Regulus Black x reader (NOT S...

By akiokageyama267

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Y/n Potter and Regulus Black realize that they're not so different after all. Will their friendship be accept... More

Character introductions part 1
Character introduction part 2
Character introduction part 3
Chapter One: The first day (part 1)
Chapter two: First day (part 2)
Chapter three: The closet (part 1)
Chapter four: The closet (part 2)
Chapter five: Prefect patrol
Chapter six: Detention and a game
Chapter seven: The hospital wing
Chapter eight: Halloween
Chapter nine: Animagus
Chapter ten: Hogsmeade
Chapter 11: Christmas (part 1)
Chapter 13: Christmas (part two)
Chapter 14: Christmas (part three)
Chapter 14: Triwizard tournament (part one)
Chapter 15: Triwizard tournament (part two)
Chapter 16: Triwizard tournament (part three)
Chapter 17: Triwizard tournament (part four)
Chapter 18: The first challenge (part one)
Chapter 19: The first challenge (part two)
Chapter Twenty: Girlfriend?
Chapter Twenty-One: Dresses and Eggs
Chapter Twenty-Two: Expelled? Maybe. (Kind of a filler chapter)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Yule Ball (part one)
Chapter Twenty Five: Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Six: Rescue (part one)
Chapter Twenty Seven: Explain

Chapter Twenty Four: Yule Ball (part two)

