Victoria Secret Cheerleader

By Southern_girl_16

4.3K 39 3

sequel to Softball an Cheer is Life More

Aubrey Smith
Hunter Wilkerson
Claire Smith
June Withers
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight


87 1 0
By Southern_girl_16

We get there an I park next to Hunter's car an got out an grabbed my gym bag. "Ok Martha Adriana I'm going to change but do whatever." I say. The take off an I go to Hunter. "Hunter give me your key to your room please." I say. He hands me the key an told me to keep it an I went upstairs an into his room an changed. I walk downstairs an found the girls playing beer pong. I go an take a seat on the coach an June joins me. "The girls are really good at that game." June says. "I bet not as good as me am you." I say. "I heard that an girls we have a lot more years of experience on you two." Martha says. I smirk while everybody yells an holars. "Then let's play." I say. I get up an so does June an we refill the cups an Hunter an Justin walk in an Hunter smirks. We begin playing an I am dancing around laughing at how Martha an Adriana are losing. "Don't worry we got this." Martha says. She bounces the ball am it lands in the cup an she smirks at me an I grab the cup an drink it then I bounce the ball an it lands in the cup an Adriana drinks it. Finally we our down to one cup on ether side an Adriana bounces the ball but misses an I smirk am June goes an males it an Martha drinks the cup. "Good job girls maybe y'all are better than us." Martha says. "Dame right." June says. I look at her an see her drunk am I groan an walk over to Justin an grab his arm an pull him outside giving Martha a watch her look. "Ok look her I understand you like June so I'm giving you full permission to watch her tonight since I know you don't drink so there for watch her but do not an I repeat do not have sex with her got it." I say. "Gotcha I will watch her but not have sex with her." Justin says. I glare at him an walk back inside an go grab me a sandwich. "Pretty good game babe congratulations." Hunter says. "Thanks have you had anything to drink?" I ask. "Just about four beers an two shots." Hunter says. "Ok well sober up." I say. He groans an eats him something an finally it's around one an I make everybody leave. "Um Aubrey your girl is drunk." Justin says. I look an see June laying down on the ground with Adriana laughing. "Carry June up to the guest bedroom an Hunter carry Adriana Martha help me clean." I say. We start cleaning up an soon everything is cleaned up an we our passed out ether in a bed or on a couch.
I wake up around eleven an go downstairs an see Martha passed out on the couch I giggle an go fix breakfast. Once done I eat what I wanted of it an woke Martha, Adriana, an June up an they ate then we woke Hunter an Justin up. "So what we doing today?" Martha asked. "Ugh soaking in a hot bath I hope." June says. Adriana agrees an Justin an Hunter smirk an I glare at both of them. "Nope we our going to the lake so you an Adriana can know why we prefer the lake over the beach any day." I say. "Oh sounds fun an tonight we our going to the club?" Martha ask. Adriana an June groan an me an Martha laugh at them two. "Yes but it's a none alcohol club it's the local hot spot." I say. Martha yells all happily causing Adriana an June to groan again. "Here take this it will get ride of the headaches." I say. I hand them some medicine an go upstairs an change into my outift for today an go back downstairs to see everybody ready an we go an get into my car an I drive us to the lake an the girls tale off while Hunter wraps his arms around me. "You have been holding out on me Aubrey." Hunter says. "I know an I'm sorry you know I have been busy but tomorrow after the girls leave I'm all yours we will have a lazy day." I say. "I hope so I have missed my girlfriend." Hunter says. I turn around an smile at him an kiss him an he grabs my ass making me jump an he laughs so I back away an smirk at him an strip an run into the water. I pop out of the water to see Hunter standing in the same spot an he glares at me an runs into the water after taking his shirt off an I smirk an we all play water football all day. "Hey we need to leave so we can get ready to go to the club." Martha says. We all agree an get out the water an go back to my house after dropping Hunter an Justin off there house.

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