✓ I open a restaurant in Yuan

By koushuu17

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Author: Yanfeixingsan Category: Danmei fan fiction Status: Completed The newlywed who transformed into a gian... More



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By koushuu17

☆ 49. Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Because the other party informed him in advance that there was no need to prepare anything, Fei Yu went directly to the training place empty-handed. Rou arrived at the training gate with the follower behind him. Rou had been waiting for a long time.

"Is he your mate?" Rou asked curiously, "He is so good-looking." She had heard that Yu had a mate who had not come to the tribe to find him for a long time, but why was this partner a male?

Fei Yu smiled awkwardly and nodded.

Rou said "Oh" and sighed sincerely: "It's such a waste for two such good-looking males to be together." After saying that, he turned around and led the way with regret.

The cafeteria is located in the public area of ​​the training center and is divided into three floors, upper and lower, respectively used by the three orcs of different ages in the training center.

The eating place for the cubs who have not yet experienced low-level awakening is on the first floor. Each floor is the same size, only the furnishings are different. The style of the cubs' cafeteria is obviously childlike and unique to the cubs. The tables and stools are scattered here and there, with no order at all. Some bones and slightly crudely carved beast models were scattered on the table, and many of them had small tooth marks on them. The distance between each table is relatively wide, allowing two people to pass side by side.

There is a separate large room separated from the canteen on each floor, where the chefs cook.

It was not yet meal time and the cafeteria was empty. Fei Yu walked to the kitchen and took a look around first.

Spiritual chefs are very concerned about their food-making skills and will not let irrelevant people see them easily, lest they learn from them.

Rou reminded Fei Yu to bring a few helpers, so that he could leave all the small things like lighting the fire and chopping vegetables to the helpers. Fei Yu didn't bring him with him, so he had no help when he came - Hui Heguo had to take care of the restaurant, and even if he came, it would probably only be a disservice. Secondly, even if Feiyu really needs manpower, with the Phantom Flower, he can make multiple copies of himself in minutes.

"Go sit outside and wait for me." Fei Yu pointed to the stool outside the kitchen.

Ji Si stood still as if nailed to the ground and said: "I'll help you."

Fei Yu said with a smile: "No, I can do it alone." There was a phantom flower in his space.

Ji Si didn't believe it, "Can you finish the food for so many cubs by yourself?" It's not like he has never been to the Xiao Tribe's training facility, and any spiritual chef who makes food there is not allowed to bring a line of helpers.

Feiyu: "It's really not necessary."

Ji Si said with accommodation in his eyes: "I can help you cut meat and vegetables!"

Any further delay would only be a waste of time. Feiyu tilted his head and looked at him for a long time. The stubbornness in his eyes was defeated.

If you want to help so much, just do it. Sometimes, persuasion is useless, practice will teach you how to behave.

In order to persuade the big dragon snake to retreat as early as possible, Fei Yu grabbed a few pieces of meat without looking at it. After a few words about how to cut it, he stood aside and watched the big dragon snake move the knife.

"The meat is cut well, but it's bigger than what I asked for."

"Don't cut the fish into pieces, they must be connected to make the flowers."

Ji Si pressed a fish and picked out the spines while sweating profusely, before he could breathe a sigh of relief. , one ear was stuffed and stabbed several times on the left and right. No, wouldnt it be enough to make a fish by just chopping it into pieces? The fish he had eaten were either whole or in many pieces. When did they become pieces?

It also needs to be thin and unbreakable.

"Forget it, just cut off the fish meat. You can also roll it into flowers when you're done."

Ji Si: "..." Fish meat? flower? Can fish turn into flowers?

Fei Yu casually threw a few fruits to Ji Si, "Carve a flower out of it."

Ji Si: "..." Why is it a flower again? Can wild fruits also become flowers?

Fei Yu gave him a few wild vegetables: "Arrange them into flowers."

Ji Si: "..."

Flowers, flowers, flowers! He hates flowers!

Fei Yu suppressed a smile and consoled him: "That's why I won't let you help. After all, you haven't learned anything."

Ji Si didn't feel comforted at all and whispered: "Then you teach me when you get back."

Fei Yu agreed, Ask him to wait outside the kitchen.

Ji Si probably felt humiliated, so she didn't say anything. She glanced at Fei Yu and left the kitchen sadly.

With the dragon and snake gone, it was finally easier for Fei Yu to do things. He immediately summoned two phantom flowers in the space and transformed himself into two.

The previous ones were just to make the dragon and snake retreat in the face of difficulties. Fei Yu actually didn't think about what food to make for the cubs before he came to the training place. He was planning to go to the place and see what ingredients were available before deciding. After checking the kitchen, Fei Yu couldn't be more satisfied.