538 19 1
By akiokageyama267

Y/n had been dancing for so long, she felt like her feet were going to fall off. She and Regulus had taken a small break to get something to drink.
    "Man, my legs hurt!" Y/n dropped her arms on the table.
    "Well, rest up because I requested a song," Regulus smiled at her.
    They stared into each other's eyes, just taking in each other's presence. Noticing how their knees were touching, how Regulus's hand moved on top of her own. Y/n examined his face, he looked older than he did at the beginning of the year, more mature. His jawline was more defined, his eyes more knowledgeable. Regulus did the same, looking at the things he hadn't noticed before that year.
    How could he have ignored her beauty all these years? He had seen her every day in class but he never really looked at her. He realized that he wanted to, but he held himself back so as to not disrupt the momentary peace in his family's lives.
    He wanted to get a time turner and go back to his first year at the sorting ceremony, just to tell himself that it was okay to be friends with her. That he wouldn't be disowned, in fact his parents approved for once. Maybe that would have changed his life, made his years before this one happier.
    There was nothing he could do now except relish in the fact that he was with her now. That she was his. And he was hers. Nothing would stop them. In that moment, he decided that he would tell her everything that night, about the dark lord and the death eaters and how they wanted him and y/n to prepare to lead the next generation of pure blood supremacists. He would tell her how stupid it was and how he never wanted to do that.
    Regulus was pulled out of his trance by y/n leaning her head against his shoulder, taking a quick rest from the energy of the room. Regulus brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face , not noticing someone sitting down in front of them. When Regulus looked up, his eyes were locked with Remus's. They stared for a moment before Remus nodded with a small smile. Something about that made Regulus proud. Like he had won his approval to be with her.
    Suddenly, the music switched to a slower song, y/n's head flew up when she recognized what song it was. She whipped her head towards Regulus, who was already grinning at her.
    "Let's go," he stood up, offering her his hand.
    Like always, she took it gladly and they took off, leaving a confused Remus (that y n hadn't even realized was there) at the table. They went back onto the dance floor that was mainly occupied by muggle borns, who were the only ones who knew the song well, slow dancing.
    It was their song.
    Regulus took the lead, guiding them across the ballroom floor with small, perfect, steps. Her hand felt perfect in his as they swayed to the music, an understanding going between them and the in there on the dance floor on where to go. Y/n leaned closer, placing her head on his chest.
    "Cause I don't think that they'd understand," the singer sang.
    Regulus looked down at y/n.
    "I don't think anyone would understand how I feel about you," he told her.
    She lifted her head, her face dusted with a rare blush.
    "Did I make the Regulus Black a lover boy" she grinned.
    "If you did then I made the y/n Potter soft," he joked back at her.
    The music ended and another one started. After dancing and dancing, y/n spotted Snaps pulling Lily by the wrist outside.
    "Regulus," Evan tapped Regulus's shoulder. "We need to clear some things up,"
    Regulus looked at y/n, asking for her approval to go. He didn't see what she saw and didn't want to just leave her.
    "Go on, I'm gonna go find Lily," she told him.
    He nodded and got led off by Evan. Y/n immediately took off to go find Snape and Lily. She went out the doors that led outside and peered around a hedge, having spotted them. She didn't want to intrude but she didn't want Snape to do anything to Lily. Especially with baby Harry in there.
    She couldn't quite make out what they were saying. She could hear them, but just couldn't comprehend what they were talking about. Until she heard Lily scream.
    "Leave us alone!" She yelled.
    The former mourners from Snape stopped and he took a step back.
    "Us?" She heard Snape sneer.
    "Forget about it," Lily tried to walk away.
    Snape grabbed her wrist, pulling her back.
    "Lily-" he started to say.
    "Hey, I think she said to leave her alone," y/n emerged from her hiding spot.
    She walked forward and stopped next to them.
    "This doesn't concern you, Potter," Snape spat out.
    "Yeah, well who fucking cares?" Y/n pushed Snape away from Lily.
    Snape stepped forward, ready to attack but decided at the last second not to.
    "Afraid of what went down last time?" Y/n mocked. "Let's go Lily,"
    She and Lily went back inside, Lily thanking her over and over.
    "Lily," y/n turned to her friend. "If you thank me one last time, I'll leave,"
    Lily laughed and they went to sit down at a table with the Marauders. James immediately slung his arm around Lily and grinned down at her.
    "Where did you disappear off to?" He asked.
    "I made her go to the bathroom with me," y/n lied.
    James just nodded, not knowing what to say to that.
    "Y/n, where's Regulus?" Remus asked.
    "His friend, Evan, needed to talk to him," she explained.
    "Well then, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I stole his dancing partner for a second," Remus stood up and offered her his hand. "Besides, Sirius is passed out,"
    Y/n took her friend's hand and they started dancing along with the other students.
    "Alright Rem, you're extremely smart and a surprisingly good dancer but a horrible liar," y/n said. "What do you really want?"
    "Wow y/n, I'm hurt. Do you really think so low of me?" Remus faked. "Am I not allowed to dance with my best friend's sister?"
    Y/n just looked at him with a 'don't mess with me right now' look. Remus sighed and spun her around before bringing her back.
    "I want to warn you," he said.
    "About what?" Y/n was confused.
    "I've heard some...rumors, you could say, about Snape's date, Bellatrix,"
    "Yeah, they're cousins?"
    "Well, this stays between us, but Sirius was telling me about their And I just want you and Regulus to be careful from here on out,"
    Y/n tried to think of everything Regulus had told her about his family. He never mentioned a business. Was that what Bellatrix wanted them to join?
    "Have you ever heard the name Tom Marvolo Riddle?"
    Y/n started to shake her head, searching her brain for the name. But then something clicked and she nodded slowly.
    "I-I know the name. But from where?" She was mad with herself for not knowing.
    "He was a major pureblood supremacist and he's the leader of a group that wants to get rid of the muggle borns and half bloods. Which is quite funny considering he is a half blood himself,"
    "What does this have to do with Regulus?"
