The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

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Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
5-Fourth Wing
7- The Journal
8-The Woods
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
24- I Heard Him!
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
27- Liam Mairi
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
32- The Fight
33- Mistake
34- Authors Note/ Training
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
71- To Bend Death
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
77- The End
Book 2

6- The Sparring

2.7K 90 22
By Quietdreamer52

" Dain-"

" Just keep walking Freya.." He grumbles annoyed.

" Where are we going?!"

" To my room, just use those feet and walk a little faster!"

His grip doesn't falter as he pulls me looking every which direction as we walk, If someone would see us up here they'd definitely get the wrong idea..though it would still be better then them knowing me and Dain are childhood best friends. But I still don't want to get caught.

I had a feeling Xaden would be the one to spread around we're actually siblings messing around..sick bastard. He unlocks his door quickly, bascially throwing me in before he locks his door again. " Why?! Why can't you hold your tongue for 5 minutes Freya?!"

I was taken back by his tone, his face slightly reddens as he comes closer to me. " Freya..don't you realize how actually screwed you are?! I'm trying to keep you safe...Ok, I'm trying real damn hard... And him moving us deliberatly into his wing makes it mouthing off like that is going to make it nearly impossible!"

" So, he did move us..just so he could have a better show at killing me?"

Dain sighs, " Yes."

I swallow, well that confirms that thought.

" He's not someome you'd win against Freya." Dain says again eyeing me intensely. I sigh, " I know, it just came out, using my mother-"

" I know.. I know.." Dain says running a hand over his face. " You can mouth off to anyone here..just not him."

I sigh, " I know Dain..."

" No Freya... You don't!" Dain now yells, " I've known him for 2 years! And he was so close to losing his shit on you! I've known him for long enough and he is damn ruthless.. He doesn't have normal human emotions..that's why he's survived this long, that is why he is the top of the chain here! That's why his dragon chose him, because he's a cold blooded killer."

" Who's his dragon?" I ask.

He chuckles ever so slightly, " That blue Daggertail, the one that was right behind him. Segyl. She's.... She fits him to a T.. The other dragons are nearly scared of her, like Xaden, she's the top."

I remember how her head was tilted towards him before she looked at me, maybe I'll be killed by her I'm not dying... I need to be better. Dain sighs, " I'm sorry for yelling.. but you need to understand how..bad this is."

I shake my head, " What do I need to do? To make this better?"

His gaze breaks from mine, " I don't know... I guess take it day by day. Try not to give him any more reason to kill you, or anyone else." His eyes come back to me, his hand raises cupping my face again. " I don't want to lose you, I refuse to lose you again, I refuse to watch you die Freya."

" You won't watch me die." I assure. " I refuse to die at his or his dragon's hands.. or claws.."

He chuckles slightly, before swallowing again, " Just be careful and watch that mouth, ok?"

" Ok."

He sighs, " Well, we should get going... I need to make sure you have what it takes to be a rider." Dain smirks. " How fast do you think you'll take yours down?"

I lean my head back ever so slightly, " 6 minutes...tops."

He now laughs, I missed that laugh, that smile, how it makde me feel when he would laugh... I smile looking at him. " I'll time ya.. how does that sound."

" Sounds like a plan to me. Or maybe I should take longer so I don't make any more enemies?" I half tease, though that didn't sound like a bad idea.

Dain shakes his head, " No, this is the ones time I'm telling you to be lethal as hell. People need to see what your made of Freya. Your a damn good fighter, possibly already the best of your year."

" I plan to be the best overall."

His smile softens, " I hope you achieve that."

I could feel the tension, though he reached for the door handle, " Come on."

He leads me out down the stairs from the second year hall and through the main hall going out of the doors to a small seperate building where combat was. We saw Sawyer lead our wing of first years to the building Dain tucks me in a corner, " I suppose it'll look bad if they see just the two of us together so.. just sneak in, i'll see you in a couple minutes." He says quickly before walking into the combat rooms.

I give a brief nod, waiting for the right second hurriedly joining the back of our squad, where Hetta was walking conviently. " What was that about?" She asks her head still stright ahead. How did she know I snuck in. She now looks at me with a small grin " He couldn't wait or?"

" What?! NO..." I say hurridly, " He actually just told me I needed to watch my mouth..basically."

" Did that have something to do with the conversation with Xaden?"

I look at her, but don't say anything, I seperate myself from her seeing Dain I went closer to his side. He looks us all over " I see everyone is here...perfect.. This.. first years is your combat training and room. Everything fighting will be held here, some of you will kill here, others will die here. It all depends on your will to live."

It was huge, lined with sparring mats, bags hanging along with some weapons of the walls though they're all locked up. This was another class where all the years come in and we fight eachother though most of us will go against other first years, if we're good then they'll put the older ones with us.

I give it 3 weeks max before I'm paired with second or third years.

Dain continues, " For the first couple weeks I don't want to see any weapons, we'll have plenty of time to stab the other wings. I want to see YOU as a fighter. Do we have any volenteers?" When he asks his eyes are on me, " If we don't I'll gladly pick." He had a small smirk.

Either way I'll be the first to go on this mat.

I raise my hand ever so slightly, " I'll do it."

Dain smiles, " Perfect, who wants to go against Freya?"

" I will."

