i know the end, supernatural...

By maybankwalker

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[ supernatural -- seasons 11-15 ] Second Crossover Series: Someone to You Not Strong Enough I Know the End I... More

cast, act one
001. snappy
002. baby
003. amara's favorite food
004. killer clown
005. marshmallow nachos
006. back to normal
007. uncomfortable dinner
008. valentine's day
009. the vessel
010. dead
011. first date
012. "what's a hooker?"
013. terrible fathers
014. everything and nothing
cast, act two
015. reunions
016. don't wanna die
017. worst day
018. mac and cheese
019. new babysitter
020. terrible mom
021. funeral
022. l.a.
023. the president
025. apologies
026. worst case
027. mary's truth
028. sales pitch
029. destroyed relationships
030. werewolf girls
031. locked doors
032. stupid
033. tight fit
034. breaking points
035. it all comes crashing down
036. escape plan
037. one sister for another
038. new world
cast, act three
039. panic attacks
040. late night ice cream
041. training
042. therapy
043. sibling trip
044. tombstone
045. captured
046. dreamwalkers
047. the bad place
048. depression
049. love spell
050. reconciling
051. psycho donatello
052. jealousy and disgust
053. undercover
054. drugged
055. scooby-doo
056. demon blood
057. detox
058. recruiting rowena
059. trust
060. death tunnel
061. escape
062. sacrifice
cast, act four
063. shared trauma
064. like father, like daughter
065. halloween
066. djinn
067. soul deals
068. have yourself a merry little christmas
069. snow
070. happy birthday
071. tag team
072. unwanted reunion
073. michael
074. unhealthy coping mechanisms
075. fights and warnings
076. game night
077. terrible hospital staff
078. trick
079. welcome to the end
cast, act five
080. least favorite
081. scary girl and punk boy
082. oreo theft
083. bacon
084. ghost pepper jerky
085. young love
086. terrible breakfast topic
087. hunting alone
088. lost hope
089. monster brawl
090. pool
091. snapped
092. happy hour
093. holiday cheer
094. evil mrs. butters
095. mama bear
096. fighting and disapperances
097. new god
098. moving
099. death
100. sam and larissa
101. natalie and jacob
102. billy and helena
103. daphne and alexandra
104. ophelia and nathan
105. libby and ethan
106. evie and delaney
Thank You

024. captivity

130 9 14
By maybankwalker

The five hunters -- all in gray jumpsuits -- are led down a flight of stairs and down a concrete hallway. They each stop in front of individual prison cells that are next to each other. Larissa looks over at Sam before she's shoved into the cell. Natalie and Jacob stare at each other until the last possible second.

Natalie is sitting on the edge of the cot, staring at the wall. She only glances over as the door opens, but looks away before the guy walks in.

"Hi, Natalie. How you doing? Can I, uh, get you some coffee? Water? Or you hungry?" He digs through his pockets. "I got a chocolate bar here somewhere. Don't tell my wife. So... you've had a day. Wanna tell me about it?"

Natalie doesn't say anything, continuing to stare at the wall.

"Like, for example, why you went after the leader of the free world? Well, let me guess. You don't like cops. Hell, I get it. We can be real jackasses. But you're gonna talk to me, sweetheart. You just are. Now that's not a threat. I don't believe in torture. Doesn't work. Oh, I've seen folks waterboarded, cut on. And they talk. Ooh, they do."

"But they never tell you what they need. You know what does work, though? Every time? Nothing. See, when I leave, that door closes, and it stays closed, and you stay in the dark. Now, maybe that doesn't sound so bad."

Natalie ignores how she can already feel herself start to sweat as she pushes her panic attack down, knowing she's basically reliving her childhood.

"But after a month? A year? You spend enough time staring at these walls, just you and all that nothing, you'll get so crazy to talk, to see someone real, you'll tell me exactly what I need. You'll tell me with a smile. It'll just take some time. Of course, the thing is, after what you did, no one's in a hurry to get you that phone call. So you and me, we got all the time in the world."

Natalie flinches as the door slams shut. She takes a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut as she tries to control herself.

~ ~ ~

Jacob keeps his jaw clenched while the guy talks to him, only relaxing a bit when the door shuts after he leaves. Jacob groans, leaning against the wall, running his hands through his hair.

~ ~ ~

Larissa flinches as the door slams shut, tears pricking her eyes. She looks around the small space, knowing her mental health may not let her survive this.