The cubs are indeed treasures!

Take a look at the kitchen used to prepare food for them. There are more than twenty kinds of wild animal meat, seven or eight of which Fei Yu can't guess what kind of beast they come from. All kinds of green, red, white, pink... more than a dozen kinds of wild fruits were piled in a row in the basket. There are six or seven kinds of animal milk filled in clay pots and placed on the table, and finally there are wild vegetables.

Wild vegetables are the only type of food that Rou specially explained to Fei Yu before leaving.

The meaning of her words is very simple, just to let the cubs who don't like to eat wild vegetables eat more wild vegetables. The orcs in the training office who are responsible for preparing wild vegetables can concentrate on collecting wild vegetables when they have nothing to do. There were some wild vegetables that they often ate and knew by name, and some that they had only tried once and confirmed that they were not poisonous.

The latter may taste good or bad, but it was originally meant to be taken away for the teenage orcs to eat. After all, they have learned that taste is not the only requirement for food. But since the cooks were skilled chefs, I thought they might be able to make the unpalatable food delicious, so I stayed again. I also want to try my luck, what if there is a Zaizai who likes those weird smells?

Fei Yu was very grateful that they did not take away the unpalatable wild vegetables. As long as the orcs have leaves, they are classified as wild vegetables. Fei Yu dug out star anise, Sichuan peppercorns and cumin.

Feiyu immediately found star anise, pepper and cumin seeds and planted them in the space.

After digging through the wild vegetables, Fei Yu went to dig through the basket of wild fruits. From the inside and outside, he found a yellow-skinned fruit that tasted very similar to a fruit. In addition, he also dug out a small purple fruit that was as big as sea buckthorn but tasted the same as grapes.

Of course Feiyu transplanted these fruits into the space without hesitation.

After looking at the ingredients, Fei Yu quickly decided on the food he wanted to make.

Meat is definitely a must. Due to the lack of seasonings, Fei Yu decided to make braised pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, and pan-fried plum pork.

For vegetarian dishes, make vegetable pancakes, shredded potatoes soaked in vinegar, and use yellow berries that taste very similar to fruit to make shredded fruit.

There was fish in the kitchen, and Fei Yu decided to make fish ball soup. When the cubs come to eat, if they want to drink animal milk, they will make animal milk. If they want to drink juice, he will squeeze juice for the superpower.

After deciding what food to make, Fei Yu immediately started cooking.

The layout of the kitchen is such that food is placed on three sides against the wall, and pots, pans, pans, knives, etc. are placed on one side. The table is set up for handling the food. There are ten fire pits set up in the open space in the middle.

If there weren't enough phantom flowers, Fei Yu really wanted to summon nine of them at once and do it at the same time!

However, one person plus two flower points and body are enough.

Fei Yu controlled his body and mind to process the ingredients together. The two process the animal meat, cut or chop it, then marinate it and put it aside. Two processing vegetables, etc., pick a few green leafy vegetables and chop a piece of golden radish. The potatoes turned into slender threads one by one, the eggs were beaten evenly, and the fruits were cut into crescent-shaped petals by Fei Yu.

After handling the ingredients, Fei Yu counted the time and waited for a few minutes before placing the pot and frying plate on the fire pit.

Several dishes are started at the same time.

Pour water into two pots, put the chopped meat and ribs in and cook. Brush a layer of animal oil on the frying plate. When the oil is licked by the flames and the whole body becomes hot, pick up the plum meat slices marinated with salt and cumin powder and fry them.

Feiyu cut the plum blossom meat slices two fingers wide and one finger long into a moderately thick slice. After repeatedly grasping the meat and adding in the flavor, he put it on the frying plate, and with the sizzling sound of hot oil, a burst of aroma hit the taste buds. . Fry one side until it changes color, then quickly flip the other side. After a while, the plum pork slices will become golden, tender and crispy.

The meat was almost cooked at this time, so Fei Yu quickly heated the oil, added sugar, and stir-fried until brown. Then he poured the meat and ribs into two pots, and continued to stir-fry to coat them with brown sugar. Sprinkle salt and sugar, and drip in The juice of tart fruits is used for seasoning, and the juice of light fruits is added for color. Then water is added and simmered to reduce the juice.

During this time, Feiyu put oil on the second frying plate, grabbed the vegetable balls, kneaded and pressed them, pressed them into a palm-sized round cake, and put them on to fry. At the same time, set up a pot to boil water, grab the fish paste, control the points, and roll the fish balls.

