BangtanArmies द्वारा

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69

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BangtanArmies द्वारा

Third Person POV

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Jae Beom groaned in discomfort while stirring over an oddly comfortable surface as he slowly regained consciousness from the darkness of his throbbing head. He suffered a mild concussion from the unexpected force on his face. The alpha had lost his sense of place and time as he stirred on the mattress... until his blurry sight adjusted to the plain ceiling above his head. He's in his bedroom.

Beom turned his head over the pillow to squint at the warm light source in confusion as the upbeat music blasted at peak volume. He grunted at the frustrating noise disturbance- relentlessly hammering on his sensitive eardrums. The injured alpha attempted to move his arms above his head but- Click. Click. He couldn't budge.

"Uh...?" Beom groaned, unsurely tilting his head upward to find both his wrists... securely restrained to the bedboard with steel cuffs. The alpha froze and frantically tried to sit up- but gasped in discomfort... once a jolt of pain surged through his nose and up to his forehead.

"What the hell?!" Beom scoffed, wildly thrashing on the bed while tugging his wrists in a panic to free himself from the cuffs... assuming there was an ill-intended intruder within his villa... until he noticed movements at the foot of the bed. Fwip! He snapped his dazed face in the direction to find a familiar woman... dancing in a silk gown with a small... duck toy in her hand.

"You're awake?" Soomin smiled, suddenly pausing to stare at Beom's baffled expression as he remained helpless on the bed. The Jeon's daughter casually skipped over the tiles to switch off the blaring speaker on the cabinet... until the bedroom grew utterly hushed. Beom didn't blink and looked his former up and down with his eyebrows furrowed.  

"What are you doing here...?" Beom grunted while sprawling on the mattress with a tissue lodged in his nostril. Soomin shrugged as she walked over to sit on the bed edge with his toy duck and glanced at the confused alpha. He couldn't believe she remembered the way to his secret bunker. Beom frowned at her lively appearance.

"Did it hurt? The blow to your face," Soomin asked with a straight face as she eyed the swollen bump on his left forehead. Beom squeezed his eyes shut to shake off the blurriness and grunted in discomfort once he felt the dull throb pulsing in his head.

"Free me. I don't like this," Beom hoarsely muttered in annoyance. The alpha yanked his arm again- yet failed to free himself, so he exhaled deeply to contain his swelling stuffiness and eventually slumped over the pillow in defeat.

"Why should I care about your discomfort?" Soomin scoffed. Beom calmly remained on the bed with his eyes fixed on Soomin's cold expression as she sat in his mother's nightgown.

"What do you want?" Beom mumbled, briefly glancing at the cuffs around his wrists with a slight grimace. His throat is super sore due to severe dehydration.

"I'm seeking revenge," Soomin smirked, slowly rising from the bed with the toy duck. The alpha gulped and glanced at the toy in her hands before glancing back at Soomin.

"Revenge...?" Beom muttered, dumbfounded by her claim. Soomin rolled her eyes at his clueless response.

"I'm going to smash your duck because you're an asshole," Soomin mumbled as she grabbed a hammer she had found in the back room and placed the duck on the floor. The young lady heaved the heavy steel to swing it above her head, causing Jae Beom to widen his eyes in shock. 

"Hey! What are you doing?!- Soomin!" Beom gasped, suddenly jerking in a panic once Soomin swung the hammer toward the yellow duck as the alpha screamed at the top of his lungs, desperately begging her to halt her hostile act. Thud! Thud! 

Jae Beom furiously yanked his wrists in fear with his bulging eyes glued to the little toy- Halt! Jeon Soomin abruptly paused mid-way upon hearing his upset holler. She shifted her angered gaze to her former lover... who was glaring at her with burning-hot tears as she gripped the hammer above her head... contemplating whether or not... she should seek brutal revenge and smash his duck.

"You're reacting harshly over a mere duck... but not with me? This is ridiculous," Soomin sneered at Beom's reaction, who had exploded for the first time since she met him.

The Jeon's daughter assumed he was a naturally nonchalant man... thinking it was his personality to be unbothered... yet here she is... witnessing his glowing red face... fuming in extreme agitation over a mere toy. Beom grunted in discomfort while struggling to sit up, so the alpha shoved his feet against the mattress until his back aligned with the bedboard and finally sat up with his arms stretched out.

"My father gave it to me!- Are you crazy?!- You have no right to barge inside my home! Strike my face with a frying pan! Cuff me to my bed! And then smash my duckie!" Beom angrily bellowed with a dark frown. Soomin glanced at the unscratched duck on the floor with a bitter look and slowly lowered the hammer without striking his beloved toy... once she acknowledged the heartbreaking reality.

"Maybe I am the crazy woman for coming to see you like this...? Ah. What am I doing...? How did I let an asshole screw me over like this?" Soomin scoffed in disbelief with her face lowered.

"I said free me!- Soomin! I don't like this! I SAID FREE ME!" Beom snapped at her in extreme irritation as he repeatedly yanked his wrists between the cold cuffs. 

The alpha averted her torn gaze with a wrenching heart to find the jaguar fuming at her with an upset glower. She exhaled in defeat- Thud. The woman suddenly dropped the hammer, strolled forward to grab the key from the nightstand and carefully unlocked the handcuff from Beom's right wrist. Beom dimmed his sour gaze on his former lover. Snatch! The alpha roughly seized the key from Soomin to loosen the other cuff himself and angrily shoved the steel off his injured wrist.

"I was just joking- Ah!" Soomin apologized but gasped in shock once Jae Beom jerked his bruised wrist free, roughly shoving her aside, and scrambled off the bed with flaring nostrils. Thump! Thump! He stumbled over the floor, possessively snatching the yellow duck before snapping his attention towards the Jeon's daughter with a disapproving glare. Soomin weakly collapsed onto the spare mattress with her lips ajar... after he rashly pushed her aside.

"Leave. Don't make me drag you out of here," Beom clenched his jaw at her spiteful glare. Jeon Soomin sniffled at his harsh demand while rubbing the leaking tears from her damp cheeks as she glared at the alpha in extreme resentment.

"Maybe my biggest mistake was to believe a lowly man like you could ever treat me right," Soomin whispered as she sat on the mattress.

"What are you talking about?! You smashed my face and cuffed me and even tried to destroy my father's-"

"Does the swollen bump on your forehead or- the bruised wrists... or the stupid toy duck... bother you that much?!" Soomin screamed in anger as she desperately searched his face for a glimpse of concern... but Beom only frowned at her with a bitter look.

"Of course! You could've left a blood clot in my brain- and I could've lost my duck-"

"Who cares about you stupid duck!?- You're so triggered over everything!- But not my broken heart?!- Even at the sight of my flooding tears?! And helpless whimpers?!- You feel nothing at all?! Am I worth less than that freaking duck of yours?!" Soomin shrieked until another wave of pain tore through her wounded heart. 

"Of course, I'm bothered, but-"

"I came here believing- you're somewhat struggling to cope with the murder!- I convinced myself... you were only traumatized- and you didn't actually mean to break my heart- but I see it now! You don't feel sorry for me! You never cared about me!" Soomin tearfully confronted the heartless alpha as she rose from the mattress with her balled fists.

"I didn't break your heart. It is you who avoided me-"

"Okay, Beom. Okay. I had so many men chasing me with good intentions... but you...? You were never one of them. Why did I even throw myself at you... when you can't even treat me right?! Hah!- I'm so fucking disappointed in myself for choosing a prick like you!" Soomin sniffled while struggling to hold back her flooding tears. 

"I never mistreated you-"

"Never?!- NEVER?! One text!- You sent me one fucking text, Beom! Let's break up...? That's it?!- How can you be so fucking heartless?! How can you discard me over a shitty text?!- Three ridiculous words were all it took to sabotage me!- You didn't even bother to speak to me face to face- or at least- make a call!- A text!? That's all I deserve?!" Soomin screamed, angrily hurling the pillow at Beom, who flinched and glared at her in annoyance as he backed away with the duck.

"You didn't want to speak to me first!- I thought you didn't want to be with me anymore! How can I speak with you when you can't even look me in the face?!" Beom refuted in extreme anger. Soomin swallowed in difficulty as she challenged his upset glare with an intense glower.

"You never bothered to properly confess your feelings! It was me since the beginning- and until the end... you never bothered to make an effort! I guess I'm as worthless as a cowardly breakup text. Okay, Beom. I get it. I desperately prayed you had a valid reason to make me feel this insecure- but no. I am the pathetic woman seeking your validation!" Soomin nodded as she aggressively wiped her warm tears with her forearms until she burst out crying. The young lady was ashamed of herself for allowing a mere man... to break her precious heart so... recklessly. 

"Are you seriously blaming me?-"

"I'm leaving. If you can't do it. Then I will do it- given you're a fucking coward. Let's not see each other anymore and end everything here. This is the closure I need. Don't ever contact me ever again- and hold the fucking duck for the rest of your life!- I'll take care of the ducks you returned! I was a fool to paint myself yellow for a man who couldn't care less about my feelings, so I'll scrub off the color from my skin because- I never really felt comfortable with those stupid bright colors on me anyway! I hope you find an authentic yellow woman in your life!" Soomin harshly sneered at Beom as she fought to keep her voice stable.

Jae Beom stood blank in his position to observe Jeon Soomin's miserable condition as she waited for him to refute her argument... but he did nothing. The alpha remained hushed. He did not deny her claim or even attempt to justify himself. He had drained the very last droplet of hope in Jeon Soomin's shattered heart with the brutal truth of his utmost recklessness towards her soul.

The broken alpha had no words left to express because she had already accepted the depressing truth... so she hastily spun around with streaming tears and stormed out of the bedroom as Jae Beom stood grounded in his place to watch her stray from his territory. Soomin softly sobbed as she flung the door open and stormed out into the dark wilderness with gushing hot teardrops... trickling over her numbed cheeks... and dripping messily from her chin.

The young lady whimpered in discomfort as she marched through the thick grass to enter the dense wilderness and strolled over the dead leaves while clutching her aching chest. Soomin fought desperately to stifle her pathetic whimpers. And despite the gnawing sorrow she endured... the woman did not stop... and stormed through the confusing woods without looking back.

Jeon Soomin grew up her entire life with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her parents had treated her like a princess. Offering... and granting... her everything she ever needed. Every man she met... would kneel for her... yet here she is... crying so pitifully over an asshole- who doesn't even care about her well-being... or her feelings. Soomin wasn't too upset over the childish breakup.

She's furious.

She's extremely disappointed in herself for allowing a lowly man to disrespect her- and yet she couldn't do anything... but weep over his negligence, knowing she deserved better.

How can she be a fool for love? Soomin is extremely ashamed of herself.

"Oh no~! I should've called appa to pick me up~!" Soomin whispered, suddenly halting to scan the dark woods in tears once she realized she was lost. The alpha couldn't recognize her way back to the freeway because the wilderness was too dark for her to remember the correct path. She sniffled and slumped on a dead trunk to rub her streaming tears before lowering her face to press her forehead against her knees and sobbed quietly.

"I'll wait for the sun to rise," Soomin gently patted her shoulder to comfort her aching soul as she sat alone in the dark and cold wood with a wretched heart. The alpha did not wander any further because she was afraid she'd get lost... so she chose to wait for the sunrise until she fell asleep with her arms wrapped around her body and head lowered to her knees. 

Lost in the calming woods infested with chilly air, swaying branches and calming insects' cries.

Next Day.

Jeon Soomin's eyeballs suddenly shifted beneath her eyelids as she struggled to escape her deep sleep. It felt like she had overdosed on sleeping pills because of the extreme drowsiness that left her eyelids glued to her lower lash line. The alpha eventually jerked awake with a dazed mind while stirring on the mattress as the steaming heat emitted from her stinging eyeballs.

"Did I have a nightmare?" Soomin groaned as she rolled on the bed to hug the pillow until she felt her body muscles aching all over. The alpha abruptly paused... once her blurry sight adjusted on a figure... at the edge of the bed. Blink. She unsurely focused her blurry vision on the man... until she realized... it was... Jae Beom. Soomin furrowed her eyebrows in extreme confusion. 

"You got lost," Beom whispered, dimly staring at her as he sat on the bed edge. Soomin froze in shock once she realized... she was back inside his hidden villa.

The young lady scoffed in disbelief as she hastily rolled over to face the opposite side of the bedroom. She didn't want to look at his stupid face. And so... she stared at the artificial streams outside the glass wall without uttering a word... until she felt her sore heart aching again. Jae Beom exhaled heavily upon her refusal to face him, so he slipped under a blanket and shifted his sturdy body over the mattress to wrap his muscular arm over her waist.

"Don't touch me-"

"I'm sorry," Beom whispered, stubbornly tightening his clutch around her body with his face buried against her hair. 

"I don't want to hear your apologies-"

"I'm sorry. Soomin, I really am. I should've been considerate of your feelings. I thought you were a strong and independent woman- who didn't need my constant nurturing to feel secure. I thought you didn't need a loser like me to make you feel worthy... so- I never bothered- assuring you of my feelings," Beom whispered, unexpectedly sniffling in remorse as he hugged her on his bed with his burning nose pressed against her nape. Soomin frowned at his soft whimper until Beom trembled behind her back... so she quickly rolled over to shove Beom away with a glowering glare.

"How dare you cry-"

"My heart... it's been aching so much since you... stopped speaking to me. I wanted to speak to you so badly... I felt really hopeless when you wouldn't look at me. I thought you despised me because of the nasty blood on my fingers. Why would a perfect woman like you... want to be with a criminal like me...? I knew- if I held you... everyone will call you awful names... and you'd suffer from my crime. I was afraid... of tainting your image with the sins I committed," Beom whimpered in a broken voice as he stared at Soomin with swelling tears. The alpha pursed her lips as she stared at his bright pink nose and glanced at his torn gaze with an aching heart.

"I was startled. My parents refused to let me see you. Of course- I was scared- but did it stop me from running into the wilderness to search for you?" Soomin whispered. Beom nodded and gently gripped her hands over the mattress while searching her broken expression... until his flooding tears soaked the pillow with his misery. It's her first time... witnessing Beom's raw emotions. It made Soomin guilty for pushing his buttons because she desperately wanted to access his vulnerability.

"I knew you'd hate me for foolishly ending our relationship over a mere text, but I did it anyways because I wanted you to loathe me and move on- but- my heart- it's hurting so much-" Beom choked between his words until his voice broke into a ragged tone. The alpha started trembling from the immense pain that was feasting on his usually calm heart.

Jeon Soomin suddenly cupped his firm cheeks and leaned forward to press her lips against his, causing Beom to wince in a panic at her unexpected reaction to his apologies. She suddenly jerked her face away to frown at the visible streaks over his firm cheeks. Silence. Jae Beom opened his eyes with a startled look to find Soomin scowling at him with an intense gaze as she firmly held his face between her warm palms. 

"You don't have to say anything. I only need you to answer one question," Soomin whispered as she sternly stared at him.

"One question...?" Beom whispered with a slight frown.

"What is it that you feel for me?" Soomin asked while scanning his pained expression. Beom blinked in tears as they lay facing each other in the dim room. He blinked again while examining her face with a slight pout.

"I love you," Beom sniffled. Soomin paused to examine the alpha's flowing tears and swallowed with a troubled feeling upon hearing his love affirmation for the first time.

"Are you sure?" Soomin asked, unconvinced by his words.

"My chest is swelling with this- invisible pressure. I don't know how to ease it," Beom tearfully whispered. Soomin stared at him in silence and suddenly jerked forward to slam her lips against his, causing Beom to grab her shoulders with a slight grimace. 

"Let's have sex," Soomin panted, impatiently drawing her lips away as she crawled onto his sturdy body. Beom stared at his lover in confusion as he sniffled beneath her.

"But-" He tried to speak but was aggressively hushed once she stifled his voice with the forceful strokes of her lips. The alpha panted heavily as his lover pinned his wrists over his head. She drew her moist lips away to kiss his throat and gently nibbled on his sensitive skin as Beom helplessly groaned over the pillow. 

"We'll speak after this," Soomin whispered, quickly sitting up to yank the silk off her body and toss it aside. Jae Beom nervously watched his lover sit naked on his body, so he raised his hand to stroke her soft cheek and quickly sat up to hug her waist with his parted lips, passionately sucking on her tongue while caressing the curve of her spine to soothe her aching muscles. Soomin fumed in extreme heat once Beom shifted his lips to kiss her neck while fondling her perky breast with his massive palms.

"I don't have a condom," Beom whispered, worriedly pulling away to frown at her with his rosy cheeks.

Jeon Soomin shook her head to assure her lover and closed the gap between their bodies again as she lifted his shirt off his body and slammed the man back onto the pillow before lowering her face to kiss his toned muscles. Beom gently rubbed the side of her cheeks with his eyes closed as she nibbled his chest in the dim room while grinding her groin over his hump to arouse the jaguar until he burned bright red... with visible tear stains on his cheeks. The bleeding gash in his chest was suddenly numbed... by the sweet kisses... and touches from his lover.

A moment later.

"Hah~! Ah~! I'm almost there! Beom- faster! Hngh~!" Soomin moaned with her lips ajar as Beom steadily thrusts between her wet thighs while hovering above her overly stimulated body.

"Soomin! I'm cumming!" Beom warned as he repeatedly shoved his hips forward to penetrate her in a missionary position until he felt the thrilling surge jolting all over his crotch. Tug! Soomin suddenly pulled Beom down by his sweaty nape to make out with him, so the alpha grunted in distress as he fucked her on the bed until she felt him nearing his climax.

Jae Beom frantically attempted to sit up and tried to pull out when Soomin forcefully wrapped her shins over his buttcheeks to secure his hips and firmly tightened her arms around his muscular back to seal their moist crotches... purposely holding Jae Beom captive... deep inside her as she reached downward to massage his sensitive balls... until the man grunted in extreme pleasure.

"Do it inside-"

"No! Soomin! You don't even take pills- AH?- HAH~! I'M CUMMING!" Beom thrashed in her embrace, frantically trying to sit up but Soomin refused to release him and screwed her eyes shut as she tightly hugged the alpha to trap the man... until his semen blasted from his swollen tip to fill her raw canal with its thick... creamy fluid. Beom gasped in shock as he gripped her shoulders in fear with his head buried against her sweaty neck.

"Lay still. Don't move," Soomin whispered as she clawed her nails into his muscular back, keeping her legs wrapped securely around his twitching buttcheeks to juice out his fertile milk. Jae Beom bit his lower lips in difficulty as he unloaded himself inside her while resting over her naked body with a racing heart. Soomin panted heavily with her eyes closed as she ran her fingers through his wild hair with a weak smile.

"I'll get you pregnant-"

"Beom," Soomin suddenly cupped his cheeks to lift the alpha off her chest. Jae Beom pouted at his lover's sweaty face as she remained beneath his scratched chest. Soomin softly chuckled at his cuteness. She sweetly pecked his lips to ease his anxiety... yet the alpha only tenses his body with a restless feeling.


"So what if I get pregnant?" Soomin smiled while stroking his firm cheek. Beom blinked at her unbothered reaction and glanced down at their joined crotch with a slight grimace.

"We're not married yet and our parents-"

"You can't run away now. I'll keep you by my side forever," Soomin chuckled as she poked his nose tip. Beom's face suddenly drained of blood upon the realization of her sly intention, so the alpha frantically shoved his body upward to lift his chest of her sticky breasts and quickly pulled out of her with a bewildered look... causing his semen to leak from between her thighs.

