✓ I open a restaurant in Yuan

By koushuu17

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Author: Yanfeixingsan Category: Danmei fan fiction Status: Completed The newlywed who transformed into a gian... More



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By koushuu17

☆ 42. Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

"Here we are, right here." The friend excitedly pointed at the restaurant for Rou to see.

Rou glanced up with a worried look, and casually echoed: "Oh, is this the shop that specializes in making food for cubs?" Looking from the

outside, there is nothing special compared to other food shops. place. Rou couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or something else, she looked away without interest. Worried about her friend's temperament, Rou thought she would give her friend some face when she went in for dinner later. No matter how good the food was, she would praise it for how delicious it was.

"Ah! Are we so lucky?!" The friend suddenly shouted, and Roux was startled by his startled look.

Rou frowned: "How--" Before she could finish her words, her whole body was attracted by the picture played in the rain curtain.

"Eh? Why is it that little snake?" Rou looked at the little dragon snake rolling up stones in the rain and said in surprise.

The friend grabbed her sleeve and jumped excitedly, chattering incessantly: "Have you seen this thing called GG? Isn't it beautiful? And the little acting snake inside, he is the owner of the restaurant. The little cub, ah, so cute! Isnt it funny that little cub is chasing the bones?... Look at the food they eat! The friend assured her, patting her chest, Ill go to this food store to eat. I went there once and the food sold there is really the same as the ones in GG!"

The meat wrapped in oily red sauce, the vegetable pancakes with golden color on both sides, the grilled sausages that are sizzling with oily stars, and the milky white steamed sausages. The fragrant animal milk... each one is magnified countless times and appears in the rain curtain, showing every detail.

Rou swallowed subconsciously. After swallowing, she suddenly remembered that they were still standing on the street. Wasn't such a shameful behavior seen by others? As a result, when he quietly turned his head to look around, he heard the sound of swallowing without concealing it. There were actually several orcs carelessly wiping the saliva that had flowed to their chins.

Rou twitched the corner of her mouth, and the sighs of other orcs came from the side: "Oh, I was just one step too late, and there was no empty table inside. Ah, just one step!" "

Stop talking. This food store just When it was open, I obviously waited for a while to find an empty table to eat the food. But I was impatient to wait and thought about how delicious it could be. Could it still be comparable to the number one food restaurant? ? Then I left, and then, I havent had the chance to go in and eat once until now!"

Rou asked curiously: "You havent eaten it before, and you dont even know the taste. Are you so greedy?"

The orc sighed. , "My friend had braised pork gravy on his body. I smelled it and couldn't help but lick it, so..." He looked at Rou with a "you know" look.

Rou: "..." No! She doesn't understand at all! How delicious does it have to be so that I don't even care about licking a smelly orc?

At this time, a cry of surprise came from the door of the restaurant.

"Ah, I've got a seat, it's finally my turn!" The orc trotted towards the restaurant happily.

"I'm sorry." Suddenly an arm stretched out from behind to pull him. It was a male orc holding a cub. "I have a cub with me. Should I go first?"

The orc said: "...ahhh!" He held his head and yelled madly. After yelling, he helplessly continued to turn into a food-seeking stone. He vowed that he would find a partner as soon as possible and give birth to a litter of cubs! When the time comes, he will also let other singles experience his current despair!

He rubbed the little tiger cub's head vigorously, raised his eyebrows proudly at Zhuang, who had a confused look on his face, and said energetically: "Come on, let's go in!"

As soon as he raised his feet, someone called him to stop him. Li's heart skipped a beat and she frowned, thinking it was someone trying to grab the table to cause trouble. When she turned around and saw that it was Rouge's friend, her dark face immediately brightened.

"It's you, Rou, are you here to have dinner with your friends?" Li asked diligently, and smoothly pulled Zhuang in front of him.

Rou's eyes were evasive, not daring to look at Zhuang, and she lowered her head and said "hmm".

Her friend and Li looked at each other tacitly, and asked with a smile: "We are here to eat too, but it sounds like there are no empty tables. I wonder if you would like us to follow you in and share your table?"

