By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70


167 9 22
By BangtanArmies

[ One Shot - Part TWO ]

Sora's POV

Murmur. Murmur. The inaudible voices did not make it through my eardrums as I sat in the lecture room with my head rested sideways on the desk, emptily gazing at the golden afternoon sky until a tiny bird flew toward a tree to rest its feet on the crooked branch and cutely chirped through its beak. The creature glanced back and forth while sending the melodious signal across the vast opening to search for its mate.

I weakly smiled when another bird appeared, hopping over the branch to meet its lover. The birds pecked each other's feathers and snuggled against one another's warmth, making me pout at their cuteness as I stared out the window during a warm afternoon without paying the slightest attention to the professor. Smack. I jerked out of my deep thoughts upon feeling a soft impact and quickly sat up to find a rolled-up paper on the floor after it struck my head from the side. What's his business? I glared at Jungkook... who widened his bitter gaze on me.

"Focus," Jungkook mouthed, sternly nodding at the professor.

"Mind your business," I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I folded my arms over my chest to dismiss his concern, causing the alpha to huff at my rudeness, so I exhaled heavily and glanced forward to find Seokjin sitting beside Taehyung and Sungho with Namjoon at the front of the class.

How did I end up in the advanced level? I passed all the qualifications because studying was the only distraction to numb the hollow void in my chest. My dull gaze gradually drifted to the snowflake keychain... attached to my phone case. It's been months... since I last visited him. Should I see him now that I've made it to the advanced level? But what's the point? It's not like he can hear me. I sighed- Virr. I blinked out of my thoughts when a notification popped up on the blank screen.

Jimin: Can we see each other after school?

Jimin: I would like to address an important matter.

I stared at the notifications and unsurely lifted my face to stare past Jungkook until I spotted... Park Jimin... smiling at me from his desk. Should I see him...? I've been locking myself inside my bedroom for hours on end... during the past months to study for my qualification... and I've once again lost grasp on reality. Sighing deeply, I lifted my phone off the desk and lowered my thumbs to type on the text box.

Click Clack... Click Clack...


New notification.

My blank gaze gradually shifted to the new text, popping at the upper part of the screen. Pause. I suddenly froze in my seat with my eyes glued on the notification from another person- and for a solid second... I couldn't process the name... shown on my screen. My heart violently leaped into my throat once my sluggish brain made sense of the message. Badum! I quickly tapped on the new text to confirm the source. Am I hallucinating?!- I stiffened in extreme bewilderment once I received a few more texts from the person. JOLT!

"Kamjakiga!" Jungkook yelped when I suddenly launched to my feet, causing him to flinch in shock. The professor immediately paused mid-sentence at the blunt disruption, causing everyone to turn in my direction in confusion as I gawked at the texts with my bulging eyeballs. This can't be?!

"Excuse me!" I shrieked, hysterically shoving my chair aside to scramble past the other desks, leaving everyone frozen in their seat as they watched my deranged behavior with a startled look.

"Sora!" Jungkook snapped, but I ignored his warning and sprinted toward the exit as the professor stood fixed in his position- THUD!

I shoved the door open, wildly steering down the corridor with a racing heart- and was about to sprint toward the elevator when a person... suddenly stepped out of the compartment. He turned to limp in my direction with his head lowered. My lips fell apart in disbelief once I recognized the undeniable familiarity of... his usual oversized jacket and sweatpants.

Thud... Thud... Thud...

Even the patterns of his footsteps... were all too familiar.

The alpha abruptly halted in his place once he found me gawking at him in the empty corridor with a dreadful face. Neither of us budged for a few seconds... but stared at each other in absolute silence as my temples pulsed intensely in his bewildering presence.

"Sora?!- Yah! What are you doing?!-" Jungkook stepped through the door in confusion- SWIFT!

I bolted forward without blinking, dashing as fast as I could toward the person as he watched me race toward him with his dark circles. The man gasped at the speed of my sprints as he unconsciously limped forward with a yearning frown while holding his arms open- THUMP!

I slammed hard into his chest, sending the alpha stumbling backward at the immense force of my body weight- but he didn't tumble over and clutched tightly onto my waist as I frantically clung to his neck with my eyes screwed shut. I'm afraid to look him in the eyes, but I don't want to ever let go of him again! My heart throbbed with a terrible ache once I inhaled his faint fragrance, making me pout at his shocking presence. I coiled my arms around his nape with my face buried against his chest as he tightly hugged me in the empty corridor. RING. The school alarm suddenly went off above our heads to signal the end of school hours- but I refused to budge. Instead, I possessively fastened my arms around his soul to hold him close to me.

"Noona," Yangcha whispered against my ear as I stood on the tip of my toes. Creak- Creak. The door to every lecture room slid open, so I quickly withdrew my body to observe his gaunt cheekbones as Yangcha stared down at me from under the hood of his jacket. Smooch.

I gripped his cheeks, tugged him down, and kissed him firmly, causing Yangcha to freeze in place at my thoughtless act. The alpha shakily held my waist while bending over me as I tilted my head to make out with him in the noisy corridor. Hush.

The chattering students suddenly froze in the hallway, but I couldn't care less and kept my lips glued to his severely chapped lips, panting heavily between the moist strokes... too afraid to release him... even at the cost of my suffocating lungs. Yangcha tensed his arms around my back as he pressed his heated face against mine to deepen our kiss... until I felt warm blood... rushing to my cheeks.

I pursed my lips after almost fainting from the breathtaking kiss as I shakily withdrew my damp lips from his, and finally opened my eyes to gaze at his swollen right eyelid with an aching heart. How long has it been? He's been away... for over half a year. Yangcha softly fumed his humid breath over my face as I rubbed my thumb over his bony cheek to... savor the fulfilled craving that had been feasting... on my depleted soul.

I missed him like crazy.

"Hey," I whispered with a weak smile to greet his return.

Yangcha gulped at my flushed cheeks before lifting his face to stare at the startled alphas and lower ranks in the crowded corridor as they gawked at us with their bulging eyeballs. I blinked back to my senses and turned around to find Jungkook staring at us with a drained expression. Kang Minah glanced back... and forth between the towering alpha and me while clutching her books in her arms... unsurely eyeing our interaction with a dumbfounded look.

"What's this...?" Jimin questioned, turning slightly pale. Taehyung stood amongst the crowd with a poker face as Seokjin funnily eyed Yangcha up and down.

"Who is this? I don't remember seeing him anywhere," Hoseok scoffed while frowning at us as Namjoon stared at the lipstick smudge over Yangcha's lips until he lowered his face to hide under his hood, so I rubbed my lips and carefully interlaced our fingers before the prying witnesses.

"No way! Is he the rumored man?-"

"Oh. I was with him that night. And he has a name. Jae Yangcha," I sternly nodded at Minho. Mira covered her mouth in disbelief as the stunned witnesses shifted their startled gaze to Jae Yangcha again, who stood with his head lowered.

"A lower rank? Are you serious...?" Minah whispered, briefly glancing at Jungkook's ashen face.

"He's a fifth rank. Yangcha is an alpha," I replied, faintly smiling at the timid alpha as he hid his beaten face from the crowd. They can't recognize him because he lost a lot of weight during his battle with the deadly tumor.

"And what's your relationship status...?" Jungkook scoffed with his thick brow raised. I glanced down at our interlaced fingers and raised our arms to show them our firm grip. Isn't this obvious?

"Yangcha is my boyfriend. We've been together since the beginning of the year," I smiled. Jungkook widened his eyes in extreme shock.

"So the rumor-"

"Oh. I was having fun with my boyfriend in the restroom. Stop making a fuss about it and mind your business," I dully shifted my gaze to Mira again.

Yangcha tightened his grip around my hand, so I smiled and patted his stomach to comfort him. No one uttered a word as they gawked at us in the muted corridor. He doesn't like the attention. I eagerly glanced up at Yangcha's tender gaze as he stood with his head down. The alpha didn't react to the crowd's judgemental stares and stood in utter silence after I disclosed our relationship to the society.

I might be doing this recklessly... but I know for a fact... it's the only solution to appease my remorseful soul.

A moment later.

I calmly strolled over the sidewalk by the busy street while gripping tightly onto Yangcha's sweaty hand. He didn't speak and was oddly hushed as we roamed the city together. What am I doing? I don't know- but I don't want to release his hand, out of fear of losing him again. A few cars rolled past us until Yangcha carefully switched our position to make me walk on the inner side lane and gently interlaced our hands again.

Still, we didn't speak and wandered aimlessly until a colorful stall caught my eye. I stared at the delicious-looking ice cream as we passed it, curiously turning my head to watch ahjussi hand an ice cream cone to a little girl and her mother. Halt. Yangcha suddenly stopped walking, so I glanced up at him just after we passed the stall. He shifted his gaze to the vendor and back to me.

"Do you want ice cream..?" He hoarsely whispered.

"I don't have money," I shook my head. I left my belongings behind. The alpha quietly studied my face and suddenly steered me around, so I pursed my lips and followed him to the ice cream stall.

"A double vanilla and chocolate cone, please," Yangcha politely requested as we stood before the man, who greeted us with cheerful chatter. I glanced up at Yangcha in surprise... as he rummaged his pocket until he pulled out a banknote and handed it to the man.

"Here you go~!" The man chuckled as he handed me the cone, so I accepted the ice cream with a faint smile.

"Thank you," Yangcha politely bowed at the man, gently tugging me with him again. I quietly licked the tasty flavor and followed him over the sidewalk after he bought me the ice cream without having to ask for it.

Our aimless venture eventually landed us at a peaceful park in the evening. We settled down on the concrete stairs to gaze at the flowing river current in an area far from the crowded public space. Yangcha still didn't speak as we sat side by side until I lifted the melted ice cream to his lips. The alpha carefully took a small bite, making me smile at his cuteness. Why didn't he take a big bite? Is he afraid I'd sulk over my lost ice cream?

"You should head back home. It's late. Your parents must be worried," I finally mumbled while licking the ice cream. Why did I bring him out here? He's still healing from the surgery. Yangcha gently patted my hand with a gloomy gaze on the flowing river.

"I'm sorry," Yangcha whispered. I stopped licking my ice cream and stared at the melted chocolate with a wrenching heart until I felt the stinging warmth piercing the tip of my nose... yet I refused to give in to the aching emotion... and shakily bit the crunchy cone.

A flood of warm tears unconsciously spilled from my burning eyes as a hot lump formed in my throat, ultimately clogging my vocal cords with an uncomfortable strain. Why did he apologize? I weakly pouted while staring at the ice cream with a heavy feeling... until a soft whimper escaped my lips- so I balled my hand into a tight fist and lowered my head to counter the misery in difficulty. I shouldn't cry! Why am I crying?! I have no right to cry in front of him like this!

"Why are you sorry- when it's my fault...?" I shakily whispered, unable to look him in the eyes. Yangcha sighed as he watched me sob helplessly over the melting ice cream. How can he apologize for a crime he didn't commit...?

"You must've been worried about me when you found out about my illness," He whispered. I pouted harder and tried to eat the ice cream, hoping it could calm my discomfort, but I only sobbed harder. Ah~! Why am I crying so shamelessly?! I should be sorry!

"I was- so terrible- to you," I whimpered, briefly lifting my glassy pupils to frown at the alpha's sickly skin. He's sick because of me. Yangcha stared at the messy streaks on my face and shook his head to deny my claim while brushing the warm tears from my cheeks.

"Don't blame yourself-"

"I was mean to you. I- I- I'm a terrible person. How can I hurt you so badly and make myself a victim when you're the one hurting? I'm really sorry- I didn't know what I wanted because I was scared- I was frightened- so I intentionally hurt your feelings- thinking you'd despise me if I pretended to be a bad person- hic- I'm sorry- I thought I could neglect my feelings once I push you away- hic!- But- I feel so terrible- for being so- mean- to you- hic!- You didn't deserve- the harsh treatment," I sulked over the melting ice cream as he sadly stared at me with a tearful gaze. He didn't stop me from venting out my aching discomfort and quietly listened to my soft whimpers as I wept with the soggy cone clenched in my shaky grip.

"How can I ever hate you? I knew... you were pushing me away... for the sake of my welfare," Yangcha whispered while scanning my flushed cheeks. How can I be so cruel to the person I love? I finally gained the courage to look at his swollen eyelid, peeling chapped lips, and awfully pale skin, tearfully scanning his beaten condition until my lips started trembling in guilt. Huff! I apologetically shook my head and cried in extreme remorse upon hearing his sympathetic response.

"My mother- I think she will- marry me- to another man. Kim Taehyung. I was afraid to hold you because- I'm afraid my mother might harm you and your family- I didn't know what to do- so I- I- bashed those cruel words- to break your heart," I bawled apologetically while clutching the ice cream cone.

Yangcha glanced at the sticky paste between my fingers, gently withdrew the cone from my palm and carefully wiped my fingers with a tissue to dab off the sugary paste. I wept even harder at his thoughtful gesture... and lowered my head to squeeze out the hot tears while sitting on the concrete stair with my face pressed against my bent knees. I'd be happier if he resented me!- But he's holding onto me so tenderly after I split open his skull?!

"I know. I knew," Yangcha whispered.

I pathetically choked on my spit at his calm response and lifted my puffy face to bawl beside him until my stretchy snot dripped messily from my clogged nostrils. Hic~! The alpha weakly smiled at my slimy nose while wiping my nostrils and drew me into a comforting hug. He's killing me with his kindness! I coughed in pain while clutching onto his back with my soaked cheeks pressed against his jacket.

"I like you- I like you a lot- but I didn't want to ruin your life- I'm sorry- Yangcha, I'm so sorry for being so heartless- I wish I wasn't so mean to you when you need me the most- hic~! You were always there for me- but I left you stranded- hic- I'm so sorry~! I'm so terrible!" I bawled against his chest in extreme pain.

"If you wanted to... walk away for my own good... then why did you run to me? Why did you hold me? Why did you... kiss me?" Yangcha whispered while hugging my frail soul in his firm embrace.

"Because I love you!- I missed you so much! I don't want to live like a puppet!- Hic~! I want to freely hold you and hold you close forever~! Why do I have to marry another man? Why can't I be happy and live with you?! I'm so stressed because I really like you, but- all I did was break your heart when you loved me the most~! Ah~! I'm a terrible person~!" I whimpered. Yangcha deeply exhaled while patting my back on the concrete stairs to console my despairing apologies.

"Let's love each other. I'm sure we can figure this out," Yangcha whispered while clutching my back with his face buried against my neck, so I nodded and hugged him tightly.

The alpha didn't release my body and held me securely before the vast river while stroking my head to console my distressing emotions as we remained in that position for a while to sulk in each other's arms. It's the alpha's tradition to marry for power, just like the royalties- but- how can I live that way? Why must I marry a man who doesn't even care about my welfare? Why must I submit to a cold lover... over someone so warm and lovely...?

Life is too unfair in this cruel world!

A moment later.

"Achew!" I sneezed over the railing while standing against it. Yangcha smiled as he stood beside me to admire the dark river with his forearms hooked over the cold bar. He patiently waited for me to recollect scattered emotions as I rubbed my stuffy nose with his napkin and glanced at his swollen right eye. It's as if someone punched him with a steel fist... and it makes me feel so sorry.

"You'll get sick if you cry too much," Yangcha smiled with a bright pink nose. He cried as well while holding me earlier... so the strained veins... are causing his eyes to burn bright red. I pouted at his beaten face.

"You look hideous," I pouted.

"Should I hide my face then? If I'm ugly?" He chuckled in tears while leaning against the railing to admire my puffy face. I whined and hugged his waist with a big pout, so he gently drew me against his body with a faint smile.

"Why are your eyes so swollen~?" I whined, slightly tilting my pouty face to scan the dark bruises around his eyes. He had brain surgeries- but his eyes are bruised and swollen!

"It's the side effect of the surgery. The swelling will cease- I'll wear black glasses if it bothers you," Yangcha smiled as he gently tucked the loose hair strands behind my ear so I pouted again and tiptoed to reach his lips. Smooch.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I whispered. Yangcha gently stroked my cheek with his thumb while holding my waist with his other arm.

"Why are you asking me...? Didn't you announce our relationship earlier?" He asked with a weak smile as we rocked from side to side by the railing.

"I disclosed our relationship without your permission. You confessed before but I- rejected you... so I'll let you decide," I blinked my glassy pupils while looking up at him.

"I'll be your boyfriend. On one condition," Yangcha whispered.

"One condition?" I replied, unsurely searching his tender gaze.

"Let's never break up," Yangcha muttered as he sadly stared at me. I pursed my lips with my torn gaze glued to his swollen face as the subtle wind gusts against our bodies beside the river.

"Does that mean you want to marry me?" I asked, cluelessly lifting my arm to hold his neck.

"Of course. There's no divorce in the alpha world, so hold onto me until I find a way to marry you," Yangcha replied. I swallowed the hot lump in my throat while staring unblinkingly at his pale face.

"I trust you," I nodded. Yangcha chuckled.

"I accept your proposal. Let's be lovers," He whispered, lowering his parted lips towards mine so I closed my eyes to await his tender stroke-

"Ehem," A man cleared his throat on our side, causing us to flinch in a panic at the sudden disturbance, so I gripped Yangcha's shoulder and snapped my head toward a familiar face.

"What are you doing here?!" I shrieked at Do-hwan as he sorely stared at us with his arms crossed. Did he overhear everything?!- &^!%#!$?!!- AH! WHAT A CREEP!

"It is my sole duty to ensure your safety, my lady. I was suspicious of your location on my system because it's close to the bridge over a deep river," Do-hwan mocked me. I gripped Yangcha's neck and hugged him with a big pout. He's here to take me away!

"I don't want to go home!" I whined and pressed my face against Yangcha's chest as he held my waist.

"It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow-"

"No! I don't want to leave!" I snapped, repeatedly shaking my head with a big pout. Yangcha pursed his lips uneasily at my stubborn refusal and glanced at my chief guard's bitter expression with an apologetic look.

"Your parents will return tomorrow at noon, so I expect to see you at the mansion before their arrival. And if you don't show up... I will give your lovely boyfriend... another black eye," Do-hwan threatened with a poker face.

"Hey!" I snapped at the man in disbelief.