"Soomin~!" Beom whined while gripping his hair in bewilderment as he sat between her parted legs with a terrified look. Soomin funnily giggled as she reached downward to feel the thick paste and lifted her hand to stretch his slimy discharge between her fingers.

"You don't want to have a baby with me?" Soomin scoffed at the alpha's terrified reaction.

"No! It's just I'm not ready!- I'm freaking unemployed right now! How am I supposed to support you and our baby?!" Beom shrieked.

"I guess you'll have to figure it out~!" Soomin teased, gently lifting her feet to tap his chest. Beom pouted and slumped at the foot of the bed with a pale face after his lover tricked him into getting her pregnant.

"Appa will beat my ass~! He told me not to get anyone pregnant before marriage-"

"Ohoh! Why are you whining?!- I can't believe you're reacting this way!" Soomin snapped, quickly sitting up to glare at Beom. The man blinked at her fuming red face in fear, eventually leaning forward to embrace her, causing Soomin to huff in annoyance. Beom softly kissed her bare shoulder while rubbing her back as he gently rocked her from side to side.

"I love you. I really do~! But did you have to be this hasty~? Your body will never be the same again once you bear a child! I'm afraid to put you through motherhood at such an early age!" Beom pouted as he pulled away to tuck the wild strands behind her ears. Soomin suddenly giggled at his adorable nervousness before circling her arms around his thick neck to rest her forehead against his.

"I don't care. Let's start a family together," She smiled. Beom exhaled in defeat and hugged her back. Thump! The couple slumped back onto the bed with their limbs entangled with one another.

"Okay. I'll figure this out. I should be a proper man," Beom muttered while holding Soomin's sweaty flesh against his pulsing chest. She exhaled and pressed her nose against his shoulder.

"Your father won't beat you. He'll beat my father," Soomin whispered. Beom burst out laughing at her joke, so he pulled away to admire her gorgeous smile before kissing his lover repeatedly and drew her back into a crushing hug.

"Aigo~! You're right! I should be worried about our fathers quarreling over our love affair~!" Beom nodded in agreement. Soomin giggled and pecked his cheek. Beom rubbed her naked shoulder and softly planted a breathy kiss on her forehead as she hugged his firm waist with her face pressed against his chest.


Jang Sora repeatedly tasted her lips in her sleep while wiping her drool with her sleeve as she sprawled over the mattress with her right leg hooked over her husband's buttcheeks as the man lay on his belly with the side of his face pressed against his warm pillow.

The alpha snored loudly beside his wife as she tugged on their blanket- so he unconsciously pulled the sheet back to prevent her from stealing everything and rolled in the opposite direction- ultimately yanking the blanket off her body.

Sora grumbled with a slight frown as she searched the mattress for the blanket with her fumbling fingers but couldn't find it... so she rolled after her husband to hug his warm back as he wrapped himself with the sheet like a fetus. She unconsciously slipped her cold fingers under his shirt to absorb his warmth from his toned packs while curling her exposed toes to seek comfort until she slid her feet under his loose waistband and inserted her legs inside the sleeves of his pants with her face pressed against his back.

The couple slept soundly through the night while sharing Taehyung's loose pajama pants, endlessly tossing and turning over the mattress until the rising sun gradually lit up the bedroom to awaken their souls from the peaceful rest.

"Aigo~?" Kim Taehyung grunted as he lifted his head to find himself lying on the bed without his pants on. He scratched his head in confusion, glanced at his wife and back at his naked crotch. The man unconsciously slipped off his pants during his sleep because Sora had inserted her cold leg inside his sleeve. The supreme alpha had pulled on her husband's abandoned pants beneath her gown to trap her scarce body heat. Taehyung grunted and smacked Sora's head in annoyance, causing her to stir awake.

"Oh?- Are you awake already?" Sora grumbled, sleepily turning on her side to hug his body as her husband sprawled beside her without his pants on. The man rested his arm over his forehead and sighed deeply as his wife aimlessly roamed her hand over his torso... until her fingers fumbled against his morning wood.

"Why are you touching me there...?" Kim Taehyung whispered, unsurely lifting his head off the pillow to squint at his wife's firm clutch around his hard penis. 

"You're warm. Why are you hard? Did you dream of a sexy woman in your sleep?" She whispered with her eyes closed.

"Pervert," Taehyung grunted.

"Why are you naked?" Sora frowned, finally opening her eyes to stare at his bare private part as she played with his shaft.

"Why are you asking me? You're the pervert wearing my pants," Taehyung grumbled as he tugged her hand off his penis and sat up with messed-up hair. The old man groaned in discomfort as he crawled butt-naked off the bed to enter the bathroom. Sora finally sat up on the mattress and lifted her silk gown to find herself wearing her husband's pants. She couldn't recall pulling it on.

"You stole my blanket again~!" Sora whined while glaring at her husband through the open doorway as he stood before the bowl to release his swelling urine. Shaaa~! He ejected the fluid loudly with his eyes closed.

"I told you to use a separate blanket," Taehyung hoarsely replied while holding the shaft to release his urine.

"I told you to sit down when you use the toilet! You'll stain the bowl again~!" Sora scolded as she crawled off the bed in her layered clothes. 

"Shhh~! Don't whine! It's early morning, woman!- Give me some peace!" Taehyung snapped as he flushed the toilet and spun around to stride toward his wife without washing his hands. She grimaced and tried to smack her old man- but he quickly caught her wrist and kissed her lips.

"Hey! You didn't brush your teeth yet!" She grimaced. Taehyung chuckled at her visible eye wrinkles.

"Ohoh?! Why are you disgusted now?! You used to love my raw flavor~! You'd always suck my balls before!" Taehyung teased as he playfully lifted his soft penis to wiggle it for her.

"It's all saggy now! You're old!" Sora laughed. Taehyung grinned- THUD.

"EOMMA!?" Beom shrieked, suddenly barging inside the room without a warning, causing his parent's eyes to bulge open at the unexpected intrusion.

"Ah!" Sora gasped, frantically covering Taehyung's crotch, who stood frozen in shock as Beom halted to gawk at his naked father before glancing at his shaken mother. She quickly leaped forward to hide her husband's exposed crotch and shoved the man inside the bathroom while shielding his bare buttcheeks. Thud! Taehyung slammed the bathroom door shut.

"Don't you know how to knock, you punk!" Taehyung scolded from behind the door as Sora quickly slipped her husband's pants from her under her gown, pushed open the door to toss it in the bathroom, and slammed it shut again.

"What's the matter, darling~?" Sora smiled shyly once she spun around to face her son, who flushed red in embarrassment.

"Uh- Oh. I'll speak with you downstairs," Beom smiled, awkwardly spinning away and hurried out of his parent's room. Creak. Taehyung stepped out of the bathroom with his pants on as Sora glared at her husband for almost flashing his saggy balls at their son.

A moment later.

The groggy wife and husband eventually settled side by side on the couch in their night pajamas and gowns in the living room.... early in the morning to enjoy warm coffee and tea... before the open backyard door. Beom nervously perched on the opposite couch as he tensely watched his clueless parents inhale their soothing tea fragrance.

"When did you arrive?" Taehyung asked Beom, who had returned to the hilltop without a notice.

"Earlier this morning," Beom muttered as he nervously rubbed his neck.

"What's the matter? Have some tea," Sora cluelessly smiled at her timid son. Beom bit his lower lips- Thump! Both Jang Sora and Kim Taehyung flinched on the couch when Jae Beom suddenly dropped to his knees on the carpet to kneel before them with a pale expression.

"I'M PREGNANT!" Beom screamed in fright with his hands clasped together.

"MOH!?" The couple shrieked, freezing in place with their bulging eyes on their guilt-ridden son.



"Oh!- I mean- WE'RE PREGNANT!" Beom snapped again once he realized his blunder. Sora frowned at her son in confusion.

"We- We...? Whose we?- Is someone else pregnant too?- You're not making any sense, Jae Beom!-" Taehyung shrieked at his son as the man tensely perched on the couch with a horrified look.


"Soomin! Jeon Soomin!" Beom pouted. Taehyung sat with his lips ajar- suddenly freezing in his seat as he gawked at the guilty alpha in extreme shock. 

"Soomin...? Is she pregnant... or are you pregnant?" Taehyung asked with a dumbfounded look.

"I got her pregnant!" Beom blurts with a frightened look. Jang Sora suddenly dropped the cookie from her hand into her teacup with her startled gaze on her frightened son, who whimpered and quickly rubbed his palms together with a big pout. 


"I'm sorry! She said she wanted to have a baby!" Beom hysterically explained with his anxious gaze on Kim Taehyung's blank expression... who appeared... as if... he was smacked in the face with a brick.

"She said she wanted to have a baby- so you gave her... a baby...?" Taehyung widened his eyes. Beom whimpered like a little puppy, repeatedly nodding his head in fright.

"So you didn't use a condom-"

"She said- we didn't need a condom because she wants a baby- ARGH!? APPA! HAH!- I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! APPA! OW~!" Beom tried to explain when Kim Taehyung suddenly snatched his wife's slipper off her feet and scrambled over the coffee table to whack the alpha's shoulder. Beom screamed and toppled to the side as his stiff-back father leaped over the table... until he tumbled onto the young man. Whack! Whack!

"JAE BEOM! YOU PUNK! ARGH!-" Taehyung screeched as he smacked the young man with his wife's slipper until Beom collapsed onto the floor with his arms shielded over his face.


"Oh?!- Why are you beating him?!" Beomseok appeared. The grandfather gasped in shock and quickly raced forward to poke Kim Taehyung with his walking stick in an attempt to help his grandson.

"HARABEOJI! HELP ME~! ARGH!-" Beom screamed as he shoved his stepfather aside, and dashed toward Beomseok. The alpha fearfully hid behind his grandfather with a big pout.

"WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?! COME BACK- AND KNEEL SO I CAN BEAT YOU!" Kim Taehyung shrieked, hastily scrambling to his feet with the slipper, but halted abruptly when his father-in-law lifted his walking stick to poke Taehyung's chest, firmly nudging the man backward. Jae Beom fearfully gripped his grandfather's shoulder with his terrified eyes on his furious father.

"Back off. How dare you hurt my little Beom?" Beomseok cutely warned Taehyung.

"Abeoji! That jerk got a woman pregnant!" Taehyung snapped. Beomseok froze and glanced at Beom's frightened expression, so the alpha swallowed intensely and whimpered at his grandfather's startled reaction.

"She said she wanted a baby!" Beom shrieked. Beomseok suddenly wobbled to the side- clearly overwhelmed by the shocking news. Beom gasped and grabbed his grandfather as the man supported his body with the walking stick.

"YOU BRAT!" Beomseok abruptly threw his walking stick aside and pinched Jae Beom's ear, causing the young alpha to howl in pain as his grandfather twisted his earlobe with an angry scowl.

"HARABEOJI! ARGHHHHH!" Beom cried while struggling to remove his grandfather's grip from his sore earlobe.

"What are you standing there for?! Beat him!" Beomseok snapped at Taehyung, who immediately raced forward to beat his son, causing Beom to scream even louder as his grandfather restrained him by his ear so Kim Taehyung could whip Beom with the fluffy slipper... until the household resonated with chaotic loud cursing and cries for help.

A moment later.

Jae Beom cutely hiccuped in tears as he hugged his mother's waist with his head buried against her shoulder. Sora deeply exhaled as she hugged her son on her side with an ice pack compressed over his ear to console the terrified soul. She bitterly glanced at her upset husband and father as they perched on the opposite couch with their narrowed stare on the third son.

"Why are you babying him?!" Taehyung snapped while gripping his wife's slipper in his clutch. 

"Right?! He should be punished!" Beomseok agreed. The annoyed grandfather tensely gripped his walking stick as he sat beside his son-in-law with a disapproving glare. Jae Beom pouted and lifted his head to soften his mother with his puppy eyes. She saved him from the beating. Sora exhaled and kissed Beom's forehead while squeezing his shoulder before averting her stern gaze to the two men with a grim frown.

"You can't punish him-"

"WHY NOT?!" The men snapped with an offended look.

"Yah Kim Taehyung!- You got me pregnant by accident too!- And appa! Didn't you get eomma pregnant before she married you?!- How can you react so harshly when you were once a foolish man yourself!" Sora snapped at her husband and father. The men flushed red in embarrassment and glanced at Beom, who sniffled and lowered his face to snuggle against his mother's shoulder.

"But we warned him-"

"How can he control himself?! Young men and women are allowed to have desires! Reproduction is a natural human instinct! And beating him won't solve the problem!- Why didn't you two control yourself too if you knew it's wrong to get your partner pregnant?!" Sora glared at the men. Taehyung exchanged irritated glances with Beomseok. They huffed in extreme frustration.

"Jeon Jungkook is against their relationship!" Taehyung grunted as he sorely rubbed his aching temples. Beom softly sniffled while clutching his mother's waist until she pouted at her son's red earlobe. She glared at the men in annoyance and kissed her son's forehead again.

The mother made her son lay on her lap and gently soothed his ear with the cold compress until Beomseok lifted his walking stick to jab Beom's stomach with a grimace, causing Sora to fire her father a warning glare. The grandfather huffed, quickly stood up, and stormed out into the backyard as Sora comforted Beom... who fearfully eyed Kim Taehyung's... unyielding glower with a restless feeling. The alpha didn't dare leave his mother's side out of fear of being beaten by his father and grandfather. So... he remained clinging to his mother for protection.


Jeon Jungkook grimly stood against his work desk at his lavish mansion with his head lowered and hand pressed against his forehead as Chul Hwa-young sat on an armchair...  darkly frowning at Jeon Soomin... who remained stiff with a terrified expression. Soo-ah awkwardly glances at her parents and back at her pale older sister within the muted space.

"Get up. We're visiting the hospital," Jeon Jungkook demanded, suddenly storming out of the corridor without another word. Hwa-young pursed her lips and glanced at Soomin in disappointment as the young lady patted her stomach with her anxious gaze on the positive pregnancy test on the coffee table.

"We can't have the Jae's son," Hwa-young exhaled as she rose from her seat and strode out after her husband. Soomin pursed her lips and quickly followed her parents out of the work office until she arrived at the front door.

"I love him! Why can't I be with him!? Eomma!" Soomin cried in desperation. Fwip! Chul Hwa-young suddenly spun around to grip her daughter's shoulders, making Soomin flinch at her mother's disapproving scowl.

"Jae Yangcha and his son are killers-"

"They saved us! The Jae saved the society from the cult! They aren't killers!" Soomin refuted in tears.

"No. I will not allow you to conceive a killer's spawn! Your child will carry their cursed blood! It's a disgrace to our household!" Hwa-young firmly sneered at her daughter, causing Soomin's face to flash in dread.


"We're aborting the child! Get in!" Hwa-young snapped once Jeon Jungkook flung open the car door. Soomin's eyes widened in shock as she stared at her fuming mother and glanced at Jeon Jungkook in bewilderment as he darkly glared at his eldest daughter.

"Eomma~! How can you- No!- No!!! You can't abort my child! This isn't right!-" Soomin suddenly burst into tears once her father stormed forward to seize her wrist. The alpha screamed and thrashed in distress but failed to counter his strength as a few guards raced forward to seize her weak body over the pavement.

Jeon Soo-ah frowned at her family's squabble as she watched her older sister beg her parents for mercy- yet they refused to hear her plea- and unexpectedly- Jeon Jungkook... slammed his daughter's vital spot to disable her. Soomin slumped weakly into her father's arms, so the guard quickly seized her motionless body to place her in the back car seat. And before Soo-ah could react... her parents had left with her sister's unconscious body to terminate... the fetus from Soomin's womb... without her consent.

A moment later.

Jeon Soomin gradually opened her droopy eyes to stare at a bright bulb above her head, unsurely lifting her head to frown at the blurry figures... dressed in a blue attire in confusion before glancing to the side... until she noticed... a sharp needle piercing into her veins over her restrained forearm. Her heart sunk in realization- CRASH!

"NO!" Soomin screamed, violently thrashing in shock to yank her arm away and tried to sit up, but the nurses quickly forced her back onto the medical bed. Thump! Thump! Soomin's heart hammered against her ribs once she regained full consciousness in the operating room.

"My lady! Please refrain from-"

"NO!- NO!- YOU CAN'T MURDER MY CHILD! ARGH!- I WON'T LET YOU HARM MY BABY!" Soomin screamed in distress as she thrashed on the bed. THUD! A nurse suddenly collapsed to the side once the heiress kicked the medic with her bare feet.

"MY LADY!" The doctor gasped as Soomin aggressively flung her body off the bed and- THUMP! She rolled off the bed and collided hard onto the floor in her thin gown. A nurse rushed forward to seize her arm and tried to drag her back- but Soomin screamed at the top of her lungs and yanked her captured wrists free from their murderous grips.

"LET ME GO! NO! NO!! NO!!!- STOP IT! I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY BABY! NO!" Soomin screamed in tears as she flung the medics off her shoulders and sprinted towards the door... just as it swung open... and... Jeon Jungkook came rushing inside with his eyes bulging open.

"JEON SOOMIN!- ARGH?!-" Jungkook shouted- suddenly toppling backward when his daughter snatched the tray from the cart to smash her father's face- BANG!- CLATTER!

Jeon Jungkook staggered out of the room once the tray collided with his head, causing Hwa-young to shriek in shock as she leaped from the bench to support her husband. The man gripped his swaying head in pain. Seizing the opportunity... Soomin screamed at the top of her lungs... and bolted out of the room to sprint down the corridor.

"CHASE HER!" Jungkook bellowed in extreme anger while gripping his throbbing head. Soomin shrieked at the sight of the guards, shoved the exit door open, and ran down the flight of stairs with a pale expression in the medical gown.

"HELP ME!!?- SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! PLEASE!- HELP ME! PLEASE!" Soomin desperately screamed for help once she burst into a lower floor. The alpha frantically grabbed a stranger, who flinched in shock at her starling aggression.

"Soomin!" Hwa-young snapped, appearing at the end of the corridor with Jeon Jungkook. A flood of guards suddenly crashed onto the floor through the exit door. Thump! Thump! Soomin cried in fear as she sprinted past the startled patients and medics in her gown while begging for assistance before spinning around the railing to fling herself off the floor landing.

"HELP ME! PLEASE!- I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY CHILD!- THIS IS UNFAIR!!!" Soomin screeched in tears as she stumbled into the busy lobby on the ground floor just as the elevator slid open... and the guards stormed toward her. She gasped in horror with messy tears over her damp cheeks as she wildly spun around and sprinted toward the exit with a frightened face.

"SEIZE HER!" Jungkook bellowed as he angrily stormed forward, causing the averages to snap their attention at the chaos in utter shock. Soomin gasped in desperation as she bolted towards the hospital exit until the flock of men raced forward to seize her arm just before she reached the entrance and roughly towed her back.

"APPA! YOU CAN DO THIS- NO! APPA PLEASE- AH! I'LL DO ANYTHING!- PLEASE~! EOMMA! PLEASE HELP ME!- I'M SORRY!" Soomin wailed as the strong men dragged her frail body over the polished tiles, causing the medics to step aside with a frightened look. SLAP!

Soomin weakly staggered onto the floor in shock once her mother slapped her hard across her face. The young alpha gasped and clutched her burning cheek with a startled look as the hot tears swelled over her pained pupils, spilling messily from her lower lash line. She shakily lifted her frightened face to find... Jeon Jungkook and Chul Hwa-young... looming over her with a fuming glower.

