✓ I open a restaurant in Yuan

By koushuu17

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Author: Yanfeixingsan Category: Danmei fan fiction Status: Completed The newlywed who transformed into a gian... More



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By koushuu17

☆ 67. Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

The road gradually becomes narrower and narrower. The winding path less than half a meter wide is mixed in with the grass half a person's height on both sides. Because the grass is too lush, you can only see a little bit of the road under your feet, and you need to use your hands from time to time. The wooden stick inside pushed the grass blades blocking the road to both sides. The blades of grass are long and thin, with sharp edges. If you are not careful, you will draw a bloody path on the skin.

I've walked this road countless times, and even though I'm lame, I'm so proficient that I hardly get scratched by blades of grass. However, he was a little worried about Fei Yu who was following him. Although he was a male orc like him and older than him, he was not as tall as him, and his skin was very white. Even with his thin skin and tender flesh, he was suspicious of Fei Yu. Have you ever hunted.

"There are a lot of blades of grass here, so be careful." Net brushed away a blade of grass and turned around to remind Fei Yu, "Being scratched by blades of grass can be very dangerous -"

His words suddenly stopped, and his eyes widened. , as if suddenly shocked.

"Grass, grass is moving!" Wang exclaimed. He just seemed to see the grass around Yu moving on its own! They actually retracted the grass blades to both sides to make way for Yu!

Beast God, please tell him this is not true!

"What?" Fei Yu asked with a smile.

"I think -" he said, lowering his eyes and caught a glimpse of the wooden stick in Fei Yu's hand pressing on the grass, but the pressing position was much lower than where he pressed the grass, so he didn't notice it for a while. The lower the position, the greater the strength required. Only at this moment does the net feel a little more realistic - the male in front of him is indeed stronger than him. But in this way, the magical scene just now has an explanation. It was because he didn't notice the wooden stick in Yu's hand that he thought he was hallucinating, so he asked how the grass could move on its own.

"Nothing, let's continue on our way." Wang rubbed his eyes, turned around and continued to lead the way.

Fei Yu took back the wooden stick in his hand and followed closely behind Wang.

Wherever he passed, the grass blades shrank up automatically, freeing up his field of vision. When Fei Yu walked by, the blades of grass behind him would gently rub his wrist again, completely different from what Wang said.

After pushing aside another blade of grass, the two finally reached their destination.

This is an ordinary mountain in the Yan tribe, and all dangerous beasts have been cleared away. On the ground extending from the foot of the mountain, all the grass was uprooted, revealing the dark brown land. Several orcs were lying lazily on the ground, staring straight at the sky.

Not far from these orcs, an elderly orc with gray hair was scraping an animal skin with a bone knife. The animal skin must have been freshly peeled off. There was blood on it, as well as bits and pieces of meat. It was the bits of meat that the orcs scraped off with a bone knife.

"Fill the stone pot with water and we will cook meat later." The old orc said to a little orc in front of him who was sucking his fingers.

The little orc nodded, picked up the stone pot on the side with some difficulty, and walked towards the water source.

He looked only 6 years old, thin and small, with a naked body and slightly protruding ribs. Because his head was a little big, he looked like a walking matchstick.

The little orc didn't walk very fast while holding the stone pot. Each time he had to move one foot forward to explore the spot a few times before slowly putting his foot down.

Fei Yu noticed that his eyes were large, but lifeless. They seemed to be looking into the distance, and seemed not to see anything.

"Wind!" Wang shouted at the little orc.

The little orc paused, turned his head, and twitched his ears.

"Wind." Wang called again, limped over, took the stone pot from the little orc's arms, and said, "I'll get the water, you wait."

The little orc just stood there obediently. , waiting motionlessly for the net to come back. Wang quickly returned with a stone pot filled with water, placed the stone pot on the fire pit, and while boiling water, he took the bone knife from the old orc's hand and the animal skin together.

"I'll do it myself!" the old orc said unhappily, "I'm missing my legs, not my arms. I don't need your help for this little thing."

Wang said nothing with a stern face, and just went about scraping off the pieces. The meat was thrown into the stone pot.

Feng walked over slowly step by step, stretched out his hand and tried to find where the net was. Net grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit next to him, and asked him: "Are you hungry?"

Feng's stomach made a growling sound, and he covered his belly and said "Hmm" with a slight blush.

The old orc snorted and looked at Fei Yu who was walking over and asked, "Who is he? Why did you bring him here?"

"His name is Yu, and he is the owner of the food shop that Yi helped." Wang thought of himself The purpose of bringing Fei Yu here made her feel excited, "Xiu took me to find him to see if I could stay and help. I, I didn't have any hope, but he agreed." Wang looked gratefully. He glanced at Fei Yu and said, "Not only did Yu agree to let me stay, he also promised that I could let other orcs try it." The

old orc looked at Wang's lame leg and said in disbelief: "He wants to do it even if your leg is lame. You?"

The network leader nodded.

"Is he willing to let other orcs give it a try?"

Wang nodded again.

The old orc was silent for a moment, and suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "Everyone, come out quickly!"