"You left them?" Mary asks.

"No, I... Dean told me to go." Cas says. "The woman--"

"The one you lost?" Mary cuts him off.

"I didn't. I... I thought that she--"

"Stop making excuses. Why... if they needed my help, why didn't they call me?" Mary asks.

"Cause you're never fucking here." Libby says. "You ditch them, ignore them for days at a time. So, no, they didn't fucking call mommy."

"How did we let this happen?" Mary sighs.

"We didn't do shit." Billy says, motioning between him and the teenagers.


It's been about two weeks since the five have been gone. Athena and the twins keep asking where their respective parents went, the older kids running out of lies to tell them.

Each person has been dealing with it differently. Nathan does his best to comfort Ophelia, practically showering her in hugs and cuddles -- more so than usual. Billy ignores his own worries and just tries to keep the younger ones distracted, including Daphne who mostly freaks out when she's trying to go to sleep and alone with her mind and she goes to sleep in Billy's room.

Libby's practically locked herself up in her room, rarely talking to any of her family, even Evie.

Evie spends most of her time in her room, only managing to fret over Athena sometimes. Billy took on most of the responsibility for the little three, knowing their older siblings aren't in the best states.


"I want mommy to read me a bedtime story." Briar whines.

"I know. I know, kiddo, but-- but your mommy and daddy still aren't back from that hunting trip yet." Billy says.

"When are they gonna be home?" Briar pouts.

"I don't know." Billy admits. "I don't know. But I know that they're thinking about you guys every day. Trust me."

"Look, we'll see them soon, okay? But until then... we just gotta try to see the bright side of things, right? You still have all me and the other teens, Athena. We let you get away with a lot more shit."

"Yeah, except climbing the railings." Briar grumbles.

"Because we like your head nice and put together, sweetie." Billy says. "Now, I'm gonna read this story and you two are gonna go to sleep cause I'm tired, too."


The kids are taking up two tables in the restaurant/bar, Mary and Cas sitting at the bar. Libby, Evie, Athena, Nathan, and Ophelia are at one table while Billy, Daphne, Justin, and Briar are at another one.

They got food, Libby just staring at the chicken tenders and fries in disgust.

"Libs, you gotta eat." Nathan says. "Dude, you're gonna kill yourself if you don't eat."

"The human body can actually go a long time without food as long as she just drinks water." Ophelia says.

"Not helping." Nathan whispers. Ophelia shrugs. Nathan sighs, turning back to Libby. "Come on, Libs. Don't make me do that whole airplane thing."

"Not hungry." Libby gets up, going to the bathroom.

"She's getting bad. I mean, she-- she looks like a skeleton, right? It's not just me?" Nathan asks.

"I guess." Ophelia shrugs, not really paying attention.

"Okay, Lia, I-- I know you're also struggling, we all are. And I'm not trying to sound like a bad boyfriend or a dick or anything, but-- but have you seen Libby? I mean, she stays locked up in her room for weeks, doesn't spend any time with us, and now she looks like that."

Evie picks at her food as she listens to him, glancing over at her sister's full plate.

"What does it matter? So she's dealing with her dad and Rissa being who knows where. We all are." Ophelia says.

"So she's been different since the whole kidnapped and tortured by psycho Brit chick thing." Nathan says. "I've held her before. She's lighter. I could feel her ribs way too well."

Ophelia sighs, looking over at the bathrooms, seeing Libby walk out. Her eyebrows furrow when Libby stumbles, holding onto the wall for support. Ophelia quickly gets up and goes over to her cousin, Nathan close behind her.

"Libs?" Ophelia calls, Libby quickly standing up straight.

"Hey. Wh-- what's up?" Libby asks.

"You okay?" Ophelia asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I-- I'm cool." Libby nods. "I'm fine. Just-- just dehydrated. Tired. Didn't get much sleep last night."

"Elizabeth, I can feel you lying." Ophelia says.

"Ophelia, I'm fine." Libby states.

"No, you're not. I can literally tell you're lying."

"Okay, well, you've been avoiding those powers the past few months, don't bother starting now." Libby snaps before storming out of the bar.


Athena blows the number 4 candle out on her cupcake.

"All right." Billy ruffles the girl's hair. He takes the candle out, giving Athena the cupcake, the girl immediately biting into it, icing coating her nose and around her mouth.

"What'd you wish for?" Nathan asks.