I think his name is Ridoc. He's a little shorter then me, maybe by 3 inches with tanned skin and dark features, I've heard him say several little comments here and there, he almost annoys me, by the smile in his face look slike he thinks he's going to win this.

Dain steps off the mat, " Freya, Ridoc, bump fists, shake hands, whatver you want to do and get to fighting."

I glance at Ridoc then at Dain giving a small nod as I step in the mat. " Good Lu-" I went to bump his fist, which he did, right after he swung. I ducked eyeing him, his smile falls seeing how fast I moved. I smirked blwoing out some air. " Bad choice."

I take a couple steps back, I'll drag it out a little longer, just to get a couple more hits in...or maybe i'll just fold his ass and be done with it. I circle him, at least he was smart enough to circle me as well.

I decide to get even and try to get a hit in, I go at his face first, he blocks it leaving his side exposed, I switched shifts fasty getting him in the ribs. He grunts stumbling back a bit. " Careful with this one." Dain chuckles, I can hear the kind of grin he has on his face right now.

Ridoc scoffs looking at me, " You can hit."

" Obviously."

He comes at me again, he tried the same thing I just did, he learns fast though he was uncoordinated doing it so his blows weren't as hard. I managed to get just enough distance to elbow him in the face. Again he stumbles back looking a little flustered, he nwo comes charging at me.. gosh he's like a bull in a china shop.

I waited for the last second steppign away, I grab him flipping him over myself throwing him on the mat with a thud, I get on top and start swinging.

" Freya...enough!" I hear Dain say, " That was.. 4 and a half for time."

I smirk... not to bad.

" Good work." Dain says, " I need two more.."

I go to the edge of the mat again, watching Hetta and Tara go at it. Again I feel like I'm being watched, I turn my head to see Jack Barlowe glaring my way looking pissed. I narrow my eyes for just a moment still he glares though he looks away saying something to one of the other cadets who looks at me.

Jack Barlowe learned I just might not be that easy to kill off... And that.. makes me grin.

" Who am I supposed to fight?"

My eyes glance to a taller girl with half her head shaves with pink hair. She looks at Dain crossing her arms, " Or can I have pick?" a small grin runs through her features, a second year from our squad.

Dain stares at her blankly. " I know how you fight. We're focusing on first years, hence why... none of you second years went."

" But I want to fight." She counters. " Could I..spar you? Or maybe your sister here?" She tilts her head towards me, making my blood boil. I look calmly at her, be calm... Dain's eyes quickly dart to mine, " Stop being a bitch Imogen."

" It's fine." I say levelly. " I'm good for another spar, and it's good to have older competition, we'll need to go against some eventually right?"

" Right." Imogen grins, " I like your thinking Sorrengail."

I smile.... Oh, I'm going to bury this bitch.

Dain looks reluctant but nods, " Fine. After this spar."

I hear her laugh lightly glancing at me. I only look straight thinking about how exactly I'm going to take her down. Tara won the fight, though Hetta was a close second, both had black eyes by the end of the fight.

Imogen was already on the mat before both girls got fully off, She turns to me expectedly. I take a even breath stepping on the mat. " Imogen, no signet." Dain warns. She looks over at him with a snarky smile, " Won't need it."

Cocky much?

She looks back at me, " Whenever your ready Sorrengail.."

I square my stance, " I'll let you strike first."

I so much as said it and she was onto me, I ducked as soon as she swung, she stumbled a few steps whipping around quickly. She tried a couple more times, at this point I'm just playing her, seeing how mad she can get before she explodes.

If emotions are involved.. you already lost.

I hear her grumble, stumbling yet again. " Are you going to make a move or what?" She almost yells, her face a little flush whether it's exhaustion or maybe embarrassment.

" Oh, you really want me to get a hit in?" I question with a small smirk I know will enrage her.

She scowls, coming at me again with more speed, more hostility..just liek I want her to. It was still easy enough for me to duck, getting my foot out to trip her a little bit. She trips, but she spins around again getting a good look at my fist.

She yelps taking a couple steps back, got her in the nose. She wipes the blood looking at it then at me, " What your bitch of a mother taught you that?"

I chuckle, " Yep. Probably used the same move to take down your parents."

Her face falls, I could hear the murmur from the mat. I could only imagine Dain's face, but I don't dare look at him I know this Imogen bitch wants blood. " You bitch.." She seethes now coming at me with a vengence.

She was quick to advance on me, kicking me in the chest. I get sent flying back rolling a couple times, she tried to get on top but i use her same move kicking her back. I shoot up rolling up my sleeves, " What didn't you like that little comment?"

She sweeps my feet, again I go down This time she did manage to get on top of me trying to literally smash my head in.

I can hear Dain yelling for us to stop... no way in hell now.

I grab her my the throat tearing her away enough to kick her back again. Both of us were up on out feet in a matter of seconds, she charges at me again now trying to hit me everywhere and anywhere, she can punch..that's for sure.

I groan pulling her by her cotton candy colored hair, elbowing her right in the spine making her drop back down. I had her in a head lock when a Dain and I think another squad leader finally pulled us apart.

" I said ENOUGH!" Dain yells making everyone if they weren't already watching, turn their attention towards us. I back away, panting still staring daggers at Imogen then at Dain who was flushed, his eyes wide as he stares at me.

" You all get your asses out of here, Sorrengail, with me. MOVE." I grips my arm, enough where it hurts as he bascially drags me out of the combat room.

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