YouTuber oneshots and imagines

By Nox993

762 38 1

Basically, what the title says. Will include: Sam and Colby Markiplier Jacksepticeye Vanossgaming Wildcat Te... More

Prompt List
Sam's Birthday
Little Moments
Attention Seeking
Sam's Mission
Being Colby Brocks Baby Sister Headcanons
I Will Always Protect You
You're Mine
My Boys (Sam)
My Boys (Colby)
Teach Me
Drunken Confessions
Panic Attack
You're Gonna Be Okay
Drunk Admissions
Stream cuddles
Among Us, Corpsehusband, and a Jealous Boyfriend
A Midnight Crisis
The Depths of Love
From YouTube to Dreamland
Healing love
Love's Healing Touch
Steamy Surprise
Play fighting

Find Me

16 2 0
By Nox993

Prompt: No
Request: Yes. Hii so I got a long story suggestions.Something where Y/N was good friends (or Sams girlfriend) with Sam and Colby, but she died and some of her last words wore where to find her spirit (but she explains it as a riddle). So now they need to figure out what that place is and talk to her.
Summery: Sam needs to find the ghost of his love.
Prompt Number: None
Authors Note: Ok, so I messed up a bit and can't find the original ask, and I can't remember who sent it, but here you go. Thank you for the request. I hope you like it

Sam sat alone in his room, drowning his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey. His girlfriend Y/N had died just a few days ago, leaving him heartbroken and lost. She had been the love of his life, and he couldn't imagine a life without her.

Y/N had died in a car accident, and he still couldn't believe she was gone. At the hospital they hadthought that she would make it. They had given him hope that she would come home. But she never did. She died a few days after the accident. The one piece of closure Sam had was that she was not alone. He had not left her bedside the entire time she had been there. He had been with her, holding her hand as she died right in front of him. He had felt so helpless wat hing the doctors and nurses try to bring her back.

They had failed.

HE had failed.

Failed at keeping you safe.

He had been trying to drown his sorrows in alcohol all night, hoping to numb the pain even just for a little while. But no amount of drinking could take away the empty feeling in his chest.

After a while, Colby came in with a somber expression. He had been staying in Sam's room since the accident both to give comfort to his best friend and lso to receive comfort for the loss of the girl he thought of as a little sister.

"Sam, you can't keep doing this to yourself,' Colby said, gently placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. 'Y/N wouldn't want to see you like this."

Sam let out a bitter laugh. "Y/N is gone, Colby. She's never coming back."

Colby sighed and led Sam back  to his bed, where they both sat down. "I know it's hard, but you can't give up on her. Remember the last thing she said before she died?"

Sam's eyes widened as he remembered Y/N's last words. She had whispered to him, "Find me, Sammy. I'll be waiting for you,' she had said, her voice barely a whisper. At the time, he didn't understand what she meant. But now, as he replayed her words in his mind, he realized that she was giving him a clue to find her spirit.

But how were they supposed to do that? They had no idea where to even start looking.

"We have to figure out what that place is," Colby said, reading Sam's mind. "We owe it to Y/N to try."

Sam nodded, wiping away his tears. He knew Colby was right. Y/N wouldn't want him to give up on her so easily.

Together, they started researching different places that could fit the riddle Y/N had given them. They searched through books, maps, and even online forums, but they couldn't find anything that seemed to match.

Just when they were about to give up, they came across an old abandoned house on the outskirts of town. The house had always been rumored to be haunted, but Sam and Colby didn't believe in ghosts. However, Y/N's cryptic words led them to believe that this could be the place she wanted them to find her.

Sam's heart started racing as they made their way to the house. He couldn't believe they had found a place that could possibly be the one Y/N was referring to.

With shaking hands, they entered the house, their hearts racing with fear and excitement. As they explored each room, they felt a strange presence surrounding them, almost like Y/N's spirit was guiding them.

They reached the attic, and there, sitting in the corner, was Y/N's spirit. She looked just like she did when she was alive, except for the glowing aura surrounding her.

"Y/N?" Sam said, his voice trembling.

"Sammy? Colby?" Came the soft and slightly echoing response.

"Y/N," Sam whispered, tears falling down his face once again.

"I'm here, Sammy," Y/N said, her voice filled with sadness. "I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to you."

Sam and Colby sat down next to her, and Y/N explained that she was stuck in this place because she still had unfinished business on Earth. She had wanted to tell them that she loved them one last time and make sure they knew she was at peace.

As they talked, Sam and Colby felt a sense of closure and finally understood what Y/N had been trying to tell them all along. They spent the rest of the night talking to Y/N's spirit, laughing, and reminiscing on old memories.

And as the sun rose, Y/N's spirit disappeared, knowing that she could finally rest in peace knowing that her loved ones were okay.

Sam and Colby left the house with a newfound sense of closure and peace. They knew that Y/N was always with them, watching over them and guiding them. And even though they would always miss her, they could now remember her with love and gratitude rather than pain and sadness.

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