"Mommy and daddy." Athena says making all of the others falter for a few moments.

Billy quickly recovers.

"I'm sure you'll get your wish granted." Billy says. "Have as many cupcakes as you want."

"Cool." She grins.

They all eat some cupcakes, Libby trying her best to finish one.

After dessert, they give Athena her presents. Libby technically didn't get her anything, Evie getting two things and putting her sister's name on one.

"Now, it's your turns." Daphne turns to the twins.

"We're good, thanks." Libby says.

"Yeah." Evie agrees.

"Oh, come on. You'll be 16." Daphne says. "That's special."

"Super special when your parents are absent." Evie mumbles, grabbing another cupcake.

"I'm gonna go hang out in my room." Libby says, leaving.

Daphne sighs, sadly watching the girl leave.


Libby is asleep, her head on the table of the booth she's sitting in at the diner. She jolts awake when she feels a hand on her shoulder.

"You alright?" Harry asks.

"What? Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm-- I'm cool." Libby says, fixing her hair. Harry sits across from her.

"You sure?" Harry asks.

"Mm-hmm." Libby nods.

"So then why'd you call me?" Harry asks.

"I just... I never know why I call you, okay?" Libby tells him. "I just... fuck it. My family is going through an extremely rough time and I just needed to be somewhere that I don't have to pretend to be somewhat happy and I have to go home and celebrate my stupid fucking birthday and I don't want to. So you're the distraction."

"It's your birthday?" Harry asks. Libby nods, rolling her eyes.

"Well, mine and Evie's." She adds.

"Well, you-- you want some pie or something?" Harry asks. "They-- they have raspberry, apple, pecan, bl--"

"No, I don't want any fucking pie. I already have to go home and force down a piece of pizza and a piece of cake down my throat. I don't need to add something else to throw up later." Libby snaps.

"So you aren't eating." Harry says. Libby sighs. "You know, you should eat. You look half dead."

"I did not call you here for you to order me around." Libby says.

"Why are you wearing three jackets?" Harry frowns.

"I'm cold." Libby reasons.

"You're inside. The heater's on." Harry says.

"Yeah, and outside, it's January in Kansas. It can get cold." Libby remarks.

"Okay. Well... what would you like to talk about?" Harry asks.

"I don't know. All I know is that I can't talk to my family because they're all struggling and... and they have little kids to take care of and everything. Only Nathan has really seemed to notice my lack of eating. Or at least he's the only one who has said something. Though, Evie does watch me eat and always pushes some food towards me which I think is her silent way of somehow being there. And, I mean, if freaking Lucifer can point it out, then that makes my supposedly nerdy, really smart, full ride to Stanford father pretty fucking stupid."

"Well, maybe that's why I notice it. They see you every day. Sometimes when you're around something -- or someone -- all the time, you don't always realize how bad they're getting. But if you rarely see them... it's pretty noticeable. Like kids. If you're around them every day, they just grow a little bit, day by day. You don't really notice it all the time. You don't think about it. But if you see a kid at age 3 and then don't see them until age 5, you're pretty shocked by the differences. The differences are the first thing you notice. They're taller, their vocabulary is better, they might know how to ride a bike and swim by that time. Maybe it's like that."

"But then again, maybe they are just caught up too much in their own lives and don't notice you." Harry adds, sympathetically smiling.

"Can we just change the subject?" Libby asks.

"Sure." Harry nods.


Natalie's days consisted of eating, sleeping, preventing panic attacks, having panic attacks, trying to work out, even attempting mediation.

Jacob worked out to try to get through the days, doing either that or sleeping.

Larissa was restless at first, but the longer time went on, the more depressed she got and the more she just stayed in bed. She barely even moves.

After a meeting with Billie, the five are reported dead and get transported to the morgue.

Natalie gasps and coughs as she wakes up, quickly sitting up. She looks around, noticing her brothers and husband already back, Jacob by her side.

"Hey." He greets. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Ask in a few months." Natalie mumbles.

"You know what I mean." Jacob quietly says. Natalie glances at him before understanding. She harshly swallows, looking down as her hands start to shake. Jacob pulls her into a tight hug, kissing her on the head.

Sam goes over to where Larissa is as the woman wakes up. She doesn't sit up once she sees Sam.

"Hey. Hey, hey." He softly greets, combing his fingers through her knotted hair. He leans down, kissing her cheek before resting his forehead against hers. "It worked. We're out."

