The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

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Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
5-Fourth Wing
6- The Sparring
7- The Journal
8-The Woods
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
24- I Heard Him!
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
27- Liam Mairi
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
32- The Fight
33- Mistake
34- Authors Note/ Training
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
71- To Bend Death
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
77- The End
Book 2


1.7K 84 18
By Quietdreamer52

Sparring began once again.

I could almost say I missed it. It's one thing I know I'm exceptional at. Now with us first years begging a little more experienced and less likely to die we can mingle a bit more with the other Squads and Wings.

Ofcourse we needed to be in here at the same time as Jack Barlowe..and Dain. I haven't seen Dain for the past couple weeks, not that I minded. At all. I grew a resentment toward him, and an further hate for Jack. I wouldn't be to sad if his dragon drives him into one of the mountain tops.

Liam refused any spars, keeping close to be on a bench where I now was just about to spar Ridoc who wanted Liam but got me instead. He swallows hard eyeing me, " Your nor going to stab me are you?"

I raise a brow, " Are you asking me to go easy?"

" Maybe."

I chuckle, seeing Hetta walk with Imogen who was helping her improve some more of her skills. I look back at Ridoc. " Behave Sorrengail.." Liam taunts.

I circle Ridoc on the mat, " You know I always behave Mairi."

He laughs setting down his little knife he carries all the time for carving looking at the two of us, " Ready to get your ass handed to you Ridoc?" Liam asks.

" Screw off Mairi!" He mutters making Liam laugh again.

" After I'm done with him I want you on the mat Liam." I tease, " See how the two best in our year fight."

" That wouldn't be fair on your end Fury. I don't want to embarrass you." Liam smirks, I sour at the name Xaden uses, uses. 

" I think your just scared I'd beat you."

" Unlikely."

" Come prove it." I challenge. " Give me a minute here and we can go."

I turn to Ridoc, going straight at him going for the kill shots right away.  " Damn women!"  He yells, already struggling to deflect my blows.

" Be faster Sorrengail!" 

I hear Xaden's voice behind he decides to show up.. I roll my eyes elbowing Ridoc thn putting him in a head lock spinning the both of us to look at Xaden and Garrick. " Was that fast enough for you Riorson?" I mock sending him a menacing grin.

" I've seen a cripple have better foot work then you." He fires back going to a mat near us.

I release Ridoc who admitted defeat, " I think my footwork has made me win all my challenges."

" You've lost a challenge. Liam is the only one in your year that's undefeated." 

" Until now.." I look back, " Get you ass on the mat Mairi."

Xaden looks between us, " Liam is not sparring you."

" Why not?"

" Because he has a job to do, and he can't do it if he's on the mat.."

I take a couple steps closer, " Then you can stand watch." I smile, " I promise I won't take long."

" You think it's going to be that easy getting me down?" Liam asks getting up coming over to me.

I turn around grinnig at him, " Oh I know I could get you down fast."

" You think."

" I know."

" Mairi." Xaden snaps and Liam jerks his gaze to Xaden, " Do your job." He demands in a strict tone. " And Fury..stop distracting him."

He gives both of us a look before pulling off his...

Hot hell....

He pulls off his shirt and man.. His body is better then I thought.. He steps on the mat by Garrick and they spar. Liam stands close to me, " Now you can see what I mean when I say he's the best fighter here, Garrick is a close second."

Right.. I'm just watching because of his fighting..nothing else. Not because he's all muscle.. Not because his rebellion relic looks a little to good on him, or as they fight which seems so lethally beautiful the way theres a slight sheen on the both of them is just mesmerizing.

" Your drooling a little bit.." Liam whispers in my ear and I snap out of it wiping my mouth " What no-"

He snorts, " I was joking, sure you don't like him?"

" Hate." I snap back.

As quickly as their spar began, it ended. Xaden over Garrick, dagger in hand pointing at his throat.

" Sorrengail! Stop drooling at use this time to get some shit done!" Dain'c annoyed voice rings out. I see Xaden look my way smirking, " She was just enjoying the show Aetos, no need to get all butthurt."

I roll my eyes sendng them both the finger as I now go to one of the opposite corners of the mat where the punching bags were, I only got maybe 9 hits inbefore another voice calls out. " That's my bag Sorrengail.."

I really can't win today can I?

I turn quickly to see Jaxk Barlowe heading my way and Liam quickly coming over. I look back at the bag going around it, " Funny.. I don't see your name anywhere on it."

His face reddens as his breathing becomes a little heavier as he walks faster towards me, Liam gets in the way seperating the two of us. " Knock it off Barlowe.."