"Yes, yes, haha!" The two of them agreed in a few words, deliberately pushing Rouge and Zhuang together and walking towards the restaurant. After entering the restaurant, the two of them were arranged to sit on the same side. Rou was worried and accidentally tripped. After being caught by Zhuang, she hurriedly pushed him away.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhuang asked doubtfully.

Rou shook her head: "It's okay. Let's eat, let's eat."

Guo smiled and came over to announce the names of the dishes, but was interrupted by Li. She was familiar with the food and announced the food she wanted to eat.

"Can you give me more tomato sauce?" Li asked, "I think the vegetable pancakes are also very delicious when dipped in it." "Do

you also like vegetable pancakes dipped in tomato sauce?" Rou's friend couldn't wait to share his experience, "Let me tell you secretly, not only vegetable pancakes, but also tomato sauce mixed with sugar is super delicious!"

"Really? Then I want to try it?" Li looked at Xiang Guo, "Please give me more sugar, beast coins are not a problem. !"

Tomato sauce, honey, and sugar are all rationed, and Guo can't make the decision. He smiles and says: "I need to ask my employer."

Upstairs, Fei Yu was slightly stunned when he heard Guo's words, and he pondered for a moment and said: "Here. Let them, do you want to collect the beast coins, let's see how much they eat first."

Guo left with the food, while Fei Yu coaxed the cubs and their thoughts gradually drifted away.

Several orcs who wanted more tomato sauce showed up in the past few days. Because Feiyu often used his mental energy to watch the situation downstairs, he had a rough idea of ​​the preferences of the orcs who came to eat.

It would be better to order more tomato sauce. Yesterday, an orc immediately asked for a bowl of tomato sauce as soon as he sat down. Fei Yu accepted some animal coins with some intention, and his heart was filled with joy at that moment. But dont worry, well wait and see for a few more days.

Fei Yu released his mental energy, like a big net covering the downstairs, and then he saw a few familiar faces.

Coincidentally, the one who asked for more tomato sauce happened to be at their table.

The little tiger cub was being held by a male orc, and it seemed that he was not in good spirits. Fei Yu's mental energy quietly circulated in the little tiger cub's body, and his brows slowly wrinkled.

He had already helped the little tiger cub get rid of the remaining mixed medicinal liquid in the body last time. It didn't take long, so why did the unabsorbed medicinal liquid appear in the little tiger cub's body again? The situation is not good yet, it seems that the remaining liquid medicine is getting mixed together again.

Now that he discovered it, Fei Yu couldn't pretend it didn't exist. Besides, he liked the tiger cub that he rescued once. He helped him once and twice.

Fei Yu stood up and teased the little dragon snake with a smile: "Do you remember the little tiger cub in the training room?"

The little dragon snake was rolling away, and hesitantly let out a "hiss" after hearing this. Judging from the confused look in his eyes, it was obvious that he had forgotten about it a long time ago.

Fei Yu nodded his mouth in a funny way and teased him: "You little heartless boy, maybe you stole someone's first kiss." "

Hiss?" The little dragon snake tilted its head and blinked.

What's the beginning? What is that stuff? Is it tasty?

After placing the two puppies back in the bedroom, Fei Yu took the little dragon snake downstairs.

When Rou Yi saw Fei Yu walking towards their table, her heart skipped a beat. She subconsciously looked at the tiger cub and lowered her head nervously.

Fei Yu said hello, turned his gaze to the tiger cub, and asked with concern: "Why don't you let the tiger cub eat? Is he not in good health again?"

Zhuang was stunned, "How do you know that An is not in good health?"

"Is his name An? Do you want him to be safe?" Fei Yu asked with a smile, and explained in a warm voice: "Last time I went to the training center to visit, I happened to bump into the tiger cub——" Hui suddenly came over and turned his back. Looking at everyone, he winked at Fei Yu and motioned him to look at Rou. Fei Yu swept away his mental energy and found that Rou's eyes, which were covered by her forehead, were actually red.

He... seemed to have said something he shouldn't have said, and Fei Yu closed his mouth in embarrassment.

"Why don't you say anything?" Zhuang's face darkened. It was about a little tiger cub, and he couldn't do it until he figured it out.

The atmosphere became tense.

The little tiger cub took advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was not on him and quickly swallowed a piece of braised pork. Unfortunately, after swallowing the meat, the sauce stuck to the fur around his mouth. Zhuang noticed it instantly.

