Crazy For Me (Lesbian Fanfict...

By NikkiKordei

17.4K 987 314

Sisters, Courtney and Megan, have had it rough. So rough that they eventually had to be placed in a group hom... More

"Don't Take Your Clothes Off" 😭
"Best Friends" 👧🏾👧🏼
"Normani's Story" 🖤
"Reunited" 🌻
"Leave Them Alone!"😤
"Caresha, PLEASE!" 🤨✋🏾
"Therapy" 🌈
"Chemistry" 💘🦋
"Two Signs" ✌🏽
"Lucky" 🐶
"First Time" 💦 Pt. 1
"First Time" 💦 Pt. 2
"A Damn Karen!" 🤨
"Never In A Million Years"💞
"Reneé Jane" 🥺
"Momma's Girl" 👩‍👧
"Girls Night Out" 💃🏾
"You're All I Want" 🥰
"Happily Ever After"

"Birthday Party" 🥳

471 38 2
By NikkiKordei

Normani was invited to her birth mother Andrea's house for her baby sister's first birthday party. Through her birth mom, Normani has two siblings. A six year old brother named Landon and a one year old baby sister named Armani. Armani was named in honor of her big sister of course.

"I can't believe Normani is spending the night away. I don't know about all this", Michelle said.

Megan chuckled. "Now you know damn well she ain't going without me. She already told her mom she'll only spend the night if I can come to Dallas with her."

"I was hoping you would be going with her. She only met her stepdad once and he seems cool. But you just never know", Michelle stated.

"This is really the first time I've ever been separated from my sister so you better take care of my baby while I'm gone, Reneé", Megan said.

"I mean, you know she'll be in very good hands!", Reneé exclaimed with a sinister smile.

"Mmhm. I bet", Megan said.

"Ok, Meg! My mom is here. We gotta go!", Normani cheerfully exclaimed.

They hugged everybody goodbye and left out. Everybody in the house was nervous as hell! Especially Fantasia, Taraji and Denise.

"Do they have their locations turned on?", Denise asked.

She was the most nervous due to what she experienced. She even told the girls that if anything made them feel uncomfortable she would drive to Dallas and bring them back home immediately!

"Yes, they're sharing their locations with us. And I have Andrea's license plate number and her address. They'll be ok. As long as Meg is with Mani I'm not that worried. But I would've never let her go spend the night at anybody's house alone", Taraji replied.

Fantasia noticed Michelle was quiet and still looked worried....

"Michelle, what's wrong?", Fantasia asked.

"I'm not trying to be negative, but I feel uncomfortable about Mani being somewhere in a house with a man she doesn't know well. My father was molesting his own flesh and blood daughter. He would do stuff to my sister with no guilty conscience or remorse. So  what do y'all think a stepdad would do? I think Mani and Megan should come back", Michelle stated.

"Baby, don't worry. Megan will keep Normani safe. And not all men are like your father. Ok? She'll be fine", Fantasia assured the worried seventeen year old.

"Michelle, please believe my sister will kill for Mani! If he knows what's good for him he better not even think about doing anything crazy to her", Courtney stated.

"That's the way our baby Chelle is. She's the motherly, overprotective type. It's just in her nature to worry about people she loves", Beyoncé explained as she wrapped her arms around Michelle from the back and kissed her cheek.

"Yeah....I just want everybody to be safe", Michelle said.

"I know exactly how you feel, Michelle. When you experience trauma, it makes you side eye everybody. But I prayed for Normani and Megan and believe they'll be ok. Don't worry....", Denise replied.


"Oh my God, I'm so glad that's over!", Normani's mom Andrea exclaimed.

As anyone could imagine, throwing a birthday party for a toddler is a lot of work! Fortunately, she had Normani, Megan her husband, Derrick, and even six year old Landon to help her clean everything up.

"The audacity of Armani being knocked out! I should wake her up and make her clean this mess up! Ain't that right, Normani?!", Derrick joked.

Normani giggled and just shook her head at him.

"I wish I could've been there to see you turn one and throw you a birthday party. Sometimes I just wish I would've kept my baby", Andrea said to Normani randomly.

"Babe, what did I tell you about beating yourself up over a decision you made as a fifteen year old?! It's not like you had an abortion. And even if you did I would still tell you to forgive yourself", Derrick said.

"I agree with Derrick....If I had a baby at fifteen I would've probably gave her or him up for adoption. To a woman who can't have kids or something like that", Normani stated.

"So you really don't feel like I just abandoned you?", Andrea asked.

