By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67

184 6 33
By BangtanArmies

Third Person POV

Choi Woobin stormed straight towards his parked car with a dark frown, hastily flinging the door open, and slipped into the driver's seat with a face smeared with greasy food sauce as bulging veins... formed over his strained neck. His blood was boiling and his temples... pulsating out of control at the thoughts of Kim Hajin's headstrong resistance toward his patience. Thump! Thump!

"ARGH!" The man angrily bellowed in rage while hammering his fists against the steering wheel to expel his scorching rage with a fiery scowl.

He aggressively kicked the compartment- producing a loud thump at the colliding impact of his shoes- as his buff chest inflated and deflated rapidly to regulate his explosive discontentment. The man couldn't breathe properly because of his disrupted airflow- and only after a moment of fighting the urge to leave the heiress's side impulsively... did he eventually lower his sweaty face to contain his anger as the searing emotions tore through his heated chest.

"Fucking hell," Woobin cursed, shakily lifting his face off the steering wheel to lean against the headrest with his eyes closed and fumed in frustration.

It isn't his nature to lose his temper over a mere inconvenience... but Kim Hajin? The thought of her alone could fuel a scorching blaze within his soul. He couldn't understand how anyone could be so stubborn and immature. The man swallowed the hard lump in his throat while sitting alone in the muted car for roughly ten minutes... without starting the engine.

Choi Woobin eventually exhaled for the last time, shoved the car door open, and strode back toward the villa- Thud. It is his duty to secure her safety so he can't leave her side, not even when he can't stand her presence. The man pushed open the door, expecting to see her trashing the place, but for some reason... the villa was dead quiet.

The opposite door leading to the gloomy beach was... wide open... as the cold wind gusts coursed into the villa with its frosty chills. The man paused to scan the hushed space with a dark frown, unsurely questioning the heiress's abrupt absence... before storming through the villa to step out into the opening... until he spotted the stamps of fresh footprints over the sand... leading right to the... winter sea.

"Kim Hajin?!-" Woobin shouted for her. He jogged over the beach with a dreadful feeling, suddenly halting in shock once he found a single strand of the familiar ribbon... washing on the shore. Splash! Splash! The man scoffed in disbelief and frantically splashed into the calm surface to search for the missing soul.

"Hajin?! Are you fucking out of your mind?! HAJIN-AH!-" Woobin bellowed at the top of his lungs but all he could hear was the subtle whistles of the gusting wind. The man paddled deeper into the cold water to search the shallow waves with a frightened expression... until he noticed... a white gown floating in the deep end.

"Yah!?- Hajin!-" Woobin gasped, leaping over the water to reach her as the freezing wind current stung his skin with its frostbite. The man hastily snatched the silk gown and hurled her body out of the water with a thundering heart. 

"Ah!" Hajin shrieked, wildly clinging to his neck with burning red eyes once he yanked her head out of the water, causing Woobin to freeze at her startled expression as the heiress rubbed the slimy snot from her nostrils.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Woobin shouted at her face in extreme anger.

"Don't touch me!- Why are you still here?!- I was taking a dip!" Hajin shrieked, angrily shoving the man away in irritation while rubbing her face to wipe the salty water from her eyelids. He assumed she had drowned in the sea- and his soul almost left his body at the sight of her floating gown. Woobin scoffed at Hajin's reactive refute in disbelief after realizing... she was completely fine.

"ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?!-" Woobin seethed as he aggressively seized her wrist, causing Hajin to whimper in discomfort as the surging pain expanded up her forearm. She grimaced at his harshness- and thrashed in the water with her soaked hair stuck to her pale face- but Woobin refused to release the heiress and roughly dragged her through the water with his jaw clenched. Hajin shrieked in extreme displeasure as she furiously fought to free herself from the man.


"HOW DARE YOU PRETEND TO DROWN IN THE SEA?!" Woobin screamed at her face until unconscious tears spilled from his burning red eyes. Hajin abruptly paused to examine the visible teardrop over Woobin's damp cheeks, utterly taken aback by his leaking emotions.

"Did you think I'd die for a piece of shit like you?- Pft!- You're the one with a delusional mind to assume I'd fucking drown myself for a fucking liar like you! YOU'RE THE ONE DISTURBING MY PEACE- AND YET- YOU DARE TO RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME?!" Hajin rashly shoved Woobin with her raging glare directed at his deadly glower.

Woobin scoffed at her outburst while brushing back his dripping wet hair, so Hajin yanked her arm out of his grip and stormed inside the villa in her gown with a fuming red face... after the eldest son misunderstood her harmless dip as an intentional suicidal act. Choi clenched his jaw and marched after Kim Hajin.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you!?- Don't fucking try to gaslight me!- YOU INTEND TO ACCUSE ME OF HARMING YOU AGAIN WITH YOUR IDOITIC STUNTS!" Woobin sneered, attempting to yank Hajin again- SLAP! The eldest son froze inside the frigid living room upon receiving the blunt blow to his left cheek. He scoffed and glanced at the heiress in shock. Hajin seethed at the man with her eyebrows furrowed as he stood stiffly over her until he felt the burning sensation... numbing his poker face.

"Even if I was to drown myself... I'd never do it for you. I never begged you to save me either- so don't spit dead skin cells at me. The only people I'm willing to respect are my family! And you're not one of them! You're a fucking nobody!- Alright?!- Who do you think you are to raise your fucking tone at me?! I'm Kim Hajin! The supreme alpha's only daughter!- And I will never allow a fucking man like you to disrespect me! Leave my fucking house right now!" Hajin shrieked while pointing at the door with her spiteful glare on the man. Woobin darkened his stony stare and lowered his gaze to the wet silk... embracing the curves of her body.

"Do you want the answer so badly...? Hmm...?" Woobin grunted, suddenly stepping forward to glower at the heiress in extreme displeasure. She stood her ground with her face tilted upward to challenge the towering man as the cold water droplet... trickled from his nose tip and dripping onto the heiress's pulsating chest.

Choi Woobin was three times bigger than her, but Kim Hajin firmly stood her ground... without the slightest glimpse of fear. The heiress glowered at the man with her father's lethal darkness.

"Are you deaf?! I don't wish to hear your stupid excuses!-"

Choi Woobin aggressively snatched her wrist and forced her to grip his hardened crotch. The heiress flinched at the shocking hand placement... and glanced down in a panic. She attempted to yank her hand away- but Woobin refused to release her and made Hajin clutch... the hump over his pants with his jaw clenched.

"Yeah? This is the confirmation... right? To prove my love? Hmm...? Fucking feel my hard cock right now- and tell me- Hajin- if I ever lied to you about my feelings!?! I tried desperately to dominate my self-control around your lewd behavior whenever you lick- suck- and stroke my body with your fucking pretty lips- because I respected you too much to let my selfish desire overtake my raging lust!- But you'll never listen- Hmm?!- So feel my fucking dick and tell me if I'm not fucking aroused by your transparent naked body under the wet gown!" Woobin sneered in her face in extreme agitation.

"IS THIS YOUR DEFINITION OF LOVE?! TO HAVE MY COCK HARD FOR YOU!? TELL ME!- IS THIS THE REASSURANCE YOU NEED?! FOR ME TO THIRST FOR YOUR BODY LIKE A BARBARIC BEAST- DESIRING TO TEAR YOUR LEGS APART- SO I CAN FUCK YOUR WOMB OUT?! IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL LOVE?!" Woobin seethed, fiercely lowering his blazing face toward Hajin's startled doe eyes as he firmly made her grip his hard bulge. Hajin blinked at his bewildering acts and glanced down at his erect shaft... before shifting her tense gaze back to him- suddenly appearing somewhat uncomfortable by his harsh confrontation.

"That doesn't change the fact you were with another woman-"

"I said I have nothing to do with her anymore! Why is it that you always refuse to hear my justifications!?- I indeed wished to take a break after my return- but ever since- you infected me with your poisonous touch, and after witnessing the nudity of your fucking body- It is not her!- That I dream of holding!" Woobin angrily interrupted the heiress.

"It's you! Kim Hajin! It is you that gets my dick hard! It is you who gets my heart yearning for more! You are the fucking somebody on my mind every fucking day! And- What is it with you and the victim cries??!- What are you getting out of this!? Crying! Screaming! Cursing! Running away like a fucking coward and then blaming me when I didn't even raise my fingers to fucking bruise your skin!- Not once!" Woobin roared at her face.

"Why are you the victim in this affair when I'm clearly the desperate man- pathetically trying to plead for your forgiveness! Am I the coward?!- Or are you the coward playing your ridiculous victimhood game to get back at me?!" Woobin shrieked at her startled face until unconscious tears... slipped from his glassy pupils. Hajin stared at his upset expression... until she realized... he wasn't mad. Rather... Choi Woobin is severely wounded by her persistent neglect of his raw emotions and efforts to appease her.

"Whatever," Hajin hastily jerked her hand away from his crotch, quickly spinning around and hurried up the stairs to avoid Choi Woobin, who helplessly stood in tears. He shakily exhaled and glared at the heiress as she sprinted away to avoid facing his confrontation- Thud. He heard her banging the door shut. Woobin exhaled and rubbed his burning face in defeat.

A moment later.

The heiress sat blankly on her parent's chaise lounge in their master bedroom, dressed in her mother's nightgown she had borrowed from the closet. Hajin didn't pack enough clothes for her stay at the villa. She quietly gazed at the afternoon sea with her legs crossed... gloomily brooding over the explosive fights with the eldest son... until she heard the door opening behind her back. She didn't budge and kept her blank gaze on the dull scenery until Woobin appeared in casual clothes. He grimly observed her composed behavior as he settled on the edge of the chaise lounge. She didn't acknowledge his existence.

"Can we please speak sensibly? Without... the arguments? Can you do that?" Woobin dimmed his gaze on her unresponsive attitude. Kim Hajin remained muted with her blank gaze on the dark afternoon sea... until she gave in and shifted her wearied gaze to the man without turning her head and looked Woobin up and down in annoyance.

"You do realize... I'm trying hard not to give you a black eye?" Hajin grumbled. Woobin cautiously scooted closer to her... but the man made sure to maintain enough distance between them so she wouldn't feel threatened by his presence.

"It's difficult for me to communicate with you when you're always screaming and running away. I try- to be patient with you- Hajin... you can't react to problems in this manner. I let you off when you were young, but you're grown now... so please... do not avoid the problem with your habits of gaslighting others. You're only worsening the situation by acting and speaking on a reckless impulse to dodge your faults. You have every right to be- upset with me- but please... give me a chance to properly address the situation," Woobin exhaled, calmly speaking to her. Hajin crossed her arms and finally turned her glowering face to Woobin. It appeared she wanted to scream at him... but she didn't and stayed hushed.

"I'm still standing by my terms and conditions. If you don't want this relationship. Then do not hold onto me, and we'll separate our ways. I'll live quietly... and I won't associate with you anymore. I will not preserve our past and treat you as nobody," Hajin shrugged. Woobin gazed at her cold stare and glanced at the calm sea before them.

"And if I choose you?" Woobin asked, glancing back at Hajin.

"I will refrain from displaying my affection in front of our family, but- you have to cut off all ties with your lover. She might've been there with you first... but if you choose me... then I do not wish to stress my mind over another woman," Hajin muttered. Woobin blinked out of his pondering thoughts and glanced at Hajin in defeat.

"Alright. I'm sorry. I'm at fault for being dishonest with you about my relationship. I honestly didn't want to upset you because I thought you'd be bothered by my past affairs. That was... foolish of me. And about our childhood conflict... I do not have an excuse to treat you the way I did. I was also at fault for not addressing the situation before I departed. I figured you'd never want to see me again because you're always upset around me. That is the reason I chose to stay away for so long. I figured you'd be happier without my presence until our parents visited and... harabeoji... told me... you're still waiting for my return," Woobin mumbled while staring at his hands.

"Is that why you returned?" Hajin asked. Woobin lifted his torn expression to her.

"I felt guilty. I didn't know... you'd be deeply scarred by my departure because I honestly view our dispute... as a childish fight... but you were... heartbroken by my neglect. I felt really sorry for taking your feelings ever so slightly. That's the reason... you're only reactive with me and not with everyone else. That's alright. I understand. I'm responsible for your trauma. I returned early in the hope of reconciling with you... but you didn't even recognize me- and I couldn't bring myself to admit my identity because you were so easygoing and cheerful around me. I was afraid... you'd... withdraw yourself again if you knew who I was and you did. You completely neglected me once you uncovered my true identity," Woobin muttered.

"I don't want you to choose me just because you're sorry. That's not enough to sustain a relationship. If you agree to do this because you're holding yourself accountable for breaking my heart... then don't bother. I will not be pity love by you," Hajin exhaled. Woobin dimmed his gaze on Hajin's dismissal and scooted forward again to sit right beside her. The heiress turned her head to search his troubled frown with an uneasy feeling.

"I've never been the same since you... kissed and touched me all over. It feels wrong... but... I still want to hold you. I try- to suppress my desire to avoid being an untamed beast like all the other male species... but it appears... you've misunderstood... my self-control as a mere act of disinterest," Woobin whispered, gently lifting his warm palm to hold Hajin's soft cheek and stroke her rosy skin... seemingly torn by her false assumption... of his genuine feelings. Hajin didn't react to his touch and sat quietly in the muted room.

"I'm not used to your restrained love language. It makes me question my worth and- I self-sabotage because I'm unsure of how you feel for me," Hajin replied while maintaining eye contact with Woobin. He nodded upon hearing her displeasure with his apathetic love language and lowered his gaze to her lips before leaning forward to softly brush her lips. Hajin closed her eyes uneasily at his tender strokes.

"So transparency is your request...?" He whispered, slightly pulling away to search her pale face. Hajin nodded. Woobin leaned in again and pressed his lips against hers to soothe her unsettled soul with the steady strokes of his lips. She didn't hold onto him and gripped her fists restlessly as Woobin kissed her before the calm scenery. Smooch. Smooch.

The wet strokes of their lips resonated within the hushed room. Woobin eventually withdrew his moist lips from hers again and tilted his face to kiss Hajin's neck, causing the heiress to stiffen in her position... as he pressed his cold tongue against her bare flesh. And for the first time... the man fondled her breast over the thin silk of her gown... causing Hajin to shudder at his foreign touch over her body.

"O- Oppa-" Hajin stuttered, nervously pressing her palms against his chest to gently push him away. Woobin opened his piercing eyes to question her hesitation as he groped her left breast, refusing to release her. She blinked nervously and glanced down at his firm grip on her chest and back up at his straight face.

"You're uncomfortable...? Should I stop...?" Woobin asked. Hajin shook her head with her lips pursed, suddenly leaning forward to hug his neck with her nose buried against his shoulder. Woobin drew the heiress into a comforting embrace over the chaise lounge... once she agreed to settle their conflict.

"I don't want you to stop," Hajin whispered against his shoulder.

Woobin inhaled, suddenly rising from the lounge with his arms secured around her body, and strode across the room to rest the heiress on the king-size bed. Hajin swallowed as she watched the man crawl over her body until he leaned down to pin his lips over hers so she shakily gripped onto his shoulder as the eldest son... adjusted his position to slip between her thighs while kneading her breast until she moaned in difficulty.

"Spread your legs for me," Woobin whispered as he got up between Hajin's legs. She bit her lips- flustered by his demand as he made her bend her parted knees before him. Woobin carefully monitored Hajin's timid frown and softly lifted the gown to her hips... until she was exposed in her white panty.

Woobin softly kissed her kneecap and scooted his body forward to sit between her legs and very gently pressed his finger pads against the thin cloth covering her crotch, causing Hajin to tense her body at the slight friction over her private part. Woobin carefully observed her calm response and gently stroked the heiress over the panty to stimulate her sensitive clitoris with the pressure of his fingers. Hajin fearfully bit her fingers while resting over the pillow and shifted her gaze to find Woobin... gazing at her with a sharp stare.

"Hngh~!" Hajin screwed her face in discomfort the longer he teased her. Woobin rubbed his thumb over the fabric until he noticed... a small wet stain... seeping over the cloth.

"Are you not used to this....? You've never done it before with your boyfriend?" Woobin asked as he slipped his hand beneath her panty sleeves to touch her raw flesh. Hajin shakily inhaled at the bare touch of his roaming fingers and shook her head with a nervous frown once she felt the intense heat... expanding between her thighs.

"He- he touched me- down there too but-"

"But...?" Woobin asked with his thick eyebrow lifted. Hajin opened her eyes to stare at Woobin as he rubbed the wet slit of her private part in an up-and-down motion.

"I don't know. It feels weird with you- Ah~? What are you?!- Oppa~!" Hajin tried to speak when Woobin suddenly inserted his finger inside her, causing Hajin to flinch in shock. She quickly reached down to grab Woobin's hand in a panic- but he didn't pull away and gently rubbed the contracting internal muscular canal of her lady part in an upward motion.

Hajin frowned at Woobin with her lips ajar as she felt him invading her inside with his finger until Woobin gently removed her hand from her crotch. The heiress remained paralyzed in her position as he played with her inside with his skilled foreplay.

"Why are you so startled...? You wanted to do it... but you're so anxious?" Woobin muttered as he thrust his two fingers inside her. Hajin briefly lifted her head off the pillow to watch the man finger her and slump back down with a terrified face, unsteadily pulsating over the mattress until she could hardly breathe. She never had... anyone put their fingers inside her before- and although she was uncomfortable at first... her body began to throb for his touch the more he massaged her inside.

"He never- Seojun never- did this before-"

"So he touched you... but he never... fingered you like this?" Woobin finished her sentence once she failed to speak.

