Authors' Spotlight Interviews

By CelestiaCove

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Welcome to Authors' Spotlight Interviews where Abhipreeti (@_abhipreeti_), the Head & Founder of Celestia Cov... More



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By CelestiaCove

Hello fellow Wattpadders! Today we have BelitAm, author of the book, Play of Shadows, with us.

I am Abhipreeti (_abhipreeti_), and I have interviewed Belit Am, a.k.a, BelitAm.

Belit Am writes mystery interwoven with elements of fantasy and science fiction. She enjoys creating fantastical worlds filled with quirky characters, often inspired by the fairy tales she read as a child growing up in Europe. 

At what age did you realize that you have a special place for writing? Are you currently or do you ever dream of one day being in the writing industry?

>>I started writing fairly young. My first story was typed on my grandfather's typewriter, some twenty years ago. It featured werewolves and magical forests and a flying bed. I had ink under my nails for days! Becoming a published author is very much a dream of mine. Joining Wattpad and sharing my writing with the world has been a huge step toward that goal, and I cannot be more thankful to my audience.

Did any story, on or off Wattpad, inspire you ever and help you carve your interest towards writing books?

>>The Lord of the Rings. I watched the first movie in a small, outdoor theater as a teen. The movie gripped my imagination like no other work had before. I immediately found the books, read them all, and emerged in love with writing as a craft. 

What is the genre(s) in which you mostly write your books? Do you think you are able to create brilliant plots when you write in that specific genre(s)?

>>I write in many genres, but they all contain elements of fantasy and light horror. The otherworldly is often scary when put into perspective, after all. I do enjoy writing mysteries and leaving the reader guessing about certain plot points. I hesitate to place my work in any single genre, as I think most could fit in several at once. They are plot-driven works, rather than genre-dependent – which makes selecting a category difficult when posting on Wattpad, ha-ha!

What advice would you like to give to authors who are writing in the same genre(s) as yours?

>>Write often and read as much and as widely as you can. Reading is so, so important. It gives an author glimpse into different perspectives, informs them on a variety of topics, enrichens their own voice and vocabulary – it is an indispensable part of the craft. And more importantly, it is lots of fun!

Do you have any favourite quote or quotes from your book?

>>A few come to mind: 

"He was gone when Ann looked up. So was the castle and the starry sky. Ann was alone in a darkness so complete it felt eternal, living, some great beast that had swallowed her whole while she wasn't looking."Play of Shadows, Chapter 0.11  

"K's eyes were closed. He stood with his back to Ann and his face tipped toward the falling sun, like a lone sunflower that had sprouted from the ground by chance, far from its brethren and home."Play of Shadows, Chapter 01.5 

"The two men glared at each other, bristling so obviously Ann was reminded of the stray cats that wandered her grandmother's house back in the country. She almost expected them to start hissing."Play of Shadows, Chapter 23 

"The key turned with a click just as cold fingers tapped at Frances' temples. "Bang," a man purred."And now, you're dead." Play of Shadows, Chapter 2.19

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

>>I hope to travel more, see countries I have not seen, and – yes, publish a book or two! 

Now let us talk about your book. How would you describe your story in five words? Could you please give us a brief summary of what your book is about? What makes your book different from other books in the same genre(s)?

>>I have written several books, but I will focus on my current project, Play of Shadows. If described in five words, it would be: redemption, solace, escaping the machine.

A longer summary (the one featured on Wattpad) is as follows: 

"The best virtual reality company in the world is concealing a scandal of business-ending proportions: some of their games have become corrupt, trapping hundreds of players in hyper-reality. 

Enter Ann, one among several dozen elite gamers pulled into hero mode by the company. 

Ann's got dark history in the gaming world, forcing her to wear a mask in-play in order to protect her real-world identity. She is determined to do her job, get her money, and get out. She is especially keen to remain as far away as possible from her ex, who happens to be on the rescue team as well. 

Unfortunately for her, the best laid plans...

...mean nothing to an AI with a crush." 

 As for what makes the book unique – the nature of the adventure allows it to straddle multiple genres by having characters visit various virtual worlds. The science fiction element overlaid over fantasy, horror, and other genres is interesting to write – and hopefully, read!

Which character or characters of your story do you relate to most? And why?

>>What an interesting question! I think I would choose either Frances or Svetlan. Frances, because the poor dear is always confused and his gaming style closely matches my own. Svetlan, on the other hand, is having so much fun while keeping himself safely away from the drama, which I find both hilarious and inspiring.

How did you come up with such a fascinating plot? Were there any inspirations?

