The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

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Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
6- The Sparring
7- The Journal
8-The Woods
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
24- I Heard Him!
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
27- Liam Mairi
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
32- The Fight
33- Mistake
34- Authors Note/ Training
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
71- To Bend Death
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
77- The End
Book 2

5-Fourth Wing

2.9K 92 3
By Quietdreamer52

After..that little scene... We were escourted inside to get our Riders uniforms which were all black, another pair of combat made boots. Luckily the dragon scale vest Mira made for me fits right in and unde rall my clothes, I wonder how many times it'll save my life the next 3 years?

First years shake one huge bunker like room with our Sections, seperated my boys and girls. " How about we bunk together?" Hetta asks giving a small smile.

I remembered Dain's words, I wonder if another factor was played having Hetta in the same wing as me. Maybe I shouldn't trust her, but her innocent smile makes it hard not to. I can't make anymore enemies, espcially now... Xaden will be breathing down my neck and Hetta can't hurt me technically.

I wonder if she'd be skilled enough to get away with a murder of a squad mate?

I smile, " Sure, you want top or bottom?"

" I'll take top, it's a bit smaller normally and your alot taller then me."

It was selfless. She'd only need to suffer if she would for a year, once we get dragons or something along those lines we get our own private rooms. I nod, giving an ' thanks' in return.

We were free to talk to our squad mates in the bunks for the night before we all needed to report early for our first classes. " Trystan Wake.... Cheet Brulight... Gio-"

I sigh, sick of hearing all the wasted potential in kids as they read the morning death rolls, it's going to get real depressing real fast if we need to hear that almost daily. " Dylan Splading..." I wonder if that was the Dylan that talked to me.. He seemed to hopeful. "... We commend their souls to Malek." The one finishes read.

Now we break into our squad groups, Dain comes toward all of us " Morning Fourth Wing. First years hope your first night wasn't horrible, I remember how damn hard those bunks were.." Some of the other second and third years chuckle or laugh, Dain continues, " Maybe that will get you a little more fire unde ryour asses to live. Life equals a good night sleep."

Still..more laughing...over what? No idea.

I see his eyes glance at me a few times, but it was always for a few seconds at most, he was just seeing if I was still alive, making sure I wasn't just going to fall over dead I suppose. His eyes do land on Hetta several times as well, he keeps eye contact with her more often. His face remains neutral. I can't tell if he hates her that much or is even more threatened she's in the wing with us.

" For your classes first years, stick together. Here are your schedules.." Dain passes the schedules to me brushing my hand, I try to hide my blush as I take one and pass them around. " Take a good look, I expect you to be early to our sparring this early afternoon."

Hearing sparring almost made me smile, I wasn't good at alot of things...but fighting... I'm damn good at... and art. Those two things kept me sane the last 20 years...well..halfway sane. I don't think a girl that tolerates bloodshed is totally there but it's good for being a Sorrengail, daughter of a general.

Sparring helps us get stronger, or killing off the weaker ones, so when the Gauntlet comes around the weakest are dead, then that filters us out even more, after that we get presented to the Dragons then...Threshing.

Try not to get killed by the dragons then, hopefully I'll have a dragon, stay seated and not die.... all in hopes to not sleep on a stone slab of a bed anymore, it's only the first night and my back already hurts.

" I can't wait to see all your potential on that mat'll lead them to classes?" Dain asks. I happen to glance over to a taller boy with brown hair and lots of freckles. He's a repeat, one that didn't bond last year, they wait around here for the next year.. If I need to be a repeat you minus well kill me...

" Follow me everyone." He says.

I happen to look at Dain one more time as we all move, he was looking at me giving an nonchalant nod. It makes me feel just a little better as we walk. " How long have you known him?" Hetta asks.

" Oh.. We've been friends for awhile, Don't know exactly." I half lie. Awhile isn't a lie, but it's been since I could walk, probably crawl. But she doesn't need to knwo that.

" He acts like he doesn't know you, and your friends?"

Keep being nice Freya...

" I take it you've never heard about different years sleeping with eachother?"

" Um... no...that's a thing?" She asks.

I chuckle, " It's... an unspoken rule. You get alot less respect if everyone else thinks your sleeping with older years to work your way up the ranks."

She was quiet for a moment, " I guess that makes sense.. Thank you."

I hald nod, " You know... you seem to nice to be in a Quadrant like this."

" You can be nice and stomp your foot down when you need to." She answers. " If I need to defend myself I will."

So.. there is more to her then she lets on... noted.

" I see." I say simply offering a small smile.

Sawyer leads us through the colledge, all marble, all plain for the mot part, just a couple pictures here and there, he shows us the commons, lunchroom , along with other classes we'll have eventually. towards the end there were marble statues, dragons and riders in all different positions.

We leads us to a large hall, Battle Brief the class was called. This was a class more then just first years take, there's some second and third years woven in as well depending on their schedules. I felt eyes on me as Hetta walks along side me, I felt like I was being watched as we sit through the class.

My eyes wander, it was all introductory anyways. They travel to see Jack Barlowe with a group of 3 other boys chuckling, his eyes flashed to me and gave a scowl, it would've been more if he wasn't called on. He stumbles over his words making me grin.

Serves him right.

The class was 3 hours long so we had a 10 minute intermission at an hour twenty minutes just to stand and talk a little. I'm not sure where Hetta went but soon I feel eyes on me again, I followed my gut feeling to no one other then Xaden's.

" Hey.." Dain's voice says coming right infront of my gaze. " I just came 10 minutes ago, the asshole has been glaring at you the entire time." He whispers.

" I thought we couldn't speak much outside-"

" I told you I'll keep you safe." Dain says quickly.

I happen to look back to where Xaden is-was... I look around quickly to see him walking down the stairs towards us... " Question.."

He says giving a little smile.

" What would that be Riorson?" Dain asks annoyed.

His smile doesn't falter, it even grows a bit " I know your parents were...close. Are you two... arranged to be married or some shit? Or...Freya... On second thought, I know your mom wasn't faithful while she was stationed place to place...maybe.." He lets out a fake gasp, " Maybe Dain is actually your half brother... damn that would be awkward if something happened.."

" Oh, F*** off Riorson." I snap maybe a little to loud, having a couple cadets look at me, fear in their eyes.

" Freya.." Dain says squeezing my hand, his eyes pissed. Sometimes it just comes out... Xaden's bright smile turns more into a dark smirk as he takes a step closer, " I'd be careful how you speak to your Wingleader, otherwise you might be in the confirmed 50% that dies...brutally before the Gauntlet."

It was a threat.

I clench my jaw staring at him. He tilts his head to the side, " I'll take an apology."

" She's sorry-" Dain begins, Xaden holds his hand glancing at him, " You don't need to apologize for her loverboy... I want to hear it come out of that loud mouth of hers." He looks back at me, " Go on..."

" I'm sorry." I grit.

" For..."

" Disrespecting my peer.."

He smiles, " Not horrible. Good, I expect better better next time... I'll let you two love birds or siblings alone." He grips Dain's shoulder, I can see him trying not to wince as he glares back at Xaden.

" Freya-" Hetta's voice cuts off as she looks at Xaden by the two of us, " What's going on here?" She questions being louder then I've ever heard her. Xaden's eyes..change..maybe not soften but they weren't as hard as before. " Just having a conversation..." He looks her over, " You look good in black Hetta."

She narrows her eyes as he melts into the crowd, " He's-"

" I'm going to take Freya, we'll be at training." Dain says quickly. He didn't let her respond before his hand locked on mine and he was pulling me out of Battle Brief.

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