To be Loki'd - Loki x fem re...

بواسطة 1StarryStar1

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You are a young avenger when Loki is brought over to Earth and the Avengers to amend himself. But your simila... المزيد

Chapter 1- Meeting a trickster
Chapter 3- Nightmares
Chapter 4- Sunset and Sherlock
Chapter 5 - Memories
Chapter 6- Feelings
Chapter 7- Sparkles and champagne
Chapter 8- Galas usually don't end up in fights even when drunk
Chapter 9- Iron suit but human heart
Chapter 10- Love will always prevail
Chapter 11- To unleash the fury of a God
Chapter 12 - Life as an Avenger is never normal
Chapter 13 - Hide n seek
Chapter 14 - Pain, pain go away, come back another day
Chapter 15 - On your left
Chapter 16 - Your prince in fine Asgardian armour
Chapter 17 - Why bacon should be oven baked
Chapter 18 - Movie night
Chapter 19 - Me and my broken heart
Chapter 20 - I do love nothing in the world so well as you-is not that strange?
Chapter 21 - Flower crowns
Chapter 22 - Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind
Chapter 23 - Déjà vu much
Chapter 24 - Should I tell them darling?
Chapter 25 - With all due respect
Chapter 26 - Steadfast badass
Chapter 27 - Does Santa know you've gone rogue?
Chapter 28 - Oh dear, is she dead?
Quick Author's note
Chapter 29 - A seat from which to watch Asgard burn
Chapter 30 - Loki wasn't there
Chapter 31 - Attempts
Chapter 32 - Yes father
Chapter 33 - Cold
Chapter 34 - A plan
Chapter 35 - To hell with it
Chapter 36 - I probably will never be an angel
Chapter 37 - Laufey

Chapter 2- Draining training

146 6 1
بواسطة 1StarryStar1


"Oh shut it will you?" I slammed my hand on my alarm clock, making the whole nightstand shudder. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and landed on the soft carpet. Then, getting up to my feet, stretched before going to the windows, opening them largely to let the cool morning breeze flow in. I took a few deep breaths to get ready to start my day.

Half an hour later, I was in the training room fighting against Natasha. I had neglected a bit of training recently, making her insist on checking I was back up to check, which to me, seemed a pretense to fight. Her strength and agility were my main issues when sparring against her. But also the fact she did not stop herself and always went full-out, no matter who, no matter what.

"Imagine you're fighting for your life, Y/n.", she would always say, her lip tilting when I huffed and always tried to attack her in the middle of her speech.

I'd try to kick her to the left and she'd block it, pushing me back harshly. To every punch and attack, she was equal. With a swift movement of my right leg, I tripped her up and she thudded against the crash mats. I gave her my hand to help stand back up but she pulled it hard, slamming me where she was a few minutes before. Yanking her wrist, I got to my feet and aimed for her stomach, her blocking it with her arm before spinning and putting me in a headlock. Finally managing to wriggle and punch myself out of her grip, I jabbed and aimed, time and time again, managing to have a few hits but no more than she. As usual, she pulled out her iconic thigh grip of death, spinning me around and slamming me onto the ground without remorse. We were just practising our moves on each other, but that one she had yet to teach me completely.

After an arduous fight, for me at least since Nat was beaming and seemed relatively calm, we ran two miles and did thirty push-ups as a competition before calling it a day.

I went back to take my shower, knowing that afterwards I'd have to meet with Loki in the training room for our first magic session. For the first two weeks since his arrival, he couldn't even step near the training rooms as they contained weapons. I could feel the Avengers were starting to be slightly less wary of him but still kept their guard up. Loki was rarely seen out of his room anyways. However on the rare occasions where he'd leave his lair, Loki had the courtesy of speaking more than five words to me and spare a few precious little smiles.

He didn't seem to care about us, living his life independently and as recluded as possible. He probably just wanted to be left alone and it was something I understood. It dimmed Thor a little to know his brother to be such an outsider, trying his best to tug him out and get the team to warm up to Loki. But then Thor would ruin these efforts by recounting stories of their childhood, often filled with mutual stabbing, bearing a large grin.