Hajin nodded in distress and covered her face in embarrassment before moaning aloud and tried to twist her hips, but Woobin firmly held her in place. Squelch. Squelch. Kim Hajin's face started burning in extreme heat with every wet stroke she felt... thumping inside her raw opening. Choi Woobin softly scoffed and lowered his eyes to her soaked lady part... and suddenly... he leaned downward to lick her juicy slit- causing Hajin to jerk in a panic at the wet stroke of his tongue.

"Oppa!? Hah~!- What the hell!?-" Hajin gasped, quickly sitting up in horror to find Woobin caressing her private part with his lips. She shrieked in shock when he sucked onto her pleasure nerves, so she quickly gripped his head to push him away.

"Stay still!- Why are you so frightened? Is it hurting you?" Woobin snapped, lifting his face to frown at her startled expression. Hajin pouted as she shakily held his head between her thighs.

"No- No but- It's just- Why are you- Ah~! Oppa~! Hah~! Hah~! I'm burning! This is so weird~!" Hajin tried to complain but moaned and gasped in distress once he shoved his face back against her crotch.

Woobin pushed Hajin's shoulders to make her lay down again and seized each side of her thighs to hold the heiress in place as he invaded her entrance with his wild tongue movement and intensely sucked her sensitive clitoris- until Hajin whimpered and collapsed back onto the pillow with her terrified eyes directed on the ceiling. She coughed in a panic and reached down to hold his head as he firmly held her legs apart to feast on her raw flavor.

"Tell me if you're hurting," Woobin reminded, suddenly fingering her again while smooching her crotch. Hajin cried in pleasure and covered her mouth to stifle her voice as the paralyzing surge expanded all over her crotch. She gasped and gripped the pillow in distress with the dirty activities of his fingers... rubbing relentlessly all over her inside until the electrifying friction jerked her body over the mattress.

"Oppa~! I can't- This is too much~! Hah~! I'm going crazy!" Hajin shrieked, quickly lifting her flushed face to frown at the eldest son while gasping for air... but he refused to hear her complaints and ate her out and licked her all over until Hajin seethed and threw her head back while curling her toes to withstand the smothering pleasure. Woobin eventually stopped tasting her and lifted his face to observe Hajin's sweaty hairline with a smug smile as she whimpered and reached down to pat his hair with a pleading look.

"Behave. I'll take care of you," Woobin grunted while crawling over her body to pin his lips against hers.

Hajin shakily gripped his muscular shoulders as he rested her on the pillow and gently lifted the gown off her head to toss it aside. The man shifted his lustful gaze to perky breasts and lowered his head to lick her hard nipple with his slippery tongue, causing Hajin to clench her jaw in extreme anxiety as he fondled and sucked onto her youthful bosoms. She glanced at the calm sea while fuming in the heat with every wet stroke or pinch she felt over the tip of her breast.

"Where did you- learn to do this?-" Hajin shakily whispered as she watched Woobin flick her tip with his tongue. She squirmed and gripped his head in difficulty as the electrifying pleasure fired down to her throbbing private part.

"You are my first experiment," Woobin smiled, sitting up on the bed to slip off his shirt and toss it aside as Hajin hyperventilated on the mattress. She glanced down in anticipation as Woobin slipped his pants off his hips to reveal his already... hard cock. She pursed her lips at the sight of his raw bulge and flushed even redder until her bare crotch started thirsting for his presence.

"Liar! I know you did this with her-"

"I did have sex with her but- I've never been this lewd. And why are you so stiff?- Didn't your boyfriend treat you well?" Woobin chuckled, lowering his face to kiss her inner thighs until her inner thighs were coated with his saliva. Hajin shivered in distress as he licked his way up to her groin and gently nibbled on her sensitive clit again. She seethed in pleasure with her face tilted upward and her back arching over the humid mattress.

"He doesn't t-touch me like this! We just- do it!" Hajin whined as he taunted her with his poisonous touch. Woobin chuckled while jerking himself between her opened legs and sat up to watch her shiver over the mattress.

"Did he wear a condom when you did it?" Woobin asked as he studied Hajin's fearful expression while massaging his thumb over her moist slit.

"Of course!" Hajin nodded and gripped the pillow in fright as Woobin lowered his hot body to nudge his raw tip against her crotch. She shuddered at the presence of his warm tip while eyeing Woobin's smug expression.

"So... you've never taken... a man... raw before?" Woobin whispered, sexily lifting his thick eyebrow to question her. Hajin stiffly nodded with her hand over her chest, causing Woobin to chuckle at her adorable confession.

"Wae~? Why are you teasing me so much~!" Hajin whined, cutely pouting at him as she watched Woobin rub his slippery shaft of his hard penis between the slit over her raw flesh to get her ready for his entry.

"So this the first time... a man is truly inside... you... huh?" He grunted, slowly pushing his way through her opening. Hajin curled her toes with her lips ajar as he slipped inside her, but he didn't penetrate all the way and teased her with just his tips. Hajin whimpered and reached down to hold his forearm in anticipation as Woobin gently humped her wet opening to excite her nerves with a devilish smile.

"This is my first time doing it raw- Hah~!" Hajin stuttered, fearfully looking down again, but tilted her head over the pillow in difficulty once he penetrated her and gently thrust his hips forward to shove his bulge all the way into her. Woobin bit his lower lips in satisfaction once he felt Hajin's warmness engulfing his shaft and crawled over her body to silence the frightened heiress with his slick tongue as he carefully withdrew and shoved his raw meat inside... to fill up her throbbing canal.

"Make as much noise as you want," Woobin chuckled while cupping her cheeks and suddenly accelerated the pace of his forceful thrust once he was ready to have her.

Hajin gasped in shock and hugged his neck tightly until tears filled her eyes, so Woobin turned his face to kiss her neck as he pounded inside her wet canal, causing Hajin to shriek at the hot surge of pleasure while clinging to his body until Woobin gave in to her and rested his bare torso over hers. He moaned and kissed her ear with his eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed... at how tightly she was sucking onto him.

"You're so hot~! Why are you burning inside me?!" Hajin shrieked, shoving Woobin off her chest once she felt her inside melting at the friction of their intercourse. Woohin laughed at her terrified expression and sat up between her legs to fuck her raw on the bed.

"Does it feel good~? Why do you look so angry?! You're the nervous one! I tried to get you loose, but you're gripping so tightly onto me!" Woobin teased her cute frown. Hajin whined and reached down to press her palms over her lower torso as he steadily pounded through her throbbing entrance without the need to use lubricants because she was already soaked.

"My body is burning! Hah~! I feel so weird!" Hajin arched her back while rubbing her red neck in distress. Woobin smiled as he watched her squirm helplessly beneath him.

"Aigo~! You're only a beginner~?! But you were so fierce and confident about doing it? You poor thing~!" Woobin chuckled as he crawled over her body to hug her. Hajin fearfully held onto his muscular back for support and buried her face against his chest... so he kissed her cheeks and proceeded to thrust inside... until Hajin sniffled and moaned uncontrollably beneath him.

"Oppa- I need to pee! I need to pee! Get off! Oppa! Please! I really need to use the bathroom! I'm going to pee!" Hajin smacked his shoulder once she felt the uncomfortable pressure swelling inside her crotch.


"I need to pee!" Hajin shrieked as she hastily pounded his chest. Woobin frowned at her troubled expression and suddenly pinned her wrists onto the mattress to hold her down. He moaned in pleasure and fucked her harder until he felt his balls slapping against her flesh.

"Do it on the bed-"

"What?! Are you crazy?!-"

"I said do it on the bed! I'm not stopping!" Woobin snapped, forcefully clutching her neck, and slammed Hajin back down when she tried to sit up.

The man grunted and pounded harder, causing Hajin to scream in fright as the hot juice blasted out of her throbbing lady part. Squirt! Hajin shrieked and lifted her head in horror as Woobin slipped out of her to let her discharge splatter all over her torso. She gasped and tried to scramble off the bed, but Woobin forced her back down and fingered her at a shocking speed until she screeched and thrashed in distress while being consumed by the extreme pleasure. Squirt~! Squirt~!

She cried in fear as the last discharge shot out of her swollen lady part. Woobin scoffed and roughly jerked himself over her until his semen fired out of the tip... and splattering onto her... crotch. The man groaned in relief with a troubled frown... before slumping weakly onto her body as Hajin sobbed in frustration.

"Are you crazy?! This is so embarrassing!" Hajin whined as she smacked his chest. Woobin moaned in extreme contentment as he twitched over her and lifted his face to make out with Hajin, who was too weak to budge, so she gave in and hugged his neck. Woobin licked her lips and smiled at Hajin's upset scowl while stroking her sweaty cheeks to wipe the tear streaks from her face. She cried not because she was hurt... but because she was frustrated that she made her pee herself. 

"Are you mad at me?-"

"You fucked the pee out of me!-"

"It's an orgasm, you fool! You're a squirter! Just like how I ejaculated!" Woobin laughed, sitting up to stare at her throbbing private part, and gently smeared her juice over his abs. Hajin frowned at his cocky expression, hastily scrambling off the bed, and raced into the bathroom butt naked... leaving Woobin... breathless on the mattress. He chuckled at her cuteness. The man glanced at the dirty stain on the bedsheet, got off the bed to remove the sheet, and left the room to put it in the laundry.

The eldest son eventually entered the ground floor bathroom to wash his sweaty body when he suddenly heard a soft scream from the floor above. Woobin frowned and turned off the shower to anticipate the noise in confusion.

"OPPA!" Hajin screamed again.

"Wae?! What's the matter?!" Woobin shouted, quickly snatching a towel to wrap it around his firm hips and bolted up the stairs- crashed into the room, and shoved the bathroom door open to find Hajin standing in the shower stall with her legs apart in her fresh gown.

"I'm bleeding!" Hajin shrieked, quickly lifting her gown to show Woobin the trickling blood between her legs. The man widened his eyes in a panic.

"Why are you bleeding?!- Is it your period!?" Woobin snapped, quickly racing forward to lift her silk as Hajin pouted at him in distress.

"I don't know! But it's a bit early for my cycle!" Hajin whined. The man quickly grabbed the tissues to wipe her legs and dragged Hajin out of the bathroom.

"Let's visit the hospital!" Woobin pulled a puffer jacket over her gown and quickly raced out of the villa with the heiress to head out into the city just after the sun had set over the sea. Hajin nervously sat on the passenger seat with a towel under her panty stuffed with tissues to prevent her blood from leaking as Woobin tore through the street until they arrived at the hospital. He quickly swung open the car door and dragged her into the lobby.

"Oppa wait-"

"What?- Does it hurt? I'll request urgent assistance," Woobin frowned when Hajin tugged him back with a terrified frown.

"What if it's just... my period...?" Hajin mumbled, unsurely glancing at her crotch. Woobin frowned at her pale face and glanced at the bustling lobby with a conflicted expression.

"Let's get it checked. Just in case," Woobin exhaled and gently pulled her forward. Hajin pursed her lips and followed him to reserve an appointment.

A moment later.

Hajin's POV

I stood awkwardly before the aisle stocked with colorful pads and tampons while sipping pineapple juice from a small carton box and snuck... a glance at Woobin, who was inspecting the women's menstrual necessities with a slight frown to read the labels and the packaging.

We panicked and raced to the hospital earlier because of my bleeding vagina... but it turns out... I'm on my period. The doctor gave me a pad and told me to return home... so... I am now... at the local supermarket with Woobin. Ah...? Why did I panic over my period? This is embarrassing. I thought he messed up my inside after our intercourse, so I panicked and screamed. 

"This one says it has a cooling effect...?" Woobin muttered, lifting the package to show me with a baffled look.

"I'll take that one. It's cool- like- minty cool..." I awkwardly explained- who appeared confused by the cooling effect. I quickly shifted my eyes away with warm cheeks. Woobin eventually grabbed two packages and nudged me forward. Why am I so uncomfortable...? I clasped my hands together and walked toward the counter as Woobin walked into another aisle. I'll wait here.

"Hajin-ah?" Woobin called from an aisle.

"Neh?" I replied, unsurely walking away from the cashier to find him staring at the freezer.

"Do you want ice cream? Snacks? Get something. You haven't eaten since morning," Woobin briefly glanced at me as he rummaged through the freezer with the pads clutched against his chest. I blinked and glanced at my favorite popsicle. Is he my boyfriend? Or should I address him as my brother? It's weird! What are we? Lovers! Of course, we're lovers! Ah~! But why am I suddenly so shy~?

"I'll take the watermelon," I muttered. Woobin nodded, grabbed the entire box, and lifted it out of the freezer, so I pursed my lips and glanced at the man with a funny look.

"What?" Woobin questioned my unyielding stare.

"Did you bring enough cash for all of that?" I nodded at the unopened package of ten popsicles. Woobin frowned at me and glanced at the package in his hand.

"Do I look broke to you?" Woobin asked, dumbfounded by my concern.

"Well. All you've been doing is rake the leaves, pile the snow, and water the garden so-"

"Yah. I had a stable job back in Europe. And I'm definitely earning money during my sleep with my investments. Did you think appa only gave you his unlimited card? I have it too... but I've returned it to him now that I can fend for myself. Grab anything you want and bring it to me," Woobin fired an offended look. I pursed my lips and spun around to grab a few bags of chips and gummies before hurrying toward the counter to place my snack on the platform. Right! I thought he was jobless because he did nothing but maintain the mansion!

"This is all I need," I glanced at Woobin as he gently patted my back. 

"This is what you're having for dinner...? Gummies?" Woobin asked unsurely. I blinked at his concerned frown and shrugged, so he exhaled and paid for the snack with his card.

"Can we eat outside?" I asked, softly tugging his coat's pocket. Woobin nodded and stepped aside to inspect the adult racks.

"Do you have a... preference?" Woobin muttered. I pursed my lips as he stared at the condoms and glanced at the young cashier, who was smiling at us.

"We don't need it," I muttered, awkwardly scratching my head.

Woobin grabbed one anyway, added the scented rubber to our bag before paying for the items, and walked me out in his black coat. He handed me one popsicle before placing the bag in the back seat of our car... but we didn't leave the area and ended up walking down the pavement. I quietly sucked on the fruity popsicle until Woobin took my free left hand to hold it in his pocket.

"What do you want to eat?" Woobin asked, briefly glancing at me again. I blinked and looked away from him to scan the restaurants on the side of the streets.

"That one! Can we try~?" I asked while pointing at the seaside beach. Woobin glanced at the outdoor restaurant.

"You want to sit in the cold?" Woobin asked. I nodded.

He eventually agreed and crossed the road with me to approach the seafood shop. We got the table on the terrace facing the view, so I happily sat down on the bench to gaze at the sea while sucking my popsicle. Woobin placed the order for us and finally settled beside me to face the dark view with his arm rested over my shoulder.

"Do you want some...?" I licked my lips and lifted the half-eaten popsicle to his face. Woobin opened his mouth without hesitation, so I pushed it inside his mouth as he dismissively tapped on his phone screen with his free hand.

"Woobin-ah~! Why didn't you answer my call earlier? Is Hajin alright~?" Eomma's voice suddenly spoke up. I froze and glanced to the side... to find eomma smiling through the phone screen.

"She's alright. I dealt with her tantrum earlier," Woobin smiled and waved at eomma.

"Is she eating~? Should I visit the villa to speak with her? And where are you~?!" Eomma frowned once she noticed Woobin's coat and cutely narrowed her eyes to inspect her son through the screen.

"I brought her out for food. And don't come to visit us!- She'll only use you as an excuse to throw more tantrums! Hajinie is a lot more composed when she's alone without her parents! Say hi~!" Woobin chuckled, turning the camera to me. I smiled at eomma and waved at her.

"Aigo~! My daughter! Why did you have to run away like this? Appa is dead worried about you! Oh~? Stop giving Woobin a hard time~!" Eomma pouted through the screen. I chuckled, so Woobin turned his phone to his face again.

"I'll stay at the villa with her for a few days to sort out everything. We'll be back, so don't worry about us~! I'll take care of her~!" Woobin assured eomma. My mother chuckled and nodded.

"Araso~! Don't stay out in the cold~! I'll prepare a feast once you return! And you better not fight again!" Eomma giggled. Woobin chatted with my mother as he sucked my popsicle and finally hung up on the call as I quietly sat beside him. The waitress arrived with our food and drinks, so I smiled eagerly and ate the warm stew as Woobin poured the water for me. We didn't speak and enjoyed our meal in the cold opening... until we emptied the plates and left the restaurant to return home with my snack bag.

"I'm heading to bed," I muttered, hurriedly climbing the stairs as Woobin sorted the snacks in the cupboard. Why is it so awkward between us?! I entered my room to change into a new gown before slumping down on the bed with a slight frown. What's wrong with me?! I can't seem to face him! The door suddenly opened... and Woobin appeared... causing me to freeze unsurely as the man stood by the doorway with his arm folded.

"Do you want me to stay? If not, I'll sleep in the other room. It appears you're not in a good mood... considering you're refusing to look at me," Woobin lifted his eyebrow. I didn't respond and stared at him while sitting on the bed.

"How are you so insensitive?" I grumbled, lowering my eyes to my hands.

"I'm definitely not insensitive. I can't read your mind, so communicate with me, Hajin. Avoidance will not resolve our dispute," Woobin muttered. I glanced at him with my tearful eyes, causing Woobin's face to dim, so he exhaled, strode forward after closing the door, and crawled onto the bed to pull me into a warm hug. I sniffled and pressed my nose against his shoulder.

"Why would you want to sleep in a different room?" I mumbled. He exhaled and gently pulled away to kiss my forehead.

"I want to lay with you. Of course, I do, but if you don't want my presence... then I will respect your boundaries," Woobin smiled while rubbing my cheeks.

"Boundaries? You made me bleed earlier... because you kept touching me down there! What boundaries?! I'm all yours!" I whined. Woobin chuckled and kissed my lips.

