The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

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Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
5-Fourth Wing
6- The Sparring
7- The Journal
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
24- I Heard Him!
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
27- Liam Mairi
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
32- The Fight
33- Mistake
34- Authors Note/ Training
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
71- To Bend Death
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
77- The End
Book 2

8-The Woods

1.8K 70 2
By Quietdreamer52

My paranoia was sky rocketing.

Sure Hetta said there was nothing to worry about, but as much as I trust her, I also don't. It's easy to say you forgive me then slit my throat when I'm alseep, along with any other of the marked ones that share our room.

I kept a knife beside me just in case, each movement I freeze gripping my knife ready to counter, ready to attack if need be. It was driving me almost borderline insane. I huff, already sick of this, I glance at the clock.. 11 p.m. I shake my head, that's it...

I get up scanning the room, everyone was fast asleep, or at least pretending to sleep. I slowly climb down the small ladder looking around one more time before grabbing my cloak slipping out of the door. I had no idea where I was going but I knew I needed to get out of this stupid floor and stupid college walls.

I walked briskly walk looking down each and every hallway before I turn. Finally, I reach the door leading to the outside hoping this won't set of an alarm or something, I open it with such carefulness it took a solid 2 minutes. I jog out to the courtyard looking from side to side, where do I even go? I sigh once more, I see the darkness of the trees deciding to take a walk in the woods.

No one would be out there to get spotted.

I take one more glance before walking towards the trees, my mind reeling from all the shit I messed up already the last few days. I shake my head, I need to live... I need to, I can't die, I can't leave Dain, I don't want to disappoint Mira.

I don't want to prove mom right. That I can't do this, that I'm the failure she always thought I was.

I trip on a damned root, causing me to hit the ground with a thud. I wince, slowly leaning back on the tree trunk that's right behind me. " Damn it!" I mutter angrily. I didn't realize I was winded, or how far I actually walked, I saw the minor glow of the light that's above the Basgiath War College in the far distance.

I lean my head back on the cool but rough bark taking a moment I let the cool air brush across my skin as it momentarily soothes me. I look around, it's a small clearing... it's peaceful.. this could possibly be a new little place for me just to.. be alone.

I let everything that was just running rampid in my mind go, I let it relax just watching, just watching how the leaves move, watching the grass sway, watching the lightning bugs fly about. I breathe steadily watching it all, until I heard a snap.

One that was loud, one that was quick like they were walking fast, even jogging, then there was another, and another. I shoot up, now seeing lanterns or some type of light swaying maybe 25 feet away from me.

Shit.. Shit..shit..shit!

I look around, theres to many roots, twigs, matter..they'll hear me. Their voices are getting louder by the second. My eyes dart up to the tree, this seemed like the only option. I scaled the tree with ease, luckily I was quiet as I sit way above. My lungs felt on fire as I kept myself frowm breathing and moving at such a quick pace.

I stuff the cloak on my mouth as I see cloaked figures walk in the clearing I was just in seconds ago. They're all hushed before I see the face of a second year I saw in the Flame section, then another, then Imogen. She looked rough, I couldn't help but quirk a smile.

One by one they all took off their hoods, one being Hetta, the lat one being no one other then Xaden Riorson. They're all marked..shit all of them are marked! There's a rule that only 3 marked ones can be together at a time there needs to be..12 here! Disobeying is punishable by death.

Dammit Hetta...

I couldn't hear anything they're saying..what could they even be talking about? I strain my ears to listen, it was Xaden's annoying voice I heard the clearest. " There's only so many of us and to many of them. We're all a big team now, we look out for our own you understand that first years? It's us against them in this damn school everytime one of us dies, it's music to their damn ears."

" Why are the odds stacked against us more, we're like every other one here." A meek girl says. I see Xaden turn his head to her, " Because you have..that." He mentions to the mark, " When they look at us all they see are traitors, and that's all they're ever going to see. They will never have our backs so we have eachothers. So with that being was combat for everyone today? Who got their asses handed to them?"

A few raise their hands shyly, one being Hetta. I wouldn't consider her fight getting her ass kicked... One I noticed not raising his hand was Liam Mari. I heard from a couple girl gossiping he bascially ran across the Parapet. I noticed him sparring...he was damn good. He'd possibly give me a run..possibly.. I'm using that term loosely... if I got mad enough I'd kick his ass.

Xaden looks around he outreaches his hand pulling Imogen's arm up. " Get it up." He mutters. I could almost laugh, I wish it wasn't so dark because I know Imogen who be blushing hard from embarrassment.

" I heard you got your ass whooped by General Sorrengail's youngest." Liam laughs.

" I didn't get my ass whooped! When I went to stab her my knife slipped off and into her leg! I was just about to cut behind her knee when damned Aetos stepped in a swooped her up!" Imogen counters.

" She kicked your ass." Xaden says.

" Is she really that good of a fighter?" Another one asks, looking a lot like Xaden..maybe relation?

" I've seen better." Xaden answers.

I took all of me not to swing down and kick him in the face, I'm good..damn good . Especially to take down a second year.

" She fights viciously." Hetta says. " She seems to..lash out. I think she has a temper."

Xaden snaps his head towards her, " I'm sure you'd know wouldn't you?"

I can see Hetta freeze she stammers, babbling over her words. " Well- I-"

Xaden takes a step toward her grabbing her chin, " I'd tread..incredibly lightly Canvero." He warns, pushing her face away slightly. " Any other questions, I'm sick of talking about damn Freya Sorrengail."