"Eleven A.M sharp by tomorrow, or I'm coming after him," Do-hwan glared at Yangcha. The man suddenly strolled off with his hands in his pocket, leaving me dumbfounded by the railing.

"Did you think I'd let you bruise his precious skin?!- Hey! Old man!-" I shrieked, trying to chase the man, but Yangcha chuckled and held me back by my waist, so I screamed and kicked my legs in extreme annoyance.

"Scream again- and I'll drag you home after I dump his body in the deep water!" Do-hwan snapped without looking at me. I scoffed at his offensive threat before glancing at Yangcha as he held my frail body against his chest.

"Let's be smart and protect our relationship when the world is generous, okay? Appreciate the good people in our life," Yangcha smiled. I pouted at his bruised right eye and turned to hold his waist again. I want to cry every time I see the bruise on his pretty eyes! Gurgle...

My stomach suddenly growled. Yangcha pursed his lips and glanced at me as I looked up in embarrassment. Gurgle. I flushed bright red, causing Yangcha to snort at my obvious hunger, so he lowered his face to peck my lips while shaking his head at my random gurgling stomach. How can I be hungry in this situation?! So embarrassing!

A moment later

Sizzle~! I carefully flipped the boneless short ribs on the barbecue tray to ensure it was properly cooked and tender before placing the warm slices on Yangcha's plate as he hungrily ate beside me. My boyfriend picked out almost everything from the menu... so our table is scattered with various meat platters. Yangcha rubbed his runny nose and glanced at me with his swollen eye, still hiding his face under the hood.

"The odor will stain your clothes," Yangcha muttered apologetically. He wanted to eat grilled pork belly and beef... so I agreed to dine at a local restaurant with him. I'll do anything for him.

"Don't worry about my clothes. You have to recover quickly, so eat as much as you can," I shook my head while chewing the delicious meal as I wrapped a fresh lettuce, dipped it in the hot sauce, and lifted it to his lips. Yangcha opened his mouth to accept the warm ssam without hesitation, so I pushed the cabbage into his mouth and gently wiped the stain from his greasy lips.

"This isn't the kind of food you'd eat. I'm sorry," Yangcha muttered as he watched me lick the sticky sauce off my thumbs.

"Hey~! Why do you keep apologizing?! Any food will do as long as I'm full," I chuckled while nudging his shoulder. The alpha still has a big appetite, so I must feed him as much as I can to sustain his weakened health. I gently kissed his lips and flipped the sizzling meat over the grill again.

"Why did you expose our relationship?" Yangcha asked in curiosity.

"I think we're both better off this way. I felt terrible for concealing our relationship despite having feelings for you... and everyone wouldn't stop gossiping anyways- so I'll just let everyone know we're together," I shrugged while pouring cool water for my boyfriend.

"What about the bathroom incident...? Does it still bother you? You were devastated," Yangcha tilted his head to study my face as I examined the packed tables inside the smokey restaurant.

"No. I was bothered at first because I couldn't remember anything and assumed the worst. But- I didn't feel bothered anymore after I realized it was you. It's a relief that you were there with me, actually. Another man could've taken advantage of me. I- recalled the memories afterward," I smiled in embarrassment. I was the one begging him to ease my body but dared accuse him of assaulting me? Ah. I'm a terrible person.

"So my touch... doesn't bother you anymore?" Yangcha asked, slightly widening his clueless eyes. I chuckled and glanced at the adorable man with a bright beam.

"It never bothered me. You and your warmth. I welcome it," I shrugged.

Yangcha grinned, leaning forward to peck my lips until I shrieked and quickly flipped the burning meat over the charcoal. He cutely laughed at my determination to rescue the meat over the grill as he tenderly held my waist. This is our first date~! After we bawled out our emotions! So we're both sitting with puffy eyes and runny noses! Our love isn't as flawless as the romance in movies, but I'm still grateful!

We happily chatted over the table while enjoying our first dinner date together at a local restaurant. I insisted on sharing a soju bottle with Yangcha after I watched the other customers toast their drinks. He was hesitant at first... so I begged him to have a cup with me... until he gave in and agreed to share the liquor.

"Noona~! Stop drinking! You're tipsy!" Yangcha scolded, quickly grabbing my wrist when I tried to pour the remaining bottle into my glass.

"You're not drinking, so I'll finish it!" I chuckled while tilting the bottle over my cup- Snatch!

Yangcha suddenly seized the bottle from my hands, causing me to gasp in shock as the alpha chugged the half-empty bottle into his mouth. Oh?! Why is he drinking it all in one go?! I gawked at his bulging Adam's apple and glanced at his grim frown as he effortlessly ingested the clear liquor with his face tilted upward. Thud! He finally slammed the empty bottle on the table and quickly wiped his lips with a slight grimace.

"No more! One is enough!" He cutely glared. I laughed at his beaten face and playfully smacked his chest.

"You can't glare at me with a swollen eyelid!" I teased. Yangcha flushed redder and lowered his face in embarrassment, so I giggled at his sulky pout and grabbed his wrist with a drunken smile.

"We should leave~! It's late!" Yangcha whined.

"Aigo~! Why are you hiding your face? Show me your swollen eye~! Ah!-" I giggled, trying to remove his hand from his face, causing the alpha to whine at my annoying behavior. He playfully pushed my face away- until I lost my balance. Wobble!

"OH?!" Yangcha gasped, swiftly snatching my arm in shock when I tilted backward, almost tumbling off my chair. I chuckled weakly and hugged his forearm with a numbed face as everything around me revolved in slow motion. Why am I so happy?!

"Soju is much stronger than red wine! I wasn't even that drunk at the parties!" I giggled while poking his swollen face. I can't stop laughing! Why is everything funny?! Yangcha grimaced at my soft giggles as he clutched my senseless body over the chair to stop me from tilting backward. I was okay with the clear liquor at first... but why is my head suddenly swirling so suddenly?!

A moment later.

"Should we hail a taxi~?" I mumbled while hugging Yangcha's waist as we strolled over the busy sidewalk in a popular area. Yangcha repeatedly shook his dazed head while leaning against me for support.

"Noona~! I'm spinning!" The alpha whined and tilted his face back to frown at the dark sky above us as we drunkenly swayed from side to side over the pavement. He lost so much weight, but why is he still heavy?! I slightly grimaced while struggling to support his heavy weight.

"Do you have money?! I'll summon a taxi!" I smacked his chest to wake Yangcha as he struggled to walk forward. Thump! He accidentally bumped into a woman, causing her to dart us an offended look. I apologetically lowered my head while supporting his sturdy weight.

"Too dangerous to ride- taxi!- Ah~! Why is the world spinning?!" Yangcha groaned, suddenly wobbling to the ground. Thump! I gasped in shock, quickly bending down to heave his arm but couldn't tow him back up. I'm too feeble~! And he's as heavy as a boulder!

"Get up~! The road is far away!" I whined, tugging his arm repeatedly until Yangcha shook his dazed mind and glanced up at me with his rosy red cheeks.

"The roads are all wiggly~! I can't walk~! Ah~! Ah~!" Yangcha cutely whined while crawling on the ground before rolling over with his hands clasped over his burning face, causing the passerby to stare at our drunken state. His parents will scold him if I send him home in this condition! I'm drunk myself, so who will look after who?! I grabbed my boyfriend's arm again to stop him from crawling away.

"Get up~! A few more steps ~! Let's stay nearby~!" I crouched down to cup his cheeks. If he blacks out here- then I'll have to sleep with him on the street because I definitely can't heave his body! Yangcha squinted his droopy eyes at me as he slouched on the ground with a cheeky smile.

"You're so pretty~!" Yangcha chuckled, suddenly puckering his lips like a duck. I shrieked and smacked his lips, hastily towing him back onto his feet.

"You're so heavy! Get up~! Baby~!" I whined while pulling on his forearm. Yangcha grumbled at my complaints and finally forced his body upward- so I hugged his sturdy body to secure his balance as he weakly slanted over me for support.

"You're so pretty~! My girlfriend is so pretty~! Jackpot~! Hehe~!" Yangcha grinned while straightening his body to squish my cheeks between his warm palms, causing me to frown at his drunken behavior. I didn't know a big man like him would lose to a mere soju?!

"Let's stay at a motel!" I slapped his hand off my face and dragged him through the crowd. Why did I make him drink?- He can't handle liquor at all! Yangcha loudly complained about his dizzy mind as he stumbled after me until I found a love motel and entered the sketchy place with him to find a middle-aged man... standing at the counter.

"One bed?" The man asked while chewing his gum as I supported Yangcha's body on my side.

"Yes, please- baby-? Where's your spare change?" I tapped Yangcha's chest, but he only pouted and lowered his head without responding to me- so I huffed and searched his pocket until I found a crumpled banknote in his jacket.

"40,000 won," The old man dawdled, pushing the room key forward as I handed the cash.

The man returned the change, so I snatched the worn-out banknote and dragged the heavy alpha forward to search for our room in a narrow corridor. Creak. I shoved the door open and pulled Yangcha inside the cheap-looking motel room with a sore grimace. This is a scam! The room smells like crap! Yangcha grunted in discomfort as I lowered him to the old bedsheet until he settled down with his head lowered under his hood.

"Do you want to shower?- Ah~! The place smells like a cigar!" I grimaced while scanning the peeling wallpapers and the rusted boiler on the cabinet before glancing at the flickering red light through the small window.

"Hic-" Yangcha suddenly sobbed, so I quickly spun around to find him pouting on the bed.

"Hey! Why are you crying~? Do you feel uncomfortable?" I asked, worriedly crouching at his feet to lift his chin. Fwip. The hood suddenly slipped off his head, so I glanced at the white bandage wrapped securely around his scalp with an anxious frown. Is he in pain? Should I contact his household? Maybe I should send him home-

"You think I'm ugly~? Why won't you kiss me~?" Yangcha pouted cutely as a tear stream trickled over his flushed cheek. I frowned at his intoxicated state. Huh?

"You're not ugly-"

"You say I look hideous! My eyes are swollen! I got no hair- and I've lost all my muscles! I'm ugly~! How am I supposed to secure a beautiful woman like you~? The handsome men will sweep you away~! Hic~!" He whimpered while rubbing his warm tears. Aigo~! He's such a cutie! I smiled and leaned upward to squish his cheeks between my palms.

"Are you crazy~? No one can sweep me off my feet aside from you! You're my strongest warrior!" I chuckled, softly kissing his lips, causing Yangcha to whimper against my lips, and tried to pull away, but I grabbed his nape and pushed him backward until he slumped onto the mattress. He softly panted while holding my hips as I crawled onto him while unzipping his jacket between our bodies- Slump. Yangcha sprawled over the bed with his lips ajar while staring up at me from below. The liquor has entirely disabled him. It's adorable.

"You're so pretty~!" Yangcha whispered while fighting to keep his eyes open- but the alpha, unfortunately, lost the battle and fell unconscious- weakly flopping underneath me. Is he okay? I pursed my lips, unsurely sitting up on his torso to feel his forehead. He's not burning.

"Hey~? Are you okay?" I asked while tapping his cheek.

Yangcha grumbled with a slight frown and turned his head on the pillow, so I exhaled in relief and crawled off his body to sit on the bed. I shouldn't have asked him to drink~! Sighing in defeat, I pulled the jacket off his body so he could sleep comfortably in his loose shirt and crawled to the foot of the bed to undo his sneakers before pulling off my cardigan and crawled back onto the mattress with him.

"Goodnight," I whispered, gently kissing his lips and slumped on the pillow beside him. I scooted closer to hold his pulsating chest in the stinky motel room until I drifted off into a deep sleep, completely wasted by the soju I consumed.

And together... my boyfriend and I... shared the night together... for the very first time.

Next Morning

The chief guard strolled out of the security department with his sharp gaze fixed on his watch. 10:58 AM. The man sorely stared at the distant gate from the mansion's front door before averting his dim eyes to the clear sky above his head while standing with his arms crossed over his buff chest... until he heard frantic shouts from the front entrance. Do-hwan squinted at the front gate in the distance until he noticed... two figures... racing hand in hand... through the entrance.

"We're here! WE'RE HERE!!!" Yangcha screamed, frantically sprinting across the pavement while dragging Sora on their bare feet as she clutched onto her shoes.

"What the-" Do-hwan pursed his lips as the couple steered towards him with their striking messy hair and shabby clothes.

"AH!- WE'RE NOT LATE!" Sora screeched, collapsing onto the pavement before Do-hwan with heavy sweat beads over her forehead. HUFF! HUFF! Yangcha rolled onto the ground, turning pale as a ghost while struggling to regulate his ragged breathing rhythm. The chief guard raised his wrist to stare at the time on his watch again. 11:00 AM.

"Good. And you. Go home," Do-hwan sternly nodded at Yangcha as the alpha wheezed out of control while kneeling on the ground with his girlfriend.

"You can't send him away yet! He'll suffer a stroke!" Sora shrieked at the chief guard in disbelief as she patted Yangcha's back to soothe him.

"Your parents will enter the gate at any moment," Do-hwan muttered. The couple gasped in a panic. Fwip! Yangcha scrambled back to his feet.

"Goodbye, sir!" Yangcha funnily bowed, hastily grabbing Sora's cheeks to smooch her lips, and dashed away on his bare feet to race toward the gate.

"Oh?! Yangcha!- Your sneakers!- BABE!" Sora screamed, quickly snatching his forgotten sneakers from the pavement in bewilderment, but the alpha had already disappeared through the gate.

Do-hwan frowned at his young lady as she screamed for her lover to fetch his shoes until a car pulled into the mansion. She shrieked in a panic upon her parents' arrival while collecting her sneakers from the ground and dashed into the mansion in a hurry with her lover's belongings to dodge her parents' suspicion.

The chief guard exhaled sourly with his dim gaze trained on the vehicle until it came to a halt... and the Jang stepped out of the car in formal attire. The man sternly lowered his head to greet his boss and stepped aside to make way for the elders after he... permitted the young couple... to stay out for the night.

Choi Do-hwan wanted to put his young lady's lover to the test, and although the man did not expect the alpha to abide by the rules... Jae Yangcha kept his word... and brought her right back to her doorstep.


Fast Forward

Jae Yangcha stirred under his warm blanket over the mattress in his bright modern bedroom with a beanie over his head to protect his bandaged scalp from the chills. A doctor had visited early morning to inspect his healing surgery scar... and he was told to rest in his room until he was awakened by the maid for lunch. The alpha ended up falling asleep again after he took the drowsy medication and dozed off on the pillow.

"BABY~!" Sora shrieked, suddenly bursting through the door, causing the alpha to jerk awake at her unexpected presence.

"Oh?- Oh!- Urgh?!-" Yangcha lifted his head to squint at the supreme alpha- but gasped in shock when she flung herself onto him. The alpha grabbed onto her body and rolled over as she cupped his cheeks to shower his face with affectionate kisses.

"I missed you!" She shrieked while hugging her boyfriend over the blanket, causing Yangcha to groan in discomfort... but he didn't complain and held her weight over his torso.

"You didn't have to visit~! School is already tiring," Yangcha grumbled, sleepily admiring her gorgeous smile as she sprawled over his body.

"My parents aren't home today, so I can stay with you tonight!" Sora grinned and sat up on his torso with a weak smile. Yangcha scoffed and pushed his body upward to hold her waist as the supreme alpha eagerly examined his bruised eyelid.

"Don't get yourself in trouble," Yangcha whispered hoarsely, leaning forward to kiss her. Sora giggled against his lips while hugging his neck as she sat on his thighs, so Yangcha smiled and deepened their kiss- Creak.

"I brought- Omo!" The maid shrieked in a panic once she opened the door to find the couple kissing on the bed. The woman flushed red in shock, causing Yangcha to jerk his face away from Sora's lips with a flustered look.

"Annyeong~!" Sora greeted the maid as she hugged Yangcha's head against her face with a cute beam.

"I brought appetizers-" The woman smiled, strolling inside the room to settle the tray on the coffee table before straightening her body to admire the young couple. The maid stared at the visible lipstick prints over her young master's face with a shy smile.

"She's my girlfriend," Yangcha weakly informed the maid.

"I always thought you two were a perfect match! Your parents will be thrilled to hear the news!" The maid beamed at the couple, causing Sora to grin even wider as she clung to Yangcha until the maid left the room, so she shrieked in excitement and resumed smooching him on the bed.

"I miss you so much~!" Sora pouted while hugging his body, causing Yangcha to chuckle at her sweet affection.

"I miss you too," Yangcha whispered, pulling away to gaze fondly at her delicate face. Sora giggled and slumped onto the bed with her thighs hooked over his extended legs. The alpha gently massaged her bare shins as she chatted about her tedious day at the university without his presence.

A moment later.

"Are you sure you can stay over?" Yangcha questioned while crawling onto the bed as his girlfriend read a book in her fresh nightgown. The clingy supreme alpha insisted on staying over, even after the alpha assured her of his well-being.

"Do-hwan gave me permission," Sora shrugged, placing her book aside and straightened her body with a brilliant beam on her lover as he admired her gorgeous face.

"What about your parents? Are they aware of our relationship?" Yangcha asked in curiosity.

"They're not aware yet. My parents are busy right now, so I'll introduce you later," Sora shrugged, suddenly shifting her curious gaze to the beanie over Yangcha's head. He smiled and lifted his hand to stroke her soft cheek.

"Wae...?" Yangcha uneasily raised his eyebrow while rubbing his beanie when she wouldn't look away from his head.

"Can I see...? The scar...?" Sora keenly whispered.

Yangcha quietly stared at his girlfriend's eager pupils with a restless feeling. He wasn't comfortable with her request, but he couldn't say no either. He sighed in defeat and scooted forward to sit facing her, slowly withdrawing the beanie from his bald head to reveal the scar for the first time, and lowered his head to show her the fresh stitches over the swollen incision line. Silence. Sora pursed her lips while stretching her neck to examine the curved scar along the side of his right scalp. Yangcha nervously gripped his hands as she studied the visible surgical wound... until he felt her fingertips... grazing over his sensitive scar.

"It's ugly... isn't it?" Yangcha whispered. Sora didn't reply and quietly examined his scalp with her glimmering doe eyes. She finally pulled away to stare at her bald boyfriend until her face... flushed rosy red as she knelt on the mattress with her legs tucked beneath her.

"You're so sexy," Sora giggled, covering her lips shyly while eyeing Yangcha's nervous frown.

