𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄|| 18+ ✔️

By Angelswritez

33.7K 488 79

In the heart of the criminal underworld, Lorenzo Donatello reigns supreme as the most terrifying and ruthless... More



2K 35 12
By Angelswritez


The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as I stood in the kitchen, preparing for the day ahead. The soft hum of the espresso machine was a comforting soundtrack to the morning routine. I glanced at the clock, knowing Azzurra would be coming downstairs soon.

Just as the scent of coffee wafted through the air, I heard the unmistakable sound of heels tapping on the floor. A smirk played on my lips as I turned around, and there she was – Azzurra, dressed in pink from head to toe. A pink headband adorned her dark hair, a pink dress clung to her figure, and even her heels were a shade of pink. Damn, she looked adorable.

"You want coffee?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

She shook her head. "I don't drink that, but I'd like tea."

I nodded, preparing a cup of tea for her as she settled into a chair. The contrast between her tough exterior and this glimpse of softness was amusing. The day ahead promised to be interesting.

"We're heading to the base," I informed her.

She nodded, sipping her tea with a determined expression. As we left the house and got into the car, the city buzzed with life around us. The drive to the base was filled with a comfortable silence, occasionally broken by the sounds of the bustling streets.

Arriving at the base, Azzurra held onto my finger, a gesture that earned nods of respect from those around. The familiar routine of acknowledgment unfolded as we made our way inside. However, my attention shifted when I spotted Carmelita waiting outside my office.

I clenched my jaw, anticipating the impending encounter. As Carmelita saw us approaching, she greeted me with a saccharine smile. "Oh, honey," she cooed, moving in for a kiss.

I took a step back, avoiding her advances. She looked bewildered, glancing at Azzurra. "Who's this doll?"

Azzurra's response was swift, a glare that could cut through steel. She snapped back at Carmelita, showcasing an unexpected fierceness. I smirked, reveling in the dynamic playing out before me. Carmelita, taken aback, was about to say something, but I stepped forward, a subtle threat lingering in my tone.

"Think carefully before you speak," I warned, and Carmelita rolled her eyes before finally departing.

Azzurra turned to me, her gaze questioning. "Do I look like a doll?"

I chuckled, the contrast of her appearance and the term "doll" amusing me. "Well, kinda."

Her eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "How?"

I gestured to her pink ensemble. "The whole pink situation. It's... cute."

She huffed, crossing her arms. "I'm not cute."

I raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in my eyes. "Oh, really? You just scared off Carmelita with that look. Not many can do that."

Azzurra rolled her eyes, but a subtle smirk played on her lips. The banter between us felt surprisingly comfortable, a testament to the unexpected camaraderie developing.

As we entered my office, the day unfolded with a mix of laughter and strategic discussions. Azzurra's presence brought a refreshing energy to the usually intense environment. Her ability to command respect without compromising her authenticity intrigued me.

Throughout the day, we navigated the intricate web of alliances and rivalries within the base. Azzurra's reactions to the dynamics were a mix of amusement and skepticism. She observed, absorbed, and occasionally surprised me with her keen insights.

By the time evening approached, the initial tension surrounding Carmelita's unwarranted advance had dissipated. Azzurra, it seemed, had earned her place in this unconventional world.

As we left the base, the city lights glittered in the fading twilight. Azzurra, still dressed in her distinctive pink attire, walked alongside me. The unexpected ease between us lingered, a reminder that in the complexity of our intertwined lives, moments of connection could be found.

As we drove back, Azzurra stared out of the car window, lost in her thoughts. I wondered what she made of this peculiar world she found herself in. The night held its secrets, and as we approached the city lights, I couldn't help but appreciate the enigmatic journey that fate had set into motion.

Entering the house, Camilla greeted us with excitement. "Hey, you two! There's an event we need to attend. Get dressed, it's going to be fun!"

As she looked at Azzurra, Camilla added with a mischievous smile, "By the way, Azzurra, you look cute."