"Did I ever raise you to be a fucking whore?!" Hwa-young screamed at Soomin, who whimpered and quickly grabbed her mother's skirt for forgiveness.

"Eomma! How can you be so cruel?!-"

"Cruel!? I warned you repeatedly to never be involved with the monsters!-"

"THEY'RE NOT MONSTERS! BEOM ISN'T A MONSTER! HIS PARENTS AREN'T MONSTERS! THE HOUSEHOLD AREN'T MONSTERS!- YOU ARE THE MONSTERS! HOW CAN YOU FORCE ME TO MURDER MY CHILD?!" Soomin screams in distress, causing Hwa-young to scoff in extreme fury upon hearing Soomin's offensive claim. The mother roughly snatched her daughter's hair- and repeatedly slapped her cheek out of anger. Smack! Smack! Smack! Soomin screamed in pain as she took the blinding blow to her face... until she saw sparkling stars... circling above her head from being beaten by her very own mother.


"HEY!" Someone bellowed as Hwa-young was about to strike Soomin's face again... whose lips were bleeding heavily. The angered mother abruptly halted at the daring interference and snapped her deadly glare toward the entrance until she noticed... a familiar identical twin... storming through the entrance.

"He- help me!" Soomin begged. The twins froze at the sight of the alpha's beaten condition as she helplessly knelt in her medical down with... messed up hair... fresh scratches on her sweaty face... and a quivering body.

"Why are you here?!" Jungkook sneered, darkly stepping forward to counter the alphas.

"Release her. It's a direct order from the supreme alpha," Kanghoon clenched his defined jaw.

"Jeon Soomin is my daughter! The supreme alphas have no right to meddle with my household affairs!-"

"The child inside Jeon Soomin is the future heir of the Jae's household! We have every right to intervene! Release her- or we'll charge you of assaulting a higher rank!" Woojin threatened the Jeon as the medics and patients gawked at the tension between the top ranks. Hwa-young huffed in annoyance and hastily shoved Soomin's head aside. Thump. The alpha flopped weakly onto the floor. 

"Who do you think you are?! Did you think you could threaten us with your power-"

"TOUCH ANOTHER STRAND OF HER HAIR AND I WILL SUMMON AN ELITE MEETING THIS INSTANT!" A booming voice roared within the hushed lobby, causing everyone to freeze in position... at the assertive presence of a powerful man. Jeon Jungkook tensely clenched his jaw once the supreme alpha stormed inside the room with his looming darkness and piercing eyes... on the flock of stiff guards.


"I- Kim Taehyung... will charge you of murder if you harm Jeon Soomin or her child," Kim Taehyung dangerously snarled at Jeon Jungkook before shifting his razor-sharp glare to Chul Hwa-young's frightened expression. Soomin sniffled in tears as she sat on the floor with bleeding lips. The twins exhaled and stepped forward to help the wounded alpha onto her feet.

"I will disown you from the Jeon Household if you take another step toward the monsters," Jeon Jungkook warned, causing Soomin to freeze in her place as the twins supported her upper arms. She glanced at her parents with a frightened expression before glancing at Kim Taehyung, who stood sternly with his power card to ground the Jeons in their place.

"Soomin. It's your call," Woojin whispered as she gently gripped her shoulder. She blinked out her hot tears and glanced at her concerned step-brothers before glancing at her cold-blooded parents again.

"I don't know. I'm scared-"

"The supreme alpha will protect you and your child at all costs," Kim Taehyung assured the young lady. Soomin lowered her face to cry in distress until her shoulders shook from the immense pressure. 


"You are a disgrace to our family, Jeon Soomin. Soo-ah will never disappoint us," Hwa-young sneered at her broken daughter, causing Soomin's face to drain at her mother's brutal insult. She gripped her fists and glanced at Kim Taehyung with a troubled expression.

"Take me to Jae Beom," Soomin whispered. Jeon Jungkook scoffed, furiously snapping his glare at his eldest daughter in disbelief. 

The guard tensed their bodies... but didn't defy Kim Taehyung... as he stood his ground to repel the Jeons with his intimidating gaze... until Soomin passed him with the twins and left through the exit door.

 A moment later.

Sora's POV

My husband contacted the household earlier to inform us he has safely rescued Jeon Soomin from her parents, so I'm waiting for their arrival with my son, who is anxiously chewing his thumb with shaking legs as he squats on the couch to await his lover's arrival until I heard the front door opening. Creak. Jae Beom immediately launched to his feet and raced toward the front door with a pale expression.

I heard him gasping in shock... so I gripped my hands and glanced at my father and imo as they restlessly perched on the couch to anticipate Soomin's appearance. Kim Taehyung appeared first, sorely rubbing his forehead as he entered the mansion with his head lowered. Why does he look so dispirited? I glanced to the upper floor to find Hajin standing beside Woobin as the twins entered the living room after their father... and behind them... appeared... the Jeon's daughter. Badum. My heart sank in shock once I noticed her bruised left eye, light scratches on her cheeks, and swollen lips. What have they done to their beautiful daughter...? Jae Beom stared at his lover with a torn expression as he hugged her frail body on his side. Soomin lowered her head to greet me in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry-"

"Oh, my poor child~! What have they done to you?!" I gasped, quickly racing forward to draw the young woman into a crushing hug. Beom sobbed and lowered his head to rub his tears as Soomin shakily held onto my shoulders for support. How can anyone be this brutal to their child?!

"Where is the head doctor?" Taehyung grumbled, weakly slumping on the couch with his arms crossed.

"On his way. Abeoji left to pick him up from the airport a while ago," Woobin replied from the top floor. I pulled away from Soomin to cup her precious face... until I felt my chest stirring with immense pity as I scanned her beaten face. I was so lost in my own happiness... I forget that... not everyone... is blessed with a beautiful and healthy family like mine. 

It breaks my heart to know some souls... like hers... are suffering so terribly under the suffocating grip of her cold-hearted parents.

A few days later.

Creak. I gently nudged open the door to Jae Beom's bedroom to find Soomin sitting on the bed with a bandage taped over her forehead, blankly staring at the vast sea view. The young lady blinked out of her deep thoughts at my presence and tried to get up, but I shook my head and carried the dessert bowl over to sit beside her. She's been resting in my son's room for the past few days, and we have the doctor over every day to treat her injury.

"I brought dessert," I smiled, gently taking her hands as she anxiously stared at me. Soomin's left eye is still swollen... but she's healing well.

"You didn't have to visit me yourself," Soomin whispered. I chuckled while patting her cheek and lifted the spoon to feed her.

"We don't often use the maids in our home. They're tasked with outdoor chores. I do the caring inside our living space, so you are my responsibility," I shook my head. Soomin frowned at me with an uneasy expression as she chewed the sticky rice with her bruised lips.

"I'm so sorry for burdening you," She whispered while staring at me with an apologetic look.

"Aigo~! You're definitely not burdening us!" I shook my head and fed her again. Soomin warmly smiled at me.

"I'll move out once I'm ready-"

"Where are you going? You can stay with us. We'll take care of you. Okay? This is Jae Beom's home, so you should feel at home too. You're not an outsider. Soomin, darling... you are our family. We'll care for you and your baby until you deliver your child... and you can reside with us forever on this property. We'd love for you to reside with us," I chuckled while patting her soft cheek. Soomin frowned at my generous hospitality. She suddenly leaned forward to embrace my body, so I pouted and patted her back.

"Thank you for welcoming me... so warmly," Soomin sobbed, suddenly breaking down against my shoulder. Oh no~! A mother shouldn't cry too much during her pregnancy~!

"Soomin-ah. We might not have blood relations, but you are our family. This household needs more women's presence anyway, so please... consider staying with us," I chuckled while rocking her from side to side. Soomin nodded and clutched onto me until... Creak. We broke the hug and glanced at the door to find Hajin smiling at us as she stepped inside with a pile of clothes.

"Eonni. I brought you spare clothes," Hajin smiled as she strolled forward with he neatly folded clothes.

"Ah. You didn't have to. Jae Beom got me a lot of comfortable clothes," Soomin smiled at Hajin.

"It's windy on the hilltop, so a cardigan will keep you warm. It can be very humid too since we're next to the sea so you should wear a silk gown. It's very light so it won't suffocate you and- oh! Slippers... eomma and I love these... it'll keep your feet warm~!" Hajin chuckled as she placed the clothes at the base of Soomin's feet, lifted the pieces to show the alpha, and carefully slipped the fluffy white slippers onto her bare feet.

"You guys... are a strange family," Soomin chuckled in tears. Hajin grinned and sat down beside me as I fed Soomin our homemade dessert.

"Eomma, imo, and I are the only women in the mansion. The guys are noisy! So it's nice to have another woman's company! Especially someone my age!" Hajin giggled. Soomin smiled warmly at my daughter's cheerful beam. 

"I'll avoid being a nuisance in this house," Soomin smiled.

"Aigo~! Why are you bothering Soomin again?! She should rest!" Beom suddenly strolled inside the room.

"I'm feeding her!" I snapped at my son. He chuckled and sat on the armchair to watch me and Hajin crowd around our new family member.

"You feed her ten times a day!" Beom chuckled.

"She has to eat a lot because of the baby in her stomach! She was awfully skinny! You shouldn't be on a diet during your pregnancy! Oh?- It's okay to gain a little weight! Men love us a little fleshy anyways, so gain a bit more weight~!" I giggled. Hajin covered her lips shyly as she hugged my waist, so I smiled at Soomin, whose pale face suddenly lit up with joy upon hearing our family's playful bickers.

Fast Forward | Six months later.

"Soomin-ah~! Sit here~!" I gasped, quickly hurrying across the bustling kitchen to support Soomin as she limped into the kitchen with her baby bump.

"I smell something delicious!" Soomin gasped. I helped her onto the stool as Hajin prepared the plates with Woobin.

"I cooked your favorite dishes!" I grinned and kissed Soomin's cheek, causing her to stiffen in shock.

"I'm still not used to your close-knit family," Soomin chuckled with glowing pink cheeks. I finally helped the young mother gain some weight, so she isn't awfully skinny like she used to be anymore! Her skin is much brighter too!

"This is a home filled with love, Soomin ah~!" Taehyung chuckled, playfully smacking my butt before Soomin, who flushed red as the man helped my father settle at the table with imo.

"We're really affectionate with each other! You don't have to be shy around us!" Hajin giggled as she clung to Woobin's forearm. Soomin smiled at the family and glanced at the steaming dishes as Beom strolled into the kitchen with the twins after they left to practice self-defense with the security team.

"Double rice portion, please!" Beom smiled at Hajin as she scooped the rice.

"Aigo~! The table is a bit crowded! How will I fit my wife and children later?" Woojin chuckled as he glanced at Soomin, who flushed red again when Beom shamelessly kissed her lips before our family.

Third Person POV

"I will smash down the walls and extend the property! Everyone must have a seat in this house!" Taehyung laughed as he settled beside his wife, who was arranging the spoon and bowl for Soomin.

"Your meals are so tasty yet so simple!" Soomin gasped with a slight pout as she tasted the steaming bulgogi.

"Wae? Didn't your mother cook you delicious food at your mansion?" Kanghoon mocked.

"Kanghoon!" Imo snapped at the alpha. Soomin chuckled at her stepbrother's joke.

"We always ate meals prepared by a top Michelin star chef. But nothing can compare to the simple dishes here," Soomin smiled at her stepbrother.

"Eomma and imo are basically divine entities in this house! They keep us plump!" Woojin chirped while eating from his bowl. Woobin chuckled as he fed Hajin a cabbage, so she giggled and glanced at Beom, who was blowing over the warm soup on his spoon and carefully fed Soomin.

"Eonni! Let's visit the beach house together!" Hajin giggled from across the table. Sora chuckled as she poured water for her husband and father as they dinned noisily in the kitchen.

"You have a beach house?" Soomin smiled in surprise.

"Yup! Even our own beach!" Beom chuckled as he patted her lower back. Soomin chuckled and smiled at the supreme alpha's lively household... until Do-hwan joined the table last to sit beside Beomseok. The young alpha had always eaten alone at her parents' mansion without her family's presence... so it was strangely very comforting for her... to be able to experience... such a warm family bonding.


Fast Forward

Jeon Soomin aimlessly wandered into the garden on her own to admire the beautiful blooming petals while carrying her heavy belly until she entered the grave site to uncover a few tombstones. She paused once she found Kim Taehyung tending the garden under the cherry blossom shade.

"Oh?- What are you doing here alone? Where's Beom?" Taehyung lifted his head to greet the young lady while kneeling beside Yangcha's grave.

"He's busy with his work again. Did you plant everything here? Hajin always brags about your hard work," Soomin smiled as she carefully settled on the bench to watch the elderly alpha pile the dirt.

"Yup! Everything here is the product of my blistering palms!" Taehyung chuckled. Soomin fondly stared at Jae Yangcha's tombstone and smiled.

"He must be a really good man for you to care for him even after his death," Soomin chuckled. Taehyung smiled at the young lady.

"Aigo~! No one is purely bad~! This punk right here is a good man- except for the fact that he stole my wife for a while. But aside from that- he's very competent. Like Jae Beom! You should be grateful for his existence because Beom wouldn't have existed without this psycho punk!" Taehyung laughed.

"He might be a good man, but you are the best. Beom really admires you," Soomin replied.

"Of course! My children look up to me! I'm always the best!" Taehyung proudly beamed while pounding his chest.

"The supreme alpha is a lucky woman," Soomin nodded.

"No, I'm the lucky man!" Taehyung huffed as he got up with a blooming daisy, and handed it to Soomin. She thanked the man and sniffed the flower with a faint smile while rubbing her belly.

"Thank you for saving me that day," Soomin smiled at Taehyung as he rubbed his sweaty forehead and slumped on the bench beside her to gaze at the distant sea.

"Don't thank me. Thank your younger sister," Taehyung muttered.

"Soo-ah?" Soomin blinked in surprise.

"Oh. Your sister barged inside my head office at the tower while I was coaching the twins to beg us for help. The young lady claimed your parents were attempting to abort our grandchild," Taehyung nodded bitterly. Soomin blinked and glanced at her hands in surprise.

"My parents detest your family... so why did you welcome me... so warmly? You loathe my father," Soomin asked in curiosity.

"I'm not childish like your parents. Adult problems shouldn't bleed onto the younger generations. You guys were clueless and young during our dispute... so why should we pass the generational traumas to you? The young generation shouldn't be burdened by adult problems. I only pray for the stability and peace of the society and my family," Taehyung shrugged.

"So... you're not doing this just because Beom loves me? Or perhaps because of the child in my womb?" Soomin blinked. Taehyung glanced at her and sighed deeply.

"Young lady. What did your parents say to you for you to be this doubtful of our family's affection?" Taehyung smiled at her.

"I'm just curious. How your household is willing to accept and love an outsider-"

"Aigo~! That man you're talking to?!- He loves to adopt children! Even if the child isn't his! He's a man with a big heart! He took care of the twins! Beom! And even Woobin as his own son! And we are adopting you as our own too!" Sora suddenly appeared with a tray of snacks. Soomin chuckled as the woman placed the tray on the small table and sweetly kissed her sweaty husband.

"I even adopted your ducks! Aigo~! They eat so much~!" Taehyung snapped as he pointed at the enclosure around the pond he installed in the front yard for the pair of ducks. 

"I heard you adopted puppy too," Soomin nodded at the small tombstone.

"This man is a lonely man- so he adopts everyone," Sora chuckled as she handed Soomin the biscuits. The alpha chuckled while rubbing her belly as she watched the woman feed her husband.

"I'm not lonely. My wife is too good at being a mother! That's why I keep her busy with our army of children," Taehyung playfully nudged Sora's shoulder.

"My child is already adopted by his grandfather," Soomin chuckled while patting her belly.

"Of course! I'll throw out the old playground and install a new one for my firstborn grandchild!" Taehyung beamed at Soomin. Sora laughed while hugging her excited husband on his side.

"Is he heavy? You've gained plenty of weight," Sora smiled at Soomin.

"He is heavy. I didn't know a child could be this massive," Soomin smiled as he rubbed her plump belly.

"The Jae's genes are different. Jae Beom was really heavy for me too! My belly was almost as big as when I had the twins~! But don't worry! I'm sure your child will be as calm as his father once he's out," Sora giggled as she slurped the cool lemonade.

"But Hajin was a small baby! She was the easiest to carry! See! I'm the best man again~! I made sure our baby wasn't too heavy!" Taehyung nudged his wife's shoulder for credit. Sora laughed and smacked his sweatshirt.

"But she screams so much once she's out~!" Sora rolled her eyes.

"Ah- right. Hajin is the fussiest one! High maintenance! Just like her mother!" Taehyung teased his wife. Sora glared at the man but didn't dare scream at him before Soomin, who shyly smiled at the bickering couple while munching her biscuit and chatted with them on the bench over the hilltop.


Hajin's POV

The lively household applauded and cheered merrily over the emerald hilltop on a sunny day after Jae Beom kissed Jeon Soomin to seal their vows before the breathtaking view of the distant sea. I happily clapped for my older brother and his beautiful bride with a broad smile, who is now married to his lover at our sacred property.

Jae Beom and Jeon Soomin decided to host a private wedding at the mansion without inviting the guests because they both didn't want to upset the Jeons with their marriage announcement. Eomma and appa... of course... agreed to grant their wishes without hesitation.

Will they accept my relationship with Woobin...? It makes me worry.

It's unbelievable, really. I thought the twins would get married first due to their extroverted nature around people- but it turns out the Jae's household is the first to wed! Beom's heir is already on the way to sustain his family!

Oh~! It was only yesterday when I made Beom take the blame for all my crimes to avoid getting in trouble because I knew appa and eomma, and the entire household were very lenient with him! The elders would scold and spank me and my twin brothers for the trouble we stirred, but they'd never scold Beom! It's unfair- but hey! Beom covered me many times, and I'm super grateful for his sacrifice to shield me from appa's scolding!

I smiled and glanced at Woobin's captivating side profile as he waved at Beom from our seat. Maybe one day... I'll get a happy ending too? I glanced at Soomin as she rubbed her almost due baby bump in her simple bridal gown as Jae Beom repeatedly kissed her cheeks to display his endless affection. Oppa promised to speak to our parents, and I have been waiting for him to disclose our relationship... but he's been busy taking over our chief guard position... so I didn't pressure him.

I'm still young anyway. What's the rush? I can wait.

A moment later | Evening Feast

I tearfully laugh at my drunk grandfather... who is wildly dancing with eomma over the field as the twins grab Beom to sway the timid groom from side to side. The jaguar whined shyly as appa and Soomin laughed at the chaotic household from the picnic table. The guards and the maids happily cheered at their tables to celebrate the wedding between the top alphas. I beamed from my chair to watch the twins tease Beom with funny smooching faces... until Beom whined and shoved his brother away in disgust.

I can't believe Jae Beom got Jeon Soomin pregnant! She's like a goddess at the academy! Untouchable by men!- But he somehow won her over and she's now the mother of his child! Beom is a lucky man to have her! Soo-ah might've been problematic, but Jeon Soomin? She's a classy woman! She will never settle for less! And as expected!- She chose the best brother out of all!

"Do you want to head inside first?" Woobin whispered beside my ear after returning from the restroom, causing me to blink out of my thoughts.

"Right now?" I smiled at him. But everyone is still celebrating...?

"Come on," Woobin smiled, turning around to stroll away, so I got up from my chair and hurried after the man in my dress to follow him up the stairs. He walked straight to my room and pushed the door open as I cluelessly followed him inside.

