By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70


165 11 30
By BangtanArmies

Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung sternly marched into the private middle school's lobby in his beige trench coat and polished Oxford shoes until the dreadful-looking staff greeted him at the front desk. They lowered their heads at the supreme alpha's presence and led the anxious man through the hushed corridor during a gloomy afternoon. The front desk had contacted the father for an urgent visit, so the alpha had to arrange an immediate flight and fly from Seoul to address the dire situation in Busan.

The alpha glanced at the classrooms on the sides as the young children peeked through the glass windows to stalk his movement with their curious pupils. Was there an accident? The man didn't know for sure because the staff claimed they were just as clueless. Kim Taehyung clenched his jaw and followed the front desk employee toward the school principal and a teacher as they guarded the restroom door with timid looks.

"Where's my daughter?" Taehyung asked and glanced at the closed bathroom door with a dark frown.

"Hajinie refused to let anyone inside the restroom," The middle-aged teacher pursed her lips to inform the father. Taehyung lifted his thick eyebrow at the teacher's statement and glanced at the door again. Why would his daughter lock herself inside the bathroom?

"We heard her screaming earlier, so the assistants tried to enter- but she told us to stay away and to call her parents," The principal apologetically stared at the alpha for disturbing his time.

"Open the door," Taehyung instructed, stepping aside to make way- so the principal quickly slipped the key inside the knob to unlock the door for him. The father carefully leaned against the wooden door and knocked several times to announce his presence. Knock. Knock.

"Stay away! I won't talk to anyone!" Hajin screamed from inside the bathroom to threaten whoever was trying to invade her space.

"Hajin-ah~! Appa is here. Can I come in~?" Taehyung asked, calmly holding the knob with his ear pressed against the door. There was a moment of silence. The principal exchanged uneasy glances with the staff as they stood beside the supreme alpha.

"Okay," Hajin's small voice finally spoke up from behind the door. The teacher and principal exhaled in relief at her approving response. Creak. Kim Taehyung carefully turned the knob, pushed the door open, and stepped inside the restroom before closing the door behind his back while searching the vacant space for his young daughter.

"Where are you?" Taehyung asked, unsurely frowning at the empty sinks.

"Here," Hajin whimpered from the far end of the restroom. The heiress sounded super frightened, which made the father's chest swell with extreme discomfort- but he didn't overreact and calmly stride past the unoccupied stalls, trying his best not to startle his already terrified child.

Taehyung deeply exhaled to prepare his mental state once he halted before the closed door of the last stall. What's the worst thing that could happen to a child her age? He wasn't prepared to face his daughter, but she needed him. The man cleared his throat- Creak. The father gently pushed the door, expecting to see the worst with a racing heart as the hinge squeaked open until it softly thudded against the wall.

Kim Taehyung stood, cemented in place while roaming his eyes all over the tiny space... until his gaze fell upon the young girl, hugging her knees on the closed toilet seat and trembling like a lost puppy with her unknown misery. The father examined Hajin's sweaty hairlines, snotty nose, swollen eyelids, and flushed cheeks without budging- unable to react to her messy condition. She was in perfect condition this morning before she departed from her hilltop home. Kim Hajin pouted at her father's presence as he stood in the doorway with a slight frown on her loose pigtails before glancing at the scattered tissues on the floor.

"Did someone hurt you? What's wrong...?" Taehyung asked, uneasily crouching before the toilet to inspect her upside-down plump lips. Hajin didn't answer his concern and pouted harder while sniffing her slimy snot through her flaring nostrils until... Kim Taehyung detected a glimpse of his wife... in his daughter. The child is an identical clone of Jang Sora. Hajin cutely hiccuped while staring intensely at her father with her mother's curled lashes... soaked with warm tears. 

"I think... I'm dying," Hajin whimpered, unexpectedly weeping in extreme anguish and lowered her face to mourn her miserable emotions with her arms wrapped around her bent kneecaps. 

"How can you speak such nonsense? If you're hurt... appa will take you to the hospital," Taehyung assured while crouching before his young daughter. Hajin shook her head repeatedly before lifting her face to bawl at her father again. Hic~! Hic~! The little girl shakily breathed through her clogged nostrils as she lowered her legs to dangle her feet from the toilet bowl. Taehyung unsurely studied his daughter's disheveled condition... until she lifted her school skirt... to show her father her... stained underwear.

"I'm bleeding~! Appa Hajinie is dying~!" Hajin cried with her eyes closed until a snotty bubble formed in her nostril and popped over her flushed face.

Taehyung frowned at his daughter's smudged underwear and glanced back at her frightened face, dumbfounded by the situation he was in. The father eventually released a deep exhale to ease the swelling dread within his chest... and lowered his face to rub his forehead in disbelief.

"Aigo~! Stay here. Appa will be back~!" Taehyung muttered, suddenly rising to his feet, and quickly strode out of the bathroom to request sanitary pads from the infirmary. The man headed back to his car to search for his children's spare clothes in his trunk before returning to the bathroom to find Hajin... sobbing with her head lowered... still seated on the toilet bowl.

"Is Hajinie getting punished for being naughty~? I'm sorry~!" Hajin cried as Taehyung lifted his daughter off the toilet bowl and crouched down to pull down her dirty underwear. The man stared at the dark blood stain as he carefully placed the fabric in a black bag and gently pulled out a wet napkin to wipe between her legs as she helplessly cried before him.

"Why would appa let anyone punish my precious daughter~?" Taehyung chuckled, slightly shaking his head as he drew the spare underwear through her ankles. The father carefully hooked the thin fabric between his daughter's parted knees and unfolded a fresh sanitary pad to paste it over the base of her panties. Hajin whimpered while holding her father's shoulder as he lifted the panties upward to secure the straps around her hips.

"Because Hajinie was naughty~! Hajin stole appa's gummies yesterday~!" Hajin pouted while squeezing out warm tears from between her soaked lashes. 

Taehyung scoffed, weakly smiling at her cute confession as he collected the scattered tissues on the floor to place them in the trash bin... and eventually lifted Hajin from the floor to settle her on the sink. The father washed his hands to cleanse his fingers before pulling out a wet wipe from the package to press the sheet against Hajin's blocked nostrils.

"Blow out your snot," Taehyung encouraged. Wheeeez! Hajin screwed her eyes shut while sitting on the sink to expel her slimy snot. Taehyung crumpled the dirty wipes and tossed them aside as Hajin frowned at her father's unbothered reaction to her dire condition.

"Appa~! Why aren't you sad~?" Hajin whined in frustration. The man wet his clean palms and gently rubbed the cool water over his daughter's burning face as she pouted at him with her teary doe eyes.

"You're not dying~! Don't worry-"

"But I'm bleeding! I will die!" Hajin whined, cutely kicking her dangling legs in frustration.

"Appa knows an effective cure, so don't worry~! You're definitely not dying~!" Taehyung smiled at his daughter while patting her cheeks dry with the tissues.

"A cure~?" Hajin whispered, cluelessly blinking at him with a startled look. 

"Oh. Eomma bleeds like you too~! But appa knows a cure, so you'll be okay~!" Taehyung assured. Hajin frowned at her father's easygoing reaction as he dried his hands, picked up the black bag, and lifted his daughter off the sink.

Kim Hajin quickly wrapped her arms around his neck as the father patted her back and finally stepped out of the bathroom to find the principal waiting with the teacher and assistants. The heiress quickly buried her puffy face against Taehyung's shoulder to avoid the anxious stares as her father thanked the school staff and carried his eleven-year-old daughter through the hushed corridor until they exited the school building.

The supreme alpha carefully settled his young child in the passenger seat, buckled her belt, and rounded the car to slip into the driver seat. Hic~! Kim Hajin wiped her puffy eyes again and glanced at her father with a curious look as he reversed the wheels and drove out of the property. She had expected her father to grieve and mourn her death, but why is he smiling? She couldn't understand. Kim Taehyung finally freed one arm from the steering wheel to hold Hajin's tiny fingers over her lap, gently squeezing her hand to assure the young girl of her... bloody crisis. Hajin pouted and leaned back against the seat while playing with her father's oversized fingers with a troubled feeling.

A moment later.

Kim Hajin stood cluelessly on the aisle between the tall racks with a small straw between her lips, quietly sucking the tasty fluid from the juice box with her doe eyes trained on the colorful packages in the feminine hygiene section as her father inspected the products by her side. Taehyung withdrew a pink package from the top shelf to read the content as the clueless daughter stood by his side, nervously gripping his pocket in her loose pigtails. The man narrowed his gaze on the written instructions and flipped the package over with a slight frown. 

"Does eomma use these...?" Hajin muttered while tugging her father's coat to grab his attention. Taehyung briefly glanced down at his daughter and patted her head.

"Oh. Eomma uses the big size with cooling effects- but you're still young. Aigo~? Why isn't eomma answering appa's text? Should we buy her size~?- But it's too big for you~!" Taehyung grumbled as he took pictures of the rack before sending the photos to request his wife's assistance.

"Eomma doesn't have a phone," Hajin mumbled, slurping the juice again as she uncomfortably tugged the underwear beneath her skirt. She's not used to having the pad's presence in her undergarment.

"Appa gave her a temporary phone for her trip with Beom to Seoul," Taehyung shook his head. The man eventually lost his patience while waiting for his wife to acknowledge his texts, so he repeatedly spammed his wife with endless calls until she finally answered him through her phone.

"Oh!- Yeobo~? I'll be home soon! Why are you calling~?-"

"Hajin got her first period~! Which pad should I get? Your size is way too large for her-"

"Moh?!- Hajin got what?!" Sora screamed through the phone, causing her husband to withdraw the phone from his ear in discomfort.

"I'll explain once you return-! Which one should I get?! Answer me first! We're at a mart right now!" Taehyung snapped at his wife and carefully pressed the phone against his ear again.

"Search for the teen-size ones~! Make sure it has wings so she can secure it to her panties~!" Sora replied.

"Araso~! Come home safe with Beom~!" Taehyung replied and hung up on his wife before narrowing his eyes again to search for the smaller-sized pads until he spotted the label and gasped in excitement, causing Hajin to blink at her father unsurely. The man snatched a couple of baby pink packages from the shelves and finally led his daughter to the freezer.

"Appa~! Should we go to the hospital for a cure~?" Hajin pouted as Taehyung peaked over the freezer.

"We don't need to go to the hospital~! Hah-! Here! This is the cure! Eomma loves this~!" Taehyung dismissively slid open the freezer to grab a fruit punch popsicle. Hajin blinked at the cold pack in her father's hand with a baffled look as the man nudged it against her chest.

"This is the cure...?" Hajin asked, unsurely taking the popsicle from her father's hand.

"Yup! Appa will load the popsicles in our fridge so you and eomma can enjoy it~!" Taehyung beamed, closed the fridge, and strode toward the cashier to place the pads and ice cream on the counter. Hajin frowned at the melon popsicle with a skeptical look but didn't question her wise father any further as the cashier checked out their items on the counter.

The father finally paid for the products and strolled out of the mart to sit on the bench... facing the evening beach with his young daughter. Taehyung carefully unwrapped the popsicle and handed it to Hajin as she wiggled and kicked her legs over the bench, unable to remain still because she was somewhat... restless with her father's apathetic reaction to her life-threatening illness.

"Are you sure this is the cure~?" Hajin pouted at the popsicle. She innocently glanced up at her father as he sipped her leftover grape juice from the mini carton.

"Oh~! It'll help you feel better~!" Taehyung chuckled while patting her loose pigtail. Hajin frowned at the popsicle again. She eventually shrugged and slurped the flavorful stick as instructed by her father.

"So Hajinie isn't dying~?" The young girl chirped, finally beaming at her father once the sugary flavor seeped over her dull taste buds.

"Not under appa's watch. Appa will chase away the grim reapers even if they try! They can't take my precious daughter away!" Taehyung nudged Hajin's shoulder, causing her to giggle at his protective claim.

"Phew~!" Hajin huffed while licking the popsicle with her stained lips. Taehyung fondly stared at his chubby daughter... until he was reminded of his old days with his plump wife. The man couldn't help but smile at his daughter's strong resemblance to her mother and gently hugged her warm body against his side.

"You can't let any boy or man touch your body from now on!- Okay?! Don't touch boys!" Taehyung suddenly cupped her plump cheeks and glared at her innocent doe eyes. Hajin blinked at her father cluelessly.

"Wae?" The child whispered through her puckered lips.

"It's dangerous for a girl to be near boys when she starts bleeding! It's super dangerous~! So don't get close to anyone! Especially boys~! You might get pregnant with nasty worms if a boy touches you!" Taehyung squished her cheeks, causing Hajin's glossy lips to pucker cutely. She blinked at her father.

"But appa... is touching Hajin," She whispered, widening her eyes in fear. Taehyung froze at her claim, scoffing at her naive gaze, and lowered his face to kiss her forehead.

"Appa is an exception~!" Taehyung chuckled.

Hajin beamed and puckered her glossy lips for a smooch, so Taehyung gently pecked her and pulled away to lift his daughter onto his lap as she clutched tightly onto the popsicle stick. The father and the daughter chattered softly before the evening beach... until Hajin finished her ice cream. The father picked up his daughter, carried her in his strong arms and drove her back to the hilltop with their bag of popsicles and menstrual pads.

A moment later

Sora's POV

"How was the hospital visit? I could've escorted you and Beom next week," Taehyung muttered while brushing my hair before the vanity table as I sorted my skincare products in the drawers. My husband loves to brush my hair these days! It's so sweet of him to help me with tasks I can handle myself!

"Beom wouldn't stop stressing over his minor injury. He claimed it could be life-threatening," I chuckled. Beom complained about an abnormal pain in his pinky finger and wouldn't rest for the past few days, so I took him to the hospital- only to realize he got a splinter lodged under his skin. He probably got it from helping his father groom the blooming flowers in the garden.

"It should've been you to assure Hajin of her period! It was so awkward and tough for me to handle her~! I tried my best to stay calm, but she kept blabbing nonsense about how she was going to die because she wouldn't stop bleeding-"

"AHH! AHH! AHHHHHH!-" Hajin's high-pitched screams terrifically echoed all over the mansion, causing me to freeze in place, so I swiftly shifted my startled gaze to Taehyung through the mirror. My husband abruptly stiffened with the hairbrush over my head upon hearing her alarming vocals from the living room below- Clatter! Taehyung tossed the brush aside, grabbed my hand, and sprinted out of the bedroom with me as Hajin hollered at the top of her lungs. Thump! Thump!

"Sweetie~?!" I yelped, frantically racing down the staircase with a hammering heart until I spotted Hajin rubbing her burning skin aggressively in her loose nightgown as the twin brothers gawked at their terrified sister with their lips pursed. Did they upset her again?! 

"I'm pregnant with worms!- Eomma!- I'm pregnant!- They touched me!" Hajin shrieked in tears. Fwip! I quickly bolt across the living room to embrace her tiny body with a thumping heart. I hate it when she cries! It's my worst nightmare!

"What do you mean you're pregnant!?!" I gasped, quickly pulling away to cup her burning cheeks with a started look. Hajin bawled at the top of her lungs and pointed at the frightened twins as they stood by the opposite couch with a confused yet dreadful look upon her explosive hollers that almost made our ears bleed.

"Did you hurt her?!" Taehyung confronted the twins as they stared at Hajin with dreadful looks.

"No?!- I touched her hand- and she started screaming! I really didn't do anything!" Kanghoon shrieked, glancing up at Taehyung in fright.

"They will make me sick~! And I'll have a baby~!" Hajin cried as I clutched onto her trembling body. What?!

