and I smiled...

Sam: you agree with me don't you, little guy? We are very lucky. But now let me feed you!

I took my breast out before changing his position. Then I carefully brought his mouth closer so he could find my nipples - he latched like a hungry little kitten.

I love this moment with him! I started caressing his head - he had the most soft and full head of hair!

Sam: You're so perfect!

He was looking at me so intensely- he does that a lot when I'm feeding or talking with him. I feel
Like he actually understands.

I hope he's a smart and Sarai... Though I don't think no one can ever compare to that little lady. She's a genius, even her teacher says so!

But because Joy also has Mon's genes I don't doubt that he will be as perfect as Sarai - I mean he already is perfect!

You see, this is why I only wanted Mini Mon's around this house - her genes are perfect!

So perfect that I think Joy is going to be looking exactly like Sarai; which is crazy because they both have two different sperm donors.

(A/N: Notice how she didn't say "father" - because Sarai's "father" should not be really considered one, after everything he did!)

Sam: You are eating so well?

I caressed his cheeks and he smirked, melting my heart completely!!!

Sam: You are a charmer, aren't you?

I stopped feeding him after I saw that he was full and then immediately helped him burp.

When he was done I laid him down, between Mon and I! It didn't seem like he was going to sleep now. He was just looking at the ceiling!

Sam: Happy one month little sunshine!

When I said that Mon opened her eyes - Dam! I thought I was being quiet!

Her eyes were on Joy and she automatically smiled!

Mon: Good Morning, sunshine!

Sam: Was that meant for me or Joy?

I pouted and she looked at me smiling!

Mon: It was for both of you, sunshine! It's always a great morning when I wake up next to you!

She leaned forward and gave me a peek on the lips; making me blush and smile brighter!

Mon: Now it's time to pamper this little handsome guy.

She used a cute voice and carefully lifted Joy up to her arms and kissed his head!

Mon: You smell so good, it's a mixture of milk with powdered all together. How is that possible?

I chuckled seeing them interacting with each other - well Joy was just looking at his mommy!

Mon: You are the most precious little boy I have ever laid my eyes on. Actually, you're the only boy we will ever love this much! We do love Liam but that's different. You are our son, the most special Son!

I had a big smile the whole time she was using the baby voice to talk with him. Moments like this will forever live inside my head!

We were only missing our Sarai - she was away with Noi, celebrating the girl's birthday!

Noi decided to have a slumber party and invited a few of her friends - Kade was texting the group chat that the kids were driving her crazy last night, so I'm assuming they were having a blast!

We will go pick her up later in the afternoon- She demanded we go pick her up with Joy so she could show him off to her friends for the first time. Obviously, we will do as she says!

So this morning I am just enjoying the company of my beautiful wife and Sonshine!


We enjoyed breakfast together between kisses and Joy just watched us - he was wide awake today which is usually not his thing. He sleeps all day, every day!

But I guess since we are celebrating his first milestone today we will see some changes.

Ms. Mai is making a cake for later so we can celebrate with our friends who will be coming over. It's a big deal to have everyone here as we celebrate Joy!

They've been a big part of our lives and we can't picture doing anything without them now.

Mon: Babe, I'm making an appointment with the hairdresser tomorrow, do you want to join me?

She asked as she fed me a grape...

Sam: I don't think so, babe. She did my hair last weekend. Did you forget?

She smiles, shyly.

Mon: I sure did, so I will just make one for myself. I'm thinking of doing something different!

I looked at her... What does she mean differently?

Sam: Why? Your hair is beautiful as it is babe!

Mon: nothing big honey, it's been a while. And I was thinking since today marks one month since you gave birth, I was hoping we could go on a date, maybe tomorrow?

I smirked and she playfully rolled her eyes!

Mon: Stop, with your dirty mind. I was not thinking that!

I chuckled!

Sam: but I didn't even say anything, babe!

Mon: but I know you!!

She pointed at me and then ate some grapes... avoiding my eye contact.

Sam: but just so you know, I feel great. A date, just me and you sounds great.

I grabbed one strawberry - eating it slowly- and looked at her smirking. Her face was now red and I was telling myself to not laugh.

I find it so cute that I still make him shy at moments...

Mon: well...

She cleared her throat and I had to try my best not to laugh...

Mon: it's a date then, who should we call to watch the kids?

Sam: Oh, that will be easy. Pass me my phone please, babe.

She passed me my phone and I began typing on the group chat!

SAM: Hi there aunties, my Mama is officially feeling amazing and she wants to take my mommy away from me and my big sister tomorrow night! She said we are not allowed to see what they are going to do; So does anyone volunteer and watch me (the cutest baby alive) and my adorable and smart big sister tomorrow night? Free hugs and snuggles from me! What do you say?

Ah, here's a cute picture of me to remind you all how adorable and precious I am!

I pressed sent and Mon got a notification since she was on the group chat as well!

Mon: SAM!!!!!

She looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders and ate my fruits.

I had to do it!

In less than seconds we heard text notifications coming in one after another...

from Jim: I VOLUNTEER!!!

from Kade: Me, me!! I want him!

From Yuki: Please pick me, I need to practice for my future child. Mon, remembered when I covered for your ass after skipping school in seventh grade to make up with that nerd guy from our childhood??

I looked at Mon who was also reading the text but locked eyes with me when she realized what I had read as well...

Sam: You we're skipping class to kiss, Mon?

Mon: He told me he would teach me how to kiss, he wasn't even good if that makes you feel better. He didn't even know how to kis... You know I am going to kill Yuki!

She began texting...I think Yuki is out! I looked the the messages flowing on the group chat!

from Jim: Yuki, you can't use the past. That's not fear!

from Mon: Yuki, you're out. We will decide between Jim and Kade!!

from: What about me?

from Jim: Your girlfriend is out that automatically disqualifies you, Tee!!

See, I told Mon we would have no problem finding a babysitter!!!

We got the best one!!!

to be continued...


Merry Christmas to you all my dear readers, hahhaha! I'm home due to a snowstorm so I had some extra time to write another chapter for you all!

Hope you all enjoyed it!

Kisses, kisses! 🥰

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