"Are you drunk?" I giggled when Woobin suddenly pinned me against the closed door, impatiently lowering his face to kiss me until I felt my chest fluttering with his love strokes. The man didn't answer me as he unzipped my dress over the curve of my spine.

Woobin tilted his face to kiss my neck, so I exhaled and leaned against the door as he carefully slipped the dress from my body to strip me naked in my dark bedroom. We often get intimate, but usually... it's at his place... so I'm a bit taken aback by his boldness to do this with me in my room when our home is packed with our family. Woobin lifted me off the floor with ease and carried me to the bed, making me giggle in excitement as he gently tossed my body onto the bouncy mattress.

"Spread," Woobin instructed while nudging my knees apart. I intensely stared at his flushed face as he crawled between my legs and lowered his face to kiss my bare stomach. I shuddered at the touch of his tender lips while rubbing the side of his face as the man traced his wet tongue down to my groin to lubricate my sensitive clit. I curled my toes in extreme heat while biting down on my lower lips as he sensually brushed his lips against my lady part to stimulate my nerves with the poison of his skilled tongue movement.

A moment later.

Woobin steadily thrust his crotch between my soaked thighs as I wrapped my legs around his hips with a slight frown on his burning face. He's been hushed since we made love. Is he alright? Maybe he's just drunk? I moaned in difficulty as he pounded between my legs to smother me with the pleasure... so I gripped onto his lower back dimples... with my legs apart to welcome his addictive presence.

"Oppa," I whispered, gently cupping his cheeks to make Woobin look at me because he's been sucking on my swollen nipples for a while now.

"Hmm?" Woobin hoarsely grunted as he worked his hips forward on the creaking mattress.

"You'll marry me, right?" I whispered while searching his handsome face.

"Hmm. Sure I will," Woobin smiled and lowered his face to insert his tongue between my lips. I moaned in satisfaction as he sped up the pace of his hips to shove his way inside me, so I curled my toes and buried my warm cheeks against his broad shoulder as he clutched onto my waist to hold me down while grunting extreme pleasure. SPLURGE!

"Hah~!" I groaned in distress once I felt him finishing inside me. Woobin exhaled in relief, weakly slumping over my moist flesh in exhaustion, so I tightened my grip around his neck as he fumed beside my sweaty neck.

"Did the elders set a date?" Woobin grunted as he pushed his body off the mattress to slip out of my private part, dismissively reaching out for the tissues on the nightstand to wipe my crotch clean as I pushed my body up into a sitting position.

"Seojun asked to take me on a date next week. Should I excuse myself?" I asked as I watched him crawl off the bed to slip on his clothes. Woobin pulled his trousers to his strong hips and buckled his belt before picking up his shirt to slip his muscular arms through the sleeves as I sat naked on the mattress to watch him get dressed with sticky thighs on my cluttered bed sheet.

"Go with him," Woobin exhaled after snatching a few tissues from the nightstand to dab his sweat-drenched neck.

"Are you sure? Shouldn't we disclose our relationship early on to prevent misunderstandings?" I whispered. Woobin pulled on his suit and fixed his hair by the side of my bed.

"We're not ready yet. I'm busy these days. I'll be out of the mansion for a week... so play along with eomma's plan," Woobin shrugged.

"Okay," I whispered. Woobin smiled and softly kissed my cheek.

The man straightened his body and strolled out of my room without another word... so I blinked and glanced at the light bruise on my stomach before glancing at the wet stain on my bed sheet with a heavy feeling. He left instantly after we had sex... and I felt a little upset... but- I didn't fuss over it because I knew Woobin couldn't stay with me in bed with our family around. I'm too needy... so I should learn to control myself. Sighing, I shoved the blanket aside and entered the stall to shower.

The twins, eomma, and appa... were entirely wasted that night after the private wedding feast to celebrate the household's first wedding ceremony. The groom had to drag the heavy twins to bed with the guards as the maids escorted my parents to their bed chamber. Even my grandfather and our chief guard were drunk because of the liquor they consumed in the backyard. I woke up early the very next morning to assist imo and the maids because the elders were suffering severe hangovers from overconsuming the liquor.

"Appa~! Why did you make eomma drink so much? She can't tolerate liquor~!" I whined while setting the tray of warm soup on the table as my parents sat side by side in their pajamas with their striking morning hair. Eomma grumbled with her eyes closed, so I sighed and taped a cool patch over her forehead as appa slumped down to rest on her lap.

"Eomma used to love liquor~! She drank in my office lounge all the time!" Appa grunted as eomma sleepily stroked his wrinkled cheek. 

"She's not as tolerant as she used to be! Not since she had Hajin! Sora gets drunks super easily~!" Imo groaned while feeding the twins the warm soup as they sat on the couch with the woman between them. Kanghoon grumbled and tilted his head to rest on Imo's shoulder as she carefully fed Woojin, whose face was funnily puffed up.

"I summoned the head doctor. He'll be here soon. I told you not to drink too much~!" Beom chuckled as he helped Soomin down the stairs. I smiled and fed eomma the warm soup.

"Appa~! Sit up~! I'll feed you~!" I smiled while tapping my father's shoulder. He grunted and sat up in difficulty while rubbing his lower back.

"You should assist him. I can eat myself," Soomin smiled as she took the soup bowl from Beom's hands when he tried to feed her. Jae Beom walked forward to lift an untouched bowl and sat beside our father to feed the old man, making me chuckle at appa's whiny groans as I dabbled the grease from eomma's lips.

"Hajin-ah... did you respond to Seojun's invitation?" Eomma smiled as she fondly stroked my cheek.

"I did. Seojun will pick me up for the date," I nodded.

"Four left to marry off..." Appa grumbled. Soomin giggled at the sick elders and the twins while shaking her head as she had the bowl of warm breakfast... and I pretty much spent the next few days... assisting my sick parents and twins.

A few days later.

"Imo. Do you want me to bring snacks to the security department?" I curiously asked as I entered the kitchen to find the maids plating the freshly made dessert.

"Do-hwan and Woobin aren't home, so I'll send the maid later," Imo shook her head as she tasted the dessert prepared by the maids.

"They left already?" I blinked in surprise. Why didn't Woobin inform me?

"Yup. Since last night. They'll be back next week," Imo nodded. I scratched my head and walked out of the kitchen to check my phone, but there wasn't a single text from Woobin.

Hajin: Oppa. Where are you?

Hajin: Why didn't you inform me of your departure?

Hajin: You could've at least said goodbye~!

Hajin: *sulky emoji*

I texted him a few messages as I entered the twin's room to find them gaming on their television... so I exhaled and sat beside my brothers to watch them race on the screen while waiting for Woobin to read my text... but it took him longer than usual.

After an entire day of waiting... he finally checked my message.


I quickly lifted my phone to frown at the screen in anticipation as soon as he read my texts... but for some reason... the man didn't reply and left me on read. I scratched my head with a stuffy feeling and tossed my phone away in irritation while rolling on my bed. Hajin-ah~! You know Woobin is busy! Don't be fussy about it! I'm sure he'll call once he has the time!

But did he call? Nope. A few days flew by... and my text was still left on seen. I tried calling Woobin once I lost my patience... but I couldn't reach him... so I gave up and slipped my phone back into my pocket before shifting my gaze to Seojun as he approached me with a juice glass.

"You keep staring at your phone. Is there an emergency at home?" Seojun smiled, carefully settling the cool juice for me in his golf attire. I shook my head and sipped the sweet watermelon juice as we sat under the shade of a private lounge at the exclusive resort.

"I didn't know you were into golf?" I muttered while watching the guests swing their golf clubs over the grass field.

"I thought it's fun... but it's quite boring," Seojun chuckled as he sat across from me.

"It's your first time?" I smiled at him.

"Yup. You don't enjoy it either... so I'll plan a better date next time," Seojun chuckled as he ate his cinnamon roll. He lifted the piece with his fork and fed me from across the table, so I accepted it with a faint smile. 

"Do you not resent me? For leaving your side?" I questioned Seojun's composed manner. 

"I was startled, of course. But I understand that you need a break. I left to study abroad for a while because I also needed time to sort out my mind," Seojun shrugged. I nodded and sipped from the watermelon again.

"Why don't you select someone else? Why bother pursuing what's already broken?" I asked. Seojun smiled as he chewed his food while eyeing me across the table.

"I did see a few women because I thought I should move on, but it was really annoying because I had to introduce myself all over again... and again... to try to find the right match. You already know me... and I already know you. We click... so... why not? Plus- you're often on my mind, and there's a lot of regrets... so I'm trying my best to reconcile with you," Seojun nodded.

This is complicated. I do not detest Seojun, and I feel comfortable around him... but... I am in love with Woobin. My secret lover asked me to play along with my mother's wish to match me with the Kim's heir... so here I am... on a date with the Kim's heir. 

I do not wish to mislead Seojun... so I'm... very anxious about our agreement to see each other again.

A moment later.

"Eomma~! I'm home!" I announced, happily strolling toward the living room to find my parents signing the scattered documents over the coffee table as Beom sat across from them with Soomin.

"Oh? Seojun is here too! Stay with us for dinner," Eomma gasped as Seojun strolled in after me with a weak smile.

"What's this?" I chirped after settling beside my mother to peek at the confidential documents.

"Ah~! We're signing as witnesses for Beom and Soomin's marriage license. And we're transferring absolute ownership of the Jae's assets to Beom," Eomma giggled. Jae Beom beamed at me as Seojun sat on the single couch to greet Soomin, who nodded at him with a weak smile.

"Appa will one day transfer our seats to you too~! But you have to get married first! I trust that Seojun can care for my daughter~!" My father chuckled after he signed the document and handed it to Beom.

"How was your date? Was it fun?" Eomma beamed at us.

"It's alright-"

"It sucked. I shouldn't have taken Hajin to a golf field~! We spent the day eating in the shade," Seojun chuckled when I tried to brush it off.

"Aigo~! That sounds like a nice date though~!" Eomma smiled.

"My daughter's skin is sensitive to the sun's glare! Just like her mother- so you shouldn't leave her under the sun!" Taehyung playfully glared at Seojun.

"Yes, sir. My apologies~!" Seojun laughed and lowered his head.

"Oh! I like this young man!" Taehyung gleamed at Seojun. I chuckled and hugged eomma as Soomin reviewed the documents with Beom. Seojun ended up staying back at the mansion to have dinner with us before boarding the plane and left with the twins to return to Seoul the same night.

"Eomma. Do you need help...?" I asked, curiously opening Beom's bedroom door to find my mother massaging Soomin's baby bump with scented oil on the bed. I'm convinced my mother found her new favorite child! And it's her daughter-in-law! 

"Nope! I'm taking care of my daughter-in-law~! She's almost due~!" Eomma chuckled as she kneaded Soomin's tensed belly skin.

"Have you seen my baby daddy?" Soomin smiled as I settled on the bed edge to admire her glossy baby bump.

"Appa dragged Beom into the garden earlier. I overheard he needed help unloading fertilizers," I shrugged.

"Oh! That stupid man! How can he force Beom to carry the sacks for him!" Eomma gasped and snapped her dark frown toward the terrace.

"You told him not to heave heavy things because of his stiff back. I'm sure Beom can handle it," Soomin chuckled as she sat against the bedboard.

"Beom should be with his wife because she's almost due! That man! I will scold him~! He's overworking the baby daddy~!" Eomma grimaced as he massaged Soomin's arms.

"How can you scold a perfect man like father? He works extra hard to maintain the garden for you," Soomin giggled at eomma.

"And then what? He returns with a stiff back! Yeobu~! My joints hurt! My muscles are cramping! Ah~! My back is stuck! I have to deal with the aftermath!!!" Eomma shook her head with a slight grimace.

"He's still strong and healthy~! That's all thanks to his loving wife~!" I giggled. 

"You should keep your husband strong and healthy~! So they won't fail to please us in bed!" Eomma giggled.

"Eomma!" I gasped, quickly covering my mouth in shock. Soomin giggled while rubbing her flushed face.

"Hey~! Men entirely drain us of colors and energy~! Look at Soomin! She used to be so vibrant and lively! Now her skin is dull, and she gets sick so easily~! Mr. Husband must be healthy so they can make us feel good! Even for a few minutes!" Eomma giggled, referring to a couple's sexual health. I laughed and shook my head.

"I don't mind losing a bit of my color for Beom," Soomin chuckled.

"Of course. You and I... we're lucky to be with good men~! They add colors to our lives after draining us~!" Eomma happily patted her daughter-in-law's hand. I sadly smiled at the married duo and glanced down at my empty ring finger. Woobin has been gone for a while. I sighed, eventually bid my goodbye... and left the room to stare at the endless missed calls on my screen. Why isn't he answering me...? I anxiously slumped over the pillow while chewing my nails and tossed my phone aside with a stuffy chest.

Hajin. He will return. Avoid getting upset over trivial matters. It's not like he abandoned you. Woobin is a hard-working man... who has been exhausting himself to secure the household, so you shouldn't make his life more difficult than it already is! The least you could do is to relieve his stressful discomfort.

The vivid scenarios of the active dreams within my mind gradually faded as I stirred on the mattress a little before dawn. Throb. I slightly twitched on the bed... once I felt a hot burn between my crotch... making me murmur in confusion as I lowered my hand to feel my inner thighs... only to fumble upon a handful of hair between my fingers. Throb. I moaned and lifted my head off the pillow with my barely open eyes... until I noticed... a blurry figure buried between my legs.

"Oppa...?" I whispered, sleepily closing my heavy eyelids as the wet strokes of his tongue caressed me up and down. The man slowly sat up between my soaked thighs... and before I could make sense of the situation- I felt his hard tip penetrating my slit. Oh~! Why is he horny in the morning~?

"Did you enjoy the date?" Woobin asked as he pushed his hard cock all the way inside me. I arched my back over the mattress and softly groaned... still half asleep. I'm so sleepy~! Woobin leaned over my body to draw the sleeves off my shoulders.

"When did you get home?- Hah~!" I tried to speak but was immediately hushed by his powerful hip thrust inside the tight canal of my vagina. Woobin lowered his face to suck my hard nipple, suddenly biting down on the tip, causing my body to squirm uncomfortably as he fucked me on the mattress early in the morning.

"Answer me. Did you enjoy the date?" Woobin seethed as he lifted his stern face to stare directly into my eyes. I blinked away the drowsiness while staring at the dark cast over his poker face as he steadily thrust between my soaking wet slit to juice the discharge from my lady part.

"I did- It was alright- Hah~! Ah- Ah! Oppa! Wait!-" I gasped but before I could finish my words- he suddenly sped up the pace and fucked me harder until I felt my body stiffening at his relentless thirst to devour me. What the hell?!- I quickly lifted my head to stare at the soaked shaft of his penis sliding... and slipping... from inside my burning crotch before glancing at him with a frightened look.

"It was alright? Yeah...? Did you resolve the issue with him?" Woobin grunted in pleasure, roughly grabbing my cheeks to make me stare up at him. I swallowed at his oddly dark energy but couldn't think straight because he wouldn't stop pounding inside me... so I gripped his forearm for support and seethed in extreme pleasure.

"We did talk-"

"And he's still determined to marry you?" Woobin interrogated me.


"Do you like him then? Hmm?" Woobin asked, suddenly lowering his intense stare to search my terrified eyes. I gulped at the man as he paralyzed me with his horny dick, so I swallowed and shook my head repeatedly. Thwop! Thwop! 

"No- I like you-"

"Yeah? You like me?-"

"Oppa! Calm down- Why are you so rough?!" I gasped, quickly trying to sit up... but Woobin snatched my throat and shoved me back down with his jaw clenched as he pinned me over the mattress. I moaned in distress with a loose sleeve over my arm as my bare breasts jiggled at the motion of his raw fuck.

"Why? Are you complaining...? You used to love it when I pleased you like this? Should I stop?" Woobin suddenly stopped thrusting inside me with a dark frown. What's the matter with him? I uneasily gulped at his cold stare while struggling to regulate my shaky breathing rhythms with a throbbing crotch... soaking wet from the friction of his hard shaft.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, pouting in defeat. Woobin frowned at my tearful gaze and lowered his face to caress his parted lips over mine, so I desperately hugged his neck as he resumed his steamy hip movement to stimulate my aroused nerves with the squelching thumps of his warm crotch... rubbing intensely against my wet groin.

"I will cum inside," Woobin whispered, finally drawing his lips away from mine. 

"Can't you use the condom...? I don't want to leave a mess on the mattress- Hah!- Hmhp! Ah~! Mmhp! Oppa~!" I begged, but he dismissively pinned my wrists over the pillow to hold me in place. 

Woobin beat my burning inside harder with his tip to suffocate me with the scalding pleasure, making me whimper in shock- but was ultimately silenced when he shoved his fingers inside my mouth to stifle my complaints. I stared helplessly at his almost... angry glare... until tears filled my eyes... so I sucked his fingers like a pacifier to contain my uncontrollable moans. SPLURGE!

Woobin grunted in satisfaction with his swollen penis lodged deep inside my sore canal. 

I stiffened over my bed with my toes curled as he thrust inside a few more times to fill me up with his semen. The man groaned and lowered his body to rest on mine as I shakily wheezed on the pillow with a sweaty forehead... until I felt the warm fluid... seeping out of my swollen lady part as he slowly withdrew his shaft to unload his thick semen. Woobin suddenly shoved his muscular body upward to kneel between my aching legs. He pressed his fingers against the sensitive slit to wipe his fresh cum... and crawled over my body to shove his fingers inside my mouth.

"I want you to swallow every drop of my cum," Woobin grunted after withdrawing his soaked fingertips from my mouth to wipe the semen from my lady part again and forced me to suck the thick paste.

I didn't dare complain and swallowed his raw aftertaste in difficulty as he reached inside my vagina to scrap the remaining discharge from my canal, causing me to shudder at the motion of his fingers... but he didn't seem to notice my discomfort and shoved the remaining cum inside my mouth to make me lick his fingers clean. I blinked in exhaustion once he withdrew his fingers from my mouth, nervously pursing my lips with my legs apart... too... depleted to even budge.

"Are you upset?" I asked, weakly sitting up to hold his waist with an anxious frown. Why is he suddenly upset? Did I do something wrong? Did I spam him too much with my calls? Woobin darkened his gaze on me without replying. I pouted at his muted silence and tilted my face to softly kiss him until he exhaled and held my waist.

"Go and wash up. I want you to visit my cabin after breakfast," Woobin muttered, coldly pulling away to stare right into my eyes. I nodded and crawled off the bed in my loose gown to enter the bathroom so I could wash my lady part clean... and finally peed out the filth from my system before washing my hands and face to awaken my clouded mind.

"Oh?... He left?" I paused once I stepped out of the bedroom... to find an empty bed.

I restlessly scratched my head as I strolled toward my messy sheets to stare at the wet stains with a sore expression before glancing out the window to find Woobin... striding over the field and disappeared into his distant cabin. He left again? He could've at least... stayed to update me about his work experience over the past week. I missed him so much. I sulkily drew the sheet off my mattress to put it in the basket and replaced the bedsheet before strolling out of my room to walk downstairs.

"Why are you up early?" I asked once I found Beom stirring two mugs on the counter in the dark kitchen. It's almost dawn.

"Soomin puked earlier because of her morning sickness. I came down to make hot chocolate," Beom whispered as he stirred the mugs. I blinked and sat on the stool to watch my brother prepare the warm drink for his wife.