Azzurra sighed in response, clearly not thrilled by the compliment. I couldn't help but smirk at her reaction. "Well, we can't keep the world waiting. Let's go upstairs and find something suitable."

Heading to my room, Azzurra scanned through the wardrobe, her expression a mix of disdain and uncertainty. After a moment of contemplation, she settled on a silk red dress, a choice that caught my attention. Meanwhile, I decided to match her style, opting for a red tie to complement her outfit.

As we prepared for the event, I noticed Azzurra's gaze lingering on my choice of tie. "What?" I teased, smirking.

She raised an eyebrow. "Trying to coordinate with me?"

I chuckled. "Well, you looked good in pink earlier. Thought I'd give it a shot with red."

Her lips curled into a smirk. "Don't flatter yourself."

We both finished getting ready, the tension between us momentarily replaced by a playful banter. The evening awaited, and as we descended the stairs, dressed for the occasion, the city lights outside beckoned us to the world beyond the confines of our unconventional lives.

The event venue buzzed with lively conversations and the clinking of glasses as we arrived. Camilla seamlessly blended into the crowd, leaving Azzurra and me to navigate the social intricacies of the evening.

I handed Azzurra a glass of champagne, a subtle smile playing on my lips. She eyed the drink cautiously, taking a moment to appreciate the effervescent bubbles before bringing it to her nose for a careful sniff. I couldn't help but smile at her scrutiny, finding amusement in her attention to detail.

As she took a sip, a satisfied expression crossed her face. "Not bad," she remarked.

A business acquaintance of mine approached, extending a warm greeting. "Lorenzo! Good to see you. And who's this lovely lady beside you? Is she your girl?"

I smirked, glancing at Azzurra. "No, she's not."

The acquaintance nodded approvingly. "Well, you're both turning heads tonight. She's quite stunning."

Throughout the event, people approached us, sharing compliments about Azzurra's striking appearance. The comparisons to Mason became a recurring theme, with many noting the shared features—green eyes and black hair. Azzurra, increasingly curious, finally asked why people kept saying she looked like Mason.

Taking a moment to observe her closely, I admitted, "You kinda do. Mason has the same green eyes, though not as vibrant as yours. And there's something about the smirk and the black hair. It's uncanny."

Her eyes widened with realization, and we both turned to look at Camilla and Mason, who were observing us from a distance. The shared recognition in their eyes mirrored the realization that Azzurra's resemblance to Mason was more than just a passing comment—it hinted at a connection that went beyond the surface. The revelation hung in the air, adding a layer of complexity to the evening.

"I need some air," Azzurra stated, her voice carrying a mix of emotions. I nodded, understanding the need for a moment of solitude amidst the social swirl of the event. Together, we stepped outside into the cool night air.

Leaning against a railing, Azzurra gazed into the city lights below. I joined her, a silent presence offering support. "Are you okay?" I inquired, breaking the quietude.

She nodded, her gaze fixated on the distant horizon. "Yeah, just needed a breather. It's a lot to take in."

I leaned beside her, the cityscape stretching out before us. "It's not every day you find out you have a doppelganger, especially in the midst of this extravagant event."

A wry smile touched her lips. "Tell me about it. And here I thought I was just a girl who liked sleeping, eating, and had a penchant for spicy book scenes."

I chuckled. "Life has a way of surprising us."

She glanced at me, a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. "What does this mean, Lorenzo? Mason and I looking alike can't be a coincidence, right?"

I sighed, recognizing the weight of the unspoken questions hanging between us. "I don't have all the answers, Azzurra. But it's clear there's more to our stories than we initially thought. We'll figure it out together."

She nodded, a quiet acknowledgment of the shared journey ahead. As we stood there, the city below whispered secrets, and in the quietude, a tentative understanding blossomed—a recognition that sometimes, unexpected connections could unravel the mysteries of our intertwined destinies.

Later that evening, I kept Azzurra close, sensing a subtle shift in her demeanor that left me uneasy. Fears crept into my thoughts—what if she did something impulsive? Unable to shake off the worry, I pressed a tender kiss to her hair, a silent reassurance that I was there.