"Don't blame me for something I have no control over. It's your body that's overwhelmed," Woobin smiled as he slumped on the bed, so I exhaled and slipped under the blanket to hug his warm body on my side.

"So annoying," I grumbled against his chest as Woobin patted my back.

"Complain all you want. Just don't run away. Speak to me if you're upset," Woobin whispered. I blinked and lifted my face to search his sleepy expression as he gently combed his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry for slapping you," I whispered and raised my hand to hold his cheek. Woobin chuckled while shaking his head.

"The external wounds aren't as painful as the internal ones," He smiled until my lips curved upward, so I giggled and hugged his neck with a relieved feeling. Woobin clutched tightly onto my waist and slid his hand down to hold my lower back as we snuggled on our parent's bed in the dim room with a view of the dark sea.


Sora's POV

"What are you saying?" I asked, unsurely looking up at Seokjin with the murder case documents in my hands.

"The students aren't responsible for the stabbing incident," Seokjin muttered as he sat across from me and my husband in our mansion. Taehyung took the file out of my hand to inspect the blurry photographs of the culprit from the camera footage.

"You're suggesting it's an outsider?" Taehyung frowned, glancing at Seokjin uneasily.

"Why would they attack Seojun and Soo-ah?" I asked while staring at the witness's statements on the report with a dark frown. Kim Seokjin is still investigating the case despite being dismissed by the council.

"I'm convinced it's... a scheme to initiate conflict between the top alphas. The Jeon and my household are powerful households. They tried to get us disputing over the murder trial with the supreme alphas to break us apart," Seokjin shrugged.

"So... they attempted to set up my children for the crime?" I exhaled. Who would do that? Is it one of the households? But who? And why?

The society is thriving in harmony... so which dragon... is shedding its scale again...?

"I haven't disclosed the suspicion to other households yet. I want to keep it between us so we can silently track down the culprit," Seokjin dimmed his eyes. Taehyung rubbed his forehead in exhaustion.

"What if it's the Black Phoenix...?" Taehyung muttered, grimly lifting his face to frown at Seokjin.

"We haven't heard any news associated with the cult since you bombed their hideout. All the operations were abandoned, and there's no indication of their existence anymore," Seokjin shrugged. I patted Taehyung's back.

"We can't be certain unless we see their dead bodies," Taehyung shook his head before glancing at the vast sea through the backyard door with a sullen expression.

My husband is still living in the nightmare of the Black Phoenix because... the firebird... might rise from its ashes again. I tried to convince him they're dead... but he's still restless about the cult. How is it possible for the cult to survive the burning tunnel? Taehyung almost died there. I'm pretty sure they're all dead.

"Imo asked me to bring fruits," Beom smiled as he strolled into the living room with a plate. I smiled as my son settled beside me, so I patted Beom's back and glanced at Seokjin's restless grimace. Taehyung tossed the files aside and ate the fruit as we chatted with Seokjin, who personally paid us a visit to address his son's involvement with the case. The second-rank alpha ordered to end the murder trial because he suspected it was the act of one of the players to provoke conflict between the households and has been investigating the case in private.

We have to find the culprit. It's one of us.


Elite University

The alpha lounge loudly bustled as the high-rank alphas chattered within the room, reserved only for the high-rank heirs during their break hours. Woojin chuckled as he chatted with Mirae on one of the couches as Kanghoon teased Jiyoung on the opposite sofa. The young alphas exchanged flirty glances and teasing touches that were obvious to the eyes of the witnesses. Young love... was blooming all over the academy.

Min Chungha glanced at a particular muted alpha, sitting alone in the corner of the room with his face lowered to his device. He's not an outcast because the alpha is the supreme alpha's blood son... and everyone respects him... but for some unknown reason... he refuses to join the pack. The Min's daughter blinked in curiosity as Kim Dohyun entertained the crowd with his hilarious stunts. Gradually... she slipped from the center of the room and approached the alpha with a weak smile.

"Jae Beom?" Chungha asked as she sat across from Beom. He lifted his face to scan her weak smile unsurely.

"Min Chungha," Beom nodded to acknowledge her.

"You signed up as a tutor. I wonder if you have a slot to coach me? My father claims you're a top achiever," Chungha smiled. Beom stared at her with an awkward expression.

"Oh?! Are you interested in my little brother?! That one is available!" Woojin shrieked, causing the other alphas to glance at Beom, who suddenly stiffened in his seat upon receiving the scary attention from his keen companions.

"Ani! I'm only asking about his tutoring-"

"He's not available," Someone burst through the lounge in her sleek black high-boot heels, fitted black skirt, and a satin long-sleeved shirt. The alphas glanced at Jeon Soomin as she sternly strode toward Beom, who grew tense in his seat with the device on his lap.

"Oh?-" Chungha uneasily chuckled as Soomin strode up to them with her arms crossed.

"Soomin! Is Beom coaching you?!" Dohyun chuckled as the alpha stared at the Jeon's black cat daughter.

"No. But Jae Beom is mine," Soomin shook her head, swiftly snatching Beom's device from his lap and sat right on his thighs. The baby jaguar unconsciously held her waist with a flustered face as Soomin encircled her arms around Beom's neck to secure the alpha, causing the other students within the room to widen their eyes at the shocking sight. Soo-ah gawked at her older sister with the crispy potato chip... left unchewed in her mouth.

"WHAT?!" Kanghoon snapped, launching to his feet in surprise. Woojin scoffed in bewilderment. Soomin smiled and glanced at Beom's timid retreat, who had lowered his face in embarrassment, so she lifted his chin with her fingertip until Beom blinked at her with an innocent gaze.

"Isn't that right...? Beomie~?" Soomin searched Beom's pretty doe eyes as he nervously stared at her with his dilated pupils.

"Oh- Yeah," Beom blinked as his girlfriend held his chin. Mirae gasped and smacked Woojin, who dramatically yanked on his hair with a shaken reaction.

"Give me a kiss," Soomin whispered. Beom swallowed uneasily with his eyes fixed on her captivating beauty and leaned upward to peck her lips, causing Kanghoon to shriek in shock. The twin brothers suddenly shoved each other back and forth at the sight of their youngest brother's love affair.

"Jeon Soomin and Jae Beom?!- Ahah!- Fuck!" Dohyun cursed, suddenly toppling into the armchair with a dramatic faint. Soomin smiled at Beom's bright red face and hugged his head so he shyly hid his face against her shoulder as she sat sideways over his lap to fire the stunned alphas a smug smile.

"Please consider selecting another candidate to coach you. This one is unavailable, and he'll be taken for a long time," Soomin smiled at Chungha, who remained frozen in her seat. Beom cutely buried his face against Soomin's shoulder as she patted his head and smirked at the dumbfounded twins- who were staring at the couple with their lips ajar.

"Yah! I'm telling eomma and appa! How did this happen anyways?!" The twins shrieked in disbelief. Park Jiyoung covered her lips and glanced at Dohyun's dark frown... who was clearly upset because... he had spent years of his life trying to court Jeon Soomin... but failed miserably.

"Jae Beom is my boyfriend. Please be nice to him, or I'll make sure you choke on the base of my heels," Soomin warned the alphas, causing them to shriek funnily at her protective nature. Beom smiled but didn't dare lift his face, so he gripped her waist as Soomin patted his back to soothe her shy boyfriend after she unexpectedly exposed their relationship.

A moment later.

"Yah! What happened?! Why didn't you tell us!?" Kanghoon playfully smacked Beom's chest as the older brothers interrogated their younger sibling inside the penthouse.

"Soomin confessed her feelings during the ceremony," Beom smiled. Woojin snorted in disbelief.

"Jeon Soomin!?! The coldest living woman?!- She confessed?!" Woojin doubtfully repeated as he stood before Beom with his arms crossed.

"Oh. Soomin said she liked me," Beom nodded cluelessly as the two brothers gawked at him with their bulging doe eyes.

"And that's it?! You agreed to be her boyfriend!?-" Kanghoon asked, quickly crouching down to search Beom's red face.


"Did you guys do anything?! Have you lost your virginity yet!? Beom- answer hyung~!" Woojin worriedly cupped Beom's cheeks. The younger alpha smiled and shook his head as his brother squished his cheeks.

"Not yet," Beom muttered with his puckered lips. Woojin exhaled in relief, released Beom's face, and rubbed his forehead with an uneasy frown.

"What if she's toying with him!? I don't trust her at all with this little jaguar! He's too naive!" Kanghoon grumbled, anxiously glancing at Woojin.

"But didn't you see her?! She claimed him before everyone! She wouldn't have done that if he was a joke to her!" Woojin shrugged. Beom glanced back and forth between his bickering older hyungs.

"Aigo~! This is a bit weird! She's our step-sister! And our brother is dating her?! Eomma might have a heart attack!" Kanghoon rubbed his face. Woojin pursed his lips and glanced at Beom's clueless expression.

"Have you taken her on a date?" Woojin asked in curiosity.

"I actually have to see her... in an hour?" Beom shrugged and glanced at the clock on the wall. The twins gasped dramatically... startling baby Beom... who didn't understand why his older hyungs were more excited than he was.

"So it's your first date!? What are you wearing?!- Get up! What are you sitting here for!?-" Kanghoon funnily grabbed Beom's arms, who flinched in a panic as the twins grabbed each side of his bicep to haul him upward.

"I'll just throw on my usual clothes-"

"No! You have to look your best!" Woojin dragged Beom into his bedroom, so Kanghoon quickly flung open Beom's closet to search for suitable clothes. The jaguar chuckled as his older brother forced him into the bathroom and insisted on grooming him.

A moment later.

"Do I have to?!" Beom shrieked in pain when Woojin ripped the wax off his armpit.

"You have to be prepared at all costs!" Kanghoon lightly slapped Beom's face, who was helplessly sprawling on the bed with a soaked sheet mask over his face. Jae Beom lifted his head to watch Woojin wax his other arm... so he groaned and slumped back down with a stinging armpit.

"She said she liked me just the way I am! There's no need to wax me!" Beom complained but shrieked in shock when Woojin tore the wax off his underarm again. Woojin quickly dabbed baby powder on his younger brother's red armpit to soothe the inflammation.

"Eomma loves a decent and clean man! She waxed your father's armpit all the time! Stop complaining~!" Woojin flicked Beom's forehead, who grumbled in annoyance but didn't resist his brothers and remained motionless to be pampered. Kanghoon hastily pulled baby Beom up into a sitting position, snatched the sheet mask off his face, and lightly slapped Beom all over his face to absorb the essence into his skin.

"Why would she care about my armpit?!" Beom complained with his eyes closed as Kanghoon beat his cheek with a concentrated frown.

"Dude! I don't know about other women, but Jeon Soomin is the most popular alpha! If you want to secure her!- You have to appear your best!" Kanghoon chuckled as he examined Beom's annoyed expression to inspect his glowy skin texture.

"Did you shave down there?" Woojin blinked at Beom, who frowned at his brother and glanced at his crotch.

"No- No! -AH! Why would I!?- No! Don't wax me!" Beom shrieked, quickly covering his crotch when Woojin tried to strip him. The older brothers whined and smacked Beom's firm butt, but the third son refused to have his private part shaved.

"You have to be prepared-"

"I'm not sleeping with her! Nothing will happen!" Beom snapped and shoved Woojin aside. Kanghoon chuckled as he rubbed the most serum into Beom's bare face, who was grimacing in extreme frustration.

"She might sleep with you though!" Woojin bickered, firing Beom a sharp glare.

"No, she won't!" Beom grimaced.

"Wanna bet?!- She's ready to sleep with you if she wears matching lingerie! You'll see!" Woojin shrieked as he grabbed the waxing tool in annoyance, and crawled off the bed. Beom glared at his older brother and shoved Kanghoon away when he wouldn't stop slapping the sticky substance onto his red face.

"Put on the clothes we pick out for you and leave! It's almost time! I ordered you flowers!" Kanghoon tossed the set of clothes at Beom before dragging Woojin out of the room. Beom frowned and glanced down at the formal suit in annoyance but pulled it on anyway. He stared at the mirror one last time... and walked out of the room to be greeted by the twins again, who frantically combed back their brother's hair and shoved the flower bouquet into Beom's arms.

"Hyung~!" Beom whined as he stood awkwardly by his bedroom door with the massive bouquet.

"Smile!- Stop showing us the grumpy face! I'm sending your first date outfit to eomma! SMILE!" Woojin shrieked while snapping his fingers at Beom to get his younger brother to pose for the picture. Beom forced a smile as the twins funnily took photographs of the third son.

"Wow~! So handsome!" Kanghoon firmly gave Beom a thumbs up with a brilliant smile as Woojin lay flat on the floor to take another shot of Beom. The third son chuckled at his overly excited brothers before glancing at the pretty flowers in his arms with a fond smile.

A moment later.

Jeon Soomin frantically fixed her wavy hair while strolling through the mansion in her mini pink dress. Soo-ah funnily scoffed at her sister's... bizarre... color preference with her lips ajar. The maids gawked at the hot pink color on the eldest Jeon daughter in disbelief as she raced through the door in anticipation until she spotted Beom standing beside his car... with a bouquet in his arms.

She abruptly paused to admire his charming visual for a brief moment... to scan his perfectly structured body. Beom's physique is slightly sturdier than an average man's due to the inheritance of his father's strong genetics. Soomin nervously walked up to her boyfriend in her bright pink dress, causing Beom to eye the colorful outfit with a weak smile.

"You're... very pink today," He nodded. Soomin glanced away awkwardly as she clasped her hands together.

"Is it bad...?" Soomin muttered, nervously averting her eyes to him as he stared at her light makeup and glossy pink lips.

"It suits you," Beom shook his head and handed her the bouquet. Soomin bit her lips to stop herself from smiling and accepted the bouquet... shyly stepping forward... to kiss her lover's lips. Beom chuckled and kissed her back as the couple clung to each other before her mansion's front porch.

"Oh?!- Appa is home! Shit- We have to leave! Hurry!" Soomin shrieked once she noticed her father's car entering the mansion. Beom's eyes widened in shock as he spun around to find a black car rolling over the driveway.


"DRIVE!- I CAN OPEN THE DOOR ON MY OWN! GET IN THE CAR!" Soomin screamed as she funnily ran on her heels to circle the car, flung the door open, and hopped inside when Beom tried to round the car to assist her. The alpha's face drained in horror once Jeon Jungkook cluelessly stepped out of his personal vehicle.

Beom gasped, quickly got into the driver seat, and blasted his car out of the mansion as Soomin clung to the handrest with a dreadful expression. She did not inform her parents of their date, and Jae Beom... is definitely not the ideal love candidate for the Jeon's daughter... considering their parents' past affairs. The world slowed down for Jeon Jungkook, who cluelessly frowned at the pasting vehicle as he looked through the window to uncover... Jae Yangcha's son's frightened face. The man... glanced at his oldest daughter in the passenger seat... who was awkwardly smiling at him. ZOOM!-

"Soo- Soomin?- What?- HEY! YAH! JEON SOOMIN?! WHERE IS SHE GOING?!" Jungkook shrieked, wildly spinning after the car as it tore out onto the road.

"Is that Jae Beom?!" Hwa-young gasped, quickly rounding the car in disbelief.

"They're dating," Soo-ah shrugged while strolling through the front door with a sore frown. Jeon Jungkook scoffed in shock.

"Why the supreme alpha's son out of all the men!?!" Hwa-young complained.

"YAH! JEON SOOMIN!" Jeon Jungkook funnily shouted in frustration as he smacked his head with flaring nostrils. Soo-ah shook her head as she watched her parents stress over the oldest daughter's affair with the infamous silent killer's son... but there was little they could do... because the lovers... disappeared without a trace after they ran off together.

A moment later.

Jeon Soomin uneasily frowned while swatting the annoying insects out of her face as Beom led her through the dark wilderness. She hiccuped and followed her boyfriend over the uneven path as Beom carried the flower bouquet in his free arm. Soomin stumbled over the tangled roots in annoyance while keeping up with Beom in the dark woods.

"Hey~! Where are you taking me? It's past my curfew!" Soomin whined as she stumbled after Beom, who flew her out of Seoul after dinner without explaining himself. They ended up in Daegu together. Soomin initially thought he had a surprise for her, so she didn't question him... but the deep and dark forest was beginning to scare her the longer she followed him.

"We're not returning to Seoul tonight," Beom mumbled. She frowned and tugged his wrist with a frightened look.

"Are you trying to murder me?! Why would you bring me here?!" Soomin snapped while glaring at Beom. He paused and glanced at her fierce glare until Soomin pursed her lips in fear at his dark gaze.

"Are you frightened now... that you... followed an infamous serial killer's son into the woods?" Beom muttered. She swallowed and glanced around the confusing wilderness in fear.

"This isn't funny! Yah!- Ah?!!- Put me down!- I trusted you!" Soomin shrieked in shock when Beom suddenly heaved her off the ground and flung her over his shoulder. The alpha screamed in shock and smacked his back as she wiggled over his shoulder with her body dangling upside down, but Beom firmly held her hand and strode through the wilderness without a bother.

"Stay still!-"

"YAH! I'M NOT DYING TONIGHT! PUT ME DOWN!" Soomin screamed in annoyance until Beom exhaled and finally placed her down once they passed through the dense grass barrier. The Jeon's daughter huffed and brushed back her messy strands before directing her glowering glare on Jae Beom... who was staring at her with a blank face.

"Run back if you want to leave," Beom smirked. Soomin widened her eyes in shock at his smug smile.

"You asshole!-? Yah! Where am I!?- Oh!?- What's this?- Beom! I have to head back home!" Soomin screamed, but Beom dismissively shrugged and walked forward. Soomin pursed her lips once she noticed the looming door in the middle of nowhere. She gasped in surprise and hopped over this stream to chase Beom as he scanned his fingerprint and entered the villa.