"What?" Yangcha smiled, lifting his hand to feel the raised scar on his head.

"Can I kiss the scar? Please...? I really want to kiss it," Sora gripped his hand eagerly with her hypnotized pupils on his scalp. Yangcha chuckled and lowered his head again, so she quickly leaned forward to kiss the scar, causing the alpha to blush bright red at the ticklish sensation.

"You're a weird person," Yangcha muttered, unsurely lifting his face to find his girlfriend covering her lips in extreme delight. She cutely wiggled her body in excitement with her hands clasped together.

"No~! You're so hot like this! Without hair!- You look so manly!" She giggled, suddenly leaning forward to hug his neck. Yangcha chuckled at her positive reaction as he coiled his arms around her waist.

"So I wasn't manly before?" Yangcha whispered and softly kissed her earlobe. Huff! Sora pushed back his shoulders with flushed cheeks while staring into his soul with her sparkly pupils.

"You were cute and youthful before! But you're a sexy man now! Why are you so shy~?- You're really handsome! And the scar makes you look so badass!" Sora beamed while cupping his face with a cheeky smile. The alpha thought she'd hate his nasty scar but it appears... she's crazy in love with his new feature. Yangcha scoffed at her endless praises with his attentive gaze on her plump lips and leaned forward to kiss her again as he rested her frail body over the mattress.

"Do you really favor this look? I look sick," Yangcha smiled, turning on his side to hold her waist as she adjusted her head over his upper arm. The supreme alpha smiled warmly while grazing her fingers over the imperfection on his scalp and glanced back at her lover's face.

"You won't look sick once your face is less bloated. Your eyes are still a little bruised, but you'll be crazy hot afterward~!" She shook her head, shyly biting her lower lips. Yangcha chuckled again and pulled her close to his body while rubbing her back with a weak smile upon realizing she was unbothered by his insecurity.

"Should I try a buzzcut?" Yangcha asked, pulling away to gleam at her pretty curled lashes.

"You have to! This is totally your style! And oh~! I should get ice- be right back!" Sora gasped, suddenly jerking upward to crawl off the mattress. Yangcha tried to stop his girlfriend, but she didn't listen and opened his fridge to retrieve a frozen gel patch from the freezer.

A moment later.

"I can care for myself, you know...?" Yangcha chuckled with his head rested on her lap as he sprawled on the bed in his pajamas. Sora fondly smiled at his harmonized facial features  while sitting against the headboard with her legs extended as she compressed the gel on the towel over his bruised eyelid.

"I'm the reason you're sick," Sora pouted. Yangcha opened his spare eye to stare up at his girlfriend's sulky expression.

"No. The tumor was already evolving in my head even before I fell off the stairs. If the accident didn't occur- I wouldn't have discovered it. Harabeoji claimed I got lucky because we were able to treat it on time. The tumor could've been fatal if left unattended," Yangcha shook his head while holding his girlfriend's free hand over his pulsing chest.

"I still feel so sorry. You bled so much," Sora pouted while patting his cheek.

"You saved my life. Thank you for splitting my skull open," Yangcha teased. Sora whined at his joke and gently slapped his cheek so Yangcha beamed at her pouty look and softly kissed her wrist.

"You have to live healthily," Sora smiled. He nodded and gripped her fingers with both hands as the supreme alpha gently compressed the gel pack over the towel to fade the bruise over her lover's eyelid.

Jae Yangcha calmly breathed with his eyes closed while spending quality time with his lover in his bedroom. The couple eventually headed to bed to rest for the night... warmly snuggled up against each other with their newly... blooming love.


A month later.

The lower ranks playfully shoved each other around on the crowded floor during a short break... until the elevator door slid open... and a tall alpha strolled out into the corridor with his face lowered under his hood. Everyone immediately paused to gawk at his presence as he calmly walked in his loose jacket and sweatpants with a headset secured over his ears. The young man dismissively strode through the crowd without sparing anyone his attention.

The high-rank alphas within the lecture room abruptly stopped chattering as the person stepped inside the class with his bag strapped over his broad shoulder. Thud. He lowered his bag to the floor and settled at his desk to rummage for his study materials. Jungkook sideways darted the alpha an annoyed look until he heard frantic footsteps racing inside the lecture room. Clack! Clack! Jang Sora suddenly appeared with a paper bag in her medium sparkly heels. Thump! She slammed a gift on the desk, causing Yangcha to pause at her presence and lift his startled eyes to meet her beaming pupils.

"Noona," Yangcha greeted.

"For you," Sora smiled, leaning over the table to peck his lips before rounding the desk to sit at her empty seat beside the window. Yangcha glanced at his girlfriend with a questioning look as she hooked her bag to the chair.

"What are you doing here...?" Yangcha asked while eyeing her in confusion.

"Ah! I made it to the advanced level!" She winked. Yangcha paused to stare at the supreme alpha in surprise as she proudly tapped the desk with a cheeky grin to show off her achievement. The alpha blushed at her pretty smile and glanced toward the podium as the professor stepped inside the room with his device.

Jae Yangcha awkwardly pursed his lips once he noticed... Jeon Jungkook... narrowing his suspicious gaze on him. The half-blood refused to glance away and darted Yangcha a dead stare... so the young alpha cleared his throat and glanced past Jungkook to find Park Jimin... frowning at him with a resentful look. All the popular alphas... were darting him dirty looks because he was dating the supreme alpha.

"Ahem," Yangcha cleared his throat uncomfortably before shifting his gaze to the professor as he slipped the headset off his head.

"Welcome back, Yangcha," The professor greeted the alpha from the front of the class.

"Ah- neh," The alpha lowered his head at the professor and glanced at Sora on his left as she beamed at him in admiration with her hand tucked under her chin.

"I'll grant you a month to finish the undone work so you can catch up with your peers," The professor smiled at the alpha.

"I've already completed my work. Do you want me to hand it in now? I'll email the soft copies after class," Yangcha replied, causing the other alphas to widen their eyes in disbelief.

"Oh? How could you have completed everything-"

"I did half of the work before my surgery, and I finished the other half during recovery," Yangcha smiled at the professor as he withdrew the organized folder from his bag, stood up from his seat, and strolled past the alphas to hand in his work.

The professor quickly flipped through the organized folder with his lips ajar to inspect the labeled document, neatly categorized together before lifting his startled gaze to the alpha in disbelief. Yangcha politely lowered his head again and excused himself to his seat with a weak smile on Sora's prideful beam. The alpha lifted the gift box off his desk to hold it over his lap... refusing to put his girlfriend's gift away and glanced at her again. He couldn't stop staring at her captivating visual.

"You're so cool," Sora mouthed, cutely giving him a thumbs up. Yangcha couldn't help but grin shyly at her approving gesture and gripped the box over his lap with a red face.

Lunch Break

As usual... on the empty field below the building... two souls remained under the cool tree shade... during a sunny lunch break while everyone else enjoyed their high-class lunch in the air-conditioned canteen. The supreme alpha's voice could be heard chirping beside her introverted lover as he ate the lunch she had prepared for him.

Jae Yangcha quietly inspected the neat slices of premium steak and grilled fish... in his lunch box before glancing at Sora's small food proportions. He smiled, lifted a piece from his box, and tried to place it on her lunch box- when she whined and pushed his wrist away in annoyance.

"Don't feed me! I made lunch for you- so could you recover quickly!" Sora chuckled, grabbing Yangcha's wrist and forcing the alpha to feed himself.

"But you made so much~!" Yangcha grumbled while chewing on his stuffed cheeks.

"Look at the size of your body! How can you eat so little? It's double proportion," Sora smacked his chest. Yangcha softly chuckled while gazing at her adorable grimace.

"Do you hate it that much now that I've lost all my muscles? Trying to bulk me up again?" Yangcha nudged her arm.

"It's not about your muscles! I want you to stabilize your health so you won't fall sick again~!" Sora whined while shaking her head. Yangcha weakly chewed his food while staring at her stuffed hamster cheeks, so he leaned forward to peck her lips, causing Sora to blush bright red at his unexpected love stroke.

"I'll be back in shape in no time. Don't worry," Yangcha assured, lifting his arm to hold her shoulder over the bench.

"I really don't mind~!" She pouted at Yangcha, so he chuckled and opened his mouth to let her feed him a slice of carrot.

"Why didn't you tell me about your qualifications?" Yangcha asked, curiously staring at her pretty lashes as she hugged his waist while sitting crossed legs on the bench.

"Because I wanted to surprise you!" She beamed. He lowered his face to peck her lips again. Smooch. Sora wiggled her body out of pure excitement while munching her food with puffy cheeks as her boyfriend rubbed her shoulder.

"Did another alpha tutor you? The person must be a genius," Yangcha smiled while playing with her loose hair.

"Seokjin agreed to coach me temporarily, but I did most of the studying myself. You left the extra materials inside my locker- so I utilized your guide and taught myself," Sora chuckled.

"See? You're not dumb. You only have to try," Yangcha proudly tapped her chin.

"I felt really sorry after I found out about your illness, so you were my motivation. Couldn't have passed without your presence in my heart~! You gave me so much strength!" Sora nodded while wiping Yangcha's greasy lip with a napkin. He softly chuckled and pressed his face against hers. The couple giggled at each other to savor their peaceful relationship while conversing under the tree without a bother about the world.


"What an eyesore," Jeon Jungkook grumbled with his narrowed eyes nailed on the supreme alpha and her lover as he stood on the second floor to stalk them. Yangcha laughed out loud and cupped Sora's cheeks, causing her to scrunch her nose cutely at her boyfriend.

"Does it bother you?" Minah asked, suddenly appearing behind Jungkook's back. The alpha glanced at his girlfriend and back at the couple.

"She's going to cause so much trouble for the household," Jungkook muttered. Minah glanced at Jungkook's grim side profile before shifting her dim gaze to Jang Sora as she fed Jae Yangcha an apple slice.

"It seems... she's also bothering your heart," Minah grimaced, striding away with her arms crossed, causing Jungkook to grimace at his girlfriend... but he didn't budge and shifted his dark gaze back to his first love.

The half-blood hasn't paid attention to Jang Sora since his recovery from the hit-and-run incident in Busan because... he knew... his neglect was the only way to keep his family safe.

Jungkook knew... she was destined to wed Kim Taehyung. Thus, he forcefully withdrew his young love from her... and although he thought he had moved on... his heart aches to see her sharing joyful moments with... another man.

It used to be him. The center of her world.

It used to be Jeon Jungkook.


Sora's POV

I sat alone in the dining room to have my steaming meal when the door suddenly swung open... and my mother came marching inside the room with her furious glare set on my face. I didn't stop chewing as she slammed her palms on the table to disrupt my peace, causing the plates and cups to clatter at the impact of her blunt force. She's upset again...?

"What are you up to?!" Eomma snapped, angrily firing a glowering scowl.

"Eating... rice...?" I answered, dumbfounded by her question. The woman tensed her neck at my blunt response and suddenly clenched her shaky fists.

"They say you're dating a lower rank!" Eomma screamed across the table. Can't she speak calmly? Why is she always so angry?

"Ah. Right. Do you wish to see him...? I can introduce him to you-"

"JANG SORA!" Eomma seethed, angrily raising her voice in extreme agitation. I sat calmly to examine her boiling anger... and fuming smoke from her red ears.

"He's not a lower rank. His name is Jae Yangcha... and he's a fifth rank," I smiled while eyeing the red flames in her pupils. My mother flared her nostrils upon witnessing my unbothered response.

"Your tutor?!- I sent you to study with him, but you were fucking around?!" She shrieked, hastily snatching the glass to splash the cold water at my face. SPLAT! I closed my eyes to welcome the wet splatter without budging as the fluid spilled over me... messily trickling... onto my lustrous nightgown.

Why would she splash water at me if she's so upset? She should puncture my heart with a knife instead. But no... she keeps me alive... just so she could abuse me. I'm her punching bag.

"We spent most of our time studying... but I did fuck him... and he did fuck me. So what? You wanted me to enter the advanced placement level, so I did- with his help... and I got my virgin vagina pumped with his big dick because I love him. What did I do wrong? I've fulfilled my duties as the heir of our household by qualifying for the advanced level. Did you believe I'd preserve my purity to be fucked by another man's hard cock once you trade my young... and tight... pussy for power?" I replied, sternly lifting my face to challenge my upset mother. She scoffed at my inappropriate language in disbelief.

"Break up with him this instant, or I'll-"

"You'll what? Kill me...? You can't do that. You need my existence to sustain the household," I laughed at my mother with a drenched face. She sneered at my rudeness and suddenly stormed around the table to snatch my collar, hastily yanking me to my feet- but I wore a blank face to oppose her raging fiery.

"Did you think you challenged me? It takes only one command to lock you up-"

"Lock me up again... and I'll make sure... to wreck the household from within," I smirked, causing my mother to stiffen in place with her tight grip around my collar.

"What can you do?-"

"Should I tell Mr. Jeon... about his first wife's tragic death? How... she took her own life because of your poisonous threat? Or should I tell Mrs. Jeon... Kim Taehyung killed her average husband... to appease your greed? Hmm...? Or should I... disclose the truth... about... your secret affair... with Park Jihyun? Should I tell... appa... I'm not his blood child? Mother? Which... card should I play first? Did you think I was scared of you... just because I stayed quiet all these years? No. I simply waited for my young self to grow up so I'd have enough strength to resist your evil," I darkly chuckled until I felt a sharp chill... surging up to my neck... and bolting up to my skull.

"Jang Sora-"

"The reason... you're always... so upset with me... is because you fear me. You knew... I knew... your dirty little secrets to achieve power. Wanna lock me up again?- I'll destroy your household and alliances with your dirty little secrets. How will Jeon and Kim react to your wicked crimes? And appa...? Did you think... he'd... stay muted once he realized... you've deceived him all his life?" I snarled while narrowing the dead stare on my mother. Gasp! The terrified woman suddenly released my collar and stepped back with a resentful glower.

"You wouldn't dare-"

"Test my patience again... and I'll show... just how... daring I am. Mother," I smirked, stepping forward with a clenched jaw, causing her to back away in fear.

"You have to marry Kim Taehyung!-"

"Marry a man who almost killed me? I'll marry Kim Taehyung only if you can revive time to undo all of your filthy sins because I will not allow your cursed karma to get back at me! You must atone for the crimes you committed! And I will shield you no more!- I dare you to test my limit again, mother!" I sneered, darkening my evil-infested gaze on her frightened face. The woman couldn't utter a word and scoffed at my resistance with her lips ajar. She despised my existence because... I'm Park Jihyun's spawn... but I saw deeper... she feared me because of the trauma the dead man inflicted on her.

"Aigo~! We're hungry~!" Mr. Jeon groaned, cluelessly strolling through the doorway with the elders, but they abruptly paused in their position once they noticed... my drenched face and hair. My father glanced at my mother in bewilderment, who suddenly cleared her throat and glanced away in displease.

"Omo! Why are you soaked?!" Mrs. Kim shrieked as she rounded the table to examine my gown.

"I spilled water. Please enjoy your meal," I smiled at the woman before strolling out of the dining room, coldly passing by Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. They darted me dark stares... but I didn't bother and left the dining room to the household.

I knew I had no strength to oppose my parents when I was younger, so I patiently heeded their orders... but now that I'm grown and mature... I know for a fact... that I have the upper hand in this revenge game against my mother.

She can't afford to lose me... or her power will perish... and she'll lose everything to the starving wolves.


University Compulsory Trip

Sora's POV

Choi Do-hwan effortlessly lifted my suitcase from the car trunk to settle on the ground in the packed parking space as I adjusted my small strap bag over my shoulder in a loose tank top and short jeans. The man hauled the luggage over the pavement, so I quickly chased after him while fixing the sparkly clips in my hair until we arrived at the standby buses packed with alphas and lower ranks.

"Sora!" Yangcha beamed at me, so I snatched the suitcase from my chief guard and dragged it forward to sprint toward my boyfriend.

"Did you pack your toothbrush? I bought a new one! Just in case!" I shrieked, slamming right into his solid body for a crushing hug, causing Hoseok to eye our affectionate interaction weirdly as he hauled his luggage into the lower compartment.

"Oh no! I think I might've forgotten to pack it~!" Yangcha gasped in realization. I giggled and pulled away as he took the luggage from my hand in an attempt to heave it... but I grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Don't lift the luggage! I can do it!" I grinned and pushed Yangcha aside to heave my heavy luggage.

"It's fine- I can-"

"No! The doctor said you shouldn't lift heavy things yet!" I tugged my luggage from Yangcha's grip. He sorely exhaled at my refusal to let him assist me as I lifted my luggage in difficulty and tried to force it into the compartment... but it wouldn't slide inside. Oh? Why is it stuck? Thump. Someone suddenly lifted my suitcase and shoved it all the way in... so I gasped and glanced to the side to find Taehyung... arranging the suitcases with a blank face. He didn't look at me and shoved his suitcase in after mine.

"Let's wait inside the bus," Yangcha smiled as he placed out his hand for me, so I took his fingers and strolled past the alphas to climb the bus until we discovered the luxurious interior of the mega bus with only sixteen armchair seats. There were only four lounges made of four seats with a table between each pair. Yangcha strolled through the spacious aisle to sit on the back lounge on the right side of the bus.

"Can I sit by the window?" I requested. Yangcha nodded and stepped aside to let me slip into the armchair by the window before settling down beside me to rest his arms on the table. He carefully leaned over my body to search for the seat belt... and buckled it for me before leaning back against the backrest as I eagerly peeked out the window to watch the alphas load their belongings inside the compartment below.

"Aren't you cold?" Yangcha asked, slightly nodding at my short jeans as he held my hand over the table.

"I think it's going to be hot at the beach," I shrugged while leaning against the armchair until Jungkook entered the bus with Minah.

They took the back section beside ours as Jimin followed Taehyung to sit across from Minah and Jungkook. Mira and Minho took the front compartment with Namjoon and Sungho as Min Yoongi settled beside Gae Haerim across from Ryu So-young and another fifth-rank alpha in the front compartment, leaving two seats in our section vacant.

No one wanted to sit with us.

"I guess we'll have to join you two~!" Hoseok mumbled. He strolled down the aisle to sit across from me by the window as Seokjin settled across from Yangcha with a slight grimace.