    "Y/n, you're not dumb. The Black family is part of the group. They call themselves the death eaters," Remus said. "Sirius was telling me that he overheard Bellatrix and Snape saying that you two are supposed to be the next generation leaders to 'keep the school clean'"
    Y/n stood there, letting Remus guide her to the music, trying to process everything.
    "Word is they're going to try and get you to join by the end of the year," Remus finished.
    "I should-," Remus interrupted her.
    "Go find him," Remus let go of her. "And be safe,"
    Y/n nodded and took off, trying to find her boyfriend. She saw Caius pouting in a corner and decided that was a good place to start.
    "Caius, first this, you look awesome, second, where are Evan and Regulus?" She asked the boy.
    "I don't know!" He sounded exasperated. "I was with Evan and then all of the sudden he left,"
    "Wanna help me find them? They're probably together," y/n offered.
    Caius nodded and they walked the wall of the ballroom. Y/n looked at Caius, thoughts racing through her head. She had become friends with him but what if he was just trying to rope her into the group?
    "Caius?" She asked.
    They had walked the whole way around the room and started walking the halls, heading towards the dorms to find their respective dates.
    "Yeah?" He turned his head to her.
    "What do you know about the death eaters?" She asked.
    She watched as Caius turned his head back facing straight, a thin line replacing his normal smile.
    "Why?" Was all he asked.
    "I'm not dumb," y/n repeated Remus's words. "Are you a part of them?"
    Caius let out a deep bellied laugh and shook his head.
    "Do you really think I hate muggles?" He asked.
    Y/n shrugged, not knowing how to respond to that.
    "My family is all a part of it. Eventually, I'll be inducted too but I'm assuming Regulus hasn't told you our plan,"
    Y/n shook her head in response. There was a lot Regulus told her but even more he kept secret. It hurt sometimes but she understood why.
    "Well, what's your plan?" She asked.
    Before he could answer, the pair turned a corner and saw Evan and Regulus standing before them in front of the Slytherin dorms. Regulus looked sad, guilty even.
    "Ask him," Caius whispered. "He was supposed to tell you anyways,"
    "Trying to run away from the ball, Black?" Y/n teased.
    Regulus's face shifted into his normal grin and he stepped next to her.
    "Sorry, we had some business to take care of," he explained.
    "Well, business or not, I want to go dance some more," Caius grabbed Evan's hand, pulling him back to the ball.
    "Do you wanna go back?" Regulus asked.
    Y/n thought for a moment about what Lily had said, about Regulus waiting for the right time. Y/n decided to make it easier on him.
    "Nah, my legs are killing me. I just wanna relax," she smirked at him.
Warning: slight smut
    She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door to the dorms. Regulus whispered the password and grinned, grabbing her waist and pulling her into the room. The common room was empty, most students being at the ball but the younger students already in bed. Almost immediately, y/n pulled them over to one of the green leather couches, locking their lips in the process.
    Regulus's back hit the cool leather and he couldn't tell if it was that or the way y/n kissed him that sent shivers down his spine. Their lips moved to a normal pattern between the two of them, this time more intense than before. Regulus could sense the want from y/n. The want to be as close as possible, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't want the same thing. He cupped y/n's jaw in his hand, using the other hand to pull her body closer.
    Y/n broke the kiss, locking eyes with him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Regulus took the sign and swooped up her body, carrying her up to his room. As soon as they entered, y/n had his back down on the bed.
    Regulus sat up enough to pull off his jacket and undo his tie. Y/n took this as an opportunity to test the waters. She moved her mouth from Regulus's confused one and trailed sloppy kisses along his jaw and down the side of his neck. He tilted his head up, letting out a soft groan and she started leaving soft bruises along his neck. Regulus grabbed the hem of her dress, which slid off her body with ease, leaving her barely clothed body a victim to the chill air.
    The cold was immediately replaced by body heat as Regulus sat up, maneuvering her body to straddle him. She tugged at his tucked in shirt, unbuttoning in as their lips moved in perfect harmony. She finished the last button and pulled his shirt off, leaving just his pants covering him. Regulus tensed up from his usual embarrassment of his scars but immediately relaxed into y/n's touch as her hands grazed up and down his sides. Regulus broke away from the kiss for a second and admired the beautiful sight in front of him.
"God, you're gorgeous," he whispered.
    Y/n's confidence wavered as she looked away out of embarrassment. Regulus grabbed her face lightly and pulled her view back to him.
    "I'm serious," he said.
    "No, you're Regulus," y/n joked.
    Regulus just grinned and flipped their position over on the bed. He started exploring her body, getting to know every inch and curve. His lips met the skin on her chest and started kissing down to her stomach. Y/n arched into his touch, closing her eyes at the feeling. Regulus unbuckled his belt and carefully slid his pants down, continuing to care for y/n's body.
    Y/n sat up and looked at Regulus in the eyes, the same wicked glint in her eyes. She quickly pushed him down against the headboard of the bed. He looked at her, confused as to why she pushed him away but quickly understood as she wrapped her fingers around the waistband of his boxers.
    "Can I?" She whispered.
    "Fuck," Regulus whispered. "Yeah,"
    Y/n was about to pull down his bowers when the door flew open. Caius and Evan came in, sluggish from all of the alcohol they'd consumed that night. Y/n and Regulus looked at each other, eyes wide and y/n dove under the covers to cover her barely clothed body. Regulus slid in next to her and y/n buried her head into his shoulder out of embarrassment.
    "Oh shit!" Caius slurred to Evan. "They were fucking!"
    "No way," Evan flopped on his bed. "I don't care, I'm too tired,"
    "Same," Caius flopped down next to him. "You guys can continue, we'll probably be asleep in a minute,"
    Y/n peeked up at Regulus, who was just staring at his friends with a 'are you fucking kidding me' look on his face. Y/n planted a kiss on his shoulder blade and nuzzled down onto him.
    "Guess we'll continue this later," she mumbled.
    "Guess so," Regulus wrapped his arm around her.
    He pulled her close and kissed her forehead, pulling the covers over them.
    "Goodnight princess," he told her.
    "Goodnight Reg," she whispered back.

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