" This little entitled bitch needs to learn a damn lesson!" He side steps Liam coming to get after me once more, Liam sticks his dagger out. " Back..THE HELL..up..Barlowe.. I won't tell you twice." Liam wedges himself inbetween the two os us again and I pull out a dagger for myself. Or if he decides to get at Liam.

He looks over Liam's shoulder, " What? Now you have guards? Can't figth your own battles now Halfblood?" He mocks.

" Pretty sure she can fight her own just fine Barlowe." I see Xaden walking up to the three of us slipping his shirt back on, " She did kill all those unbonded, and got that eye of yours right?"

Jack's expression sours looking at Xaden, " Don't act like your going to defend her now! You wanted her dead the first day you saw her Riorson."

" Plans changed." Xaden states simply taking another step.

Jack looks back to me, " I think you need to get knocked down a couple pegs Halfblood. I'll gladly show you how worthless you really are on the mat."

I scoff, " If you step on the mat with me Jack, your not stepping back off alive..or maybe you'll just run off..just like you did in the field at Threshing." 

He freezes, I see the rage in him slowly trickle-no- pour into him.

I decide to inch closer, Liam quickly looking at me then at Jack " Because your a coward Barlowe, and when I get you on the mat.. I'll show everyone that."

Jack lunges and Liam grabbed him slamming him back. " Come closer and say that to me bitch!" He yells.

" Gladly!" I lunge over lIam sending a fist in his face.

" Maybe a little help here?" Liam yells, " I can't hold both of them back."

" Dammit Freya!" Dain.

I feel hands peel me off though I now had a handful of Jack's hair ripping some out as Liam is pushign him back though he could't get to far considering I had him partly in my grip. But finally they seperated us, Liam and Garrick muscled him out of the combat room while Xaden with a flick of his wrist locks the door.

Liam was panting looking back over to me, " Holy death grip Freya... Way to pile over me.."

" You could've moved." I spit.

Dain shakes my shoulders, " DO you really need to pick damn fights all the damn time!" He yells. I push away " The hell do you think you are talking to me Aetos?!"

 His face hardens, " So your not using first names now?"

" Don't need to." I spit back, " And I don't need you of all people talking, touching, grabbing or trying to defend me!"

He takes a step forward, " Don't talk to your Squad Leader like that!" Dain yells.

" I don't give a single SHIT WHO YOU ARE!" I scream pushing him with all my might, my body turning on like a hot raging switch as I got after him.

" Hey! That's enough!" Liam yells grabbing me but I push him off, " Fury!" Xaden voice now yells, " Freya!" I get Dain one time in the face before I a dark toned arm wrap around me hoisting me up againt the wall closest to us.

He had both my hands pinned down at my sides, " Knock it off.." He says lowly, meacingly, but also almost in a calming voice. " Freya.. snap out of it." 

 He holds me there until I come too, blinking rapidly I glare up at him. He sighs heavily " Give us a second." He commands, I see everyone including Liam leave.

" Let go." I spit.

" No."

" Xaden LET GO." I yell bringing my head forward knocking him in the lip. He grunts but doesn't let go, his eyes narrowing shadows grip my wrists as his one hand grips my neck making me look up at him while cutting off some of my airway.

" You need to calm the hell down." He says, " Take a damn breath and listen."

I did what he asked my eyes still burning holes in his.  " Have you ever stopped and thought why your not channeling yet?" he asks.

" No, but I'm guessing your going to enlighten me anyways."

His grip tightens, " Stop with the bullshit. I'm trying to have a serious conversation."

" No, I have no idea.."

" Because you need control when they give you that power, and you..are going to have alot. Your not channeling because you can't even hold your temper, now because you don't have a good bond."

" That prick-"

" Yea, no shit... I know. You need to bite the hell down and control it. Do you understand? There's only so much time left Fury.. You need to breathe, you need to block it out, and you need to refocus, can you handle that?"

" Yes." I mutter.

" I can't hear you." Xaden says louder.

" Yes I understand!" I say loudly, taking a controlled breath. Xaden's grip on my neck loosens just a little, " Good. There's a difference between fighting to defend yourself and fighting just because your temper gets in the way. Tell me what one will get you killed."

" Temper."

" Temper." He repeats. " Your one in your class. No reason you shouldn't be channeling and getting your signet. Get your head out of your ass."

" Ok."

" I mean it Fury."

" I know."

He lets go of me now. " Good, now get the hell out of my sight and cool down."

I spare him one more glance before he calls out again, " I think you could've got him down if Aetos didn't pull you off. He looked like shit and here you are untouched."

I turn again a small smile spreading on my face. " I know I could've. Maybe you guys should've let me stab him and we would've been done with him."

I see a small smirk appear. " No. When you kill him, I want an audience."

I chuckle turning around walking out of the room going by Liam, as I walk I feel Xaden's burning gaze on me.

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