"You'll be okay. Let's stay here tonight," Beom held the door open for her. Soomin stared into the lavish space with a frightened look as she stood  before the doorway with twigs in her hair... contemplating whether or not... she should enter the space or run back into the forest. She was raised and taught to never trust anyone as a top-rank alpha... let alone follow a serial killer's son into a hidden hideout... yet here she is... breaking all of her parent's rules.

"What's this...?" Soomin asked, cautiously stepping inside the villa. Beom sealed the door behind his back, pulled off his shoes and crouched down to slip Soomin's blistering feet into the fluffy slipper.

"My bunker," Beom smiled, happily standing up to face Soomin. Her jaw dropped in shock as she strolled through the villa to stare at the beautiful waterfall and streams before glancing at the tidy living room in extreme astonishment.

"How did you-"

"It's my father's masterpiece. He left it to me, so I've been taking care of the place," Beom smiled. Soomin glanced at the automated floor cleaner as the disk spun all over the floor to keep the tiles squeaky clean.

"So... this is where... your father hid during the warfare...?" Soomin whispered, glancing at Beom in disbelief. Beom nodded.

"No one will ever find this place. Not even you," Beom chuckled. Soomin pursed her lips and glanced at the pride on Beom's handsome face before glancing around the brightly lit villa again... entirely blown away by the unbelievable property... hidden in the wilderness.

A moment later.

Jeon Soomin stepped out of the shower in a loose gown as Beom organized the picture frames of his mother and late father on the shelves in his father's pajamas. The alpha scratched her head and walked up to Beom in Jang Sora's spare silk gown with an awkward feeling.

"This is what your mother usually wears?" Soomin cleared her throat. Beom glanced to the side to find Soomin... standing awkwardly in the... very same maternity gown Jae Yangcha got for his mother.

"Oh. Eomma loves these gowns. It's very comfy and light. Isn't it?" Beom asked. Soomin nodded as she felt the light fabric before averting her gaze to the picture frames of the infamous serial killer... but somehow... the man... did not appear evil as claimed by her parents or the society. Soomin frowned at a picture of... Jae Yangcha... happily cuddling his wife on the couch in matching pajamas.

"He seems... harmless," Soomin whispered as she studied a picture of Yangcha hugging Sora at a seafood restaurant with the twin boys.

"Abeoji wasn't a bad person. The society turned him into a monster. He only wielded his sword to protect my mother. My mother never... saw him as a monster. She loved him so much," Beom whispered. Soomin blinked and glanced at Beom to examine his identical features as the silent killer.

"You look awfully like him," Soomin smiled. Beom chuckled and nodded.

"I'm surprised you're into a killer's son," Beom joked. Soomin chuckled and smacked his shoulder.

"My mother always speaks ill of your family... but every one of Jang Sora's heirs appeared... very decent and nice. Even Hajin... is a pure soul. I realized... it's my mother who is... envious of your family- just like my younger sister. We're the ones demonizing your family," Soomin shrugged. Beom nodded and turned to face her with a weak smile.

"Our parent's past affairs shouldn't hinder us. We should be allowed to love and hold each other," Beom smiled while grazing Soomin's cheek. She smiled at Beom, so he lowered his face to gently kiss her... as she encircled her arms around his waist.

"And why do you keep on lifting your arms? Did something happen?- Are you injured?" Soomin asked, abruptly pulling away to inspect Beom.

"Hyungs waxed my armpits earlier- it's a bit... uncomfortable," Beom shrugged. Soomin widened her eyes and suddenly burst out laughing with her hands over her lips.

"What?! Why would they wax you?!" She giggled for the first time.

"They say women prefer a hairless man," Beom chuckled. Soomin snorted and smacked his chest in disbelief.

"Did they think I'll strip you for a hair check or something?!" Soomin gleamed in tears of joy. Beom stared at her eyes intensely and glanced at the gown on her body until Soomin's smile faded... and her face... suddenly turned bright pink.

"Are you perhaps... wearing... matching undergarments?" Beom asked in curiosity. Soomin blinked at Beom with a flushed look.

"Are you curious?" Soomin smiled, lifting her hand to pat his firm cheek.

"Hyung says... you're the one... trying to get into my pants if you wear matching pieces," Beom nodded. Soomin giggled and tiptoed to press her lips against his. Beom closed his eyes at her delicate strokes until Soomin pulled away to inspect his face with her alluring gaze.

"Do you want to see...? My undergarments?" Soomin smiled with her eyebrow lifted.

"Can I...?" Beom whispered as he held her waist. She chuckled at his cuteness and slowly drew him toward the bed while holding Beom's shoulder to make him sit at the foot of the bed. The alpha stared at his girlfriend without blinking as she slowly... stepped back to lift the gown off her body. Beom didn't blink and scanned her almost naked body until his eyes... registered... the matching... pink undergarments.

"I'm a bit uncomfortable because pink isn't my color," Soomin weakly smiled as she stood before him in her hot pink panty and bra. Beom quietly stared at her toned body figure and glanced up at her in surprise.

"Are you shy? Because of the color?" He smiled.

"I usually wear black. It makes me confident," Soomin shrugged.

"You bought pink and wore it... just for me?" Beom blinked. Soomin shyly nodded while biting her lower lips as Beom eyed her plump cleavage.

"So...? Did I confirm your suspicion?" Soomin asked. Beom chuckled.

"It's your intention to get in my pants... so why don't you try?" Beom tilted his head. Soomin giggled at his invitation and stepped forward to gently push Beom backward. He smiled and held her bare waist as she crawled between his thick thighs with her lips pressed against his to stifle their voices with the steamy kiss.

"Are you a virgin...?" Soomin asked, carefully drawing her lips away to inspect Beom's flushed face.

"Why? Are you curious?" Beom smirked. Soomin chuckled as she undid his buttons and finally slipped the shirt off his body. The young lady pursed her lips while eyeing his crazy hot body with a startled expression.

"Hajin didn't lie. You're much sturdier than the twins," Soomin lifted her impressed gaze to Beom as she felt the ridges of his packed muscles. Beom smiled.

"My father has the rarest kind of genes," Beom chuckled as Soomin steadily unwrapped her man on the bed for the first time. She pulled down his waistband before tossing his pants aside but paused again once her eyes fell upon his... bright... yellow... underwear. Beom stared at her unblinking gaze in anticipation.

"What is this... weird obsession... with yellow?" Soomin frowned, lifting her eyes to Beom. He shyly chuckled.

"I like baby ducks," Beom shrugged. Soomin snorted and covered her lips, causing Beom to chuckle at her flushed face.

"I really like the yellow on you, actually. A cute man with a hot body. I love your duality," Soomin grinned. Beom chuckled and snatched her body, making her gasp at his unexpected attack as he rolled her over and climbed on top of her in his yellow underwear.

"My brothers didn't believe me when I said you like me just the way I am~!" Beom grinned, lowering his face to kiss Soomin, causing her to smile against his lips with her arms wrapped around his thick neck. Beom gently fondled her breast and lifted his face to kiss the side of his neck, causing Soomin to pant softly with her eyes closed.

"You can have my virginity, duck boy~!" Soomin poked his nose tip with her fingertip. Beom chuckled and kissed her deeply while interlacing his fingers with hers to hold her in place over his late father's bed. Soomin carefully traced her fingers over his muscular back as he pleased their bodies... and the two eventually made love for the very first time... in the hidden villa of the wilderness.

A few days later

"YAH! MY DAUGHTER IS MISSING!" Jungkook screeched from the council desk.

"MY SON IS ALSO MISSING!" Taehyung snapped back with a dark frown after the Jeon called for an emergency meeting.

"SOOMIN LEFT WITH THAT FOOL! AND SHE'S BEEN GONE SINCE!" Jungkook slammed his fists on the desk with a dark frown to confront the supreme alphas, who were just as anxious.


"OHOH!-  HE'S JAE YANGCHA'S HEIR! I WILL KILL YOU IF HE HARMS MY DAUGHTER!" Jeon Jungkook screeched, rudely interrupting Kim Taehyung. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Chul Sungho, and the remaining alphas glanced back and forth as the top alphas argued over their children's love affair.

"Yah!- Yah! Calm down! I'm sure they're on a date together! They're young adults! It's normal for them to disappear!" Jung Hoseok funnily tried to calm the alphas with his hand raised.


"YAH!? BEOM ISN'T THE TYPE TO HURT ANYONE!" Taehyung refuted, furiously fuming at the third rank. Sora rubbed her sore head and glanced at the twins as they sat awkwardly in their seats to watch their father argue over baby Beom.


"FOR ALL I KNOW- SHE'S THE ONE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF MY SON! BABY BEOM IS AN INNOCENT SOUL! HE'S EASILY SWAYED!" Taehyung shrieked, abruptly rising from his seat with a cute frown. Jungkook scoffed rudely.

"I'M SURE HIS DICK ISN'T AS INNOCENT!" Jungkook sneered.

"YAH JEON JUNGKOOK!- MIND YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" Sora screamed in shock. The twins funnily covered their mouths and sniggered- earning a sharp glare from their father, so they cleared their throats and wore a poker face again. Seokjin rolled his eyes and slumped his head on his desk in disbelief as the alphas fought over the childish issue.

"You're wasting our time! If you're going to argue over your children- do it at home! Aigo~! What the hell is this madness?!" Yoongi whined as he nudged Chungha's shoulder, and hurried down the stairs with his daughter. The other alphas shook their heads in disbelief as they rose from their seats.

"HEY! YAH-!? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!- YOU ALL MUST BE THE WITNESSES! THE SUPREME ALPHA'S SON IS MISSING!-" Taehyung shouted, but no one listened to him. Jimin hysterically laughed as he guided his daughter out of the room.

"FINE! YOU'RE COMING HOME WITH US! I WILL NOT LET YOU LEAVE UNTIL MY DAUGHTER RETURNS TO ME! HMHP!" Jungkook angrily flung his file across the room. Taehyung scoffed with an offended look and tried to scramble over his desk, causing Sora to gasp in shock.

"Abeoji!" The twins shrieked, quickly grabbing the man to hold him back.

"YOU-! YOU RASCAL! I WILL NEVER LET YOU OFF IF MY SON COMES BACK WITH A SINGLE BRUISE ON HIS BODY!" Taehyung shrieked but groaned in pain as he rubbed her lower back. The twins grimaced and gently supported their father with a stiff back as Sora held her husband and escorted the alpha down the stairs to vacate the council.

A moment later.

"WANNA FIGHT!? COME ON! FIGHT ME- YOU STUPID BUNNY TEETH JERK!" Taehyung shrieked as he hastily rolled up his sleeves and clenched his fists while standing on the Jeon's property with a fuming red face.

"FINE! WE'LL FIGHT!- HAH! I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU STIFF BACK FREAK!" Jeon Jungkook puffed his chest, tore off his suit, and raced forward to try and smack Taehyung, who screamed and lifted his leg to kick his cousin. The twins shrieked in shock and sprinted between the elders to separate them before they clashed. Sora loudly whined as she tried to calm her fuming husband as Hwa-young tugged Jeon Jungkook back. Soo-ah quickly grabbed her father's forearm to stop him from launching forward.



"YAH! YOU FUCKING PUNK! AH!- AH! AH!" Taehyung wildly thrashed within Kanghoon's grip with an offended glare nailed on Jeon Jungkook, who was being held back by Woojin. The two alphas tried to fistfight each other under the scorching sunlight as their children and wives screamed for them to stop- but they didn't listen to their family and jerked at each other with their hyperactive adrenaline.

"Appa?!" Soomin suddenly shrieked. Jeon Jungkook flinched and snapped his head at his daughter once she appeared before the squabbling elders.

"Soomin!?!- Sweetie~! Where have you been?!- Did he hurt you?!- Where is that asshole~!? APPA WILL BEAT HIM!" Jungkook shrieked, hastily shoving his wife and youngest daughter aside to race toward Soomin with his terrified eyes open.

"Beom!- Are you okay?! What happened to your neck?!- Did you hurt him?!-" Taehyung gasped once Beom appeared with a startled expression in casual clothes. The stiff-back man gasped once he noticed the deep bruises over his son's neck.

"Your neck!- What's this!?- How dare you bruise her precious skin!" Jungkook screamed, suddenly snatching Beom's hair out of anger. Jae Beom shrieked in shock as the alpha yanked his head, causing Taehyung's eyes to bulge open.

"Hands off my son!!!- *&#^$!?!!- YAH!-" Taehyung screamed, furiously yanking Jungkook's hand off Beom's head.

"Appa!- Stop~!" Soomin whined as she towed her father's waist. Jungkook screamed funnily and tried to smack Taehyung, who shoved him back until they ended up slapping each other's hands as Beom restrained his agitated father with a frightened look.

"My son is injured! How dare-"

"IT'S JUST HICKEYS! ALRIGHT!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!?" Soomin screamed, causing the two men to freeze in their place.

"YOU MOLESTED MY DAUGHTER?!" Jungkook shrieked at Beom with his eyes wide open.

Taehyung screamed and quickly defended Beom to push his cousin away so Jungkook couldn't hit the baby jaguar, who flinched and shielded his head. The twins and Sora stared at the two men in defeat once they charged at each other again. Hwa-young rubbed her forehead sorely as Soo-ah supported her mother with a bitter look.

Soomin gasped and protectively hugged Beom as their fathers funnily shoved each other around like little toddlers and proceeded to yank on each other's hair while flinging each other around until their heads collided- sending the elderly alphas toppling to the side. The men rolled over the pavement in pain with their hands gripped over their foreheads as the petrified family members watched them groan on the ground.

A moment later.

The penthouse living room bustled loudly as the brothers confronted Jae Beom, who perched stiffly on the couch as his mother compressed warm rice over her husband's swollen forehead from colliding with his cousin earlier. Taehyung groaned as he lay on his back with his head on Sora's lap.

"Beom~! Answer us! Where were you with her?!" Woojin waved his hand before Beom's face.

"Stop confronting him! It's not something he wants to share!" Sora snapped at the twins' nosy habits.

"Did you lose your V-card?!" Kanghoon asked Beom, who refused to speak and sat with his mouth sealed. The younger alpha glanced back and forth between the annoying twins and puffed his cheeks with his lips pursed.

"Ah~!" Taehyung softly whined, causing Sora to jerk the warm rice away from the bump on his forehead.

"Should we call our head doctor~?" Sora asked as her husband whimpered on her lap.

"No~! I only need my beautiful wife~!" Taehyung groaned while holding her hands, causing the twins to snap their heads at their father in disbelief.

"Yeobu! Stop it! We should summon the doctor!" Sora whined. Taehyung shook his head and turned to snuggle against her stomach.

"Kisses~! I need kisses~!" Taehyung grumbled. Sora chuckled and lowered her face to peck the bump on his head. Taehyung puckered his lips, so she kissed him sweetly, causing the twins to smack their foreheads in disbelief. They spun back to Beom- but their baby brother had... suddenly disappeared into thin air. The twins widened their eyes on the empty couch and snapped toward the bedroom- Thud! Beom quickly shoved the door closed to keep out their brothers.

"Yah!!?- You rascal!" The twins screamed, quickly racing forward to open the door- but couldn't push through because Beom was much stronger than them.

"Leave him alone~! You two!" Sora chuckled as she patted her husband's cheek.

"Eomma! Your son disappeared with his girlfriend for three days without a single text or call!" Kanghoon shrieked. Sora laughed and shook her head.

"Your father used to take me away for weeks when we were younger. He'd keep eomma locked up in a hidden mansion," Sora chuckled at the twins.

"Look at me~! Honey, look at me~!" Taehyung lifted his hand to pat her cheek. Sora chuckled and glanced down to find her husband puckering his lips again. The twins screwed their faces in annoyance at their father's weird obsession with their mother and slumped on the couch in defeat. They smiled when Sora gently planted her husband's face with endless kisses.

"The fight is legendary~! I should've recorded it!" Woojin chuckled while shaking his head.

"I could've broken his spine and won the fight if my back weren't so stiff~! Ah?- Ah~!" Taehyung suddenly jerked into a sitting position to throw a wild punch in the air but gasped and gripped his back in pain. Sora smacked his shoulder and yanked the man back down to make him lie down. Taehyung groaned and hugged his wife's waist as she massaged his back to ease his discomfort.

"I still can't believe he took Jeon Soomin away for three days! The academy will surely gossip about their affairs! Aigo~! Beomie became a superstar overnight~!" Kanghoon laughed. Sora chuckled and glanced at Beom's door as she comforted her husband at the penthouse.




"Beom-ah~?" Sora softly pushed Beom's bedroom door open to find her son sitting against the bedhead with his device,

"Oh! I forgot to lock the door after dinner!" Beom gasped, trying to get up, but Sora signaled him to stay put and closed the door.

"They're asleep. Eomma only wants to speak with you," Sora smiled as she walked forward to sit on the edge of the bed. Beom stared at his mother with a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry for worrying you," Beom muttered, pursing his lips apologetically. Sora stared at the hickeys on his neck as she pushed a healing cream into his palm.

"Eomma wasn't worried. I knew you were enjoying your time with her. Appa overreacted a little because he's very fond of you. He kept saying you're too soft and gentle, so he was afraid you'd get hurt," Sora patted Beom's cheek. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Appa is a cutie," Beom nodded. Sora frowned at her son and took his hand with a weak smile.

"Please let our family know if you're going anywhere, okay? Soomin too. You shouldn't worry her parents. They have every right to be protective of her... and we're just as worried about you," Sora sadly stared at Beom. He blinked at his anxious mother.

"I'm sorry. I won't let it happen again," Beom apologized. Sora nodded and glanced at his hickeys.

"You guys must've had a great time," Sora chuckled.

"I didn't know it would last this long..." Beom mumbled as he shyly rubbed his neck.

