Seeing Through their Eyes- Oa...

By lolareadsgoodthings

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⚠️Cover by @Dovesong_WC! Check her out!⚠️ "I stared at him; my mouth hung open. He wanted us dead!" Slimepaw... More

Before You Read:
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1
She-cat Apprentices [EDITED]
Living in Dangerous Waters (Slimepaw's POV) [EDITED]
Conscience Probed (Pinestar's POV, Part 1) [EDITED]
Conscience Probed (Pinestar's POV, Part 2) [EDITED]
Traitors in our Midst [EDITED]
Blood Spilled (Slimpaw's POV) [EDITED]
A Second Chance (Pinestar's POV) [EDITED]
The Consequences of Betrayal [EDITED]
A New Generation (Slimefoot's POV) [EDITED]
Reborn (Smallpaw's POV) [EDITED]
Exilement and Escape [EDITED]
Loss of a Friend (Slimefoot's POV) [EDITED]
Troubles of this Life (Smallpaw's POV) [EDITED]
The Ways of Clan [EDITED]
Uncertainty as Dark as a Starless Night (Slimefoot's POV) [EDITED]
Potential Wasted (Smallpaw's POV) [EDITED]
Starclan's Plea [EDITED]
Slimefoot's Agony (Slimefoot's POV) [EDITED]
Loss (Smallpaw's POV)
Stuck in your Dreams
No Escape (Slimefoot's POV)
Helplessness (Smallpaw's POV)
Giving In
Deep, Deep, Hatred (Slimefoot's POV)
I'm Sorry...
Lost (Smallpaw's POV)
Peaceful Sleep
The Needed Courage (Slimefoot's POV)
Unknown Powers (Smallpaw's POV)

Light in the Dark (Slimepaw's POV) [EDITED]

55 5 4
By lolareadsgoodthings

Pinestar's call for a clan meeting sent a ripple of excitement through the camp. 

I could feel my heart racing with anticipation as I darted a nervous look at my mother. "What do I do?" I whispered, my voice trembling with fear. 

"You'll have to tell him, dear," she replied, her gaze filled with sympathy.

As we made our way to Highrock, I couldn't shake off the dread that had settled in my stomach. What would Mouse and Acornpaw think? I wondered, my mind racing with thoughts. 

But there was no time for further speculation as Pinestar's voice boomed across the clearing. "We have a new role for our clan!" he announced. "Slaves!"

I felt my heart sink as Pinestar continued to speak, ignoring the murmurs of disbelief that filled the air. "Ugly she-cats who aren't in the nursery will have this role! Which will be... Fleapaw, Slimepaw-"

My name echoed through the clearing, and I knew that I couldn't stay silent any longer. I looked at Mouse, who was staring at Pinestar, her eyes wide with shock. 

It was time to speak up.

"I cannot be a slave," I interrupted, my voice shaking with emotion.

There was a moment of stunned silence.

"Excuse me?" Pinestar growled. 

"I can't be a slave," I repeated, "Because I'm pregnant."

Pinestar stared at me for a couple of moments, obviously taken aback. 

He then went back to his normal look. "Alright then, Slimepaw, you shall move to the nursery. Are there any other cats who need to move to the nursery?" he asked, looking around the crowd.


"Then it's settled. You all will be slaves." 

The meeting was finally over and I couldn't wait to head over to the nursery and hide- I mean rest. 

As soon as Moletail spotted me, her eyes widened with surprise. "You're pregnant?" she exclaimed, clearly shocked. "Who's the father? When did this happen?"

I didn't want to talk about it. I just curled up on the soft bed of moss and sighed. 

Moletail's expression softened and she came to sit beside me. "Don't worry, it's always tough when you first find out," she said comfortingly.

"Easy for you to say," I muttered bitterly. "Your kits are the children of warriors. Badgerleg is the father."

Moletail nodded but didn't say anything. I knew what she was thinking - that Badgerleg wasn't the best cat for a father- well, no tom in this clan was the best cat for a father- but I didn't need her pity or her advice.

Just then, Mouse and Acornpaw walked into the nursery. Mouse looked concerned, but Acornpaw seemed distant. I couldn't help feeling hurt by his cool demeanor.

"Slimepaw, I'm so sorry," Mouse apologized, her eyes brimming with tears.

"It's not your fault," I reassured her, confused by her apology.

"If I hadn't complained, you wouldn't have gotten hurt. And then you wouldn't have gone into the medicine den," she choked.

I licked her ear gently. "Don't worry, it's okay. I'm fine now."

Acornpaw stood in front of me, his eyes gleaming with a sense of superiority. I could barely contain my anger when I saw him, but I tried to stay calm. 

"Well, you should be honored," he said, looking down at me as if I were nothing. 

"Honored?" I spat, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "Honored to have kits when I didn't even want any? Honored to have kits with a tom like that?"

His eyes narrowed, and his voice turned menacing. "Do not speak about toms like that!" he snarled. "If he wanted kits, you have to have them!" 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What is wrong with you?" I growled, my claws digging into the soft moss beneath me.

"Nothing is wrong with me, she-cat," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Learn your place." 

With that, he turned around and walked out of the nursery, leaving me fuming with anger and disbelief.

Mouse looked at me with fear in her eyes. "What was that?" she asked, her voice trembling. 

Moletail sighed and shook her head. "It always happens to them," she said, her voice heavy with sadness. "He's been brainwashed to believe he's better than she-cats, even his littermates."

I groaned, feeling helpless and frustrated. "But why now?" I asked, hoping for an answer. 

Moletail simply lay down on the moss and closed her eyes. It seemed like she didn't have an answer either.

As my sister strolled out of the den, Maplepelt barged in, pushing her aside with an air of superiority. She looked around the damp nursery with a sneer and then turned to me. "Well, Slimepaw," she spat out, "you should consider yourself lucky to have me here."

I didn't say anything.

"What's wrong with you?" she demanded. "Can't you show some respect?"

I tried to ignore her and kept quiet. But she wasn't willing to let it go. "Come on, spill it!" she barked. "Who's the father of your kits?"

"My kits have no father," I replied stubbornly.

"Don't be ridiculous!" she scoffed. "Someone must have mated with you."

I took a deep breath and whispered, "Badgerleg."

"What did you say?" she snapped.

"I said, it was Badgerleg!" I yelled.

"Don't you dare yell at me!" she growled, her eyes flashing with anger.

"Well, you asked me to speak up," I retorted.

"I can't deal with your attitude," she snarled.

"Then go away," I said, feeling a sense of relief as she stormed out of the den.

Moletail leaned in closer and whispered, "That was...bold of you." 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "I just can't stand how that she-cat acts," I muttered. 

Sympathy flickered in Moletail's gaze. "You'll have to get used to it," she said softly.

Credits to: Bridget Randall on Pinterest

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