"Let's not fracture our skull again and have fun," Seokjin teased the alpha, causing my boyfriend to blush bright red. Yangcha is still recovering from the surgery, so I'm quite worried about his feeble health. The professor advised him to rest at home but he refused and insisted on escorting me on the trip. I glanced at the brown beanie over Yangcha's head as he dismissively patted my hand over his lap to avoid the bitter-looking school president.

A moment later

The high-rank bus finally departed from the university after the professors confirmed our attendance. The alpha immediately grew muted on the road trip. No one chattered as they keenly stared outside the window in disinterest. The professor had arranged a bonding program for the students in Busan... so I'm nervous because of past traumas there. Sora! Just have fun! There's nothing to worry about.

I blinked out of my thoughts and glanced at Seokjin, who was dozing off on the slanted armchair as Hoseok typed on his tablet with a slight frown. Minah was reapplying her makeup as Jungkook and Jimin gamed on their phones. Taehyung, on the other hand, was sitting with his empty gaze on the scenery with his arms crossed over his chest. The other two sections were asleep... so I gripped Yangcha's hand and looked up to find him sitting with his head lowered. Is he asleep...? I tilted my head to check on him.

"He's asleep," I whispered, gently nudging my hand under his chin to support his head. He's always drowsy because of the post-surgery side effects. I carefully helped Yangcha lean back against the headrest before tapping the button to slant his seat backward until he comfortably rested over the armchair. Fwip.

I zipped up his jacket all the way to his neck and leaned over to peck his lips before pressing the button to slant my armchair backward. We'll hopefully arrive at our destination once I wake up from my nap. I disabled the handrest between our seats, finally slumping back onto the headrest to hug Yangcha's stomach with my leg hooked over his thigh and snuggled against his neck with a faint smile.

Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung eventually averted his unblinking gaze away from the boring scenery on the side of the road and glanced at the section beside his to find... Jang Sora... sleeping with her arm and leg hooked possessively over her boyfriend. The alpha dimly stared at her exposed thighs and glanced at her thin tank top as she dozed off against the alpha's neck until Jae Yangcha stirred awake... sleepily turning his head to search for his girlfriend.

Yangcha frowned at his girlfriend's uncomfortable sleeping position and slowly sat up to hold her bare thigh until he noticed goosebumps... spreading all over her delicate skin, so he unzipped his jacket, pulled it off his shoulders, and gently spread the warm material over the supreme alpha's body... completely covering her exposed limbs with his oversized jacket. She grumbled in her sleep and turned to lay on her back.

Yangcha leaned back against the slanted armrest, carefully slipping his arm under her head and gently turned on his side to hold her over his jacket until Sora turned her body again to snuggle against his warm chest. Smooch. Jae Yangcha softly kissed her forehead and closed his eyes as he cradled the supreme alpha over their joint armchairs.

"Aish..." Seokjin grumbled with his sleepy eyes on the lovebirds before him. Hoseok funnily sniggered while shaking his head... and glanced to the side to find Taehyung staring darkly at the cuddly couple.

"They're quite cute, don't you think?" Hoseok smiled while nudging Seokjin, who shook his head bitterly while rubbing his sore face and glanced out the window.

"Cute? They were doing the dirty in the club's bathroom!" Mira sniggered from the front section.

"Yah! Keep your mouth sealed if you have nothing better to say! Leave them alone!" Seokjin warned the alphas and crossed his arms. Kim Taehyung took a deep exhale, tilted his head against the window, and closed his eyes with a bitter look.

A moment later.

Kim Taehyung strolled out of the bus last to enter the hotel lobby crowded with the lower ranks as the professor sorted out the room keys by the reception desk. He noticed Jungkook arguing with the professor as Kim Seokjin stood between them with a dark frown. The school president unsurely glanced at Jae Yangcha, who was getting scolded by the half-blood as he carried his unconscious girlfriend against his chest. Sora unconsciously hugged her boyfriend's neck with her body pressed against his torso as he held her like a child with his arms secured under her bum and his jacket... draped loosely over her shoulders.

"-Does it make sense? He's not our ally! She can't share the room with him!" Jungkook frowned at the professor.

"But they registered together!" Seokjin snapped while waving the checklist before Jungkook's irritated face.

"What if she gets hurt?- Will you take responsibility?! How can a supreme alpha carelessly share a room with a lower rank!" Jungkook shrieked at the school president. Taehyung calmly walked up to the crowd and glanced at Sora, who was asleep against Yangcha's shoulder as he firmly supported her body.

"Then what do you want to do?! Share the room with her? Minah is upset!" Seokjin nodded at the crowded elevator as Minah frowned at Jungkook with an annoyed look.

"Can we wake her?" The professor asked, uneasily glancing at the supreme alpha as she clung to her boyfriend.

"Noona," Yangcha whispered, carefully patting her back and gently settled her down, causing Sora to stir awake. She rubbed her heavy eyelids and shifted her groggy gaze to the elderly man.

"Do you wish to share the room with your partner?" The professor questioned.

"Of course. I'm staying with Yangcha," She grumbled, sleepily accepting the card from the professor, causing Jungkook's eyes to widen in disbelief.

"Problem solved. I doubt you have a room now that your girlfriend is upset," Seokjin rolled his eyes and handed a key to Kim Taehyung, who had requested to sleep alone in a suite.

"Don't think of coming to my door," Taehyung muttered after taking the golden card from Seokjin and strolled away with a blank face. Yangcha lowered his head to excuse himself while supporting Sora's shoulder as she stood with her eyes closed and steered her away... so she turned and followed her lover in his oversized jacket.

"My duty is over. Excuse me," Seokjin mocked Jungkook and walked off with his card to share the room with Jung Hoseok, who was chatting with Gae Haerim by the elevator. Jungkook huffed in annoyance and stormed after the other alphas, causing the professor to shake his head sorely as he turned to watch the young adults separate their ways.

After Dinner

Sora's POV

"Is it still sensitive?" I mumbled while rubbing the cream over the scar on Yangcha's scalp as he sat crossed leg on the bed in his pajamas.

"Nope. It's healed, but the doctor asked me to apply the remaining cream," Yangcha shook his head. I chuckled and lowered my hand to close the tube. Smooch. The alpha leaned forward to caress my lips, making me smile at his affectionate strokes.

"You shouldn't play with the alphas tomorrow. You might get injured," I pouted, gently holding Yangcha's hands over my lap. It might be a bonding activity, but the alphas are fiercely competitive! A friendly match might turn into a bloody disaster- I'm worried for him!

"I'll be okay," Yangcha beamed, pecking me again, so I giggled and kissed him back before crawling off the bed to place the treatment tube away and stretched my arms before the glass wall with a view of the dark sea.

"They're all at the pool," I mumbled while peeking down at the crowd of alphas and lower ranks swimming in the private pool by the seaside.

"Do you want to swim?" He asked as he crawled off the bed to stand beside me.

"It's fine. You go to bed early-"

"You brought a bikini though. Don't you want to wear it?" He asked while nudging my arm. I smiled and glanced at him with a questioning look.

"You're okay with me wearing a bikini?" I asked. Yangcha chuckled.

"Why would I not be okay with you being confident in your own skin?" He lifted his eyebrow.

"Ohhh~! You're such a secure man!" I chuckled while hugging his waist so he cupped my cheeks and lowered his face to peck my forehead. I thought he'd get upset at me for wearing revealing clothes- but is he okay with it? That's so nice of him!

"Let's swim," Yangcha insisted. I nodded in agreement, quickly walking over to the wardrobe to withdraw my yellow bikini and entered the bathroom to get changed before stepping... into the bedroom again... to find Yangcha... pulling a loose white shirt over his torso.

"So? What do you think...?" I asked, shyly twirling in the yellow bikini with ribbons on either side of my hips. Yangcha paused to eye me up and down with his lips ajar.

"I don't know if it's the color or- no. It's you. You're gorgeous," Yangcha nodded, giving me a thumbs up. I grinned at his approval and skipped forward to hold his waist.

"What about you? You're going to swim in your pajama pants and a shirt?" I asked, lightly smacking his chest. He's still insecure about his body!

"My body isn't toned yet," Yangcha shrugged. I laughed and smacked his stomach before strolling away, so Yangcha grabbed a clean towel and followed me to the door. Creak- THUMP! I shrieked in a panic when a person came stumbling into me as soon as I yanked the door open. The man crashed right into me- so I gripped his shoulder in bewilderment.

"What are you doing here?!- Were you eavesdropping?!" I shrieked, shoving Jungkook away, who quickly straightened his body with a flushed face.

"I WAS JUST- WHOA!- I WAS... J- JUST- Just!- What are you... wearing...?" Jungkook frantically tried to explain his suspicious presence outside my door- but widened his eyes in shock once his startled pupils landed on my revealing bikini. The alpha stood awkwardly with his mouth half open and snapped his gaze back to me in bewilderment.

"Do you have an issue? Noona wants to swim," Yangcha calmly stood behind my back. Jungkook blinked out of his thoughts and snapped his flustered face at Yangcha.

"I wanted to borrow her soap! I forgot my mine at home! We use the same brand, so share it with me!" Jungkook stuttered. I sorely exhaled as Yangcha strolled away to grab my soap bottle and push it against Jungkook's chest before nudging me out of the doorway, so I stepped out with my narrowed eyes on Jungkook's flustered face. Why is he following me around?! Yangcha would never hurt me!

"Are you seriously wearing that to the pool?" Jungkook asked while gawking at me as if I was crazy.

"Why not? Is something wrong with it?" I asked, briefly glancing down at the thin fabric over my crotch and breasts before glancing back at him.

"They might speak nonsense again-"

"The only issue with her swimwear is that she's very beautiful in it," Yangcha responded as he closed the door behind his back with the towel hooked over his shoulder. Jungkook grimaced at the alpha and suddenly stormed off with an attitude, so I scratched my head and walked with Yangcha to the elevator. Jeez. What's with his attitude? He goes to parties with almost naked women all the time... so why is he picking on me?

"Maybe it's too revealing?" I muttered while hugging Yangcha's forearm as he led me through the ground floor. Why did Jungkook react so harshly? I thought I looked pretty~! We stepped through the automated sliding door into the windy opening off the distant beach to find the crowd shrieking at each other in the pool area.

"Oh?- The infamous restroom couple is here!" Mira shrieked while waving at us, causing everyone to avert their attention to me as I clung to my boyfriend, who stood in his casual pajama pants, plain white shirt, and a beanie over his head,

"How did that scruffy dude get you anyways?!" Minho teased as he leaned against the pool wall. I grimaced and walked forward with my boyfriend.

"Yah! Don't cause trouble! I won't help you if you get into a fight!" Seokjin shrieked, quickly sitting up on the pool bench with a warning glare.

"Whatever is in your pants must be massive!" Mira mocked Yangcha, who maintained a calm expression and helped me toward the edge. Neither of us responded to their offensive statements and chose to protect our peace. They'll get tired of speaking if we ignore them.

Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung gradually shifted his dull gaze from Gae Haerim's flirty smile from across the pool... to settle his eyes on... the opposite side until he found himself... staring at... the supreme alpha's almost naked body as she stood on the poolside in her yellow bikini. The alpha didn't blink and watched Yangcha slip into the water in his pajama pants and shirt before reaching for Jang Sora. She carefully sat down on the edge and slid into the water with her lover as he supported her underarms.

"Cold! Cold~!" Sora shrieked while clinging to her lover with chattering teeth.

"I really thought she liked me," Jimin grimaced. Taehyung lifted his eyebrow and glanced at the alpha's envious frown on Jae Yangcha.

"You pursued her?" Taehyung muttered with his arms extended over the edge of the pool.

"I did, but she was already with him in secret," Jimin rolled his eyes while flipping back his sexy wet hair.

"Hey~! How did you hit it off?!- It's strange how you're so clingy to a lower rank! Is he big?!" Mira shrieked while sitting on the pool edge in her drenched black bikini, constantly picking on the couple to press for their reaction.

"Don't start a fight! I'm warning you!!!" Seokjin funnily shrieked at the alpha as they teased the supreme alpha and her lover, causing Namjoon to chuckle beside his friend, who was working extra hard to preserve peace amongst the alphas. Taehyung sorely watched Sora hold Yangcha's thick neck while paddling like a child in his embrace without a care for the world. She kissed him sweetly... causing the other alphas to groan at their public display of affection.

"Hey! You're making all of us comfortable! Don't do anything inappropriate in the water!" Jeon Jungkook suddenly appeared to pick on the couple again.

"What's your problem?!" Sora shrieked at Jungkook as he stood with his hands on his hips to fire the supreme alpha a disapproving look.

"Just don't embarrass yourself!-"

"Yah! Why are you protective over her and not your own girlfriend?!" Hoseok snapped at Jungkook, who grimaced and glared at Minah. She rolled her eyes at her boyfriend while lying sexily on the floating flamingo with sunglasses hooked over her nose bridge.

Taehyung shifted his dull gaze to Jang Sora again as she playfully splashed at Yangcha, who leaped forward to hug her in the water, causing her bouncing cleavage to rub against his chest. The couple proceeded to tease each other shamelessly until Kim Taehyung heaved his shirtless body out of the water and got up to sit on the bench. The man calmly drank the cocktail from a glass and leaned back to watch the lower ranks and alphas mess around in the water... until he noticed Jae Yangcha hauling himself out of the water.

Jang Sora grabbed onto the alpha's forearm as he heaved her body out of the glowing pool water. Kim Taehyung stared at her soaked buttcheeks and glanced at her glazed cleavage with a blank expression as she shook the water from her waist-length hair. The alpha traced his dull gaze over her little belly fat until she took her lover's arm and they quickly ran off without anyone's notice. The second rank alpha watched the infamous couple... disappear down the concrete steps... heading toward the dark sea... before shifting his blank gaze back to the cocktail in his hand as he calmly rested on the bench with an arm tucked under his head.

"Hey," Haerim suddenly appeared, sitting on the bench beside his in her pink one-piece swimwear. Taehyung shifted his gaze to her pretty pupils as she fired a flirty smile while tucking her hair behind her ear.


"Noona! It's dark! We shouldn't wander too far!" Yangcha called from behind. The supreme alpha dismissively splashed over the ankle-deep sea water as they strolled away from the looming hotel territory.

"I want to go over there! To the giant rock!" She pointed ahead as her lover followed her with a towel over her shoulder. Yangcha chuckled, suddenly stopping to crouch over the wet sand to pick up something with an eager smile.

"This seashell is pretty!- Noona...? Noona?!- Where are you?!" Yangcha called once he lifted his head to search for the supreme alpha, but she was nowhere to be found. The alpha widened his eyes in a panic at her absence- and quickly sprinted after the fresh footprints on the sand... until he reached the giant rocks on the dark shore.

"BOO!" Sora leaped out from behind a rock, causing the alpha to flinch in shock.

"Don't run away so suddenly~! You might get hurt!" Yangcha scolded her as she giggled and softly pecked his lips. The heiress suddenly backed away again with a keen smile on her lover, who smiled at her bubbly mood with his attentive gaze on her moist skin as they stood under the dim moonlight.

"No one can see us behind this rock," Sora grinned as she reached behind her back to undo the knot and slipped her bra right off her breast, causing Yangcha to freeze in place. He stared at her hard nipples with his lips ajar.

"What are you doing?! Sora!" Yangcha gasped, jerking forward in a panic to hug her body with the intention of hiding her bare bosoms.

"No one can see us! Why are you so scared?!" Sora giggled, slightly pushing him away. Yangcha stared at her naked breasts with a flushed face and glanced up at her in disbelief.

"Put it back on~! We're outside~!" Yangcha pouted and tried to take her bra from her hand, but she shook her head and stepped backward to splash into the shallow water with a weak smile... unbothered by her nudity.

"You haven't touched me since you woke up from your coma~! Why...? You don't find me attractive anymore~?" Sora asked, briefly glancing at Yangcha in curiosity as she crouched down to poke the sand for a seashell. Yangcha exhaled and walked up to her.

"Do you have to take off your clothes to appear attractive to me?" Yangcha asked, gently grabbing her hand to draw the supreme alpha onto her feet. Sora giggled and pushed him away again.

"It's normal to be aroused~! But you don't even want to touch my body when I'm almost naked like this! So I'll search for a man who can handle me!- AH?! HEY!- HAH~!" Sora teased and tried to sprint away over the damp sand with her uncovered breasts- causing Yangcha to gasp at her escape. FWIP! The alpha swiftly bolted forward to snatch her waist and tugged her behind the high rocks with a startled look.

"Are you crazy?!- Why wouldn't I want to hold you?!" Yangcha chuckled as he dragged her deeper between the jagged rocks on the seaside with his palms gripped firmly over her breasts to cover her nipples. Sora giggled shyly and tilted her head upward to stare at his flushed face until Yangcha sat down on a rock. He tenderly embraced her naked body over his lap and kissed her shoulder blade as the couple stared at the calm sea before them.

"You're healthy now~! So how long should I wait...? Is it because you're afraid I'd accuse you of harassing me again~?" Sora pouted, tilting her head to stare at Yangcha as he massaged her bare breasts.

"It has nothing to do with you. I'm just not ready," Yangcha whispered in her ear while back-hugging her.

Sora's POV

"You're not ready? What do you mean?" I asked while sitting on his lap, facing away from the alpha as he groped my breasts in the deep shadow of the rock. He exhaled, softly kissing my bare shoulder again, and lowered one of his hands from my breast to touch me over my soaked panties. I tightly gripped his veiny forearms while leaning against his chest, keeping my dim gaze trained on the calm tides... over the glistering ocean surface.

"I lost my shape during the coma, so I'm trying to bulk up for you," Yangcha chuckled, gently pressing his fingers over the fabric covering my groin, making me shudder at his thrilling touch.

"I don't mind~!" I whined, moaning in difficulty as he rubbed my pleasure spot in a circular motion.

"I'll ease your body if that's what you need," Yangcha whispered as he firmly held my back against his pulsing chest. I deeply exhaled while sitting on his thighs... until the alpha slipped his fingers under the hemline to stroke my sensitive slit with his finger pad. Shiver. I trembled against his sticky body with my head lowered as the overwhelming pleasure expanded over my throbbing crotch.