"Do you often make her snacks or food after you sleep with her or when she's sick?" I asked with my hand tucked under my chin.

"Yeah. Of course. I usually give Soomin water first because she gets thirsty after we make love. And I definitely will brew hot chocolate so she can fall back asleep," Beom smiled. I dimmed my eyes on the steaming mug. I'm envious of their healthy relationship. 

"You're such a gentleman," I whispered. Beom chuckled and pushed one of the mugs across the counter to place it before me.

"Drink it," Beom smiled.

"It's mine?" I asked, looking at my brother in surprise.

"Oh. I made one for you and one for Soomin," Beom nodded as he lifted the other mug, circled the counter to kiss my forehead, and strolled out of the kitchen... leaving me alone on the stool. I glanced down at the warm drink and sipped it with a slight frown. Oh? He didn't add much milk like I always asked. How did Beom know I'd come downstairs this early...? He was already brewing in two mugs... so I assumed he made one for himself, but it's mine? I scratched my head unsurely but shrugged it off and sipped the warm drink with a faint smile.

I thought Woobin wanted to speak with me about our relationship disclosure to our household... so I quickly ate breakfast and hurried to his cabin with the meal eomma asked me to deliver to him. But you guessed it. The conversation I anticipated never happened, and I ended up... limping out of his cabin at noon with a sticky body. He insisted that we have sex again, so I agreed... thinking he simply missed me while he was away.

Woobin had breakfast at his cabin... so I waited to collect the dishes... but after he ate... he bent me over again and fucked me until he finished twice... and I was left with dripping discharge between my legs. He told me to shower in his bathroom... but I was feeling a bit nauseous at this point... so I left the cabin and limped toward the duck pond beside the ancient tree in the front yard to find appa feeding the ducks with Beom.

"Aigo~! You're so plump~! This one is fat enough to be eaten... don't you think? Should we roast it? Steam it? This guy can feed the entire household!" Appa chuckled as he cradled the massive duck in his arms.

"Abeoji~! You can't eat them!" Beom whined as he petted the other duck.

"Then why bother feeding them so much food?" Appa playfully grumbled until Beom fired our father a playful glare.

"Hajin-ah! Are you alright!? Did you get hurt?" Beom glanced at me as I passed them.

"I tripped and fell earlier," I smiled and limped away because my lady part was too sore for me to stand. I like the pleasure, but I already got myself pumped five times since early morning- I'm dizzy.

"Appa will call the head doctor-"

"I'm fine! Don't bother!" I chuckled and waved at my father before climbing the mansion's stairs to shower in my room.

Day after day since Woobin returned... I was summoned to his cabin almost too frequently just so we could make love... and I'd leave a mess every time. Did I complain once? Nope. I assumed Woobin was stressed over his workload... so I allowed him to do whatever he wanted with my body... hoping I could relieve his discomfort.

Did I feel upset? Nope. Woobin loves me. Why would he want to touch me if he doesn't love me?

A week later

Third Person POV

Jeon Soomin rolled her wheelchair into the living room during a humid afternoon to find Hajin napping on the couch with a sweaty hairline. The heiress's lips were ajar... and she was drooling with her legs apart. The older alpha grabbed a few tissues and gently dabbed Hajin's lips dry before sealing her mouth to prevent the leakage. Soomin frowned at Hajin's dark eye bags and chapped lips before lifting her hand to feel the heiress's feverish forehead. Kim Hajin used to always dress well, even in the mansion, and she'd appear her best every day, but lately? She's been dragging her feet over the tiles in her nightgowns with her wild hair.

"Oh? She's burning," Soomin muttered, worriedly glancing around the property to search for assitance.

"Eomma? Abeoji...?" Soomin softly called while rolling her wheelchair toward the opened backyard door to search for the elders as Hajin slept on the couch... when the front door opened and Woobin came storming inside the mansion with an upset frown.

"Hajin-ah! What's taking you so long?!" Woobin snapped.

"I think she's sick," Soomin quickly spun her wheelchair around, causing Woobin to pause by the couch with his dark gaze on the heiress's frail condition.

"She's fine," Woobin muttered, bending over to heave Hajin's weak body from the couch.

"Are you sure? She's burning hot," Soomin anxiously muttered as the eldest son attempted to carry Hajin back to his cabin.

"Yeah-" Woobin muttered, quickly spinning around but halted in place once he... came face to face with... Jae Beom... who had strolled down the staircase with a blank face. Beom lowered his vacant gaze to his baby sister's ashen skin and back to his older brother's tense expression. Woobin tried to step aside... but Beom quickly blocked his path to stop the man from leaving with her body. 

"She's sick. I already called the head doctor. Please let her rest," Beom calmly spoke. Woobin tenses his jaw at Jae Beom's instruction.

"She's not-"

"Her hairline is soaked. Hajin told me she had a bad headache earlier, so I headed upstairs to contact our head doctor," Beom calmly replied with his dull gaze on Hajin.

"Omo! What happened?! I left earlier to prepare fruits for Soomin! Hajin was fine~!" Sora suddenly appeared as she strode into the living room with a tray.

"Hajin is sick," Soomin muttered anxiously. Woobin possessively clutched her lifeless body with a frustrated frown once his family surrounded the weak lady, so he eventually gave in and placed Hajin back onto the couch.

Jang Sora gasped in extreme dread at the sight of her ill daughter. She settled the fruit plate on Soomin's lap and quickly sat on the couch to feel Hajin's burning forehead. Woobin rubbed his lips in annoyance and slumped on the opposite couch... as Jae Beom kept his blank gaze on his older brother's timid behavior before striding forward to eat the fruit from the plates on the tray. The alpha assembled a wheelchair for his wife so she didn't have to walk with her heavy belly.

A moment later.

Jang Sora worriedly patted Hajin's pale face as the heiress rested her head on her mother's lap. Taehyung stood by the couch with his arms crossed to observe his daughter's weak condition, confused by her sudden collapse. No one knew why she suddenly fell ill. Beom calmly fed Soomin the fruit as the doctor studied Hajin's body to search for signs of discomfort.

"Where does it hurt?" The young doctor asked while examining Hajin's sunken eyes. Woobin tensely folded his arms while eyeing Hajin's tangled hair as Beom sideways eyed his older brother's grim frown.

"Only my head," Hajin muttered.

"Are you sure, sweetie?" Sora pouted at her daughter's pale face.


"We should perform a full body examination," Beom suggested, causing Woobin to stiffen in his seat. Hajin sucked in her breath and glanced at Beom with a startled expression.

"I agree-"

"No. I'm fine," Hajin insisted, quickly sitting up on the couch to rub her drained face, causing Sora to sulk cutely. The mother scooted closer to her daughter to hold Hajin by her waist.

"I will prescribe medication and supplements for now. If Hajin doesn't feel better, please escort her to the hospital. I will perform a checkup," The doctor informed. Hajin hugged her anxious mother in exhaustion before averting her wearied gaze to Woobin, who darted her a warning stare as he sat across from her with his arms folded. Hajin knew she couldn't let the doctor perform a checkup... because she collapsed due to the rapid exertion of her energy.


Choi Woobin cautiously approached the looming bedroom in the vacant corridor once the household headed to bed. He carefully reached for the door handle. Creak. The man pushed open the door and stepped inside Hajin's room. She remained unconscious on her bed with the warm blanket wrapped securely over her feeble body while resting under the dim moonlight glow. 

The eldest son locked the bedroom door and slowly... approached the unconscious heiress to sit by her bedside. He lifted his fingers to push the loose strands behind her ear before lowering his hand to draw the silk sleeve off her shoulder. He is tempted... to wake her from her deep sleep. The man intensely stared at her luminous cleavage while stroking the visible ridge between her youthful breasts with his thumb. 

"She only fell asleep a moment ago," Someone suddenly muttered, causing Woobin to flinch at the unexpected presence. The eldest brother wildly spun around to find Jae Beom sitting on the built couch by the high arch window with his dim eyes on his older brother. Woobin quickly jerked his fingers from her silk sleeve and cleared his throat with a startled look.

"What are you doing here? Your wife-"

"Eomma asked me to keep an eye on Hajin for the night," Beom dully stared at Woobin, who quickly stood up from the bed to rub his burning neck.

"I- I wanted to check on her too," Woobin muttered, awkwardly shifting his gaze away to avoid Beom's unblinking stare.

"I'll stay with her until morning... so don't worry. Please have a good sleep," Beom replied while keeping his dim gaze on Woobin, who was still shaken by the third son's presence inside Hajin's room.

"I'll head back to bed," Woobin nodded his stiff head and quickly left the room without another word. Clack. The door clicks shut again. Beom remained seated by the window... until Woobin hurriedly strolled down the concrete stairs to race over the field in his pajamas.

The eldest son briefly glanced at the window to find Jae Beom watching him... so he cleared his throat again and hurried off until he disappeared from sight. Beom dimmed his eyes and glanced back at Hajin's helpless state. The alpha exhaled as he got up from the cushion, gently adjusting Hajin's sleeve over her shoulder to cover up her cleavage, and tucked her into bed before returning to sit by the transparent window. The jaguar eventually directed its predatory gaze on the dirt path leading to the cabin again as he guarded his vulnerable sister under the dim moonlight glow. 

The next day.

Choi Woobin repeatedly tried to visit Kim Hajin in her room... but she was always surrounded by her family members after her collapse. In the morning, he walked in on Soomin chatting with Hajin... so he waited for the alpha to leave... but Beom showed up again to carry his sister to the living room for breakfast.

Jang Sora kept the heiress company on the ground floor to keep her mind off the discomfort and taught her daughter to knit with Soomin in the living room. Woobin eventually gave up on trying to isolate Hajin and chose to work at the security department... but he ultimately returned again during lunch to find Hajin resting on the couch because Beom insisted that she needed refreshing air from the backyard. The jaguar refused to let his sister out of sight. 


"The ducks are cute!" Hajin giggled as she crouched by the shallow pond to watch Beom feed his duckies. The heiress had finally recovered her energy after receiving intensive care from her family and decided to step out of the front door for the refreshing air in her lustrous silk gown until Jae Beom invited her to visit his ducks in the front yard during a golden afternoon. She agreed and followed him to the enclosure with an eager smile. 

Hajin's POV

"This is Yang Yang~! The female one is Cha Cha~!" Beom lifted the plump duck toward me. I shrieked in a panic as he placed the cute pet onto my lap.

"Yangcha? Isn't that your father's name~?" I giggled as the duck quacked at me. They're so adorable~! I carefully settled the wiggly duck down so it could swim in the cool pond.

"I didn't know what to name them," Beom shrugged. I laughed and smacked his shoulder. How can he name his ducks after his father?! It's hilarious!

"Beom! Can you help abeoji for a moment?!" Appa suddenly called from the side of the mansion.

"I'll be there!" Beom shouted, quickly getting up to stroll away, so I exhaled and fed corn to the cute creatures with a weak smile. I giggled and splashed the water at the two ducks as they floated over the surface... until they funnily quacked at me. Are they annoyed?! Haha~! 

"We need to speak," Woobin suddenly appeared behind my back- startling me with his random presence.

"Oh! Oppa-!" I gasped when he suddenly bent down to grab my wrist and dragged me from the pond. Thump! Thump! I stumbled after him in my silk robe and glanced at the unattended ducks with a slight pout. 

"Why are you avoiding me?" Woobin asked as I struggled to keep up with his swift pace over the uneven dirt path. 

"Me? What?- I was sick-! Wae? Can't we talk out here?-" I gasped once we reached his cabin's door. What's with him??? Woobin shoved me through the doorway and banged the door shut, causing me to flinch in a panic with a frightened gaze on his stern frown. Is he mad? Suddenly? But why??? Thud! Thud! The man stormed forward to seize my waist and roughly pinned his lips against mine before I could react. Hmmp! I anxiously gripped his shoulders as he shoved his tongue between my lips to pollute my bland tastebuds with his flavor.

"Are you still unwell?" Woobin fumed, suddenly pulling away to frown at me. Why does he look so upset? 

"I'm feeling better- Argh! Oppa?!" I gasped in shock when he forced me onto his mattress and tried to undo my robe, so I frantically pushed his chest back with a startled look. Pause. The man firmly gripped my wrists with his intimidating gaze nailed on my nervous expression. 

"What? You don't want to?" Woobin frowned at my resistance.

"I- I'm not ready to do it yet~! I'm afraid my lady part will inflame- and I'll get sick again- and that I'll have to go through the check-up at the hospital," I shakily explained. I'm feeling better... but I'm still sore all over! Woobin darkly scanned my ashen face as he knelt between my legs. I cautiously sat up to observe his tense frown with a slight pout while holding his hands over his thick thighs. 

"Fine. Suck me," Woobin exhaled, suddenly undoing his pants, causing me to freeze in place as he impatiently reached under his waistband to grab his- Knock. Knock. Woobin froze at the unexpected disturbance and snapped his frustrated glare toward the door.

"Hajin? Are you in there?" Beom calmly asked. I widened my eyes and glanced at Woobin, who suddenly covered my mouth to stop me from speaking. I shakily panted as I clutched onto Woobin, who was hovering over my body, so I swallowed in fright and glanced at the looming shadow over the curtains... securely draped over the window.

"What do you want?" Woobin answered Beom's call.

"Seojun came to visit. Eomma asked me to fetch Hajin," Beom replied. Woobin clenched his jaw in extreme frustration as I fearfully eyed the bulging veins on his neck.

"I'm here! Woobin asked to help him fold his laundry!" I gasped, quickly scrambling to my feet, and swung the door open to find Beom towering over the cabin's doorway. I left my slippers outside! Of course, he knows I'm here!

"Are you alright?- Why is your face flushed again?" Beom scoffed, suspiciously redirecting his dark stare past me as Woobin stood with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm fine! Let's go!" I grinned to distract my older brother. Beom sighed at my reassuring smile and placed his arm over my shoulder to steer me away... so I hugged his waist and skipped towards the mansion until I entered the living room to find Seojun conversing with my mother.

"Hajin~!" Seojun greeted me with his usual charming smile. 

"What brought you here today?" I smiled, stepping forward to give him a friendly pat.

"I'm here for our date, of course," Seojun unsurely gleamed at me.

"Oh! Hajin was sick yesterday! She must've forgotten to inform you!" Eomma gasped in shock.

"Oh? Are you sick?- What happened?" Seojun stared at me with a startled look.

"Hah. I'm fine-"

"I should cancel our horse riding session then," Seojun quickly pulled out his phone with an anxious frown.

"Horse riding?! I really want to try that!" I gasped in surprise. Seojun paused to stare at my approving beam.

"We can go another time-"

"Don't cancel it! Let's go! I've been feeling unwell lately- so I'd love to ride the horse!" I grinned with my hands clasped together. Seojun unsurely stared at me and glanced at my mother for her consent.

"She can't leave the mansion. Hajin barely recovered," Woobin suddenly spoke up as he strolled inside the living room with a blank face.

"It's fine. I'm feeling better-"

"You can barely support your own weight. What makes you think horse riding is safe? You can't handle the sun's glare anyways," Woobin clenched his jaw, slightly lifting his thick eyebrow to warn me with a death stare. 

"Woobin is right-"

"It's already afternoon. The sun won't harm her. The doctor recommended that she take a refreshing break. I'll escort her with Seojun. Soomin wants to see the beach anyways," Beom calmly interfered with our conversation. Eomma pursed her lips and glanced at me anxiously.

"Okay. Be careful. Come back for dinner," My mother exhaled while patting Seojun's arm and left to enter the kitchen. Beom smiled and nudged me up the stairs... so I hurried to my room to get changed and left the place with Seojun, Beom, and Soomin. 

A moment later.

"Ah~! Are you sure this is safe?!" I whined uncomfortably as Seojun lifted my body off the ground to seat me on the leather saddle. I didn't know a horse was this tall!

"Don't scream! You'll scare the poor thing~!" Seojun chuckled as he held my waist to support me. I whimpered and gripped the reins with a racing heart as the alpha climbed stirrup to swing his legs over the horse and sat behind me as the unstable seat rocked from side to side. This is nothing like riding a man! What the heck?!

"This is a bad idea!" I shrieked and pursed my lips with a flushed face while struggling to balance my weight over the gigantic living thing. Seojun chuckled at my dramatic exclaim as he held the leather reins to pilot the majestic horse. Tug. My heart thumped out of control once it slowly strutted forward... so I gasped and glanced up at the alpha with a pleading look.

"Hajin-ah~! Stay calm! You'll be fine!" Beom waved as he got on a mini golf cart with Soomin. The couple isn't horse riding because Soomin is pregnant... so Beom will drive her on a cart instead.

"Scary~! So Scary~! Seojun-ah~!" I whimpered until Seojun freed his arm to hold my waist. I fearfully cowered backward to press my back against his warm chest... upon feeling the rocky bumps that made me stiffen in fear. I might fall and break my neck!

"Hajin, look at me," Seojun chuckled. I pouted and glanced up at him with my face tilted upward, causing Seojun to smile at my terrified expression. He's handsome, but that's not enough to calm my frightened heart! Why did I agree to this~?!

"I'm scared," I whispered while blinking at him with my puppy eyes.

"You're safe with me. Okay? I promise... we'll have fun. If you keep whining- we won't make it in time to see the sunset over the cliff," Seojun smiled. I frowned and glanced at the orange sky with a slight pout.

"Okay," I nodded, nervously tightening my grip over the rein. I can do this~! Even if I die- I won't die alone! Seojun held my hand over the leather thread as the horse steadily stuttered out of the fences. Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop. I stiffly perched on the saddle as the massive mammal trotted its hooves over the wide opening of an elevated hilltop.

"We'll leave first!" Beom teased as he drove Soomin in his cart toward the cliff, leaving us behind. Seojun didn't dare speed up our horse and chose to walk us at a steady pace. I gripped the leather and leaned against his back for support. You're not a child, Hajin! Don't be scared of this!

"Can we speed up a little? I don't think we'll make it on time at this pace. Just hold onto me. You won't fall," Seojun whispered beside my ear to assure me. I stiffly nodded in difficulty, causing the alpha to chuckle at my dreadful response. The horse suddenly jerked forward, I whimpered and sucked in my breath in fear as it raced toward the high cliff over the slanted slope.

"S-Seojun- I think this is too fast-" I stuttered when Seojun did whatever he was doing until the horse started galloping over the slope, causing my heart to pound even faster. Oh~! Oh! It's picking up its pace! Ah! Ah! I screamed on the inside while cowering against Seojun with my frightened gaze on the dangerous ground beneath us.

"What? I can't hear you!" Seojun grinned- and to my horror- the horse started galloping at full speed until I felt my organs flipping upside down.

"T- TOO FAST! SEOJUN?- HEY! HAH~ TOO FAST! OH MY GOD! OPPA! JAE BEOM! AH! AH!- HELP ME! ARGH- #^&*%$!~!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the horse wildly bolted toward the edge of the hilltop until... we passed Beom's mini cart. I snapped my face toward the looming cliff beyond us with my frightened eyes... bulging wide open.

"Hold on tight-"

"WE WILL FALL OFF THE CLIFF!- BRAKE!- WHERE'S THE BRAKE?!- #^&*%$?!- SEOJUN- KIM SEOJUN! THE HORSE WILL JUMP OFF THE CLIFF! EOMAAAAAA~! YOU STUPID PUNK!" I screamed in fear as we fired toward the high cliff. Thump! Thump! Thump! I shrieked in despair as the strong wind gust blew back my wild hair strands. Seojun laughed at my frantic screams, so I cried and gripped his hand in extreme fright as I watched the edge near us. I screamed even louder until my voice cracked.

