The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

147K 6K 1.1K

Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
5-Fourth Wing
6- The Sparring
7- The Journal
8-The Woods
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
24- I Heard Him!
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
27- Liam Mairi
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
33- Mistake
34- Authors Note/ Training
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
71- To Bend Death
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
77- The End
Book 2

32- The Fight

1.9K 80 6
By Quietdreamer52

As Liam and I walked out the door Hetta was just walking out of her room, looking at me with a small smirk.

" Mouse." Liam greets.

Her eyes snap to Liam now with a scowl. " I told you to stop calling me that!"

He laughs, " Why? You don't like when I call you the tiney-tiny house mouse?"

I nudge his chest, " Stop being a dick Mairi."

Hetta huffs, " And this is why I don't like you.."

" Don't lie." Liam grins.

We walk the halls going to our first Signet class, my skin prickles- like when you know there's someone right behind you- and my eyes wander, as if they were magnets they lock with Xaden's.

He was standing talking with all the other Wingleaders, which seemed to be a very intense topic seeing they all looked somber, while Xaden was paying no mind to them at all.. just looking

I force myself to take a breath needing to look away as we approached, of course needing to pass him to get to Carr's class. I look anywhere but at him, as we pass he nods at Liam who returns it and just looks at me which I roll my eyes and keep walking..

Carrs room was the only classroom down a long narrow hallways where all the cadets who channeled or manifested stand. Hetta channeled a long time ago I just never really paid attention seeing she's still in majority of my classes.

Carr welcomes us one my one in an eerily orderly fashion, I guess he doesn't like hoards of kids running into his class. I see his eyes go to be a few times as we stand and wait our turns. Kid by kid I get closer and feel my annoyance bubble as he keeps looking at me, the closer I get the less welcoming his looks become.

I was tempted just to..explode..but i hear Xaden in the back on my mind, about controlling myself, I imagine the anger like the power, flowing into the gluttonous sand taking all of it away... I instantly feel better just as I step to get let inside.

" I see you finally made it Sorrengail."

I plaster on a fake smile, I've heard he's scary as all hell.. I can see why.. Also he has a sucky attitude. " I'm happy to finally be here Sir."

" Both your siblings would've been in my classes for weeks. Your very much behind."

I let out a chuckle, " Well.. I am only half of my siblings." 

" I'm well aware Ms. Sorrengail. I can only hope you have as much important with your signet. With Brennan's mending skills and Mira's self made wards for her and her wing..Those will be very tough to beat."

" I can assure you mine will not disappoint. I'm sure your well aware of my dragon..sorry..dragons.. not only will I have one I will have two.

Of course I leave out Andarna's time.. He doesn't need to know about that..

He steps aside, " Fair points Ms. Sorrengail. I will be waiting to see what you'll accomplish. Please, step inside.."

I give him one more smile before I take a seat, Liam hurrying to get past Carr to follow me. " I could've cut that tension with a dagger." He mutters being right at my side.

" I hope I get something that will hurt. Just so I can leave a mark or two so he'll be reminded... I can't tell you how sick of my last name I am.."

" Don't take it personal Freya.. He's an ass."

" Yea an ass that raved about Brennan's mending and Mira's wards."

" Every signet is useful you know.. Like you said you'll have two. I'm sure his statement will blow right up in his face once you get it."

I sigh taking my seat, Liam sitting in the one on the right of me, scooting it a little closer. I think this would be the least likely class someone would decide to kill me in... But I don't say a word as I get my things out from my pack.

A few more walk in before Carr closes his heavy door with a slam getting all our attention, I sit a little straighter as Carr, ofcourse walks down my row. " Mairi, scoot that desk back to it's original position." He says lowly as he walks past. Liam looks at me with a tight expression before moving it back.

We learn the lesser magic first. Blocking and opening the doors to the dragon's connections, how to feel them, how to feel the magic and energy around you..basic stuff that I surprisingly was alright at seeing it was my first time. 

" ... And remember, A Rider who's not connected to their power is useless. A Rider  who can't contain their dangerous."

I feel his eyes lock with mine as I clench my jaw not breaking eyes contact with him. I know everyone is well aware with my control here, but at least I'm working on it.

For the next couple weeks, Carr has made a point to see how wield

You need a door and a window per say for your dragons since you have two... so there's the sea and a small stream that flows from the distant moutains.

I needed to separate the two..knowing already Rhys is the sea and Andarna the stream.... How am I supposed to harness it? I needed to make a small pool..

 And while I was still trying to figure out the differences between harnessing my dragon's powers, everyone seemed to be getting their signets. Ridoc wields Ice, Sawyer can use metal however he wants, Liam as farsight, Hetta can project, she can go anywhere and grab physical things opening up her eyes again and it's there with her.

And I'm here with..nothing..Which Carr reminds me of every single day.

Today is another sparring day.

I'm just esactic it's not signet classes but fighting, and with all the pent up anger from the stupid classes, not getting my signent yet, from Carr, and from the lingering anger from that kiss.. I'm ready to kill if I need to..

I braid my hair into my shoulder braid, putting on my dragon scale vest underneath my clothes before I walk out, Liam just leaving his own room to meet me. " Morning Fury." He grins.