"Hah~! It feels good-" I moaned, tilting my head back over his shoulder with my lips ajar as he carefully applied pressure over my clit and gently rubbed the swollen nerves. Jolt! My muscles... twitched intensely at the wet strokes of his skilled foreplay as I held his forearm on the dark beach... until I lost control of myself and moaned lustfully.

"Does it feel good...?" Yangcha whispered in my ear.

I nodded in difficulty as he gently inserted his middle finger between the fleshy slit and rubbed in an upward motion, so I moaned again and lowered my face to watch him finger me under the panties... until I felt my body tensely up with the friction of his strokes. Yangcha pushed my thighs apart to make me spread before the sea view, making me seethe in pleasure with my head tilted over his shoulder. I sensually stuck out my tongue and sucked on his neck like a pacifier... until the scorching warmth... jolted all over my inside. Squelch. Squelch.

"Baby~! Can't we do it? Hmm~? I really don't mind the shape of your body~!" I complained, desperately tilting my head to plead Yangcha as he rested his chin on my shoulder while fingering me under the soaked panty. Hngh~! I want him so badly! I cupped his cheeks to make out with him in the dark shadow while twisting my body uncomfortably.

Yangcha steamily fumed against my lips while swirling his slick tongue in my mouth to muffle my troubled moans as he thrust his fingers inside my throbbing crotch. Huff. Huff. I clutched his moist nape, lifted my weight off his lap, and rotated my body to face him until his hand slipped out of my pantie. The alpha fumed in heat as he pressed his palms over the rock with his body slanted backward, so I gripped his shoulders and carefully sat facing him over the rock.

"You want to do it out here?" Yangcha whispered, unsurely frowning at me as I caressed his flushed cheeks.

"Why not? It's thrilling," I chuckled, softly kissing him to ease his anxiety. He shakily exhaled and reached inside his soaked pants to pull out his hard boner, so I pursed my lips and glanced down at his raw bulge as he jerked his penis between our soaked crotches before tugging the pantie fabric aside and pushed his way inside me.

I gripped his shoulders with a slight frown as I lowered my weight over his lap to suck him inside my aroused canal until we moaned in pleasure at the presence of each other's warmth. Hngh~! It's been so long since we had sex- it feels like I'm going to cum just by sitting on his hard cock! Yangcha sensually massaged my sensitive breast and kissed my neck softly as I rocked my hips back and forth to make love with him between the massive beach rocks. Am I afraid to get caught? No. I'm not ashamed of loving him like this.

"Hah~! You're so warm~!" Yangcha frowned while thrusting under me, so I pursed my lips and lifted his soaked shirt upward. I want to feel his flesh~!

The alpha took off the damp cloth and tossed it onto the rock beside us before coiling his arms around my soaked waist and pounded his way upward to juice my inside. Thwop! Thwop! He lustfully licked my collarbones and sucked onto my neck as I clutched his shoulder while bouncing my buttcheeks steadily over his rough pubic hair to devour his hard bulge. Fwop! Fwop! I moaned in extreme pleasure when he lowered his face to suck on my nipples, intensely fondling my breast to taunt my sensitive nerves... so I hugged his head against my chest and kissed the sexy scar over his scalp. He's so hot~! I feel like my skin is melting into his~!

"Do you love me? Hmm...?" I groaned while biting down on my lips as we fucked in the shadow of the beach. Squelch. Squelch. Yangcha steadily trusted inside me before lowering his flustered face to study my naked body as our bare chests chafed against one another in the chilly opening.

"I worship you. You're a goddess in my eyes," Yangcha whispered while frowning at me in difficulty. I moaned out loud and flung my head back while humping his penis between my juicy slit, causing Yangcha to groan in distress as he held onto my arched spine to support my weight. Squelch. Squelch.

"You have to marry me no matter what. Promise me," I whispered while panting against my lover's parted lips. Yangcha thirstily poked out of his wet tongue to lick my lips, so I moaned and opened my mouth to suck onto his flavor tastebuds while bouncing over his thick thighs.

"I won't let anyone take you from my grip," Yangcha nodded, pulling away to catch his breath with a flustered face. Thwop! Thwop! We stared intensely into each other's eyes until I noticed his eyes softening and his flushed cheeks... glowing bright red. I can trust him. I know I can trust him because I've never seen a man look at me in such a way before.

I nodded with my lips pursed and kissed him deeply until Yangcha groaned and thrust inside quicker to pump the discharge out of my opening. I moaned and clutched onto his muscular shoulder while rubbing my sweaty breasts against his chest. Squelch~! Squelch~!

Yangcha seethed in extreme pleasure until he accidentally bit my shoulder, making me whimper in discomfort but I didn't resist him and lowered my face to lick on his Adam's apple. Hah~! I'm losing my mind because of him! I intensely sucked his throat with my eyes closed as he roamed his fingers over my bare back to grope my buttcheeks, encouraging me to bounce harder onto him until I felt my canal clenching onto his throbbing shaft- repeating beating inside me to intensify the intercourse.

"Don't pull out. Cum inside me- baby- cum inside me- Hngh~! I'm so close-" I whispered while rocking over his crotch to swallow his stiff penis. Yangcha moaned in distress as he nibbled my throat, so I clawed his bare back and humped him harder.

"I'm cumming~! Sora~! Hah~! Urgh- Cum with me- Ugh- Baby, cum with me- Fuck!-" Yangcha groaned in extreme difficulty until I felt him stiffening inside me, so I bounced harder to pump the semen out of his tip as he tightly gripped onto my sweaty back. Thwop! Thwop!

I gasped in shock once the blinding hot surge blasted all over my inside- so I whimpered and clutched onto his shoulders while sucking on his neck like a leech with a numbed face. Twitch! Twitch! Yangcha groaned aloud as his penis intensely twitched inside me until... the warm discharge exploded inside my throbbing canal. SPLURT! I loudly moaned his name upon hearing his sexy grunts. Oh~! I've been deprived of sex for months because of him!

"Good- Hah~! Good job~! Hah~! You're so manly!" I chuckled, lowering my face to rest on his shoulder as he hyperventilated under me. Huff! Huff! Yangcha groaned again once our heated bodies stopped moving and curled his arms around my hips to hold me close to his moist skin.

"You have no idea... how far... I'll go... to protect you. Sora... I will gouge out my heart with my bare fingers if you asked me to," Yangcha whispered, gently kissing my earlobe, causing me to shudder at his hot breath. I pursed my lips with burning tears in my eyes while hugging him with my face buried against his moist neck. He'd give me his heart? How... sexy.

"Yangcha... I'll give you everything I have. I'll crown you... as the king of the society. I'll marry you... and I'll allow you to be the father of my children," I whispered, finally lifting my head off his shoulder to gaze at his sweaty face as his semen leaked from between my thighs. He nodded in agreement and kissed me passionately under the moonlight, so I tightly clutched onto his head as he sucked the spit from my tongue while rubbing my moist back to soothe my strained muscles before the dark sea.


Bonding Activities

The reserved private outdoor arena on a vast green field erupted with booming uproars as the lower ranks cheered for the high-ranking participants on the territory below. The elders waved at their heirs while sitting on the bleacher under the shade as the young alphas stretched their toned bodies on the racing tracks below.

Jang Sora rotated her hips with her hair tied in a high ponytail in her loose sports shirt and shorts as Yangcha stretched his sturdy body beside her. The couple exchange flirty smiles, causing Ga Aera to frown at her daughter and her lover's bruise marks on their necks with a disapproving grimace. The woman huffed and glared at the other households while watching the alphas bond in the extensive opening.

A moment later.

Jang Sora shrieked at the top of her lungs while hopping in the potato sack to outrace the other female alphas during a competitive sack race. Yangcha perched stiffly on the bench to monitor his girlfriend as she hastily rounded the orange cone in her sack and bounced tirelessly back toward the endpoint. The boyfriend cutely gripped his fists over his thighs with his attentive eyes on his lover in anticipation while praying for her victory. Thump!

Minah whined- weakling tripping to the side when her loose hair wouldn't stop blocking her view. Haerim huffed in determination as she chased after the supreme alpha on the field until- SMACK! Sora shrieked in shock when Mira roughly bumped into her- sending the supreme alpha toppling to the ground. Yangcha flinched at her downfall, quickly shooting up from the bench with a startled look, but halted in annoyance once Sora sat up in the sack and shook her head at his sore grimace.

"HEY! THAT'S A FOUL!" Hoseok screamed in shock.

The crowd erupted loudly once Mira arrived at the end line and quickly hopped out of the sack with a prideful smile. Sora softly whined and got up from the ground to dust her knees in annoyance before glaring at Mira, but she didn't make a fuss and waved at Yangcha instead. The judge didn't seem bothered by Mira's dirty play and allowed the alpha to win that round... but as the team competed in various... games... Lee Mira... kept targeting Jang Sora.

The alpha would trip... bump into her... and even shove the supreme alpha away to achieve an unfair victory in whatever game they were playing... until they participated in the chicken fight game in a square boundary. Sora glared at Mira's smug expression as the two alphas stood over the sand on one foot.

The referee blew their whistles to signal the game, so Sora shrieked and charged forward, causing her opponent to tense up in her place. Mira smirked and dodged Sora's impulsive leap, roughly hoping on her leg to bump into the supreme alpha's shoulder, who almost toppled over- but she regained her balance and spun around to glare at the devious alpha. Mira smirked at Jang Sora's irritated glower, suddenly charging forward as Sora stood her ground and- THUMP!

"WHAT THE FUCK?!-" Seokjin screamed, leaping to his feet when the supreme alpha head butts her opponent right in the head. Mira shrieked at the blinding impact and staggered backward, slamming right onto the sand and rolling over in pain with her hands clasped over her forehead. Scoff! Sora shrieked at Lee Mira's defeat and jumped around in excitement to celebrate her victory with a bright red forehead.

"Yah! You cheated!" Mira shrieked, suddenly scrambling to her feet to confront the supreme alpha.

"You were cheating the entire time!" Sora screamed at the alpha.

"You should be eliminated!" Mira screamed at the referee for interference.

"YAH! I LET YOU WIN THE OTHER GAMES!- OW!" Sora tried to confront Mira when the alpha suddenly shoved the supreme alpha aside- sending Jang Sora stumbling over the sand. Minah gasped at the shocking brawl and quickly sprinted forward to lift Sora from the ground with her sharp glare on Mira.

"What's the matter with you?! Accept your defeat!- SORA!" Minah snapped at the Lee's daughter- FWIP! Sora suddenly bolted off the ground with her fists clenched and roughly snatched Lee Mira's hair with an angered scowl, causing the crowd to gasp in shock.

"YOU'RE THE CHEATER!" Sora yelled at Mira in anger.

"OW! OW!- LET ME GO! YAH!" Mira screamed as she angrily snatched the supreme alpha's hair.

"Hey! Why are you abusing your peers?!- You crazy witch!" Minho cursed, suddenly racing forward to shove Sora backward, who stumbled to the side- so Minah quickly caught the supreme alpha again as Minho supported Mira with an annoyed grimace.

"Crazy witch?! You bastard!" Minah shrieked to defend her friend. Jang Sora furiously screamed at the top of her lungs after she lost her cool and dashed forward with her fist directed at Shin Minho- who widened his eyes at her aggressive outburst- SNATCH! He roughly seized her wrist in disbelief.

"AH!- LET GO!" Sora screamed in pain when the alpha angrily twisted her wrist while towering over her. Minah gasped and sprinted forward to smack Minho as he glowered at Jang Sora with his raging glare.

"How dare you use your power to abuse others?!" Minho sneered at the supreme alpha until Kim Taehyung rose to his feet unconsciously as the buff alpha tightened his clutch around Sora's pained wrist.

"Ow!- You're hurting me!" Sora screamed in tears as Minah struggled to free her friend from the alpha's taunting grip, but Minho only twisted her wrist harder. Taehyung clenched his jaw and was about to dash across the field when- ZOOM! Something swift bolted across the field- and- WHACK! Shin Minho violently flung backward at the blinding impact once an alpha skillfully leaped off the ground with a deadly spinning kick- bashing the alpha hard in his face with a solid shin.

THUMP! Shin Minho roughly slammed onto the ground after receiving the fatal blow to his face. Silence. The noisy audience abruptly froze in their seats with their gawking eyes on the alpha as he gripped his bleeding lips in horror and coughed out... a few loose teeth... from his bleeding lips.

"Oh shit!" Hoseok shrieked, quickly covering his mouth in shock as Minho spat out his fallen teeth.

Kang Minah stiffened beside Jang Sora, who was just as stunned by the startling attack, so she quickly lifted her face to find... Jae Yangcha... looming over Shin Minho with his dark gaze nailed on the alpha... whose lips were bleeding heavily. The professors remained... frozen... on the bench as Minho scoffed in disbelief before snapping his raging glare at Yangcha's... blank expression.

"YAH?! WHAT THE FUCK-" Mira screamed, suddenly racing forward to kneel beside Minho but he roughly shoved her aside and launched to his feet in extreme anger, hastily swinging his steel fist toward Jae Yangcha. Thump! Yangcha firmly raised his hand to seize the alpha's wrist, causing Minho to flinch in shock at his brisk reflex. The injured alpha shifted his startled gaze to Jae Yangcha's stern stare... as the fifth rank stood with a straight face.

"YAH!- HOW DARE YOU HURT A HIGHER RANK- ARGH!?!!- *%^$!#&!?!- ARGH!- ARGH!!!!" Minho tried to yank his hand free when- CRACK. Kim Namjoon flinched, unconsciously dropping his water bottle in shock once Jae Yangcha twisted the alpha's wrist without budging his muscles- causing Minho's joint to snap at the force. Mira shrieked, quickly covering her mouth as Minho... hollered in pain... yet Jae Yangcha didn't release his broken wrist. Kim Taehyung frowned at the alpha in disbelief while standing on the sideline.

"Apologize," Yangcha muttered, darkening his gaze on the alpha. Minho whimpered with trembling lips as his bloody drool dripped onto the ground.

"Never- ARGH!" Minho sneered- painfully grunting in extreme discomfort once Yangcha tightened his grip and twisted his wrist harder.

"Another... turn... and you won't be able to use your right hand... ever... again," Yangcha warned, staring dead at the alpha... whose eyes were bloodshot with swelling tears.

"Yah! Yah! Cut it-" Seokjin quickly launched from the bench but paused in a panic once Jae Yangcha shifted his predatory pupils toward the school president, signaling the second rank to back off.

"Apologize. Both of you," Yangcha instructed, sternly averting his piercing glare to Lee Mira's terrified expression.

"YAH! HE'S IN A HIGHER RANK- FUCK!?" Jimin shrieked- but winced in shock when Yangcha released Minho's wrist and- THUMP! The alpha violently stamped Shin Minho in his chest with the base of his sneaker... sending the alpha slamming hard onto the ground until he helplessly rolled over the dirt with a broken wrist.

"No...? You won't apologize...? Who are you to bruise her precious skin...? Hmm?- You drugged her once at the club... and she was almost harassed by you. Yet you have the audacity... to unleash your anger on her now that she rejected you...? Does an apology hurt your ego?- After you went around slut shaming her because you can't touch her divine body? Die with your ego then," Yangcha sneered, dangerously lifting his shoe to compress Minho's head, causing the alpha to grunt at the pressure. Mira widened her eyes in horror as the lower rank resentfully pressed his weight over the alpha's skull- causing Minho to thrash over the ground in extreme discomfort.

"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!- ARGH!" Minho cried in distress while holding Yangcha's ankle to resist the crushing force over his skull. Yangcha paused at the alpha's frantic apologies and shifted his gaze to Lee Mira... who stood paralyzed in her place.

"Sorry- I'm sorry!" Mira shrieked, glancing at Sora in a panic.

Yangcha suddenly lifted his shoes off Minho's sweaty head- who coughed in distress while clutching his wounded wrist on the ground, so Mira whimpered and slumped beside Minho to hug his weak body. Huff. The alpha deeply exhaled to expel the swelling anger from his chest.... and glanced at Sora... who was clinging to Kang Minah. The both of them... gawking at the fifth with a terrified look upon... witnessing his chilling... darkness.

"Let's get your wrist inspected," Yangcha muttered, placing out his palm for his lover.

The supreme gulped at his hand gesture and lowered her gaze to his open palm with an uneasy feeling. She had never encountered his dangerous nature before because she had always assumed he was a soft-hearted human. Jang Sora slowly released Minah and stepped forward to place her fingers in his grip. Yangcha gently wrapped his fingers around hers and tugged the supreme alpha forward. She nervously clutched his forearm as he blankly turned on his heel and escorted her away... leaving every soul within the arena petrified by his defensive aggression to protect the goddess.

Mrs. Jang gripped her dress restlessly with her eyes fixed on her daughter as she walked along the side of... not a... weak puppy... but a deadly... beast. The Jaguar. Kim Taehyung frowned at Minho's adverse condition... who suddenly lost consciousness on the ground with bleeding lips and shifted his dark pupils after the skilled alpha as Jungkook scoffed and walked forward to inspect the broken tooth on the ground.

"Yah- Did you see that kick?" Hoseok gasped, frantically racing forward to count the teeth on the ground with Jungkook.

"Five teeth... and probably a fractured rib with the second kick..." Jungkook clenched his jaw while evaluating the fatal strike and lifted his narrowed gaze to watch Jae Yangcha escort Jang Sora inside the medical tent.

"Is he a pro?!- Yah! You're the only black belt I know! What level is he?!" Hoseok funnily nudged Jungkook, who swallowed intensely and glanced at the unconscious alpha with a grim look.

"He's definitely not as defenseless as he appears. The lethal kick... can only be achieved by a black belt... and his reflex is acute. He didn't even flinch at Minho's left hook," Jungkook shook his head. Hoseok covered his lips in shock, nervously glancing at the tent as Seokjin rubbed his face and slumped on the bench beside Min Yoongi... who remained terrified in his seat.

"Call the medics!" Namjoon shrieked at the paralyzed guards until they sprinted forward to assist the motionless alpha.

"Yah. Do alphas normally knock out... each other's teeth during... a friendly match?" Yoongi whispered while nudging Seokjin's arm until the school president shifted his sore gaze to the newly revealed alpha's ashen face and shook his head.

"Usually... it's a light bruise... not... broken teeth... bleeding gums... and broken wrist..." Seokjin grumbled as the professor frantically rushed over the field to check on Minho.

