To be Loki'd - Loki x fem re...

By 1StarryStar1

2.1K 142 28

You are a young avenger when Loki is brought over to Earth and the Avengers to amend himself. But your simila... More

Chapter 1- Meeting a trickster
Chapter 2- Draining training
Chapter 3- Nightmares
Chapter 4- Sunset and Sherlock
Chapter 5 - Memories
Chapter 6- Feelings
Chapter 7- Sparkles and champagne
Chapter 8- Galas usually don't end up in fights even when drunk
Chapter 9- Iron suit but human heart
Chapter 10- Love will always prevail
Chapter 12 - Life as an Avenger is never normal
Chapter 13 - Hide n seek
Chapter 14 - Pain, pain go away, come back another day
Chapter 15 - On your left
Chapter 16 - Your prince in fine Asgardian armour
Chapter 17 - Why bacon should be oven baked
Chapter 18 - Movie night
Chapter 19 - Me and my broken heart
Chapter 20 - I do love nothing in the world so well as you-is not that strange?
Chapter 21 - Flower crowns
Chapter 22 - Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind
Chapter 23 - Déjà vu much
Chapter 24 - Should I tell them darling?
Chapter 25 - With all due respect
Chapter 26 - Steadfast badass
Chapter 27 - Does Santa know you've gone rogue?
Chapter 28 - Oh dear, is she dead?
Quick Author's note
Chapter 29 - A seat from which to watch Asgard burn
Chapter 30 - Loki wasn't there
Chapter 31 - Attempts
Chapter 32 - Yes father
Chapter 33 - Cold
Chapter 34 - A plan
Chapter 35 - To hell with it
Chapter 36 - I probably will never be an angel
Chapter 37 - Laufey

Chapter 11- To unleash the fury of a God

60 5 4
By 1StarryStar1


 A few hours earlier:

I paced around my room that had been fixed and cleaned once more. The amount of times I had broken, upturned, ripped, punched the barriers of this chamber can't even be counted on one's fingers anymore. 

I was done reading, sitting, sleeping, sparring, anything. I was tired of it all. 

In these two weeks of loneliness, I replayed the memories I had of her most of the time. Her smile, her laugh, her hair, her cooking, her gorgeous eyes. Every inch seemed crafted out of heaven. This wasn't love, definitely not. Admiration, attachment, friendship perhaps. 

But what was love? I knowed not. 

Love was written in sonnets, plays and ballads. Had I felt it? Fraternal love, yes. Friendly love, yes. But romantic love? 

Was romantic love the butterflies in my stomach when she came near? The gold ribbon that kept appearing? Her presence soothing my raging mind? The electricty crackling every time we touched? The void her absence had left?

I knowed not.

Someone knocked at my door. Since the disappearance of Y/n, the Avengers had come to check on me every morning and left food outside my bedroom. No one dared approach me anymore, not after how I tried to attack them all several times  when they tried engaging in discussion. 

"What is it?" 

"You are to come to the conference room Loki." Thor's voice boomed from across the door. Great, now these imbeciles wanted to see me? Was I a display animal? A suspect? My petiness begged me to shut my ears to his words but my heart told me to listen and bear with him. 

Flicking my wrist, I fixed myself up and opened the door. Growling at him, he responded in the same manner. Our footsteps synchronised across the marble flooring of the tower as he led me on and on through familiar corridors and places. Sunlight danced through the panes of glass, creating shapes and patterns around us. The solemn silence left me a bit uneasy. As much as silence suited me to think or ponder, parties and action made my life that much more interesting. To say I was lacking entertainment is an understatement.

Finally, he pushed open two glass doors and motionned for me to come in. The team turned to face me, their expressions closed, cold and unwelcoming. A picture of the Earth was floating over the table, with glowing spots covering parts of it. The tension and hostility burdened the very air of the room.

"Ah hello. " I grinned, flippping my hair to its perfect position, where it cascaded smoothly down my draped shoulders.

"Hi to you too Loki." Tony responded, pacing around the glass table. 

"I must say, your welcome is warmer than necessary. Although a little bow or curtsy would do." 

"Loki, enough." Thor said firmly, most probably already irritated with my confidence already. 

"Thanks Point break. So Loki of Asgard. We have a plan to rescue Y/n." Tony announced, clapping his hands and gazing at me expectantly.

My eyes light up; my pulse quickening at the mention of her name and the plan that could save her. As soon as I realised my response to this wonderful piece of news, I emptied my face of emotion once more, acting unbothered. 

"Why are you telling me this, Midgardian?" 

Tony rolled his eyes to the nine realms.

"We need you to be a part of it. However this requires trust and... well... your powers." Tony continued, clearly hating the words that left his words, as if they were coated in bitter liquid.