After a few minutes, the meat and pork ribs were reduced in juice. Fei Yu hurriedly poured them into several large basins, sprinkled with finely chopped green onions, and the braised pork and sweet and sour pork ribs were ready.

With both hands free, they immediately changed the pot to hot oil to fry shredded potatoes and make shredded potatoes.

The crescent-shaped fruit pieces are dipped in egg batter and deep-fried until the outer skin is crispy and hard, golden and attractive, then taken out to control the oil. Leave a little oil in the pot, add sugar and stir until it turns brown. When the sugar turns slightly yellow and becomes sticky, add the fried fruit pieces and stir. The filaments were pulled up and slightly wrapped around the fruit pieces, and Fei Yu quickly put them into a large basin.

The shredded potatoes on the other side are almost cooked. Pour on the sour fruit juice and stir-fry for a while before adding them to a large pot.

Outside the kitchen, the faint and joyful noises of the cubs could be heard coming in. Fei Yu showed a gentle smile on his face, picked up the last few vegetable cakes and put them into a large basin, then turned and walked out of the kitchen.

"Yu!" Rou shouted from a distance, "Is the food almost ready?"

Fei Yu said with a smile: "Okay, dinner can be served." Looking at it, the orc parents hadn't arrived yet.

"Wow, is it so fast?" In the past, they had to wait for a long time when they came. Because the chefs sometimes cook the food early, and if they arrive late, they need to reheat it. Sometimes it is done late and they have to wait.

A chubby little bird flew toward Fei Yu crookedly, its red beak chirping.

Fei Yu couldn't understand, but he probably understood that the little cub was urging him to hurry up and serve his meal.

Rou strode over and hugged the noisy little fat bird, and said happily: "I'll take out the food with you."

There was a long table at the door of the kitchen, and the two of them and a few orcs went in and took out all the food.

"What did you cook? It smells so good!" Rou twitched her nose, "I thought you could cook the kinds of food sold in restaurants, but I didn't expect you could make more delicious ones." "

Rou, he is you Did you find a chef?"

I asked someone who had never been to Zai Zai Restaurant: "Are these the foods sold in Zai Zai Restaurant, which is very popular recently? I must try it."

More eager than them were Cubs.

The screams of more than a hundred cubs made their heads hurt. These orcs immediately ignored the small talk, picked up bowls, led the cubs to line up quickly, and skillfully served them food.

Feiyu asked if he wanted some animal milk and juice.

Rou said: "That's enough. The boys like to drink the fish ball soup very much."

Feiyu looked at it for a while, and after confirming that there was no problem, he stood up and said goodbye, preparing to take Dalong Snake home.

——Little Dragon Snake is still asleep at home, he has to go back to cook quickly.

Since he came out, he hasn't seen the big dragon and snake come to him. Fei Yu thought that he was hiding somewhere and was still lost. However, when his mental strength was swept away, he found that the big dragon and snake was sitting on a stool and fell asleep against the wall.

Fei Yu walked over and gently woke him up. Da Long Snake rubbed his eyes, yawned, and stood up to follow him.

When he got home, the little dragon snake hadn't woken up yet. Fei Yu made the meal and called him up to finish feeding it, leaving the big dragon snake to eat by himself.

Ji Si said "Hmm" and kept stuffing food into her mouth. After eating, he lay down next to the little dragon snake and took a nap.

In a daze, I felt a little indescribable happiness, and a little proud.

The chef who cooks food so delicious makes me want to be his partner, haha.

In the afternoon, several more orcs who passed the test appeared. Fei Yu interviewed them, leaving behind a female orc named Zheng. She is a little older, but she is gentle and meticulous, and her hands and feet are quick and diligent. This is also a pseudo-intermediate awakened orc whose ability is speed. It can't compare to a serious speed beast warrior, but it's enough for running errands and delivering food.

With elbow and Zheng, plus the second hired male orc Wu, Feiyu now had the three orcs he wanted to recruit at the beginning.

As for the delivery team members, not even one came to the door.

After settling the matter of hiring the orcs, Fei Yu returned to the room. Hearing the noise, the big dragon snake looked at him sleepily.

"Are you sleepy?" Fei Yu asked concernedly, a little worried that something was wrong with his body.

Ji Si rubbed his forehead and said, "I didn't sleep well. I kept dreaming last night."

"Dream?" Fei Yu became interested and wondered if the big dragon snake had dreamed about memories that he had forgotten.

Ji Si whispered: "Yeah, it's a very, very bad dream."