"Didn't you say you can't eat it until I'm sure the food is okay?!" Zhuang low growled and hurriedly hugged the tiger cub. Even though he was angry, his movements were still gentle, and he carefully held the tiger cub and stared at him closely, for fear that something would go wrong with him.

Rou hurriedly comforted: "It's okay. If it's food from this store, then it must be fine." "

How can you be sure?" Zhuang asked: "Are you hiding something from me?"

"I -" Rou His mouth opened and closed for a long time, his eyes were red and he nodded.

Zhuang tried his best to suppress his anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Is there something wrong with An?"

Rou bit her lip and told Zhuang everything that happened in a tearful voice.

"I don't want to hide it from you. But I'm afraid you will blame me if you find out. I know very well how much you care about An." Rou likes strong, which is something she has never concealed. If something happens to the little tiger cub, no matter how much Zhuang likes her, he will never form a partner with her. This is the bottom line that Zhuang Ming has made clear.

"I, I don't dare to let you know." But the guilt made Rou Ye unable to sleep. So when she heard from her friend that there was a food shop that made food specifically for Zai Zai, Rou came even though she didn't believe it. She hopes to find food suitable for the tiger cubs. As long as there is a way to make up for it, she will have the courage to continue pursuing strength.

"Then you shouldn't hide it from me." Zhuang said displeased. Knowing that Rou didn't mean to cause Zaizai's accident, Zhuang instantly breathed a sigh of relief. But in the end, it was because Rou was away that Zaizai failed to take good care of him. She had clearly promised not to leave An for a single step. Zhuang was no longer angry, but the knot in his heart could not be resolved for a while.

Trying to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, isn't An okay?" He joked, "If you ask me, this is not a bad thing. When has An been in poor health, he has to lie down for a while? But look at this time , after the shop owner rescued An, didn't you tell me that An was very energetic during those days? He also ate a lot. I think the food in this restaurant was given to us by the beast god An, as long as we eat more of what the shop owner cooked Food, An will one day become like other little cubs, running around and playing wantonly!"

Zhuang's heart was filled with excitement when he heard this, and he almost let the little tiger cub eat the food that was put to his mouth.

"Wait a little longer, and if there's no problem, eat it." Zhuang said, "There is a difference between directly injecting abilities into the body and obtaining the effects of abilities through food." The

little tiger cub let out an "ouch" with its ears drooped, and a pair of clear eyes Her pure blue eyes stared pitifully at the food on the plate, which made people feel weak.

"Let him eat." Fei Yu said softly, "I promise there won't be any problems."

"But -" When Fei Yu looked at the tiger cub with soft eyes, Zhuang Hu was speechless. "...Eat." He was willing to believe it for once.

"Ouch~" the little tiger cub yelled, but he didn't immediately eat the food that was put in front of him. Instead, he raised his furry little head and whispered to Feiyu.

Zhuang translated for his cub: "An wants you to touch him."

Feiyu raised his eyebrows and gently stroked his soft white short hair with his right hand.

The little tiger cub narrowed his big eyes and stuck out his tongue to lick the palm of Fei Yu's hand. The barbs rubbed the skin between his palms, making it slightly itchy.

"Ouch -" He had never seen Fei Yu's face, but he remembered Fei Yu's breath. It was this orc who saved him, the little tiger cub was extremely convinced.

Finally able to start feasting, the little tiger cub felt that he was possessed by divine power at this moment.

Well, in order to eat, strength is constantly flowing out of my body.

A thin shadow swooped over, and then something was slapped on his head, neither light nor heavy.

The little tiger cub looked up blankly and saw a snake-like cub standing in front of him angrily.


the little dragon snake screamed angrily -

he remembered that this was the ability of this cub to eat so deliciously. He was already generous enough not to care about it, but he didn't expect that this cub would secretly lick Mommy's hand again.

Are you trying to take away his mom too? !

"Hiss!!" The little dragon snake was angry!

The little tiger cub's tail slowly swayed, and then its whole body suddenly swayed from side to side. My legs became weak and I almost fell down, but I held on tenaciously. My legs became even weaker and I fell down, but I managed to stand up. Stand and stand, stand and stand. After trying hard, I was finally defeated by failure.