She suddenly mentioned needing to go to the bathroom. I nodded, letting her go, but as time passed, it stretched suspiciously long. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, and I decided to wait outside the bathroom door.

Minutes turned into an eternity, and worry gnawed at me. "Azzurra?" I called softly, receiving no response. Concern deepening, I sought out Camilla, who was nearby.

"Camilla, something's not right. Azzurra's been in the bathroom for a while. Can you go check on her?" I implored, a mix of urgency and concern in my voice.

Camilla, catching the gravity of the situation, nodded. "Of course, Lorenzo. I'll go see what's going on."

As she approached the bathroom, a tense silence enveloped the hallway. I awaited her return, my apprehension growing with each passing moment. The quiet conversation between them, once Camilla reemerged, held a sense of urgency.

"Lorenzo, you need to go in there. Something's not right with Azzurra," Camilla urged, her expression mirroring my growing concern.

Fear gripped my chest as I pushed open the bathroom door, the sight inside amplifying the anxiety that had settled within me.

My heart dropped as I entered the bathroom, finding Azzurra unconscious. Without a moment's hesitation, I rushed to her side, my hands trembling as I checked for signs of life. Her eyes were closed, and panic surged through me.

"Camilla, call a damn ambulance, now!" I barked, the urgency in my voice slicing through the air.

As Camilla hurried to make the call, I focused on Azzurra. Checking for a pulse, I felt a wave of relief. She was breathing, but it was shallow and irregular. Panic and stress clawed at my insides as I tried to gently coax her back to consciousness.

"Come on, Azzurra. Open your eyes," I urged, my voice tinged with desperation. "Stay with me. You can't do this."

The seconds stretched into an agonizing eternity as I worked to revive her. Irritation bubbled up within me, fueled by the fear of losing her. "Damn it, Azzurra, breathe!" I muttered, my words a frantic mantra.

Camilla returned, her face a mix of concern and urgency. "The ambulance is on its way, Lorenzo. We need to keep her conscious until they arrive."

I nodded, my focus unwavering. "Azzurra, stay with me. You're not alone. Just breathe."

The bathroom seemed to close in on us as the weight of the situation pressed down. My mind raced, grappling with the fear that this night might take a turn for the worst. The distant wail of the approaching ambulance signaled a lifeline in the darkness, but the minutes until their arrival felt like an eternity.

"Come on, Azzurra, don't you dare leave me," I muttered, my voice a mixture of desperation and determination. The uncertainty of the situation hung thick in the air, and all I could do was hold on to the hope that help would arrive in time.

In a blur of anxiety and urgency, I rushed to the hospital, the haunting wail of sirens echoing in the night as I maneuvered through the city streets. My car screeched to a halt in front of the emergency entrance.

I burst into the hospital, scanning the chaotic surroundings for any sign of Azzurra. Approaching a nurse, I frantically asked, "Where is she? What's happening?"

The nurse, with a sympathetic yet guarded expression, directed me to a room. My heart raced as I arrived, only to find the entrance blocked by stern-faced hospital staff.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" I demanded, my frustration and worry spilling into my words. "Let me in!"

The nurse, maintaining a professional demeanor, explained, "We're doing everything we can. The doctor will update you soon. Please, wait outside."

My fists clenched with frustration, but I complied, pacing the sterile hospital corridor, each second feeling like an eternity. The uncertainty gnawed at me, and as I anxiously awaited news about Azzurra's condition, the weight of the situation pressed heavily on my shoulders.

After what felt like an eternity of pacing and anxious waiting, the hospital corridor door finally opened. A doctor emerged, his expression carrying a mix of seriousness and concern. I hastened towards him, my impatience evident.

"What's going on with Azzurra?" I demanded, my tone a blend of desperation and frustration.

The doctor, taking a moment to gather his thoughts, met my gaze. "Lorenzo, she's stable now, but we need to discuss her condition and what happened tonight."

Relief mingled with trepidation as I listened intently, ready for any information about Azzurra's well-being.

