There's A Hidden Beauty in Th...

By ThanomWang

331K 12K 1.1K

Achara get into a car accident but instead of dying, she was reborn into Beastworld filled with over populate... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Pink Egg
Chapter 2 -Adilliea Flower
Chapter 3- Danger Alert!
Chapter 4 - Black Out
Extra Clip
Chapter 5.1 - Beauty in the Beast World
Chapter 5.2 - Beauty in the Beast World
Chapter 6 - The Stalker
Chapter 7 - Encounter with a Handsome Pervert
Chapter 8 - To distract herself from shame
Chapter 9 - Pampering yourself with food
Chapter 10 - The Familiar Visitor
Chapter 11 - Free, Sexy and Single
Chapter 12.1- Are they really here for treatment?
Chapter 12.2- Are they really here for treatment?
Chapter 13 - Unexpected weapon of all time
Chapter 14- Widespread Half-Assed Rumor at Clemour Tribe
Chapter 15.1- Shameless
Chapter 15.2 - Shameless
Chapter 16 - The Epic View Behind
Chapter 17 - The Annual Celestial Mating Event
chapter 18 - what if..
Chapter 19.1 (Busted)
Chapter 19.2 ( Busted)
Chapter 20 -Kidnapped
chapter 21- Finally, we are Alone
Chapter 22- Obeying the Do Not Disturb Order
Chapter 23- The escape
Chapter 24 - Sorry but I am out of here
Chapter 25.1 - An ass for an ass
chapter 25.2 - An ass for an ass
Chapter 26 - After Her Fake Death
Chapter 27- Rui
Chapter 28 - Chief Meeting
Chapter 29.1- Important Guest
Chapter 29.2 - Important Guest
Chapter 30 -What is this pervert doing here?
Chapter 31- Help! Left Alone with a Pervert
Chapter 32.1 (Settlement Plan for the army)
Chapter 32.2 (Settlement Plan for the army)
Chapter 32.3 (Settlement Plan for the army)
Chapter 33- His Arrival
Chapter 34 - Collecting the Reward
Chapter-35 (Thoughts to Return him back)
Chapter 36 - Got to burn incense and pray to have good luck
Chapter 37 - Her Sexy Lace Panties
Chapter 38- Her Beastform
Chapter 39 - second meeting with the female from waterfall
Chapter 40 - Feral
Chapter 41- Carrying the heavy him
Chapter 42- Spying the Enemy Tunnel
Chapter 43 - Expose
Chapter 44 - The tittle of an Underwear pervert
Chapter 45 - Plan for a Luxury Day

Chapter 46- Kick him out of the house

1.1K 48 12
By ThanomWang

Notes: the one with the Italic style words are her imagination.

Achara is writing with the brush and seriously brainstorming. She doesnt realize that some of the ink was on her cute face. She writes her plan down on the big plain pale leave which she substitutes as a paper.

Her idea number one is to act like a Cinderella s stepmother attitude to Rui to kick him out of her house.

*Her imagination*

"You, if you want to stay in my house, you must do housework too. Cannot you even wipe the floor?" Achara kicked Rui butt as a punishment. Rui glare at her and squeezed his fist with the look that he was bully.

Achara felt great satisfaction from Rui's Cinderella version. She then provokes him," What do u want? You want a fight. Don't give me that look. After that you must clean the toilet, cooked, do the laundry. Dont forgot to come and massage me if you are done with your housework."

Just as she was about to turn back and prepared to walk, a hand touches her shoulder and stop her. She suddenly felt a murderous aura behind her. Rui' s pair of dangerous eyes look at her and said, "It happen that my hands are too itchy. How about I massage your neck like this."

Then Rui squeezed her neck with his two hands. Soon she was out of breath with her tongue out and die.

Achara wakes up from her imagination. That idea was good to imagine but the reality was too harsh. She skipped the plan. She might die before she can kick him out of the house. "What if he really gets angry and squeeze her neck?"

She then writes down another idea. It is to make the house very smelly and dirty until he could not stand anymore. However, after thinking it through, she crossed out the plan. It is true that beast men especially like Rui have good sense of smell but so is she. She who like hygiene more than anyone will suffer first.

"What other method can I think of? Achara mumbled.

"How about talking bad thing behind his back?

Achara then imagines the scene where she gossips like a nosy neighborhood aunty about him to other.

*Her imagination*

"You know that guy who live in my house, does not watch his butt after going to toilet. I also saw him smelling panties secretly. He must be a pervert. Not only that there are more about him,"Achara gossip to other tribe members about Rui and have fun.

The whole news was quickly spread to the whole tribe. Then everyone looks at him in a weird way to the point that the tribe leader has to remind him to wash his butt after going to toilet. Someone directly asks him if he have a habit of smelling panties to Rui.

"Hahahaha," Achara laughed when she imagines Rui ashamed face where he has no face to show. If this plan is accomplished, he will fear my gossip and dont dare to stay in my house. But what if it . Achara continues to imagine another scene for Rui response.

Instead of getting out of the house,

Rui march at her and lifted her shirt making her body lift in the air. " I heard you spread rumor about me. How about this, instead of spreading rumors, let us fight one on one. A man does not fight with words, he fights with action."

"No, no. I am no man." Achara shakes her head, but Rui refused to let her go.

He releases his grip on her which make her fall. Then he touches his fist. I also happened to be itchy to fight. Rui made an evil grin.

*Her imagination end here.*

She shakes her head and so crossed out that plan. "Cannot really offend that guy. It is obvious who will win if they battle. How can I get that bastard out of my house?"

Achara considers an option of using underhand methods without obviously offending him. Her mind wonders to the prank videos she had watch in her previous life. The plan is to set this whole house to be a trap and ambush him. Then if he asks, she will just tell that she is training and coming up with a great strategy to defend her home if feral attack which is a lie of course. She would make it seem that Rui was just unlucky, and she does not have any intention to harm this Rui who is a VIP guest. In the long run, Rui wont be able to stay and eventually walk out of the house with his own feet. Achara imagines Rui packed his things and shed tears. " I cannot live in this house anymore especially with Aron. I got to go. "

Then, He went out of the house never to step near her house again.

"Hahaha", Achara smiled and like this idea.

Now let the game began, Achara made an evil grin.

The next morning, Achara walks around her own house like a bad little thief and stop in front of Ruis room window. She was holding a bag containing of real live spiders. She plans to throw them into Ruis room. Although the spiders type is not poisonous, one become extremely itchy when bitten by them. She slowly and carefully tries to open the window. However, the window was locked.

"Damn it," Achara cursed inside her mind.

What she does not realizes is that one spider has escape from the bag she was holding. It has already bite her here and there to the point she started to get itchy. "Why do I feel so itchy?," She thought.

She scratches her arm and she feel something moving on her legs. When she looked at it, it was the spider that escape from her bag. Shocked, she was about to shout but quickly cover stop herself from making any voice. It was enough to wake Rui up. She then heard some movement from the room and not long she heard footstep coming towards the window. Achara quickly hides and stay as quiet as possible. While she was disrupted by Rui, the spider takes this opportunity and went insider her pants.
..........,............................................................. Updated on 3rd Jan 2023

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