"Ouch..." The little tiger cub cried out weakly, its body twitching as if it had suffered a fatal blow.

Zhuang was so frightened that his heart almost flew out of his chest. He was about to take out the medicine in a hurry, and then he saw his own cub facing his furry face. One of his eyes quickly opened and then closed tightly.

...Cunning and cunning.

Zhuang: "..." How long has it been since you saw your son playing tricks on others? Zhuang almost cried with joy.

Others also noticed it, including Fei Yu.

Fei Yu looked at the little dragon snake and was stunned, looking like he was too frightened to recover. His face seemed to say "I just rubbed him lightly with my tail. Why did he fall down and look like he was about to die?" , almost laughed out loud.

Fei Yu also wanted to see how the little dragon snake would deal with this troubled little tiger cub.

Everyone is watching the show.

Xiao Long Snake finally came to his senses and looked at Fei Yu with panicked eyes. Fei Yu thought he was going to ask for help from himself, but it turned out that he had underestimated his son.

The little dragon snake poked his little head and chewed the little tiger cub again.

Feiyu: "..."

Zhuang: "..."

Silence, deathly silence.

Zhuang and Li suddenly looked at each other and laughed.

Li slapped the table and said: "I kissed Zhuang like this when I was little, and later we became best friends."

"That's right." Zhuang also smiled, and he said to Feiyu: "I see my son is following This little snake of yours will definitely become a good friend. You must let them get along with each other more. When they grow up and go hunting together, they will be the best partners!"

I have to say that Rou is not chasing after Zhuang without thinking. You will understand after listening to these words. He understood Zhuang's intention and hurriedly helped: "Zhuang often goes out to hunt wild animals. There are too many cubs in the training area. I think the little tiger cub is entrusted to me to take care of. It would be better to leave it here to play with your cubs."

Li Dao : "Cultivation of feelings from a young age, and being each other's best helper when they grow up."

"Friends of life and death, friends of life and death given by the beast god!"

"Reliable friends should cultivate a tacit understanding from an early age!"

Watching his cubs continue to crawl after pretending. When I get up to eat, I feel much more energetic than before going out. Zhuang felt happy and secretly determined to have a good relationship with Fei Yu.

"I'll ask you to take care of An from now on when I go hunting."

A few eyes looked at Fei Yu eagerly, and Fei Yu could only agree.

Not only to help the little tiger cub, but also because he couldn't bear to refuse Zhuang who looked at him with pleading eyes.

Feeling that the relationship was getting closer, Li had the audacity to ask for a lot of tomato sauce before leaving. As for what was used to carry it away, it was the plastic bag that Fei Yu wanted to trade with Hui.

According to Fei Yu's description, Hui easily used his ability to make several small plastic bags as big as a palm. The plastic bags were made of unknown material and were extremely strong and durable. Fei Yu filled each small plastic bag with tomato paste, handed it to Li Kaixin and happily carried it with one finger. He left happily.

Rou walked out of the door, hesitated for a moment and then came back to find Fei Yu.

"I have something to ask you." Rou said, "I want to invite a few people to your place for dinner."

"Okay." Fei Yu asked: "Do you need me to prepare some other food?"

"Food ? Just figure it out." After eating the food made by Fei Yu, Rou was not afraid that the people she invited would not like it. There is only one thing that is more difficult to handle. "When I bring them here to eat, I hope you won't let other orcs in. They... don't like to be disturbed. I will try to bring them here in the morning so that I won't delay you too much." Time." Rou thought for a while, then lowered her voice and reminded: "Their status is extraordinary, and satisfying them will only benefit you and not harm you."

Fei Yu was mentally sensitive and realized that this was Rou deliberately sending benefits to himself, thinking After a quick turn, I guessed that the other party must be feeling guilty and wanting to make amends for not telling Sohaha that he had saved a tiger cub.

"You don't have to do this deliberately. I don't care about the tiger cub."

Rou was stunned for a moment and said sheepishly: "You guessed it." She paused and said: "This reason does exist. But there is more. Mostly, it's because the food you made makes me think it's the best choice." She smiled, "It's too early to say this, I'm just trying it, it may not work, so don't have high expectations."

Fei Yu Finally agreed.

