Goodbye - Jimin [18+]

By zaddyjin

1.7K 116 151

She wanted to die He wanted to live More



56 3 3
By zaddyjin

"Table for two." The girl stood there in front of the host of that restaurant both her and her son went to. Watching as the girl checked that single chart, before grabbing their menus with a soft you can follow me, in which she kept her hand held within her child's own.

"Your server will be with you shortly. Enjoy." The host gave them that smile. All while Miju peered over at the boy who was sitting across from her. Looking at him with that gaze so gentle. Because she loved the boy. Loved him more than anything.

"What are you hungry for, baby?" She looked over that single menu, despite having been to that same restaurant oh so many times. Even if all that came from the boy was that shrugging of the shoulders followed by that pout so soft, in which she could hear those giggles coming from the table next to them. Making her just barely peer over at the one girl who's eyes were completely glued on her child.

"Your son is so cute—"

"Ming baby—"

"Aw, thank you. . . did you hear that, Jitae?" Miju couldn't help but smile over at the woman sitting at the table next to them. All while watching the way she waved over at the boy who couldn't help but fall shy, in which those giggles were quick to return.

"My boyfriend and I are trying to decide on when to have kids, but right now we're still dealing with him being sick and—"

"Ming. They're trying to have dinner—"

"N-No, it's okay. . . we're just browsing the menu." Miju gave the couple that smile. Even if she could see that subtle irritation in her boyfriend's frame. Her same boyfriend who didn't want their business completely out in the open.

"Having a child was one of the best things that happened to me, and I have no doubt you'd be an amazing mom." She watched as the girl pouted out that immediate thank you. All while she took hold of her boyfriends hand with that soft, see, baby, in which he just barely met Miju's eyes. Practically saying his apologies without voicing them, even if all the girl did was smile.

"He's just afraid for us to have children because of his cancer—"


"No-no, please, don't be ashamed. . . my friend battled with cancer for a long time." She wouldn't refer to him as her boyfriend. Knowing that she was sitting there with her child who was too distracted playing with his silverware, as she watched the girls gaze immediately soften upon her words.

"Are they still struggling with it?" Miju could feel herself fall numb. Realizing how long the man had been cancer free, despite believing that he had been gone. . . all this time.

"No. But I do feel that he's still nervous—"

"There's a support group that my boyfriend attends if your friend would ever like to go." The girl couldn't help but cut her off. The same girl who Miju had no clue was the girlfriend of Jimin's roommate as Miju met her eyes. Her eyes that fell completely soft. So soft and so warm.

"H-He actually does have one that he attends with his roommate." Miju gave that nod. All while just barely peering over at her son who she simply adored the sight of, in which she listened to her voice fill her ears all over again.

"They have some groups for those who are helping them too if you ever feel overwhelmed. I-I sometimes like to go." She let her eyes fall round. Making Miju do no more than look at the girl before shaking her head in that manner ever so gentle. Because the woman wasn't. Wasn't in the position to feel things. Wasn't in the position to be allowed to worry about him.

"N-No of course, thank you so much. I'll make sure to check them out if I feel the need to." Miju smiled out that soft laughter. Easing that simple awkwardness she caused the second she zoned out at the thought of the man she was no longer in that same position she had once been in him with.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your dinner, but it was nice speaking to you." The girl was already up and on her feet. Having already paid for that single meal that had her looking down at the one woman who only voiced out that soft, it was nice speaking to you as well, in which she watched as she waved goodbye to her child with those giggles. All while her boyfriend took hold of her waist. Her same boyfriend who hated. Hated anyone pitying him.

"Say bye bye, Jitae." Miju giggled over at the boy. The same boy who let himself wave that hand up at the one girl who couldn't help but immediately pout at the boy.

"Yoongi baby, look how cute he is—"

"Let them enjoy their dinner, Ming—"

"Yoongi?" Miju was quick to look up at the man. The same man who's eyes fell completely round as his girlfriend's own just barely shifted. Holding that demeanor the man knew. Knew so well. The woman was completely possessive.

"Do you know each other—"

"Y-You mentioned that you go to support meetings with you roommate—and my friend had mentioned your name—"

"What's his name—"

"Jimin. . . Park Jimin." Miju could see that sudden faltering of the mans expression as he nodded out that deep y-yeah, that's him, in which Miju's own gaze fell completely round. Round enough to have the couple just barely peering over at one another.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." It was the boy who pulled her attention from the two. Making the girl simply look at him, only to ignore her wants to find out more from them.

"I-I'm sorry, baby." She smiled over at her son. Looking up at that single couple with that soft m-my apologies for keeping you, in which it was her who instantly spoke.

"If you ever have time, maybe we could all get coffee one day." Ming knew. Knew she was the girl. Able to tell in the way she fell completely nervous. Because they knew. Knew each person Jimin would speak to. Seeing as though the man rarely ever went out. Rarely ever put himself in positions to try and make friends. Living life all too secluded. Going to work, only to come home to the one man who felt that sudden tightening of his girlfriends arm that was placed around his own.