Larissa only hums.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks. Larissa shakes her head, tears welling in her eyes. Sam's heart cracks and he kisses her on the forehead. "We'll be all right."

They hear a door slam in the distance. They quickly hide and the door to the morgue soon opens. Dean jumps him and shushes him.

"H-how?" Dr. Winters stammers.

"Where are we?" Sam asks.

"I-I don't know." Winters says.

"Answer him." Dean orders, going through the pockets and stealing his phone.

"Seriously, they blindfold me every day before they bring me to work." Winters says. "I... this place. It's not supposed to exist.

~ ~ ~

They sneak out of a door.

"Clear." Sam says, the three trying to sneak away. Dean tries to call Cas or one of the kids, none of them picking up their phones.

"Damn it." Dean mumbles, getting Cas' voicemail again.

"Hey, should we take it?" Sam asks, pointing to the van.

"No, it's probably got a lojack." Dean says.

"Okay. Come on. Let's try to find a map or something." Sam says, him and Jacob rummaging through the vehicle.

Natalie stays by Larissa, rubbing her sister-in-law's back and working some tangles out of her hair.

"Got it." Jacob grabs a paper map, unfolding it.

"Got a map." Sam tells Dean.

"Cas." Dean says when he picks up. "Hey, buddy. Long time. You wouldn't believe me, and I have no clue. Uh..."

"Got something." Sam says. He looks between the map and the surrounding areas. "All right, looks like that's Elk Mountain, which makes that Long's Peak." Sam points to the mountains.

"Okay, looks like we're in Colorado." Dean tells Cas.

"In Rocky Mountain National Park. Uh, if we head north we should hit State Route 34... eventually." Sam says.

"Did you get that?" Dean asks Cas. "All right, meet us there." He tells him. "Just drive along the road and you'll see us. And, Cas... we're kinda on the clock here."

"You didn't tell him?" Sam asks after Dean hangs up.


"They'll track the phone."

"Right." Dean tosses the phone into the van and the five run off.


"All right, so we got. what? An hour 'til dark? Which puts us at six hours 'til midnight?" Sam asks.

"That sounds about right." Dean says.

"Dean, we gotta talk about this." Sam says.

"Okay, we will. All right? Later." Dean says.

The twins share a look, but just follow their older brother.


They're parked on the side of the road in the woods and are with Mick, Harry, and Ketch. Libby had internally panicked when she spotted the boy get out of the car, but was able to mask any emotion.

Daphne is the only one who stayed back with the kids after losing in rock, paper, scissors.

"This is your idea? The people that almost killed my family?" Mary asks.

"Who actually killed some of your family." Evie points out.

"They're gonna be our backup? Suddenly the demon and his mommy don't look so bad." Mary says.

"They helped us with Lucifer." Cas says.

"Lucifer? The Lucifer?" Mary asks.

"Yes." Cas nods.

"Wait, so you're telling me what happened in Indianapolis was you took on the bleedin' devil himself?" Mick asks.

"Yes." Cas says.

"Did you win?" Ketch asks.

"Yes." Cas answers.

"Bravo." Ketch says.

"But... Sam, Natalie, Jacob, Larissa, and Dean were taken. We think we can get them back, but we need... help." Mary says.

"So we'll help." Mick says.

"Really? Just like that?" Mary asks.

"Mrs. Winchester-- Mary... I came to this country to do one thing -- make friends. But you American hunters, you're... you're a different breed than our sort. You're surly. Suspicious. You don't play well with others."

"Well, that is accurate." Cas says.

"I wasn't aware we were supposed to play well with people who tortured us, waterboarded us, killed an unborn baby. Those are not friends." Libby sneers.

"Let's not forget, I'm on their kill list. I'm definitely allowed to not want them here." Ophelia states.

"You don't trust people you don't know, even when they come bearing gifts." Mick says.

"Yeah, cause stranger danger, dumbass." Nathan says.

"I can't help that, but I can help you. And if word were to get out that we did our part to save the Winchesters, well, that's just good business, innit? And who knows? When all this is over, we might even be friends. Water under the bridge."

"Definitely not friends." Billy shakes his head.

"Water's staying above the bridge." Nathan promises.

Libby glances between everybody, staying silent as her mind reels.

"We think they were being held somewhere in the Rocky Mountain National Forest." Mary says.