"Scared I'll murder you all or take over the world? Aw how... low." I said through gritted teeth. I was more than happy to get my powers back but the team's angry or skeptical glares told me to act otherwise. 

"It'd be temporary of course." Thor added

"Of course." 

"Do you even care about Y/n?" the symbol of America asked, sitting on Tony's right hand side. 

"My sentiments, affiliations or affections are none of your concern, mortal." I hissed at him.

 No one approaches the subjects of sentiment and affection. I closed off, baring the view of everything to everyone. The entire room stood still as with every word, I had leaned over the table closer and closer to Steve. His adam's apple bobbed as he gulped.

"Brother, this is a serious matter." Thor said, pulling me back slightly. 

"When did I even suggest that the seriousness wasn't present in my demeanour? Look at your little comrades, your new play friends. They think it's serious. I'm sure they'd be more than enough. Why me?! To make me suffer even more? As a foolish plan to get me locked up even more? To turn me into ridicule, brother dear?" With every word my anger flared out, lashing to those in my path; my words laced with deadly poison. My eyes flared. 

"Loki, you know it's not what we think of you..." Thor mumbled in a whisper, burying his head in his large hands; ruffling his hair in fatigue or perhaps frustration

"IT IS! YOU ALL SEE ME AS A MONSTER! A DANGER TO MANKIND! SO YOU KNOW WHAT?" I shouted, spraying the Avengers in my fury, in the acid that had been boiling in my furious veins. None of them would change. Once a monster, always one. None of them could even grasp the pain, hurt, loss, deception that had tainted my very existence. From lie to lie. From deception to deception. From wound to wound.

"Hey, hey, hey big guy-"

"Step back Stark before I hurt you." Instants after I spat the words, Clint had his bow; Natasha, her daggers and the others were also furnished with weapons. 

"You won't." he said as he stepped closer and closer to me, challenging me. I growled and hissed, but had no weapons and couldn't release my Jotun magic, not here, not now. 

As if in a dream, I hear her voice "Loki... Don't... For me." 

Just as beautiful as the last time I heard her; the voice of a thousand angels, better than the harps of a thousand maestros. Her voice made me tremble ever so slightly. 

I let the balls of light that had formed at my fingertips dissolve into the tense air and stare back into Tony's unmoving glare. 

"I'll do it. For her. Not for any of your pathetic gang of 'heroes'." I hissed. Before he could respond, I slammed the doors and went back to my room, locking the doors. 

"RAAAAAH!" I let my rage burst forth, destroying everything in its wake. The bracelet was binding me, painfully preventing me from letting it all out. 

Slowly, I let the ice join my bloodflow and feel it taking control of me. My skin froze, my eyes turned red and little by little I became my form Jotun once more. Turned to the mirror, I saw what I was. Truly a monster. I blasted an icicle towards the reflecting object and it shattered in a thousand pieces like my soul. Exhausted, the ice's grasp receded and I became my Asgardian self once again before crumpling to the floor, silent sobs escaping my lips. 


"Loki, I'm warning you once more. If you even place even a toe out of line, you'll be locked up where S.H.I.E.L.D keeps the rest of the lowly scum, as you so kindly put it." Tony hissed. 

I rolled my eyes and exposed my wrists, expectant. When the bracelet slowly gave way, I felt myself relive; electricty crackling through my veins, flows of power rushing in and out; I felt whole. Putting it to use once more, I snapped my fingers and transformed into my Asgardian armour. How good it felt to be wearing it once more, almost like slipping on a second skin. The helmet in my hands, I placed it carefully over my head; standing upright, head lifted. 

We walked over to the HYDRA compound and I stabbed ruthlessly the guards at the entrance, grinning. 

Ooh to feel powerful again. 

Soon the alarm blared around us.

 Time to go into battle. 

I tred slowly on the cracked, dry earth, waiting expectantly. Men surrounded me and had their measly guns aimed at everywhere on me. 

"Well hello. Thank you all to have managed to come so plentiful. I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose." 

Everytime I said my name and that line, pride flared deep inside of me. Not for being anyone's son but for being my own person. I raised my palms to the sky, starting to collect, concentrate and channel my newly re-ignited powers.

"STAND DOWN OR WE SHOOT!" one of the men crouched behind the sparse nature shouted. 

Severely unimpressed I answered faking a pout: "I'm afraid I can't. For you have unleashed the fury... of A GOD!" 

Booming, I burst into a ball of green light, upturning everything in my way; the men were sent back dozens of meters until they collided into something, to their demise. I have missed this, the rush of power and adrenaline. 

"Don't get used to it Reindeer Games." Tony mentions in my communicator, earning a scoff and an eyeroll from me. 

I pulled out my golden daggers from their sheath and watched them glint in the sun; my looming shadow spread across the tawny floor. 

"Now for the fun to begin!" 

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