
By Bcbell

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AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! Jaune, after protecting Weiss from Cinder Fall, falls through a portal. But it doesn'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 23

144 5 0
By Bcbell

Jaune still on the landing pad, walks towards a Falcon, and gets ready to fly it. The hospital is the source of the jamming and Jaune needs to take it out. The Falcon lifts off and flies towed the target. Two Banshees dive bomb Jaune, but he moves out of the way and has the gunners lined up to blast them out of the air. 

Jaune reaches the hospital and hops out of the Falcon and the doors slide open. Jaune systematically searches the hospital for any signs of the device. Heavy Covenant forces are deployed to defend it. So Jaune pulls out his MA5K and goes for headshots against Elites and Brutes to leave the Jackals and grunts without a leader. Heavy plasma fire forces Jaune to dive for cover behind a wall. Taking the time to reload, Jaune tosses a frag grenade to distract them long enough for him to reload. Popping in and out of cover, Jaune takes pot shots to cut down the Covenant forces so that, when he charged in, no enemies were behind him. And then he started the dance of death, chopping and evisceration all of the enemies on front of him. Purple and blue blood stained the walls. 

Systematically moving through the building, Jaune killed any in his way. Soon, he spotted the jammer and then overloaded it. The moment it went offline, Covenant came in shattering all of the windows with jetpacks of their own. Jaune dived for cover and reloaded. A long and drawn out battle ensued, where Jaune would five volleys of fire at the Covenant, the charge in to finish the job. They were wiped out. Jaune moved back towards the Falcon he used to reach the hospital. 

Thought Jaune and the marines manning the machine gut encountered a few Banshees, there wasn't any real resistance. Jaune got a report of Elites and Engineers nearby and was ordered to investigate. When he arrived, there were a group of Elites and Engineers. They all fell to three machine guns. Another jammer was discovered, and Jaune was sent off to clear a path.

When Jaune arrived, the once club was surrounded by, Covenant forces were everywhere, pinning down the unfortunate marines sent to take the jammer out. Jaune flew around the area, firing away as the gunners on either side of him. When they were taken care of, Jaune landed the Falcon and hopped out. He found the jammer and went in deeper into the club.

Jaune found the marines pinned down by a pair of Hunters, so he primed his plasma grenades, there them at weak points, and charged in, trying to take one out. The Hunter fired volley after volley, but it could not penetrate Jaune's shield. When it realized it was useless shooting the shield, it charges to meet Jaune. Jaune slid behind the thing and sliced the colony to bits. Seeing this, the other hunter was enraged and charged Jaune, trying to avenge its other Hunter. It failed. Jaune overloaded the jammer at the top of the stairs. 

Jaune got a signal that revealed the location of the last jammer, so Jaune rushed in his Falcon and took off. When he arrived, aa-guns opened fire at the Falcon. They were destroyed. Jaune landed the Falcon and set off to find the last jammer. When Jaune enters the premises, grunts spotted his and opened fire, forcing Jaune to dive for cover. Killing all the grunts with bursts of his MA5K, he rushed up some stairs to catch an elevator to go up further. When he got to the floor he wanted, he was ambushed by Covenant forces stationed there, waiting for him to arrive. Jane pulled out Crocea Mors and charged them. When the Elites and Brutes were taken care of, Jaune simply finished off the remaining grunts. 

Jaune hopped down a ventilation shaft to the jammer, but when he overloaded the system, Kat warned him that it was a trap and to rush out as soon as possible. Jaune sprinted to the elevator faster than he had ever sprinted. The elevator took him down to the lobby where he rushed outside to the Falcon to escape the building. Jaune was ordered to go to ONI headquarters to take down all aa-guns that are in the area. 

When he arrived,  he saw the six aa-guns firing of the building, trying to take it down. Jaune quickly flew toward the first one and lit it up, destroying it, while the gunners protected him from banshees.The other five aa-guns knew where he was and the ones that could see him turves and started firing, forcing Jaune to make evasive moves. The aa-guns went down, but manages to damage the Falcon some, not enough to take him out of the sky thought. When they went down, Kat extended the landing pat to allow Jaune to land.

Jaune landed and walked to were three of the four Spartans were lounging around, waiting for Kat to fix a console that has shrapnel. The area around. tall, but destroyed. "Look at this place. Used to be the crown jewel, not anymore." Jun said depressingly. "Hey you made it." Jun finally noticing Jaune. "It's a regular family reunion." Emile said, holding his Kukri. Jaune held up Jorge's dog-tags to Emile. "Keep'm, he gave it to you. I'll honor him my own way." Emile said. "Jorge said he would never leave Reach."Jun said. "Heh, the big man was sentimental." "He gave his life thinking he just saved the planet, with we were all that lucky."Carter added. "Sir, that true about the Gauntlet, Red and Echo teams assigned to civilian evacuation ops?" Jun asked. "These are senior level communiques..." Carter responds but is cut off. "I hear what I hear. Point is, why would they put Spartans on defensive deployments?" Kat asks. "I need that link to SATCOM Kat." Carter states. "Chasing it, but this console's got more shrapnel in it that transceivers. You didn't answer my question." "You want to know if were losing?" "I want to know if we've lost." Carter has no response. Kat soon finds something. "Colonel Holland's hailing us! Why is he doing it on an open chanel?" "Let's hear it." "---in the southwest quadrant of the city over? Sierra two-five-nine if you are receiving this, I am authorizing override of radio security protocols to link with this channel." Holland reports hoping to find Carter. "How long for a secure channel?" Carter asks Kat. "Can't guarantee secure anymore." Kat responds. "Could Covenant trace it to us?" "I could." "Noble leader, this is a Priority One hail. If you are receiving, acknowledge immediately." Kat hands over a communicator. "Keep it brief." "Carter here, yes sir..." "We got movement. Multiple Covenant vehicles vacation the area." Jun reports. "And there in a hurry." he continues. "How often you see Covenant retreat for no good reason?" Emile asks. "Radiation flare BIG, forty million routegens!" Kat states hurriedly. "Just lost Holland, whats going on." Carter asks. "Atomic excitement just scrambled the signal, Ninety million now." "Source?" "Airborne, close." "How clOSE?!" A massive explosion strikes near them and their shield go down immediately. "THAT CLOSE!" Kat responds. Everybody rushes out as the building collapses. Kat and Jaune get in one elevator and Carter, Jun, and Emile get in the other. Kat misses the button and hast to look and press. "First glassing Jaune?" "Yea." "Me to." as Kat puts on her helmet. "Don't worry, I'm on it. Our best option is a fallout bunker on sub level two ninety-six meters northeast. We got orders from Holland sir?" she asks Carter. "Were being redeployed to Sword base." "Sword! The Covenant own it now!" Jun exclaims startled. "Which is why they want us to torch-and-burn it, keep Dr. Halsey's work from falling into Covenant hands."  Jun, Emile, and Carter's elevator reach round level first. They dash. Not to long after, Kat and Jaune's elevator reach ground level. "If it hasn't already." Kat adds. "Maybe, but accouring to Holland, the Covenant are still hunting for something." Carter says. 

"When does he get off calling a demolitions op Priority One-"

A needle pierces through Kat's head and al of Nobel team watch in horror. Jane looks up to see the leader Zealot with a Needler rifle. Jaune pick up Kat's M6G Magnum and shoots the Elite, but not killing it, it gets picked up by a transport and flees. Jaune drags Kat's body to safety and seals the blast doors. 

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