The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

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Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
5-Fourth Wing
6- The Sparring
7- The Journal
8-The Woods
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
27- Liam Mairi
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
32- The Fight
33- Mistake
34- Authors Note/ Training
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
71- To Bend Death
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
77- The End
Book 2

24- I Heard Him!

1.9K 88 8
By Quietdreamer52

" Fury! Hey! Stay with us here! Come on, I thought you were tougher then this!" I feel the small hits on my cheek making my eyes open again to see Xaden above me. " Stay awake we're almost there.."

I could swear I could hear some sort of Panic in his voice, and everything seemed..bumpy.. I flutter my eyes for a few moments realizing he's carrying me. Xaden Riorson is carrying me...

I recognize the end of the trail, we're close to the college. " Fury I swear if you die from bleeding out I'll rekill you!"

"twryying." I mumble, my eye lids becoming heavy once more.

I hear the muffling before there were shouts, and though I was trying to keep my eyes open, it was a struggle. I thought I heard Dain, maybe Hetta, definitely Ridoc and Sawyer. Maybe something about mending?

But I was out again.

Again I woke but this time I was in the infirmary with Imogen and Xaden literally just walking in, " Took you long enough Fury." Imogen scoffs sitting on the foot of the bed while Xaden takes the far chair scooting it closer.

He seems to be examining me, " You have a broken nose and a shit ton of bruising, luckily siefert didn't cut you deep enough to damage anything but you will have a scar.." That little ounce of care he just had disappeared turning into anger. " But maybe your dumbass brain is broken.."

He scoffs, " I mean seriously.. Did the general seriously dislike you that much as a baby that she dropped you on your head numerous times? Because what in you mind thought it would be smart to wander off by yourself while people are actively hunting you?!"

I was to.. sore.. to be dealing with Xaden...

" If you can't tell Riorson.. I don't have the greatest ideas.."

He takes a deep breath, " Your lucky your hurt.. so, so, lucky.... Otherwise I'd beat the living shit out of you!"

I feel his..warm hands clench my jaw making me look at him, " Is this all just a joke to you?"

I stare up glaring at him, " No."

" Well then start acting like it Freya! You almost just died and WE needed to cover YOUR and OUR asses so we don't get absolutely drilled for killing all those cadets! What even made you think going out on your own was a good idea? Where was Hetta?"

" Hetta doesn't need to be by me 24/7 Xaden."

" Obviously someone needs to stay by you, because everytime your alone you end up in a fight, hurt, or now almost dead!" He yells, even making Imogen stare up at him a little surprised. HE takes a breath.

" ... I'm sorry.." I mutter.

Xaden shakes his head, " Nothing we can do now Fury.." He looks me over again, " They needed to mend you. You lost alot of blood. So you'll be sore for a few weeks.. but right nw since your up... Our dragons want to see you so get up.."

" Don't we need to get cleared?"

Xaden looks at Imogen who rolls her eyes, " I'll tell them you left and keep Aetos out of the way until your a good distance. I was just supervising not wanting to participate in this-"

" Go Imogen.." Xaden snaps.

She shuts up right away going out of the small room, leaving me and a room. He outreaches his hand grabbing mine and pulling me up. I grit from the searing ache taking slow breaths to steady myself.

" Let's go." He says making his way to the door.

" Can't we wait until later..or tomorrow?" I squeak moving stiffly towards him. He looks back at me, " Bite through the pain, the dragons want us so we're going. Now get your idiotic ass moving."

" Xaden it hurts-"

" To bad. Move. Your not getting babied like your boyfriend does.."

This makes me walk a little faster so I can yell at him as he walks, " Don't call him that, he's not my boyfriend!"

He chuckles, " Yea...until he says..ohh Freya.. I love you, your the most important thing to me..forgive me it'll be you.. Then you'll say ohhh Dain my childhood best friend I've always loved you.... Then you'll make out and things will be alright in the world until he decides a paper is more important then you again." Xaden says mimicking Dain and my tone.

I narrow my eyes at him, " I don't sound like that."

He chuckles, " Oh.. but you do.."

" DO NOT!"

He shakes his head, " I don't know how he can stand you.."

I walk beside him, my breathing still labored " Probably because I'm a decent person.."

" Fine I'll stop saving your ass." Xaden snaps.

" Can't..because we're bonded. We're stuck together." I push giving him an annoying grin.

" I wouldn't be smirking to bright.. You'll be the one sleeping in my room." Xaden mutters. I give him a look which he gives me a twisted expression, " Not in the same bed idiot! Ew, no.... you'll be sleeping on the floor."

I glare at him, " You act like I'd be the bad one to sleep with. Instead of passing out from exhaustion, you'll probably bore me to sleep.."

Xaden chuckles, " Trust me.. I'd keep you entertained.. If you don't believe me ask your friend Hetta.."

" Oh my- Xaden SHUT UP!" I hit him which he only laughs, " That's disgusting! Ew.."

" I know you'll probably ask."

" NO! I wouldn't!"

Because I already know..from one of the first weeks I met Hetta.....

He grabs just above my hand gripping my wrist, " Now come on.. Your moving to slow.." He drags me down the halls to the flight field where Rhys, Segyl and Andarna were just landing. " Freya!" I hear Anadarna yell as he barrels towards me, pressing her head against my body huffing.