"Site 94? It's a government facility, off books. Shadow ops. One of those places that officially doesn't exist." Ketch says.

"Then how do you know about it?" Mary asks.

"We gather information. It's our job." Ketch says.

"They told us to meet them off State Route 34." Cas says.

"Well, that's a long stretch of road. Where, exactly?" Ketch asks.

"I'm not sure." Cas says.

"I'll get our techs to put a satellite over the area." Mick says.

"You can do that?" Mary asks.

"And so much more." Mick says.


The five are hiding behind large trees as soldiers get closer.

"They're on us." Sam quietly says.

"Yeah. Damn it." Dean hisses.

They take off running and stop behind another large tree. A soldier gets closer, but stops walking when somebody talks over the radio.

While the soldier listens to the radio, the three siblings attack him, wrestling away his gun and radio, and Sam keeps him in a chokehold until he's unconscious.

Dean picks up the radio.

"Norton has gone night night." Dean says.


"This the man in charge?"

"That's right."

"Well, let me tell you how this is gonna go. You're gonna call your boys, and you're gonna turn around, and nobody's gonna get hurt."

"No, no. This is how it's gonna go. I take my highly trained soldiers, track your ass down, and you get hurt. A lot. You can't run forever. You're trapped out here."

"Well, what we have here is a failure to communicate. Cause we're not trapped out here with you. You're trapped out here with us."


The five come across an abandoned cabin.

"That'll work." Dean says.

They go up to the cabin and go inside.

After setting up booby traps, the five get ready. Sam walks past the lamp so his shadow is seen through the window.

A soldier walks through the front door and shines his light around. Natalie waits until he's standing over her. She cocks the gun making the soldier look down at the floor. Natalie shoots him in the foot and he falls to the floor while screaming.

They open the trap door, a different soldier firing multiple bullets at it while the couples stay hidden. When the soldier is done firing, he walks closer to see if he hit them.

Sam leaps up and overpowers him, knocking him out. Natalie grabs the first aid kit, giving it to the guy she shot in the foot.

"You'll live." She assures. She grabs the rifle and the four leave. They get up to where Camp is aiming his gun at Dean while Rick is stuck in the bear trap.

As Camp goes to shoot Dean, Sam cocks the rifle, aiming it at his head.

"Don't." He warns. "Give me the gun."

Sam takes Camp's gun.

"You want the truth?" Sam asks. "The president was possessed by the devil. We saved his life. That's the truth."

"Now you can take that and do what you want with it. But if you come after us, you know what'll happen." Dean says.

The five walk off.

"Who are you?" Camp asks.

"We're the people that save the world." Sam says.


The group are standing in a clearing of the woods. They turn when they hear trees rustling. Libby is standing back with Mary for now, not really sure what her emotions are.

Sam, Larissa, Jacob, Natalie, and Dean walk out of the woods.

Jacob barely has five seconds before Ophelia is tackling him into a tight hug.

"Hi." Jacob breathes out. "Hi, honey. How you doing?"

"Ask again later." Ophelia mumbles.

Natalie runs her hand through the girl's hair and Ophelia quickly pulls her into the hug.

Cas hugs Dean and Sam immediately spots his daughters.

"Pumpkins." He sighs in relief.

Evie immediately hugs him, her arms around his neck. Sam lifts her up for a few seconds before putting her feet back on the ground, his arms wrapped around her. Sam looks up at where Libby is, the girl taking a moment before quickly walking forward and she hugs him. Sam wraps one arm around her, holding onto both of them tightly.

Larissa smiles a bit at the three, her brain immediately reminding her of how she hurts the twins months ago. She quietly sighs, not surprised if they don't hug her.

"Hey." She looks up at Billy's voice, the young man hugging her.

"Hi." She mumbles. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, no, we're all... getting by." Billy says. "Athena is okay, though. She's great. Just misses her parents." Larissa nods.

Sam's grip around his girls tighten, not wanting to let either of them go. He frowns when he notices how tiny Libby is. His hand rests at her side, able to feel her ribs practically poking out of her skin. Sam rubs her back, his hand slipping under her shirt to feel her cold skin.

Sam frowns as he presses a kiss to her head. He hides his worry when she pulls away from the hug. Sam kisses Evie's hair before she's pulling away.

Evie quickly goes over to Larissa and pulling her into a hug.

"I missed you." Evie mumbles.

"I missed you, too, Strawberry." Larissa says.