Although she didn't reveal her identity clearly, she could guess from the connotation of Rou's words that the person she wanted to invite had a good background. Fei Yu is confident in the food he makes. If the food can hit the other person's liking, Fei Yu will be even more confident.

Taking note of some known food preferences of the people Rou wanted to invite, Fei Yu put them aside in advance.

The agreed time will be three days at the earliest, and at the latest... then the matter will fall through.


Two days passed, and the first orc who passed the first level and entered the interview stage finally appeared in Zai Zai Restaurant.

Fei Yu sat on the chair, stretched out his hand to signal the male orc who was being interviewed to sit across the table, and asked him to briefly introduce himself.

"My name is Elbow." The male orc said nervously, "The pseudo-intermediate awakening beast warrior has the ability to increase the number of arms."

Low-level awakening can be completed by basically every orc without any difficulty. The symbol is the transformation from animal form to human form, and the ability to convert each other, including the freedom of a single limb to transform into the corresponding animal body.

Intermediate awakening requires orcs to continuously train their bodies and eat and drink well. After intermediate awakening, body strength, five senses, etc. will undergo a substantial evolution. Depending on the shape of the animal, one aspect will be particularly prominent. After that, you should continue to eat well, drink well, and exercise well. When it reaches the extreme, it will trigger a second evolution - energy cores will condense in the Dantian, and abilities will appear.

None of the intermediate awakened beast warriors evolved according to this step is powerful. Logically speaking, intermediate awakened beast warriors would not come to work at Feiyu Restaurant unless they were injured and could no longer serve as beast warriors. In other words, just like the elbow in front of Fei Yu, he is a pseudo-intermediate awakened beast warrior.

What is a pseudo-intermediate awakening? It means not following the normal procedure.

The correct step should have been to evolve the body first and then evolve the ability, but in the pseudo-intermediate awakening, he evolved the body and evolved the ability at the same time. Because the two evolutions occurred together, the energy that should have been focused on one area was diverted, resulting in both evolutions having insufficient stamina. Most of the pseudo-intermediate awakened orcs almost failed to awaken their abilities in the end, and their physical evolution level was not even half that of others. If you are lucky, you will evolve abilities, but unfortunately there is no potential for development.

This type of orcs basically have no chance of catching up with the normally awakened orcs.

For example, this orc named Elbow, if he awakens normally, his ability is not just to increase the number of arms, but to increase the number of any part of the body at will.

Fei Yu didn't show any strange expression, which made Xiu take a breath.

Fei Yu smiled and asked, "Did you use your ability to sort leaves, right?"

Xiu nodded.

Fei Yu led Xiu into the kitchen and asked him to serve the dishes.

"Twenty yuan for a plate of braised pork, serving three plates. Three plates of vegetable pancakes, five yuan, seven yuan, and ten yuan for each plate. Twenty pieces of grilled sausages, and three cups of each type of animal milk." Fei Yuye. Regardless of whether he remembered it or not, he said directly: "Put it in as quickly as possible."

Without saying anything, he suddenly formed two arms. A total of four arms move at the same time, and the elbows look not only unhurried, but also quite easy.

Several plates of dishes were quickly served according to Feiyu's request. Just when Hui came up to serve the food, he quickly served it and ran downstairs.

"You passed." Fei Yu said with a smile, "The task is to serve the dishes, remember not to make mistakes. There is also sugar, honey and tomato sauce. Prepare more in advance and put it away. If there is not enough, you must replenish it in time. As for the reward, every thirty Six gray beast coins day and night, including three meals, do you want to prepare a house for you?"

Before Jiu could react, he shook his head subconsciously after hearing this: "No, I have a place to stay."

"You can always tell me if you need anything. "Fei Yu said, "If you don't understand anything, just ask Hui Heguo, they will help you. In addition, it's best to start helping you from the next day, okay?"

Zhu hurriedly said: "Just start now. Fei

Yu smiled: "It's afternoon now, I'll give you the whole day."

He grinned his white teeth.

After watching for a while, Fei Yu turned around and returned to the bedroom after confirming that the elbow was quickly grasped with a bit of surprise.

Going back to the room to see the cubs is one reason.

Another reason was that when Fei Yu just put his mental power into the space, he seemed to see the big dragon and snake moving.

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