Stolen From Me

By LanijahsWorld

40.5K 1.5K 1.5K

Beyoncé Knowles-Carter and Shawn Carter daughter was kidnapped form their home when she was's been 11 y... More

Stolen from me
Come back to me
Runaway child
Open eyes
Can we talk
The right way
Hidding the truth
Get comfortable
My own eyes
The truth will set you free
The blame game
Take some time
I wanna go home
Heal mentally
Just hold on
For the love of my child
Heart to heart
Girls day out
Can you keep a secret
In my eye sight
Tinas truth
The visits
The recollection
The set up
The pass over
The besties
Let the summer began
On the run but still for fun
Family matters
I keep my promises
Stolen from me. AGAIN!!
Find my baby
The remedy of a stolen child
So close
Trying to escape
Not my sister
Danger zone
I'm coming my babies.
Help me Beybey!
The past.
A Fed Up Bey.
Cry me a river.
Let it all out.
A new start.
First day.
Fake therapist
A phone call away.
Wheres Auntie Solo?
A new life.
Lets try this again.
Birthday traits
Home Before You Know It
Tinas Secret Phone Call.
15 Candles.
A Bad Day
2 truths but no lies.
Picture This
The Truth Is In The Journal
It's All Over
So Far Gone
Scared of what?
What is it?
Heres To A Goodbye!

Think smart

327 20 6
By LanijahsWorld


June 5th

"Beyoncé?" I heard my name being called follow by a shake to my shoulder. I groaned and moved some.

"Beybey?" Wait I k ow that voice form a mile away. I forced my tiredly eyes opened and I saw a glance of my eldest.

"Amariana?" I saw her nod I sat up and pulled her into me. She wrapped her arms around my waist tightly and I head her let out a sob. I closed my eyes and stuffed my face in her hair as I cried. I pulled back and caressed her cheeks in my hands I couldn't even see her. I reached to turn on the lamp but she pulled my arm back.

"Don't turn on the light." She spoke soft but stern.

"Why?" I asked. Shawn began to move and we both looked over.

"What's going on?" His raspy voice spoke.

"Baby look" I said he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked but he couldn't see. He got closer and his eyes widen.

"Lefty?" He gasped we both nodded and he pulled her to him hugging her tightly as they rocked side to side. They finally pulled back and Shawn missed her head. She got up and went to the window looking out of it then back at us. She pulled her phone out and turned on her flash to give us light to see her face .

"Listen." She spoke sternly. I was a bit taking back but I listened. "I have to take blue" I stoped breathing and jus relooked at her.

"E-excuse me?" She came closer and looked my in my eyes.

"I know it's not a good thing to do but s-she is crazy." She bit her lip and looked down. "She threatened to kill" my beard jumped and I looked at change who was clenching his jaw.

"Lefty im don't let her get in your head" she shook her head quickly.

"No she will." She looked back up at us. "Because I witnessed it last night" I gasped and covered my mouth. What is this bitch doing to my child. Speaking of.

"What happened to your damn face?" I gritted. She touched her cheek.

"I can't tell you right now" i huffed and rubbed my temple moving on.

"Why do you need blue?" I asked.

"Because she knows blue is my main sacrifice in my heart and she knows how much she's means to me so when I did what I did in the store when I saw uncle Benny I guess this is my punishment is some way" i awed in my head but I'm not about to let this bitch take both of my kids.

"Where is she?" I sat up.

"Beybey please. I don't want to witness nothing more than I already did. Just trust me I can assure you both that if she touches my sister in any way" she looked deeply in my eyes.

"I will kill her myself" my eyes widen. I searched her eyes and I knew she meant it. I bit my lip and looked at Shawn. He nodded and I sighed

"Ok" I whispered. She nodded

"There's more." She spoke looking between us.

"My grandmother is going to have me and blue spend the night at her house daddy she has your number and she's gonna call you for you to come get us. We don't k ow how long the police is gonna be because of all the investigations but I need to get out of there because now I know what she is capable of" she explained.

