Regulus Black x reader (NOT S...

By akiokageyama267

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Y/n Potter and Regulus Black realize that they're not so different after all. Will their friendship be accept... More

Character introductions part 1
Character introduction part 2
Character introduction part 3
Chapter One: The first day (part 1)
Chapter two: First day (part 2)
Chapter three: The closet (part 1)
Chapter five: Prefect patrol
Chapter six: Detention and a game
Chapter seven: The hospital wing
Chapter eight: Halloween
Chapter nine: Animagus
Chapter ten: Hogsmeade
Chapter 11: Christmas (part 1)
Chapter 13: Christmas (part two)
Chapter 14: Christmas (part three)
Chapter 14: Triwizard tournament (part one)
Chapter 15: Triwizard tournament (part two)
Chapter 16: Triwizard tournament (part three)
Chapter 17: Triwizard tournament (part four)
Chapter 18: The first challenge (part one)
Chapter 19: The first challenge (part two)
Chapter Twenty: Girlfriend?
Chapter Twenty-One: Dresses and Eggs
Chapter Twenty-Two: Expelled? Maybe. (Kind of a filler chapter)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Yule Ball (part one)
Chapter Twenty Four: Yule Ball (part two)
Chapter Twenty Five: Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Six: Rescue (part one)
Chapter Twenty Seven: Explain

Chapter four: The closet (part 2)

954 27 0
By akiokageyama267

Regulus had never thought about what it was between them. Y/n thought he hated her? No, the pranks were his way of keeping y/n's attention on him.
Regulus stared at y/n's soft face, eyes still closed, bringing himself back to reality.
"I don't hate you," He whispered.
When he didn't get a response, he realized that y/n fell asleep, leaning against the door.
He didn't get much time to admire her face when the door to the classroom opened, this time a bunch of first years and a teacher walked in.
"Potter, Potter," Regulus shook her awake, quietly.
She slowly opened her eyes and peered out one of the cracks in the door. Her eyes widened and she turned to Regulus.
"What are we going to do?" She asked.
Neither had time to say anything when a student came over and opened the closet door. Y/n and Regulus came tumbling out of the closet, startling the students.
    "You smell like shame," said a blond Hufflepuff first year.
"Mr. Black, Miss Potter," the teacher looked at the students. "Saturday detention for the both of you. My classroom is no place for you two to be...shagging,"
All of the first years were laughing at the two flustered sixth years.
"We weren't-" Y/n started to defend them.
"Enough, now get to class," she shooed them out of her classroom.
They stood in the hall for a second, looking at each other, annoyed, before y/n turned around and walked to class. The two of them were in several seventh year classes and unfortunately, this was one of them.
"Miss Potter, might I ask you why you're late?" The charms teacher asked the red faced girl.
She opened her mouth to make an excuse but the teacher stopped her.
"I don't want to know," the teacher said.
Y/n wondered why the teacher let her off and when she turned to her brother and his friends, she saw them staring at her with wide eyes and Lily was staring at her with a knowing smile. She turned around and saw Regulus standing there, fixing his tie.
"Oh god," y/n sighed as she slid into her seat next to Remus.
"Here's your wand, I grabbed it from the table after you left lunch," Remus said. "Please tell me you weren't shagging Black for all of first block,"
"I shagged who?" Sirius leaned over, joining the conversation.
"Nobody shagged anyone, I just got lost in thought, wandering the halls," y/n lied.
"So you weren't with my brother?" Sirius asked, hopefully.
Y/n lied again and shook her head.
"Good, because your brother was about to kill him," Sirius laughed.
The rest of the day, rumors flew around school that Regulus and y/n were dating. And at any mention of it, both of the Potter siblings and/or the Black brothers blew up at whoever brought it up.
In the Slytherin common area, Caius and Evan were trying to come up with ideas for Regulus to prank y/n, since his last one ended in a disaster. Unfortunately for them, Regulus was lost in his own thoughts.
"You could uhm, cast a spell that makes her wand stick to her hand," Evan tossed the idea out.
"Or you could conjure a band of mariachi band ghosts to follow her around all day," Caius offered.
Regulus wasn't paying attention to them, he was thinking about how y/n was comfortable enough to fall asleep in such an odd place. And with him around! Regulus was trying to figure out the feeling in his stomach when he got his with a book.
"Are you even listening to us? We're trying to help," Evan pulled him out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, I'm listening. You're just giving me bad ideas," Regulus mumbled.
"Dude you have to get back at her. Show everyone that you don't like her, y'know? Everyone thinks us Slytherins are going soft," Caius said.
"Weren't you the one who said not to prank her?" Regulus asked.
"Oh my god, you're hopeless," Evan flopped down onto the couch.
"Regulus, I heard a first year kid say that you were snagging some girl in a closet today," Evan smirked at his friend. "Who's the lucky lady?"
"Wait, am I hearing that the Regulus Black finally found a girl up to his standards?" Caius asked, flabbergasted.
"I'm...going upstairs," Regulus went up to his dorm.
"We're going to find out who she is!" Caius yelled up to his friend.
Over in the Gryffindor dorms, y/n walked in after a long, confusing, day.
Her time with Regulus was different than normal, she didn't know why but she felt protected around him.
"Y/n, over here!" Marlene, one of her good friends called her over when she walked into the Gryffindor common area.
Y/n walked over to her and Lily, putting my schoolwork down.
"What's up?" She asked, sitting down.
Marlene grabbed y/n's hands and stared her in the eyes.
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" Marlene asked.
"What? No, worms are disgusting," she made a face, letting go of Marlene's hands.
Lily laughed at her and Marlene pouted.
"I know who you would still love if he was a worm," Lily teased.
"If you're thinking of my brother, you're wrong. I barely love him as is," y/n joked.
"Nope!" She popped the p. "I was thinking about a certain Slytherin sixth year,"
Y/n sighed, knowing what was coming next.
"Please, no," she groaned.
Every year Lily tried to set y/n up with a boy that y/n hadn't even shown an interest in. She even once tried to set her up with Remus, not knowing he was gay.
And it looks like Lily had found her target this year.
"So what were you two doing?" Marlene asked. "I assume you two were together,"
"I already told you, I got lost wandering the halls. We weren't anywhere near each other," y/n lied, rolling her eyes.
"C'mon, don't lie, we know you were together. Tell us the details," Lily leaned forward. "This is the first time you've actually fancied someone,"
"We were not together and I do not fancy him," y/n grabbed her stuff and started up to her dorm room.
"Then who put the flowers in your hair?" Lily yelled.
Y/n flipped them off and decided to head to her brother's dorm instead.
"Hey Rem," she said when she saw only Remus there. "Where're James and Sirius?"
"Going to find that poor secret admirer of yours," Remus snorted.
"Please don't tell me that you're going to drill into me about Regulus too," y/n flopped down on his bed next to him.
"So it was Regulus who did it?" Remus asked.
"You mean Lily didn't talk about it to you?"
"Not yet," he laughed. "I'm sure I'll hear all about it on tonight's patrol,"
"Ugh, speaking of patrol, why do I always get stuck with the really late ones?" Y/n sat up and looked at him.
"Because you and Regulus are too tired to kill each other," He raised his eyebrows. "Not that I expect that to be a problem anymore,"
Y/n spent time studying with Remus for a few hours before it was time to go meet Regulus for their patrol.
"Alright, I better get going. Last time, I was one minute late and I had to hear about it for the whole patrol," y/n rolled her eyes.
"No shagging in the hallways please," Remus called out after y/n as she left the dorm room.
Y/n took a quick detour to set something up before going to the dining hall to meet Regulus. She could already feel that it was going to be a long night.

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