"What do you mean?! We didn't even-"

"Hajin, sweetie~! Why would you claim such nonsense~?" I gasped, tightly gripping her trembling shoulders to support her frail body as I knelt on the carpet beside her. Hajin pouted at me with messy tear streaks over her rosy red cheeks until she started hiccupping in extreme discomfort. Her hollers and damp tears are my greatest trauma! 

"Appa said I shouldn't let boys touch me!- He said they're bad for Hajinie because I'm bleeding! I'll have a baby~!" Hajin whimpered, fearfully pouting at me... and for a moment- I couldn't process her words, so I blinked and glanced at my husband, who stood beside the twins with a dumbfounded look. Taehyung's face suddenly flushed bright red. He told Hajin what?!

"We're not supposed to touch her when she's bleeding?!- You're bleeding!?!- Where?!" The twins gasped, widening their eyes at their younger sister's in concern. Hajin whimpered and tried to lift her gown to show them her panties- but I quickly pulled the silk down and drew her into a crushing hug. Aigo~! She's so clueless! I should've educated her sooner about her body!

"I don't want to be pregnant with nasty worms~!" Hajin weakly coughed while clutching onto my shoulder with her tearful cheeks pressed against my neck, so I exhaled and stood up with the young child in my arms. Taehyung awkwardly glanced at the pale twin boys as they held his hands with anxious frowns. 

"What's with the frantic screams~? I can't sleep because you keep upsetting each other~!" My father whined while standing on the upper floor with Jae Beom, who was staring at the commotion with his eyes half open.

"It was a misunderstanding~! Let's head to bed~!" I chuckled while patting Hajin's back to soothe her frightened soul as she hugged my shoulders, sniffling in tears as I gently rocked her against my chest.

Taehyung exhaled deeply, placed his palms on the twin's bowl-cut heads, and escorted the identical boys up the stairs. What did Taehyung tell her for her to be this frightened? Aigo~! My poor child! She's so startled! The twins briefly turned their heads to study their sulky sister as they followed their father up the stairs- so I carried my daughter to our bedroom and gently rested her on the mattress.

"Eomma~! I don't want baby worms~!" Hajin whimpered while patting her stomach as I wiped her tears and settled on the bed with her, worriedly studying her flushed face with an apologetic pout. She's so innocent! It's adorable~!

"What did appa tell you about your menstrual cycle?" I lifted my eyebrow.

"Appa says boys shouldn't touch me- or I'll have baby worms in my stomach~! He says boys are dangerous~!" Hajin whimpered, tearfully staring at me with her upturned lips. I frowned at her terrified face while stroking her warm cheek to erase the tear streak from her soft skin.

"That's not true. Appa is speaking gibberish," I chuckled, gently squeezing my daughter's fingers to assure her troubled soul.

"What...?" Hajin blinked, tearfully staring at me as she sat crossed legs on the mattress. I gently brushed my fingers through her loose black hair to tuck the wild strands behind her red ears. How can Taehyung scare her like this...?

"The period is an indication that your womanly body... can conceive a baby in your womb- but it doesn't mean you're ready to have a child. Okay? Matured women... bleed monthly... once we're grown... and it's totally normal. Those blood are bad fluids... released from your system... and you have to release them every month to stay healthy as a woman. Think of it as draining dirty water from the sink," I assured, weakly smiling at my flustered child.

"And what about... boys? Are they dangerous?" Hajin pouted.

"No. They're not dangerous. Appa is concerned about your welfare because boys can cause a lot of trouble. Yes... they can get you pregnant... but not with baby worms. You can grow a human baby inside your womb... but Hajin-ah... you're only eleven. Baby, you're not in the state to have a child until you're of age. Do you understand...?" I asked and lifted my palm to hold her chubby cheek. She blinked at me, uneasily processing her thoughts, and nodded after a moment of silence between us.

"But why did appa lie to Hajinie?" She sniffled.

"Appa wants to protect you, of course. You can touch a boy, and he can touch you. It's totally okay- but... you have to understand that... no one... should touch you against your will, especially not your private parts such as your breasts... between your legs... or your butt cheeks. No one should ever touch you there. Not even your family or friends. And no one should touch your hands... legs... face... or anywhere over your skin... if you're uncomfortable, okay? You have the right to say no and refuse their touch," I whispered as she held my hand over her lap.

"So I have to bleed every month...?" Hajin whispered anxiously.

"Yes. Women must bleed every month. She only stops bleeding once she's pregnant," I nodded. Hajin cutely blinked her bulging doe eyes while struggling to process my words until the door slid open... and Taehyung appeared... awkwardly glancing at his daughter... who grimaced and fired her father an annoyed look.

"Appa is a liar~!" Hajin whined as Taehyung closed the door behind his back.

"Yah~! You seriously shouldn't touch boys! They're bad for you~!" Taehyung bickered, firmly crossing his arms over his chest.

"But eomma says it's okay to touch-"

"No! It's my personal rule! You must not touch any boys!- Aside from your siblings and family! No boys allowed until you are an adult!" Taehyung sternly snapped back at Hajin. She pouted and leaned forward to hug my body, so I exhaled and rubbed her back.

"What about my husband~?" Hajin whined, pulling away to stare at me anxiously.

"Ohoh!?- Are you still obsessed with that pop star?! He's more than twice your age~!" Taehyung shrieked, stepping forward to confront his daughter. Hajin clutched onto my waist and buried her face against my chest with a big pout. Why is she so much like me?! We only care about our husbands! She's so adorable!

"Eomma~!" Hajin whined as I tightened my arms around her warm body.

"I'll let you touch your husband all you want- but only after you're grown. Okay? Don't worry about your husband yet~! He's all yours to hold once you're ready~!" I assured. The child huffed at her father, so I chuckled and lifted her off the bed to carry my daughter toward the door.

Hajin held fierce eye contact with her agitated father, making me giggle at their cuteness. Why are they glaring at each other like enemies? Aigo~! I closed the door to break the tension and strolled to her bedroom, carefully tucking Hajin into bed in her shared bedroom with Jae Beom, who was already asleep under his warm blankets. I kissed their foreheads to bid them a good night's sleep before returning to my room to find Kim Taehyung... sitting against the bedhead with a dark frown.

"I'm withdrawing her from school," Taehyung muttered. I crawled onto the bed and gently took his hand in mine. 

"Honey~! Don't overthink-"

"She's basically a woman now! How can I trust her alone at the academy? The twins study in a different high school- and Beom is home with us!" Taehyung grimaced as I sat by his side with a conflicted smile. I always feared Taehyung over protectiveness over our daughter.

"We should trust her-"

"Hajin has your face, Sora!" Taehyung snapped at me. I paused to study the man's agitated frown and exhaled deeply.

"What about my face?-"

"Men will chase her! They'll try to lure her into their nasty grips!" Taehyung scoffed. I chuckled while shaking my head. Can I blame him? He's traumatized after all the troubles we went through together.

"But that's what you did with me too~? Isn't it normal? You lured me into your grips!" I teased. Taehyung darted me an offended look.

"But I had genuine feelings for you! Oh?- I might've been hot-tempered, but I've always loved you! Not every man is like me! They might fool our precious daughter!" Taehyung cutely pounded his buff chest, making me giggle at his adorable gesture.

"Araso. We can homeschool her with Beom if you're anxious. Don't fret," I assured, finally nodding at my husband in agreement. Taehyung huffed in annoyance and leaned forward to press his face against my chest, so I sighed and hugged his head to console his restless soul.

"I want to free her from cruel heartbreaks because... I'm afraid... she'd be treated poorly... just like... how I was so reckless... with you..." Taehyung sniffled. I pouted and kissed the top of his head.

"Hey. Don't sulk. It's okay. I'll allow you to protect Hajin until she's grown. Okay? She should be allowed to love and experience the world once she's ready... so promise me you'll free her once she's of age," I muttered, gently lifting his face between my palms. Taehyung pouted with an uptight look... but he nodded anyway... and leaned upward to kiss me. We can't imprison her behind our walls forever.

"Okay. Let me protect Hajin until she's ready," Taehyung muttered, sadly pulling away to stare into my eyes, making me pout at the father's distressing concern for his maturing daughter. The most difficult part of raising our family... is watching our kids grow before our eyes.

I wish I could preserve their innocence forever.

Third Person POV

Jae Beom groggily rolled over the cozy mattress with his eyes barely open and snuggled against his pillow... until his blurry vision landed on Kim Hajin. She repeatedly tossed and turned on the bed to search for a comfortable position, softly groaning and grunting in discomfort. The older brother frowned at the youngest daughter as she grumpily murmured on her bed with her arms wrapped around her lower abdomen and scrunched her eyebrows together to resist the uncomfortable ache. 


Kim Hajin clutched the heated blanket pad over her stomach with her eyebrows furrowed. Her young soul... tormented by the menstrual cramp for the very first time. She groaned every few minutes as she held the warm pad over her stomach to ease the discomfort... because her mother claimed the warmth would relieve her pain... but it didn't- and her back and bum were pulsing with a dull contraction. The young heiress huffed in irritation and twisted on her side to curl into a ball. She finally opened her eyes while grumbling softly- only to find another pair of white eyeballs... gawking... at her in the dark... beside her bed.

"ARGH!" Hajin screamed, roughly smacking the person with her fist. Thump!

"Ow~!" Jae Beom gripped his forehead, tumbling back onto the floor in shock as Hajin jerked into a sitting position, her eyes bulging open in bewilderment.

"What are you doing?! You scared me!" Hajin shrieked in disbelief as Beom sat up with an annoyed look.

"You keep grumbling~!" Beom whined. He grabbed his sister's bed to haul himself back onto his feet before glancing at the heated pad over her stomach.

"My stomach is hurting~! Eomma says it's because of my period~!" Hajin softly whined. Beom worriedly stared at her pitiful condition as he settled at the bedside to observe his sister's miserable menstrual side effects.

"Do you want hot chocolate~? Oppa will make hot chocolate for you," Beom whispered while gazing at her sunken eyes. Hajin pursed her lips at his offer, so Jae Beom took her wrist and gently escorted the heiress off the mattress.

"Eeek~! It's so weird~!" Kim Hajin groaned as she followed her older brother into the dark corridor with her legs apart while tugging on her panties beneath the silk gown to adjust the bothersome menstrual pad that was rubbing against her groin.

A moment later

"You can make hot chocolate...?" Hajin asked while climbing the stool as Beom switched on the kitchen's light and tiptoed on his feet to reach the cupboard above his head.

The older brother carefully retrieved the cacao container, boiled the water in the automatic boiler, and quietly measured the dark powder with a tablespoon before adding it to a red mug. Jae Beom turned to search for milk in the fridge, leaving Hajin seated on the stool with her messy hair dangling all over her face. She groaned again and rested her head on the cold counter with her arms wrapped securely around her belly. The third son poured the warm water into the mug, mixed it with the cool milk to buffer the high temperature and carefully stirred the mixture with a spoon. Cling. Cling. He finally spun around and slid the mug toward Hajin as she keenly watched him from the counter.

"Eomma always drinks hot chocolate when she's on her period. Appa makes it for her," Beom nodded as he rounded the counter to sit beside his baby sister with a cup of plain milk.

"Your appa? Or mine?" Hajin asked while blowing the hot steam. Beom sipped his cold milk as he sat on the stool in his silk pajamas.

"Both. Your appa is also my appa, and my appa is also your appa. They both love our mother," Beom chuckled, lowering the cup to the marble counter as Hajin carefully slurped the hot drink.

"Hmmm~! It's delicious~!" Hajin gasped, suddenly snapping her dilated pupils at her older brother with an approving grin.

"I know. Eomma loves it," Beom nodded.

"Who taught you the recipe?" Hajin smiled.

"I always watched appa brew it for eomma during her pregnancy when she had you. Appa often visits the kitchen late at night to bring eomma water or hot chocolate because of her morning sickness," Beom smiled, referring to Kim Taehyung's devotion to ensuring his wife's utmost comfort during her pregnancy with their youngest daughter.

"I hope I earn a lovely husband just like appa~! Someone as caring as Beomie oppa- and handsome as our twin brothers~!" Hajin grinned at Beom, causing the older brother to chuckle at her hopeful exclamation. He lifted his hand to stroke her head as Hajin enjoyed her hot chocolate at the counter.

A moment later.

"Does it still hurt? Your stomach? Should I wake eomma?" Beom asked while tucking his baby sister into bed.

"I feel better now~! Thank you for the hot chocolate~" Hajin nodded. Beom anxiously stared at his sister with an unconvinced frown. Her skin was as pale as a ghost and her fingers were abnormally cold. 

"You can wake me if you're scared or sick. I don't mind," Beom nodded, leaning over to kiss her forehead, so Hajin cupped his cheeks and returned the kiss.

"Wanna share the bed? It's been a while since we cuddled~!" Hajin offered, weakly smiling at Beom. He nodded without hesitation, lifted the blanket, and slipped in beside his baby sister. Jae Beom wanted to share his warmth with Hajin in the hope of easing her discomfort. Hajin shifted her body to the side to make space before turning to hug her chubby brother on the bed.

"I won't be able to hold you anymore when you're older, so I'll hug you now," Beom muttered while adjusting his head on the pillow.

"Why not~?" Hajin pouted, lifting her face to stare at Beom with a startled look.

"You're a maturing woman. I have to respect your boundaries," Beom chuckled, softly poking her nose with his finger. Hajin whined cutely as she coiled her possessive arms around Beom's plump belly and pressed her face against his chubby cheek.

"Hajin will always favor oppa the most~! We can still be close~!" She whined. Beom smiled at his sister and turned on his side to slip his arm under her head.

"Your husband will hit me if you favor me more~!" Beom chuckled. Hajin snorted and gripped her older brother's back.

"He can hit the twin brothers but not you~! Not Jae Beom! You're the family's golden child~!" Hajin giggled. Beom patted Hajin's soft hair strands while chatting with his sister to distract her from her menstrual cramps... until she fell asleep in his arm... and he eventually drifted off into a deep sleep as well after ensuring the heiress was comfortable on the shared mattress in their cozy bedroom.


Fast Forward

The humming bees buzzed busily over the blooming flowers of colorful petals to search for the sweetest pollen within the beautiful garden on the sacred hilltop as a man crouched by the sprouting stems during a hot summer day. Kim Taehyung inspected his fresh batch of flowers under the glaring sun ray until he noticed a shadow lurking behind his back. Thump. Thump. A child appeared... crouching beside him in a bright yellow outfit. The father glanced at baby Beom as the boy keenly squatted beside him to inspect the flower pots.

"Don't you have class?" Taehyung asked, unsurely staring at his son's unexpected presence.

"Ssaem is ill," Beom shrugged, cutely glancing at Taehyung with his monolid eyes.

"Sit in the shade. Your skin will burn," Taehyung nudged the child, but Beom didn't budge and remained crouching beside his stepfather.

"I want to help. Can I help?" Beom asked, curiously pointing at the pots.

"No. You're useless. You wouldn't stop whining about the splinter in your pinky until eomma took you to the hospital the last time you helped- so sit in the shade," Taehyung grimaced while shaking his head to dismiss the child.

Jae Beom pouted at his father's objection but didn't complain, got up to his feet and strolled away to sit on the bench under the cool shade. Taehyung exhaled and turned to pat the damp soil on his knees until he briefly glanced at the child again to find Beom sitting with... a bright pink nose... and tearful eyes. The father frowned at Jae Beom's sulky expression as the child repeatedly wiped his streaming tears while dangling his chubby legs from the bench.