Libby's guilt and fear of Larissa still not liking her prevents her from hugging her.

"How did y'all even find us?" Sam asks as they get to the road.

"They helped." Mary points to Mick, Harry, and Ketch.

"Hello, lads." Mick greets. Sam's grip tightens around Larissa out of instinct.

"They have a thermal imaging satellite that saw you. From space." Cas says.

"Well, we don't have one. Just borrowed it for a bit. Friends in all the right places." Mick says.

"Well, I guess this is where we're supposed to say thank you." Dean says.

"No need. Happy to be of service." Mick says.

"Again." Ketch adds.

"Okay, then. We should get. The people we left, they'll call for backup any second." Sam says.

"Uh, you left survivors?" Ketch inquires, earning a dubious look from Sam. Nathan pulls Ophelia over to him, stepping in front of her, making sure he's between her and the Brits.

"They were soldiers, just doing what they were told." Dean says.

"Still... a bit unprofessional." Ketch says.

"Have you ever heard the term human decency?" Larissa asks.

"We'll handle it." Sam assures, giving Larissa a comforting squeeze. "Let's get." He leads Larissa to the car. Sam opens the back door, his hand hovering over Larissa's head as she climbs in, making sure she doesn't hit herself. Sam squeezes himself in the backseat as Cas gets in on the other side and Dean gets in the passenger seat.

Jacob, Natalie, Billy, and the five teenagers get in the other car.

Mary starts driving, leaving the two Brits behind.

"So wait, you're hunting?" Dean asks.

"A little bit." Mary says.

"Yeah, I knew you couldn't stay away." Sam comments.

The radio turns on, going to static. The car loses power and the engine sputters as it rolls onto a bridge.

"It's time." Sam says.

Jacob sighs as his car rolls to a stop on the bridge, right behind Mary.

"What's happening?" Ophelia asks.

The couple share a look.

"What?" Evie worriedly asks.

They all get out of the cars.

"What'd you guys do?" Ophelia asks, glaring between the five adults.

"What's happening?" Mary asks.

"Yeah, Dean." They turn to see Billie. "'Sup."

"Billie?" Mary asks.

"The reaper?" Cas asks.

"I don't understand." Mary says.

"Mom, that place... there was only one way we were getting out of there, and that wasn't breathing." Dean says. "So I made a call."

"Dean talked with her, and then Billie came to see me and then Natty, Lissy, and Jacob." Sam says. "And we made a deal. We'd get to die and come back one more time, but in exchange..."

"Come midnight, a Winchester goes bye-bye. Like, permanently. And that is something I've been looking forward to for a long time." Billie says.

"Why would you--" Mary starts to ask.

"We were already dead. Being locked in that cell with nothing... I've been to Hell. This was worse." Dean says.

"Yeah, and you think I'd be a little used to it, but... it's actually a little worse than all the closets I was shoved into as a child." Natalie remarks.

"At least this way, at least a few of us get to keep fighting." Sam says.

"You don't have to do this." Cas argues.

"Yeah, they do." Billie counters. "We made a pact, bound in blood. You break that, there's consequences on a cosmic scale. So, who's it gonna be?"

Libby and Larissa both go to say something, but aren't able to as Mary steps forward.

"Me." Mary states.

"Mom." Dean protests.

"No." Sam objects.

"Mom--" Natalie takes a step forward.

Billie flings the three siblings to the ground.

"You said come midnight, a Winchester dies? I'm a Winchester." Mary says.

"Works for me." Billie says.

Mary raises her gun to her head and cocks it.

"Mom!" Sam calls.

"Don't!" Dean protests.

"Stop!" Natalie yells.

"I love you." Mary tells them. Just as she's about to pull the trigger, an angel blade pierces through Billie's chest from behind. She falls to the ground dead, the group looking up to see Cas behind her.

Mary lowers her gun, uncocking it, as Sam, Natalie, and Dean are able to get up.

"Cas, what have you done?" Dean asks.

"What had to be done. You know this world -- this sad, doomed little world -- it needs you. It needs every last Winchester it can get, and I will not let you die. I won't let any of you die. And I won't let you sacrifice yourselves. You mean too much to me. To everything. Yeah, you made a deal. You made a stupid deal, and I broke it. You're welcome."


They get back to the bunker, the four parents immediately greeted by their little ones with excitement.

"You guys are stinky." Briar grimaces as they pull away from the group hug.

