Sneak Peeks

By A_stronot

1.4K 70 31

Somewhere for me to keep all my ideas organized, but also give you all a sneak peek? you know, let me know if... More

In the rain.
The Journalist
The Soldier
What about her? [Alternative]
What about her [Alternative pt.2]
Her Ex-Wife
Family vacation
The book room
Another Dime Bag [ What about her?Extra]
TNG [extra]
Little one
lead dancer
Jades gone
Jades gone 2
No Dad?
Told You So [Extra]
Alternative School
What About Her [Extra]
Mommy Wars
Baba stole her
Painfully broke
Cold War [4]
Supernova [2]
Danger to Society
Danger to Society [2]
Real mom
Told you so alternative
Told you so [alternative]
Told You So
Her Nanny
Her nanny [2]
Sweet 16 GW
Hybrids in NY
more tys stuff
bahb little extra
tys prequel
Mom's new BF
Dad's new GF
Amir's First Kiss
What about her Alternative [2]
Hybrid Camp
Hybrid book
New Academy
Polar Opposites
Hybrid Camp 2
WAH extra
⚠️I'll make sure of it ⚠️
New Academy

Drinking Buddies

14 1 0
By A_stronot

"How did it go, baby?" Leigh-Anne stood up hugging her girlfriend. She was waiting up all night for her. She noticed something off.


"Jesy, come here"

"I didn't mean to"

"You told me you would stop. I can smell it all over you. You reek."

"I'm sorry"

"Babe" Leigh-Anne sighed, she could tell that Jesy regretted her actions but she still broke her promise.

"You promised"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't want to"  This stopped Leigh-Anne in her tracks.

"You didn't want to? What do you mean?"

"I didn't want to drink. She made me. She kept tempting me Leigh-Anne. I tried to say no. I promise. You have to believe me."

"I believe you baby, I'm not upset with you. Come sit." Jesy sat down on the sofa beside Leigh-Anne, resting her head in her lap. Leigh-Anne brushed her hair back kissing her forehead. 

Jesy is a recovering alcoholic. It all started in highschool. Her mother was an alcoholic and she forced Jesy to drink with her. She needed a drinking buddy. She had her first drink at age fifteen and she's been drinking for years now. College both helped and destroyed her. The other young adults teased her so much it inspired her to get sober but, she needed help. Once she got home her mother made her drink and threatened to kick her out when she didn't. When she stayed out, it wasn't long before the symptoms of withdrawal kicked in. That's around the time she met Leigh-Anne.  They were in Intro to acting together and were scene partners. They practiced everyday and became good friends. One thing led to the next and Jesy stayed with Leigh-Anne in her on campus apartment. They fell in love and here they are now. Jesy has been fully sober for the rest of college. She's had a few sips and slip ups in the most recent years but never to this extent. She was piss drunk yet fully functional.

"Never again. I'm done trying to heal our relationship, Leigh. I don't want anything to do with her. She's dead to me"

"Don't say that."

"She is, I've been sober the whole year."

"Why didn't you say no? Or ask for a non-alcoholic beverage?"

"It's not that easy Leigh-Anne!"

"Lets calm down. I'm just asking."

"But you know my past, why would you ask that?"

"You told me that you were ready to be in an environment with alcohol.  We went to a club babe and you didn't drink so i believed you"

"Dont yell at me"

"I'm not yelling at you babe. I'm just saying."

"Well don't say anything. Get off of me!"

Leigh-Anne removed her hands from Jesy's hair not wanting to anger her.

"I'm going to go to bed. Take a shower before you get in"

"No. I'm sorry. Leigh, I'm sorry."

"I know"

"My head hurts and I want more."

"Stop pulling your hair that's probably why your head hurts. You need to sleep it off. Come let's go shower"

"No. I need a pain killer. My head hurts"

"You're drunk"

"No I'm not!!" Jesy didn't like that word.

"Well, you're intoxicated. You cannot mix painkillers with alcohol."

Jesy cuddled into Leigh-Anne and closed her eyes.

"Let go get in the bed baby"

"Sleep right here"

Leigh-Anne wanted Jesy to get some sleep knowing what a grumpy drunk jesy could be like.

She put her feet on the coffee table trying to get comfortable. She knew the aftermath tomorrow would be worse than today. 

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