"Do you want water, appa~?" Beom pouted, blinking at his father in tears.

"Why are you crying?- Yah! You sure take after your mother!- Why are you brooding for no apparent reason?!" Taehyung scoffed, suddenly getting up to wash his dirty hands with the water hose, and quickly strode under the tree shade with his startled gaze on Beom's damp cheeks.


"You're shedding tears- yet you claim it's nothing? Do you feel sick again?!- Answer appa!" Taehyung asked while feeling the boy's forehead. Beom shook his head repeatedly and wiped his tears again.

"Why did appa say I'm useless~? Beom has ten working fingers- just like appa~! Beom can see well~! And Beom can do a lot of things~! Eomma says Beom is a helpful boy~! So why did appa say Beom is useless~?" Beom sobbed, cutely puckering his lips while staring up at his stepfather, causing Kim Taehyung to freeze above the child as the poor soul helplessly cried on the bench.

The father sighed in defeat... upon the realization that he had... hurt the child's feelings by accident... so the alpha slumped beside the sulky boy and lifted Jae Beom's chunky body to place the child on his lap. Taehyung wiped the hot tears from his son's chubby cheeks and patted the little boy's back to soothe him. 

"Are you hurt because appa says you're useless~?" Taehyung asked, weakly smiling at the child's upset pout. Beom nodded, fighting hard to hold back his tears- but his nose tip only turned redder.

"Is something wrong with Beom~? Hic~! Everyone is okay with Hajin and hyung doing house chores or running errands- but no one tells Beom to do anything~! Hic~!" Beom hiccupped while searching his father's face, causing Taehyung to chuckle at the child's cuteness.

"Hey, young man~! Why are you upset that you're the favored child in the house?" Taehyung poked his nose.

"Appa says I'm useless~!" Beom argued while frowning at the father, who was obviously enjoying his son's emotional outburst too much.

"Araso~! Appa is sorry~! You're not useless~!- Appa didn't want your skin to burn under the sun~!" Taehyung assured and gently hugged the child against his chest. Beom gripped Taehyung's shoulder for support with a big pout. 

"I don't mind-"

"But eomma minds!- She will get mad at appa for giving you a sunburn! Your skin is extremely sensitive to heat~! You'll get rashes again~! Oh?- Appa really appreciates Beomie's company- but eomma will get extremely upset if you get another splinter in your pinky~! She will beat appa for irritating your precious skin~!" Taehyung gently held the chubby boy's hand. Beom pouted sadly and glanced at his red skin with a sore look.

"But I want to help~!" Beom insisted while blinking at his father with his glassy pupils. Taehyung grimaced at the boy's determination to assist him.

"I'll let you help me only if you wear long sleeves and a hat. Okay? And sunscreen!" Taehyung pinched his son's nose, causing the boy's gloomy face to abruptly brighten in delight upon hearing his father's approval.

"Okay!- Appa can boss Beom around! I'll do all the work!" Beom grinned.

"Bring appa a cool glass of water~!" Taehyung softly kissed his cheek.

"Okay!" Beom chirped, frantically hopping off his father's lap, and scrambled away. The father shook his head in disbelief as he watched the chubby child race over the backyard and glanced at his garden again. Kim Taehyung loves to spend his time with his children but his wife is against him exploiting the young kids under the scorching sun. 


Jang Sora fanned the freshly made honey biscuits on the plate when Beom suddenly rushed inside the kitchen with a winter jacket zipped up to his neck and a beach hat fitted over his head. The mother frowned at his outfit and glanced at her son's mismatched knee-length socks, pulled over his loose pants as he stood in his yellow rain boots. Fwip! The child flung open the fridge to snatch the cool water jar.

"Why are you wearing layered clothes? And what's on your face?" Sora frowned at the white substance over his face.

"Appa says Beom can help him only if Beom wears long sleeves~! A hat~! And sunscreen! It's Beom's first mission to bring appa water! Cool water~!" Beom grinned, quickly pushing the jar back inside the fridge, grabbed the glass, and hurried out of the kitchen causing the mother to huff in disbelief. She quickly glanced out the window to find her son... racing over the hilltop in his beach hat and thick jacket with the spilling cup.

"He'll suffer a heat stroke~!" Sora whined and glanced at the scorching summer glare in the clear blue sky after her son disappeared from her sight. She sighed deeply while compressing tissues over the biscuits to absorb the excess oil from the warm snacks.

"Do we have snacks? I smell honey~!" Jang Beomseok asked as he chased the savory scent into the kitchen.

"Have the fresh biscuits," Sora smiled, turning to place a plate on the counter as Hajin followed her grandpa inside the room with a grumpy face.

"Eomma! Why can't I go to school~?" Hajin asked while climbing the stool beside her grandfather to grab a honey biscuit in her cute yellow sundress.

"Appa is arranging for you to study at home~!" Sora chuckled.

"Wae?" Hajin blinked at her mother in surprise.

"Because appa wants to protect his pretty daughter~!" Sora smiled and rounded the counter to massage her father's shoulder.

"How will my husband find me if I'm always inside our house~?" Hajin pouted.

"Aigo~! You're too young for a husband!" Beomseok chuckled. 

"I'll find imo so she can wash your hair. Hajin- bring the biscuits to your father and Beom in the garden," Sora patted her father's shoulder and left the kitchen to search for the chief maid.

Kim Hajin nodded at her mother's order and quickly hopped off the stool. The little heiress lifted the plate from the stove and skipped out of the mansion to race under the scorching sun while stealing the biscuits from the pile until she found her father sitting under the shade. The man was overseeing his son's work performance from the wooden bench with his leg hooked over his kneecap. Beom was watering the soil with the hose in his thick jacket and a beach hat... secured over his sweaty head.

"Appa! Biscuits!" Hajin announced as she settled the plate on the wooden table.

"Did you eat everything already?!" Taehyung scoffed at the leftover honey biscuits on the plate.

"No! I didn't eat them!" Hajin shrieked, dismissively plopping onto the bench beside the man to deny her involvement with the missing snacks. Her father grimaced at the obvious honey stains around her mouth and greasy lips before glancing at Hajin's sticky fingers.

"Jae Beom, sweetheart~! Come and have the snacks~! Eomma made biscuits!" Taehyung called as he sipped the cool water from the class, so Beom turned off the water and quickly sprinted into the shade to snatch the biscuit with an excited beam. Hajin giggled at her older brother's silly outfits.

"Appa~! Aren't you eating~?" Beom glanced at his sour-looking father. 

"A fat pig already ate most of the snacks~! You can have the rest~!" Taehyung smiled at Beom, causing Hajin's face to flush red. She snapped her offended glower at her smug father in shock.

"I DIDN'T EAT IT!" Hajin shrieked.

"I didn't say you ate it! Why are you offended?! I said a fat pig~! Oink! Oink!" Taehyung mocked his daughter while pushing his nosetip upward, causing Hajin's face to flush even redder.

"I'M NOT A PIG!" Hajin smacked her father's arm with her tiny fist. Taehyung scoffed at her bratty attitude in disbelief as his daughter glowered at him with her puffed cheeks.

"Hey! Appa didn't say it was you!" Taehyung frowned at her fuming red face, causing Beom to giggle at their ridiculous argument.

"Hmph~!" Hajin cutely folded her arms and directed her glare away until her mother appeared with a tray.

"Aigo~! Why are you always upsetting Hajinie~?" Sora chuckled as she settled the tray with a fresh pile of biscuits and a jar of orange juice. The mother knew her daughter would charge expensive errand fees by stealing the snacks... so she brought a new batch for her husband and son. 

"Appa called Hajin a fat pig!" Hajin shrieked.

"Hey! The biscuits disappeared- so I said a fat pig ate it! You said it wasn't you, so why are you offended?!" Taehyung playfully nudged his daughter. Sora snorted and shook her head in disbelief as Hajin fumed at her father's mocking smile.

"Yeobo~!" Sora laughed while pouring the juice into the glasses. The father grinned and reached for the fresh biscuit as the mother handed Hajin and Beom the icy juice.

"Appa is a meanie!" Hajin grumbled, sideways darting at her father an annoyed glare. Sora chuckled and walked over to unzip the thick jacket from Beom's body and carefully withdrew the thick material from her child's body... to reveal his damp sweat... soaking all over his inner clothes.

"How can you wear a winter jacket on a hot summer day? You'll suffer a stroke~!" Sora scolded and placed the jacket on Taehyung's lap before drawing Beom forward to make him sit beside his stepfather on the bench. The mother grabbed the wet wipes from the package and gently rubbed the excess sunscreen off Beom's face as he thirstily slurped the orange juice from the straw.

"I want to help appa~!" Beom shrugged.

"Eomma will get you protection sleeves. Don't wear your jacket- it's not suitable for the heatwave," Sora wiped the sweat from Beom's hairline and finally sat by Taehyung's side as Hajin brooded alone at the edge of the bench with her juice cup.

"I wonder which fat pig ate all the biscuits~?" Taehyung squinted his eyes at the garden from under the shade, causing Hajin to direct her furious glower toward her father again.

"Eomma!" Hajin pouted at her mother.

"Yeobo~!" Sora chuckled, carefully lifting her daughter to seat the child on her lap as Hajin resentfully glared at her father. Taehyung scooted away to place his arm over Beom's shoulder and slurped the sweet juice from his son's cup as the mother comforted her agitated daughter.

"Beomie is the best child on this hilltop~! Such a useful baby~! He helps me out with my garden~!" Taehyung proudly pinched Beom's cheek, who was smiling at Hajin's upset frown.

"And Hajinie is perfect just by being pretty and lovely in her beautiful dress~!" Sora chuckled, lowering her face to kiss Hajin's cheek. The daughter's upset scowl suddenly softened at her mother's love stroke. The child pursed her lips and lifted her pretty face to her mother.

"Really~?" Hajin giggled as Sora reached across the table to pick a biscuit.

"Of course! You're a gorgeous lady~!" Sora nodded, causing Hajin to wiggle her body in glee. Sora chuckled and held the child close to her chest as Taehyung side-eyed his daughter's glowing smile.

"Aigo~! Beom is such a competent man for sweating profusely for his family! I have so much gratitude for you~!" Taehyung pulled Beom against his body, who giggled and hugged his father on his side. Sora laughed at their playful tease and distracted her daughter by feeding her child the sweet biscuit, gently smacking her husband's shoulder to stop the man from taunting their daughter.

Kim Taehyung beamed even brighter at his wife's warning glare and lifted his other arm to pull her against him. Sora chuckled and rested her head on her husband's shoulder as Hajin sourly glared at her father... until Beom offered her a biscuit from Taehyung's lap. The young heiress gladly accepted the peace offer and munched the snack under the shade with her family... before the extensive blooming petals... in the beautiful garden.


Fast Forward

The timid secretary clutched the device in his arms with his nervous gaze trained on the intimidating founder as the man stared sharply at the crowd of executive directors and shareholders within the packed meeting room with his hands clasped over the wooden desk... until the nervous men lowered their heads in fear to avoid Kim Taehyung's deadly glare.

"I have made my intention clear, did I not? Dividends will not be granted, and all profits will be used to fund future research and development to ensure continuous corporation growth. Everyone within this room has agreed to the decision a year prior- so why are you requesting a dividend payout before the expected achievement?" Kim Taehyung's low voice boomed loudly across the room, causing everyone to stiffen in their seats.

"It's been over a decade since we invested, and we have never once-"

"Dividend will be granted once the company achieves the benchmark, but we are underperforming! You may give up on the shares if you're unsatisfied!" Taehyung frowned at the men and women with his piercing glare.

"I'm sure the company will declare dividends in the upcoming year once we secure the market share," The chief executive officer assured the shareholders, who have called for an urgent meeting to discuss their concerns.

"Reclaim the shares from the unsatisfied shareholders. I will not tolerate impatient fools," Taehyung fired the CEO a harsh scowl before launching his feet- and stormed out of the room without another word. Clatter! The men quickly rose to their feet and lowered their heads to the founder. The secretary anxiously grimaced as he dismissed the meeting and chased the supreme alpha back to his private office.

Kim Taehyung hastily undid his suit's stuffy buttons while storming through the lobby in his polished shoes, causing the assistants to jerk to their feet upon his unannounced presence. The alpha angrily shoved open the door and stormed inside the office with fuming ears as the secretary scurried after him with the files.

"Sir- Oh! My lady~!" The secretary quickly lowered his head once he noticed Jang Sora organizing her husband's desk.

"You're dismissed," Taehyung grunted while slipping off his suit jacket to hook it on the coat hanger and marched toward his desk with a dark glower. The secretary lowered his head and quickly left the office to grant the founder privacy with his beloved spouse. Clack. Jang Sora lifted her face to examine her husband's creasing eyebrows as he rounded the desk, slumped heavily on the armchair, and pressed his face against his palms without greeting her.

The supreme alpha calmly monitored her husband's unfavorable mood while setting the packed lunch on his table and quietly arranged the utensils on the napkin without disturbing him as the infuriated man struggled to calm his temper with his head lowered... fuming heavily within the muted space. Smack! Kim Taehyung roughly slapped his wife's buttcheek.

"Ah!" Sora flinched in shock, abruptly freezing in place and glanced at her husband's dark expression as he leaned back against the armchair with a grumpy look.

"Why aren't you speaking with me?" Taehyung confronted her muteness.

"You didn't appear like you wanted to speak," Sora shrugged as she unclasped the lunch box for him. FWIP! Kim Taehyung suddenly yanked her dress upward, causing Sora to gasp in shock. She quickly pushed the fabric back down with a startled look.

"Show me your panties," Taehyung demanded. The supreme alpha widened her eyes at her husband in disbelief, utterly taken aback by his absurd request.


"Show me your panties!" Taehyung whined, forcefully grabbing her dress again- and hastily lifted it upward to peek at her crotch. Jang Sora scoffed at his perverted behavior and quickly slapped his hand off the fringe with a slight grimace. 

"Why are you demanding to see my panties?!-"

"Because I'm upset!" Taehyung snapped, tightly gripping the fabric as his wife attempted to hold her dress down. The supreme alpha gawked at her husband's flushed face in disbelief while fighting with him to secure her dress until the founder tensed up in his seat. Silence. She frowned at him with an uptight look. The couple glared at one another in absolute mutness until Jang Sora emitted a deep sigh, ultimately surrendering to her husband in defeat.

Sora's POV

"Yeobo~! I wore a worn-out panties today~!" I pouted shyly.

"Doesn't matter. Show me," Taehyung stubbornly shook his head with his determined gaze on me. I exhaled and lifted my dress to flash my panties with a slight grimace. I'm afraid he'll make a habit out of this whenever he's upset! The husbandman shifted his sharp gaze to the worn-out underwear over my crotch, scooted his wheelchair forward to hug my hips, and gently pressed his face against my panties with his eyes closed. Why is he acting so weirdly?!

"You're a pervert," I chuckled, lowering my hand to pat his head.

Taehyung didn't speak and remained motionless with his face pressed against my crotch, so I awkwardly stood with my dress lifted to my hips until the man withdrew his face with a satisfied frown. Taehyung pecked my panties once before spinning me around to shove his face against my bum, causing me to whine loudly at his bizarre behavior. What's wrong with him!? How did sniffing my panties become his shameless practice after I flashed him once?!

My husband kissed each side of my buttcheeks and finally released my dress, so I quickly spun around to frown at him with a flushed face. I'm alright with him behaving this way at home but- at his workplace?! It's uncomfortable! The secretary might barge inside at any moment, and I definitely do not wish for the employee to gossip about their founder's obsession with my buttcrack!