"Hah!" Seojun huffed once the horse took a sharp turn- abruptly avoiding the deadly cliff at the very last second, causing us to bounce off the saddle a little. I screeched and yanked my hand from his grip to hold his bicep in fear as the horse galloped along the edge instead. I could've died! I screamed again as the breezy gust blew against us. Seojun briefly glanced down at me as I clung to his bicep for my dear life with swelling tears in my eyes.

"Don't scream! Look at the sunset!-"

"I can watch the sunset at home! Argh!- You freaking punk!" I shrieked in frustration while clinging to him. Seojun chuckled at my upset response, suddenly slowing down until the horse stopped racing and trotted at a gradual pace as I struggled to breathe through my tight lungs. I could've died right then and there!  Seojun freed one hand to hold my waist with a weak smile as I glared at him with a resentful glower.

"Am I more captivating than the sunset for you to look at me like this?" Seojun teased, gently knocking on my safety helmet. I huffed and glanced at the beautiful golden sky, meeting the calm sea beyond the cliff until the pounding in my chest ceased as we calmly rode the horse before the beautiful sunset. Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop.

"It's not what I think it is," I whispered with my sparkling dilated pupils glued on the breathtaking golden disk as Beom trailed after our horse on his cart with his wife.

"What did you think it was?" Seojun asked as he pressed his chest against my back, slightly lowering his face to caress his lips against my earlobe. I giggled at the ticklish sensation.

"It's not as dirty," I shrugged. Seojun frowned.

"What?" He laughed.

"It's so stunning~!" I giggled, happily glancing at the alpha in delight.

Kim Seojun smiled fondly at my approval, so he patted my stomach as we trotted along the high cliff to admire the distant sunset. I eventually calmed down as we stopped by a grass patch to let the horse have its meal. Seojun securely held me against his sturdy body as we sat on the saddle to watch the setting sun from the hilltop. I feel so much better! Maybe a scary ride is just what I needed to uplift my stuffy chest! Soomin hugged Beom on her side to admire the phenomenal scenery with us as she softly chatted with her husband on the golf cart.

"Can you rate this date?" Seojun whispered beside my ear. I smiled, weakly glancing away from the golden yolk to stare at his gentle gaze as the wind grazed our skin with its subtle current.

"9.5 out of 10. I almost peed my pants," I whispered. The alpha snorted, cutely throwing his head back- causing the horse to wobble a little, so I shrieked and gripped his thighs in a panic.

"You're stingy," He teased, lowering his face to rest his chin on my shoulder. I chuckled and glanced back at the purple sky with a wide grin. Woobin made me think so dirty of horse riding... but this experience? It's so healing! Horse riding is nowhere near man-riding at all!

Seojun eventually steered our hardworking horse down the slope once the golden sun disappeared over the horizon, so I calmly leaned against his chest with a faint smile. It's not scary anymore. I'm already used to it. Beom followed us with his wife on his cart as we pulled back into the horse barn, so Seojun hopped off the saddle and gently helped me down. My legs suddenly wobbled, causing the alpha to jerk forward, quickly snatching my waist to stabilize my body weight. I laughed and bent down to massage my numb legs as Soomin smiled at me while rubbing her belly. We eventually returned to our mansion to join my household for dinner.

"How was horse riding?" Eomma curiously asked from across the table as she sat beside my father. I giggled and glanced at Seojun as he sat beside me with Seokjin ahjussi, who had flown to Busan earlier to join the household for dinner.

"Phenomenal! I loved it!" I grinned. Woobin lifted his face to stare at my approving smile from across the table as he sat beside eomma.

"You loved it? You were cursing so loudly! Kim Seojun!- You stupid punk!" Soomin nudged my arm, causing me to flush red. The table erupted with laughter, so I lowered my face with an embarrassed smile until Seojun patted my head to comfort me.

"At least she didn't try to jump off the horse! Her mother would have beaten the crap out of me for scaring her!" Appa nudged eomma. She fired him a playful glare.

"Hajin is easily startled... but she'll do anything for the person she likes!" Harabeoji grinned from the end of the table.

"Right! I'm glad you guys are getting along!" Eomma proudly smiled at us.

"Hajin isn't that difficult to handle," Seojun nodded.

"Of course! Only an incompetent man would nag his woman for being dramatic! Women often soften around the person they love, so it's our manly duty to make her feel safe!" Seokjin chirped while eating his food. My mother gasped and grinned at my father.

"Do you think I'm dramatic?" Eomma nudged appa.

"You're a handful, but I can handle you. I'd say I'm an expert at caring for Jang Sora!" My father beamed, shamelessly pecking his wife's lips before the guests. Seokjin cringed at my parents' affection and glanced at me in disgust, so I laughed at their teasing interaction as Beom shook his head and placed the food on Harabeoji's plate.

"Aigo~! A proper man will never complain about his woman~!" Harabeoji agreed.

"Right Beom?" Soomin nudged Beom's arm. He chuckled.

"You're definitely not hard to handle, but you're a little... feisty? You gave me a mild concussion with the deadly blow to my face!" Beom chuckled while shaking his head.

"A blow to the face?" Imo gasped, causing Soomin to flush red.

"She found her way to my hidden bunker just to whack me with a frying pan! A premium steel frying pan!- Right in my face!" Beom scoffed. The table gasped and glanced at Soomin in surprise, who stiffened in her seat with a flustered look. Soomin smacked Jae Beom with a frying pan?!

"He broke up with me over text! What kind of a low-tier man would do that?! I felt offended that he took me so lightly!" Soomin funnily defended herself. I laughed and nodded in agreement.

"You deserved that!" I playfully glared at Beom.

"Right?! I brought him ducks because he's obsessed with it! I even wear yellow for him!- Oh? I ran away from home to see him!- And he broke up with me through text?! How disrespectful!" Soomin grimaced at her husband. Beom grinned and patted her back with an apologetic smile.

"Aigo~! Why haven't I ever thought of beating my husband with a frying pan? That's a genius idea! Should I beat some senses into him too~?" Eomma gasped, causing appa to widen his eyes in bewilderment at eomma's thrill to whack him.

"Hey! I already have a stiff back! Why are you trying to smash my skull?!" Appa nudged her. Seokjin laughed and shook his head as he drank from his wine glass. 

"Women should never settle for the bare minimum! Why would we lower our standard for a man who doesn't even bother to reply to texts at the very least? Or men that are cowards?" Eomma nodded at Soomin. I pursed my lips and lifted my face to find Woobin sitting blankly at his seat with the food... left unchewed in his mouth.

"Are you nagging me?-"

"Aigo~! No way! You're not the bare minimum anymore! You're the best husband!" Eomma hugged appa's waist with her head tilted against his shoulder. Woobin shifted his blank gaze to me as I uneasily chewed the rice. I glanced away.

"Anyways! Where are the ducks? Did you eat them?" Seojun asked appa. Taehyung laughed and shook his head.

"My wife will skin me alive if I touch Beom's ducks! I made peace with her and built a duck home with an artificial pond in the front yard! Didn't you notice?" Taehyung chuckled.

"No- I was too excited to see Hajin," Seojun shrugged, causing me to flush red. The elders gasped and giggled at Seojun's playful tease.

"I can show you the ducks later," I offered. Seojun nodded.


"I'm full. Please excuse me from the dining table," Woobin wiped his lips with the napkin and suddenly stood up with a blank face, causing the chair to scrape loudly over the tiles.

"Oh?! You should have dessert first!" Imo gasped.

"Hajin can bring it to me. I've got work to handle," Woobin lowered his head to bow at Seokjin before striding out of the doorway, causing me to tense my body uneasily.

"I'll bring him the dessert," Beom smiled.

"No- It's okay. I'll make a quick run," I smiled, quickly getting up from my chair.

"Why can't he bring his own food?" Seojun asked in confusion as I opened the steaming pot to scoop the dessert into a small bowl.

"Hajin is his personal errand girl. They only reconciled because I kept sending her to him," Imo proudly chuckled. I smiled, placed the bowl on the tray, and lifted it to find Beom eyeing me anxiously from his seat.

"I'll escort you-"

"Ow~!" Soomin suddenly gasped once she felt an ache over her belly, causing Beom to shift his gaze from me to his wife.

"Are you okay?" Beom asked while gripping his wife's arm in concern. 

"The baby kicked- and I think I need to use the restroom," Soomin chuckled.

"I'll be back to show you the ducks," I smiled at Seojun and left the packed space. Soomin excused herself from the dining table, so Beom escorted her back to her room because she needed to ease her bowel movement. I listlessly sighed while strolling over the front yard with the tray and walked over the dirt path to push the cabin's door open.

"Oh? Oppa? Where is he?" I announced my presence in confusion as I stepped inside the dark space to settle the tray on the nightstand. Thud. The door banged shut. I flinched, wildly spinning around in a panic to find Woobin locking the door with his dark gaze on me. He was behind the door?!

"Undress," Woobin demanded. I froze unsurely.

"I have to head back because I promised to show Seojun the ducks-"

"Don't make me undress you," Woobin narrowed his deadly gaze as he firmly blocked the exit. I gripped my fingers with a startled look upon hearing his threatening statement.

"Oppa~! Why are you behaving this way?!-"

"Is he more important than me? You've been acting differently since you agreed to see him!" Woobin snapped, suddenly raising his voice at me.

"I asked you to disclose our relationship! But you denied it and told me to agree with eomma! Why are you blaming me now?!" I snapped back in disbelief. He keeps looking at me with so much disappointment! What did I even do wrong?! I only followed his orders! 

"How can I disclose our dirty affairs?! It's a fucking disgrace!" Woobin blurted in extreme anger. A sharp stab suddenly jabbed my chest with its invisible blade. I couldn't move but stare at him with a drained expression.

"A- a what?" I scoffed while frowning at the man in extreme shock. Woobin clenched his jaw and suddenly stormed forward to seize my shoulders.

"I said- take off your dress!" He snapped, hastily slipping his hand under my dress to stroke my panty.

"OPPA!" I cried as he forcefully shoved me down onto the mattress, so I grabbed his arm in shock as he started touching me under my panties. Woobin didn't stop and invaded my body until I lost my temper and- SLAP! I strike him hard across his face- causing Woobin to freeze in shock until a red handprint appeared on his firm cheek. The man snapped his fuming glower at me as I frantically sat up on the thin mattress to pull my dress down in tears. Is he crazy?!

"You fucking threw yourself at me in the beginning- now you're resisting me when I'm showing you love?!" Woobin seethed in anger while clenching his defined jaw.

"This isn't love! You're not the same anymore! What's the matter with you?!" I cried while hugging my knees in fright until I felt my chest swelling in extreme discomfort. I hate the way he touches me! All he does now is forcing me to take his erect penis inside my vagina and then he'd make me swallow his dripping cum! 

"This isn't love?! You pestered me endlessly before- because you wanted me to fuck you with my hard cock! Isn't that your definition of love?!- Now you're claiming my act isn't love?! What do you want from me?!- I CAN'T SEEM TO PLEASE YOU!" Woobin furiously fumed his heated breath in my face, causing me to back against the wall with trembling lips.

"I'm okay with you touching me! But- lately- it's all you've been doing! It's as if my body is all you crave! I feel uncomfortable, alright?!" I snapped, quickly wiping my flowing tears. Woobin clenched his jaw at my argument as he aggressively rubbed his face in extreme agitation.

"I'm restless! I'm fucking restless because you're going to marry that fool!" Woobin seethed. 

"You said you would marry me!" I snapped.

"Do you actually believe the household will accept our relationship?!" Woobin refuted.

"So you've been lying to me!? Claiming you'd inform our parents?-"

"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY!? THAT I'M FUCKING MY OWN SISTER!? ABEOJI WILL FUCKING KILL ME!" Woobin screamed in my face with his bloodshot glare. I whimpered at his raging wrath.

"THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?! FUCK ME IN A SECRET FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?!" I screamed in anguish. He wants to hold me- yet he can't bring himself to tell our parents!? Am I a mere fuck buddy?! Woobin suddenly released a deep exhale and lowered his face to rub his sore forehead with his eyes closed.

"You can marry him. We can keep this between us," Woobin mumbled. Badum. My heart sank at his careless suggestion. I couldn't react but stared at him with my gleaming pupils. 

"You want me to cheat on Seojun... after marrying him?! Are you nuts?!" I scoffed.

"I can't fucking tell the household about us! There's no way in hell- can I fucking admit the truth!- It's a fucking shame, Hajin!" Woobin sneered. I froze with my tearful eyes on his flaring nostrils as my mind spun like a whirlpool upon his harsh insistence to conceal our relationship. I'm enough for him fuck in private... but not enough for him to proudly hold before everyone...?

"Shame? So being with me is a shame?- A disgrace? Yeah?-"

"Hajin-ah! We're siblings!-"

"THEN MARRY SOMEONE WHO WILL FUCKING GLORIFY YOUR IMAGE! WHY ARE YOU CLUTCHING ONTO A DISGRACEFUL PERSON LIKE ME IF I'M A SHAME TO YOU?!- HOW CAN YOU BE SO GREEDY?! YOU CAN'T BRING YOURSELF TO ADMIT THE TRUTH TO OUR PARENTS YET YOU WANT TO KEEP FUCKING ME WITH YOUR HORNY DICK?!- YOU DISGUST ME!- I'M FUCKING DONE! IF I'M A FUCKING HUMILATION- THEN DON'T FUCK AROUND WITH ME ANYMORE! I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING SEX TOY!" I bellowed at his face until my eyes flushed with burning-hot tears. Woobin clenched his jaw at my raging outburst as I scrambled off the mattress in extreme anger. My blood is boiling so much! I can't even feel the throbbing pain anymore! How can he call me a disgrace?!


"NO!- NO MORE! WE'RE OVER! I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH A COWARD LIKE YOU! GO AND FUCK SOMEONE WHO WON'T TARNISH YOUR FUCKING REPUTATION!" I screamed, hastily showing the door open, and stormed out of the cabin with a fuming red face. I convinced myself repeatedly! To take his mistreatment with a grain of salt! But I was right! He is a fucking coward, and he still is a coward! I granted him a chance to save our relationship- but he deceived me and made empty promises just so he could keep fucking me!

"Hajin!" Woobin snapped, but I didn't answer his call and raced over the field in tears until I noticed Seojun staring at the pond with his hands in his pocket. Shit!

"Hajin?" Seojun waved at me before I could avoid him. I frantically rubbed away my tears while slowing down on the grass plain and walked up to him with my face lowered.

"You found the ducks," I whispered while hiding my face behind my loose hair. Seojun must've noticed my swollen eyes because he exhaled... drew a napkin from his pocket... and handed it to me.

"Why are you crying?" Seojun asked. 

"N- Nothing. An insect flew into my eyes," I forcefully chuckled to conceal my aching sorrow as we stood side by side. I sniffled and dabbed my puffy eyelids.

"The ducks are asleep," Seojun whispered.

"Maybe you can visit during the day? I'll properly introduce you to them," I whispered, finally lifting my face to stare at Seojun. He paused to scan my flushed face and bloodshot eyes before glancing past me to stare at the dirt path leading to the cabin.

"Excuse my interference but... why are you crying? Did he hurt you?" Seojun questioned, unsurely shifting his dark gaze back to me.

"No. But we argue a lot- don't bother. Everyone in the household has witnessed our fights," I shrugged. Seojun exhaled at my dismissive assurance and nodded... until we suddenly heard distant screams... from the front porch.

"GET THE CAR! HURRY-" Taehyung roared. We wildly spun around to find Beom carrying Soomin down the stairs with a pale expression.

"Argh~! Ow!" Soomin screamed in distress as she held her baby bump. I gasped in shock.

"Eonni! What's happening?!" I screamed, quickly racing over the field.

"She's in labor!" Eomma screamed as she chased the couple with appa.

"Seojun! Drive the couple to the hospital!" Seokjin snapped at his son.

"Please come this way!" Seojun quickly spun on his heel and ran to his vehicle. I gasped and entered the car with eomma and appa as Seokjin got in with the young couple and his son. ZOOM! We blasted out of the mansion into the cold night. Soomin was urgently rushed to the hospital that very night... and I was pretty much too occupied with her alarming delivery to even sulk over my fight with Choi Woobin.

The Next Day

Jae Beom fondly grinned from ear to ear while cradling the newborn in his arms as Jeon Soomin leaned against the bedboard with an IV drip hooked on her wrist. Jang Sora worriedly held her daughter-in-law's hand as she sat by the bedside to comfort the young mother. Meanwhile... Kim Taehyung... snored loudly on the couch in the VIP medical suite with his lips ajar.

"Giving birth is scary," Hajin mumbled as she watched her brother cradle his son. Beom chuckled at his sister, who had been awake since the night before to keep the couple company.

"It's not scary... but it's quite painful," Sora chuckled at her daughter. Taehyung suddenly stirred awake from his deep sleep and sat up to rub his puffy eyes with his head lowered. The man has been sleeping throughout the night on the couch.

"Appa fainted during eomma's labor, didn't you?" Hajin giggled while nudging Taehyung's arm.

"He did! The man fainted twice!" Sora chuckled.

"How can I not faint? I'm mentally traumatized by her ugly cries," Taehyung grumbled while rubbing his droopy eyelids.

"Beom didn't faint! He stayed right by his wife's side until the end!" Sora snapped at her husband.

"Jang Sora! I raised you since you were a child! You scarred me with your ear-bleeding tantrums and bratty behavior!" Taehyung fired Sora an annoyed look. Hajin chuckled as she hugged her father with a bright beam.

"You always bullied me when I was young! Appa plucked out all of eomma's lashes one time! Eomma had to go to school with a paper bag over my head the next day!" Sora told on her husband. Beom snorted and grinned at his bitter mother.

"Don't believe all her words! She asked appa to use the curler~! I didn't know the stupid tool would pluck out all of her lashes!" Taehyung refuted. Sora scoffed and gently patted Soomin's hand again.

"Aigo~! How is the mother and baby?!" Imo suddenly chirped as Do-hwan pushed her wheelchair inside the medical room.

Kim Hajin stopped smiling once Woobin appeared, steering Beomseok's wheelchair after the chief maid. She blinked and glanced away to avoid looking at the eldest son. Choi Woobin wore a straight face as the households chattered loudly in the medical room... and Hajin eventually returned home with her parents the same day... leaving Beom with Soomin at the hospital.


Third Person POV

Kim Hajin and Choi Woobin fought their cold war again while sharing the hilltop property after their return from the hospital. The heiress would avoid the man... and he'd coldly brush past her with a stern expression. Neither were willing to submit to one another. Of course, the household noticed their loud silence... but Hajin assured them it was just a minor fight.

"Yeongwoo is a heavy boy~!" Hajin giggled as she cradled her nephew in the living room. Soomin smiled as she leaned against Beom's shoulder on the couch with a beanie over her head.

"The Jae sons are heavy," Sora nodded as Taehyung fed his wife peeled tangerines.

"Hajin. Have you considered marriage with Seojun yet?" Taehyung suddenly glanced at his daughter.

"We're still seeing each other. What's the rush? Seojun and I are still young. You should marry off the older brothers first. I can wait for a couple of years until Seojun is ready," Hajin giggled, softly kissing the baby's chubby cheeks as she paced back and forth.

"You're right! We should focus on the older ones first! Woobin is already in his 30s!" Taehyung gasped at his wife with a startled look. Hajin softly hummed while patting her nephew's bundle as she rocked him from side to side.