Fei Yu observed his expression and thought about the lost memory he just dreamed about. Could it be that he was cruel from the start? For example, the little dragon snake's numb body died? For example, how did he get seriously injured?

Fei Yu thought about how he could comfort him if this was true, and then he heard Da Long Snake say in a bad tone: "I dreamed that I turned back into a cub."

"Cub?" With such an ugly face, could it be that Da Long Snake said Did Dragon Snake have a very unhappy childhood when he was just a cub?

"To the cub." The dragon snake seemed to be reluctant to say it.

Fei Yu felt that if he wanted to remember everything, he must not escape the sad or scary things. So he tried to guide him to speak in a very gentle tone.

"Can you tell me?" Fei Yu asked expectantly.

The big dragon snake glanced at him and said nothing.

Fei Yu was very patient: "I really want to know about you."

Da Long Snake blushed when he saw him, and became even more confused.

He really didn't want to talk about that embarrassing dream at all...

but the male who liked him wanted to hear it.

Fei Yu waited for a while, and when he saw that he didn't respond, he pretended to be disappointed and stood up to go out.

Da Long Snake was anxious and said hurriedly: "Don't leave yet, I said."

Fei Yu pretended to be surprised and sat back.

The big dragon snake said with an expression of "I really can't do anything to you": "Actually, it's nothing, I just dreamed that I turned into a cub and occupied a piece of land in the forest." "

That's it?" Fei Yu couldn't believe it. .

The big dragon snake gritted its teeth, "That's it."



What kind of beast is interested in giving food and begging to be a mate, what kind of shiny stones can be taken out of the head, what kind of stones have mysterious energy and can absorb them It can improve the strength...

either too embarrassing or too unreal.

He had killed wild beasts and orcs, but why had he never taken out a stone like that?

can not say.

He would never tell such a shameful dream until he died.

In the end, Fei Yu didn't ask anything. Although the current Dalong Snake knows that he is actually in his twenties, cognition does not equal psychology. The more the naughty child pouts and asks questions, the more rebellious he will be. Since he doesn't want to say it, he probably wants to keep some secret.

In the afternoon, Fei Yu took the follower Dragon Snake to the housing management office. He went to inquire about renting a house, and then learned that all the houses around him were rented out. Fei Yu had to go back home with some disappointment.

His disappointment was not obvious, but Dalong Snake was keenly aware of it.

"Wait a minute." Ji Si said softly, then suddenly turned around and walked into the nearby shop.

This is a shop that sells animal meat. As soon as Ji Si entered, he was greeted with enthusiastic inquiries.

"Want to buy animal meat? What kind of animal do you want? I have the rare Gudong animal meat here."

"I don't want animal meat." Ji Si said seriously, "I want the vine hanging on your door. ."

The male orc seemed to be hallucinating: "...What do you want?"

Ji Si emphasized every word: "Tree, vine."

The male orc raised the meat-chopping knife in his hand and stared fiercely. He: "Are you here to cause trouble? Do you want to fight?"

Ji Si didn't say anything and wanted to throw the beast coins directly to him. I reached out and touched it, but there was nothing.

He forgot that he was poor now.

Ji Si walked out of the shop with a dull face, stood in front of Fei Yu and spread his hands, "Give me a black beast coin."

Fei Yu gave him... two black beast coins.

Jis pretended to be one seriously, returned to the shop and slapped the other directly in front of the male orc. Without saying anything, she grabbed the vine on his door and left.

Male Beast Man: "..." Tree vines are not worth Beast Coins. You can find them just by looking for them. He took advantage of being able to exchange them for a Black Beast Coin. But why does he feel so unhappy?

Ji Si took out the tree vine, imitated Fei Yu's technique and awkwardly twisted it into a circle, and then handed it over.

Fei Yu took it and looked at him. What does it mean to gift yourself a tree circle?

Ji Si frowned, took the tree ring again, raised her hand and put it on Fei Yu's head.

"There are no garlands." He explained a little awkwardly, "Only tree rings."

Fei Yu suddenly felt a little warm in his heart, touching the tree ring on his head and smiling at him: "Thank you, I like it very much."

Ji Si looked at it. His smiling face was probably due to the sunlight dazzling his eyes, or because he didn't sleep enough and felt a little dizzy.


The turnover this day was much higher. Feiyu counted the beast coins, looked at the tree ring beside him, and sighed softly.

How can he expand the restaurant if he can't rent a house?

That night, Fei Yu fell asleep in trouble.

While I was worrying about expanding my house, I was also worried... Wouldn't the big dragon snake with confused memory break in again?

Anyway, even if he came, he wouldn't be able to get in.

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