"Abandoning me would've been just left me somewhere in the cold and went on about your business. But you took me to a safe place and attached a letter to me explaining your situation. You even told them to tell me you love me and that you just want the best for me. You just wanted me to be taken care of. So I actually respect you for that", Normani replied.

Andrea smiled and hugged her first born. That was such a relief to hear Normani confirm that she had no abandonment issues with her......


It was after midnight and Normani became thirsty. Megan was sleeping hard as fuck! Normani didn't know if she should wake her up so that she could walk to the kitchen with her or not......she decided not to wake her and went to the kitchen alone. There she saw a frustrated Derrick holding her little sister, Armani. He was frantically trying to find something. The baby starting crying.

"Awww, come on, daddy's baby! Don't start back crying again, please", he begged the disgruntled toddler.

At first Normani started to head back to her bedroom that Andrea set up for her whenever she visits. But Normani's sister spotted her and whined, "Sisterrrr...."

Normani couldn't resist her baby sister's cry for her.

"Oh, Normani! You're right on time. Please take her so I can find her medicine", Derrick said.

"Where's my mom?", Normani asked as she took the baby from Derrick.

"In dreamland! She's sleeping so hard she didn't even hear the baby crying", Derrick said.

"What's wrong, Armani?", Normani asked her babysister.

"I think she must've caught something from one of the other kids at the party. She has a slight fever", Derrick explained.

"Will she be ok?", Normani asked in a concerned tone as she laid her baby sister's head on her shoulder and rubbed her back.

"Yup! Especially since I found her medicine", Derrick said.

After giving Armani her medicine, Derrick thanked Normani for her help.

"You want some of this left over birthday cake?", he asked Normani.

"No thank you. I'm still full from the cake and ice cream I pigged out on earlier", Normani replied.

"Well I'm about to have some, but don't tell your momma", Derrick said.

Normani giggled as she grabbed a water from the refrigerator.

"I can take Armani to my room and help her fall back asleep if you want me to", Normani offered.

"Thank you! It's nice having you around Normani. I appreciate having an older daughter", Derrick said nonchalantly while stuffing cake into his mouth.

"'s nice having a dad....good night", Normani said. Then walked back to her room after Derrick wished her a good night as well.

When she walked into the bedroom Megan suddenly woke up.

"Babe....when did we have a baby?! What year is it?!", Megan asked.

Normani chuckled. "Clearly you're not fully awake! This is my baby sister, Armani, it's 2024 and we're in Dallas at my mom's house."

"Oh yeah....I'm woke enough to remember now. You went to get her from her room?", Megan asked.

"No, I went to the kitchen to get some water. Derrick was in there with her", Normani replied.

"Nothing bad happened, right?", Megan asked.

"No. He was too busy trying to find medicine for Armani. She has a little fever", Normani said.

"Hold on. Be right back", Megan said.

She got a towel from the linen closet and wet it with cold water. Then came back to the room and placed it on the baby's forehead.

"This is what my grandma used to do for me and Coco when we had fevers", Megan explained.

"Momma Tasia does this for all of us too! She said her mother told her to do it for Rihanna when it was just her with them", Normani said.

"Yeah. It's definitely a granny technique! But I'm glad your step dad is cool", Megan stated.

"Yeah ....he called me his daughter. I've always wanted to have a dad", Normani admitted.

"Awww, babe. That's wassup, hottie", Megan said with a smile.

"Megan, I know we talked about having a bunch of foster kids. But I want a least one biological baby", Normani said.

"Yeah....honestly I want to have a kid too. So we'll have two biological ones and then our foster babies. Deal?", Megan asked.

"Deal!", Normani replied then kissed Megan's lips.

Meanwhile, Michelle couldn't resist checking up on Normani. She sent her a text at 1:35 a.m.

Michelle: "You good, Mani? 👀"

Normani: "Yes. Wyd up?! Lol"

Michelle: ", Bey and Nika just got done doing it! 👅🤣"

Normani: "Omfg! 🤣🤣🤣🤣  Y'all are a mess!"

Michelle: "Ikr! But I just wanted to check on you and Meg."

Normani: "We're good! And my stepdad isn't a perverted creep. 😁"

Michelle: "THANK GOD! I didn't want to have to unalive your momma's man! 😭🤧"

Normani: "😂 Megan would've beat you to it! 😭"

Michelle: "I'm sure! 🤣🤣 Well let me to take my ass to sleep since my baes are both already knocked out. See you when you get back. Love you, sis!"

Normani: "Love you more, sis! 😊"

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