"Yeah, well, it-- it was a long hunt." Jacob says.

"Still coulda showered." Justin reasons.

"We could've, huh?" Natalie starts tickling him making him shriek and giggle.

Athena's nose scrunches up at her parents' smell.

"Stinky. Bath time for you two." Athena says.

"Oh, do-- do you give us the orders now?" Sam questions.

"Mm-hmm." Athena grins, her eyes lighting up at the idea.

"Yeah, don't think so, baby girl." Larissa argues, lightly pinching her daughter's cheek.


Natalie and Jacob are lying on opposite sides of their bed, the twins between them.

"Feels nice, right? Our own bed. Together." Jacob says.

"Not stuck in some small four by four cell. Yeah. It's perfect." Natalie whispers, softly smiling at her children.

"You holding up okay?" Jacob asks, rubbing her arm.

"Mm-hmm. Much better now." Natalie promises.


Sam quietly walks into Libby's bedroom. The TV is on, an episode of Criminal Minds playing. He looks over at the bed, his oldest daughter asleep in it.

Sam crouches next to the bed, carefully brushing some hair out of her face. A deep frown sets on his face as he finally takes note of her pale skin and cheekbones that are more prominent than usual. He pushes her sleeve up a bit, her arm somewhat smaller than what he recalls. He carefully wraps his hand around her wrist, his hand able to wrap around it more than he used to be able to.

Sam takes a deep breath before pulling the blanket down to her legs. He hesitates before pulling her shirt up just enough so he can see her stomach. His heart breaks and his eyes sting at the visibility of her ribs, his baby practically skin and bones.

Sam puts her shirt down and covers her back up with the blanket, pulling it up to her shoulders.

Sam sighs, cupping one side of her face, his thumb softly rubbing over her freckled cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Bessie." Sam whispers. "Oh, my baby." He winces, rubbing his free hand over his face, feeling his pain and guilt overwhelm him. "I'm sorry, baby."

Sam gets up and places a kiss to her forehead, lingering for a bit. He pulls away, gently rubbing his thumb down her freckled nose.

"I love you." He whispers. "I love you so much. I'll fix it. I promise. I'll fix everything."

Sparing her one last sad look, Sam quietly leaves the room, shutting the door. His forehead falls against the wood, letting some of his tears fall.

~ ~ ~

After managing to compose himself, Sam goes to Athena's room to check on her, wanting to see her another time before he goes to sleep. He goes in, the nightlight and light from the hallway leading him to her bed without tripping over anything.

He kneels next to the bed and gently kisses her on the head. He tucks her in a bit better before leaving.

Sam gets to his and Larissa's room, only to find her and Evie in the bed.

"Little sleepover." Larissa says, stroking the teenager's hair.

"Anytime." Sam smiles, climbing into the bed. He wraps his arm around Evie, the girl curling into his side. Evie holds one of Larissa's hands, both parents managing to lull her to sleep after about an hour.

"We missed all their birthdays." Sam mumbles, still stroking her hair.

"Maybe they won't mind if we throw a little celebration for ourselves. Doesn't have to be big. Can just be the five of us, even." Larissa says.

"How are you doing?" Sam looks over at her. "I know being stuck in some cell was the last thing you needed to happen." Larissa weakly smiles.

"I'll be okay... eventually." Larissa says. Sam holds her hand with his free one.

"I noticed you and Libby didn't hug." Sam says.

"It's fine." Larissa weakly smiles. "We both... we have a lot more to mend than I do with these two." Larissa says.

"She's not eating. She's really skinny. I could see her ribs." Sam says, his voice cracking.

"What do you wanna do?" Larissa asks.

"I don't know." He sighs. "She's not gonna be as easy to convince as she was when she was little. She's more stubborn now."

"Wonder where she got that from." Larissa teases. Sam smiles and rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry I called them." Sam says.

"It's fine." Larissa mumbles. "Just don't make a habit out of it." Sam nods.

"I love you." Sam tells her.

"I know." She smiles. "I love you, too."

Larissa kisses him before lying down and wrapping an arm around Evie, her hand resting on Sam's stomach. Sam's hand rests on her arm, his thumb rubbing back and forth, the woman soon falling asleep.

Larissa manages to fall asleep after a few minutes, Sam holding two of his girls.

Sam's eyes finally manage to shut at some point, exhausted from the two months, and promising himself to figure everything with Libby out.

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