"I'd quit this job already if it weren't for you and our children," Taehyung grumbled, gently drawing me onto his lap. I hugged his neck with a slight pout on his dark grimace.

"Should I help you ease the work burden? I'll work with you," I suggested as he softly pecked my lips. Taehyung shook his head, slid the armchair forward to pick up the spoon, and dug into the warm lunch in the containers.

"No. Your only duty is to ease my heart and wimpy corn dog~! I'll take care of the remaining work burden~! Just be the beautiful lady you are~!" Taehyung smiled and lifted the spoon to my lips.

"You'll surely get wrinkles from frowning so much~!" I smiled while stroking the area between his eyebrows to flatten the creasing skin as I accepted his spoonful of food. 

"We should focus on feeding those five crackheads so they can grow up quickly and inherit the stress from me! I'll retire as soon as they're married!" Taehyung funnily complained, making me chuckle at his cuteness.

"Okay! I'll make sure to stuff their bellies so they can grow up quicker to take over their father's legacy~!" I giggled, causing Taehyung to smile at my agreement as he chewed on one side of his cheek. My husband is getting older by the day, so we should prepare our five children for their future duties! I can't wait to retire with my husband!

We loudly chattered at his desk until my husband scraped the lunch boxes clean, leaving behind no leftovers. I love to feed him because he always finishes my food! Not a single rice grain is left behind! I quickly got up from his lap to clear his desk so he could resume working on his tasks.

"Ah~! I have another meeting after this~!" Taehyung grumbled as he strolled out of the private bathroom with a soaked face. I quickly rummaged through my bag for a small towel and gently patted his skin dry as he cuffed his sleeves.

"Do you want me to sit with you? I can offer emotional support," I chuckled.

"Good idea. I need my wife's presence today, or I'll flip the table over!" Taehyung smiled, lowering his face to kiss my lips. I giggled at his teasing strokes, pulled away to grab the suit from the coat hanger, and helped my husband into it before fixing his buttons and tie. Taehyung fondly admired my face while towering over me.

"Oppa~!" I giggled as he playfully groped my buttcheeks.

Taehyung took my hand after I groomed him, and we finally left his office together to attend another meeting. I ended up sitting beside my husband like a doll before the directors. Taehyung's bright expression instantly darkened again as he scolded the men within the room... until I noticed him straining his tense spine. He'll hurt his back. I gently patted his lower back... but he didn't seem to ease at my touch.. so I blinked at the directors as they nervously proposed their plan to the agitated founder from the far end of the table.

Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung grimly sat with arms crossed over his buff chest while being in an extremely bad mood with his piercing stare glued on the screen across the room. Jang Sora repeatedly shifted in her seat until the man averted his glowering stare to his wife's distracting movements, quietly watching her reach for something under the table.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Taehyung whispered, lifting his thick eyebrow to question her.

"I have something for you," Sora straightened her body with her gaze fixed on the screen as she clutched something in her balled fist. Kim Taehyung lifted his thick eyebrow again to question his wife as she cautiously observed the other men, who had their attention set on the opposite side of the room. 

The supreme alpha carefully grabbed Taehyung's hand under the desk and pushed a soft fabric into his grip... without much explanation. The unsettled founder slowly averted his dark gaze to his hand as his wife beamed in contentment and sat back in her seat. He opened his palm... unsurely... stretching the thin... fabric under the desk... and suddenly froze in place... with his unblinking eyes on... the familiar... looking... panties.

"Are you nuts?" Taehyung whispered, snapping his face toward his wife in horror as she grinned at the screen with a smug look.

"Wae...?" Sora teased, firing him a naughty smirk. Kim Taehyung scoffed at her inappropriate behavior and shifted his startled gaze back to his wife's panties in disbelief.

"You're bare underneath in a room full of men," Taehyung furiously whispered, firing her an uptight grimace.

"I'll always remain bare for you," Sora giggled with a flirty smile, causing the alpha's cheeks to flush red. The man gripped her panties under the desk and glanced back at his men, suddenly losing track of whatever the director had said. 

"You're unbelievable," Taehyung murmured with his dim gaze on the screen as he crumpled the soft fabric in his oversized palm and suddenly lifted his hands upward to press his wife's panties against his nose, causing Jang Sora's eyes to widen in shock. Gasp! She gripped her husband's forearm in an attempt to stop him- but froze in a panic once the men turned in their direction to find Kim Taehyung... sitting at the end of the table... with a cloth pressed against his nose. No one reacted. They had mistaken the material for the founder's handkerchief.

"Put it down!" Sora whispered, lowering her hand to smack his thigh under the desk... but Taehyung didn't budge and inhaled her fragrance deeply with his eyes closed, making her flush even redder at his sensual frown.

"Enlighten me with the new protocol," Taehyung nodded at his men, finally opening his seductive gaze with his wife's panties pressed firmly over his nose. The directors cluelessly nodded and resumed briefing on the strategic approach, causing Jang Sora to stiffen in her seat with a numbed face as she sideways glared at her husband. Taehyung smirked at his tense wife before lowering one hand to rub her inner thigh, making her swallow uneasily at his teasing touch. She averted her frightened pupils to her husband again as he gently clutched her beneath the desk. 

"Oppa~!" Sora pouted as she gripped his forearm with a pleading look.

"We're staying overtime in my office tonight," Taehyung mouthed, deeply absorbing her scent from her panties before shifting his sharp gaze back to his men, leaving his wife paralyzed in her seat as he shamelessly sniffed her underwear in a room packed with his people. Jang Sora bit her lower lips and lowered her head in extreme embarrassment as her husband caressed her thigh under the desk to arouse her nerves with his roaming fingertips.

A moment later

"Everyone may leave early today," Taehyung dismissively waved his hands once he entered the private lobby, causing the secretary and assistants to eye one another in surprise. The supreme alpha forcefully smiled at the staff as her husband led her inside his office while struggling to walk without her panties. Click. Sora quickly sealed the door behind her back and snapped her face toward Taehyung, who was slipping off his suit.

"Oppa~! Give me back my panties~!" Sora whined, quickly walking up to her husband with a cute grimace.

"Oh? You gave it to me- so why are you trying to take it back?-" Taehyung playfully shoved his wife aside when she tried to shove her fingers inside his pocket.

"I don't have anything underneath! It's cold~!" Sora whined while twisting her legs with a big pout as her husband drew out her worn-out panties from his pocket with a devious smirk.

"I'm not giving it back!" Taehyung shrugged, dismissively spinning his body around to stride in the opposite direction. Sora to gasp at his refusal.

"Yeobo~! Give it back! I feel uncomfortable!" She shrieked, desperately chasing after him, and tried to seize his forearm when Taehyung swiftly spun around and suddenly shoved her onto the couch- Thump! The supreme alpha shrieked in shock once she crashed onto the cushions.

"You want it back~? I'll give it back if you take responsibility for teasing me~!" Taehyung smirked as he stood above his wife with his tongue pressed against the inner flesh of his cheek.

"I'll give you a new panties at home! Whichever you like~! That one is old-"

"Exactly! Old panties have more of your flavor and scent saturated in them~! I prefer this one~!" Taehyung chuckled and lifted the cloth to his nose again. Sniff! Sniff! The man shamelessly inhaled her scent with a difficult frown- causing his wife to whine at his perverted behavior.

"So annoying!" Sora shrieked, lightly smacking his stomach. 

"Lay down," He instructed, suddenly sitting down with her.


"Don't make me repeat myself," Taehyung narrowed his eyes at her upset frown as she glowered at him with inflated cheeks.


"Sora," Taehyung lifted his eyebrow to disapprove of her disobedience, causing the supreme alpha to purse her lips restlessly- so she huffed, kicked off her heels, and slumped onto the couch in defeat.

"Fine! But you can't get my dress dirty!- I didn't bring a spare!" Sora snapped at her husband as he sat beside her body on the couch. The alpha lifted his hand to massage her shin before averting his smug stare to her irritated scowl.

"Why should I care... if you get dirty? I like you dirty," Taehyung chuckled, lowering his face to kiss her kneecap while stroking her inner thighs until he felt her muscles stiffening at his touch. 

"Ah~! But this is your office~!" Sora whined, quickly covering her flustered face as the man lowered his face to kiss her inner thighs, causing her body to twitch at his pleasuring strokes. Kim Taehyung lifted his handsome face to admire Jang Sora's nervous expression while fondling her inner thighs under her dress... until she whimpered... and bit her lower lips. The man deeply exhaled as he stretched her panties and slipped the cloth over her ankles.

Jang Sora suddenly dropped her hands from her burning face and lifted her head to stare at her husband as he drew the panties up her legs to adjust the straps back onto her fleshy hips. He then lifted her dress upward to expose her stomach and leaned downward to plant a moist kiss... just below her belly button... causing a sweep of goosebumps to sweep across her sensitive skin. The alpha eventually raised his face from her lower abdomen and pulled the fabric back down to cover her sensitive body. He didn't force himself onto her. 

"I guess you don't favor my body anymore," Taehyung smiled while fixing her dress after he fitted the underwear back to his wife's hips without escalating their intimacy, knowing she wasn't in the mood to have her body touched. Sora quickly sat up to hug his neck with a big pout. 

"I promise I'll let you do as you wish at your apartment!" Sora pulled away to cup her husband's cheeks, causing Taehyung's lips to curve upward... at her desperate attempt to console him.

"I was just teasing you. My work is overdue... so I'll sort it out first," Taehyung chuckled, sweetly pecking her lips as he coiled his arms around her waist and gently patted her back on the couch.  The founder eventually stood up with his wife in his arms and chose to perform his work at the desk with his wife seated on his lap. Sora chuckled happily and kissed her husband's cheek... every now and then... while clinging... to his body with her head tilted against his shoulder chest to keep him company inside his isolated office.

Next Morning

Kim Taehyung rolled over the mattress to search for his wife's body with his eyes closed until his fingers fumbled upon her thin silk. The man groggily lowered his hand to feel her bare flesh between her thighs. Frowning unsurely, he opened his blurry vision to find the supreme alpha... curled up into a ball with her loose nightgown drawn all the way up to her waist. He scoffed, lightly smacking her exposed bum before pulling the silk back down to cover her legs until she grumbled and turned to lay on her back. The man scooted under the blanket to hold her body close to his warm trunk, softly breathing against her messy black hair while patting her stomach to gently wake his wife from her deep sleep.

"Do you want to go jogging with me...?" Taehyung hoarsely whispered while holding her waist. Jang Sora grumbled under her breath and shook her head before turning on her side to face away from her husband. 

Taehyung aligned his torso against her back and held her body close with their legs entangled under the warm sheet. He dozed off for another ten minutes before jerking awake again... and crawled off the bed, tucked his wife back to sleep, and left the apartment for a morning jog... leaving the supreme alpha... sprawling alone... on the bed in his apartment. She was too sleepy to chase her handsome husband and chose to sleep in for the day.

Sora's POV

Thud. Thud- Creak. I sleepily opened my heavy eyelids to scan the bedroom door once my husband came strolling inside in his sweaty attire. He's done jogging? I exhaled deeply at his presence while snuggling against the pillow as he drew off his pants from his firm hips to toss them in the laundry basket before walking up to the bedside. Squelch. Squelch. I closed my eyes briefly and opened it again to find the man jerking his bulge by the bedside. I frowned and lifted my confused stare to him as he pleased himself by the bed... right above my face. Why is he beating his meat so suddenly...?

"What are you doing...?" I grumbled, groggily blinking at the man until Taehyung crawled onto the bed, lifted the blanket off my body, and pushed the silk up to my waist.

"Let me borrow your body for a moment," Taehyung smiled, quickly pulling my panties off my hip bones and hurled it to the floor as I lay sideways on the bed with a dazed mind. Oh no~! He's aroused..?

"Hey~! You're dirty~!" I whined once he lifted my left thigh upward and shifted his crotch forward to push his tip against my opening... but he didn't penetrate me right away. Instead. He sensually rubs his shaft over my slit to prepare my body for his entrance. I lifted my hand to smack his damp shirt in annoyance. He's so sweaty~!

"We can shower together once you're dirty~!" Taehyung chuckled while stroking his warm meat against my opening... so I groaned and lowered my face against the pillow.

"Why are you horny early in the morning~? Did you see a sexy lady during the jog?" I whined, firing the man an annoyed look as he leaned his torso mine over to thrust his hips forward, carefully penetrating me in a scissoring position.

My horny husband steadily entered my throbbing entrance as I was resting on my side with my left leg hooked over his thigh. Squelch. Squelch. I gripped the sheet with my lips ajar. Hmm~! I'm barely awake and I'm too weak to stop him~! The hot spasm suddenly exploded all over my crotch as he steadily thrusts forward to initiate our intercourse, so I exhaled and closed my eyes in defeat. He's so warm~! Hah~!

"You didn't want to do it at the office yesterday, and we were too tired last night," Taehyung grunted while pouncing his hips forward and lowered his face to kiss my thigh as he clutched onto my legs to keep my groin latched to his crotch... causing me to moan softly with every hot thump I felt inside my throbbing lady bits.

"Did we have to do this early~?" I grumbled, turning my head to grimace at his sexy frown as he railed me on the bed with my gown pushed up to my stomach. Fwop. Fwop. Taehyung leaned over to loosen the buttons over my chest and pushed the fabric aside to reveal my bosoms. I tilted my head back in pleasure as he massaged my bare breasts with his palms until my motionless body rocked helplessly over the mattress with the motion of his manly hip thrusts.

I don't mind our intimacy, but I'm still half asleep! And he's drenched in sweat! I'll have to change the sheet again and do the laundry~! Hah~! My mind suddenly stopped functioning once the flaring pressure seized control of my senses, so I moaned out loud while laying on my side as my husband grinds his moist groin against mine to pound his bulge inside my moist canal... until my body started burning in extreme heat.

"Wae~? Why are you complaining so much?!- Do you not like me anymore~?" Taehyung playfully beat my buttcheek while thrusting forward, making me giggle at his playful complaints.

"Of course, I enjoy your presence! I'm just sleepy right now~!- Ah~! Hah~!" I weakly moaned once I felt my inside throbbing with the pleasuring surges, making my husband chuckle at my difficult frown. Smack! Smack! The man kept spanking my ass to tease me until I felt my heart thumping out of control. How is he so energetic this early in the morning~?!

A moment later. 

"Urgh~!" Taehyung groaned, stiffly thrusting inside me one last time to empty his swelling ballsacks as his semen spurted inside me, so I rubbed my burning face in relief as he kept his twitching meat inside me and leaned over my body to kiss my lips. Smiling. I hugged his sweaty nape as he tenderly caressed my tongue before withdrawing his moist lips to suck on my nipples, sensually entertaining my nerves with the arousing strokes as the man pinched and fondled my bosoms to his liking.

"Daddy~! Carry me to the bathroom~! I don't want to walk~!" I grumbled after he lifted his body off mine and carefully slipped his meat chunk from between my soaked slit. Oh~! That was so good! The alpha quickly dabbed his leaking semen between my thighs as I lay on the bed with my legs spread apart until he seized my waist to lift me off the mattress, carried me off the bed in his strong arms, and entered the bathroom together so we could cleanse our sweaty skin under the warm shower.

Taehyung wouldn't stop teasing me and would repeatedly bite my breast as I rinsed my hair under the lukewarm water, so I shrieked and smacked his firm ass. Smack! He loudly chuckled in the shower stall while rubbing his stinging butt. Lovemaking used to be intense and sexy during our early days together... but lately? We're pretty laid back. 