" I'll need to get an annoying nickname for you." I mutter sending him a small smirk. 

He thinks, " How about.. sexy..cutie..hotty..yours?"

I roll my eyes, knowing there's probably some truth in his words seeing he flirts all the time. " Nice try Mairi."

" Mairi works. I like that way it rolls off that mouth of yours." He smiles making me chuckle. Hetta was just walking out of her room as well, " You two are already bickering?"

" Oh, you know it." Liam grins, " Come on my ladies...."

He walks us to the combat rooms where all of us stand waiting to be called to our mats, Normally Xaden is the one who calls out our sparrs..he's no where in sight.

" Where's Riorson?" I whisper to Liam. 

" Out doing 3rd year things. Lark should be calling out Xaden's spars ."

And he does, " ..Hetta with Tannick..  and lastly Freya with...Liam Mairi."

I couldn't help but laugh looking at Liam, " He finally broke down letting us spar?"

He shrugs. " I guess he knew he'd be gone. I'll go easy on you sweetheart." He teases.

I scoff, " Oh.. sweetheart now? Just know I'll beat you bloody Mairi-"

" I challenge Freya Sorrengail to a fight!"

I take a breath knowing that voice all to well, knowing nothing ever comes good when we're close to eachother. Liam already was getting inbetween us  " He's mine Barlowe."

I turn to see Jack stalkign up to us. " Technically she was.. now she's with me." Jack grins.

" Lark just named off the spars Barlowe." I snap. 

He shakes his head, " Rule 940 in the Kodex: If A rider deems one of their collegues unfit for the Quadrant he/she can challenge said rider to a spar at any given time to prove their place in the Wing and Quadrant.. Look it up."

Lark, infact looks it up eyeing Jack..then me. " It is in there."

" And said weak rider cannot refuse." He grins even more. " The only way out is by death..isn't that what it say Lark?" Jack asks looking at him. " Weedign out the weak correct?"

Lark sighs, " Are you sure you want to challenge her Barlowe."

" I'm only weeding out the weak." He says calmly.

" She's not sparring him!" Liam yells. 

" We don't have a choice Mr.Mairi. It's a strength challange." Lark acknowledges.

" What if I give Barlowe my spot to spar?" He asks almost desperately.

 " It won't make a different Mairi. She's leaving this mat dead either way." Jack grins.

" Take my place in the spar." Liam grits. " Or I'll make sure myself or Xaden himself will challenge you to the same thing. Who do you think will win?" Liam growls, his whole mood and persona changing alot like Xaden's himself.

" Rhys.."

" He's on his way. Don't die." Rhys growls.

" Not planning to..."

Jack glares at Liam, " Fine, I'll take your place in the spar. But the outcome will still be the same." He looks over at me menacingly " Get on the mat Sorrengail."

I go on the mat.. I can do this.. I fought against him before and I always come out on top. But there's something different, I can feel it. His confidence is higher, it's quite ballsy of him giving the challenge knowing I've always gotten the upper hand.

I give Liam a look before my eyes go back to Jack. " What? No weapons?"

" I don't need them." He states proudly.

I nod, " So be it..." I so much as just reached for my knife when he charged at me like a damn bull. I step out of the way elbowing him in the back, he grunts swinging around getting me in the shoulder with his fist.

I quickly kick his leg out sending a blow in his head. He growls not taking as much as the impact as I thought jumping up grabbing me getting me down to the floor where he literally tried bashing my head in.

I pull another knife tearing it into this forearm making him realease me yelling out in pain. I roll away quickly feeling his hot blood cooling on my neck, I blink rapidly a few times trying to revert my focus, instead of seeing 1 Jack I'm cursed seeing 3 slowly getting up not sure if he's coming at me or not.

" You little bitch.." He seethes, now coming at me with a huge blow to my face, I was to dizzy to dodge feeling the crack to my face as I fall. 

 Don't DIE!" Rhys yells in my head.

He picks me up by the throat, " I win.." 

That's when I feel almost like an electrical buzz within me making me scream. Feels like hands ripping every nerve in my body apart roughtly, slowly.

" Freya!" I hear Liam yell, I see him running toward the mat, I feel him.. I feel Xaden, I hear a low grunting sound.. I see him out of the corner of my eye falling to the ground.

Our bond..He can feel this.. If he's going down.. I'm dying...

I can hear like a distant screech in my head of Rhys, Andarna, even Segyl as we're all getting affected. Hearing poor little Andarna screaming in my head gave me the last bit of strength to ignore the pain for just a split second, to grab two knives in both hands stablling like a wild man into jack, wherever it made contact.

They weren't strong jabs but my knives are sharp, it was just enough to get him to let go. We both fall like weights thudding into the mat, I stabbed both his arms, all I see is blood as his hands twitch uncontrollably.

 Get up and finish him...

I pant as I stumble to gain my footing as I nearly fall trying to grab my knife, I see his eyes on me, I see the fear in them as he can't do one thing, his arms are shot. Jack Barlowe looks horrified as I stumble closer.

" You were right.. Only one is leaving this mat alive." I smile, " Even without a Signet." I plunge my knife into his chest just hearing a grunt before my vision blackens.

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