Fast Forward

Choi Woobin repeatedly patted his tight-fitted suit, tailored to fit his masculine broad shoulders and buff chest. His slick black hair... neatly combed backward to reveal his radiating visual. The eldest son entered the dining room at a reserved high-class hotel to find his parents greeting the Go household.

Go Hera smiled and walked forward to greet Choi Woobin, who was seemingly taken aback by the guest's unexpected presence and glanced at the twins and his parents. They told him it was a family dinner, so he did not expect the guests. Hajin softly giggled with Kanghoon as she teased her older brother about his cute bow tie. The two households eventually settled around the massive circular dining table in formal attire to converse with one another.

A moment later.

"Marriage?" Woobin repeated, uneasily glancing at Sora and Do-hwan in surprise... who was fondly smiling at Hera.

"You're the only one without a match. Hera has been waiting for you to adjust to the society. You're finally ready now," Taehyung nodded at Woobin. The man gulped and smiled at the Go family as they dined on their warm meal in the private room.

"Hera insists on waiting for you because she prefers older men~! I don't wish for my daughter to marry a wrinkled man, so you should marry her soon!" Mrs. Go joked from across the table. Woobin blinked and glanced at Hajin, who was dismissively sniggering with Woojin over their piece of shrimp.

"You do have feelings for her, right? If you do... we can arrange the marriage," Do-hwan nudged Woobin's arm.

"Sure. The feelings are mutual," Woobin smiled. Hera giggled at his agreement and covered her lips shyly.

"That's wonderful! We'll schedule the wedding during fall then!" Sora chirped while holding her husband's arm.

"Fall?!- This fall?!" The twins gasped with their eyes wide open.

"Oh! Right before winter! So you two can keep each other warm during the cold storm! Isn't that lovely?!" Sora giggled, causing the table to erupt at her joke.

"I agree! My daughter should be warmed this winter!" Mr. Go laughed and glanced at Do-hwan, who smiled at the teasing statement. The alphas chuckled over their meals, so Woobin toasted with the households once the households agreed to solidify their alliance through the eldest son's marriage.

They are in the middle of the summer season... which means... Choi Woobin will wed a high-rank alpha... in less than two months.


A month later

"I'll see you later! Get home safely~!" Hera chuckled while tip-toeing on her heels to peck Woobin's lips. He smiled and waved at her as the woman entered the mansion in her knee-length strapless dress. He exhaled and spun around to return to his car and drove to Kim Taehyung's apartment to reside for the night before flying back to the hilltop mansion after the exhausting day of attending a photoshoot session for his pre-wedding schedule with Go Hera.

Choi Woobin suddenly jerked awake from his nap in the car once the driver steered into the property... so the man shoved the door open and stepped under the blinding sun glare with a blurry vision. The man halted over the grass plain once he noticed Kim Hajin... sitting under the tree shade... with Kim Seojun. They were happily chatting over a book in her hand. The heiress laughed out loud as Seojun teased her and shook her head with a flirty smile. Woobin unconsciously clenched his jaw as he sternly strode past them without greeting the alphas... and climbed the mansion to announce his return. It's been almost a year since they last spoke.

"You're back! Have you eaten?!" Sora gasped once she looked up from the knitted beanie with baby Yeongwoo rested on her lap. The grandmother has been knitting her grandson's mittens and beanies to prepare him for the upcoming winter storm.

"Nope. I'll search the kitchen for crumbs," Woobin smiled and strolled off to eat in the kitchen.

"Thank god I saved the meals for you!" Imo gasped as she poured fresh orange juice for the eldest son. Woobin thanked the woman as he hungrily chewed the food at the kitchen counter.

"They're a great match, don't you think?" Beomseok chuckled while gazing out the kitchen window. Kim Seojun was strolling with Hajin into the backyard to sit on the platform bench under the tree shade. The charming alpha smiled fondly at the heiress while holding her waist as she happily chatted and pointed at the distant island.

"Hajin is very composed around Seojun. I'm surprised! I've never seen her give him an attitude before! Not once!" Imo giggled, nodding in agreement. Woobin suddenly stopped chewing his food with his dead stare on the young alphas.

"Seojun plans on leaving Korea to live abroad after their marriage," Beomseok muttered as he munched his snacks. Pause. Woobin averted his dull gaze to the elderly man.

"Aigo~! Our little Hajin will have to part from us?" Imo pouted as she sipped her tea.

"She said she doesn't mind moving away. Hajin is a curious soul. The child grew up in the mansion all her life, so I'm alright with her exploring the world outside the wall. Seojun will protect her," Beomseok chuckled. Woobin suddenly dropped his spoon onto the plate and strolled out of the kitchen without a word... as the elder cluelessly praised the Kim's heir. 

Choi Woobin never bothered speaking to Hajin since the day they broke up and has been concentrating on his work and preparing for his upcoming wedding.


One Week Before Wedding

The high-rank guests flooded the supreme alpha's sacred property for the very first time after over two decades of isolating their household from the world to host a grand birthday event for the twin brothers. Kanghoon and Woojin greeted the powerful households with confident beams after they successfully secured their seats at their father's corporation.

The young men are ready to sustain the household under the Jang's power. 

The lower ranks chased their envious gaze after the high-rank alphas as they proudly held their girlfriends at the event to expose their official relationship. Jung Mirae grinned as Woojin held her waist in the crowd. Kanghoon gleefully chuckled with Dohyun as he held Park Jiyoung's hand in the extensive front yard of the hilltop property.

"Abeoji! We're getting married next after Woobin hyung!" The twins winked at their father.

"Aigo~! You'll have to wait until next year! I can't handle too many weddings~! Your mother will stress over her gowns and accessories again!" Taehyung laughed.

"Make sure to hold them tight until they marry you! Don't let them get away!" Jimin nudged his daughter's shoulder as he held his wife's waist. 

"We're the ones obsessed with your daughters!" The twins laughed at Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin. The elders laughed with their champagne glasses until Woobin strides forward... to greet the high ranks with Go Hera, who politely bowed in her off-shoulder dress.

"Please don't forget to attend our wedding~!" Hera beamed at the senior alphas.

"Of course! This is the first grand wedding in history!" Seokjin chuckled as he stood with his average wife.

"That's not true! Beom got married first!" Woojin laughed.

"Oh! Right!- Why didn't you invite us?!" Hoseok glared at Taehyung.

"The Jeons didn't approve of their relationship- but the couple wanted to be together... so we hosted a private ceremony for them," Taehyung explained.

"Ah," Jimin awkwardly glanced around to search for the Jeons, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Can we see Beom's baby?- Where is Soomin?" Mirae keenly tugged Woojin's arm, who chuckled at his impatient girlfriend. She had been begging her boyfriend to see the newborn.

"Beom! Come here!" Taehyung suddenly waved its hand in the air until the tall alpha came striding through the crowd with Jeon Soomin, who was flaunting her yellow gown with a neatly styled bun.

"Omo! How adorable! Their genes surely run strong!" So-young gasped in shock once she noticed the newborn's identical chubby features. Beom cradled his son with a weak smile in a fitted navy suit as the guests curiously surrounded his baby. 

"What's his name?" Jiyoung grinned while clinging to Kanghoon's arm.

"Jae Yeongwoo," Soomin smiled at the crowd. They all pouted at the firstborn baby of the sixth generation.

"So cute! I want a baby too~!" Mirae chirped, causing Taehyung to scoff at her thoughtless exclaim.

"You lady! Please do not tempt my son to give you a baby~! I almost went nuts fighting with Jeon Jungkook to save this couple!" Taehyung snapped at Mirae. She blushed cutely at the man's scoldings, so Woojin chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"We're not as naive as Jae Beom! Our younger brother is easily swayed by a pretty lady because he's so innocent!" Kanghoon laughed. Beom flushed red and smiled at Soomin.

"Hey! He's the hottest! I have to trap him for myself!" Soomin giggled as she clung to Beom's waist.

"I think we'll be the next to have babies. Right oppa?" Hera grinned at Woobin, who chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Oh?!- Hajin is crazy beautiful!" Dohyun gasped, causing everyone to turn toward the mansion's opened front door. Kim Hajin appeared... strolling down the stairs with her mother.

The captivating beauty of the heiress... was unmatched by those in her generation. The heiress is blessed with the delicate features she adopted... from her mother... Jang Sora. Sora proudly beamed in her sparkling emerald dress while escorting her graceful daughter down the stairs, dressed in a slim-fitted rose gold satin that hugged her youthful curves.

"Oh, man! My wife is so beautiful! I gotta go!" Taehyung gasped, suddenly pushing his way through the crowd. The alphas loudly chuckled at the man's mesmerized gaze as the lone wolf drifted toward his wife with his heart-shaped pupils.

"Seobang-nim~!" Sora cutely waved at her handsome husband.

"Your beauty is blinding my sight! You're the brightest star in the darkest nights!" Taehyung gasped, dramatically opening his arms to welcome his wife. The man shamelessly lowered his face to smooch her lips, causing the alphas to roll their eyes at the couple.

"Lipstick! It'll ruin your handsome face!" Sora giggled while rubbing the red stain from her husband's lips as he clung to her waist.

"Appa~! Am I not beautiful!?" Hajin whined in her gown.

"Aigo~! Who told you to show so much of your cleavage?!" Taehyung gasped once he noticed his daughter's racy outfit.

"Eomma says it suits me!" Hajin shrugged. Taehyung glared at his wife.

"Cover your shoulders! Here- take appa's suit-"

"Yeobo! Stop being so paranoid~! Let her flaunt her youth~!" Sora smacked Taehyung's chest when he tried to slip off his suit. The man grimaced at his wife's refusal to let him cover their daughter. Nudge. The supreme alpha pushed her husband aside to proudly hold Hajin, who gleamed at the crowd with her gorgeous smile as she stood in the ankle-length dress with a high slit up her tone's thigh.

"She looks awfully like you~!" Ah-young grinned while clinging to Namjoon as her hypnotized son gawked at Hajin's glowering skin.

"You're so freaking pretty! I never realized because you always dress down at school!" Dohyun gasped. Hajin glared at the alpha offensive exclaim.

"Ehem! I'm first in line!- Back off!" Seojun suddenly shoved Dohyun aside. Hajin's face immediately lit up upon Seojun's appearance in his black striped suit.

"Seojun~!" Hajin waved as he strolled forward to hug her.

"You're so pretty~!" Seojun whispered while stroking her exposed back. Hajin chuckled shyly and patted his back until he pulled away to admire her enchanting facial features.

"Be my date for tonight~!" Hajin grinned. Seojun nodded and glanced at the crowd as they gawked at the heiress's divine beauty, so she clung to his arm and beamed at the twins as they teased her outfit with funny looks.

"Oh? Yoongi!" Namjoon called, causing everyone to avert their attention to the alpha as he joined the birthday ceremony with his daughter, Min Chungha, who was somewhat frightened of the crowd.

"We didn't think you'd join us!" Hoseok gasped with a startled look. The Min has been laying low since the murder trial... and their voice has been suspended by the council for over a year.

"Aigo~! I've also got a beautiful daughter! I'm here for her sake!" Yoongi greeted the alphas with firm handshakes. Chungha shyly lowered her head at the elders as she stood beside her father before glancing at... Kim Dohyun's dashing side profile... who was fooling around with the twins.

A moment later.

Every layer of the hilltop's soil shook with the deafening vibration of the gigantic speakers, stirring the muted hearts of the guests within the property with its upbeat music. The twins roared at the top of their lungs to hype the crowd while bouncing to the melody with their robust charisma as their girlfriends matched their festive energy.

Kim Dohyun funnily performed stiff robotic movements before Min Chungha to break the ice, causing her to smile weakly at his flirty wink... until the alpha eventually placed out her hand to accept his invitation. Dohyun grinned and pulled her from her seat to make her dance with him. 

Kim Hajin chuckled until her stomach ached as Seojun danced with Seokjin... who was imitating bizarre fishing movements. Hoseok shoved Jimin aside, who tried to harass him with filthy smooches as So-young laughed at her drunk husband. Min Yoongi loudly whined while being swung from side to side by his intoxicated friends. 

"Wooh~! Wooh~!" Woojin shrieked until Kim Taehyung shoved his son aside to make space, suddenly dragging Sora forward as she swayed her hips with her arms lifted sexily above her head. The man groped his wife's buttcheek, causing Kanghoon to gasp at his father's inappropriate behavior. The young man seized Taehyung's arm to stop him from squeezing his mother's butt and tugged his father away from her. 

"Hey! Where are you taking my husband?!" Sora scolded her son, possessively yanking Taehyung back to hug her husband with an annoyed pout. Kanghoon scoffed in disbelief once his mother firmly grabbed his father's hands to place them back on her firm bum. She shrieked and happily swayed her drunken husband while clinging to his waist until he frowned and gripped his stiff back with a slight grimace. 

"Wait a minute~! I'm stuck again!" Taehyung grunted, stiffly bending down in difficulty to rub his lower back. Ah-young and Namjoon burst into tears upon witnessing the man's chronic back problem. Sora suddenly grabbed Taehyung's hips from behind and started humping his butt, causing the crowd to widen their eyes in disbelief. Hump! Hump! Sora smirked with flushed cheeks while thrusting her groin against her husband's bum without a care for the traumatized guests. Hump! Hump!

"Eomma!" Hajin shrieked in shock.

"Ah~! Ah~! Ah~! I love to hump him like this~! My husband is a sexy man~!" Sora drunkenly laughed as she repeatedly humped Taehyung, who was groaning in discomfort with his back bent over. He couldn't stand straight because of his stiff back- but to let his wife hump his bum before the bewildered guests. Hump! Hump! The man groaned at the force of her thrusts until he toppled over with his hands pressed against the grass and buttcheeks... perching upward to be harassed by his wife.

"Oh no~! Stop!- You're too drunk! Eomma! What are you doing?! Appa can't move!" Kanghoon gasped, quickly grabbing his mother's arm to stop her from humping his stiff-back father as Woojin hooked Taehyung's upper arm to help his father straighten his back.

Jae Beom chuckled while dancing with Soomin as the twins dragged the drunk supreme alphas off the dance floor- when Taehyung suddenly shoved his sons aside and spun around to slam his lips against Sora's. Smooch! Smooch! She giggled and hugged his neck to secure him, shamelessly making out with her husband, causing the twin's eyes to widen at their shocking thirst for each other. Hajin shrieked and tried to yank their parents apart again- but Taehyung pushed his daughter's face away with his palm as he ate his wife's flavorful lips.

"Wanna make babies tonight?!" Taehyung shrieked, quickly pulling away with red lipstick smudges all over his lower face. 

"I'll give you plenty of babies!" Sora screamed with a wide grin. Smooch! Smooch! The couple aggressively made out again. 

"Andwae! You're too old to have another baby~!" The twins scolded their parents, but the supreme alphas refused to release each other- and nastily made out before the startled guests until Hajin screwed her face in disgust.

"Oh, I can't feel my stomach!" Imo shrieked with Beomseok in their wheelchairs as they watched Jang Sora grope Kim Taehyung's firm ass. Do-hwan chuckled as he cradled little Yeongwoo in his arms. Beom had placed a mini noise canceling ear muff over his toddler's ears to prevent the loud frequency from disturbing the child, who is entirely muted from the chaotic event.

"My daughter is a pervert! Not my son-in-law!" Beomseok screeched in tears as the couple made out in the crowd. Kim Taehyung gasped, suddenly jerking his lips away with messy lipstick stains all over his face, causing Jang Sora to squeal in extreme delight at her husband's runny nose. Hajin huffed cutely and spun around to find Seojun beaming at her. The alpha opened his arms to embrace the heiress, so she gave in and glared at her parents while dancing with her partner.

The darker the night... the louder the crowd became. Everyone was lost in their own world as they sang and danced to the uplifting music... until they lost their voice and started sweating profusely. Soomin grinned as she jammed with Beom, who was shyly copying his wife's movement as he watched the elders groove freely with their wild moves. 


Thud- Thud- Thump! Hajin parted her lips as she blindly stumbled inside her bedroom with her arms hooked around Kim Seojun's neck. The alpha slammed the door closed with his face tilted to the side as they steadily made out in her dim bedroom while the guests cluelessly danced in the packed front yard. The heiress softly giggled as Seojun slipped off his suit before lowering his hands to hold the thin silk over her waist.

Hajin's POV

Seojun lowered his arms to scoop me off the floor... so I clung to his neck for support as he climbed the bed to rest me down on the mattress. I had to use the restroom earlier. Seojun insisted on escorting me and we ended up... making out in the vacant mansion. I impatiently undid his buttons as he hungrily swirled his moist tongue inside my mouth to suffocate me with his slick skills. 

He still tastes the same. Just like I remembered him! The alpha chuckled once he felt my cold fingers roaming his toned abs beneath his undone shirt as he rubbed the side of my thighs between the slit of the dress. He reach upward and gently kneaded my buttcheek until I spread my legs for him. Smooch. Smooch. The wet noises resonated within the room as I sprawled on the bed with my eyes closed to savor my ex-boyfriend's love stroke.

"Let's make up... hmm?" Seojun whispered, steamily pulling away to meet my dazed expression.

"Let's talk in the morning," I smiled while gripping his lower back. Seojun scoffed and lowered his face to nibble on my collarbone as he groped my breast over the silk, so I exhaled in pleasure and tilted my head back while unbuckling his belt between my spread-open legs. He's always so gentle with my body~!

"I don't have a condom," Seojun paused, suddenly withdrawing his moist lips from mine.

"That's fine. I'm on pills," I huffed. Seojun chuckled at my assurance and lowered his face to thrust his wet tongue between my lips again, making me moan in satisfaction as he tugged the thin straps off my shoulders. Hngh~! I licked his lips and reached under his undone trousers to feel his hard bulge- THUD! We jerked on the bed at the unexpected intrusion to find a man charging inside our room- and- SMASH!

"ARGH!-" Seojun grunted in pain once something smashed against his head. I screamed in fright, hysterically sitting up on the bed with the loose sleeves dangling from my upper arms as the clear shards showered all over me.

"Seojun!" I shrieked, quickly scrambling over the mattress to seize the alpha in horror, who weakly rolled on the bed with blood trickling from his injured head.

"Fuck?!" Seojun furiously snapped his head toward the intruder. Choi Woobin.

"OPPA!" I gasped at Woobin's drunken state before glancing at the shattered vase on the bed in extreme bewilderment. Why did he attack Seojun?!

"How dare you touch her with your filthy fingers!" Woobin bellowed, angrily snatching Seojun's collar to yank the alpha off the bed. I screamed and tried to grab Seojun- but failed- THUD! The Kim's heir tumbled weakly onto the floor at the eldest son's rough force. His fresh blood.... splattering all over the sheet and smearing messily over the polished tiles. 

"I consented!" I screamed with a racing heart... but Woobin didn't listen to my claim.

The drunk man angrily hurled Seojun with all his might- sending the alpha colliding into my nightstand. CRASH! The lamp toppled onto the floor. Seojun seethed, suddenly launching to his feet as Woobin charged forward with his fists clenched- Thud! Thud! Seojun threw a wild punch against Woobin's jaw, sending the man wobbling to the side, but he immediately regained his balance and swung a deadly left hook.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Hajin is my girlfriend!" Seojun roared in anger as he swiftly dodged the blunt force, sending the eldest son staggering over the floor. 