"That's why they're taking so long because we didn't know what she was capable of" Shawn spoke. Amariana nodded

"Well now you know." She went tot her window and came back.

"Ok we have to go she still out there waiting" we got up from the end and we rushed quietly to blue room. I began to pack some things for her not only for her to have clothes but an excuse on why it took so long.

"How is Mirah and Chris?" Amariana asked i let out a shaky breath.

"No so well" I spoke honestly she nodded sadly.

"Ok" I breathe out. "Her clothes are in here her toothbrush and her iPad i have a tracker on it" I spoke she nodded.

"I snuck my phone back so if her tracker doesn't work mine will." She nodded. She grabbed blue and picked kissing her cheek. She held her for a moment and let go handing her to me.

"Ok. Please be careful" I nodded my head.

"Lefty i think you should go she pulled up front." Shawn said coming back into blues room. She nodded I looked at her before I pulled her in to a hug right hug.

"I love you Amariana Marie" I felt her cheek slightly rise from a smile.

"I love you too" I gasped and looked at Shawn. He shrugged smiling I held on tighter before I pulled away and kissed her cheek.

"Ok. I guess I better let you go" she nodded. And walked over to Shawn, he pulled her into a hug and kissed her head.

"I love you lefty. Your really brave for this" he pulled back.

"I love you too" he let her go and she began to walk out of blues room she paused in her tracks and turned around and look me in my eyes.

"We'll be back safe" i nodded with a faintly smile. She turned around and walked away as we both watched until she was out of sight.

"It's taking everything on me to not go drag that bitch out that Benz. She Bette the lucky i love my baby" shame chuckled and kissed my head

"She'll be back. Come on let's go back to bed". I nodded my head and we trailed ourselves back to our bedroom getting in bed. I was still up looking at the ceiling.

"Shawn I'm kinda scared." I admitted. It all just hit me and I realized it was actually happening and they were both out that door. "Maybe we should've just called the cops while she was here."

"Now bey don't get yourself worked up. Amariana already said what she is capable of, with the cops coming in the time they had she could've did something when she realized how long it was taking" i nodded my head. And sighed.

"We gotta put her in therapy" i turned over on my side facing him. He huffed faintly and turned as well.

"Yeah. I know" I shook my head at the thought of it all. It all hit me and I began to laugh.

"I mean first s-she kidnaps her when she was fucking 3" I said between my laughter. "Then she comes back does it again, kills someone in-front of her now she's traumatized to where she had to take her little sister" my laughs turned into deep sobs.

"Ok bey, calm down your hyperventilating" Shawn pulled me into his chest. I shook my head slowly.

"Why can't she just le-a-ve" i cried. I felt Shane breath out sharply causing my head to sink down at his released breathe.

"Bey some people are evil and don't care for what's coming for them." He kissed my head. "But this is all gonna be fix the right way our daughters will be home. We just have to think smart to play smart and that's what we're doing."

He was right now that we know she was capable of murder only god knows what more she can do and I don't want my kids being hurt. We just have to let it play out

"Yeah." I finally spoke in a raspy voice wiping my eyes. "Your right" i sighed out relaxing on his chest.

"Amariana is a smart girl" I smiled. One thing about her was her ability and her smartness and I Trust her with this.

"She is" I spoke. I felt him kiss my head and I began to doze off.

June 6th


"Sissy" I heard a high voice whispery call out. I flushed my eyes open and cleared my vision before I saw blue with a widely smile.

"Hi blueblue" I cheesed sitting up. She tackled me and hell me tightly around my waist. I laughed and she released me form her tiny grip.

"Where are we?" She asked looking around the room. I forgot this would happen

"Umm-" I began until the door opens revealing Candace she smiled softly at our sight. I hit my lip to contain my nerves infront of blue.

"Get dressed" she spoke happily. She thinks we're playing family? I scrunched my face at her sudden actions watching her walk out the room.