We'd joke around with each other and laugh throughout the sexual intercourse instead of just plainly thrusting... or moaning in lust.

A moment later.

"Did you buy these?" I grumbled while sitting on the couch to unpack a bowl of kimchi fried rice as Taehyung rummaged through the fridge inside the kitchen.

"You said you craved fried rice yesterday, so I picked it up on my way back from the park," Taehyung replied as he closed the fridge and walked forward with a bottle of water to place on the coffee table. Oh~? My lovely hubby actually heard me? I blabbed nonsense the other day during my husband's overtime work hour because I was hungry. Taehyung didn't converse with me, so I assumed he didn't acknowledge whatever I said- but he did? How attentive. He grabbed the tangerine sack and slumped beside me as I dug into the warm rice.

"You listened to my nonsense?" I chuckled while scooping the warm rice and shoved it inside my mouth as my husband peeled the tangerine over his lap.

"I got tangerine too- because my wife is too lazy to peel it~! Oppa~ Should we get tangerine~? Ah~! But I don't want to peel them~! Nevermind~!" Taehyung nudged my shoulder while repeating the phrases, making me giggle at his attempt to imitate my voice. I scooped a spoonful of the flavorful rice and fed the man.

"You sure love me~!" I nodded happily and glanced at the morning view from our apartment with a puffy face while chewing the delicious rice. Taehyung smiled, plopped a slice of tangerine inside his mouth, and lifted his arm to hold my shoulder.

"I'm obsessed with my dumpling~! Say ah~? Let me feed my baby~!" Taehyung chuckled with a teasing smirk as he pushed the tangerine in between my lips, so I grabbed his wrist and bit his finger, causing the man to shriek in pain.

"You're too delicious~!" I giggled.

"My dumpling bit me~!" Taehyung pouted, playfully pushing me away, making me laugh at his pouty expression. The silly husbandman kissed his wounded finger, so I lifted a spoonful of food to feed my husband again until Taehyung chuckled and hugged my body on his side as we enjoyed our quality time together within our peaceful private space.


Fast Forward

The private school lounge bustled with the talkative parents as they greeted one another within the room on a festive school conference day. The teachers have formally invited the guardians to update us on our child's academic performance. I held Woojin and Kanghoon's hands as they led me through the doorway, so I smiled at the other parents as they turned in our direction to admire our family. The twins waved at their friends within the room until we finally settled in an empty lounge. I'm so used to staying home! Why are people so noisy?!

"Eomma~! Can we play at the playground~?" Woojin asked, leaning forward to hug my waist as Taehyung adjusted Kanghoon's collar.

"No~! It's almost time for the consultation with your teacher! Sit still~!" Taehyung scolded our sons, causing the twins to pout at their father's objection. Kanghoon exhaled and sat on his father's lap as I hugged Woojin against my body.

"Eomma~! Can we eat fried chicken after this?" Woojin whispered in my ear as I massaged his tiny hand.

"Okay~!" I winked, breathily kissing his soft cheek, causing the father to narrow his suspicious gaze on us.

"Don't you dare convince your mother to buy you anything!" Taehyung snapped. I pinched Kanghoon's cheek as he picked a tiny lint on his father's polo shirt.

"Appa shhh~! You're so loud!" Woojin lightly smacked his father's lips, causing the man to widen his eyes in disbelief.


"Shhhh!" Kanghoon giggled, firmly clasping his hand over his father's lips to stop the man from raising his voice. I softly giggled and smacked my husband's thigh with a warning glare. Taehyung cutely huffed and fired at our sons an offended look.

A moment later.

My husband firmly held my hand over his lap in the quiet classroom as we conversed with the homeroom teacher regarding the twins' achievements. I brightly smiled while flipping through their grade books to examine the exceptional results with a proud beam. They're super smart~! The twins scored an A on every subject!

"Kanghoon and Woojin are the top students in our academy. They've outperformed their peers in every subject," The homeroom teacher informed from across the desk with a faint smile.

"They're smart- just like their father!" I giggled, happily glancing up at Taehyung's approving nod. He's their personal mentor at home! I expected these results!

"And lovely just like eomma~!" The twins shrieked from the couch, so we turned to find them grinning cutely at us. Thank god they didn't inherit my sluggish brain! The homeroom teacher chuckled and shook his head.

"They sure take after their mother in terms of their personality," Taehyung nodded, glancing at me in agreement. I gripped his fingers and shyly glanced at the homeroom teacher again. The man updated us on the twin's overall academic performance... so we chatted with him to discuss our child's strengths and weaknesses until-

"Achew!- Excuse me!" I gasped, suddenly sneezing into my palms, and quickly got up from the chair to use the restroom, leaving my husband to speak with the teacher.

A moment later.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, handing me his napkin as we sat inside a fried chicken restaurant. I wouldn't stop sneezing!

"I'm fine," I assured while clinging to his thick forearm as the twin enjoyed the crunchy fried chicken from across the table. Taehyung slid the orange juice toward me and gently patted my head.

"Eomma! How did you meet appa~?" Kanghoon asked as he hungrily chewed the fried chicken.

"We lived together since we were young," I smiled, lowering my face to sip from the juice.

"But how did you fall in love~?" Woojin curiously blinked at us. I glanced at Taehyung with an awkward smile. 

"Eomma chased appa, of course!" Taehyung replied as he chewed the chicken nuggets.

"No, I didn't!-"

"You did! Eomma was very chubby! Just like Hajinie~! She chased me with a melted popsicle and demanded that I be her husband!- Don't lie to our children! You did chase me!" Taehyung snapped in my face, causing the twins to howl in tears. They giggled and grinned at me with their greasy lips.

"Did eomma catch appa?!" The twins laughed, leaning forward in curiosity.

"Of course she did! How else am I here?! I'm trapped with her! Eomma abducted me!" Taehyung nodded, causing me to shake my head in disbelief. 

"Eomma said appa got her pregnant on purpose! That's why she's trapped with you! Because of Hajinie~!" The twins giggled at their father, who flushed red and snapped his startled glare at me.

"Hey! What nonsense are you telling our children?!" Taehyung scolded me.

"You're trapped with me," I giggled, puckering my lips at him. Taehyung beamed and softly kissed me, causing the twins to shriek at our shameless affection until their faces flushed bright red with secondhand embarrassment.

"No kissing in public!" They funnily pointed their chicken drums at us. I laughed at their cute scowls while hugging my husband's waist as he rubbed my back and darted our babies a teasing glare.

"Just wait until you get a wife! I bet you'll eat her face so shamelessly too!" Taehyung sneered at the bowl-cut heads, causing them to wiggle excitedly in their seats.

"What does appa like about eomma~? Boobies~?" Kanghoon giggled at Taehyung.

"Oh~! Her boobies are my paradise! I love her boobies~!" Taehyung nodded in agreement. I snorted at his statement and pushed his shoulder, so he chuckled and hugged my waist again as the twins sniggered behind their greasy hands.

"Pretty boobies~!" They shrieked, causing my face to flush red. Why are they so loud?! I glanced at the other customers and cleared my throat awkwardly as my husband and sons chattered about my breasts.

"Let's pack warm fried chicken for the household," I tapped Taehyung's thigh. The man slipped his hand inside his pocket and handed me his black card without hesitating, so I quickly excused my presence from the table and strode toward the counter to place an order as the father and son bickered over the table by the window with the stunning view of the evening beach.

A moment later.

Kim Hajin and Jae Beom happily chortled while enjoying their fried chicken in the living room with my father and imo as I handed Do-hwan the heavy bags so he could share the meal with the guards and the maids within the mansion.

The twins loudly chatted with their grandfather to inform him about their pleasant day, so I smiled and entered the kitchen to grab puppy's bowl before filling it with warm chicken drums and finally joined the lively living room to find Beom feeding chicken nuggets to his pet.

"Puppy~! Come here, darling~! Eomma got chicken for you too~!" I called, causing the cute doggo to bark at me and galloped forward as I placed the bowl on the tiles. Bark! Bark! Puppy excitedly expressed his gratitude before lowering his face to devour the snack. I smiled and patted its head as the adorable creature wagged its tail.

"Yeobo~! I need a hair wash," Taehyung reminded me as he entered the living room through the back door, so I smiled at my dirty husband and sat directly on the floor to watch our puppy gobble his juicy chicken. The little cutie used to be as tiny as my palm when I found him in the closet- but he's so massive now~! Even bigger than Jae Beom! The twins wildly bounced around in the living room to dance to the upbeat music... blaring from the television screen.

"Yum! Yum~!" Hajin wiggled her butt while dancing in the living room with the greasy chicken in her grip, causing Beom to giggle on the couch as he munched on his nugget while watching his siblings hop around in the living room. My father chuckled at his energetic grandchildren and shook his head while slurping the newly juiced fruits with halmeoni and imo, who wouldn't stop wiping the coffee table with a napkin. The chief maid can't stand the slightest imperfection within our home!

A moment later.

"Don't fight over the game and switch off the lights before bed~!" I reminded the huddle of children while carrying the twin's laundry basket against my hips as the four siblings crowded around a cardboard game in the twin's bedroom.

"Good night~!" The four kids waved at me in their pajamas. I smiled, closed the bedroom door, and strolled down the stairs to put their dirty clothes in the washing machine... before entering the ground-floor bathroom to find my husband resting on the spa bed with his eyes closed.

"Are you asleep?" I chuckled as I walked up to him. I almost forgot about my husband. Taehyung opened his sleepy eyes and glanced at me as I collected the shampoo and oil bottle from the rack.

"Your service is pretty slow. I wish to speak with your manager," He grumbled. I dragged the chair forward to sit by the attached sink on the spa bed as Taehyung rested in his pajamas.

"My apologies, sir," I chuckled, carefully testing the water to ensure it was warm enough before rinsing Taehyung's hair to dampen the greasy strands. I have to wash his hair every day because he's always sweating in the garden~!

"An apology isn't enough," Taehyung murmured. I smiled at his handsome face while hovering above his head. Can he wash his own hair...? Of course. But he won't do it and insists that I care for him because... the act of service and quality time is his love language.

I squeezed the thick shampoo onto my palm and gently scratched his scalp to ease his strained mind, quietly massaging his head with a faint smile. Am I delighted to wash his hair...? Or his underwear...? Or even comb his hair...? Everyday? Of course. I'd feed him like a baby if he allowed me to. I enjoy nursing him. I finally stood up from the chair and rounded the bench to stand beside his head.

"Do you want to shave your beard?" I whispered while applying the conditioner to his hair.

"Sure," Taehyung nodded. I smiled and washed my slippery hands before grabbing the shaving cream, dragged the chair to sit beside his head, and gently smeared the foam over his lower chin. His prickly roots are growing again~! Taehyung opened his eyes to watch me lean over his face and suddenly lifted his hand to squeeze my breast over my gown.

"Sir, please stay still," I mumbled while scraping the sharp blade over his philtrum to shave off the facial hair- but Taehyung didn't listen and slipped his fingers under my collar to search for my fleshy breast, making me smile at his invasive touch. Ah~! I can't stay focused if he's pinching my nipple like this!

"This should be your apologies," The man whispered. I smacked his lips to shush the mischievous husbandman... and carefully shaved his beard as he fondled and played with my breast.

"I charge extra for additional services," I giggled, sitting back on the chair to admire his captivating visual after wiping his face with a clean towel. Taehyung kept his hand under my collar... repeatedly squishing my boobies with a poker face.

"I won't pay you," Taehyung shook his head. I chuckled and lowered my face to peck his lips. Smooch.

"Why not?" I chuckled, pulling away to gaze at his dilated pupils.

"Because you're priceless. Money can't buy you, but your boobies are mine by law," He whispered. I paused to admire his tender gaze while struggling to contain my laughter until he drew his hand from my breast and gently stroked my cheek. How is he able to light up my mood so effortlessly? Is he a funny man... or am I just madly in love? I warmly rubbed his knuckles with a fond smile as he sprawled on the spa bed. He never fails to warm my heart.

"I'm all yours," I whispered. Taehyung chuckled softly, making me smile in response. I leaned forward to kiss his forehead before standing up again to rinse the slippery conditioner off his hair strands. 

The man exhaled deeply while resting on the leather bed to let me soothe his scalp until I dried his soaked hair with a towel and finally helped my husband sit up with my hand pressed against his lower spine. He might hurt his back if I don't assist him. Taehyung drew me in by my waist to hug me as he sat on the bed and tilted his head upward to caress my lips as I held his jawline with a weak smile.

"I love you," He smiled.

"ACHEW!" I sneezed, frantically spinning away to avoid blasting my spit at his face, causing Taehyubg to scoff in disbelief. I quickly raced toward the sink to rinse my runny nose.

"Are you sick?!" Taehyung huffed. He hopped off the bed and ruffled his damp hair with the towel.

"I was fine earlier~!" I whined while blowing out the snot from my nostrils. Why am I sneezing so much?! Did I catch a cold?!- During a hot summer day?! That's strange!

Next Day

I stirred uncomfortably under the warm blanket with a stuffy nose and sore throat... weakly opening my burning eyes to find... four pairs of eyeballs... gawking at me from the bedside. Oh?! I slightly jerked under the cover and stared back at my children as they stood on the side of my bed with intense stares. They scared me!

"What are you... guys doing...?" I grumbled while rubbing my throbbing forehead with a nauseous feeling. Ah~! I can feel the heat expelling my eyeballs!

"Eomma is sick!" Hajin shrieked, nervously grabbing Beom's hands as the twins intensely studied my puffy face.

"Don't come near eomma. Go and play downstairs~!" I chuckled, weakly pushing my elbows against the mattress to force my frail body upward, and lowered my face to collect my dizzy mind. I don't know how I contracted the flu- but it's terrible. I'm aching all over.


"Hey!- No wonder the mansion is dead quiet! Appa warned you guys to stay out of eomma's room, but here you are!" Taehyung scolded, suddenly storming through the door with a tray, causing the kids to shriek at his presence. Thump! Thump! They funnily sprinted out of the room to avoid their father, making me smile at their cuteness.

"They're worried," I muttered with a sore throat as my husband settled the tray on the nightstand. He opened a cool patch to paste it on my feverish forehead, so I exhaled and closed my eyes again to savor the cooling effect. My immune system must be extremely weak... for me to catch the flu... during the heatwave. Aigo~!

"I contacted the head doctor. He'll be here soon," Taehyung muttered as he settled beside me and lifted the steaming bowl from the tray.

"I can feed myself-"

"I know, but let me help you," Taehyung shook his head when I tried to take the bowl.

"I might infect you," I mumbled as Taehyung blew his gentle breath over the soup on the spoon and fed me the warm stew.

"I'll let you bite me even if you're a zombie- and I'd let you suck my blood if you're a vampire. Did you think I'm afraid of your mere sickness?" Taehyung murmured while gazing at my runny nose as I swallowed the herbal soup with a weak smile.

"Who would look after our children if you're sick?" I muttered. Taehyung chuckled as he dabbed my red nose with the wet wipes.

"They can fend for themselves~! I only care about my dumpling," The man shrugged. I scoffed and smacked his chest, making him smile at my disapproving glare. He lifted the spoon and fed me again.

"Who made the soup?" I asked, sleepily staring at his keen face.

"I did! I insisted that I brew the soup for you!" Taehyung beamed proudly. I swallowed the extremely salty fluid with a weak smile. I thought so. My tastebuds are numb.

"It's delicious," I nodded weakly, causing his eyes to light up at my approval. THUMP!