"She suffered from a severe anxiety attack, likely triggered by a combination of stress and emotional turmoil," the doctor explained. "We're monitoring her closely, and she's responding to treatment. It's crucial that she receives proper support and counseling moving forward."

My mind raced, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The doctor continued, detailing the necessary steps for Azzurra's recovery and emphasizing the importance of addressing the underlying emotional challenges she faced.

As the weight of the news settled, a mix of emotions washed over me—relief that she was stable, concern for what lay ahead, and a newfound determination to support Azzurra through whatever challenges awaited. The doctor's words echoed in my mind, emphasizing the need for a supportive path forward for the girl whose life had become inexplicably intertwined with mine.

I entered Azzurra's room, finding her sitting on the hospital bed. As our eyes met, she mustered a smile, and I couldn't help but return it, the relief of seeing her conscious evident on my face.

"You scared the hell out of me, you know?" I admitted, my concern still lingering.

Azzurra's expression softened, and she apologized, "I didn't mean to. It just... got overwhelming."

Seating myself beside her, I gently took her hand. "We'll figure this out, okay? The doctor explained the treatment plan, but we'll take it step by step."

She looked at me, fear in her eyes, and hesitated, "I don't want that. I'm scared of what they might do."

Cupping her face, I turned her to look at me. "Hey, hey. You know I'll take care of you, right?" I reassured her, my voice tender.

She blushed, her gaze dropping. "I... I just don't want to be a burden."

I tilted her chin up, locking eyes with her. "You're not a burden, Azzurra. You're a part of my life now, and I want to be there for you. Whatever it takes, we'll face it together."

She nodded, a mix of gratitude and vulnerability in her eyes. The conversation lingered in the air, the unspoken promise of support and understanding weaving between us. In the quiet of the hospital room, we confronted the challenges ahead, united by a shared commitment to navigate the complexities of life together.

As we arrived home, the weight of the hospital visit lingered in the air. Azzurra, now resting on the couch, looked at me with a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. The doctor had mentioned sending someone to take care of her, and the anticipation hung in the atmosphere.

Camilla, noticing my concern, approached me. "You really care about her, don't you?" she remarked, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and understanding.

I nodded, the sincerity evident in my expression. "She's been through a lot, Camilla. I want to make sure she feels safe and supported."

Just as we spoke, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find a guy standing there. "Who are you?" I questioned, my protective instincts flaring.

The guy replied confidently, "I'm here to take care of Azzurra Rossi."

I clenched my jaw, the notion of sending a guy to take care of her sparking irritation. "Why not send a girl?" I muttered, more to myself than to the stranger at the door.

Ignoring my discontent, the guy pushed forward, saying, "Come in. She's right there on the couch."

I gestured for him to enter, my guarded demeanor lingering as we prepared to navigate this new chapter in Azzurra's recovery. As the guy approached her, I observed their interaction, a sense of protectiveness still coursing through me. The unspoken understanding between Camilla and me lingered, acknowledging the genuine concern that bound us together in Azzurra's journey to healing.

I watched from a distance as the guy attended to Azzurra, my discomfort evident in the way I crossed my arms. Camilla and Mason, noticing my unease, couldn't resist teasing me.

"Well, well, Lorenzo, looks like someone is getting a little territorial," Camilla smirked, nudging Mason.

Mason joined in with a mischievous grin. "Lorenzo, could it be you're in love with our dear Azzurra?"

Rolling my eyes, I dismissed their comments with a shake of my head. "Don't be ridiculous."

Azzurra, catching the teasing, shot me a look that conveyed her discomfort. I couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness, not entirely trusting the guy who had been sent to take care of her.

As the guy finally left, I approached Azzurra, concern etched on my face. "Are you okay?" I asked, my eyes searching hers.

She nodded, but when she glanced behind me and giggled, I turned to see Camilla and Mason making heart shapes with their hands and throwing playful kisses. The sight amused Azzurra, but it left me frozen, shooting them a stern glare.

"What's wrong with them?" she questioned, her giggles persisting.