"Who is that?" Blue whispered. I sighed

"Look don't worry about that just stay with me and don't talk to her or anyone that comes around and ok?" She nodded

"Ok" she repeated I nodded. I got up grabbing her and I grabbed her bag and went into the bathroom.

"How did I get here?" She asked me as I was putting toothpaste on her toothbrush before handing it to her.

"Well mommy and daddy said you can spend sometime with me just you and I before we go home" I smiled not trying to worry her.

"Really just me and you?"  I nodded she smiled and spit.

"But what about that lady?". At this point I knew she wasn't gonna stop until she got an answer. I spit and cleared my throat.

"She is just a tag along" I cleared up. "To make sure we have fun and go places". She smiled and nod and I did as well. After we both were finished in the bathroom I did both of our hair into slick simple ponytails. After I'm was done and satisfied I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket making sure to pull my hoodie over it.

"Ok you ready?" Blue nodded and I grabbed her hand walking out the room.

"Ready girls?" Candace asked us as we walked downstairs. I scrunched my face. Is this what she wanted to have us both and play mommy. I just kept my mouth shut and nodded. She got up and grabbed the keys and we followed her out the door.

The ride was pretty silent even blue was silent. I think she felt the hot tension between me and Candace.

"So miss blue Ivy you happy yo see your sister?" Candace glanced at her through the review mirror. I'm guessing she nodded because she didn't reply.

"Sissy why did you leave?" Blue asked I side eyed Candace as she just looked straight ahead.

"We I was stolen again" i answered through a grit eyeing Candace who avoided contact with me.

"By who?" She asked slowly.

"By someone who is evil and who is full of hate. And can't understand the truth. She honestly needs help but you can't tell her a damn thing about it" i hissed. I saw a tear escape Candace eyes but I didn't care one little tear can't cover over 1,000 tears Beyoncé shedded. I shook my head and sat back and took a sharp breath through my nose as I crossed my arms.

"Oh" blue finally responded. We kept quiet and we soon was pulling into grandmas house I smile creep on my face if only she knew. We got out the car and walked up the porch before anyone could reach there hand up to knock the door swing opened revealing out of breathe grandma and her hair was in her face. She smiled and let out a breath and brushed her hair out her face.

"Hey mama you ok?" Candace asked concerned. She nodded and looked down she saw blue who was slightly hidding behind me and she widen her eyes. She cleared her throat.

"Uhh come in" she nodded and moves to the side we walked in and grandma shut the door. She turned around with her hand still on the knob.

"So who is this little munchkin?" She smiled at blue.

"Blue" I responded widen my eyes for her to get the hint. She nodded.

"Well blue it's nice meeting you. Would you like to have a snack?" Blue nodded with a soft smile of nervousness. Grandma grabbed her hand and walked I got her kitchen as we followed.

"What brings you by?" Grandma asked going Into the cabinet

"I was wondering if they could stay here until I got off work" Candace spoke grandma made a face.

"Oh now you want them to stay?" She said handing blue a pack of chocolate chip cookies and a juice box and she happily took it.

"Ok, there is a five year old now so just please" grandma nodded and she smiled.

"Ok. I'll be back at 3:00 sharp" she came and kissed my head as well as blues I shook my head and gave her a disgust look. She left out the door and soons the inside part of the door clicked in shit grandma dropped the cookies and ran out the kitchen.

"Grandma?" I got up and grabbed blue and followed her. I made it to her room where she was talking and I crouched down against the door frame out of breath.

"Shawn you there?" She spoke into her phone. It was on speaker so I walked closer and I heard shuffling coming from the phone.

"Yeah, I'm here are they there?" I heard my fathers voice escaping the device.

"Yes there both here next to me." She spoke. I heard him sigh

"Lefty, princess. Can you hear me?" I motion for blue to come closer when she did I grabbed her and placed her on my lap.

"Yes we're here" I spoke it took him a moment before he reply.

"We're gonna get you girls home ok?" We both nodded as if he could see us but he continued on anyway. "Blue I know your confused but I want you to stay with sissy and listen to her ok?" Blue nodded

"Ok daddy" blue whispered.