"I should sign up for defense class," Min Yoongi gulped with a tense body as he stared at the bloody roots of the scattered teeth on the ground.

"Did you see how fast he bolted toward Minho? I couldn't even see him..." Sungho muttered, still petrified in his seat. Yoongi nodded sniffly. The alphas' faces drained in fear as they exchanged nervous glances before lowering their gaze to the fresh blood on the saturated ground and the knocked-out teeth on the dirt... utterly taken aback by Jae Yangcha's lethal strike.


Fast Forward

"You have to stop seeing him!- Sora!" My mother snapped, tugging my arm with an uptight frown as I strolled into the living room.

"No. Yangcha won't let me go- so please refrain from interfering with our relationship," I firmly turned to face my mother.

"Shin Minho will call for a council meeting and the alpha will be punished! You can't side with him!" Eomma insisted. Creak. My mother snapped her dark frown at the opened door with a baffled look, suddenly halting in place once Do-hwan appeared with a man at the doorway.

"Please excuse my unannounced visit," Yangcha smiled, lowering his head at my mother, whose face drained of blood in his alarming presence.

"I invited him over for dinner because he wishes to speak to you and abeoji directly," I announced, causing my mother to stiffen in her place with her terrified gaze on Jae Yangcha. I smiled and walked forward to take his hand, gently patting his warm fingers as he fondly stared down at me. Do-hwan stood beside the door with his expressionless gaze on the alpha as my parents gawked at his threatening presence.

A moment later.

My father quietly shifted his uptight gaze to my tense mother, who had been hushed since she entered the dining room to share a warm dinner with my lover. The woman eyed the visible scar on Yangcha's scalp with an uneasy feeling before firing me a disapproving look as Yangcha piled the food on my plate.

"So you're a fifth rank?" My father cleared his throat to break the tension.

"Neh. My family is a fifth rank," Yangcha smiled, politely lowering his head at my parents.

"You're the lowest rank amongst the fifth ranks," My mother cleared her throat. Yangcha chewed quietly with his attentive gaze on my father and glanced at my stern mother as we sat across from them.

"I worship your daughter... and I will-"

"It's not about your pretentious treatment. My daughter is a supreme alpha. How do you expect to sustain her with your trivial influence in the council?" My mother frowned, gripping the fork in frustration. I exhaled at her rude remark and glanced at Yangcha as he nodded at her words and calmly sipped plain water from his glass.

"How can power come before your daughter's welfare?" Yangcha lifted his eyebrow after placing the glass aside.

"Be realistic. This is the game of survival. Not a fairytale," My mother sneered over the table.

"So you're thinking of... marrying her to a man she doesn't love? It doesn't matter if he mistreats your daughter? As long as you can secure power?" Yangcha chuckled, briefly glancing at me with a worried frown, so I pursed my lips and returned a smile. Yangcha can do the talking. I trust him.

"How can you desire to hold my daughter with nothing in your hand? Aren't you too greedy? You're only putting her future at risk with your reckless determination to pursue her," Appa spoke up to defend my mother. Yangcha smiled and shook his head.

"She loved me when I had nothing in my hands. Did you think... I wouldn't give her my all... once I obtain everything?" Yangcha smirked, lifting his sharp gaze to my parents.

"How are you going to do that? She's supposed to marry a powerful second rank. You'd have to be at Kim Taehyung's level to achieve her," My mother smugly clasped her hands under her chin. Yangcha didn't seem bothered and placed a slice of meat on my plate again.

"I am the highest-ranking academic achiever this year. And in terms of physical strength... I'm a master in martial arts. Sora doesn't only have a lover... I am almost her protector," Yangcha replied. My mother rudely rolled her eyes.

"And power? It doesn't change the fact... that you're from a lowly family. You're useless," My mother lifted her eyebrow. Yangcha quietly chewed while nodding his head at her harsh comments.

"So I'd have to be a second rank to achieve your consent?" Yangcha asked, smiling at my mother.

"Even if you work for the rest of your life- you'll never-"

"I can ascend to the second rank overnight if that's your wish, but you'd have to ensure the society is prepared for my ascension. I do not wish to startle the higher ranks with my capabilities... but if you insist... I must prove it to you," Yangcha chuckled, causing the smile on my mother's face to fade from her red lips.

"What do you mean you can ascend the council overnight?" My father froze in his seat. Yangcha chewed the food in his mouth in a composed manner... leaving my parents gawking at the alpha with a startled look.

"My parents did not integrate our whole assets and chose to acquire the lowest rank seat in the council because they're wary of the cult. But if you... can give me your word... and allow me to wed... your daughter... then I will prove power to you. My hasty ascension will stir unrest amongst the household... so... are you willing to take the risk?" Yangcha calmly explained. I lifted my face with a startled look.

"I won't believe you until you show me," Eomma firmly shook her head to dismiss his confident claim. Yangcha smiled at my mother while cutting into his steak.

"Very well. I will secure the supreme alpha at all costs," Yangcha confidently nodded.

"How can you possibly do anything without your parent's consent?" My mother grimaced.

"I will contact them and arrange a meeting with the Jang household. Please excuse us," Yangcha suddenly pushed away from the desk and stood up without a warning, causing me to glance up at him in confusion.

"You're leaving?" I asked in bewilderment. Suddenly?

"Let's go. I have plans with you, noona," Yangcha placed out his hand.

"Where do you think you're taking the supreme alpha this late?" My mother scoffed in disbelief.

"I will return her in one piece. Please excuse us," Yangcha assured my dumbfounded mother, so I lifted my hand to hold his- utterly confused by his invitation and stood up from the table as he had instructed.

My father frowned at the alpha uneasily, but they didn't stop us as we made our way through the doorway... leaving my parents flabbergasted in their seats. The alpha gently squeezed my hand as we exited the front door... and we ended up... leaving the property in his car. Where are we going? It's already nightfall! Yangcha didn't speak and kissed my hand repeatedly as the driver drove us out of the city... so I exhaled and glanced out the window with a clueless look.

"Wae? I'm not properly dressed," I whispered once we stepped out into the vast opening... to find a helicopter parked on a field. Are we leaving Seoul...?

"It doesn't matter. You'll be in my territory, so you can dress however you like," Yangcha chuckled and tugged me forward with him, so I gasped and walked after him in my silk gown.

"You're not flying me across the country to see your parents abroad, right?!" I shrieked, quickly tugging his forearm in bewilderment. Yangcha paused at my resistance and shifted his smug gaze to me.

"You don't wish to meet my parents?-"

"No! It's just I'm not properly dressed right now!" I gasped in a panic while patting my thin gown. I'm in my sleepwear!

Yangcha chuckled at my complaint, lowered his face to peck my lips, and drew me forward... so I anxiously gripped his shoulders as he grabbed my waist and lifted me off the ground to place me on the helicopter as a few guards lowered their heads to greet us. Yangcha climbed onto the seat next to mine, fastened the belt around my waist, and placed a headset over my head to secure my ears.

"Trust me," Yangcha chuckled, gently taking my hand to assure my anxious soul. I scoffed and glanced at the pilot in the front seat... until the engine of the aircraft whirred to life... and we suddenly elevated off the ground.

"SCARY!" I shrieked, quickly hugging his forearm with a racing heart. Yangcha chuckled at my timid behavior and lifted his arm to hold my shoulder as I tightly hugged his waist with my face buried against his chest. Where is he taking me?! Why by a helicopter?!- I'm not used to this!- I've never flown out of Korea since I was born!!!

A moment later.

I gasped in extreme bewilderment while gripping the lustrous silk as my boyfriend dragged me through a dark wood in the middle of nowhere. It's very late~! Where is he taking me? I gripped his hand in fear while glancing around the confusing tree trunks as I stepped over the dead leaves on the ground. What the heck? He flew me in a helicopter at night! We landed!- And now we're walking through the woods?!-

"Where are you taking me!?!-" I shrieked, suddenly grabbing his hand to halt the alpha.

"You don't trust me?" Yangcha scoffed at my terrified face.

"My trust in you left my body since you dragged me inside the wilderness!" I snapped while frowning at the calm man. How can I trust him when he's taking me to the middle of nowhere?! He quietly examined my flushed face and lowered his face to peck my lips again, making me whine at his suspicious acts.

"You're cute when you're scared," He chuckled.

"Jagi~! I don't like this!" I whined, but Yangcha refused to stop and lead me through the darkness. I whimpered in fear and tightly hugged his forearm while glancing back and forth to search for scary monsters. What if a tiger eats us?!

"We're almost there. I promise you'll be safe," Yangcha smiled, lowering his weak gaze to me. I glared at the alpha in annoyance and followed him. He might ditch here me if I'm too fussy!

"You're a crazy man!" I shrieked as he shoved the tall grass apart and pulled me after him, so I whined out loud as the ticklish grass brushed against my face until- Splatter. I halted in shock once I stepped onto a small creek. Yangcha suddenly grabbed my waist to lift me over the shallow stream, so I gripped his shoulders and glanced at a tall black door installed in the plain concrete wall with my lips ajar.

"We're here," Yangcha announced, walking forward with my body in his strong arms and lowered his hand to press on a small black pad- Beep. Clack. The door smoothly slid open. I sucked in my breath in surprise  while clinging to his neck before snapping my face toward the smug alpha with a drained look.

"Are you kidnapping me?!-" I gasped. Yangcha chuckled softly at my absurd exclaim as he stepped through the door while carrying me in his arms, so I gripped his nape and glanced at the dark corridor in fear. Trust me?!- I trusted him! Now he's taking me inside a hidden bunker?! This is straight out of a horror movie! I always knew I was never the type to die fast in movies because I'd run for my life the instant something felt off- but I fell for a hot man's lie... and now I'm trapped!

"Stand still. Close your eyes. Give me a few minutes. Okay...?" Yangcha cupped my terrified face after he settled me onto the floor. Gulps. I shifted my startled gaze to the looming black door as the lock sealed shut on its own to separate me from the wilderness.

I nodded stiffly and closed my eyes as he had instructed. I usually don't obey orders! But he's a hot man with a hot body! So I'll do as he says! Yangcha released my waist and strolled away... leaving me... alone in the darkness beside the door. I swallowed intensely once the place grew hushed until I felt my skin crawling with the chills of the frigid atmosphere. Why is it so cold?!

"Baby~! This is scary!" I shrieked with my eyes closed.

"Calm down! I'm here with you!" Yangcha's voice echoed from the far end of the corridor, so I shakily exhaled and stood in place for about five minutes. Why did he make me shut my eyes? Should I peek?- HAH! I'm so scared~! I puffed my cheeks in extreme discomfort while gripping my hands on the side.

"Yangcha? This isn't funny~!" I whined in annoyance.

"Open your eyes and walk forward. Don't be scared," Yangcha's voice echoed again... so I flung my eyes open to gawk at the dark corridor. Where is he?!

Swallowing intensely... I took off my slipper, fearfully stepping over the polished tiles with my balled fists until I noticed... warm flickering candlelights... scattered over the floor. Pause. I stopped at the spacious opening once I noticed... Yangcha... standing at the center of the living room. I can smell the faint fragrance. I blinked at the romantic setups and glanced at the bed of red petals as my boyfriend stood at the center with a colorful bouquet in his arms.

"Oh?" I whispered, unsurely walking forward with a weak smile and halted... right outside the massive heart-shaped flower bed... to examine the fresh petals in bewilderment.

"Will you take my hand...?" Yangcha smiled, placing out his hand for me. Sora. You're lucky he's not a serial killer because you wouldn't be standing in a romantic candlelit room like this... if you were to follow another man to the middle of nowhere.

I swallowed at his welcoming gesture, stepped onto the red petals on my barefoot to reach him... and finally held his hand with a startled look. I'd run from ghosts, monsters, and strangers! But a hot man with a sturdy body? I'd run after him- and he'd be the death of me. Yes. He's my weakness because I'd bend all my safety rules to be with him.

"Did you do this yourself...?" I whispered, softly nodding at the romantic-scented candles and the flower decorations around us. Yangcha smiled as he placed the bouquet aside... and... lowered his body... before me. I abruptly froze over him as the man knelt on one knee... slowly withdrawing a black box from inside his pocket. The alpha popped the case open to reveal... a twinkling diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?" Yangcha proposed as I stood over him with a shaken expression. I stared at his hopeful smile with a slight frown... until unconscious tears flushed my startled gaze... so I pursed my lips and slowly crouched down to face him. Yangcha blinked at me in confusion as I quietly admired his handsome face.

"Are you going to trap me in here until I say yes?" I teased, placing out my left hand for him. Yangcha chuckled and shook his head with a cute beam as he reached for my fingers.

"I'll take you back to your doorstep even if you say no," Yangcha tenderly searched my gaze. I laughed while crouching before the kneeling alpha.

"Yes. I'll marry you~!" I grinned. Yangcha chuckled at my approval as he carefully withdrew the ring from the velvet black box to insert the loop over my ring finger, causing my heart to flutter in extreme contentment. The man eventually leaned forward with his lips puckered- THUMP!

"AH!" Yangcha gasped in shock when I suddenly shoved him backward. Flop! The man funnily collapsed onto the bed of red petals with a startled look, so I quickly crawled onto his torso, roughly pinning down his chest to keep him sprawling over the delicate flowers.

"Hah~! Thank god I was always prepared for the proposal~!" I grinned while reaching inside my bra to fish for something. Yangcha lay over the roses with a startled look and quickly sat up to hold me over his lap until I pulled out a glistering ring from my bra.

"You got a ring too?!" Yangcha funnily widened his eyes.

"I got a ring in case my mother refused to let you marry me! I planned on running off and marrying you whenever and wherever!" I giggled. Yangcha scoffed in shock as I lifted his left hand to fit the ring onto his finger and gently patted his hand before shifting my bright beam to his stunned expression.

"I love you! I love you! I love you~! Muah~! Muah~!" Yangcha shrieked, suddenly cupping my cheeks to kiss me on my lips, making me giggle against his breathy pecks. I hugged his neck firmly with my lips glued against his until the man rolled me onto the red petals. Smooch. Smooch.

"I love you too~!" I grinned as the alpha hovered his sturdy body above mine. Yangcha impatiently yanked off his suit jacket to toss it aside before lowering his body to kiss me again, making me giggle at his hasty manners as he groped my breast over the fine silk. I can't believe he proposed this early?! I ran my fingers over his prickly hair roots to feel the bulging scar on his scalp until he shifted his moist lips to my neck, softly nibbling my skin while interlacing our hands over the red roses.

The manly alpha carefully spread my thighs apart and sat up with a flushed face to unbuckle his belt, making me blush at his sexy smirk as he undressed himself between my legs. Yangcha chuckled and kissed my shin before trailing his wet love strokes over my inner thighs as he lifted the silk of my youthful body... drew it off my head... and hurled it aside. Fwip.

The man slipped his strong arms under my arching back to unclip my bra, pulled down my panties from my ankles, and tossed them away before tearing his white shirt apart- sending the detached buttons scattering all over my body. Clatter! Clatter! I shrieked funnily and lifted my hand to feel his hard pecs as he crawled over my body to merge our heated souls again.

"You're so beautiful," Yangcha whispered, suddenly tensing up his masculine body as he dimly watched me sprawl naked over the red petals. He's just as attractive~! Inside out! He's perfect! I bit my lips while poking his sturdy abs with my toe as he sat back to admire the view of my stripped vulnerability over the flower bed.

"Give me your baby," I whispered, reaching downward to rub my aroused slit with my alluring gaze on his crazy hot physique as the candle lights cast a deep shadow over his defined muscle ridges. Yangcha watched me play with my lady bits with a flushed face, so I moaned and tilted my head over the flowers until he started jerking his penis between my legs. Fwop. Fwop. I intensely watched him beat his thick shaft between my thighs in difficulty while biting down on my lower lips.

"You want to have a baby right away?" Yangcha chuckled. I nodded.

"I can give you as many babies as you desire," I grinned. He scoffed at my daring offer as he crawled over my body to nudge his swollen tip against the throbbing opening over my crotch, so I pursed my lips and gripped onto his thick thighs until the alpha shoved his strong hips forward- Squelch. I quickly gripped his thick shoulder, shuddering intensely once I felt his warm presence sliding inside me. Yangcha groaned with his eyebrows furrowed, steadily thrusting forward to invade my moist canal... until I curled my toes in pleasure.

"One baby is enough," Yangcha chuckled, sweetly kissing me. I smiled against his lips while hugging his nape and drew down his nude body to grind my naked flesh against his. Hmmp~! The alpha eventually lifted his flushed face to gaze at my eyes while stroking my cheeks... making me blush at his attentive gaze on my face... so I shyly clutched onto his back muscles as he steadily thrusts between my parted thighs. Squelch. Squelch.

"Wae...?" I fumed, unsurely questioning his muted gaze.

"Can I do whatever I want with your body tonight?" He asked while holding my face between his palms.

"Why are you asking that question when you've got my frail body captive under your rock-hard body...?" I chuckled, fondly gazing at his charming visual. I can't escape his clutch even if I wanted to.

Yangcha smiled and lowered his head to stroke my lips again. The both of us... panting in extreme heat as he inserted his tongue inside my mouth to caress my taste buds. I tensely rubbed his spine before lowering my hands to clutch his firm butt cheeks, making him shove his bulge deeper... between my thighs. Thwop. Thwop. The alpha moaned softly and lowered his face to suffocate himself between my cleavage... so I gasped in pleasure and tilted my head back... as he slurped onto my hard nipples while pinching the sensitive tip between his fingers to stimulate my nerves.

"You're so addictive," Yangcha grunted, sexily frowning at me once he lifted his chunky trunk off my pulsing chest with his arms pressed on either side of my head. Hngh~! I shoved my elbows over the scented petals to push my feverish body upward... so he gently held onto my back and drew me onto his thighs while keeping his shaft lodged inside me. The alpha carefully sat over the floor as I perched on his lap in a sitting position with a numbed face. Silence. We stared at one another... with a troubled frown while having sex on the floor. Squelch. Squelch.

"Will let me show you... just how much... I crave to touch your body?" I whispered while rubbing my thumb under his defined jaw as he worked his hips against my soaked crotch.