Many caves were dug on the mountain, and the outside of the cave entrances were blocked with stones or wooden boards. Fei Yu didn't know who the old orc was. Unsurprisingly, he was probably the leader, because he only shouted once, and Fei Yu saw that the stone plank blocking the entrance of the cave was quickly removed from the inside, and many orcs followed. One after another came out of the cave.

Among the orcs who came out, the youngest one had not yet awakened at a low level. The biggest one has snow-white hair, a stooped figure, and wrinkles on his face.

There are relatively few of these two types of orcs, only a dozen in total.

The majority of orcs were in their thirties and forties, followed by those around sixteen or seventeen who were about the size of a net.

And among these orcs, almost every body has problems, big or small.

They came to the open space either alone or with each other's support, and stood in front of the old orc. They didn't open their mouths to ask anything, and just stood there silently waiting for the old orc to speak. It seemed that the old orcs were very prestigious, and they didn't dare to ask anything. But Fei Yu could sense that they didn't ask anything, and in fact they didn't care about anything.

The eyes of these people are like a pool of stagnant water, calm and empty without a single ripple.

Fei Yu was almost mentally prepared before he came. He knew what kind of group of orcs he was facing. He heard this from the mouth of the big dragon snake. After all, they are orcs who have been the leader of the clan. This kind of thing is just common sense to them, so it is easy to explain it clearly to Fei Yu.

Whether it is a chaotic tribe or a star tribe, there are many orcs like Wang. Some of them injured their legs and feet while hunting and were no longer able to hunt, some were too old and could no longer hunt, and some were born with some kind of physical defect and were discarded. These orcs have no partners, no cubs, and no relatives willing to take care of them.

If they were in a chaotic tribe, such orcs would basically die on their own. The star tribe is much better. They will dig many caves to house them and give them food. It is definitely impossible to eat enough. Orcs have always been the ones who contribute the most and get the most. For those who are unable to work, it is the greatest kindness to prevent them from starving to death.

Xiu was once saved by the net, so he took care of the net as a brother. The net was picked up and raised by an old orc, so he was willing to help the old orc take care of other orcs.

"I have good news to tell you." The old orc grinned and pointed at Fei Yu, "Do you know who he is? He is the employer of Elbow! Do you know why he came here? Because he has also become the employer of Wang. !"

The eyes of several orcs in the crowd fluctuated, and one of them said hoarsely: "Wang's employer? He hired Wang?"

"That's right!" the old orc said loudly, "Since Wang was hired, I asked him to come and see if you are suitable. Yu didn't refuse, he agreed!"

Fei Yu said at the right time: "My restaurant needs a lot of people. Help, if you want to come, you can tell me, and if you are suitable, I will hire you." Yes, it is suitable. Fei Yu's compassion has not overflowed to the point where he doesn't care about anything. He just has physical problems but good character, so Fei Yu will give them a chance. If the mind was distorted along with the body, even if such an orc starved to death in front of him, Fei Yu would not take a second look.

I don't know whether it was because he didn't believe it or because he didn't react. After Fei Yu finished speaking, no one responded for a long time.

At this time, Feng stumbled towards Fei Yu.

Fei Yu stretched out his hand to support him.

Feng held Fei Yu's finger tightly and said stammeringly: "Can I help you? Although I can't see, my ears are very good!"

Fei Yu looked at the person in front of him with a soft expression. The little orc controlled the power and quietly turned around on his body, and said softly: "Okay."

The little orc grinned widely, and smiled with tears streaming down his face.

Fei Yu gently wiped his pitch-black face and looked at the other orcs who were silent and wearing animal skin skirts around their waists.

A skinny male orc came out, "My name is Chen, an intermediate awakened beast warrior." He raised his right arm, "I was seriously injured while hunting, my right hand is gone, and my abilities can no longer be used. I can't hunt, but If you let me eat enough, I can do all the hard work."

The ability is gone, but the physique of the intermediate beast warrior is still there and can be used.

First Feng, then Chen, both of them were successfully hired by Fei Yu. The old orcs and Wang were extremely happy, and the dead hearts of the other orcs were gradually ignited.

"My name is Chu." The old orc suddenly said, "Even though I don't have a calf, I can raise wild beasts." He chuckled, "That kid said you were a spiritual chef. Since you are making food, I don't know. Have you ever thought about raising some wild animals and selling them and slaughtering them at any time?"

Fei Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this. Even though his space still raises many wild beasts, it is all due to the function of the space itself. As long as the wild beasts are fed, it is basically impossible to feed them to death. But it's different when raising wild beasts outside. The outside world doesn't have the effect of space. He was worried about where to find orcs with experience in raising wild beasts, but he didn't expect this to appear.

Fei Yu hired the old orc with a smile, and the two agreed on the treatment on the spot. After hearing with his own ears the number of beast coins that the old orc could get, the timid orc plucked up the courage and walked up to Fei Yu.

"My name is Wei, but I can't hear you. If you look at your mouth, you can tell what you are talking about."

"My name is..."

Even though they have been desperate for a long time, when hope appears, these orcs still want to reach out and grab it.

At this time, Fei Yu was a beam of light in the eyes of these orcs.

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