My usual routine done, I went into the kitchen to grab some breakfast, massaging a painful spot on my ribcage where a bruise was surely going to appear. Clint was there munching on some toast peacefully, hearing aids clearly out of his ears for some necessary quiet whilst Thor looked desperately lost as to how the toaster worked to eat his Pop Tarts. No matter how many times anyone would explain it to him, he'd always forget. It was as if someone ran a windshield swipe over his memory regularly concerning that.

My body followed the exact same steps as nearly every morning, as if on autopilot. It did its thing, allowing my mind to roam aimlessly. The thoughts over breakfast were different than from under the shower, the latter allowing deep reflection mostly on myself and life.


I hadn't practised my magic much and I wasn't expecting anything from myself as I entered the room. My abilities had always seemed dark and brought refelx chills even though I didn't know where those originated from. The team hadn't pushed me to train those anyways as I had been underage before and Nat had taken up the job of training me.

Loki was already there, in his suit made of 'fine Asgardian leather', standing poised in the center, testing out the limits of the bracelet. He turned to face me even thought I hadn't even made a sound.

"Hello darling, ready to finally do something interesting in here?" he asked, his bright eyes shining from the foremention of using magic in this dull tower.

"It's about time I learnt how to use my powers. Got to use them on Stark and Thor to have a little fun around here."

Magic for mischief sounded like an excellent plan. The simple thrill of having more power than other cocky members of this tower and being able to mess with them.

He chuckled appreciatively before motionning for me to come closer.

"Right. I will use my powers to try and figure out what yours are. Don't worry, I won't go prying or anything." he explained in a calm manner. Up close, his face looked like the one of a shiny porcelain doll, except that this one had sharp cheekbones and dazzling jewels instead of eyes.

"Try me if you dare Loki." I responded with the same grin.

He placed his hand on my forehead and I felt cool from his gentle touch as his magic flowed through me like a blue river. His eyes were closed in concentration and it was almost as if I could feel him going through my mind, like someone goes through a pile of papers. Too soon, he removed his cold hand.

"Well Y/n. Quite a full head you have there. Didn't know you were so smart, pixie." he looked mischieviously at my reaction, knowing how funnily infuriating it could be to be called pixie. First by Stark then by Loki.

"Well Reindeer Games, found anything interesting in there other than what I already knew?" I stepped closer to him, defying him.

He let out a low chuckle again, "Well if you must know, now I know your favorite colour, which is f/c, even though I largely prefer dark green. As well as what your bedroom looks like. Never imagined you'd be into that kind of decor. And is your favorite dish really that?"

Oh, how I wanted to punch the smirk off that pretty face.

"You done now, Inspector?"

"Only if you want it to be." Loki whispered in my ear. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. He grinned, clearly knowing of the effect his words had had on me. "Your powers are healing, of course moving entities, objects et cetera, you also seem to have slight ice powers. But most fascinatingly, you have telepathic powers. You can see the emotions and slightly connect thus reading the memories of your target" he said the end staring deep into my eyes and therefore my mind and soul.

"What?!" How on Earth do I have that and hadn't noticed earlier? But then again, my powers were rough, most of them unknown. I didn't really know where they came from those powers. It was all a blur, something with Greek mythology I think. It felt like it had been fogged over and I wasn't particularly keen on dusting those parts of me. Maybe it was best to leave it to the unknown.

Loki sat down, cross legged on the floor and gestured to me to do the same.

"What you're going to do is close your eyes first off and trust me." Even with my eyes closed, I could still sense the smirk on his face. "Focus on one thing at a time. Start by your breathing. Without calm, you will not be able to start channelling the power that you possess."

I took several deep breaths, trying to follow a regular pattern. One that had been practised and honed over the years, mostly guaranteed to work.

Once that had been achieved, his guidance followed on, "Then you're going to focus on the energy that flows within and try to move it to your hands."

He gently took my wrists and placed my palms open to the ceiling but kept a firm hand on one of them.

It was an introspection that was required in order to retrieve and detect those shiny ribbons buried far within me. Almost like diving into one's self, to fully know what can be found. Once I'd felt it, I started fighting with the magic, but it just didn't want to be caught or to come out. It was stored deep, and always eluding my frantic grasp. Beads of sweat started to form on my forehead as I struggled more and more to catch it. Loki was retaining me and giving me instructions.