"You can use the cream to fade it quicker or... not. After all, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Those are love bruises," Sora chuckled, weakly lifting her hand to stroke the hickey on his throat.

"You're not mad?" He muttered.

"You're young. Be crazy. There's nothing wrong with living your youth as long as you don't put each other in danger. And love bruises...? Eomma loves them. Your father always gave it to eomma, and I always gave it to him too. Even your stepfather. It's our love language," Sora laughed while fanning her flushed face. Beom chuckled and leaned forward to embrace his mother.

"So the bruises on your body weren't actually mosquito bites? You've been lying to me all these years...? I was really concerned that there was a giant mosquito in our house, you know? Because you kept appearing with bruises on your body," Beom chuckled, finally pulling away to admire his mother's delicate smile. She laughed at his teasing joke.

"The mosquito man is in fact... very massive and thirsty. Eomma needs to keep him fed," Sora laughed, referring to her husband. Beom chuckled and nodded happily.

"Can we invite Soomin over to our mansion? I'd love for her to dine with you," Beom smiled. Sora nodded while patting his head.

"We'll invite her and her family. Your father won't like it, but he can't say no once eomma says yes," Sora assured. Beom grinned and hugged her again, so Sora exhaled and patted her son's back with a proud smile before pecking his cheek. Sora eventually left her son's room and resided with her husband in the guestroom at the penthouse after the hectic day of witnessing her husband squabble with another father to fight over the missing lovers in broad daylight.


Flash Back - by a decade.

"Sora~!" Taehyung suddenly barges inside our bedroom as I sleepily roll on the bed to find my husband walking up to me with an eager smile. Oh? Why is he up so early...?

"Did you just call me by my name?" I grumbled as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the mattress first thing in the morning. How is he packed with energy? The man spent the night making love with me and I can barely move my sore body~!

"What's wrong with calling you by your name?" Taehyung chuckled while holding my hips to make me stand, so I groggily gripped onto his forearm with my eyes half open. Why is he dragging me out of bed so early?!

"You only call me by my name when you're angry," I muttered, unsurely looking up at him with one eye open as he patted my gown to flatten the creases.

"Hey~! I haven't raised my voice at my little dumpling for so long~! Come with me~!" Taehyung smiled while tugging my arm. I exhaled and followed him, still half asleep from my morning wake as my husband dragged me out of our bedroom.

"Is it a date? If so... I should... get dressed," I muttered as we strolled hand in hand down the staircase to find the kids lounging around in the living room. Oh? It's already mid-morning? I'm the last person to wake up? Gosh. Being a mother and wife is very draining.

"Eomma!" Beom greeted me as he rolled over the carpet with our lively puppy. Hajin was tying tied puppy's fur with colorful elastic bands as the twins played with the puzzle on the coffee table.

"It's not a date, but I have something to show you," Taehyung smiled while pulling me out into the backyard. I squinted at the sunny beam and glanced around the property to scan the sea view as Taehyung dragged me toward his garden.

"Did the flower bloom?" I chuckled. He loves to flaunt his blooming flowers. My husband grinned and towed me into his garden but didn't stop and dragged me to the back orchid decorated with various plants and flower breeds. I sleepily yawned again once he halted before a site scattered with... blooming lilies. My gaze landed on a familiar marble tombstone... so I froze and stared at the fresh dirt pile with a startled expression before glancing at the other grey stone.

"I thought you'd want them close to us," Taehyung smiled, suddenly stepping back to leave me before the stones. I blinked at... Jae Yangcha's engraved name on the plate and glanced at Taehyung with a dumbfounded look. What's happening...?

"You moved him here?" I whispered, taken aback by the presence of my past lover's grave.

"He loved this property. I don't want you to travel across the country to visit him at an isolated cemetery... so let's rest him and your mother here so you and your father can frequently visit their graves," Taehyung nodded. I blinked and glanced back at Yangcha's stone before stepping forward to crouch beside the fresh pile of dirt and glanced at the vast sea view with a tense feeling. They're both positioned... toward the beautiful scenery.

"Hey... do you like the new view? It's not as cramped and dull as the cemetery, right...?" I whispered while patting the pile of dirt until warm tears flushed my eyes. My heart is aching. I sniffled with my head lowered while crouching beside Yangcha's grave and softly cried as the flood of emotions took over me. Taehyung quietly watched me from the side and glanced at my mother's grave.

"I'll get your father," Taehyung cleared his throat before turning around to leave the site, so I swallowed and slowly knelt before Yangcha's grave in tears while rubbing the marble stone with a pained frown. How long has it been since I last visited him?

"I'm sorry for not visiting you for a while. The kids... they keep me busy days and nights. You must've been lonely," I blinked the tears from my lashes as I spoke with my dead lover. I know he's forever gone... but I hope he knows... that... he'll always remain in my heart no matter how far he drifts away from me. I sat in the hushed orchid to pay my respects until I heard soft footsteps approaching me... so I lifted my head to find... Jae Beom... strolling towards me with a small bouquet in his arm.

"Eomma~? Why are you crying?- Appa asked me to bring flowers," Beom worriedly walked up to me. I pouted and pulled my son into a crushing hug, so he gripped my shoulder and gently patted my back to comfort me. I should've at least brought Beom to see his father. Puppy bounced into our private commentary site and leaped forward to gaze at the scenery as Beom pulled away and gently rubbed the tears from my cheeks before turning his face to stare at his father's grave. He blinked and glanced down at the flowers in his arms.

"Appa is here to stay with us from now on," I smiled while nodding at the tombstone.

"Anneong appa," Beom whispered and strutted forward to insert the flower bundle into the vase. I sadly watched my son arrange the flowers until Beom returned to me and sat down on the grass with his legs crossed without speaking. The child held my hand, so I sniffled and glanced at Yangcha's tombstone again as we sat in utter silence.... under the sunny day to keep him company before the vast ocean view.

Why didn't I think of moving him here with us? I did. I thought Taehyung would feel uncomfortable with my former lover's grave on our property, so I never bothered asking him. But the stupid man dug up Yangcha's grave and delivered him, right to our property without telling me! Ah~! He's such a sweetheart!

"Aigo~! Why didn't you tell me about this?!" My father suddenly shrieked, so I turned around to find appa limping into the site with his walking stick. The man pouted at his wife's grave and walked over to kneel before her tombstone.

"That's halmeoni's grave," I smiled, gently nudging Beom, who quickly stood up from the grass and walked over to his grandfather. The child cutely knelt down and lowered his head to the grass to pay his respect as appa patted his grandson's back with a sad smile.

"Anneonghaseyo~! I'm Jae Beom!" Beom cutely introduced himself. Appa stared at the little child and glanced at his wife's stone with his tearful eyes until Taehyung handed my father a bouquet, so the man sniffled and placed the flower for his wife. I eventually got up to bow to my mother and finally stepped back... to stand beside Taehyung... who stood composedly with his hands clasped together.

"I'll plant a tree here to offer them some shade," Taehyung mumbled. I pouted and hugged his neck, so he secured my waist and gently patted my back to soothe the overwhelming emotions within my chest. No words can describe how thankful I am to have this man in my life. I wish I could express my raw emotions and feelings to show him my unyielding appreciation because he deserves every bit of happiness and love that is available in this world.

"Thank you so much," I whispered. Taehyung nodded as Beom called for a puppy to sit beside him before my mother's grave. I clung to my husband and hugged his waist with my head on his chest.

"We're finally complete. I'll invite my parents over for dinner soon," Taehyung muttered. I nodded and clutched onto him before closing my eyes to relish the beautiful reunion with my deceased family.

Fast Forward

"Jagi~! It's scorching hot! Come inside for a break!" I whined as I strode toward the grave site with a tray of refreshing drinks to find Taehyung kneeling by Yangcha's grave. He's scattering the flower seeds over the dirt. I settled on a wooden bench under a tree shade and placed the tray aside as he patted the dirt and stood up to squint at the unbearable heat wave above his head.

"Why are you out here? I'm almost done," Taehyung chuckled as he strolled forward to slump beside me and tried to touch the snacks, but I smacked his dirty hand and lifted the biscuit to feed him instead. He smiled and accepted my offer, so I stirred the cold lemon juice and handed it to my husband.

"Did you order a tree? I thought you'd plant one yourself," I smiled at the fresh soil by the graves. My husband instructed the guards to dig up the site earlier this morning to prepare for installation.

"Cherry blossoms. It'll take over a decade for it to fully mature, so I purchased the grown trees instead. They'll plant it tomorrow," Taehyung shrugged as he sipped from the straw. I smiled and scooted closer to rest my head on his shoulder while wiping my husband's fingers with the sanitary napkins.

"We'll have our very own cherry blossom trees~? That's so nice~! You're such a sweet man!" I giggled, softly kissing his sweaty cheek. Taehyung chuckled and lifted his arm to place it over my shoulder... but didn't touch my sleeves because of his dirty hands.

"I'm the most romantic man in this world~!" Taehyung proudly beamed and kissed my lips. He sure is! I licked the lemonade flavor off my lips and fed him the sweet biscuits while admiring Yangcha and my mother's grave from under the cool shade.

"Eomma! Pew! Pew~!" The twins shrieked, suddenly appearing with a toy gun to fire the water at their father.

"YAH!- YOU RASCALS!" Taehyung snapped with stuffed cheeks. The father gasped and raised his arm to shield my body as the kids fired the water at us. I wince and rub my soaked hair with a faint smile.

"Hey! Be respectful~! This is a graveyard!" I shrieked when the twins started firing the water at Yangcha's grave.

"We're not disturbing ahjussi! We're cooling him down! Right, ahjussi?! You love to swim on a hot summer day~! Pew! Pew~! Pew!" Kanghoon cutely rounded the heap of dirt to fire the water bullets. I grimaced as Woojin fired at Yangcha's stone to soak the dead alpha's grave site.

"Aigo~! You'll never stop bothering him!" I whined, causing Taehyung to chuckle at our naughty sons. The twins grinned and raced over the site to fire at each other with their playful manners and eventually dashed up to us in soaked clothes after they ran out of water.

"Eomma! Ah~!" Woojin opened his mouth. I fed the child a biscuit as he shakily wheezed beside me to stabilize his breath. Taehyung fed Kanghoon the lemonade through the straw, who was thirstily sipping the refreshing juice as he clutched the water gun in his wet arms.

"You shouldn't play under the sun. Your face will burn again~!" I pouted, lifting my sleeves to wipe Woojin's damp cheeks. He shrugged and flopped on the ground at my feet to gaze at the sea while chewing the snack in his mouth.

Kanghoon exhaled in relief after emptying his father's cooling drink and slumped beside his twin to sprawl on the ground with a satisfied smile. Taehyung chuckled and tried to poke Kanghoon's exposed belly with his feet... until the child shrieked at the ticklish sensation and smacked his father's toes before rolling over to grin at the extensive sea beyond the hilltop.

A moment later.

I sprawled on my belly with my husband's phone to play a game on the touch screen with a pillow tucked under my chest until Taehyung exited the closet and crawled over my lower back thighs. The man gently massaged my hips over the mattress as I collected the chicken eggs without acknowledging him.

"Do you want a massage?" Taehyung asked as he lowered his heavyweight over my back.

"No," I replied and tapped on the screen dismissively. Taehyung glared at me while snuggling his nose against the side of my face. He softly inhaled my fragrance with a cute grumble.

"Is the game more important than your husband...?" He scoffed as he sat up over my thighs and lightly tapped my buttcheeks once I didn't spare him my attention.

"I was stripped naked the last time I let you massage me," I mumbled while inspecting my farm. I know he's trying to get me in the mood again~! Don't ever trust a man when he starts massaging your body~!

"Hey! What's wrong with being naked?!- A massage feels better when you're bare!" Taehyung rubbed my lower back with his palms.

"I wasn't just naked! You were also inside me!" I snapped, turning around to slap his hand off my back. He will definitely have sex with me again if I let him touch me like this!

"I promise I won't do anything inappropriate~! Oh?" Taehyung pouted as he stubbornly applied the pressure on my back. I glared at the annoying man and glanced back at his phone, so he chuckled and gently rubbed my shoulders and massaged my back while sitting over me until... I felt him groping my buttcheeks. Taehyung lifted my gown and pushed it up to my hips.

"I can feel you!" I snapped without turning to look at him.

"I won't do anything~! Only wanted to kiss your buttcheeks," He chuckled while snuggling his face against the panty over my butt. Why is he sniffing my ass again?! I whined and reached backward to push his face away, but Taehyung only bit my right bum, causing me to shriek in shock. The man shoved my hand away and proceeded to smother himself over my panty, making me whine at his perverted acts.

A moment later.

"Hah~! I knew it! You evil man~!" I moaned as he pinned me face-first over the mattress while thrusting inside me from behind. Taehyung funnily chuckled as he sat over my lower body, steadily shoving his hips forward to hump my naked ass, so I groaned and pressed my face into the pillow in defeat. I didn't know he took off his pants until he was already inside me!

"Flip over~! I want to look at your boobies~!" He instructed, suddenly lifting his weight off my back. I exhaled as the man effortlessly flipped me over and spread my legs open before pushing his hard tip back inside without waiting and crawled over my body to pull the straps off my shoulders. I glared at him with a fuming red face as he steadily grinded our crotch to pleasure our nerves with his deep thrusts.

"Sick pervert~! You said it's a massage!" I whined while clinging to his neck.

"I am massaging you! It feels good, doesn't it~? Ah~! I feel so good too~! I love to make you feel good~! Wow~! You're so warm and wet~!" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows.

I chuckled at his smug expression and lifted my face to kiss him while holding his clenching buttcheeks as he repeatedly pounded between my thighs. I moaned and tilted my head back in satisfaction until he lowered his face to suck my hard nipple while tweaking the other tip. Thwop! Thowp! I squealed and smacked his forearm as he aggressively rubbed his warm face between my cleavage to inhale my reeking sweat.

"Can you speed up a bit?" I giggled.

"Oh? This isn't fast enough?!- Hah! Of course, sweetie~! I'll show you what a true man is capable of doing!" Taehyung pridefully sat up to hold my knees apart, so I chuckled and glanced down to stare at his hard bulge with a bright red face... as he thumped inside me. He clenched his jaw and suddenly accelerated his powerful thrusts, causing the mattress to rock at his roughness, making me gasp with a satisfied smile as he sped up the motion of his sexy hips.

"Oh- yes~! That's the right pace~! I love it! I love you~!" I chuckled while moaning between my lips as he pressed down on my lower crotch to increase the burning hot friction. I gasped in shock once he lowered his face to bite my sensitive nipple.

"Ah!?- Ah!- Ow! Fuck~!" Taehyung suddenly groaned, abruptly halting his thrusts with his face screwed in pain.

"Are you okay?!" I gasped, lifting my head in a panic as the man rubbed his lower back with a slight grimace.

"Wait- Hah~! I'm out of breath! My back is stiff~!" He grunted, suddenly lowering his body to rest over mine, so I hugged his back with a worried frown as his chest pulsated unsteadily against my bare breasts.

"Should we stop? We should visit the hospital tomorrow~!" I whined as my husband groaned over me in discomfort.

"I'm okay. Give me a moment. My body is- overwhelmed," Taehyung fumed against my face. I kissed his face and skidded my hands down his sweaty spine to massage his lower back while lying beneath him with my legs spread open.

"Aigo~? Is this really what a true man is capable of doing~?" I teased while cupping his cheeks. Taehyung pouted, so I kissed his lips before encircling my arms around his neck... patiently waiting for him to recollect himself as he remained lodged inside me.

"This is annoying," He complained while rubbing my upper arms apologetically. I laughed and smacked his firm ass while hugging his heavy body over mine.

"Roll over, old man~! I'll take care of you~! Aigo~!" I chuckled and gently pushed his shoulder. Taehyung grumbled and rolled onto his back to lay on the mattress as I climbed his crotch to push him back inside me and leaned down to peck his grumpy face.

"Ah~! My pride~! I'm so ashamed~!" Taehyung groaned while rubbing his flushed face. I laughed at his adorable defeat while perching on his lower torso with my hand pressed against his abs and steadily rocked over his crotch to resume our intercourse.

"Ashamed...? You hurt your back while saving our children. What is there to be ashamed of? Your mini corndog is working fine. I'll do the work if you're exhausted," I giggled while shaking my head. Taehyung weakly smiled at me and lifted his hands to feel my bouncy breasts, so I slightly leaned forward to let him get a better grip on my boobs.

"Ah~! I'm so lucky~! My wife is skilled at everything she does~! Ah~! Ah~!" Taehyung playfully moaned as I grind over him. I laughed and leaned down to kiss the scars on his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair to soothe me.

"I love you," I grinned, gently kissing his cheek. Taehyung nodded and pulled me down for a warm hug. I moaned and sped up the pace of my hips to intensify the pleasure until Taehyung stiffened and groaned beneath me. Splurge! He gasped in difficulty and tightly gripped my head while struggling to breathe beneath me, so I lifted my face to peck his lips before sitting up again with my husband's shaft inside me. Taehyung gently massaged the side of my thighs with a dazed expression as I rubbed his red chest with a faint smile.

"Stay still. It'll leak," Taehyung grunted as he reached over the nightstand to grab the tissues. I deeply exhaled and carefully dabbed my crotch to stop the warm semen from seeping onto the mattress. Our sex life is still active. We don't do it every day, but it's still frequent. Taehyung isn't good with his hips anymore- so we usually have to switch between our heated moments so he wouldn't hurt his back.

"Lay still. I'll clean you in a bit," I mumbled while crawling off the bed in my loose gown to clean up the mess between my legs, and finally returned to find Taehyung sprawling naked on the bed with his forearm hooked over his head and eyes closed. I grabbed the baby wipes and crawled back onto the mattress to wipe his soft shaft, dabbed the tip clean, and gently swabbed the wet cloth over his squishy balls before pulling his boxer back onto his hips and tossed the dirty tissue in the bin.