And with a nod, Miju cleared her throat. All while watching the couple wave goodbye to him, in which Miju couldn't help but space out the second they left. Because the man was showing up without even being there. Completely flooding into her life like a wave she had no way of stopping. Even if she wasnt. Wasnt trying to stop it.

Because the girl could've kept quiet. Could've never mentioned him at all the second the girl brought up her boyfriend having cancer, yet instead spoke about her relationship with him. It being a relationship she wouldn't let herself say was romantic. Even if it had been. Had been the most romantic thing she had ever been apart of with another man. Remembering every single detail of the day they met down to what exactly he had on. Because Jimin had her captivated. Had her willing to spend the rest of her life with him.

Yet the woman had moved on. Had found someone to fill that void after not having it filled for so long. And she couldn't. Couldn't help but feel that guilt the second she let it happen. It being guilt she should've never felt at all. Because the man hadn't died. Hadn't been anything more than just a few miles away from her. Wasn't anything more than living that life without the one woman he had completely given away. 

"What can I get you?" She had never been so thankful to hear a voice she didn't recognize. Allowing for both her and her child to order that food she knew the boy was waiting for. Making her sit back and look at him. Reminding her of what she fought to have. . . after so many years of suffering.

"You know mommy loves you. . . right, baby?" She watched as he began to eat the second their food got placed down on the table. Filling her with a sort of joy she couldn't describe even if she wanted to. Because the boy had been worth it. Worth all that pain. Worth all that time she spent miserable.

"Do you love daddy too?" He always made her laugh. Speaking in a manner so innocent as she giggled out that soft of course I love, daddy, in which the boy only smiled. Eating his food as he did so, all while the girl picked at her own. Filled with enough thoughts that she could hardly concentrate.

"You'll never leave, mommy, right, Jitae?" She met his eyes. Able to see that confusion surface his face as he instantly shook his head. Making the woman smile that smile so beautiful.

"If you leave mommy, you'll make me sad, okay?" Miju tilted her head. Earning that muffled okay, mommy, from the one boy she let eat his food. Even if she couldn't help but glance down at her phone. Knowing better than to seek a notification from him. It being the one man she would've had sitting across from her at dinner right now. Who she would've been asking questions left and right to. And who she was more interested in learning about than she'd let herself admit. Because she couldn't. Couldn't control her curiosity no matter how badly she wanted to.

"Was it good, baby?" She already had that bill paid. Leading the boy back to the car, only to watch him nod that nod so soft. Knowing that he was tired as she got him settled in the back seat.

"No sleeping until we get home, Jitae, okay?" She could see those blinks turning heavy. Heavy enough to have her giving the boy that bath the second they got home. Sitting on her knees as he sat there in the tub. Allowing for his mother to bathe him as she watched him play with those bubbles she'd always make sure would fill to the top, only to hear that single ding come from her phone. Making the woman instantly go to grab it, in which the thing slipped into the tub the second she went to grab it from the edge. Her hands were completely wet.


"Mommy." Her son was quick to giggle underneath the girls cuss words. Even if she immediately reached into that single tub to grab it. Unable to see where it was upon all those bubbles, only to feel the thing fill her hand, in which she grabbed that single towel. Wiping the thing down ever so anxiously, in which she continued to try and turn it on.

"W-What happened, mommy?"

"Mommy's phone fell in the tub." She could see that screen glitching. Having held that single notification from him on the screen, all until the thing went black. Making her instantly hit that side button in a frantic manner, only to watch the thing turn completely off.

And with that hand to her face, all she could do was sigh. Sigh a sigh that had the woman feeling all too stupid. Wanting to have read. Read that message from him.

"Y-You have bubbles on your face, mommy." Miju was quick to look over at the boy. Making her do no more than laugh as she ignored all that curiosity paired with that irritation. Even if it was then that her husband softly knocked on the bathroom door before walking inside where his son instantly smiled out that excited daddy. All while the man came up behind her from where she sat on the ground. Giving the girl that single kiss to the top of her head, only to move over to his child.

"How was school today? Huh?" Jitae watched as the man sat next to his mother. Continuing to play with those bubbles and toys laying in the tub with him as Jitae voiced out that smiled good. Leading to the man peering over at her, only to let out his own deep how was your day, in which the girl lifted her phone up from her lap.

"I have to get a new phone." All she could do was shake her head. Paired with that soft it fell in the tub, only to make the man let out that laughter that had her glaring at him almost instantly.

"You know better than to leave it on the edge, baby—"

"I-I had tried to grab it, but my hands were wet and so it slipped and with all the bubbles it took longer for me to find it." She knew she had pictures on there. Pictures and memories she was hoping wouldn't be completely destroyed as the man did no more than laugh at the girl.

"Its not funny, Jiseok! I-I have pictures of him as a baby, a-and so many other things—"

"Other things—"

"You know what I mean, Jiseok." She punched his arm. Making the man instantly smile, only to voice out that soft just take it in the morning, baby, in which the man did no more than watch the girl sigh. Knowing that she was annoyed. Annoyed by having done something so stupid.