"Y/n. Y/n. You should be wary of straining yourself as you could potentially hurt yourself. In the event that this does happen, I feel no desire to engage in discussion with your ... team of Midgardians. "

I didn't listen, I felt it so close to me, its power emanating and glowing. I could feel the pulse of its quivering heart and its heat was warming me.

I was nearly there... just a bit more...

Loki started to try to bring me back but I shrugged him off fiercely. The more I fought to pull my power out, the less I heard his voice telling me to stop. I wanted it now, not even thinking about leaving it unfinished. My fingers were beginning to glow and I could feel the flecks of gold coursing through my veins, joining my pumping bloodflow. It started refilling me, amplifying my entire being and showing me parts I couldn't have even considered existing.

I could do this.

With one last struggle, I broke it free from its inner jail, letting it burst forth in a ball of light before






A soft hum reached me. It was a song, I was sure I knew it but it also sounded unknown. Soft notes tapped on my head like feathers one by one before my eyelids started to crack open.

"Oh thank the gods you're alive Y/n!" exclaimed Thor, wrapping me in his strong arms as soon as I had slightly regained consciousness.

"She won't be for much longer if you squeeze all the air out of her." The soft voice of the black haired god remarked.

"Shut up Loki." Thor laughed and let me go.

My whole body felt sore as I tried to rise up to go from the medical wing to my room. But Tony pushed me back down. "Uh uh Pixie. You're staying here for at least another two days. You've been out cold for three. Thank goodness at least Loki was here. Imagine you'd done a Y/n thing to do and started trying to do magic on your own. "

Reading the room, which was relieved scowls, I understood that currently the situation called for apologies I didn't even mean. "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I guess I wanted to get my powers so bad I didn't pay attention to what Loki said or to myself.", I mumbled in a false sense of shame, trying to fight back the large smile that wanted to erupt.

This new-found power made me feel powerful, more than ever so before.

"You can say that again." he murmured, smiling.

"Although in all fairness-"

"Y/n." Tony cut me off.

"Okay, okay." I put my hands up in surrender. Can't even talk in this tower.

The green eyed god came a little closer, yet still behind the rest of the team, sliding up and down his retainer bracelet. "At least you broke down the mental barrier. It would appear the reason you struggled so much to reach your magic was because it had been sealed up along with some memories. I don't know how but it was very strongly done, almost so you'd never manifest it. But normally now, you should be able to reach for it." Loki said, gazing intently at me.

"What did you say Reindeer Games? Sealed up powers and memories?" Tony asked, paling a bit.

"Gods, are you Midgardians really incompetent to the point where you can't even understand the most simple of sentences?" Loki scowled in exasperation. Tony flashed him a dirty look at whilst maintained his pompeously unreadable facade.

"I want to try now." Childish excitement filled me at the prospect of being able to use at will the power that pumped through my veins, that lived inside of me. It mixed with the dark desire to finally have a strength others didn't possess, to be able to rule.

"NO!" The whole team boomed at once.

I held up my hands with wide eyes at a startling speed, "Fine. Can I at least go to my room? You know very well I've never liked hospitals or anything related."

Something about those white walls and the silence unnerved, scared me. The regular beeping of the machines, the clipboards and white, plain lights didn't reassure me. It was somehow of a natural reflex or hate for these coming from my subconscious.

Tony looked around at Bruce and Thor before they mumbled something then nodded in agreement, even though a few protests were heard. The rest of the people purposely not included in the discussion, including me, just stared at one another blankly and with some sort of bored look.

"Right the gods said... Can we get some mist or something? No? Fine. You can go to your room. BUT. You need a week's rest AND someone with magic knowledge should watch over you."

"Oh so Thor will stay with me then." I didn't mind much, he was like a brother to me and it always was so easy to mess with him.

"Yeah no. Loki will stay with you." Tony answered

"What?" Loki and I shouted at the same time, Loki spitting out the juice he was drinking.