"Sora," Taehyung hoarsely whispered as I leaned over the nightstand to pour myself a glass of water. I swallowed a few times and placed the water back before glancing at Taehyung... who was eyeing me sleepily from the pillow.

"Hmm?" I smiled while patting his bare abs.

"I love you more," He smiled. I chuckled as he interlaced our fingers and lifted my hand to graze his thumb over my ring. My husband kissed the back of my hand, making me blush at his affectionate stroke... so I lowered my hand to pat his cheek as he played with my loose hair. We affectionately stared at each other in the warm bedroom to relish... our peaceful relationship.

We didn't have to say anything to sense our undying love for one another.

End of flashback.



Sora's POV

Jae Beom calmly arranged the offerings on the plate over the wooden lacquer table before his father's grave during a windy evening as I sat in my traditional hanbok as the household entered the site to join the ancestral rite to honor Jae Yangcha's death anniversary. Taehyung knelt beside me on the mat in his set of handbok, so I smiled and patted Beom's back.

My father and imo were sitting in their wheelchairs on the side to watch us pay our respects. Taehyung carefully lit the two white candles and knelt beside me as Jae Beom... Jae Yangcha's sole heir... lit up an incense stick to invite his late father to the table. Why haven't I spoken of my final times with Yangcha? I do not wish to. I want to treasure our final moment together deep in my heart because it's the last piece of our memories in this lifetime.

He is a piece of me that I wish to preserve for myself... and only me.

We peacefully performed the ritual step by step as the yolky sun gradually disappeared before the ocean... until the light poles automatically illuminated the grave site. The household eventually settled on the mat to dine in the opening of the breezy night to feast on the meals we prepared for the late alpha. Beom chatted with my father from across the table, so I patted Hajin, who was also dressed in her baby pink hanbok. Woobin smiled and placed the food on her plate as the twins teased imo... who kept whining and smacking the young heirs.

"Yeobu. Do you want sage?" I asked as Taehyung chewed his food.

"Oh. Sure," He smiled, so I lifted the jar to pour the liquor for my husband and my father. The kids chuckled over the table as we chatted in the graveyard until I glanced at eomma and Halmeoni's grave.

We have also laid halmeoni to rest in our orchid after she passed a few years ago. Appa and imo mourned her, and so did Beom because they were the closest to her. We perform the ritual for all the graves here, including my mother. And we even performed a ritual for our pet puppy after he passed at the age of thirteen years old. The shepherd is, of course, a part of our family, so we've laid him beside Yangcha's grave under the cherry blossom trees... that my husband planted almost a decade ago to offer a cool shade to the deceased members.

Jae Beom was heartbroken after our puppy passed away, and it took a while for the young soul to accept his pet's passing. I often had to comfort my son in the graveyard and prepare the ritual for the pup, so Beom would feel at peace. We even organized a formal funeral for a puppy... who had died of old age. Beom asked for a photoshoot before his pet died... so there are plenty of photographs of puppy all over the mansion walls within the household.

[Reference Picture of Sora x Hajin and the twins]

"Hajin-ah. Why do you always visit hyung at night~? I saw you running to his cabin every time the clock struck eleven!" Woojin chuckled from across the table. Hajin froze in her place and glanced at Woobin, who was calmly chewing his food.

"You shouldn't disturb him~!" My father scolded my daughter. I'm relieved they're on good terms again. Hajin doesn't throw a tantrum anymore. She's maturing very well... so I'm very proud of her.

"Hajin visits me so I can help review her food recipes," Woobin smiled and glanced at Hajin, who was eating with her head lowered.

"Recipes?" Taehyung glanced at Hajin in surprise.

"She makes food at night when she can't sleep," Woobin smiled while ruffling her hair. Hajin giggled and hugged his arm until Woobin softly kissed her forehead.

"So that's why my ingredients are always missing! Aigo~!" Imo gasped. The twins chuckled as I poured the juice for Beom, who was staring at his baby sister and older brother with a weak smile while chewing his food.

"Why don't you cook for us too? We'll evaluate your food!" Kanghoon grinned.

"No! Only Woobin oppa is nice to me~!" Hajin shook her head. Woobin chuckled and patted her head as she fed him a piece of a sliced pear.

"Yah! You ungrateful child~! I'm the one changing our diapers! Eomma birthed you! Imo cooked your meals! Harabeoji babysits you all day~! Do-hwan protects you! And you're claiming Woobin is the only nice person in this household?!" Taehyung funnily pointed his chopstick at Hajin, who chuckled and hugged her oldest brother with a cheeky beam. Do-hwan smiled and smacked his son's back. Woobin glanced down at Hajin and gently wiped the stain from her lips with his thumb.

"Don't argue at the table!" I chuckled, lightly smacking my husband's hand over the table. Taehyung sneered at his daughter as he shoved a spoonful of rice inside his mouth in discontentment. I smiled at my husband's cuteness while holding Beom's back and chatted with my son. Beom chuckled and nodded at me as the household bonded under the pole lights until midnight. The twins challenged their siblings to a soccer match so the heirs eventually got up to race over the field... as the elders chatted and ate on the mat.

A moment later.

Choi Woobin gradually strolled over the dirt path after playing soccer with his brother over the field in his traditional attire- and was about to open his cabin door when he heard soft footsteps racing up behind him. Thump! Thump!

"Oppa~! Wait for me~!" Hajin called, cutely jogging toward him in her puffy hanbok.

"What are you doing here~? The household will search for you," Woobin smiled as Hajin slipped off her shoes and entered the cabin.

"They're all clueless. Don't worry~!" Hajin smiled, quickly closing the curtains over his windows to block the transparent glass. Woobin chuckled and closed the door, eventually turning around to admire Hajin... who stood in her pretty pink hanbok with her hair neatly braided backward.

"You're so beautiful," Woobin smiled.

"You look very handsome too~!" She giggled, shyly covering her lips while eyeing Woobin's clothes. The eldest son stepped forward to play with the end of her braided hair, so Hajin pursed her lips and stared up at Woobin with a flushed look.

"I want to tackle you onto the mattress right now... but I do not wish to ruin your gown, my lovely gongju," Woobin whispered with his tempted gaze on Hajin's pretty lashes as he played with the ribbon over her chest.

"I don't mind if it's my handsome wangja~!" Hajin shrugged, suddenly tiptoeing to kiss Woobin's lips. He chuckled while holding her hips and softly kissed her back in his dark cabin. Smooch. Smooch. Hajin parted her lips to let Woobin insert his tongue inside her mouth as he towered over the heiress with his head tilted to the side.

"Can you do me a favor...?" Woobin asked, curiously searching her innocent face once he pulled back to gaze at her dilated pupils.

"What is it...?" She curiously beamed. Woobin gently stroked her soft cheeks before settling on the chair by the wall and drew Hajin by her waist to make her stand before him.

"Kneel," Woobin instructed with a straight face. Hajin blinked and knelt between his opened legs in her gown without questioning his demand. She carefully adjusted her fluffy gown and glanced up at the man's neutral expression with a questioning look. Woobin dimmed his lustful gaze on the clueless heiress as she stared up at him through her innocent puppy eyes.

"Wae~? What do you want me to do~?" Hajin eagerly asked while holding his parted thighs. Fwip. Woobin loosened his waistband and reached inside his pants to draw out his bulge, causing Hajin to flush red at the sight of his raw private part. The heiress quickly glanced up at the eldest son with a startled look as he gently stroked himself before her pretty face.

"Have you ever done it? With him...?" Woobin muttered, slightly lowering his face to gaze at her glassy pupils. She cluelessly blinked while watching the man stroke the shaft of his hard penis as he gently trace his fingertip over her soft lips.

"Do what? Sex? I-"

"Open your mouth for me," Woobin pressed his thumb between her lips. Hajin halted between her words with her lips ajar, so Woobin smiled and gently rubbed her wet tongue as he jerked himself on the chair. The heiress softly moaned while sucking onto his thumb until Woobin leaned forward to... spit inside her mouth with a dim frown. She chuckled and swallowed his saliva in excitement as he withdrew his soaked fingers from her pink tongue.


"Lick me," Woobin whispered, carefully lowering his face to kiss her plump lips.

Hajin's cheeks flushed even redder as she glanced at his bare tip and back at the man's sensual gaze until he scooted forward and gently drew her face toward his penis. Hajin nervously gripped his thighs and poked out her tongue like a little puppy, making Woobin smile at her obedience. Hajin unsurely pressed her moist tongue against his raw tip and licked him in an upward motion.

"Like this?" Hajin asked while frowning at Woobin with a nervous look.

"Yeah. Keep licking me," Woobin muttered. Hajin exhaled and leaned forward to lick his bulge until Woobin frowned with his lips ajar. The man lowly grunted while jerking his shaft until he felt the unbearable pleasure... dominating his nerves.

"Holy fuck- Urgh- Fuck- use your lips Hajin- suck onto me-"The man seethed in difficulty with every wet stroke he felt over his glaze tips before lowering his dazed gaze to watch the heiress please him in her pretty handbok. Fwip. Fwip. He impatiently undid the ribbon over her chest and brushed the cloth aside to reveal her plump cleavage covered by the thin chest band. Hajin shivered once Woobin reached under the band.. to draw out her breast between the loose ribbons and gently pinch her youthful nipple to arouse her.

"Does this make you feel good...?" Hajin whispered, unsurely pulling away to stare at Woobin while licking her moist lips.

"It makes me want to... do... dirty things... to your body. Open your mouth and don't use your teeth. Suck the cum out of my tip," Woobin smiled as he shoved two of his fingers between her lips to widen her mouth and slowly insert his hard bulge inside her mouth.

Hajin frowned at the instruction but followed his order without complaining as Woobin moaned and softly thrust inside her mouth. He grabbed Hajin's hand to make her jerk his cock as she knelt between his thighs, so she exhaled and bopped her head over his crotch as he groped her youthful breast with a difficult frown. Slurp. Slurp.

The heiress moaned loudly with a mouthful of his hardened hump inside her mouth while staring up at Woobin until he grunted in pleasure and lowered his face with his eyes screwed shut as she licked and suck the throbbing tip until her jaw hurt... but she didn't complain and licked his bulge up and down like a delicious lollipop. The heiress slurped his hard tip intensely... until her stretchy saliva trickled from the corner of her mouth- Splurge!

A hot paste unexpectedly shot out of his tip and blasted into her mouth. Hajin flinched in shock as he cummed inside her mouth without a warning- so she tried to pull away... but Woobin held her head and shoved his shaft deeper.. to completely empty his... thick semen... until she felt his tip tickling her throat.

"Oppa~!-" Hajin coughed in shock while staring up at his flustered cheeks.

"Swallow it. Swallow my cum, Hajin," Woobin grunted as he shoved his fingers inside her mouth to swirl his filthy semen over her tongue. Hajin stiffly nodded as she swallowed his semen and licked her lips with a slight grimace.

"Do you feel better...?" She whispered while eyeing the man in her loose hanbok.

"No. Not until I please you too. Climb onto me," Woobin gently grabbed her upper arm. Hajin exhaled and stood up before the eldest son, so he lifted her gown and undid her traditional pants to loosen it before removing her panties from her slender legs. Hajin anxiously held onto Woobin for support as he tugged her forward to make her sit facing him in her puffy pink gown.

"Like this...? But how will you-"

"No. I won't move. You can take charge of our bodies tonight," Woobin smiled while cupping her cheeks and softly kissed her.

"I've never been on top before-"

"You are now. I'll guide you, so don't worry," Woobin smiled to reassure her. Hajin nodded as Woobin slipped his hand under her gown to push his tip between her throbbing slit, causing Hajin to gasp in pleasure as she held his shoulders for support.

Woobin squeezed her fleshy buttcheeks and gently lifted her weight to make her sit up before lowering her back down to train her hips movement. Squelch... Squelch... Hajin parted her lips with a slight frown as she intensely eyed the man but didn't make a sound, so Woobin reached under her gown to rub her throbbing clit with his thumb until she twitched in extreme discomfort.

"AH~! Do you like it like this~?" Hajin winces as she steadily grinds her soaked crotch over his manly bulge. Squelch... Squelch...

"Bounce. Steadily... over me. Like you're riding a horse," He chuckled and leaned forward to suck on her hard nipples. Hajin shuddered while hugging his head with her lips ajar and lowered her face to fume against his muscular shoulder.

"But- I've never ridden a horse before-"

"You're riding a man's hard cock. Bounce, Hajin. Grind if you want to. Rub your wet crotch over mine. Do whatever makes you feel good," Woobin lifted his dark gaze to frown at her timid reaction. Hajin stiffly nodded and bounced her buttcheeks over his crotch as instructed, causing Woobin to groan in pleasure. The heiress softly gasped with her arms encircled around his thick neck while rocking her hips back and forth as he thirstily chewed her hard nipple.

"This position is so strange~!" Hajin complained.

"Show me how much... you want me. Hmm? Rock your hips faster- Fuck me, Hajin. Fuck me as hard as you can," Woobin chuckled while rubbing the arch of her spine to encourage her. Hajin moaned intensely as she thumped over her lover on the chair, so he groaned and leaned back to watch her steaming hot face with a weak smile until Hajin got the gist of her hip movement and started grinding back and forth to swallow his bulge inside her throbbing lady part.

"I like this~! Haha~! It's fun~!" Hajin giggled after a moment of swallowing her lover's hard penis and kissed Woobin with a weak smile as he kneaded her plump breasts.

"That's right~! Take control of our bodies. You're working your hips so well~! You're a quick learner~!" Woobin chuckled and licked her neck up to her chin. She grimaced and held his head for support. Thwop! Thwop! The heiress repeatedly bounced over his thighs with a numbed face.

"Oppa~! You're so hot inside me~! Ah~! Ah~! Hah~!" Hajin moaned as he clawed her fingers into his back and pressed her face against his shoulder as Woobin clutched her buttcheeks beneath her gown. Thump! Thump! He made her bounce harder onto him and grunted in satisfaction. 

"Did he please you better than I did...? Hmm...? Hajin, answer me," Woobin whispered, sensually pressing his hot breath against her ear. Hajin shivered and shook her head while biting down on her lower lips as she repeatedly fucked the man in her gown.

"No- No. I like you more- Hah~! You do it better- so much better~! I feel like- I'm losing my mind! Woobin- Hah~! You're so hot!" Hajin sniffled, quickly pulling away to frown at Woobin's smug expression as she grind her soaked goin over his. Woobin smiled with a satisfied frown and reached under her gown to rub her sensitive spot again, causing Hajin to twitch in distress as she milked his penis over the chair.

"I love you," Woobin whispered. Hajin froze at his love confession as she humped the man's bare crotch. She searched his eyes in tears and nodded with a troubled frown.

"I love you too. I love you so much," Hajin seethed, weakly slumping against his body for support.

Woobin moaned against her head and suddenly lifted his hips to thrust from beneath her, causing Hajin to huff in shock. Thwop! Thwop! She screamed as he mercilessly pounded between her thighs and clutched onto his firm shoulder- until he violently ejaculated the explosive semen... inside her throbbing canal. Hajin shivered in distress with her face buried against his neck as Woobin groaned in difficulty while squeezing her buttcheeks to eject his remaining discharge.

"Ah~! I'm not satisfied~!" Woobin groaned. Hajin frowned and lifted her sweaty face to study the eldest son as he screwed his face with discomfort.

"What?- Oppa! Ah!-"

"I'm not done. Hajin, I won't let you leave until I juice the discharge out of your womb," Woobin impatiently jerked from the chair to rest her sweaty body on the mattress. Hajin bit her lower lips and lifted her face upward as Woobin tore her remaining gown off her crotch and slammed his hard bulge back into her already-filled inside and thrust his strong hips forward again. Thwop! Thwop! She whimpered in shock at his aggression and arched her back over the thin mattress as the scorching warmth expanded all over her crotch.

Woobin held her legs apart and thrust roughly to create the wet fwoping sound... and proceeded... to invade the heiress's nerves with his overly stimulated body to make love with her throughout the night... until she was too weak to resist his lustful desire to consume her body... and moaned in distress as the heavy sweat beads... coated her feverish skin.

She moaned and whimpered through her parted lips... squirmed and thrashed beneath his massive weight... gasped and wheezed through her strained windpipes... at the thirst of his merciless greed... until she finally squirted all over her lover's bare crotch.

A moment later.

"Are you uncomfortable anywhere?" Woobin asked as Hajin lay naked on her stomach.

"Nope. A bit numb down there, but I'm okay," Hajin smiled as Woobin sat beside her in his boxer. The man glanced at her youthful body as she carefreely sprawled over his mattress without any clothes on with her shins hooked over one another. He traced his dim gaze over the slender arch of her spine under the dim moonlight radiant... down to the curve of her fleshy buttcheeks while rubbing her inner back thighs.

"Your clothes should be dry by tomorrow," Woobin muttered while brushing his thumb over her swollen slit. Hajin smiled and glanced at her handbok. Woobin hung it on the rack after he washed his semen from the stained cloth.

"I guess I'll have to lay naked for tonight," She softly giggled, turning to lay on her side with her arm tucked under her head. Woobin dimmed his gaze at her perky breasts as he hungrily studied her toned abdomen... until his eyes landed on her bare crotch.

"No. I have to put clothes on your body, or I'll lose myself again," Woobin chuckled, quickly getting up from the mattress to grab a loose shirt and toss it at her face. Hajin giggled and sat up to pull on his stretched-out shirt. Three times bigger than her figure. Woobin smiled and rolled in next to her, so Hajin quickly laid down to rest on his bicep and hugged his chest with a weak smile as Woobin combed his fingers through her loose hair.

"Did you mean it when you said you love me...?" Hajin asked. Woobin glanced down at her curious smile.

