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By Angelswritez

33.5K 485 79

In the heart of the criminal underworld, Lorenzo Donatello reigns supreme as the most terrifying and ruthless... More



458 8 0
By Angelswritez


The shrill ring of my phone shattered the focused atmosphere in the base. I glanced at the caller ID, and a surge of concern gripped me as I answered. Azzurra's panicked voice flooded through the line, recounting a car accident, confusion evident in her words.

"Are you hurt?" I demanded, clenching my jaw as I listened to her shaky response. "Stay calm, Azzurra. I'm on my way."

I barked orders at Mason, instructing him to bring me to Azzurra's location. As the car sped through the city, thoughts raced through my mind, each second feeling like an eternity.

When we arrived, I found Azzurra in distress, tears streaming down her face. The other party involved in the accident was berating her, blaming her for the collision. I rushed to her side, checking for injuries. Her arm was bruised, and her nose showed signs of impact.

"Are you hurt?" I asked again, my voice softer this time.

She shook her head, still apologizing for the damage to my car. "It's okay, Azzurra. Cars can be fixed. I'm more concerned about you."

Turning my attention to the man yelling at her, I approached with a controlled but intense demeanor. "Enough," I warned, my voice low and threatening. "She's clearly shaken, and you won't make this situation any better by berating her. We'll handle the damages, but you'll show her some respect."

The man's bravado wavered under my stern gaze, and he hesitated before muttering an acknowledgment. I made it clear that any further mistreatment of Azzurra would have consequences.

Once the confrontation diffused, I focused on comforting Azzurra, assuring her that the car could be repaired. My priority was her well-being. In the midst of the chaos, my protective instincts kicked in, and I vowed to shield her from the fallout of the accident.

As we navigated the aftermath, Azzurra's vulnerability tugged at my heart. I assured her that accidents happen, emphasizing her safety above all else. Together, we would face the challenges, just as we always did, unwavering in our commitment to each other.

The officers showed concern for Azzurra's well-being, offering an ambulance, but she was unsure if she needed one. They listened attentively as she recounted the accident, the details of the collision unfolding in her retelling. Once they assessed the situation, arrangements were made to tow the cars away.

As they discussed the financial aspects, the officers informed me of the repair costs for my car. I nodded in acknowledgment, signing the necessary papers to expedite the process. The figures were inconsequential compared to Azzurra's safety.

When we finally returned home, Azzurra continued to apologize, her remorse lingering in the air. I reassured her, emphasizing that the car could be fixed, and what mattered most was her safety. Yet, her concern persisted, specifically about it being my favorite car.

"It's just a car, Azzurra," I said, attempting to ease her guilt.

"No, Lorenzo, it was your favorite one," she insisted.

Smirking, I cupped her face gently, "You're also my favorite. Cars can be replaced; you can't."

Her eyes softened, and a hint of gratitude replaced the worry. We navigated through the aftermath together, my focus unwavering on her well-being. The incident served as a reminder that material possessions could be mended, but the safety and happiness of the one I loved were irreplaceable.

Camilla's hurried entrance reflected her concern, and her immediate question was focused on Azzurra's well-being. "I heard what happened. Is Azzurra okay?" she inquired, her eyes searching for any signs of distress on Azzurra's face.

I turned to Azzurra, giving her the opportunity to share her condition. Azzurra, despite her earlier apologies, managed a small smile. "I'm okay, Camilla. Just a bit shaken up, but Lorenzo was there for me."

Camilla's worry transformed into relief, and she nodded appreciatively. "Thank goodness. Accidents can be so frightening. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thanks, Camilla," Azzurra replied, her gratitude evident in her expression.

As Camilla reassured Azzurra, I couldn't help but appreciate the support system around us. The incident served as a reminder of the importance of the bonds we had forged, not just between Azzurra and me, but with those who genuinely cared for our well-being.

As she removed her dress, revealing a sizable bruise on her side, my concern deepened. "How did you get that bruise?" I asked, my voice edged with worry.

Azzurra, avoiding eye contact, hesitated before speaking. "The man got a little aggressive," she mumbled, downplaying the severity of the situation.

"A little?" I snapped, my temper flaring. The possessiveness surged within me, fueled by the need to protect her. "I'll find him and make him pay for laying a hand on you."