Yangcha chuckled at my request and nodded with an eager smile, so I leaned forward to kiss his muscular neck, causing him to tense his body at my teasing touch. I lustfully trailed my tongue over his Adam's apple, down to his collarbones, and softly nibbled on his pulsing chest before lowering my lips to his hard nipple. He shuddered intensely as I gently pushed my tongue against his tip... sensually biting down on his chest and sucking onto his nipple to provoke his nerves.

"Hah~! That feels weird~!" Yangcha cutely shivered as I steadily bounced my butt cheeks over his thighs to intensify our pleasure.

"Lay down for me," I chuckled, slightly pushing his shoulder back until he released my body and slumped onto the flower bed with a flushed face as I stiffly perched on top of him for the first time. I've never... been on top of him before. Pause. I stopped moving my crotch and lowered my gaze to examine the man's helpless state as he struggled to regulate his breath beneath me. How is he so... submissive? When he has all the power to overpower me?

Yangcha shakily fumed his humid breath while gazing up at me, so I kissed his chest and moved my lips down to his ripe trunk, smooching and licking thirstily... between the deep trough of his solid abs... until chilling goosebumps swept across his sensitive skin. I smiled at the plain sight of his standing body hair. He likes it when I lick him...?

I tenderly stroked his hard packs with my moist tongue and scooted downward, carefully releasing his erect shaft from my moist slit. Smooch. Smooch. I softly kissed his hairy groin- causing the man to tense up underneath me as I sucked the bulging veins over his defined V-line abs... before tracing my naughty tongue... downward to search for his raw cock.

"Noona- not too low~! I didn't even shave down there!" He whined, nervously gripping my head to stop me. I paused and lifted my alluring gaze to examine his flushed face before glancing down at his pubic hair with a weak smile. Why is he ashamed of his body hair? He's always been a hairy man since the day I let him take my virginity. How adorable.

"It's just a bit of texture," I chuckled, gently kissing his wrist to assure him.

Yangcha moaned in distress once I licked the base of his penis and gently smooched onto the shaft, lustfully coating his private part with my slimy spit before moving my lips up to his sensitive tip. Slurp~! Slurp~! I gently jerked his hard bulge while swirling my tongue over the tiny hole of his cock... and sucked onto him like a pacifier while blowing a wet patch over his soft tip to tease him with the chilling vibration. Urgh~! Yangcha made strange noises as I sucked his hard cock until I felt his body stiffening beneath me so I gripped his parted thighs and licked him all the way down to his massive sacks.

The alpha groaned in extreme pleasure as I took him deep inside my mouth and bopped my head over his crotch while holding his muscular thighs apart... until he sat up over the petals to hold my bouncing head. He lowly grunted while holding my loose hair in his clutch, so I moaned at the flavorful taste over my tongue and lowered my face to massage his firm ballsacks with my lips, softly sucking onto his jiggly testicles- until Yangcha moaned out loud... seething in extreme difficulty.

"Hah~! Sora~! I'm going to cum!" Yangcha gasped, trying to push my head off his stiff penis- but I didn't stop and shifted my lips to suck on his tip- rapidly jerking him until I felt his shaft twitching intensely between my fingers- SPLURT!

A load of semen... ended up exploding inside my mouth, but I didn't pull away and unloaded his discharge in my mouth to empty his bulge before withdrawing my lips from his glazed penis... leaving behind the stretching spit... over his swollen tip. I exhaled and lifted my head to find Yangcha frowning at me with a flustered face as he struggled to breathe... so I pressed my palm against his sweaty packs to calm him... mischievously licking my dirty lips to tease the man.

I didn't know what I was doing when I went down on him- but I love it. The taste of his raw cum over my tastebuds. I swallowed the thick semen down my throat... and leaned forward to press my lips against his... making him groan at the taste of his own flavor as I swirled my filthy tongue inside his mouth to exchange our dirty fluids. Hngh~! I lustfully sucked his smooth tongue while rubbing his heated chest with a faint smile.

"I've always wanted to taste your flavor like this right from your... penis," I chuckled against his lips. FWIP! Yangcha suddenly seized my body and slammed me back onto the flower bed, so I gasped at the shocking force as he lowered his face between my thighs to shove his mouth against my lady bits.

"I won't stop until you squirt for me tonight," Yangcha shakily whispered while licking my swollen slit, causing my body to tense in distress- so I moaned and reached downward to hold his head as he sucked onto my clit while inserting his fingers to stretch my inside. A hot surge violently blasted all over my nerves upon his aggression... causing my face to grow numb with the shocking friction of his finger's presence inside me.

"Hah~! I don't think I can squirt~!" I moaned, weakly lifting my head to watch him devour my lady bits, but Yangcha didn't stop and kept sucking me all over until I felt my clit going numb from the endless throbbing sensation. I shrieked in distress while gripping red petals between my palms with my legs apart and back arching helplessly over the tiles- until he sat up between my legs with dripping-wet lips- Thump! Yangcha shoved his hard cock back inside me and- Squelch~! Squelch~!

I arched my back like a stretching cat in the warm living room while scratching my neck in distress as he penetrated me and roughly thrust forward with his strong hips to overwhelm my body with the shockingly pleasuring intercourse. Oh~! He's beating me so well!- Hngh~! Why am I suddenly so aroused?! I pursed my lips in difficulty and lowered my gaze to his sexy sweat-coated honey-tan skin with a pleading look as he railed me with all his strength to juice out the discharge from between my thighs.

"Urgh! Urgh!" Yangcha grunted, sexily flinging his face upward to frown at the ceiling with his eyes closed while jamming his penis inside my vagina. Fwop~! Fwop~! I curled my toes in distress to resist the scalding burn inside me while watching him beat my raw crotch with his insanely powerful thrusts.

"Fuck- Sora- I love you so much," Yangcha cursed, suddenly lowering his body over my moist abdomen and shoved his lips against mine again- so I clutched onto his buzzcut head with my face tilted to fit my nose against his as he pleased our bodies with his manly hip thrusts. Hah~! Why does it always feel so good with him?!

Yangcha fumed steamily and lifted his face to lick my earlobe, making me shudder helplessly at his wet strokes. Fwop~! Fwop~! The alpha heavily grunted as he bit my ear, so I clawed my fingers into his back as his muscular chest chafed the humid moisture between our naked skin. JOLT!

I stiffened in shock when he suddenly hit a hot spot that made my body stiffen. I gasped and tried to push him off me, but Yangcha stubbornly coiled his arms around my head, causing me to suffocate against his left chest as he hugged my head against his sweaty shoulder. JOLT! JOLT! His hard penis tip... stabbing the tingling spot repeatedly until I felt like peeing myself. JAB!

"I can't breathe- HAH~! Hah~! SO HOT!- BABY- MY INSIDE IS BURNING!- BABE!!- MY INSIDE IS SWELLING!" I screamed in fear while smacking his back to make him release me... but Yangcha refused and fastened his muscular arms around my head as he mercilessly thrusts his dick against my cervix opening, making me moan in distress until I could barely breathe- so I whimpered and helplessly clung to his sweaty back as he trapped me under his heavy body.

Squelch~! Squelch~! Squelch~!

Fwop~! Fwop~! Fwop~!

I desperately wanted to cry for his mercy... but my stifled voice couldn't leave my windpipe because his firm chest had entirely compressed my airway. SQUIRT! I shrieked in shock once the hot liquid burst between my legs- yet Yangcha didn't stop and jammed his cock back inside me, repeatedly hammering inside my canal to pump on the wet discharge. SPLAT! SPLAT! I twitched and whimpered in extreme distress with my face buried beneath his chest- but could not flee his strong clutch, so I cried and hugged his sweaty back in fright as the overwhelming pleasure consumed my soul. Hah~! I feel so dizzy~!

"I'm almost done- hang on me! Sora- We're almost done~! Hah~!- Ugh~! I'll make sure- to make you- the mother of- our child- URGH~!- HAH!" Yangcha grunted, furiously whispering in my ear as he thrusts between my floppy thighs until his semen exploded messily inside my squirting canal. I slumped weakly onto the petals after I lost my strength from the extreme sexual intercourse. Shudder! Yangcha tensed his body muscles while unloading his discharge deep inside me. SQUIRT~! I felt my vagina ejecting yet another wet splatter that made my body convulse violently- yet I was too tired to react but to whimper in extreme difficulty.

The alpha groaned in relief, finally releasing my head from his suffocating chest... causing my head to flop weakly onto the floor with my lips ajar. Thump. Thump. My temples pulsed intensely as I blankly sprawled on the floor with an entire numbed face. Yangcha lowered his face to kiss my lips while fuming his shaky breath over my face as I stared at the ceiling with swelling tears in my eyes... utterly disabled by the shocking explosion from between my legs... until I saw sparkling stars above my head.

"Hah~!" I groaned, weakly shifting my weary gaze to my lover as he lowered his manly body over mine. He smells... so good. I can't get enough of him- even if he's sweating profusely like this. I remained motionless on the tiles... with the red petals... stuck to my moist flesh... unable to budge my sore muscles but to hyperventilate helplessly with paralyzed nerves. I turned my burning face to press my nose against his damp neck as the extremely humid heat... expelled from beneath my... feverish skin layers.

Yangcha grunted, eventually pulling out his softened penis- causing a gush of thick semen to flow from between my swollen slit. He huffed in exhaustion and rolled onto the petals, flopping weakly beside me with his limbs extended. Huff. Huff. The both of us... staring unblinkingly at the ceiling as his trickling cum... seeped from my swollen lady bits.

I thirstily swallowed as Yangcha turned his burning face to examine my soulless body, worriedly eyeing my pulsating chest as I struggled to remain conscious beside him. He exhaled and cushioned my head beneath his bicep, gently seizing my waist to make me lay on my side, so I closed my eyes to recollect my scattered mind as I gripped onto his sweaty hips with my numbed face pressed against his beating chest.

Neither of us spoke within the reeking living room as the heavy sweat beads... dripped from our feverish skin... soaking our hairlines and... staining the red petals with our dirty fluids. Yangcha took a deep exhale after a moment, turned on his side to hold my sweaty body, and gently ran his fingers through my damp hair as he sweetly kissed my forehead. I softly inhaled his body pheromones with a faint smile. I can do this every day. Even if it drains me. The alpha gently rubbed my spine to ease my sore muscles until my eyes dropped closed... and I ended up... descending into a deep sleep after he emptied my soul with wild sexual intercourse.

A moment later

Yangcha quietly crouched at my feet in the shower stall to wash my shins and feet as I sat on the built-in bench, too weak to budge my muscles but to stare at the scar on his scalp, still visible between the growing hair root. Scrub. Scrub. I watched him stroke the soft sponge over my legs up to my thighs until he lifted his face to examine my drained expression.

"Do you feel sick?" He asked as I dimly stared at his face.

"How are you so good to me?" I whispered, lifting my hand to stroke his cheek. Yangcha smiled as he washed my sticky flesh until he placed the sponge aside and rinsed my body to wash off the slippery substance from my skin.

He gently pulled me onto my feet to soak my head and washed my back as I clutched onto his hips with my head lowered. I can never find a man... as good as him. How is he real? I didn't know. He feels like a beautiful daydream to me. Yangcha eventually rinsed my face, tenderly wiping away the water from my eyelids, and finally switched off the shower head. Pat. Pat. He tenderly dabbed my skin dry with a fresh towel and pulled a gown over my body before carrying me out of the bathroom to settle me on the edge of the bed.

"I'll be right back," Yangcha smiled after handing me a cup of hot chocolate, and returned to shower in the stall, so I quietly sat at the foot of the bed to enjoy the warm drink and glanced down at the silk gown over my body. He even prepared silk gowns at his hidden villa to ensure my comfort. How thoughtful. I swallowed the last droplet of the hot chocolate from the mug, got up from the bed to place it aside, and turned around just in time to find Yangcha... stepping out shirtless into the bedroom in his loose pajama pants. I stared at the love bruises I left on his torso and limped forward with a weak smile. He's so perfect~!

"I think you bought the wrong gown," I whispered while feeling the silk between my fingers to show him the loose design.

"Wae? What's wrong? Is it too loose-"

"This is a maternity gown," I chuckled, lifting my head to gaze at his startled face. Yangcha pursed his lips in realization and gently placed his hand over my stomach.

"I guess it's meant for you when you have our baby," He chuckled, lowering his face to peck my lips. I nodded, softly chuckling as he held my hips, so I lifted my arms to hug his neck with a weak smile. I feel so worthy and safe in his arms.

"I love you," I whispered, exhaling in extreme relief.

"I love you more," Yangcha replied, gently rubbing my back while holding my waist to support my frail body. I chuckled as he rocked me softly against his chest to soothe my strained muscles... as we held each other in the warm bedroom.

I used to feel so lonely and detached... in my dull bedroom at the mansion... thinking no one... would ever hold me with so much love... but here he is... providing me with his warmth and loving me so delicately. Where has he been all my life?



The rings of power players remained seated in their armchairs inside the circular room as Shin Minho glared at Jae Yangcha with a bandaged wrist. The jaguar apparently fractured the higher rank's rib with his deadly kick, took out five front teeth, and dislocated the alpha's wrist severely without breaking a single bone. He hurt Minho... just enough to punish the alpha.

Jang Sora tensed up in her first-rank seat beside her grim parents as she watched Yangcha stroll up the staircase with his parents in a fitted black suit. The household frowned unsurely as the lowest rank alpha climbed the stairs with a blank expression, passing by their previous seats. And to everyone's surprise... The Jae... unexpectedly joined Kim Taehyung, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, and Chul Sungho in the crowded second-highest row.

Lee Mira widened her eyes in fear as Jae Yangcha settled beside his parents before shifting his blank gaze to the lower ranks below, causing Mrs. Jang to frown at the alpha in disbelief. Jang Beomseok widened his eyes at the Jae's unexpected ascension and glanced at the middle man with a startled look as the man waited for everyone to settle in their respective places.

The Jae had officially chosen to disclose their true assets figures to the society... and it was beyond everyone's expectation. The households gawked at the official ownership documents in extreme bewilderment as the moderator announced Jae Yangcha's wealth and power security to the council. Kim Taehyung frowned darkly and glanced at the young alpha with an anxious look as Jungkook sat on third rank with his mouth ajar. Jimin scoffed and glanced at the alpha before shifting his gaze to Shin Minho... turning paler by the second... once he realized the Jae was significantly more powerful than his household.

"Do you wish to launch a trial against the Jae concerning your injury?" Yangcha sternly shifted his gaze to Shin Minho in the lower row.

"Everyone witnessed your attack! You hurt him!" Mira defended the injured alpha.

"And everyone saw him hurt the supreme alpha. Did you expect me to stand by and watch you abuse Jang Sora?" Yangcha asked, firmly lifting his thick eyebrow to question the alphas.

"Yah! I didn't even hurt her-"

"No? Sora couldn't move her wrist for a week. And oh... you attempted to assault her at the club, remember? Do you wish for me to disclose the camera footage of you... spiking her drink?" Yangcha smiled at Minho.

"I didn't even touch her! The supreme alpha was with you that night!" Minho refuted in disbelief. Yangcha clicked on his screen at his desk until a dark footage appeared on everyone's screen.

Sora pursed her lips as she watched the footage from her desk. Shin Minho sneakily wandered... toward the unattended lounge while the other alphas were too busy dancing on the dance floor... and to everyone's shock... the alpha could be seen adding unknown substances to the glass on the counter. Jang Sora appeared shortly after to drink from the contaminated cup... and she disappeared to the bathroom with Park Jimin until... Shin Minho stepped out from the dance floor to follow her inside the lady's restroom. Mrs. Jang scoffed, firing Minho a frustrated glare as Mr. Jang sorely rubbed his aching head.

"She was with me because I was there to watch over her welfare. If she hadn't met me in the bathroom... her body would have been assaulted by your filthy touch. And... those unknown slandering posts and gossip about the supreme alpha that left her in a wreck were all initiated by you because you couldn't stand her rejection. So you tried to taint her image to nurse your ego. Should I continue? How you... paid the lower ranks to stalk and take inappropriate pictures of her at parties?" Yangcha lifted his eyebrow. Shin Minho nervously glanced at the evidence on the screen and back at the alpha with a tense expression.

"And who are you to defend the supreme alpha?! You're not even her ally! If it's anyone- you're the creep stalking her!" Mira scoffed.

"I am her fiancé. Jang Sora is my future spouse," Yangcha firmly stated.

"Moh!?" Jungkook snapped his head toward the Jaguar in bewilderment. The Kims stiffened in their seats and glanced at The Jang... who was just as petrified in their place. The council scoffed at Jae Yangcha's claim and glanced at Jang Sora... who remained composed in her seat.

"What do you mean?!-"

"I proposed to the supreme alpha... to ask for her hand in marriage. Jang Sora agreed and I have fulfilled her parents' wishes to secure her with my assets. Therefore, her problem is automatically my problem... and I will not settle unless you're properly punished for your crimes," Yangcha exhaled, lifting his left hand to flaunt the ring on his finger. Mrs. Jang froze in her place, immediately snapping her gaze at Sora's ring finger to gawk at... the matching jewel on her... slender finger.

"Sora!" Jungkook scoffed with his lips ajar.

"You can't claim her without the household consent-"

"The household permission was never a concern. It is Sora's choice and her heart alone that matters. You promised marriage if I ascended the rank, so I did. I have been patient and respectful enough to grant your household wishes, so please refrain from taking back your words. I will not settle for less," Yangcha shifted his stern gaze to Mr. Jang once the man tried to disassociate the Jang's involvement with the Jae household.

"Let her speak! Why is she muted?!" Mira shrieked in extreme frustration. The council grew hushed, so everyone glanced at the supreme alpha as she stared at the crowd with a poker face.

"Sora!" Mrs. Jang frowned at her nonchalant daughter.

"I am pregnant with Jae Yangcha's child... and I have chosen his household as the future leader of the council," Sora exhaled to announce her marriage, causing her mother to stiffen in place with her bulging eyes on her daughter.

Jeon Jungkook's face suddenly drained of blood as Kim Taehyung... remained... blank in his seat. Seokjin pursed his lips anxiously while exchanging restless glances with Kim Namjoon as Hoseok covered his mouth and glanced at Minah... who was just as startled. The Jae... nervously stared at their son and glanced at the supreme alpha at the sight of the council's displeasure... but Yangcha had asked his parents to trust him... so they remained muted and agreed to let him handle the matter.