"The soup is too salty!- I just tasted the pot- don't feed your wife the soup!" Imo suddenly barged inside our room, startling me and my husband with her unannounced intrusion. Taehyung immediately snapped his dark frown at the woman.

"She says it's delicious-"

"It is not! I had a spoonful myself!" Imo snapped and stormed up to me with a sour grimace. Taehyung scoffed at the chief maid's rude intrusion.

"You said it's tasty!" Taehyung snapped at my pale face as imo snatched the bowl from his hand.

"It is tasty," I shrugged. Imo fired me a playful glare.

"I know you love him, but not at the cost of swallowing an entire bowl of salt! I'll ask the maid to bring you another bowl! Don't try to kill your wife with your cooking skills! She loves you too much to complain! Aigo~! How can one love- so blindly when she can barely support herself?!" Imo smacked Taehyung's shoulder and stormed away with the tray, leaving my husband seated at the bedside in extreme bewilderment.

"Why did you lie to me?!" Taehyung snapped with an offended frown.

"It is delicious!" I chuckled- but was cut short when my husband suddenly leaned forward, seized my cheeks in his firm grip, and forced his tongue inside my mouth, causing me to freeze in shock... until the man pulled away to taste his lips with a startled look.

"Arh! Yuck!- It is salty! It wasn't salty earlier!" Taehyung grimaced, quickly launching to his feet to pour a glass of water. I chuckled at his cute grimace after he tasted the saltiness from my lips. The man pushed the cup into my hands, so I swallowed the refreshing fluid thirstily to cleanse the salty flavor from my tastebuds until he settled beside me with a big pout.

"It's okay. Everything about you is perfect," I assured. Taehyung huffed at my cheesy statement as he leaned over to hold my frail body.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung whispered, sweetly lifting his face to kiss my cheek. I smiled and pinched his cheek. It's the thought that counts.

"Oppa~! Don't hold me so tightly! You'll get sick and won't be able to work!" I shrieked, slightly pushing him away. I can't get him sick too!

"I don't care! I'll cancel my work schedule and lay in bed- so my wife can nurture me!" Taehyung stubbornly flung his heavy body back onto me, so I chuckled and hugged his muscular back with a weak smile. He's headstrong!

The man refused to release me from his clutch no matter what I said- so I gave in and allowed him to remain by my side the entire day until the head doctor arrived at our hilltop mansion to combat my flu with the prescribed medication. Taehyung pretty much stayed up all night to ensure my fever was down until the flu ceased... and I began to feel better after a few days of resting in isolation from the household. It'd be a nuisance if I infect the young children.

"Eomma~! Can we touch you?" Hajin shrieked once I rounded the platform bench under the ancient tree to sit with her and Jae Beom.

"Not yet! But eomma made fruit salads for you two. Have it," I chuckled, pushing the bowl toward Beom with a pair of forks. Beom giggled and ate the juicy fruits, so I got up from the backyard bench and headed back inside the mansion, leaving the young heirs alone before climbing the stairs to enter my bedroom.

"Honey?" Taehyung's voice echoed from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I answered, pushing the door open to find him slouching on the toilet bowl with his undone trousers at his ankles.

"Come here," Taehyung beckoned. I lifted my eyebrow unsurely and strolled toward my husband, so he took my wrist and made me sit on his lap.

"What's this? You're pooping!" I giggled, lightly smacking his chest. He curled his arms around my waist and pressed his pale face against my shoulder with a troubled frown.

"I need emotional support because I'm constipated," He mumbled. I snorted out loud and hugged his neck before lowering my hand to pat his lower back. He's struggling to poo?!

"Aigo~! My big baby is constipated~? Give it another push~! A little more push~! You got this~!" I giggled while rubbing his back to soothe his bloated guts. Taehyung tightly clutched onto my waist as I sat on his lap- until- Plop! Plop! Plop! His stool loudly plunged into the water bowl, so I hugged his neck and rubbed his back with a faint smile as my husband shakily fumed against my shoulder with his face lowered. BREEEP! BROOP! BREE- BREEP! He farted out loud, making me giggle at his ridiculously loud booty hole noises.

"Ah~! How relieving~!" Taehyung moaned with his eyebrows furrowed, finally lifting his flustered face to stare at me... so I chuckled and wiped the tears from his lower lash line before pecking his lips with a proud smile.

"You did so well, my love~!" I boop his nose with mine. Smooch. He softly kissed my lips, so I smiled and kissed him back while searching for the button to flush the toilet because of his reeking poo odor. Ah! The reeking odor is filling my lungs! Taehyung chuckled against my lips as he drew away from my face, so I got up from his lap, leaving the man to wash his booty hole over the bowl. He eventually pulled his trousers back onto his hips and walked over to the sink to wash his hands with his gaze on the window.

"Oh?!- &!%#!*%?!!- Those rascals!" Taehyung shrieked, suddenly bolting out of the bathroom, making me whip my head toward the window in confusion.


"YAH?!- ARE YOU NUTS?! STAY STILL!" Taehyung frantically raced out onto our terrace to scream into the front yard before dashing out of our bedroom with a terrified look- so I quickly sprinted toward the sink by the window to find the twins giggling funnily with their heads tilted upward. Beom and Hajin were screaming for help from the tree branch above as they clung for dear life. How did they get up there?!

"Omo! My babies~!" I gasped, quickly dashing out of the bathroom, and sprinted through the corridor before bursting out of the front door to find my husband speeding toward the ancient tree.

"YOU RASCALS!" Taehyung shouted, hastily slipping off his slippers to hurl it at the twins, who shrieked in fear and sprinted in the opposite direction while dragging the ladder with them as the father dashed toward the tree with his bulging eyeballs on the younger heirs.

"APPA! I'M SCARED!" Hajin screamed in tears as she hugged the tree branch, so I gasped and climbed down the concrete stairs with a racing heart. How did the twins convince the two souls to climb the tree?!

"Stay still!" Taehyung snapped, quickly reaching upward to reach for Hajin as Beom clutched onto the branch in tears- until Do-hwan raced across the field to assist us. They could've fallen and injured themselves!

"Honey! How did you get up there?!" I shrieked, fearfully stopping under the branch with my face tilted upward as Jae Beom pouted at me in tears. I tried to reach for my son, but he was out of reach.

"Hyung told us there's a small squirrel nest on the tree~!" Beom whined as Do-hwan hurriedly entered the shade and extended his arms upward to retrieve my little Beom. I gasped in fear while reaching for Beom's chunky arm until the child hugged my neck for support as Hajin screeched at her older brothers for pranking her and the third son.

"Hold her!- I'm punishing those brats!" Taehyung shoved Hajin into Do-hwan's chest. The father hastily picked up his slippers from the grass and snapped towards the twins as they dragged the ladder away with wide grins.

"AHHHHHGDEYGDQH!" The twins screamed, dashing away in fear once they found their father pouncing after them. I clutched onto Beom with a worried frown on Hajin's tearful cheek as she clung to Do-hwan's shoulder.

"Hahah~!" Beom suddenly giggled with flushed cheeks, so I glanced to the side to find my husband seizing the twin boys by their collars under the sun's glare. They screamed at the top of their lungs until the father tackled them onto the grass field. Fop! Fop! Taehyung repeatedly spanked their bum with the slippers as they wiggled and thrashed in distress on the grass field. 

"Put me down! Put me down!" Hajin demanded while wiggling her body until Do-hwan settled her on the grass- ZOOM! I gasped in shock as Hajin bolted toward her older brothers on her bare feet.

"ARGH! APPA- HAJIN! ARGH!- SHE'S COMING! OH NO~!" The twins shrieked in fright, facing draining of blood... as the feisty heiress pounced towards them with her angry bird eyebrows.

Taehyung wildly spun around just in time to find his daughter flinging her body onto the twins. THUMP! The father staggered to the side in shock as Hajin beat the twins with her fists, making me chuckle at the commotion. Do-hwan folded his arms with a weak smile and walked away while shaking his head.

"Don't hurt hyung~!" Beom cutely shouted as I carried him toward the squabbling siblings.

"Ow! Ow! Appa! Help!?!-" Woojin shrieked in pain as Hajin's head locked her brother with her tiny leg hooked around his throat while clutching Kanghoon's hair on the grass. Beom frantically wiggled in my arms once we got to them... signaling me to place him down... so I did.

"Hajin hajima~!" Beom laughed, sprinting forward to seize his agitated baby sister.

"Oppa is mean! Hajinie and Beomie could've fallen~!" Hajin scolded the twins as Beom dragged her backward.

The identical boys whined in annoyance and sat up with twigs in their striking messy hair as our puppy pounced forward to lick the twins' cheeks. Taehyung is right. I don't have to worry about Hajin. She can protect herself. Woojin and Kanghoon glared at Hajin's fuming red face in extreme irritation as they dusted their arms and legs.

"Ah~! My back aches again!" Taehyung grumbled while struggling to get up, so I held onto his underarm to help the husbandman rise from the grass as Jae Beom hugged Hajin's waist to keep her secured on the ground... too afraid to release her. Hajin hastily swatted away her loose hair strands with her upset glare on the twins.

"You two could've seriously injured your siblings! Don't play on the branches!" I scolded the twins as they hugged puppy and rolled onto the grass field in their dirty clothes.

"We're sorry!" They giggled, funnily smirking at Hajin's red cheeks... so I chuckled and supported Taehyung as he seized the fallen ladder and dragged it away to prevent our kids from climbing the tree. I stayed back to lecture the children on the vast field before strolling off to massage my husband's back in the living room.


Fast Forward

The local market scuttled busily as the customers negotiated competitive prices with the sellers over the goods to achieve a fair deal. I picked the giant pears to place them in a bag at a rundown fruit store by a packed intersection. The fruits are just as fresh as the ones I order from the farm!

I glanced at Taehyung as he stood with his arms crossed at the entrance with a grim frown, clearly annoyed by the hectic atmosphere of the humid market. The man darted the average irritated look while clutching onto my pink purse. He insisted that we order fruits directly from the farms- but we ran out of snacks for the kids- so I forced the man to bring me to the market for the time being. I'll ask the maid to request our supplies later!

"Oh~! The apples are nice~!" I chuckled, dropping the pear bag to pick the glossy red apples stacked neatly in the basket and carefully placed them in a separate bag... until I noticed a familiar-looking ajumma picking my chosen giant pear from the unattended bag I left on the other basket. Oh..? It's the same woman!

"Excuse me! That's my wife's bag!" Taehyung suddenly snapped, storming forward to snatch the pear from her grip, causing ajumma to widen her eyes at his blunt confrontation. She darted Kim Taehyung an offended glare while eyeing him up and down... as if he was an extraterrestrial entity.

"The bag was left unattended!" She snapped back Taehyung. He scoffed in disbelief at her rudeness.

"It's clearly placed in a bag, picked by another person! Don't you have any manners?- Did you think you could take advantage of my wife- just because of your gray hair and crooked back?!" Taehyung sneered at the woman with a stern frown.

"Ohoh~?!- This young got no manners at all!" The woman shrieked at Taehyung. I gasped at my husband's hot temper, quickly hurrying over to grab Taehyung's hand and tried to hand her the pear to avoid unwanted trouble- FWIP! Taehyung snatched it right back from my grip and roughly chomped into the pear. Crunch! He hastily chewed the fruit... leaving behind a massive bite mark on the juicy sphere. The woman widens her eyes in shock.

"You're the one lacking manners! Ajumma stole my wife's fruits before too~! But she was too kind and let you off! I came today so I can confront you!" Taehyung bickered while chewing the massive pear in his puff cheeks, causing the lady to fire me an annoyed look, so I pursed my lips and gripped Taehyung's wrist anxiously.

"Young people these days are so rude! They take all the good things for themselves! How greedy!" She argued, angrily storming away with an attitude, causing Taehyung to tense his body in bewilderment.

"Ohoh?!- What nonsense are you saying?! Do you want to see my lawyer?!- I'll sue you for seizing another person's possession! Hey- old lady~! Come back this instant!- How dare you disrespect the supreme alpha!-" Taehyung shrieked, funnily trying to chase her, but I firmly held onto his arms.

"Forget it~! Why are you picking a fight with a random stranger twice your age?" I grumbled.

"She'll repeat her wrongdoings if I don't confront her!- Why do you want to sweat out here anyway?! I can order an entire truck of the finest food for you!" Taehyung snapped at me in annoyance. I stared at his sweaty hairline as he gripped the bitten pear in his hand until the store owner rushed forward to apologize to us- but I assured the man and bought the fruits.

"You complain so much~!" I whined as I walked with Taehyung through the crowded market. He won't stop complaining! He claims everything is dirty and of poor quality in the market despite having no clue about the food!

"Why would you waste your time hand-picking the food?! I can hire people to do that for us! Just stay home! Be a mother! Be my wife! Be a pretty rich housewife! Your life can't get any easier!" Taehyung shrieked while chasing behind me with the colorful fruit bags. I chuckled and turned to hug his arm.

"Araso~! Just this once! I won't come back again!" I giggled. Taehyung glared at me and huffed with an attitude- so I smacked his bum while strolling out of the crowded area to return to our car and headed back to the mansion.

Kim Taehyung refused to let me visit the local market ever again after the incident and ensured that our food supply was delivered daily so the household wouldn't run out of ingredients. I wanted to go shopping in the local markets because I was bored and thought the interaction with the world would ease my mind... but how can I relax when my husband is constantly complaining and picking a fight with everyone around us? It's better to appease his soul and do as he wishes.

My duty is to be his beautiful wife and the mother of his children.

Aigo~! He's determined to ensure the utmost comfort for me and the household!

What a gentleman!

Winter Storm

"Should I summon the kids? The meal is almost ready," Imo asked as I tasted the steaming stew by the stove.

"I'll call them in. Please escort halmeoni to the kitchen," I smiled while slipping off my apron and strolled out of the kitchen to pull on my winter jacket. 

I carefully pushed open the front door and stepped out to greet the strong wind gusts. Ah! It's so cold! What are they doing in the snowstorm?! I found the kids shrieking at each other over the white plain as they hurled tiny snowballs at each other from opposite directions. Taehyung funnily leaped to the side, dodging behind a massive snow blockade with Beom and Hajin to hide from the twin's attack as they flung the snow at their siblings and father... from behind their giant snowman.

"Haha~!- Ah?!-" Beom shrieked the instant he peaked from behind the barrier- only to be struck in the face by a freezing snowball. Smack! The child tumbled onto his back upon the impact. I chuckled and cautiously walked down the stairs as Taehyung flung a massive snowball over the field, sending the chunk slamming against the snowman. The twins screeched in shock once their snowman's head toppled onto them.

"Time for dinner! Everyone~! Get up!" I walked between the boundary line to cease their snow fight.

"Eomma!" Hajin shrieked from the side. I glanced at her direction and- SMACK! A snowball slammed right into my face, sending me staggering to the side. Oh!? Did she just attack her own mother?! Hajin giggled and ducked behind the pile to avoid me.

"HEY! HOW DARE YOU HIT EOMMA!" The twins shrieked, suddenly sprinting from behind their barrier with their snowballs. Hajin shrieked in panic as the twins dashed towards her. Fwip! She quickly scrambled away on her hands and knees, cutely squealing in fear as she attempted to outrace her brothers. 

"ARRRGGHHHH!" Beom gained the courage to attack his brothers and charged toward Kanghoon, who flung the snowball at the little Jaguar. Smack! Beom toppled to the side in his yellow winter jacket but quickly got up and charged toward his older brother again.

"EOMMAAAAAA!" Hajin screamed while zigzagging over the snow in her white boots as Woojin chased her around the ancient tree in the front yard with his snowball... wildly smacking his sister with the chunky ice ball... until she backed against the tree trunk with her hands shielded over her face. Smack! Smack! 