Her blush deepened at my vehement reaction. I kissed her gently, trying to convey both my anger at what had happened to her and my overwhelming need to shield her from any harm.

"That's a big bruise," I noted, my fingers gently tracing the discolored mark. "Tell me exactly what he did to give you this bruise."

Azzurra hesitated again, her eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and reluctance to relive the unpleasant encounter. "He... he grabbed me roughly when we were arguing about the accident. I tried to defend myself, but he was aggressive."

Anger churned within me, directed not only at the man who dared to harm her but also at the circumstances that led to this confrontation. I held her close, reassuring her that I would handle the situation while silently vowing to protect her at all costs.

Azzurra descended the stairs, her gaze inquisitive as she questioned my sudden departure. Caught between the desire to protect her and the need for secrecy, I hesitated for a moment before conjuring an explanation.

"I have some business to attend to, amore," I replied, my tone measured, yet her skepticism was evident.

She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes. "Business? At this hour? Lorenzo, you're not telling me something."

My jaw clenched, grappling with the internal conflict. I couldn't reveal the true nature of my departure, but I also couldn't bear to see the doubt in her eyes. Taking a step closer, I placed a gentle hand on her cheek, attempting to reassure her.

"It's just something I need to handle. Trust me, it won't take long, and I'll be back before you know it."

Her gaze searched mine, and I could see the uncertainty lingering. "Lorenzo, I know when you're not telling me the whole truth. Please, just be honest with me."

For a moment, the weight of my unspoken mission hung in the air, but I chose to deflect, masking it with a reassuring smile. "There's nothing for you to worry about, tesoro. It's just a minor issue I need to sort out."

Azzurra sighed, reluctantly accepting my explanation, though the doubt still lingered in her eyes. "Fine, but you better come back soon. I don't like being in the dark."

Her words tugged at me, and I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. "I promise, amore. I'll be back before you even notice I'm gone."

With that, I left, the weight of the unspoken truth lingering in the air between us. The mission to find the man who had harmed her was a task I couldn't share with her, no matter how much she deserved to know.

The dimly lit room echoed with the shuffling of feet and the creaking of the chair as we secured Tom to it. His eyes darted nervously between me and Mason, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Look, I didn't mean to—"

I cut him off with a curt gesture. "Save the excuses. You laid a hand on someone under my protection."

Mason stepped forward, his presence menacing. "You messed with the wrong person, pal. Do you even know who you're dealing with?"

Tom stammered, his voice shaky. "I... I didn't know she was connected to anyone."

I leaned in, my face inches from his. "Well, now you do. This is your one and only warning, Tom. If you ever think about hurting someone close to me again, your fate won't be decided by words."

Mason cracked his knuckles, adding to the intimidation factor. "Consider this a lesson. Azzurra Rossi is off-limits. You cross paths with her, you walk away. Got it?"

Tom nodded vigorously, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "I got it, man. I won't mess with her or anyone connected to you. Just let me go, please."

A sinister smile crept onto my face. "Oh, we will let you go. But not before you understand the consequences of your actions."

I retrieved a photo from my pocket, showing it to Tom. "Recognize her?"

His eyes widened as he nodded, recognizing the woman in the picture. "Yeah, that's my sister. What does she have to do with this?"

Mason chuckled darkly. "Your actions affect not just you, pal. The repercussions extend to your loved ones."

I leaned in once more, my voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "Remember this lesson, Tom. It's the only mercy you'll get."

With that, we left him tied to the chair, the room echoing with the ominous warning. As we exited, I couldn't shake the intensity of the encounter, the realization sinking in for Tom that he had dared to harm someone under the protection of Lorenzo Donatello.

Back in the car, Mason spoke up, breaking the silence. "Think he got the message?"

I nodded, the weight of the encounter still heavy on my mind. "He won't forget it. No one messes with mine and gets away with it."

As we drove back, the shadows of the night seemed to close in around us, and I couldn't shake the unease that lingered. My thoughts were consumed by Azzurra, and the determination to shield her from any harm intensified. The unspoken understanding between us in the dimly lit room resonated – the mafia world had its rules, and crossing those lines came with consequences.

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