I wrap my arms around her head, " Hi."

I feel a sense of anxiety and relief flow through my body, knowing it's not my own but the dragons.. " I was so scared.." She says in almost a cry.

" I'm alright.. I'm here.." I whisper tightening my grip a little tighter.

I see Rhys take a step forward, " I thought he was supposed to protect you?!" I look up at him, " He-"

" I've been busting my ass to try to keep her safe! Not my fault she seems to walk right into danger!" Xaden snaps.

He can..hear him?

" You-"

" Yea, I can hear him!" Xaden snaps at me once more.

" And you can hear me white one..though I never decided to talk to you.." A sharp female voice say inside my head, my head snaps to Segyl who cocked her head at me.

" We can hear eachother's dragons because of this..stupid bond.." Xaden sighs. " I just can't hear goldie here.."

Andarna flicks her tail nuzzling gently into me again almost purring. I can see she's extra happy to see me alive.

Rhys snorts, steam coming out. " Where were you?!" He asks.

" Trying to sort some of my own shit out! I didn't think the idiot here would wander 3 miles!" Xaden retorts taking a step towards Rhys, whicj does the same. " Take another step towards me human and you'll be a scorched-"

" Stop it! Both of you!" I yell going inbetween the two of them. Xden pushes my shoulders making the two of us..take a step forward.

" Rhys.." Segyl's voice warns steppign my her mate. " You two boys are acting like imbeciles! Stop it!" Her narrowed head faces me " The halfblood is safe, Andarna gave her enough time to get to Xaden.. All is well and the others are dead."

Well, almost everyone that was there was dead.. Except for Amber.


" Andarna.. You..did that?" I ask looking into those golden eyes of hers. She nods, " I did. I needed to save you."

" No one is to know about what happened. No one knows feathertails have power. Understood?" Segyl says strictly looking straight into my soul.

" How wouldn't they since she marked me.."

" Rhys marked you. The bond is not magic." She corrects.

I nod, " I won't say a word."

" Though her powers as a feathertail are unpredictable.. I'm glad she saved you white one." Rhys seems to sigh, I feel a more controlled relief in me.

" Wait.. what did she say?" Xaden asks looking from me to Andarna.

" She stopped time.. so I could get away. To get to you."

His face slackens. looking at me then at Andarna. " Well, I'm glad you gave us some time." He says drawing a little closer to me, his arm brushing my shoulder.

" You two should get back." Segyl says. " Stay out of trouble white one. Keep her contained." She mentions to the both of us.

" Thank you Andarna.." I say again hugging her tightly.

" It was nothing." She says light heartedly " Please try to be careful."

" I will."

She blinks slowly, hoisting into the air. Rhys and Segyl following leaving Xaden and once again. "Come on." He sighs, grabbing my wrist again as we make it back to the college.

It was silent for a little longer before he spoke. " Don't tell anyone about her power." He says quickly.

" I already told them I wouldn't-"

" Not Hetta, and certainly not Dain." He says quickly. " Especially not Dain."

" I know. I know I can't trust him. You made that clear."

I takes a deep breath, " I did that for your own good.. to show you who he is-"

" And you know who Dain is?!"

I see his muscles in his jaw clench, " More then you, I've seen him when you weren't around. Those are two different people."

I scoff rolling my eyes.

" Tell me I'm wrong then Freya." Xaden says looking down at me with those stupid piercing amber eyes. " Tell me he wouldn't use that secrect for his gain if it could get him somewhere. Look what he agreed to without a second thought.. But you already know that.. Your just to stubborn to fully admit or accept it."

" I know. I know alright!" I grit staring daggers at Xaden before I walk again. He matches my pace quickly. " How did they find you? Or you of all people not knowing you were getting tracked.."

I look down at my feet, " I fell asleep."

He looks over at me, " You.. fell alseep. In a strange place?"

I nod, " Yea, I just felt.. so relaxed.. then I fell asleep and I had a dream-" I cut myself off, he doesn't deserve to know about the happy memories...

His hand caught my shoulder as he spun me to him. " What was your dream about?"

" What?"

" What was your dream about?" He repeats, his eyes flaring just a little.

I shrug, " It was-"

" A happy memory?" Xaden finishes.

I nod, narrowing my gaze.

" Did anyone escape before I got there?"

I nod, " I mean everything happened to fast but I think Amber Mavis. She was there with them, when they had me Orren said something about a meeting spot-"

" I'll handle it." He says sharply looking me over again. " Do you need a break or something?"

" No, I'll manage." I says trying to sound like I'm not dying...

He continues to walk infront of me, not to far..maybe a little closer then I'd like but he's infront of me all the same.... His colonge filling my senses, it's annoying how decent he is to look at, with his sharp features and toned smelling good.

Stupid ass...

We get back to the college where he escourts me to my room. " Stay in here, Understood?" He does't say..he demands.

" What if I get hungry."

" You won't."

I scrunch my expression, which he only rolls his eyes " Are you really hungry after alomost getting murdered? Doesn't your neck hurt or your just playing the hurt role?" He questions.

He had a point, everything hurt, including my neck. My silence is my response, He opens the door pushing me in. " Stay."

" I'm not a dog!"

" Sure? Because you act like a-"

I shut the door in his face. " Asshole."

" I heard that!"

" You were supposed to!" I shout hoarsely.

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