"I love you," Woobin nodded. Hajin blushed and covered her face before rolling onto her back- so Woobin smiled at her cute reaction and turned on his side to hold her waist with a fond smile. He kissed her all over her face until Hajin giggled and shrieked in his arms, cutely wiggling her body out of pure excitement.


Fast Forward

The household bustled actively as the maids and the guards set up the outdoor picnic table in the backyard to prepare for the flock of invited guests. Jang Sora raced back and forth to speak with the chief maid as Do-hwan stood in the front yard to instruct his security units. Imo rolled her wheelchair after the maids to remind them of their duties.

"Yeobu~! Why aren't you dressed?!" Sora gasped as she stood in her off-shoulder floral lilac dress once she found her husband strolling out onto the backyard in a set of ordinary shorts and a beach shirt.

"It's not a feast, is it? We're only inviting the alphas for lunch," Taehyung shrugged as he walked up to Sora, who grimaced at her husband's basic outfit. He ruffled his wild hair and puckered his lips to kiss her with an unbothered look. She had prepared decent clothes for the man, but Taehyung refused and chose to present himself in a pair of worn-out slippers.

"Eomma~! Do I look okay?" Beom called as he walked out the door in a black trouser and a linen shirt... buttoned up to his neck.

"Loosen your buttons. Isn't it suffocating...?" Sora beamed at her handsome son. The mother loosened Beom's upper buttons and patted his shirt as he glanced at the picnic table with a brilliant beam.

"I can't believe you're inviting that fool over~!" Taehyung sorely slumped on the platform bench with a disapproving look.

"Honey~! He might be Beom's future father-in-law ~!" Sora fired her husband an annoyed glare.


"Oh! They're here!" Beom gasped at the opened back door. Fwip! Sora quickly spun around to find... Jeon Jungkook... stepping into the backyard with his wife. Hwa-young stared at the vast sea with her mouth hanging open and glanced at Sora... who was smiling at the couple.

Sora's POV

"Annyeonghaseyo~!" Beom smiled, politely bowing at the Jeons. I walked forward to hold Beom's forearm as Jungkook awkwardly nodded at Jae Beom with an unimpressed look.

"We brought gifts," Hwa-young muttered, awkwardly lifting a bag.

"Ah~! Thank you so much for the thoughtful gesture~!" I forcefully chuckled and quickly reached out for the bag. I have to do this for my son!

"Please- have a seat~! Or have a walk around the property~!" Beom cheekily smiled at the Jeon. I glance at Taehyung... who is funnily glaring at the couple from the platform as he sits with his arms crossed.

"Yeobu~! Come and greet them~!" I mouth while beckoning Taehyung, but he gave me an attitude and snapped his face away the other way like an upset child. I exhaled in annoyance and glanced back at Hwa-young as she shrugged and strolled over the opening to indulge her gaze with the breathtaking scenery.

"My daughters are on their way," Jungkook stiffly nodded and walked toward the picnic table. Beom smiled and spun after Jeon Jungkook to follow him.

"Would you like a drink?- Or fruits? What do you prefer?- I can request the chef to assist your taste," Beom cheerfully asked Jungkook, who frowned and glanced at the alpha's overly attentive stare.

"I'm fine," Jungkook awkwardly shrugged and glanced at Taehyung... who was shamelessly glaring at his cousin from under the ancient tree. My husband quickly snapped his face away again, lifted one of his legs to hook it over his knee, and shook his feet in annoyance.

"Beom! Bring appa cool water! Ah!- I'm burning!" Taehyung snapped.

"Oh- Neh!" Beom cluelessly grabbed a cool water bottle and raced over the backyard to assist his stepfather. My husband instructed Beom to massage his shoulders... so being the obedient son he is... the baby jaguar agreed and gently kneaded his stepfather's back as the man drank his water. Jeon Jungkook rolled his eyes and sat on the picnic bench as Hwa-young admired the vast sea in her stylish two-piece dress.

"Sora~! The guards are pretty strict!" Hoseok suddenly spoke up, so I quickly spun around to find Hoseok walking through the door. Finally! More guests! I need a middleman to buffer the tension!

"Oh! Hoseok! How was the trip~?!" I gasped, rushing forward to give Hoseok a warm hug. Mirae smiled and greeted me with a polite bow, so I took her soft hand as Beom strolled forward to greet the elderly alpha.

"The property is so beautiful~! Jagi- We should purchase an estate like this too~!" So-young's voice suddenly chirped, so I glanced through the opened the door to find Jimin... strolling toward us with his wife and his daughter.

"Annyeonghaseyo~!" Jiyoung smiled, slightly lowering her head to bow at me.

"Aigo~! You girls are so pretty~!" I giggled, happily clasping my hands together.

"Please come this way~!" Beom grinned.

"Picture! Let's take a picture together~!" So-young grinned as she grabbed Jimin's arm, so the couple chuckled and strolled off to admire the vast sea.

"Yah! Kim Taehyung?! What's with the sour face?" Hoseok laughed while looking past my shoulder. I turned around to find Taehyung walking towards us with his hand in his shorts pocket.

"He's not feeling well~! Yeobu~! Isn't she pretty?" I giggled, quickly grabbing my husband's hand to draw him forward. Taehyung nodded dismissively at the young girls.

"WHOA! THE TWINS WEREN'T JOKING ABOUT THEIR MANSION?!" A young alpha shrieked as he raced through the mansion... with his shaken eyes bulging open and mouth wide open.

"Dohyun! Behave yourself!" Ah-young snapped at her son as Kim Namjoon appeared with his household.

"Namjoon! Ah-young~!" I shrieked and quickly raced forward to give Ah-young a crushing hug. I miss her!

"Ah~! Eonni~! I finally got to visit your property! I'm so envious of you! This property is phenomenal!" Ah-young pouted as her son wildly spun around to gawk at the portraits on the walls with a starstruck expression.

"Don't mind our son. He's a bit overwhelmed," Namjoon chuckled when we suddenly heard frantic footsteps stomping down the stairs. Thud! Thud!

"OH!?- YAH! YOU'RE HERE!?" The twins gasped, excitedly strolling down the stairs in tight jeans and fitted black polo shirts.

"Dude! This is straight out of a fairy tale! Where are the freaking cherry blossom trees?!" Dohyun gasped as my sons hurried forward to give the alpha a firm hug. They beamed at each other and glanced at me. Aw~! I couldn't have proper friends when I was young, so I'm glad our children can safely befriend each other without the fear of being betrayed~! Their interaction is so wholesome~!

"I'll show you!- Oh! Mirae!" Woojin suddenly stiffened once he spotted the young lady standing by Hoseok's side.

"Oppa," Mirae smiled at my son. Woojin suddenly strolled forward to give her a crushing hug... causing Hoseok's eyes to widen at my son's... interaction with his precious daughter.

"Eomma! Appa! This is Mirae! My girlfriend!" Woojin grinned as he proudly held her shoulder, causing my jaw to drop in shock.

"Yah! Young man!- Her father is right here!" Hoseok scoffed and smacked Woojin's shoulder with an offended look.

"Oh-! Annyeonghaseyo, future father-in-law~!" Woojin quickly bowed at the alpha. I covered my mouth and glanced at Taehyung, who was grimacing at our son. Why isn't he reacting?!

"Why didn't you tell us?!" I shrieked, happily beaming at my son.

"I am telling you now, aren't I...?" Woojin grinned as Mirae shyly held his hand.

"And you...? Who are you dating? You keep eyeing someone in the yard," Taehyung dawdled as he suspiciously observed Kanghoon's dilated pupils, so I quickly spun around to find Jiyoung approaching us in her knee-length sundress.

"I am Kanghoon's girlfriend," Jiyoung introduced herself. Jimin widened his eyes and glanced at Kanghoon in surprise, who chuckled and walked forward to embrace his girlfriend.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm your daughter's man," Kanghoon smiled at Jimin. So-young scoffed and covered her mouth before glancing at me, so I shrieked and hugged Taehyung out of excitement. I can't believe this!

"Aigo~! Three out of five are taken already...?" Taehyung rubbed his sore forehead. I chuckled and happily embraced the Jung and Park's daughters with an approving smile. I'm happy for all of them! They match so well~!

"Eomma! Appa! Annyeonghaseyo~!" Hajin suddenly strolled through the front door with Woobin, dressed in black trousers and a button-up shirt. Our eldest son smiled and bowed at the elders as his younger sister clung to his forearm.

"Well. There are two... supreme alpha's children left..." Namjoon chuckled, nudging Dohyun toward Kim Hajin. I smiled and beamed at the young generation of alphas.

"You're so pretty~!" Mirae giggled, quickly releasing Woojin to approach Hajin as she stood in our matching lilac dress. My daughter hugged her friend and glanced at Woobin.

"Soomin!" Beom bellowed, startling the pack with his booming voice, so I quickly rotated my body to find a beautiful young woman... walking through the door... in a bright... yellow... thin strap... ankle-length dress. The younger generation of alphas suddenly pursed their lips as she strolled out onto the backyard with her enchanting visual. Oh~! She's so pretty!

"Beom~!" Soomin waved, quickly racing forward once she spotted her boyfriend. Beom gasped in excitement and pulled her into a crushing hug before she could greet us.

"Am I... hallucinating... or is... Jeon Soomin... wearing yellow...?" Kanghoon muttered while nudging Dohyun... who was just as stunned in his place. The young alphas weirdly eyed the young lady up and down as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Since when did she know how to grin this brightly?" Dohyun frowned at the Jeon's daughter as she kissed Beom's cheeks with a glowing beam.

"Isn't... yellow... Jae Beom's favorite... color...?" Woojin muttered, briefly glancing at his twin with his mouth open.

"You're so beautiful~!" Beom gasped, cutely pulling away to admire her dress with a bright red face.

"All for you~!" Soomin cutely hopped on the grass, causing Jiyoung, Mirae, and Hajin to stare at Jeon's... eldest daughter with a dumbfounded look.

"It suits you a lot!" Beom gave her a firm thumbs up. They both squealed and hugged one another again... leaving all of us... stunned on the field.

"Oh! I brought you a gift! Soo-ah~!" Soomin spun around and raced past the crowd to snatch a small cardboard box from her youngest sister's hand. Soo-ah appeared with an annoyed expression in a knee-length white dress.

"A gift?! For me!?" Beom shrieked, dramatically gasping at Soomin as she lifted the box before his cheeky face.

"Is it just me... or is Beom... super hyper...?" Hajin muttered as she stared at her older brother's super reactive behavior. He wasn't timid... and was packed with flooding enthusiasm. I've never seen him... this active... since the day I birthed my baby Beom. The most he did... was... giggle.

"I think... they might've... contaminated each other," Mirae giggled and glanced at Woojin, who was staring at Beom's silly hops as he chatted with his girlfriend... as if the world didn't exist around him. I clutched Taehyung's forearm as Beom pulled the yellow ribbon off the box and quickly unboxed the gift.

"OH!" Beom funnily covered his mouth in shock once two... yellow... heads... popped from the box. My jaw dropped in disbelief. WHAT?-

"Aren't they cute?!" Soomin chirped while hopping on the grass. Beom's eyes bulged open at the sight of the... two ducklings... in the box.

"I LOVE YOU!" Beom shrieked, suddenly pulling Soomin into a crushing hug, so she gasped and held onto the box to prevent the baby ducks from falling.

"I LOVE YOU MORE!" Soomin giggled as she happily hugged him. The couple funnily hopped on the grass again... leaving me frozen in my place. He's never.. showed me such... enthusiasm before. I'm a bit hurt as his birth mother. What the heck?!

"D- Did she just- buy Beom- d-ducks? DUCKS?!-" Kanghoon stuttered while struggling to process the scene before him as the couple rocked each other from side to side... not giving a damn... about the crowd of startled witnesses.

"I got a pair. A male and a female~!" Soomin giggled after Beom pulled away to pout at her while admiring the tiny ducks.

"NO! HAH~! THAT'S ENOUGH~! I'M NOT RAISING DUCKS~! THIS PROPERTY ISN'T A FARM!!!" Taehyung shouted, suddenly storming forward- so I gasped and stumbled after my husband as he marched toward the couple with a glowering look.

"Abeoji~!" Beom pouted at his stepfather with a pleading look.

"I AGREED TO RAISE YOUR PUPPY~! NOW DUCKS!?- DUCK?!- DO I LOOK LIKE A FARMER TO YOU!?! I AM A SUPREME ALPHA! YOU RASCAL!-" Taehyung scolded. I gasped and tried to calm my husband, but he shrieked and darted the baby ducks a deadly glare.

"We can't give them away! It's a gift-"

"THEN WE'LL SEND IT TO THE KITCHEN! WE CAN HAVE IT FOR LUNCH-!" Taehyung hastily tried to snatch the cardboard box, causing Beom to shriek and shove his father away. I gasped and grabbed onto Taehyung as Beom yanked the box from Soomin's hands and suddenly dashed over the field with a frightened look to protect the ducklings.

"YOU CAN'T EAT MY DUCKS!" Beom whimpered, cutely racing away with the box. Taehyung fumed and snapped at Jeon Jungkook... who was just as dumbfounded as he eyed his daughter's yellow dress with a stunned expression.

"YOU!- YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!" Taehyung directed his anger at Jungkook.

"YAH! HOW AM I RESPONSIBLE?!" Jeon Jungkook funnily screeched in disbelief.

"Oh no~! Here we go again!" Woojin laughed at the agitated men. 

"YOUR DAUGHTER HYPNOTIZED MY SON WITH HER LOVE SPELL!- MY BEOM WILL NEVER BEHAVE THIS WAY! JAE BEOM!- BRING APPA THE DUCKS! BEOM!" Taehyung roared, turning to glare at Beom, who was hiding behind the tree as my father laughed at the commotion.

"NO! EOMMA~! HELP ME~!" Beom pouted as he possessively clutched the gift box. I rubbed my sore forehead and glanced at Soomin... who was pouting at Beom's frustrated face. Soo-ah frowned at her sister's pouty expression and shook her head in disbelief.



"Aigo~!?! What's with the arguments!? My ears are bleeding!" Seokjin suddenly chirped so we quickly spun around to find him strolling through the mansion with his charming son. Hajin suddenly stiffened in place once she noticed the young man.

"Yeobu~! Calm down! You can't scream at the guests~!" I whined while smacking Taehyung's chest. My husband huffed and crossed his arms in annoyance as I hugged his waist to comfort him.

"Annyeonghaseyo~!" Seojun smiled, lowering his head to greet the elders, causing the twin to awkwardly glance at Hajin. She blinked and glanced away to avoid her former lover. Woobin briefly glanced at Seojun... suddenly steering Hajin... toward the picnic table.

"Aigo~! Let's not fight~! It's ruining the spirit of the gathering~!" Hoseok laughed while beckoning everyone, who shook their heads and strolled over the field to sit at the picnic table. Taehyung cutely huffed and glared at his cousin as Jimin dragged Jungkook aside... until they broke their deadly eye contact.

"You promised you won't cause a scene~! Yeobu~! If you behave this way- I'll get mad at you~!" I scolded my husband as he grimaced with folded arms. I tiptoe to peck his lips repeatedly before lowering my hand to pat his bum. Taehyung eventually gave in and hugged me, so I rubbed his back until I noticed... Seojun eyeing Hajin... who was clinging to Woobin.

"I'm not raising ducks!" Taehyung grumbled as he hugged me over the field.

"Jae Beom will raise it. Okay...? You can't insist on eating his baby ducks!" I chuckled while cupping Taehyung's grumpy face. The man frowned at me but eventually softened his look and nodded in defeat... so I kissed his cheek and finally turned around just as Yoongi strolled inside with his daughter. Taehyung stepped forward to greet his ally, and we spoke for a bit... until another young man appeared.

"Annyeonghaseyo~!" The handsome young man greeted us. Who is this...?

"Ah! Hyunbin! This is my son! Chul Hyunbin! He just returned from abroad, so I'll reveal him to the society soon~!" Sungho appeared behind the young man.

"He's so handsome! Hajin would make a great match with him! Hajin-ah! Come here!" I waved. Hajin smiled cluelessly and walked up to us.

"Neh?" Hajin grinned.

"Meet Hyunbin. He's so handsome! Sungho always speaks of his achievements abroad~! You'll make a perfect match!" I giggled while introducing my daughter to Hyunbin, who nodded at Hajin with a faint smile.

"Anneong," Hajin smiled at the young man.

"He's too young for her," Taehyung muttered, slightly nudging me with a disapproving look.

"Only by three years," Sungho chuckled.

"What's wrong with younger men...?" I scoffed. Taehyung frowned at me.

"Ohoh!? You're trying to marry our daughter to a young man?!- No way! I won't let my daughter become a victim of obsession with younger men like you did!" Taehyung snapped at my face and suddenly spun around to storm off into the garden. I apologetically glanced at Hyunbin, who was chuckling at our arguments.

"Have a seat~! My husband is a bit cranky today~!" I chuckled as Sungho led his son to the picnic table. The young man chatted with Hajin, who brightly responded to him and strolled away with the guests. Where did he go again?! Why did he storm off like this?! I scoffed and raced into the garden until I spotted my husband... standing before Yangcha's grave with his arms on his hips.

"Oppa~! Let's head back! Why are you here?!" I whined and grabbed Taehyung's wrist.

"How can you prefer a younger man over me?!" Taehyung shrieked, darkly frowning at me. I pursed my lips at his pouty expression and bright pink nose. Is he seriously upset...?

"Honey. What are you-"

"You obviously still prefer younger men! After all I've done for you?!" Taehyung suddenly cried. I gasped and hugged his waist in shock- utterly taken aback by his abrupt tantrum. Why is he crying?!