Although the Jang were against their daughter's relationship with the Jae's son... a newly rising household... no one dared to object to their marriage. Jae Yangcha was far too powerful for any household to resist because... the Jae... is in fact... wealthier than the supreme alpha in terms of their assets.

Jae Yangcha threatened the Jang to overtake the supreme alpha seat by integrating his remaining wealth from abroad to dominate the council... which would likely cause an uproar amongst the households due to the power imbalance... so Ga Aera had no choice but to surrender to the wild card played by the Jaguar to sustain her household as the first rank and to appease the other households.

The Jae promised security and peace to the other households if they accepted the marriage so... without a choice... all of the powerful households yielded to his demand to grant the Jaguar his bride. No one dared to challenge the power card... gripped securely in his claws.

Hence... Jae Yangcha successfully... married the supreme alpha... just two months after their engagement announcement at the Elite Council.


Fast Forward

The alpha lounge loudly buzzed with soft chatters as the young heirs conversed with one another during a freezing winter afternoon... until the door slid open... and the supreme alpha appeared in a faux fur dress. Jungkook pursed his lips in her presence and glanced at the baby bump over her belly as she gleefully strolled inside the room, passing by Kim Taehyung, who shifted his dull gaze after her. Sora did not greet anyone and walked straight forward with her heart-shaped pupils glued on... the only handsome man in the room... as he sat alone in the corner of the lounge to study his material.

"Seobang, nim~!" Sora shrieked, cutely strolling up to Yangcha, who blinked out of his thoughts and glanced at her in surprise.

"What are you doing here...? I thought you weren't feeling unwell?" Yangcha asked, unconsciously reaching for her waist as she settled on his thighs with a small gift bag.

"I made you sweet rice cakes~!" Sora giggled and pushed the box in his hand. Kim Taehyung tensed his body as he watched the supreme alpha exchange sweet kisses with her husband by the glass wall as the other alphas bitterly watched their interactions from afar.

"You shouldn't overwork your body~!" Yangcha softly chuckled while rubbing her belly as Sora picked a fresh rice cake from the box to plop it in his mouth. She giggled and kissed the scar over his head until he returned the favor and fed her the purple tteok.

"Can I stay with you...? I'm bored at home," Sora smiled as Yangcha tilted his head upward to kiss her scented cheek. Jungkook clenched his jaw in annoyance and averted his eyes away as Seokjin signaled the alphas to avoid provoking the couple.

Jae Yangcha nodded at his wife and scooted to the end of the empty couch that was facing the glass wall, so Sora exhaled and slumped down to rest her head on his lap as her husband drew his jacket over her lap and patted her head. The alpha shifted his eyes back to his device while chewing the delicious sweet made by his beloved wife as she rested on the couch to gaze at the drifting snow outside the glass wall.

"I'll wake you up once I finish my work," Yangcha assured while patting her back.

"The snow is pretty~!" Sora pointed at the fluttering specs.

"Just like you," Yangcha muttered, weakly stroking Sora's cheek. She giggled at her husband's sweetness while resting sideways on the couch- all snuggled up under her husband's jacket. She chattered softly with him during her visit... causing the other alphas to shake their heads in defeat. No one was prepared for the hasty marriage between the young alphas... so they're still... restless around the couple.

A moment later.

"Let me carry the lunchbox~!" Sora whined while strolling along Jae Yangcha's side as he strode the corridor with a firm expression. The alpha no longer wore his beanie to hide his scar so anyone could see the battle scar on his scalp.

"Carrying the baby is enough work for you," Yangcha chuckled while patting his wife's back as she held her small belly. The couple suddenly halted once they noticed a few lower ranks approaching them with nervous looks. Yangcha's smile dropped at the sight of his former bullies.

"Uh- We'd like to express our apologies for... our harsh acts in the past," The bully fearfully lowered his head at the second-rank alpha. Sora blinked cluelessly at the group of lower ranks and glanced up at Yangcha with a questioning look.

"Move out of her way," Yangcha coldly instructed, causing the lower ranks' faces to ashen in fear. They quickly stepped aside, so Yangcha patted Sora's back and escorted her forward without sparing his attention to the lower ranks... and the couple disappeared together to enjoy their family outing after Yangcha completed his schedule at the university.


Fast Forward

The society had obviously anticipated the downfall of the young couple's shallow relationship after they agreed to wed each other on impulse- assuming their relationship wouldn't last... but as Jang Sora's baby bump grew bigger... Jae Yangcha would only work harder to support his wife without ever complaining.

The supreme alpha never relied on her parents throughout her early pregnancy and would battle the hardship with her husband through all the draining days and nights until... she successfully... delivered her healthy baby.

And even after all the struggles as young parents... Jae Yangcha's undying love has never ceased as he held his beloved wife with genuine devotion to grant her a comfortable life.

He studied and worked tirelessly to secure his family even after the Jang refused to pass their assets to the supreme alpha... claiming she would only inherit the assets after their passing... but Sora didn't mind because her husband was a powerful man.

Booming Applause.

The society and the employees applauded loudly within the venue to celebrate the first corporate establishment under Jae Yangcha's legacy. Kim Taehyung remained numbed in his seat as he watched Jae Yangcha hold... Jang Sora's waist... on the stage as she cradled a healthy newborn son in her arms.

The alpha blinked out of his deep thoughts while examining her radiant smile as she lifted her face to gaze at her husband... who had granted her forever happiness so effortlessly... causing Taehyung's chest to swell in remorse because... the only memories... he had left of her... was her frightened gaze... flooding tears... and lifeless body... after he almost took her life. The alpha glanced to the side to find Jungkook frowning at the happy family with an envious gaze... and deeply sighed. She was better off without them.

Jang Sora happily held her baby before the crowd below the stage as Yangcha kissed the side of her head before greeting the audience with a mega-tech corporation with his grasp. The couple beautifully flaunts their smiles at the crowd of sore-looking households, who have nothing but... envy for the couple after they choose to protect their love and secure each other's welfare from the brutal world.

Jae Yangcha has not only loved and cared for Jang Sora as her precious lover. He was also the father of her child and her biggest supporter. He raised his firstborn son with her and even... established... a nonprofit organization... under his wife's name since it was her dream to help the unfortunate.

The supreme alpha became the founder of Philanthropy with Jae Yangcha's sponsorship.


Fast Forward

"Virrrr~!" Jae Beom shrieked, zooming back and forth inside the living room as his mother prepared the ingredients in the kitchen. The child raced energetically around the villa in the wilderness with his toy plane in his yellow duckie pajamas, abruptly stopping by his mother's side with his mouth open- expecting to be fed, so Sora chuckled and pushed a small cucumber slice inside his mouth.

"Chew properly~!" Sora reminded as she watched the two-year-old bolt all over the villa until the child entered the kitchen again and climbed the baby stool to sit on the counter with his toy as the young mother clumped the dumplings on the tray.

"Beomie want to eat~!" Beom shrieked while pointing at the dumpling with his sparkly doe eyes.

"It's not cooked yet~! We'll have it for dinner~!" Sora chuckled, weakly smiling at the chubby baby boy. He pouted and glanced at his plane toy while struggling to regulate his unsteady breath.

"Eomma~! Can Beom have juice~?" The little boy cheekily beamed at his mother.

"Aigo~! How are you always hungry~? You sure have your father's appetite!" Sora chuckled while dusting her hands and turned around to open the fridge. She poured the cool apple juice into two cups before placing the small baby cup for Beom.

"Yum~!" Beom beamed after he sipped the juice, causing Sora to chuckle at her son's mochi cheeks. The mother sweetly kissed his cheek and lowered the boy to the floor after he emptied his cup.

"Bring appa this juice~! Be careful, okay~? Don't spill it~!" Sora smiled as he handed the mug to Beom, who cutely licked the empty cup to drain the last droplet and carefully accepted the juice from his mother.

"Why is appa's cup so big?" Beom asked, cluelessly looking up at his mother with a slight pout.

"Appa is a big man~! If you're not full eomma will pour more for you, but bring it to appa first~!" Sora ruffled the little boy's hair. Beom nodded and happily skipped away... until the mother reminded her son not to spill the drink again as he disappeared down the corridor to search for his father.

A moment later.

Jang Sora carefully placed the dumpling tray aside and wiped the marble counter with a napkin before washing the empty baby cup in the sink. She finally settled on the stool to eat the leftover carrots in the bowl until Yangcha appeared with baby Beom on his hips. The mother smiled at her husband as he patted little Beom's back... who had dozed off on his father's shoulder.

"Is he asleep~?" Sora giggled as Yangcha rounded the counter to sit beside her.

"He refused to leave my workroom, so I let him sit on my lap- until his head flopped against the desk," Yangcha chuckled as his wife pecked his lips. Sora gasped in shock once she noticed the red bump on her son's forehead.

"I'll get ointment~!" She shrieked, quickly getting up to search through the medical kit before returning to find Yangcha chewing the carrot slices while holding his son in one arm. The mother lowered her face toward her sleeping baby and gently dabbed the ointment on her son's forehead. She exhaled with a slight pout and kissed his soft cheek before sitting back on the stool as Yangcha sat shirtless with his son held against his buff chest.

"Do you want to visit the city with me tomorrow?" Yangcha asked while feeding his wife a carrot chunk as Beom stirred against his father's chest with his baby-pink lips ajar.

"I don't want Beom to be isolated in the wilderness," Sora pouted. Yangcha chuckled as he patted Beom's back to soothe the toddler.

"We'll enroll him in school once he's ready. I'm searching for our forever home," Beom assured. Sora nodded and leaned forward to peck her husband's cheek so he fed her the carrot slice again and patted her head. The couple chattered softly before exiting the kitchen to rest in their spacious living room. Yangcha settled Beom on his right side as Sora hugged her husband on the left side of his body to share the couch... and the small family eventually dozed off into a brief nap.

A moment later.

Sora's POV

I groggily stepped out into the refreshing opening to stretch my stiff arms before the clear pool during a warm afternoon to admire the peaceful wilderness around the property. I had a good nap. My husband and son are fast asleep in each other's arms so I'll rest a little before preparing dinner for them. I crawled over the hammock bed and gazed up at the blue sky with a faint smile... until Yangcha stepped out... of the glass door with a puffy face.

"Good nap?" I smiled at the red prints on his face. My husband nodded as he strolled toward me with his eyes half open. Fwip! The man unexpectedly yanked down his pajama pants right before my face... causing my eyes to widen at the sight of his manly bulge.

"Can you suck me? I'm horny~! I had a really erotic dream~!" Yangcha grumbled with his eyes half open, funnily stepping forward with his penis to shove the hard tip in my face. I laughed and smacked his thighs in disbelief.

"Are you crazy?! What happened to hi and hello?!- How can you strip naked like this?- Beom might see us~!" I playfully whined. Yangcha smiled at my disapproving glare and nudged his soft tip against my mouth, so I exhaled and pulled him down onto the hammock bed with me. My husband grinned as he sat facing me until I lowered my head to give him an oral favor out in the opening.

"Hah~! Feels so good~!" Yangcha moaned as he spread his legs to let me please him. Slurp~! Slurp~! I intensely sucked on his bulge while jerking the shaft in the opening of our home for roughly ten minutes... until he successfully ejaculated inside my mouth. SPLURT!

The alpha groaned in extreme relief, suddenly seizing my body and rolled onto the hammock with me. Having a young husband can be a bit challenging because his sex drive is almost always at its peak! Yangcha funnily swung his leg over my body to secure my hips, so I hugged his bare hips and gently groped his firm buttcheeks as he snuggled his warm face against mine to savor my fragrance. Smooch. Smooch. We kissed softly under the afternoon sky.

"Eomma...? Appa...?" Beom's small voice suddenly spoke up, so I gasped and rolled over to find the child rubbing his droopy eyes by the doorway.

"Put on your pants!" I gasped, frantically snatching Yangcha's pants to throw it at my husband, who chuckled and pulled the pants back onto his hips.

"Go and wear your swimsuits! Appa will teach you how to swim~!" Yangcha smiled at the sleepy boy, who nodded cluelessly and strode back inside... so I huffed and smacked his bare chest for being so careless.

"Don't be so shameless around our son!" I shrieked. Yangcha laughed at my playful glower as he sat beside me on the hammock and softly kissed my lips to express his apologies.

"You too. I'll teach my wife and my son basic survival skills. Join the swimming club~!" My husband smiled against my lips. I glared at his unbothered smile, shoved him aside, and stood up to stroll inside the villa until I found Beom sitting on his mini bed by our bedside to slip on his yellow swimsuit.

"Sweetie~! The shirt is inside out~!" I chuckled, quickly walking over to draw off the swimsuit from his body and flipped it over before helping my son back into his swimwear.

"Goggle~!" Beom giggled as I lifted the goggles to strap the elastic band over his bowl-cut head.

"Eomma will be with you in a bit. Go and warm up with appa," I kissed his chubby cheek. Beom nodded in excitement and skipped out of the bedroom as I opened the closet to search for a bikini, pulled on a white set... and finally strolled back out to find Yangcha supporting Beom's belly as the child frantically splashed over the stable surface.

"Don't splash~! Keep your legs under the water and paddle~!" Yangcha chuckled as he escorted his son over the pool surface, so I smiled and slipped over the edge to enter the cold pool.

"I'm a fish~! Eomma! Beom is a fish~! Wee~!" Beom shrieked, wildly kicking his mini legs to force his body forward, causing the cold splashes to spray all over my face. I laughed and shook my head at his cuteness as our baby paddled over the water with the floaties on his upper arms. Yangcha eventually released the boy... who shrieked in fright but didn't sink and cluelessly wiggled away with his determined gaze on the opposite side of the pool.

"He's doing so well~!" I chuckled, opening my arms for my husband as he drew me against his shirtless body. Smooch. Smooch. He sweetly kissed my lips as I hugged his nape to make out with him. Yangcha gently fondled my breast under the water, making me giggle at his sneaky behavior.

"You won't sink... considering your plump breasts. They'll keep you afloat," Yangcha chuckled after drawing his moist lips away to admire me with a teasing smile. I shrieked at his joke, lightly smacking his chest as the man squished my breasts over the bikini bra. He lowered his face to peck my wet cleavage... making me blush bright red at his teasing strokes as he supported my weight under the water. He definitely will try to get me out of my panties tonight since he's this touchy with me!

"Ah?!- Ah! Appa~! Eomma~! Help~!" Beom suddenly screeched in a panic. We snapped our heads in his direction... to find the child floating aimlessly over the calm surface with a big pout. His head barely... hovering above the surface... as the floaties supported his chubby weight.

"Stay there! You won't drown~! Appa told you to kick, so why are you staying still?!" Yangcha chuckled, dismissively turning to kiss me again. I smacked my husband's muscular shoulder as he stroked the side of my thighs under the water to stimulate my body. Yup! He's definitely not satisfied with the oral favor I gave him earlier!

"Babe~! Don't scare little Beom~!" I giggled as my husband touched me between my thighs until my face flushed rosy red at his sensual touch.

"Ah! Ah! Help~! Eomma~! Eommaaaaa~!" Beom cutely shrieked while wiggling his body like a jellyfish, so I forced my husband away and leaped across the pool to retrieve my frightened baby. The boy quickly clung to my neck in fright as I kissed his wet cheeks to comfort him- until Yangcha swam over to back-hug me in the pool.

"Aigo~! Appa is so mean to Beom~!" I pouted at Beom's tearful eyes. The child whined in annoyance, angrily smacking his father's chest with his tiny fist and pressed his pouty face against my cleavage for emotional support.

"Appa- mean! Mean!- So mean~!" Beom shrieked, cutely glaring at Yangcha as the man coiled his strong arms around my waist to hold my back against his torso.

"Appa is sorry~! Eomma needed appa a moment ago~!" Yangcha chuckled, gently splashing the water on Beom's face as I hugged my agitated son. The child screamed in annoyance and splashed back at his father in resentment. Splash! Splash!

"AH! AH! AH!" Beom shrieked, playfully splashing at his father. I laughed and covered my son's face as the father splashed back at his son- until Yangcha pulled me against his bare body again to trap Beom between us.

"Aigo~! Appa is sorry~! Muah~! Muah~! Forgive appa~!" Yangcha chuckled, lowering his face to kiss Beom's cheek until the child giggled in glee while clinging to my neck. I kissed Beom's head as my husband held the two of us against his body in the outdoor pool within our isolated property.

"We love you," I chuckled at Beom's flushed face as Yangcha dragged us toward the built-in bench on the shallow end.

I securely hugged Beom over my lap while sitting over my husband's thighs to bond... with my wholesome family. Yangcha hugged my waist tightly with his chin rested on my soaked shoulder... funnily teasing our son as we remained in the pool together. Beom cutely bickered with his father and pressed his chubby face against my breast with a big pout... once he failed to win his father in the argument... so I giggled and rubbed the water from the child's damp lashes.

Third Person

The young mother fondly admired her toddler as the father teased the innocent soul while holding his wife firmly over his lap, securing them both under his protective embrace to assure them of his sincere affection and everlasting comfort as their soft chatters... and giggles... resonated across the peaceful wilderness... safely thriving together... without the undesirable disturbance of the greedy... and cruel world beyond their territory.

The family lived happily ever after.


Jang Sora might've owed her love debt to Kim Taehyung for most of her lifelines... but in this particular... world... she is happily... married to... Jae Yangcha.

And so... she raised little Beom... with her destined lover.


The beast is the only soul... capable of offering the supreme alpha... a comfortable lifeline without... poisonous pain...  tragic miseries... or deadly plot twists.

In the embrace of his devotion... she was happy and safe... until the end of time.

The jaguar and the goddess... are destined... endgame... only in a world free... from evil.


Jae Yangcha is Jang Sora's only fairytale in the ruthless... Game of Survival.


YUP! Definitely not crying~! I'm at peace now that we've got a happy ending for our lost hero! I am sobbing- BUT THAT'S BECAUSE I'M HAPPY! HIC~! Did you guys enjoy the chapter?

Kim Taehyung will return in the future bonus chapters, so I'll see everyone there! I hope you're content with the one-shot featuring Yangcha! You should be happy for him~! How can you not? He deserved the world and his goddess! And Beom deserved a complete family with his super duper cool father!

Ah! I'm so emotional! See you soon! Will be back with more!

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