"ARGH!" Choi Woobin roared in extreme fury until he strained his neck veins and- furiously pounced forward again- SLAM!- THUD! I froze on the bed with my eyes bulging open in shock once the glass door leading to the terrace violently exploded at the impact. CRASH! Woobin slammed Seojun's sturdy weight with all his strength- sending the high-rank alpha staggering through the shower of raining shards. Shit!

"NO!- WOOBIN! STOP!- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I screamed through the booming music as the guests cluelessly danced on the ground below.

"SHE'S NOT YOURS!- ARGH!" Woobin bellowed in extreme anger as he clutched Seojun's collar, roughly shoving the alpha backward- until Kim Seojun dangerously slanted over the high railing. I shrieked in fright as I scrambled over the shards to seize Woobin's biceps- but he was far too strong- so I screamed for help while waving my hands at the guests below... but the music was way too loud for them to hear... my desperate calls.

"HELP?! SOMEONE!?- EOMMA!?- APPA! APPA! BEOM?!- SOMEONE HELP US!" I screamed in tears while waving my hands in the air when... Jae Beom... suddenly caught a glimpse of my frantic movements. He glanced up at my terrace in confusion until he noticed... Choi Woobin... forcing Kim Seojun... over the railing. Beom's eyes widened in shock. Fwip! The alpha immediately shoved Soomin aside and sprinted through the pack of guests- roughly bumping into the twins- who flinched and spun around to watch Beom bolt inside the mansion. 

"LET ME GO!" Seojun gagged in pain when the eldest son roughly snatched the alpha's neck to strangle him with his pitch-black pupils. I cried in fear and quickly spun around to snatch the fallen lamp from the floor. I have to stop him or he'll kill Seojun! 

I screamed at the top of my lungs as I violently swung the lamp at Woobin's head- SMASH! Woobin suddenly loosened his grip at the harsh impact. Fwip! Seojun tried to shove the man off his body while fighting to maintain his balance over the deadly opening beyond the terrace... when Choi Woobin roared even louder... and thrust Kim Seojun backward with all his might.

"NO! SEOJUN!- *&^!%$!#?!!!-" I screamed- unconsciously flinging my body forward to seize Kim Seojun as he tilted off the railing right before I could seize him. The alpha's eyes widened in terror as he firmly gripped the eldest son's neck- YANK!

The guests on the ground below dreadfully shrieked as Kim Seojun plunged off the railing- stubbornly towing Kim Woobin with him... until the man lost his grip... and the two... ended up... flinging themselves off the terrace during their deadly squabble. I screamed in utter shock while clutching onto Woobin's forearm over the railing until my feet suddenly floated off the floor as the two men dragged me with them- Swift! Someone snatched me backward just as my stomach slid over the edge- causing my eyes to widen in shock... once my sweaty fingers slipped from Woobin's shirt- and THUMP! They both disappeared from my blurry sight as Jae Beom roughly yanked me back to hold my trembling body against his pulsating chest.

"Shit!" Beom cursed, suddenly releasing my body from his clutch. I screamed, hysterically sprinting forward to lean over the railing in fear until found... Kim Seojun... and Choi Woobin... rolling on the field below in extreme pain.

The elders gasped in bewilderment as they sprinted toward the injured men on the ground below. I cried in distress while gripping the railing- suddenly wobbling to the ground as my shaken heart pounded out of control. How can he be so stupid?! I was too overwhelmed by the frightening trauma to budge... but to grip my chest and bawl out my despair. Jae Beom deeply sighed and bent down to hurl my lightweight body off the floor with ease.

"Oppa," I sobbed as I clung to Jae Beom's neck. He gripped my quivering body and entered his bedroom to rest me on his mattress.

"Hajin! You have to stop seeing Woobin!" Beom snapped in my face, causing me to suck in my breath with my startled look. 

Third Person POV

"You- knew?-"

"Of course, I knew!" Beom scoffed. Hajin's face drained in fear as the warm tears spilled over her flushed cheeks.

"We're not seeing each other anymore! I don't know why he did that!" Hajin sobbed in distress. Beom frowned at her statement as she remained petrified on his bed.

"You're not with Woobin anymore?" Beom repeated while gripping her shoulders.

"No! We broke up almost a year ago!" Hajin sobbed while rubbing her flooding tears, but she couldn't contain her aching emotions... so the heiress bawled harder until she felt her chest tearing itself apart from the distressing situation.

"Appa and eomma will surely question the dispute!" Beom huffed in frustration as he crouched at the foot of his bed. Hajin helplessly sobbed while staring at her disappointed brother until he eventually exhaled and drew her frail body into his embrace, gently patting her back to comfort her shaken soul.

A moment later.

The twins worriedly examined Choi Woobin's beaten face, who was unconscious in their bedroom after the man fell off the first floor with Kim Seojun. The high-rank alpha was immediately rushed to the hospital by Kim Seokjin and his wife. Jang Sora sighed to ease the swelling discomfort from her chest as she watched the head doctor treat the eldest son's bleeding nose as he lay motionless on the twin's bed. The guests were escorted out of the property after the shocking fight that broke out on the terrace... and only the household was present to assist Woobin.

"What happened?" Taehyung glanced at Beom anxiously as he stood in the doorway with a straight face.

"Hyung thought Seojun was harassing Hajin. It was a misunderstanding," Beom lied.

"They were getting intimate?" Kanghoon blinked at Beom in surprise.

"Oh. Hajin and Seojun were doing their thing in her room... and hyung thought he was taking advantage of her. He's intoxicated and couldn't make sense of the situation," Beom nodded in exhaustion. Sora groaned in disbelief as she turned to hug her husband.

"Is Seojun alright?" Taehyung muttered while holding his wife's head against his chest. The grim chief guard frowned at his son's unfavorable condition with his arms folded over his buff chest.

"Minor injuries. Kim Seojun suffered a shallow gash to the side of his head... but he's alright," Do-hwan nodded.

"Thank god the terrace isn't that high," Woojin grumbled while inspecting the eldest son's bruised forehead.

"Everyone should head to bed," Taehyung exhaled as he escorted his wife out of the room.

The twins released a hefty sigh as they worriedly settled on the spare king-size bed to watch the head doctor treat Woobin. Fwip. Jae Beom spun on his heels and entered Hajin's wrecked room to find his senseless sister resting on her bed. Soomin was dabbing a soaked towel over the heiress's forehead as imo massaged Hajin's shins to soothe her aching limbs. The maids had vacuumed the shards from the floor... but the room was still in ruins.

"She can't sleep with a broken door. It's too cold," Soomin worriedly glanced at her husband.

"She can share the bed with you. I'll sleep on the couch," Beom nodded, calmly walking over to lift Hajin off the bed. 

The third son carried his sister out of his room and rested her on his bed as Jeon Soomin crawled onto the mattress to sleep beside the feverish heiress, who cried herself to sleep. Beom spread his blanket over the couch before striding over to the cradle to check on his sleeping child and finally switched off the light to get a good night's sleep.

The next night.

Sora's POV

I sat alone on the couch in the living room at midnight with a cup of warm honey tea... listlessly gazing at the flickering fireplace... during a windy autumn night when I heard soft footsteps strolling down the stairs. My husband appeared with his eyes half open.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung grumbled while strolling into the living room to settle beside me on the couch. I exhaled and lifted my arm to hug his shoulder as he slumped against my side.

"I can't sleep. Why are you down here? Go back to bed," I whispered, softly pecking his forehead.

"I can't sleep without holding your boobies," He grumbled as he lifted his hand to squeeze my boobs. 

"I'm almost in my 60s! You're still obsessed with my saggy breasts?" I faintly chuckled while patting his head.

"Doesn't matter. Nothing can comfort me like you do," Taehyung smiled, weakly tilting his face to admire me.

"Seokjin called this evening. Seojun is okay," I whispered.

"It was a misunderstanding. We'll get Woobin to apologize. Aigo~! His wedding is in three days, and he's got bruises on his face!" Taehyung grumbled.

Woobin was never a hot-tempered soul, so I'm still shaken by his violent outburst. We could've gotten into trouble with the Kims if Seojun suffered severe injuries. If it weren't for Hajin... Seojun would've pressed a charge for the assault. I sighed again and kissed the side of my husband's head until I noticed... a presence on the floor landing above. I glanced up the staircase with a startled expression.

"Woobin! Sweetie, are you okay?! Doesn't your leg hurt?!" I gasped. Taehyung quickly straightened his body and glanced up the staircase as our eldest son strolled down the wooden steps with a bandaged head in his loose pajamas.

"I'm okay," Woobin murmured as he limped on his left ankle cast and slumped on the couch across from us. The head doctor claimed he fractured his ankle!

"Should we call the head doctor? You don't look well," Taehyung muttered while eyeing the young man. Woobin shook his head with his wearied gaze on us. Why does he look so... broken?  I tensed my body while observing the misery in his pupils. 

"What's the matter?" I whispered with a slight pout. 

"You don't have to worry too much. Seokjin won't punish you. You only have to apologize to Seojun," Taehyung assured our son. Woobin gulped at my husband's assurance... until a single tear stream slid from his puffy eyes, causing my heart to stir at our son's pained expression.

"I don't want to marry Go Hera," Woobin whispered, tearfully lifting his torn gaze to us. I opened my mouth to speak but halted once I processed his words- and glanced at Taehyung, who was just as taken aback.

"What?- Why? The wedding is in three days," Taehyung frowned at Woobin.

"Honey. Did you fight with Hera? If so- you can talk-" I tried to speak when Woobin suddenly slid off the couch to kneel before us with his head lowered. I froze, unconsciously gripping Taehyung's sleeve as we examined the eldest son's strange behavior. Why is he kneeling...? The last time our son knelt before us... it was because he got a woman pregnant. So what is this one... guilty of? I'm anxious. Woobin weakly sobbed with his face lowered. I pursed my lips and glanced at his shaking shoulders. 

"Young man. Why are you-" Taehyung muttered with a restless frown- but couldn't finish his sentence when Woobin choked on his own tears while struggling to swallow the hot lump in his throat. He finally lifted his tear-glazed cheeks to face us... and I saw it instantly. Guilt. There was so much guilt in his eyes.

"Sweetie. Talk to us. What's the matter?" I gripped my fists with a troubled heart. Woobin said he's comfortable with Hera... so why is he weeping now? We never forced him to choose her.

"I love Hajin," Woobin choked. I paused... and stared at his bloodshot eyes with a blank mind. What...?

"We know that. Why else would you protect Hajin-"

"No- I have been... sleeping with her," Woobin whimpered, apologetically lifting his hands to rub his palms together. Taehyung abruptly stiffened on the couch beside me with his unblinking gaze on the frightened young man.

"Sleeping? As in... laying together?" Taehyung questioned. Woobin sobbed and lowered his face again to release his warm tears while gripping his pants in extreme guilt.

"No- our relationship is sexual. We've had sex- and I've- held Hajin's precious body... with my lustful desires," Woobin confessed, fearfully lifting his face to stare at me with swelling tears. I quickly gripped my husband's wrist to prevent him from launching over the coffee table once I felt Taehyung tensing beside me.

"Woobin. Are you sure you're making sense?" I whispered with a terrified look. Woobin nodded in difficulty to confirm his acts and glanced at Taehyung in fear... who was staring at the man with an expressionless face. Crackle. The deep shadow dimly flickered over Woobin's dreadful frown to illuminate his... hot tears... dripping endlessly from his chin... and splattering onto the carpet below.

"Let me ask you one question," Taehyung muttered in a dangerously low tone. I gripped his wrist and glanced at Woobin again, who shook in extreme fear. What's happening?! I can't seem to make sense of the situation!


"Was it consensual? Did Hajin agree to let you touch her?" Taehyung pressed... until angry tears formed in my husband's deadly gaze. He's on the verge of exploding. Woobin pursed his lips and nodded again, causing my heart to sink in shock. I'm devastated! Why wasn't I aware of their relationship?!

"I'm sorry. I lost control-"

"Jae Beom. Wake Hajin this instant," Taehyung suddenly glanced at the dark staircase above.

Woobin and I quickly snapped our heads upward to find Beom standing by the railing in the dark to watch us from above. The third son exhaled and slowly walked away at his father's command... so I interlaced my fingers with my husband's to hold onto him. Taehyung shifted his dangerous glower back to Woobin... who remained frozen on the floor... too terrified to budge but to cry before us.


"No. I will not react until I hear Hajin's words," Taehyung clenched his jaw to contain his raging anger. I worriedly glanced back at Woobin, who sobbed and lowered his head again until I heard faint footsteps on the floor landing. Hajin appeared... with a confused look.

Third Person POV

The heiress rubbed her sleepy eyes as she strolled down the stairs in her gown to find her parent staring unblinkingly at her from the couch... but halted at the base... once her eyes fell upon Choi Woobin... who was kneeling on the floor with burning tears over his cheeks. Hajin's face flashed in fright at the unsettling atmosphere, so she glanced back at her father's sharp stare as her mother anxiously pursed her lips.

"Sit," Taehyung nodded to the couch behind Woobin. Hajin stiffly gripped her gown and sat on the couch as instructed... with her blank gaze on Woobin's vibrating shoulders.

"Why did you wake me-"

"How long have you been together?" Taehyung grunted, darkening his dilated pupils on his daughter. Hajin froze in place, fearfully glancing at her mother with a startled look upon the unexpected confrontation.

"We are aware... Hajin-ah. Please. For once. Be honest with us," The mother begged with trembling lips. Hajin gripped her fingers in discomfort and glanced at Woobin... as he helplessly sniffled with his head lowered.

"Since I tripped him in the kitchen," Hajin exhaled. Kim Taehyung closed his eyes to recall the harsh prank she pulled on the eldest son... causing his wife to glance at the boiling father in fright. He's fighting hard to remain composed.

"And you have been- sleeping with each other since...?" Sora whispered with a pale expression. Hajin stared at her parents with a poker face and nodded without blinking.

"We did. I consented," Hajin admitted with a racing heart, yet she maintained a straight face to mask her fear.

"Which one of you two kindled the affair?" Taehyung fired the duo a fierce glare.

"I did. I kissed Woobin first... and I insisted that we sleep together," Hajin confessed. Taehyung stiffened in his seat with his startled gaze on his blank daughter before glancing at Woobin... until blood drained from the man's face.

"And you agreed? You're her brother!- What made you think this vile act is justified?!" Taehyung seethed in anger. Sora quickly scooted over the couch with a frightened pout to hug her husband's waist when he slightly jerked forward.

"I tried to-"

"Appa. We don't share the same blood. This isn't a sin. Why are you so worked up? I'm a mature woman, and he's a grown man. There's nothing wrong with our affairs," Hajin calmly stared at her agitated father. Huff! Taehyung screwed his face in distress and slumped back with a fuming hot breath. 

"He's marrying in three days with a fucking third-rank alpha! How do you expect the household to deal with this madness without upsetting the Go?!" Taehyung snapped, angrily jerking forward to glare at Hajin and Woobin.

"So? We already broke up. I don't care. You can marry him to whoever you want," Hajin muttered, dismissively shrugging with her arms crossed over her chest. Taehyung frowned at her unbothered response and glanced at Woobin in bewilderment, who suddenly sobbed and turned to kneel at Hajin's feet.

"You broke up?-" Sora scoffed.

"There's nothing left between us. We can pretend like nothing happened... and Woobin can marry Go Hera. I'm not against his marriage. Our affair was nothing but a disgrace to the family, so let's bury it. I'll marry the man you wish for me to marry," Hajin replied with a straight face. Taehyung frowned at his blank daughter and glanced at Woobin with a baffled look.

"So why are you confessing now? If it's over- Why bother disclosing your relationship?" Taehyung clenched his jaw at Woobin for an explanation. The eldest son sobbed as he lifted his shaky hand to hold Hajin's silk with a pleading look.

"I can't- I don't think I can live like this-"

"You agreed to marry her," Hajin whispered, dimly lowering her cold gaze to the man. Stab. The icy frost... painfully pricking his already bleeding chest. Woobin sniffled in despair as he rested his head on her knees while shaking his head to beg for her sympathy.

"Hajin- baby- please- You have no idea how badly I'm aching right now-"

"You said I'm a cursed disgrace to your life. I begged you repeatedly to resolve this issue before it was too late, but you never listened to my plea. Because you were so scared of ruining your name. Now that everything is too late? You're ugly crying... on your knees to beg like a pathetic fool? You're only putting our parents in a difficult position with the Go household," Hajin muttered coldly. Woobin's lips trembled at her apathetic response to his wounded soul- but he refused to give in and desperately clawed her gown to seek her pity.

"I love you more than anything! I was- afraid the household would reject our love! You know it takes a lot of courage to disclose our relationship!- I really didn't mean anything I said that day! I kept touching you because I was losing my mind over your potential marriage with Seojun! I'm sorry! Hajin- Please believe me this once!" Woobin begged in desperation, leaving the supreme alphas utterly shaken in their place. Jae Beom exhaled as he watched the oldest brother kneel on the floor... pathetically begging the heiress for her forgiveness.

"Get yourself together, Choi Woobin. There's no way out of this. Your flooding tears will never waver me, and I do not wish to ruin the household with your betrayal against the Go's daughter. You reap what you sow," Hajin exhaled, suddenly rising from her feet, causing Woobin to gasp in a panic. Thump! Thump! The man frantically crawled over the floor to hug her legs.

"Eomma!- Please allow me to love her! Please- I promise I'll care for her! I'll protect her! I'll die for her! Jebal!- I'll do anything for her!" Woobin wept in distress as he clung to Hajin's leg. The heiress exhaled in annoyance and glanced at her petrified parents as they gawked at the oldest brother's desperate pleas... who were shattering into bits at Kim Hajin's feet.

"I believe you two need to sort this out between yourself. It seems you haven't granted each other a proper closure," Sora exhaled, lowering her face to pinch her nose bridge. Taehyung blankly stared at the eldest son before shifting his startled gaze to his cold-blooded daughter in dread. The heiress has... inherited the icy cold prick from... her very own... blood mother.

Kim Hajin coldly glanced down Woobin's bloodshot eyes as he stared at her in desperation. She tugged her leg from his filthy grip, causing Woobin to whimper in despair as Hajin lifted her gown and strode up the stairs with a blank expression... leaving the man's beaten heart to bleed from its torn gashes.

An invisible wound that can't be seen or treated is now... terrorizing the man's soul with the grievous remorse of betraying the heiress. Jae Beom exhaled at the sight of Woobin's broken state and glanced at his cold-blooded sister as she passed him and strode toward the room with a blank gaze. The alpha exhaled again and glanced at Woobin... who was helplessly... kneeling on the floor with... dripping snots... bloodshot eyes... and a broken heart.

The Jang's love curse.

This kind of pain ... doesn't burn like a fire that scorches a heart with stinging blisters.

Rather. The poison pricks.

The deadly frost... jabbing through the beating heart... ruthlessly slashing the heartstrings to infect the victim's emotions with agonizing sorrows that taunt the heart... until the vital organ withers upon the lethal touch of the powerful curse- and- Crack.

The deadly frostbite... freezing the pulsating heart to disrupt the blood flow with its frost... causing one... to suffocate from the fatal numbness. Shatter-

The frozen heart then... explodes like broken glass... dangerously flinging the piercing shards into the deep abyss... and ultimately shredding... one's soul with its... poisonous pricks.


Hello~! I'm back! How is everyone?! Did you enjoy the chapter? I hope you did! I'll return with the final chapter soon so stay tuned! <3 I love you guys! <3 Thank you so much for supporting ALPHA! Have a lovely day~!

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