"Shawn I'm gonna have them home by tomorrow" grandma spoke. I brought my head up and quickly snapped it in her direction.

"Isn't that early? she gonna think it had something to do with us being here now right?" She shook her head

"Now that blue is here i can give a valid reason" i was lost. I looked away thinking. I looked at her and nodded. If we say blue likes it here or had a good time that's our reason to stay.

"Ok and Mrs. Moore?" Daddy spoke. "I appreciate this thank you for the help truly" she smiled and I did as well.

"Of course" she replied back.

"Well I'm gone check on the family again thank you" he said we all nodded "girls I love you both and I'll see you soon"

"Love you daddy" we said in a union grandma laughed and hung up.

"How much does she know?" She asked pointed to blue who was looking around the room at the pictures on the wall.

"Not much why?" She but her lip and looked at blue.

"We should probably get her caught up on a few things nothing major we want her to understand so she follows through on the plan" i nodded.

"Blue can we talk to you." She looked at me drinking her juiced and smiled.



"So that's was Candace mother and the girls are there" I told bey sitting next to her on the couch.

"Really. Are they ok" she sat up turning her body to face me.

"Yeah." I nodded. "She said she will try to get them home tomorrow"

"Isn't that a bit to early? For it to play out right we want to take time I thought"

"Yeah but all honesty if she killed someone and amariana say I don't want our 5 year old seeing shit" she nodded

"This is too much" she rubbed her temple. I grab her hand and kissed it tenderly.

"I know. But we're gonna get through it." She smiled at me before we went in comfortable silence. We heard light feet tapping each stair. We shot our heads up and saw. Mirah.

"Mirah" Beyoncé said in a awe breathe. She had on a bit sweater and sweats. Her long curly hair flowing wiring her face she had slivers of red bags under her eyes and her eyes were blood shot red.

"H-hi" her rapsy voice pushed out. She hasn't been out her room ever since Amariana got snatched.

"Hey" I smiled at her. She smiled softly back. "I need to show you both something" i looked at bey and she looked at me. We both sat up and she slowly came and at. She pulled out a thick thing of papers from behind her back.

"Mirah baby" Beyoncé moved closer to her and moved her hair out her face. "What is it?". Mirah but her lip and flared her nostrils as her nose was turning red form the presence of her crying.

"Umm. Th-this is I- I don't" she stuttered actively I looked at bey and she looked at me concerned.

"Hey breathe" I spoke she nodded. She took a few breaths and wiped her eyes.

"This is um a death will" i scrunched my face and bey drew her eye brows together.

"Who's death will?" She moved Mirah hair out her face.

"Amariana's" she said above a whisper. That name. Hearing her say the name for the question made my soul feel like it escaped my body and my heart dropped firming a tickle in my chest. And my throat began to ache.

"W-what do you mean Amariana?" Beyoncé spoke taking hyperventilating
breaths. Mirah shook her head and cried

"I'm so sor-rry" she cried. "She felt like everything was her fault. Candace, the messages,her stalking you guys" She named off crying. She sniffled and wiped under her nose. "She had a feeling Candace wasn't gonna stop and when Candace threatened her she made this she said if Candace was to come back and do something she didn't want to just leave you guys like your nothing to her so she made this" she nodded her head towards the papers.

I looked at bey and saw her tears escaping her eyes her hands were shaking and her veins In her back palm was showing. She pulled Mirah in her chest and she sobbed loudly. I clenched my jaw and looked at the stack of papers. This bitch really had my child in trauma and who knows what Amariana is thinking now he is now that she witnessed her killing someone who knows what's going though her head.

I got up and went upstairs to my bedroom I pulled my phone out and called Benny who picked up on the 4 ring.

"Hello" I heard. I shook my head and balled my shaking hand into a fist.

"I'm killing her"

This chapter is ight.


Blue going with Amariana?

Amariana telling hey she loves her?

Amariana death will?

Mirah coming out the room?

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