"Sorry Lady Y/n but trust me, it is for the better and perhaps I will be summoned by the team or the Allfather. Although, I'd be scared too if I was told Loki would have to stay and take care of me. Last time he did that, we nearly ended up stabbing each other. But he really did it. Ah, good times." Thor chuckled fondly whilst Loki scowled at his brother's comment.

"You deserved that knife brother dearest."

"Sorry to interrupt the little family, memory, bonding whatever this is, but I've got stuff to do, so I'll leave you magic people between yourselves." Tony did a mock salute before leaving the med-bay probably to bugger Pepper or to go back to tinkering. We stared at each other in awkward silence.

"You can go Thor. I'll take care of her." Loki mumbled, desperate to rid himself of the unease in the room.

"If you hurt her Loki... You'll wish you never left Asgard!" Thor hissed menacingly and Loki who simply smiled, just to annoy his brother.

Thor stood up and his red cape swished behind him. He lingered a bit at the door "Don't do ANYTHING to her Loki!" and left.

Loki rolled his eyes and removed the covers. I was still in my fighting attire because (thank goodness), no one had tried to change me. He picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way to his room.

"Your room is not to my taste so we're staying here." he announced, sniffing before depositing me softly on his bed.

I glanced around at where he'd been staying for the past weeks he's been here. I was probably the first team member to enter it, to be able to catch a glimpse. So far, only Thor had entered and sometimes, barely audible laughs permeated. The entirety of it was coloured in black, dark green and gold tones. From the plush carpets, to the king-sized canopy bed, to the very crowded bookshelves, to the draped curtains, wallpaper and floor boards. Everything seemed so... like him.

"It's not as fancy as on Asgard but I had to do with what you Midgardians cared to offer."

I laughed at him and his airs. Even though, the room was very pretty and I started to hesitate between which I liked more. I snuggled comfortably in his bedcovers and they smelt just like him: pine, amber and one last smell I couldn't quite place. It was very masculine and reminded me of something but I just didn't know what.

"That's my side of the bed Y/n." Loki said sternly, his hands crossed over his lean torso. The slight look of amusement was unmistakeable as he looked at me getting comfy without his approval or caring. Loki had killed eighty people in two days and yet here I was, making myself at home and doing whatever I wanted to do in his room. Kind of a dangerous game, I have to admit.

"I'm the guest so I choose. Anyways, can't do anything about it." I answered smugly, now almost looking like some black silk burrito.

He quirked an eyebrow in a challenging manner, "I can make you sleep on the couch."

"You wouldn't."

"Care to bet?" , The expression on his face made me regret my words. His emerald eyes were darkening and he had his devilish grin on his face. He snatched me up from the bed and wrapped one arm around my waist whilst his other hand held my wrists and I was locked in his arms. Our faces were bare millimeters apart and we were staring into each other's eyes. My pulse was quickening with every second he stayed close to me. Then he swung me over his shoulder and bound me with magic. So he started reading a book, doing all sorts of stupid things with me flung over his shoulder.


He was now laughing darkly. If he wants mischief, I'll give him some. After a while, he placed me back down, on the couch to emphasise his previous point and slumped on the bed, sighing deeply. He crossed his legs and placed his two arms behind his head whilst his eyelids fluttered shut. It was odd to see him like so, in such a relaxed manner. His eyebrows weren't even knitted and I couldn't see a dagger in near vicinity.

Since he wasn't looking, I channelled my new-found energy carefully and slowly. It felt like silk gliding through my body with ease, forming exactly what I wanted, but only after a few failed attempts. Now, a perfect, soft snowball lay in my palm. With great difficulty due to my drained body, I lifted the snowball above his face and SPLOOSH, it fell.

His eyes flew open and he sat up in a heartbeat, dagger pulled out with a dangerous glint. He turned towards me as I was hunched over in laughter. I peeked my eyes open and the sight made me laugh even more. His hair and face were soaked as well as the collar of his shirt.

He murmured with a warning tone "You'll pay for this Y/n. No-one in ANY of the nine realms messes with me, my hair or my clothes."

"Period." I added at the end as a joke. Loki looked confused and I rolled my eyes. These cultural differences are crazy.

Soon, I found myself more tired than could allow me to stay awake and fell asleep easily. On his couch. Like he said.

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