Regulus Black x reader (NOT S...

Von akiokageyama267

24.4K 769 82

Y/n Potter and Regulus Black realize that they're not so different after all. Will their friendship be accept... Mehr

Character introductions part 1
Character introduction part 2
Character introduction part 3
Chapter One: The first day (part 1)
Chapter two: First day (part 2)
Chapter three: The closet (part 1)
Chapter four: The closet (part 2)
Chapter five: Prefect patrol
Chapter six: Detention and a game
Chapter seven: The hospital wing
Chapter eight: Halloween
Chapter nine: Animagus
Chapter ten: Hogsmeade
Chapter 11: Christmas (part 1)
Chapter 13: Christmas (part two)
Chapter 14: Christmas (part three)
Chapter 14: Triwizard tournament (part one)
Chapter 15: Triwizard tournament (part two)
Chapter 17: Triwizard tournament (part four)
Chapter 18: The first challenge (part one)
Chapter 19: The first challenge (part two)
Chapter Twenty: Girlfriend?
Chapter Twenty-One: Dresses and Eggs
Chapter Twenty-Two: Expelled? Maybe. (Kind of a filler chapter)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Yule Ball (part one)
Chapter Twenty Four: Yule Ball (part two)
Chapter Twenty Five: Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Six: Rescue (part one)
Chapter Twenty Seven: Explain

Chapter 16: Triwizard tournament (part three)