"Guys! Dinner- AH!" I screamed in shock when my husband suddenly scooped up the snow pile with the shovel and swung it right at me- sending the cold showers... blasting onto my body at full force. Oh?!! I swiftly shielded my face... weakly collapsing into the snowman and stumbled to the side upon my husband's harsh attack. He's sleeping on the couch tonight!

"Let's attack eomma! Ahhhhh!" Taehyung shrieked with a mischievous smirk. I frantically sat up in horror once all four of my children charged in my direction with their snowballs. SHIT?! IS HE NUTS?!

"OW~!" I playfully yelped as they flung the snowballs at my body.

"Haha~!" Woojin giggled, suddenly flinging his body over mine- Slump! I fell back onto the snow as my son clung tightly to my neck.

"I will protect you, eomma~!" Beom shrieked, racing forward to tug Woojin off my body, so I reached out for Beom and pulled him down with me. Oh, my little warrior!

"Hey~! You're suffocating eomma!" Kanghoon snapped as he dropped his snowball and raced forward to yank Beom upward.

"Weeee~!" Hajin giggled, flinging her body over her third brother, crushing me beneath their body weight- so Kanghoon chuckled and hopped over Hajin's back to pile over my frail body.

"Yah! Get off your mother! She's mine!" Taehyung gasped, sprinting forward to haul Hajin and Kanghoon by their hoods. Thump! The father carelessly flung them into the snow pile before seizing Beom and Woojin's collars, playfully hurling our children aside... until they tumbled over the scrunchy snow plain. Thump!  Thump! 

"Yeobo!" I shrieked in disbelief as I watched our children roll over the fresh snow after being thrown aside by their father- but was cut short when the man wildly flung himself at me, roughly slamming me back onto the snow with his heavy weight. THUMP! I grunted in discomfort while gripping Taehyung's back as the light snow drifted around us. I'm cold! My teeth suddenly chattered... so Taehyung chuckled and hugged my head against his shoulder.

"Eomma is ours~!" Hajin screamed, attempting to force her father off me. Taehyung clutched tightly onto my body and kissed me with his freezing-cold lips. I groaned in distress as the four children pushed and pulled their father's jacket to remove him from my body... but Taehyung refused to budge and pinned me firmly over the snow.

"Aigo~! I can't win all four of you~!" Taehyung laughed, finally rolling over to lay flat on the snow beside me- so I lifted my head to rest on his bicep as Hajin and Kanghoon crawled onto my body. Beom and Woojin slumped onto their father's chest for a warm hug as we sprawled over the snow sheet to cushion the wiggly dumplings over our heated bodies.

"You're all so adorable! I love you guys so much!" I giggled while hugging Kanghoon and Hajin over my body as they lay face-first over my chest.

"Get off appa! Appa only wants eomma!" Taehyung shrieked, but Beom shook his head and tightly hugged Taehyung's torso as Woojin kissed his father's cheek. I giggled and glanced at Hajin, who was snuggling her warm face against my neck as Kanghoon rested face first over my body. 

Taehyung exhaled in defeat with his arm extended under my head once the children refused to release us... so I freed my arm to hold his cold fingers over the snow. We fondly stared at one another while lying on the white sheet of snow... and glanced at the four children... desperately wiggling against our bodies to seek our warmth.

My husband and I burst out laughing at our children's endearing behavior until Taehyung turned his head on the snow to kiss my forehead as I cradled my babies over my chest. I glanced up at the gloomy sky above us with a relieved feeling while resting in my husband's embrace.

"We're so lucky," I whispered while staring at the fluttering snowflakes under the evening sky. Taehyung gently rubbed my shoulder over the freezing snow... so I smiled and glanced at his tender gaze again to savor our precious moment over the hilltop... during a winter storm with our little cubs... safely snuggled against the warmth of our bodies.

This is the happy ending I've always prayed for.

Me... my lover... my children... and our everlasting happiness.

Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung and Jang Sora remained at peace over the thick layers of white snow with their affectionate gaze glued on each other as they held their children in their secured embrace... assuring each other of their eternal serenity... during their happiest lifetime... together.

And despite the harsh winter storm... the family... was warm and cozy.

Their undying love flames... acting as a protective barrier... to form an indestructible shield... around their forever dream home on the... sacred hilltop... to safeguard their wholesome love... and happiness.


An Alternative Universe | One Shot - Part 1

A teenage high school girl keenly goggled the new faces standing at the front of the class with her hand tucked under her chin to support the weight of her head as the new students greeted their classmates in their fitted maroon high school uniforms. Jang Sora stared at a bunny face handsome boy, who was beaming at the class with a brilliant smile, enchanting everyone with his radiating charisma as his eager doe eyes roamed the pack of wealthy kids until he caught her staring at him. 

The young heiress blinked out of her hypnotized mind and glanced at the other boy as he stood with a nonchalant gaze on the cluster of curious classmates. She frowned at his dull energy before glancing back at the obvious extroverted sunshine, Jeon Jungkook. The confident third rank strolled forward to settle at the desk behind her while nodding at everyone he laid eye upon. 

Jang Sora eventually glanced at the cold boy again as he hooked his bag to the chair, calmly settling at the desk beside hers. He briefly glanced at Sora when she wouldn't drop her obvious prying gaze but she didn't look away and eagerly eyed her new classmate, waiting for him to acknowledge her presence. Kim Taehyung didn't greet her and shifted his blank pupils away in disinterest. Why isn't he smiling? She curiously studied the older boy's poker face with her head tilted to the side. 

The homeroom teacher started speaking again, so she gave up on observing the kid and shifted her attention to the projected screen, quietly scribbling her notes until she felt a soft tap on her shoulder. The supreme alpha unsurely rotated her head to find a pair of... sparkly doe eyes... staring at her. She pursed her lips and glanced at the boy's cute bunny teeth as he chewed his lower lips.

"Can I borrow your notebook for a moment? I want to catch up on the past lessons," Jungkook whispered, firing her an adorable smile.

"Sure. I'll give it to you during the break," Sora replied. The alpha nodded and leaned back against his seat, so she exhaled and glanced at the stern-looking kid beside her again as he sat with his blank gaze on the screen. Still. He didn't budge and he didn't smile. 

Lunch Break

"Jungkook! Would you like to join us for lunch?" Park Jimin approached the new kid's desk with an eager smile.

"Oh- Sure!" Jungkook beamed and quickly leaped to his feet to greet his classmate.

"I'm Park Jimin!" The mochi cheeks kid shook hands with the bunny teeth.

"What about Taehyung? Would you-"

"He doesn't like to eat with anyone!" Jungkook suddenly cut off Jung Hoseok, who tried to speak with Kim Taehyung. Kim Namjoon glanced at Taehyung uneasily, who was reading his book... without sparing his attention to the disorderly room.

"I'm hungry!" Seokjin announced, leaving the class through the doorway with his hands in his pockets.

"Sora! Let's go~!" Yoongi beckoned from his desk.

"I'm coming!" Sora nodded, quickly closing her books to stack them aside and followed the alphas out of the study room to enter the crowded cafeteria. The supreme alpha picked up her food tray and strolled toward the high-ranking teenage alphas, seated beside Kim Namjoon, who was chatting with Hoseok as Seokjin shook hands with Jeon Jungkook over the table.

"-You moved from Busan?! I'm from Busan too!" Jimin gasped at Jungkook in surprise.

"Taehyung hyung is from Daegu, but he lived in Busan with me!" Jungkook chuckled, briefly glancing at Jang Sora as she lifted a portion of her rice to place it on Yoongi's plate.

"Sora! Why are you giving me your food again?!" Yoongi whined.

"I'm not hungry," Sora shrugged and lifted the sausage to place it on Seokjin's plate.

"Are you on a diet again?" Seokjin grimaced.

"You might collapse if you don't eat enough," Namjoon warmly smiled from across the table, but Sora shook her head and quietly ate her remaining food.

"Can I join you guys today~?" A feminine voice chirped. The alphas lifted their faces to stare at Kang Minah as she forced herself between Seokjin and Sora to sit right across from Jeon Jungkook, whose eyes suddenly lit up upon the sight of her captivating beauty. 

"Are you interested in Jungkook-shi?" Hoseok teased her.

"I'm Kang Minah!" The alpha beamed at Jungkook, causing his face to flush red. The other alphas sniggered over their food as the bunny boy shook Minah's slender fingers. Sora ate a few spoonfuls of food before turning her head to gaze at Minah's pretty visual.

"I'm full," Sora announced, dropping her spoon and quickly got up from her seat, causing Yoongi and Seokjin to eye her untouched food in concern.

"Sora~! Finish your food!" Seokjin called, but she simply waved her hand and walked away with a stuffed cheek. The supreme alpha exhaled heavily and jogged back inside the empty study room to find Taehyung eating his food in his seat with his eyes fixed on a pink cover notebook.

Sora's POV

"Is that my book?" I cleared my throat as I entered the room with my wary gaze on the alpha. He finally shifted his sharp stare to me while chewing his food, so I glanced at the lunch box on his desk and slowly sat down at my seat... by the window... with my curious gaze on his blank stare. Why is it that he has no emotions in his gaze? It's strange.

"You're quite young for this grade," Taehyung muttered, handing the book back to me. I retrieved it from his grip as he picked up his chopstick to dig into his food again.

"You could've asked for my permission," I mumbled, closing the book and placed it on Jungkook's desk. Taehyung chewed steadily on one side of his cheek and glanced at me again... until I stiffened at his blank stare. Why is he staring at me so intensely? My cheeks suddenly flushed red as the boy eyed my face up and down as if to study my facial features.

"You've got a smudge on your cheek," Taehyung muttered with his empty stare on me. I gasped, quickly turning away to rub the stain from my cheek in embarrassment, and glanced back at him when he suddenly smiled at me. It wasn't a big smile but I saw it right away, the little spark in his blank pupils. He can smile? And for a moment... I was... lost in the glimpse of happiness in his charming smile. Blink.

Taehyung lifted his thick eyebrow to question my unblinking stare, suddenly flattening his lips again- so I immediately sealed my opened mouth and stiffly spun in my seat to stare out the window. Badum. Badum Badum. My heart pounded rapidly against my ribs until I felt warm blood rushing into my flushed cheeks. Sora! Why are you suddenly blushing?! I quickly lowered my face to the desk and pretended to nap to avoid his gaze. He's quite handsome!

A few weeks later.

Hi. I'm Jang Sora. The future supreme alpha of the Jang household. I'm sixteen and I am considered a chubby nerd at the academy. Everyone favors me- but not in a romantic way. It's a huge struggle, really. Every other guy in existence... is only interested in Kang Minah or Lee Mira because they're famous beauties at our school. I am popular too... but only in the academic field.

"Hey," Taehyung spoke up behind my back. Fwip! I jerked in a panic at his familiar voice, wildly spinning around to find him looming over me in his usual maroon uniform.

"H-Hey~!" I stuttered, nervously patting my high ponytail to ensure my wild strands were in place.

"Can I borrow your study materials for biology?" He asked. I stared at his oddly pretty dark brown eyes with my lips ajar. Sora! Snap out of it!

"Oh-!- Of course!" I nodded, shakily snatching the book from my locker, and handed it to him with a keen smile.

"Thanks," Taehyung nodded, suddenly strolling away, so I nervously gripped my fist and leaned against the locker for support. I have a massive crush on him! And my heart goes crazy whenever he speaks to me!

I pouted at his abrupt departure as I watched him enter the classroom and glanced back inside the locker. Kim Taehyung might not be as lively as his cousin- but he's pretty popular amongst the girls. I won't stand a chance- Sora! He rarely speaks to anyone but you! Maybe he likes you too?! I giggled alone, lost in my delusion as I arranged my locker. That's right! He's probably interested!-

And that's how a young girl like me... lost my way down the rabbit hole. I would sprint to class every day to meet him, even if he didn't often speak. I'd chase my curious gaze after him as he strolled the corridor or sneak glimpses of his side profile... during class. Helpless? I know.

Kim Taehyung suddenly became the center of my world... and I'd find myself preparing my notes and materials just in case he needed my help. I want to be helpful to him- so he'd favor me! Maybe he's not into physical appearance?!- Sora!

It's possible for a guy to fall for your inner qualities! You only have to snatch his heart with everything you're good at! He'll for sure see the qualities in me if I prove it to him!

"I brought you homemade cookies!" I beamed, accidentally slamming a gift bag on the desk a little too hard. Thud! Taehyung slightly flinched and slowly lifted his blank face to meet my excited gaze with a dumbfounded look. Did I startle him?- That's right, I should shake his heart a little so he'd notice me! He briefly glanced at the hushed study lounge.

"Thanks," Taehyung nodded, glancing back at his book. I glanced at the eagerly looking female students as they eyed our interaction from the other lounge. They must be jealous of me because he only speaks to me! I plopped beside him with my hands clasped together- causing the muted alpha to lift his face with a questioning look. Oh! He's looking at me!

"Do you need help?- With anything? I'll help you-"

"I'm fine," Taehyung replied and glanced back at the textbook. I pursed my lips at his unbothered response and glanced at the pink gift bag. Why isn't he eating my snack? Maybe he's too shy to eat in front of me? I giggled helplessly with my hand over my lips.

"I made chocolate cookies! It's a new recipe! You should try it!" I nodded at the bag, trying desperately to initiate the conversation with my crush. What is he interested in?! I have no clue- but I'll find out!

"I see," Taehyung nodded as he highlighted the texts over the page. I pursed my lips again and glanced at his lunch box. Maybe he's full?

"Why don't you eat the food in the cafeteria?" I asked curiously, lowering my face to stare at his handsome side profile.

"I'm a picky eater," Taehyung muttered without shifting his gaze to me.

"Ahah! That's cute~!" I shrieked, accidentally smacking his arm, causing the highlighter to squiggle messily over the page. Taehyung paused and glanced at me with a slight grimace- so I flushed red in embarrassment and quickly withdrew my hand from him. Oops!

"Sorry!" I apologized. 

"Don't you have anything better to do?-"

"I thought you'd need my help, so I-"

"I told you I'm fine," Taehyung replied, frowning at me with a baffled look, causing the smile on my face to fade at his obvious annoyance. Am I annoying him...? I blinked at the messed-up highlight on his book and glanced at his stern stare again.

"I'll leave," I nodded, quickly leaping onto my feet in extreme humiliation before jogging off to avoid him. Ah! Sora! Why did you have to hit him like that?!- You're so cringey~! I smacked my head and left to sulk alone in the library.

Fast Forward

Clap! Clap! Clap! I fumed out of breath as I did repeated jumping jacks in the auditorium with my classmates while struggling to maintain my balance as the class stood in a circle to warm up for the physical education session. I'm so tired~! 

The coach finally blew the whistle to halt the activity. Huff! Huff! I panted in desperation to inflate my deflated lungs and crouched down over my plump belly with a dizzy head, sweating profusely as everyone else chattered in their shorts and loose sports shirts. I'm already sweating so much over a mere warm-up session! I glanced at Lee Mira as she chatted with Taehyung, who was stretching his arms above his head. I look hideous when I'm sweating like this! What if I smell?!- I must avoid him!

"Sora! Are you tired already?!" Minah chirped, jogging forward to nudge me with her knee. I grimaced at her toned legs and glanced away in annoyance as she crouched before me with a teasing smile.

"Don't tease her!" Seokjin snapped at Minah.