They ask a couple more general questions, ones that I even took in the information from. Xaden is an ass but has good tips. "... For Battle Brief keep in what you already know. Write what they want you to say and think, ask the right questions, and take notes."

They all nod, Xaden exhales. " Good, and for that training.. Imogen, Bohdi, Liam and I will help train you for spars. You all break from different directions and don't get caught. If you do...keep your mouth shut where you just me..their punishments are alot nicer then mine...go."

They all nod, walking out of the woods in all different directions. Hetta just put her hood up and started walking when Xaden grabs ahold of her yanking her back, though he gently puts her hood back down. " I..highly..advise you pick a side..very...very...soon." He says softly, almost soothign but I could see how he was looking at her, a look that would maybe even scare me.

" I'm only being polite-" He grips her throat, not squeezing it, just as a warning to stop talking. " Being nice doesn't save you here Hetta, it only gets you killed faster." He tilts his head slightly, " Once you get back, I expect you in my room. Understand?"

I see her visibly swallow, she nods. " Good." He lets her go, watching her walk. I watch her as well until all the lights disappear, he still stands there..why is he still standing there? He slowly turns around looking at the indent I left in the grass, his eyes travel up the the leaves..

To me...

Our eyes lock, an evil, sinister smile spreads on his lips. " I'm surprised your head didn't grow 5 sizes while they talked about you Sorrengail."

He's..talking to me...OH SHIT!

The only thing I could think about doing was running, I jump from the branch landing on what I thought was another sturdy branch turns out it was rotten. I crash down falling on my ass. I groan pulling the small knife sheathed on my side as Xaden attempted to choke my while I was on the floor.


I swung my dagger just skimming his skin right above his brow, lucky bastard pulled away just in time. I shoot up making a break for it, I'll go to Dain's room, or somewhere with alot of people... I get tackled, pushed against another tree. I see a dagger now in his hand as he plunges it toward my head.

I dodge out of the way, it hitting the trunk behind me. I go to run again only to get closed lined from my cloak. He had the hood pinned to the trunk, he was quick to have another dagger to my throat holding me now in place.

" Didn't expect to see you here." He mocks.

" I could say the same to you and your little posse. I think that was more then 3 marked ones right? Isn't it a Capitol offense to have more then 3-" He puts more force in the blade a he presses it in my skin making my yelp ever so slightly at the cold slice.

I could feel a small stream of blood run down my neck, I also see a small gash in his head bleeding down from my knife, I gave a satisfied smile. His mocking is now gone as he glares at me.

" Are you going to kill me?" I ask.

" Just might have to now." He admits. " I was expecting your death to be a little more entertaining..but I suppose I can carev you up after.."

My head lurches forward as I headbutt him, He stumbles back only a step as I try to free myself from my cloak. I get out again making a beeline, as I run I see dark...things coming at me from both sides, some of the marked ones must've came back.

I take two knives chucking them without a thought at whoever was unlucky enough to be in their way. But they go right through, and they continue to come at me again pinning me agin on a tree, I try pushing, pulling, fighting..anything. Who the hell is holding..

It wasn't a person, like shadows. My heart drops.. SHADOWS.

Xaden comes stalking up, is face enraged as he looks at me not even blinking. He grabs a fistful of my hair yanking my head back with a crack, " Your really..really asking for it bitch.." He seethes.

I couldn't move, the shadows were holding me in place one even wrapped around my throat squeezing ever so slightly. " Your a shadow wielder..."

The corner of his lip tilts up, " Didn't your boyfriend tell you to sleep with a light easily I could've strangled you in that top the dark.."

My blood chills...has..had he been in the room while I was alseep? " How-"

" I've visited Hetta." He answers. " You know you snore right?"

I try kicking him but I obviously fail.. He sighs, I see another darkness come close to us with my daggers in it's...self what the hell is the terminology for shadows?! Is he going to kill me with my own weapons? Make it look like suicide?

" I think you dropped these in your little fury rush." The shadows wipe Xaden and my blood on my cheek before sheathing them, and I stay...terribly still. Still he's examining me, like he just saw me for the very first time. His eyes wander down my body then to my face... staying there for awhile.

" Your really an odd looking thing. I didn't realize you had two different eyes to along with that pasty look and hair..." He blinks for a few seconds, his blood running down into his eye where I cut him. He takes a part of his cloak wiping the blood. " Is this your signature? Cutting people's faces? Or Jack and I just special?" He asks now having that playful look to him again.

" Just the special ones." I say smartly.

" Awee.. maybe I should feel honored." He grins. " Now the real question...what should we do now Sorrengail?"

I laugh, " Your really going to kill me because I saw you try to help those first years? Seems like a little bitch move to me."

He pauses for just a moment, " They were all marked."

" Yea. I have eyes."

He now looks a little confused, and conflicted. " Are you going to say anything?"

" Your damned lucky Hetta was included in that group." I answer. That encounter only proved to me Hetta isn't... I don't know..but she doesn't seem to be like them. She isn't like Xaden that's for damn sure.

He tried to look through me, I could tell he was really...really trying to think what he was going to do next through. His shadows loosen their grip, not enough for me to do anything or even run, there's just not as much pressure. He nods, " Well I guess I'll need to reward her instead of my original plan." He says lowly. " If you tell-"

" I'm sure Segyl will be paying me a visit."

He lifts his brow, " I was going to, but I think your idea is better." He smiles. a wide, beautiful smile.

I could only scowl as his shadows now disappear. He takes a step back, " As your Wingleader I highly suggest you go back to your room. It is past curfew. I expect you ready to go in the morning." He give one more look before he walks away..

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