And so, she let the man finish up their sons bath. All while the man took the boy to bed, in which his wife waited on him to enter their room for the night. Even if she was pondering. Pondering on what Jimin had messaged her. Maybe it was just a single get home safe. Maybe it was a simple glad I could help today. So many maybes filled her mind. Yet the woman didn't get that confirmation. Didn't get that confirmation of what he said. Didn't get that confirmation of whether her tried to set up a date to see her again, in which the girl instantly looked up at him the second the bedroom door could do so much as open.

And she watched as her husband got on that bad. Moving over to the woman, only to earn her hand against his tie as he whispered the most sultry join me in the shower. All while the girl connected their lips. Having pulled him toward her with his tie, in which the man gave in ever so easily. Enduring upon those kisses with the girl so heavy. Completely different from how she'd kiss him. Because Jimin would tease. Would always start so slow. Slow enough to have always made the girl practically beg the man to further handle her. To do what she knew he was going to do, despite the man never giving in. Wanting to have the girl on that brink. That brink of complete frustration.

However, Jiseok was quick. Was fast paced. Was pulling off the woman's clothes just seconds into them setting the mood. Giving the girl what she wanted, yet was so confused by the second she began to sleep with the man. Having been so used to Jimin. To his soft touches. To his slow pace that'd have the girl practically biting at her fingers from just how ready she'd be. Making her completely fall apart the second he'd give her exactly what she had been waiting for as Jiseok pulled them up from that single bed. Walking both him and the girl over to the bathroom, in which he placed her down onto that bathroom counter. Allowing for himself to turn on that single shower, only to feel the girls eyes on his frame.

"What's wrong, baby? Huh?" He already had his tie pulled down. Unbuttoning the top of his shirt as he did so, only to earn his wife's hands against his torso the second he could pull the thing off.

"I'm just nervous about my phone—"


"Im serious, Jiseok! I have pictures on there." She did. Had pictures of her child. Had pictures of the one man she hadn't been able to delete. Keeping them hidden in her phone, only to have kept it like that the whole time. Even if they were old. So old and such bad quality. Yet she couldn't. Couldn't stomach completely erasing away a chapter that had been so big in her life. That had completely ripped her apart. That had led her to where she is right now in life. Trying her hardest to understand. Understand how to feel now that, that same man was apart of her reality again.

"It'll be fine, baby. . . I promise, huh?" He connected their lips. Making the girl rest her fingers on the waistline of his slacks that had her fingers holding onto that belt. All while she felt his hands begin to slip off her clothes. Allowing them to become a piled mess of the floor with his own to follow suit as Miju felt the warmth of the water come over her the second they could do so much as step into the shower. Making the girl push back no more than his hair, in which she felt the man set her down. Rubbing no more than that soap all over her body, only to have himself stood behind the woman. Having his other hand rub along every inch of her as his lips came down against the side of her neck. Making the woman sigh those sighs so soft as she felt him slowly grow against her ass.

"Jiseok." She would let herself be distracted. Distracted in every way that had her hands holding his arm as she felt his fingers slip between her legs. Touching at the one thing that had her head falling back into his chest as she let her hand come behind her. Earning that breath so heavy the second she could grab the man himself with those fingers all too slippery and soapy. Able to feel just how warm his breaths were against her neck as his fingers continued to move in that single manner that had her whimpering those whimpers so needy.

And she could feel the way he slipped his hand back up her legs and against her stomach. Just barely pushing the woman into the shower wall, only to pull her hips back just enough to have her eyes falling shut the second he could fall into her. All while she listened to that groan so deep. Continuing to have the water fall upon their frames as she man moved into the girl in such a way that had her trying her hardest not to be loud. Because the man felt good. Felt good enough to have her practically begging him to go faster. Fast enough to have her completely caught up in the moment. Not thinking about him. Not thinking about those inconveniences like her phone. Making her wish she could stay in this moment all night. Seeing as though she wouldn't have to try in that moment. Try not to think. Try not to feel completely guilty at the thought of another man.

"Yes." And that guilt was there because she knew it was wrong. Wrong to be so consumed by the thought of a man she hadn't seen in over 10 years. Who she had believed to be dead. Yet who she had given herself to in ways she hadn't given to another man outside of Jimin himself. Bringing out a side of the girl that was so vulnerable. So, so vulnerable and raw. Getting her to endure upon a part of her being she hadn't know was even there. Because the man had made the girl fall in love. Fall in a love so indescribable.

So, Miju was letting herself feel. Feel that ache. Feel that hurt. Allowing for sex with her husband to fill a void that would never be filled no matter how hard she tried. Because the void was something only capable of being filled by a man. . . who was no longer in her reach.

Mommy sucks, yes I know <_> I am hoping everyone has been okay in these few weeks I've been gone *nervous laugh* hehehe, no I know my sweet muffins are always patient. Thank you for the support and do make sure to look after yourselves! Mommy loves you dearly and once again thank you for the support and reading! See you again soon and sleep tight. . . night night! o(^-^)o

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