577 24 2
Von akiokageyama267

The next morning, after getting barely any sleep, y/n snuck out of Regulus's dorm room and went to the quidditch pitch.
    "Potter, you're late," Julian scowled.
    "Sorry, I didn't-" she got cut off.
    "Not you! Well, yes you, but him too!" He pointed behind y/n to James.
    He came trudging in, bags under his eyes.
    "Both of you, suit up now," Julian ordered.
    Y/n started to walk to the girls locker room when James stopped her.
    "Y/n, where were you last night?" James asked.
    "You knew I was gone?" She asked.
    "Uhm, well, yeah," he stuttered.
    "I was with someone," she gave herself a secret smile. "Now let's get ready,"
    "Y/n, wait," James called to her. "It's supposed to be a surprise but I saw Mum and Dad walking into the audience,"
    Y/n's face stiffened. Her 'dad' had been one of the best seekers to ever walk the halls of Hogwarts. But they had never made it to a game, their jobs were too demanding. A part of y/n was ecstatic. After all, she hadn't seen them since the train station. But the other part of her was terrified. If she messed up, she knew the talk her dad would give her. He would be critiquing every move she made. She knew he would mean well but she didn't need that.
    The game started and y/n was face to face with Linus, waiting for the whistle to be blown. Y/n avoided making eye contact with him so as to not get distracted. She took one last look up at the stands. The usual segregated houses were all congregated into one section, decorated with Gryffindor colors. She couldn't spot Regulus in the crowd but she knew he was there.
    The whistle blew and they were off. Y/n took off chasing the speeding golden snitch. She winded through the other players, Linus on her tail, but the snitch disappeared into the sky. Y/n kept her eyes open.
    James threw the quaffle to Julian, passing it back and forth to make the first score of the game. The Drumstrang chasers chased after Julian, pushing back and forth to try and get the quaffle. They failed and Gryffindor scored the first point.
    Gryffindor's best beater, batted a bludger at the Drumstrang keeper, knocking him away from the goal, leading Gryffindor even more in the lead. The Hogwarts stands erupted into cheers for their team. Ellie blocked two quaffles in a row from the boys, earning more cheers.
    The Drumstrang team looked pissed. They, the best in the world, were losing to the Gryffindor team! But they were gonna be even more pissed by the end of the game. Gryffindors winning beginning took a turn and they were down by twenty points. Y/n took a peek up to look at the stands and there he was.
    Regulus was decked out in Gryffindor colors, number seven, y/n's number, painted on his cheek. Caius and Evan had reluctantly agreed to sit next to Lily and Marlene, keeping a slighter distance from the Marauders. They had made her a sign. Y/n smiled, knowing that she could bring such opposite friends together.
    Regulus cheered even louder when he saw her looking at him. Y/n looked at where the Marauders were. Remus looked slightly more interested than he normally was in quidditch with Sirius's arm around his shoulder. It looked like they had dragged Riley to the game, who looked like she was flirting with Peter. The boys waved when they saw y/n looking at them and she waved back.
    Suddenly, y/n spotted the snitch out of the corner of her eye. She spun her broom around and sped after it. Linus took too long to realize what was happening and y/n had a major lead. A bludger was sent towards her but she sped up even faster, the fastest she's even gone, and it went right by her.
    "Potter! Potter! Potter!" The Hogwarts students cheered.
    Y/n outstretched her hand and could feel the flutter of the snitches wings on her hand. She closed her eyes, she needed this win.
    "Just a little faster," she mumbled to herself.
    She brushed the snitch and it seemed to get faster itself. Y/n couldn't see her surroundings when she opened her eyes, eyes trained on just the snitch. She didn't even care about crashing, as long as she won.
    The snitch darted up and y/n followed, going up, up up. Linus was getting closer but the snitch darted back down and he was too slow. Y/n shifted her broom, following the snitch. She could still feel the snitch's wings. She closed her hands around the snitch, slowing herself down. She held it up for the crowd to see and they erupted into cheers. Y/n led the Gryffindor team in a victory lap around the pitch, mostly to slow down her spinning head.
    "Y/n! You were going faster than anyone I've ever seen go!" Julian fangirled. "You could go pro!"
    "I don't know about that," y/n laughed.
    They lined up to shake hands with the Drumstrang boys. Julian put on a tough face and met with the Drumstrang captain. He held out his hand and Julian shook it.
    "You have a very determined seeker," he said.
    "We know. She's awesome," Julian said.
    Everyone started shaking hands and when y/n got to Linus, he stopped her for a second.
    "He's right. You were good. We've never been beaten before and if it weren't for you, you would have lost," he bragged.
    "Uh, thanks?" She asked.
    Julian continued ranting about how she could go pro the whole way down to the changing rooms. Y/n rolled her eyes and thought about what his kids would be like. If they weren't as obsessed with quidditch as he was, they weren't his. Y/n was about to go into the girls rooms when she got a tap on the shoulder.
    "Y/n Potter! I am from the Daily Prophet! Can you tell me how it feels to be the fourth contestant in the Triwizard competition?" A reporter asked her.
    Suddenly she was bombarded with reporters all around her, cameras flashing, magical microphones shoved in her face. Y/n blinked at all of the flashes of cameras in her face when she was pulled away, out of the crowd. She didn't see who it was until the person pulled her into a hidden alcove, covering her mouth. Y/n looked up and saw Regulus peering around the corner. The reporters came running down past the alcove and Regulis hid her with his body.
    "You looked like you were drowning," Regulus said once they left.
    "You finally got your chance to save me from the crowds," y/n giggled, thinking back to the engagement party.
    "You were awesome out there," Regulus grinned, leaning against the wall. "I mean, how fast were you going? It was crazy,"
    "Thanks," y/n's face flushed red. "I wasn't really paying attention. I was just laser focused of the snitch,"
    "Everyone thought you were going to crash like twenty times," he laughed.
    "Just a quick question, was your face paint and outfit choice voluntary?" Y/n asked.
    "Your muggle friend forced me to wear all this junk," he motioned to the clothes.
    "Junk?" Y/n raised her eyebrows. "You looked like you enjoyed it quite a bit in the stands,"
    "Shut it or I'll get the reporters,"
    "You wouldn't,"
    "Y/n! There you are, we need to get you to the dining hall, they're about to announce the first challenge!" It was Ellie who interrupted their talk. "Sorry to steal your girl, but this is more important,"
    Regulus felt his face turn as red as a tomato.
    "O-okay, I'll see you guys there," he said.
    He watched as Ellie dragged poor y/n to the dining hall, y/n having to run to keep up. After casting a spell to change him into regular clothes, Regulus spotted Caius and Evan and jogged to catch up to the pair.
    "Regulus! Where'd you run off to?" Caius asked.
    "Probably off snogging his girlfriend," Evan grinned before adding air quotation marks to his next sentence. "Sorry, his just friend,"
    "You're one to talk," Regulus scowled. "You and McKinnon were getting pretty chummy,"
    Evan shoved him and they kept walking.
    "Regulus, can we be completely truthful for a second?" Caius asked his friend, keeping his gaze on the doors in front of him.
    "By that tone of voice, I guess I don't really have a choice," Regulus said.
    He was trying to cover up the fact that he was worried what his friends had to say.
    "In our fifteen years of knowing you, we have never seen you as happy as you are with y/n," Evan said.
    Regulus's eyes widened and he looked at his friends.
    "And at first, when you two just started becoming friends, we hated her. We didn't think you should've had anything to do with her," Caius said.
    Regulus didn't know that. He honestly figured that his friends had always liked her. After all, they were always nice to her when they spoke.
    "But now, whatever you guys are, she makes you happy," Caius smiled at his friend. "And that makes us happy,"
    "And we think that she's the best person for you," Evan finished.
    "What are you guys getting at?" Regulus asked.
    What was the point in them telling him all of this?
    "What we're saying is that you're holding back," Evan said.
    "What?" Regulus was still confused.
    "You like her," Caius said. "Don't even try to deny it. But you're holding back and we're telling you that you need to do something fast,"
    "Yeah, if you don't tell her how you feel or something like that, someone's going to take her from you," Evan said. "And we don't want you to lose that happiness,"
    Regulus stopped them in front of the dining hall door and looked at them.
    "Do you think she likes me?" He asked nervously.
    "That's the understatement of the year," Caius laughed.
    "Regulus, whatever you end up doing, just do it before we all get the mark. Okay?" Evan asked.
    The dark mark. They were all supposed to get it this summer, to officially be a part of the death eaters. Regulus didn't want that. Neither did his friends. But they had to.
    Regulus nodded in response.
    "I'll do it today," he decided.
    "Ten buck says he won't," Caius looked at Evan.
    "You're on," Evan grinned.


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