"Hey, I'm just checking on my friend! She hasn't been eating lately!" Minah snapped back at Seokjin and glanced at my sweat-drenched face.

"I'm going to divide the team! We're playing dodgeball today!" The coach clapped his hands for our attention. My face drained in horror upon hearing the announcement... so I swallowed and stood up in extreme dread. They'll target me again because I'm the chubbiest and the slowest!

A moment later.

The coach blew a deafening whistle as I stood beside Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, and a few other classmates. I glanced at Taehyung anxiously as he stood on the opposite side at the far back... between Seokjin and Minah. Jungkook eagerly gawked at the balls on the centerline... dividing the two teams apart. I'm nervous!

"Sora. You stay put and avoid getting hit," Hoseok reminded. I anxiously nodded until the coach blew the sharp whistle again. THUMP! THUMP! The two teams fiercely charged forward to seize the balls at the center of the court. Jungkook was the quickest to snatch the first ball- and BAM!

Namjoon gasped in shock after getting struck by the third rank in the very first second. The defeated alpha groaned in annoyance and jogged off our side as Hoseok seized a blue ball and swung it at Minah, who shrieked and quickly hid behind Minho- BAM! Minho whined once he got hit. I swallowed in fear as Yoongi merely missed a ball thrown by Seokjin.

"Ah!" I screamed, leaping to the side when Jimin suddenly targeted me from the other side.

"Be careful!" Hoseok snapped but gasped in shock when Jungkook attacked him with an accurate strike, hitting the alpha in his left shoulder. Thump!

"Sora! Collect the balls!" Yoongi shouted as he flung the ball with all his might to counter the opposite team- BAM! Minah winced in shock once it slammed against her waist. She huffed and stormed off the boundary, so I snatched a rolling ball on the ground and spun around to find Jungkook flinging a ball at Yoongi- who swiftly backed away as Jimin snatched another ball to hurl it across the court, aiming at Yoongi but missed- so I gripped the ball in my hand and- WHIP! I flung the green ball with all my might- SMACK!

"Ah!" Jimin shrieked when my ball struck him right in his stomach.

"HAH!" I shrieked in delight, causing Jimin to fire me a playful glare as he jogged off the court. BAM! Yoongi and Jungkook suddenly struck each other with their respective balls. 

The crowd laughed at the duo as they stumbled backward at the impact... and was called off the court by the coach. I nervously picked up another ball while standing beside Mira. She fiercely flung the ball at Seokjin... who effortlessly dodged the hit and fired us a sly smirk. Shit! We're definitely losing!

"Do something!" Mira shouted at me. SMACK! She staggered to the side when Seokjin suddenly flung his ball at her, causing the alpha to complain in annoyance and stomp off the court with an attitude. I anxiously swallowed while gripping the bouncy ball and glanced at Seokjin again. I'm the only survivor on my team! Oh no~!

"Sora! Win the game for us!" Hoseok cheered from the sideline.

"Hit me," Seokjin mouthed as he pretended to pick up a ball from the floor, so I grinned and flung the ball at him. Smack!

"Sora! I'll treat you to dinner if you win this game!" Jimin shrieked from the side as Seokjin pretended to tumble to the side, surrendering to my ball without defending himself, and crawled out of the court to let me win, so I happily grinned at the cheering crowd before whipping my head around to face the last opponent.

"SORA!" Yoongi shrieked. WHACK! A blinding blow blasted against my nose- and I was suddenly thrown off my feet once the ball collided right in my face. THUMP! I groaned in shock once I slammed hard onto the ground, causing everyone to gasp in horror- so I lifted my dazed head to find... Kim Taehyung... standing alone on the opposite court with a blank face.

"Yah! Why did you throw the ball so hard?! She's the supreme alpha!" Seokjin confronted Taehyung as I rubbed my sore forehead. Thump! Thump! Jimin quickly rushed forward to check on me, followed by the other alphas.

"Sorry," Taehyung smirked, causing me to flush red at his mocking expression. Did he take revenge?! On me?! For ruining his note!?

"Haha~! It's fine! That was fun~!" I giggled, pushing Jimin's hand off my sweaty forehead, and quickly got up to assure Taehyung. I thought he didn't care, but he's actually determined to seek revenge! He's definitely interested in me! Why else would he cause such a massive scene!?- Drip. I stopped smiling when something warm trickled from my nostrils... causing the alphas to widen their eyes in shock.

"Sora! Your nose is bleeding!" Yoongi shrieked, quickly launching forward to press a towel against my nose, so I gripped his arm in surprise as the coach called off the game... and I was unfortunately... escorted to the infirmary for treatment.

A moment later.

"Jeez. Did he have to be so rough...?" Seokjin grunted as he stood at the end of the medical bed.

"It's fine! Don't bother! I'm probably just dehydrated!" I giggled while resting on the medical bed. It's not Taehyung's fault! I was probably just excited!

"You can like him- but you shouldn't blindly dismiss his red flags," Yoongi mocked me. Jimin sniggered funnily and shook his head, so I glared at the alphas in annoyance.

"I'm sure he likes me!" I complained. 

"Aigo~! She's head over heels for him~!" Jimin teased, lightly smacking Yoongi's shoulder, who grinned and shook his head with a disapproving smile.

"You're delighted that everyone is talking about the bloody incident between you and him, huh~?" Seokjin rolled his eyes with his arms folded. I glared at their annoying insult and huffed in annoyance until someone entered the infirmary- so I shifted my eyes to find Taehyung approaching me with a cool water bottle.

"I'm sorry for being... a bit... rough," Taehyung apologized as he handed me the bottle. BADUM! BADUM! My heart slammed repeatedly against my ribs. He brought me water?!

"Thanks!- Ah!" I jerked into a sitting position and tried to seize the water from his grip when Yoongi suddenly clasped his hand over my forehead and slammed me back onto the pillow to prevent me from retrieving the gift from my crush.

"Stay still! You'll bleed again!" Yoongi snapped in annoyance as I whined with a tissue lodged in my nostril.

"I'm fine!-"

"I'll leave it here," Taehyung muttered, placing the bottle on the medical cart and turned to leave the room without another word. Seokjin and Jimin eyed the alpha sourly until he disappeared.

"Hey! Why are you hindering our interaction~!" I shrieked, quickly shoving Yoongi's hand off my face and jerked upward with an irritated glower. Taehyung probably dislikes their attention!

"Stop being delusional! It's unhealthy!" Yoongi scolded. I scoffed, quickly scrambled off the bed to snatch the cool bottle and bolted out of the room. I can't miss this opportunity to get closer to him!

"Sora!!!" The three alphas called for me, but I didn't care and chased after Taehyung as he calmly walked through the crowded corridor... causing everyone to chase their gaze after us.

"Taehyung! Wait for me!" I called, sprinting after him in my dirty sports attire with a tissue in my nostril... and you guessed it... I pretty much... became obsessed with Kim Taehyung and would chase him everywhere. I brought him snacks and drinks every day. I offered him my study materials. I volunteered in his media club. I cheered for him during the tournaments. I chased him around to speak with him wherever he went.

Valentine's Day

I beamed at my reflection in the mirror while adjusting the sparkling pink clips in my braided pigtail before stepping back into a cute knee-length dress. I'm pretty! I have to be prepared! Just in case Kim Taehyung asks me to be his Valentine! He asked if I'm available to see him at school today because of an assignment- but it's probably an excuse!

"Sora honey! Are you done~?" Eomma knocked on my door.

"I'm ready!" I giggled while pulling on my sparkly short heels, and jogged out of the room to find my mother waiting outside the door. She pursed her lips at my exaggerated appearance.

"You're all dressed up today!" She giggled, leaning forward to kiss my cheek.

"I'm pretty, aren't I?" I grinned, happily twirling for my mother.

"Of course! You're the most gorgeous woman~!" Eomma beamed in excitement, so I grinned and walked along my mother's side to exit our luxurious villa until we found my father waiting by the car at the front door.

"Wow~! My daughter is so beautiful today!" Appa gasped, opening his arms to embrace my body. I grinned and hugged my father as he kissed my head before pulling away to examine my dress. If my parents think I'm pretty- then I am pretty! Taehyung will surely love my outfit!

"Let's go~! She'll be late for school! I'm sure she's got plenty of confessions pending at school!" Eomma teased, causing me to flush red. I giggled and hopped into the back seat... and we drove out of the property together.

A moment later

"Hey, princess~!" Minah teased while eyeing my dress funnily as she stood in her white sundress.

"Don't you think you're overdressing~?" Mira laughed at my fluffy gown.

"It's pretty!" I snapped back while sitting at my desk.

"Stop bothering her!" Seokjin snapped at the alphas.

"You're only nice to her because she's the supreme alpha~! You look ridiculous in that gown! Did you think your prince charming would show up in a white horse?" Minho chuckled from his desk. I grimaced at their mockery. I won't let them put me down! I eagerly glanced at Kim Taehyung's empty seat. Where is he? He's late for class today. Minah chuckled and glanced at Jungkook... who had given her a Valentine's gift and a bouquet.

I expected to receive flowers... gifts... and confessions on the so-called love day... but even after lunch break... no one had asked me to be their Valentine.

Kim Taehyung briefly glanced at my dress when he saw me in the corridor and smiled but didn't utter a word. He liked it, didn't he?- See! He thinks I'm pretty in it! Taehyung shook his head and strolled past me, so I gripped my gown and turned after him. He definitely likes my dress! I happily hopped on my pink heels- Bang! I accidentally slammed into the metallic locker... so I gripped my forehead in pain and quickly spun around in embarrassment to find Taehyung turning his head to check on me. Shit! I hastily sprinted in the opposite direction on my clacking heels to avoid him. How humiliating! 

After School

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jungkook asked Kang Minah with a cute red heart-shaped floating balloon. Minah giggled shyly with her hand over her lips.

"Of course!" She shrieked, happily hugging Jungkook, who beamed and clutched onto her back as she stood in her simple sundress. I blinked enviously and glanced down at my gown with a restless feeling.

Should I confess my feelings to Kim Taehyung...? Maybe he's too shy...? The crowd cheered loudly for Jungkook, so I exhaled deeply and stepped out of the crowd with a small chocolate box. Sora! Be brave! You're pretty!- Let's find Taehyung and make your feelings known! I beamed again and skipped down the stairs of the building to search for Taehyung... until I stumbled upon the classroom and poked my head inside.

"Tae-" I opened my mouth to speak once I noticed him in the class- but abruptly halted by the doorway once I found him standing... with another girl. My heart sank as I watched them hug each other in the vacant classroom as Taehyung clutched onto a pink bouquet. I blinked and glanced at the scattered rose petals on the floor before shifting my startled gaze back to him... as he held the unknown girl by my desk.

"OH?! WE HAVE ANOTHER COUPLE!" Hoseok gasped, suddenly pushing past me to shriek at the couple... and before I knew it... everyone was cheering loudly inside the classroom.

"Gae Haerim?! That's unexpected!" Jimin scoffed as he clapped for Taehyung and the unfamiliar girl I'd never seen around. Haerim? Who is Haerim?

The pretty girl with short hazel hair pulled away from Taehyung, who glanced at the crowd awkwardly while holding the bouquet until I felt my chest aching terribly... so I quickly spun around and pushed through the crowd with my head lowered until hot teardrops... flooded my cheeks... and dripping messily from my chin.

"Sora! Do you want to have dinner with us today-" Yoongi called from the side of the corridor- but I quickly sprinted away with my chocolate box and ran as fast as my legs could carry me to avoid everyone until I was entirely soaked in warm tears. My heart hurts~!

A moment later.

I aggressively sobbed inside my dim bedroom while stuffing the sweet chocolate in my mouth to stifle my voice, crying helplessly in my chocolate-stained sparkly pink gown with striking messy hair from running all the way home. Why doesn't he like me!?- I thought he did?! Is it because I'm fat!? Ah! I'm so frustrated! I wailed in extreme frustration with my broken heart while ingesting my chocolate in the corner of my room until I fell unconscious... and grew super sick the very next day with severe flu and a sore throat.

A week later.

Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung lifted his blank gaze off the texts in his book and glanced at the empty desk beside his. He unsurely glanced at the teacher and glanced down at something in his hand without blinking. Sighing, he placed it back in his pocket and lowered his face to concentrate on the book again... but... his eyes would... unconsciously... drift back to the vacant seat by the window. It's weird. Her absence.

The alpha could hear her... soft chirping voice. He could see... the sparkles in her innocent gaze... and he could almost smell... her faint fragrance. Taehyung could recall everything about her as if she was right beside him... yet her seat remained empty. He exhaled again, shook his head to avoid the wandering thoughts and focused on his work... until the bell rang to grant the students a break.

"Seokjin!" Hoseok gasped while waving at the alpha as the Kim's heir strolled inside the classroom.

"Where have you been?! You're not the type to skip class!" Jimin greeted the alpha from his desk.

"I was bidding farewell to Sora with Yoongi," Seokjin smiled at the alphas as he settled his backpack on his chair.

"Farewell? Sora?!- What?!" Hoseok gasped, widening his eyes in surprise.

"The supreme alpha is transferring abroad for her studies," Seokjin shrugged and slumped on his seat. 

"WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T SHE TELL ME?" Jimin gasped in shock.

"Why did she leave?" Namjoon asked in curiosity.

"No idea. Sora insisted that she wanted to study abroad. Yoongi called me earlier this morning- so we visited her together before her departure," Seokjin shrugged.

"Maybe the dumpling is heartbroken? Because Kim Taehyung doesn't like her? I saw her crying during Valentine's Day," Mira dawdled from her seat with her legs crossed. The alphas within the room suddenly grew hushed and shifted their dark gaze to... Kim Taehyung.... who remained unbothered in his seat.

"Stupid jerk," Jimin huffed and glanced away from Taehyung in annoyance. Seokjin grimaced and shook his head as Hoseok sorely eyed the heartless alpha.

Kim Taehyung remained utterly muted in his seat as he processed the news in his head before rising to his feet and slowly strolled out of the classroom to approach his locker. Creak. He opened his compartment to stare at the organized materials... Jang Sora had lent him with a blank stare. He blinked... at the neat pile of her belongings before lowering his gaze... to the item in his hand again. The alpha remained numbed in position with his dim eyes on... the golden bracelet... in his palm.

Jang Sora.

Kim Taehyung stared at the engraving of her name on the bracelet before glancing at her familiar locker with a small lollipop candy sticker stuck to it. The alpha raised his hand to open her locker. Creak. He stared blankly at the hollow space with an unsettled feeling. Her books and materials... were gone. Did she visit to retrieve her belongings? He gripped the bracelet once he noticed a single letter in the locker... and slowly withdrew it to read the note.

You can keep the materials. I'm sorry for always bothering you.

Kim Taehyung stared at Jang Sora's familiar cursive handwriting with an expressionless gaze... until the noisy world muted around him... and he was suddenly left stranded in the dark gloom... of his guilt. The young alpha gripped the note... and glanced at her locker in remorse once the reality of her absence struck him... until his chest swelled with an extremely... uncomfortable emotion.

He liked her presence.

He always liked her... but he was never courageous... enough to disclose his genuine feelings.

So she left.

She left with a misunderstanding. 

She left with a broken heart because he was a cowardly fool.


Happy Valentine's Day~! (I wanted to update on Feb 14 but the final edit took longer than expected) I'm back with another bonus chapter! How is everyone doing?! I'm doing awesome except for the fact that I slipped down the stairs and injured my lower back! But I'm fine! It's probably karma for giving Taehyung chronic back pain ahah! I'll be back with the final bonus chapter so please stay tuned! <3 I love you guys!

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