"Hey~! Hey~! I love you the most, you know that! Don't cry~! You're the only man I love~! Why are you crying?! My love~!" I whined, gently pushing Taehyung to make him sit on the bench. He sniffled and rubbed his tears, so I cupped his cheeks to search his torn expression with a big pout.

"It's just that I-"

"Taehyung. I understand you are sensitive lately... but I need you to believe me, okay? You are the one I'm proudly holding onto right now. Everything in existence... right now... whether it's our household... family... or our relationship... it's all possible because of you. I swear... no one can ever beat your love in this lifetime... and I'm sure you're forever the winner of my heart... in all the other worlds. Hmm...? I love you," I sadly caressed his cheek. Taehyung quietly stared at me, so I gently kissed him until he exhaled and pulled me into a crushing hug.

"Promise me our love in every lifetime," He grumbled.

"I promise. I'll be forever in debt to you," I smiled, pulling away to rub Taehyung's cheeks again. Taehyung smiled and kissed my lips, so I firmly held his hand before glancing at the blooming cherry blossom with a weak smile.

"If you betray me... I will chase you in every lifetime and haunt you," Taehyung grunted.

"We're soul tied. I'll find you in every life. Okay...?" I grinned, softly pecking his lips. Taehyung chuckled at my cheeky grin, so I gave the man a comforting hug again... to reassure him of my endless love. He softly sniffled while rubbing my back and we finally returned to the picnic table to feast with the top ranks. The alphas chattered cheerfully... and of course... Taehyung and Jungkook would dart at each other with spiteful glares... but didn't cause a scene.

"Eomma... appa won't eat my ducks, right...?" Beom nervously whispered as he sat beside me with the ducklings box on his lap.

"I'll make sure to fry him alive if he touches your duckies," I assured while smiling at my son's anxious frown. Beom smiled at my response and glanced at Soomin... who was sitting beside him. She smiled at me... so I glanced down at the pair of ducks and at Taehyung... who was narrowing his suspicious eyes on the clueless ducklings.

"What if it's a spy-"

"Yeobu~! How can ducks be spies? You're making no sense," I giggled as I fed my husband a slice of chicken. Taehyung grumbled and drank from our wine glass... so I chuckled and patted his lower back before glancing to the end of the table to find Hajin grinning at Sungho's son... who was a pretty chatty young man. He chuckled and nudged Hajin, who giggled and covered her lips.

"Hajin. Do you want to grab liquor with me?" Woobin asked, slightly nudging her.

"Okay," Hajin nodded, quickly getting up from the table, left with Woobin, and disappeared into the mansion. Jae Beom drifted his gaze after the duo and glanced at his girlfriend with a weak smile. I exhaled and chatted with Yoongi and So-young over our delicious meals.

Yuri didn't attend the feast with Yoongi because... apparently... she's suffering from a hip injury and is still recovering at Min's residence.


Masquerade Birthday Party

The masquerade ballroom resonated with the melodious romantic music as the scattered pairs of the young generation of alphas... danced in circles before their parents, who were seated at their reserved tables with proud beams.

Beom smiled fondly at Soomin as she swirled under his arm with a golden mask over her pretty almond eyes. Kanghoon gently swayed to the side with Jiyoung as the couple spun beside Woojin, who was dancing with Mirae on the dance floor. Sora smiled and shifted her gaze to Hajin as she clung to Choi Woobin's neck as Seojun danced with Chungha around the stacked castle cake. Dohyun grinned cheekily as he held onto Soo-ah's waist.

"They're all grown up," Sora pouted as she sat beside her husband at their table. Taehyung softly kissed her cheek while playing with her fingers.

"We'll have to spend tons of money on each of their weddings," Taehyung whispered. Sora chuckled and smacked his chest. Taehyung happily rubbed his wife's shoulder as she leaned against his chest.

"How beautiful~!" Sora shrieked once the song ended, and the couples on the dance floor bowed at the elders. The young heirs smiled and separated ways to their seats.

"I need to pee~!" Hajin funnily lifted her dress and hurried away with Woobin, who left to escort her as Beom and Soomin settled on the chairs at a table nearby.

The twins sat with their girlfriend beside Beom as Min Yoongi appeared at the curved staircase on the first floor with a beaming smile to greet the guests. Min Chungha climbed their stairs and strode forward to stand beside her proud father... where the spotlight was directed at the Mins... until another woman appeared by the father and the daughter.

Chung Yuri graciously stepped forward... to stand beside her husband before the pack of powerful households. Sora smiled as she sat on her husband's lap with her arms encircled around his neck. The Min cleared their throat and thanked the alphas for attending their daughter's birthday ceremony with a formal speech. Chungha shyly smiled and spoke into the microphone as she stood at the top of the staircase to express her gratitude... until her mother requested the microphone.

"Why don't we all toast our glasses to celebrate the stability of the council?" Yuri smiled, lifting her glass in the air as she stood in a flaming red feather dress. The households clapped merrily to celebrate the society's harmony as the servers appeared with trays of red wine. Everyone within the room chattered with each other and took a glass to raise it with Chung Yuri as she beamed at the crowd below her.

"CHEERS!" The guest boomed. Sora smiled, softly clicking her wine with Taehyung and the couple lifted the glass to their lips when- BANG! The guests flinched in a panic at the single gunshot... from the far back of the room. Sora gasped in shock as Kim Taehyung clutched onto her waist with an alarmed frown.

"Shit!" Taehyung quickly stood up and yanked his wife behind his back as the startled crowd snapped their attention at the opened venue door... as a man stood... in a white suit with a fully ornamented crystalized... spotted face mask secured over his face.

"GUARDS?!" Yoongi snapped for assistance... but for some reason... the guards did not budge... and stood in their places... causing Kim Taehyung to freeze and glance at the motionless security team.

"Don't move! Everyone stay in your place!" Choi Do-hwan suddenly shouted. Sora glanced at her chief guard in confusion and back to the mysterious man with a racing heart.

Taehyung darkly clutched onto his wife's arm when the mysterious man suddenly strolled forward in his white attire. The alphas gasped once they realized... he was... dragging a heavy mass behind him. The household quickly backed away to clear his path as he steadily hauled... a body... over the polished tiles... leaving behind trails of dark blood.

Sora gripped her husband's forearm in fear as the tall and buff man marched past her with the mask over his face... so she fearfully glanced at the lifeless body... whose head was covered in a bag. The guests sucked in their breath as the man towed the heavy mass to the center of the ballroom until he reached... the looming birthday cake.


The twins protectively yanked their girlfriends behind their backs as Hajin clutched onto Woobin in fright once the man shoved the cake tower off the table at the center of the dance floor... sending the creams and crumbs... splattering onto the floor. Kim Seokjin darkened his frown on the anonymous man as Sora gawked at his sturdy physique with a terrified face.


The terrified guests flinched in a panic when the man roughly shoved the lifeless body under the spotlight beside the wooden table in the center of the room and slowly crouched down to yank the bloodstained bag off the man's head. Taehyung darkened his gaze once the masked man tossed the dirty bag aside. Fwip! Everyone quickly shifted their fearful gazes to the victim... whose face was entirely covered in blood.

"What's this madness...?" Hoseok whispered while frowning at the frightening scene. The man exhaled, snatched the victim's hair, and yanked him upward... causing the person to groan in discomfort. Kim Taehyung's eyes immediately... widened once he recognized the familiar feature.

"CHUNG MANSEOK?!" Kim Taehyung bellowed, utterly blown away by the cult leader's appearance before his eyes.

The society gasped and eyed the injured man as he lifted his bloodshot eyes to stare at the crowd of power players within the room while kneeling on the floor in his ragged clothes. The mysterious man exhaled- effortlessly seizing the cult leader's beaten body- and hauled him onto the wooden table. THUMP! Sora slightly widened her eyes in horror as the anonymous man aggressively slammed the human body on the table with a deadly glower hidden behind... the spotted... golden mask.

"Taehyung-" Sora unconsciously tugged her husband's arm but winced in shock when the buff man suddenly stabbed Chung Manseok's nape. STAB! The guests shrieked and backed away in extreme hysteria- STAB! The masked man stabbed the cult leader again with the sharp birthday cake knife. Sora stood petrified in her place with her lips ajar as Taehyung slowly drew his wife against his chest to hold her with his unblinking gaze on the shocking butchery before their terrified sight.


The mysterious masked man mercilessly plunged the blade into Chung Manseok's neck- who grunted in pain but wasn't able to move... until his dark blood trickled... from his lips... eyes... nose... and ears... leaking all over the table with every brutal puncture he received.

Squelch... Squelch... Squelch...

The mysterious man... viciously began sawing... the cult leader's wounded neck before everyone's frightened eyes... causing the young alphas to turn away from the disturbing scene... because they couldn't handle the gruesome slaughter before them.

The thick bloodpaste... of the cult leader... eerily flowing over the edges of the table and... dripping onto the polished tiles. Taehyung tugged Sora backward to draw her away from the bloody fluid... as it spilled all over the floor and seeped in all directions.

"Taehyung-" Sora whispered again. The man frowned and glanced down at his terrified wife as she stared at the mysterious man with swelling tears in her eyes. She is as pale as a ghost.


"He- the man- he's-" Sora tried to speak, but her voice was stuck in her throat. Kim Taehyung frowned at his wife's shaken condition and snapped his head back at the golden mask to study the black spots with a dark frown.


Every soul within the room flinched in extreme fear once the man savagely ripped the cult leader's head from the lifeless body... causing the torn tissues and neck muscles... to detach from the shredded skin of his throat.

Jung Hoseok suddenly barfed and turned away as Jimin hugged his wife on the side. Namjoon gripped Ah-young's hand as Seokjin stood paralyzed beside his son. Min Yoongi... fearfully hugged his daughter on the staircase as Yuri frowned at the mysterious man with a pale face. No one dared to utter a word but watch the lethal killer fume dangerously in his blood-soaked white suit.


A sweep of chills suddenly plagued the ballroom as the masked man slammed the cult leader's head over the table without uttering a single word. Sora suddenly sobbed and covered her lips as she eyed the savage beast. Taehyung frowned at the mysterious man while examining the killer's... familiar body proportion until... something struck him.

Kim Taehyung abrupted stiffened in shock as he glowered at the masked man before shifting his startled gaze to scan his body physique again and glanced back at the cult leader's decapitated head... displayed on the tables... as his corrupted blood... flooded the tiles... viciously seeping toward the crowd of petrified players... who backed away in extreme fright to avoid being stained... by the dark substance.

"Hahaha~!" The masked man suddenly laughed under his breath as he stood with nasty blood stains all over his white suit and mask. No one could identify his voice because... it was somehow... altered by an automated device to eject a wickedly low tone.

Kim Taehyung froze in his position with a drained expression as he frantically scanned the crowd of alphas before glancing at the killer who was laughing like a madman at the center of the room. Sora whimpered as she stared at the decapitated corpse and glanced at the head of the dead man... whose eyes... were bulging open with his lips ajar... and bloody tears... dripping all over his beaten face.

"Taehyung!" Sora whimpered, fearfully lifting her face to cry helplessly at her husband. Taehyung stiffly stared at her frightened expression and glanced back at the masked man... who slowly turned his face to stare right at... Jang Sora... as he straightened saturated his body... covered... entirely in the cult leader's blood. [Edited]

"Taehyung!" Sora whimpered, quickly lifting her face to cry at her husband. Taehyung fearfully stared at her torn face and glanced back at the masked man... who slowly raised his face to stare straight at Jang Sora and straightened his body as he stood... drenched... in the cult leader's blood as unconscious tears streamed from Jang Sora's burning eyes.

The man dully shifted his deadly gaze to sweep the room of petrified witnesses as he brushed back his sleek black hair with his bloody fingers and reached for the cult leader's entangled hair. Scoff. The killer deeply exhaled as he murderously presented... Chung Manseok's head... before the hushed crowd and suddenly shifted his evil invested gaze to... Chung Yuri... who was tearfully glaring at the mysterious man with her lips pursed from the floor above.

"Chung Yuri. Please make your way down the staircase or... I'll put a bullet into your husband and daughter's hearts," The man's low voice boomed from the under mask.

Min Yoongi frowned at the killer's threat and glanced at Yuri... who remained cemented beside him with her unblinking gaze on the bloody man. Min Yoongi's heart abruptly leaped in fear... once he glanced down to find... a red laser spot on his... and his daughter's chest. Yuri pursed her lips in tears as she fearfully glanced at her husband and daughter... who was too frightened to budge as the guards aimed their weapons at them.

"E-Eomma- I'm scared," Chungha sobbed, shaking out of control until Yoongi tightly held his daughter's hand to comfort her.

"What is this madness?!" Jungkook impatiently bellowed while frowning at the killer who was gripping Chung Mansoek's detached head as the dead man's blood... trickled messily onto the floor.

"What are you doing?!- How dare you direct your laser beams on my family?! ORDER YOUR MEN TO PUT DOWN THEIR WEAPONS!" Yoongi shouted at the supreme alphas as Choi Do-hwan sternly directed his laser at Min Yoongi's beating heart. Taehyung blinked and glanced at his guard... confused and frightened by his men's scheme to assassinate the second-rank household without his awareness.

"Why don't you question your wife of her sick intentions...?" The mysterious man chuckled in a low tone. Sora sobbed in distress as she hugged Taehyung... who firmly gripped onto her shoulder once he too... recognized the identity of the masked man. The power couple refused to budge as they held each other in tears.


"I'LL STEP DOWN! LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE!" Yuri fearfully shrieked, suddenly raising her hands in the air to declare her surrender.

Min Yoongi scoffed and glanced at Yuri with a dreadful look. The woman pursed her lips as she fearfully... stepped down from the staircase in her flaming red feather dress with her tearful eyes on the mysterious man. No one dared to budge from their position and held their breath... until Chung Yuri... landed on the bloody ground floor. She cautiously approached the unknown masked man with her burning gaze on her dead father's decapitated head.

"Bring her one of the wine glasses served earlier," The mysterious man signaled a paralyzed waiter... but the average staff was too shaken to budge... so Seokjin snatched the glass and boldly stormed into the spotlight with a dark frown.

The mysterious man chuckled like a madman as he retrieved the wine glass from Kim Seokjin and lifted it under the blinding spotlight to examine the red wine. He finally... handed the untouched glass to Chung Yuri... who stood with her bloodshot eyes on him as the nasty blood spilled from her father's ripped throat. The woman sniffled as she struggled to hold back her streaming tears and glanced up at her husband and daughter in extreme remorse... before reaching for the glass. The man smiled and stepped back once he handed the woman the liquor.

"Yuri?! What's going on!?" Yoongi shouted from the stair landing above. Yuri sobbed in distress but didn't answer her husband and slowly... lifted the glass to her red lips and drained the liquor in tears. She hastily flung the glass aside- SMASH! The shard shattered all over the pool of thick blood. The room didn't dare blink and stared at Chung Yuri as she stiffly stood over her father's bloodpaste.

"Spare my family," She shakily whispered with her torn gaze on the masked figure.

"I won't hurt them once you atone for your sins. Cheers," The man smirked. Yuri nodded uneasily and glanced at the crowd of baffled and bewildered households... while clenching her fist- Blurp! Yuri suddenly gagged and gripped her chest in pain. The woman cleared her throat with a pained frown- suddenly wobbling to her knees... with strained veins over her forehead... and neck as her eyeballs turned bloodshot.

"Eomma?!- EOMMA?!-" Chungha screamed, trying to race down the stairs but was caught by Min Yoongi.

The daughter shrieked in distress when her mother violently vomited blood... onto the floor. The masked man blankly stared at the woman at his feet as she whimpered and lowered her head to resist the poison that was clogging her veins. Kim Taehyung scoffed and glanced at the untouched wine glasses on his table before glaring back at the woman... who was kneeling over the warm puddle of her father's fresh blood.

"I- I'm sorry-" Yuri whimpered... apologetically staring up at Min Yoongi and her broken-hearted daughter, who was screaming in distress upon witnessing her mother's purple face.

Chung Yuri sobbed in extreme discomfort while gripping her aching chest- suddenly coughing out clotted black substances... until a stream of blood... dripped from her nostrils and ears. The woman jerked in distress once the poison engulfed her nerves- THUMP! Chung Yuri... suddenly flopped to the floor and twitched in extreme anguish in her red gown... once the deadly toxin fully infected her blood veins to terminate her... life in a split... minute.

"The war is over!" The man bellowed- SLAM!- violently slamming the cult leader's head onto the table, causing everyone to jerk in fear as they watched Chung Yuri twitch over the floor in the pool of her own blood... until her... dress... hair... and skin... were bathed with the sticky red paste of her family's cursed blood.

The woman... had planned a mass manslaughter with the poisonous wine to end the council under father's command... but her plan had failed tragically... after she was caught off guard... by a beast... that moves... silently in the shadows... with its predatory glare on the lurking evil of the  Black Phoenix... as the bird... attempted to... once again... rise from its ashes.

The untamed beast... snarled for the last time as it pounced ambitiously on its pointy claws to climb the ancient tree of the wilderness... as the blackbird burst from its nest... powerfully ascending upward... to expel its destructive fire rage.

And with its faultless precision... the beast leaped high... into the dangerous opening of the sky beyond its territory... brutally snatching the firebird with its fatal jaw force to prevent the creature from spreading its fiery wings... mercilessly... slamming the wounded bird back into... the pool of its own blood... to permanently put out the.... cursed flame... of the... deadly warfare.

The Jaguar.

A symbol of confidence, determination, power, protection and... loyalty.

Jae Beom.


Weeee~! Alpha is nearing the end T_T This might be the last book I'll write so I'm kinda sad hic hic~! I'm entering my final year in uni which means I'll have to work and intern soon so I won't have time to write anymore. It's been ten years so maybe it's time for me to retire~! Anyways~! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3 Have a lovely day~!

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