>>The plot of Play of Shadows is inspired by the real world and the unbridled and somewhat terrifying possibilities of AI (artificial intelligence) and VR (virtual reality). Games and AI-generated content have become scarily realistic over my own lifetime. The thought of what that could mean in the future, and how interaction between VR and the real world could look like through a medium such as gaming, led to the idea of this story.

How did you discover Wattpad? And what engendered you to begin writing on this platform? What do you like best about this application?

>>I joined Wattpad very early on in the platform's existence. I believe I was directed to Wattpad by a writing group I frequented, but I can no longer remember, to be honest. I took a short break and rejoined a few years ago. Ever since, I have been diligent in posting and improving my craft. The ability to interact with other authors and readers is what first drew me to Wattpad and what has kept me here ever since. The necessity of regular posting to keep readers engaged has also strengthened my discipline as a writer and helped me hone my writing. I could not be more thankful to my readers and to Wattpad for providing such a friendly, close-knit platform.

When did you start writing on Wattpad? How has your writing journey been ever since then?

>>I started writing on Wattpad a long time ago, but my more serious writing and the books that have won me awards and notice are more recent – from 2016 or so on. My writing journey has been improving steadily. I have grown more diligent and more purposeful in my writing, which is personally a great transformation to see.

What is your writing process and how do you cope when writers' block hits you?

>>I don't usually write an outline for a project, but I do begin with a general understanding of how the story will progress in my mind. Often, bits of the plot change as I write – the characters run away from me sometimes – but the overall meaning of the work and what I am trying to express to the reader remains as a guiding light. 

 When I find myself unable to write, I do one of three things: leave the story for a little while and return to it with fresh eyes; go back a few paragraphs or pages from where I have stopped writing (if the writer block is affecting an ongoing project) and see if the story has taken a wrong turn somewhere and should be partially rewritten to get the plot flowing again; and, my favorite – write simpler. That is, just write what is happening, without any focus on frill or even matching the rest of the story's mood. Once the scene is written, I go back and rewrite or adjust as needed. It is always easier to edit something that exists than worry over putting things down on paper perfectly. 

Are you a pantser or a plotter? During which time of the day do you usually write?

>>I am definitely a pantser. I do have a plot in mind as I write, but I do not plot out scenes in advance. It would probably be helpful, but I can never get myself to sit down and chart everything out. I am afraid that once I know what will happen in minute detail, I will be mentally done with the project and too bored to write it all out! 

I prefer to write early in the morning. My days are usually quite busy, and I like having some writing done at the start of the day as motivation and an accomplishment to fuel the rest of my projects.

What would be your advice to young and budding authors, who are just beginning their journey on Wattpad and are quite new to the writing world?

>>Don't fear the void. Posting as a new writer often means that very few people will find your work, so votes and views might be discouragingly low. Don't take it to heart – just keep on writing, keep to a regular schedule, interact with other writers and readers (maybe join a community or two!), and you will steadily build an audience. It took me many years to get where I am today, and I don't regret the journey one bit.

Is there any author(s) on Wattpad whom you look up to as an amazing writer?

>>So many! I am going to list a few, but please know I am sure that I am bound to forget someone – apologies to my friends and the many wonderful writers on Wattpad in advance! 

I have known and admired krazydiamondtamojaNyhterides, LynnS13, Shimaira, and TiffanyDaune for as long as I have been active on Wattpad. Their work and friendship have inspired me to keep writing. I am so thankful to have met them on the platform! 

I have the utmost admiration for prose-punk, BrittanieCharmintineMs_Horrendous, druidrose, LLSanders, rskovach, catrinaburgess, and ShaunAllan. Their works are among my favorite on Wattpad. 

Could we please have two or more Wattpad story recommendations? What do you like most about these stories?

>>I absolutely love Marrow Charm by krazydiamond. It was one of the first books I read on Wattpad and it gripped me thoroughly. Marrow Charm has since been published (congrats and so well-deserved!), but I would recommend any of krazydiamond's works to readers. Super talented author. 

If you are looking for fairy-tale inspired stories with a dash of horror and amazing writing, I highly recommend prose-punk's "Truly Elemental" collection. Another great read from this writer is Bonedead. Really unique ideas and so well-executed! 

tamoja's Glitz Gurls on Deck is another great pick. Horror and humor woven together with talent, makes for a fantastic read. I have more absolute favorites than can fit in this interview. I will recommend checking out the profiles of the authors I shared in the question above for more wonderful works! 

What would be the three words to describe yourself as an author?

>>Dedicated, happy, creative.

Thank you so much! It was an honour to have you here for the interview conducted by Celestia Cove. We wish you lots of success on your writing journey and may you flourish more. Thank you once again!

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