I sighed, a hint of irritation in my voice. "They're just being... themselves."

As they continued their playful antics, Azzurra's gaze softened. "Thank you for being here, Lorenzo."

A genuine smile crept onto my face. "Always, Azzurra. Always." The unspoken understanding between us held a promise of support, and as we faced the challenges ahead, I couldn't shake the feeling that our connection had deepened in ways that went beyond the surface. 

The days unfolded in a rhythm of cautious recovery, and I found myself closely observing every aspect of Azzurra's well-being. One evening, as I entered the room, I saw the guy handing her a small pill. My brows furrowed, suspicion lingering in the air. Was he giving her drugs?

"What's all that?" I questioned, my tone a mix of curiosity and concern.

Azzurra smiled, recognizing my overprotective stance. "It's just my medication, Lorenzo. Nothing to worry about."

I eyed the pills warily, still not entirely convinced. "And what's each one for?" I inquired, my protective instincts kicking into overdrive.

The guy, unperturbed by my skepticism, patiently explained the purpose of each medication and its role in Azzurra's treatment. I hummed, taking in the information but finding it hard to shake off the unease that lingered within me.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I started asking questions. Stupid questions, irrelevant questions, just anything to make sure she was okay. Azzurra giggled at my overbearing nature, finding amusement in my attempts to grasp every detail.

"Why do they make pills so small?" I mused, earning a playful eye-roll from Azzurra.

"Are you sure you're not secretly a doctor?" she teased, her laughter echoing in the room.

I continued with my barrage of questions, some serious and some intentionally ridiculous. "Do they taste bad? Can you crush them and put them in food? What if you accidentally take too many?"

Azzurra, finding my antics entertaining, took my finger in hers, a warm smile on her face. "You're too concerned, Lorenzo."

I smirked, the playful banter a welcome distraction from the weight of the circumstances. "Well, someone has to be, right?"

As the evening unfolded, the room echoed with laughter, the lightness of the moment a stark contrast to the challenges we faced. In those shared moments of silliness and genuine connection, I found solace, realizing that amidst the complexities, our ability to find joy and comfort in each other's company remained a constant.

Later that day, the routine of taking pills became a delicate dance between apprehension and amusement. Azzurra admitted she didn't like taking pills; they made her gag. Concern flickered across my face as she struggled with one, wondering if she was about to throw up. However, she managed to compose herself, assuring me that she was okay.

"Do I need to crush them for you?" I offered, genuinely willing to go to such lengths to make this process more bearable for her.

She shook her head, determination in her eyes. "No, I can handle it."

As she took another pill, a brief moment of discomfort crossed her features, but she persevered. I watched, a mix of concern and admiration in my eyes, as she conquered the challenge with resilience.

"What if we go to Italy?" I suggested, changing the subject. "With Mason and Camilla, of course."

Azzurra raised a brow, curiosity evident in her expression. "Why Italy?"

I shrugged, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Why not? Imagine us strolling through quaint Italian streets, enjoying gelato, and soaking up the sun. Plus, Mason and Camilla's antics would make the trip even more entertaining."

She chuckled, the idea clearly sparking her interest. "That does sound like a lot of fun. But why Italy specifically?"

"Because," I replied with a playful smirk, "Italy is the perfect place for an adventure. And, well, it's also known for having some of the best food in the world."

Azzurra's eyes lit up at the mention of food, a shared love we both indulged in. "Alright, Italy it is. But only if we can try every gelato flavor available."

I chuckled, genuinely enjoying these light-hearted conversations. "Deal. We'll make it the gelato tour of a lifetime."

As we continued to discuss our imaginary Italian adventure, the room filled with a warmth that transcended the challenges we faced. In those moments, the simplicity of dreaming together provided a welcome escape, reminding us that amidst the complexities of life, shared laughter and whimsical plans could be the balm that soothes the soul. 

As the imaginary Italian adventure continued to take shape, we found ourselves caught up in the excitement of planning. The idea of packing our bags and exploring a foreign land with Mason and Camilla added a new layer of anticipation to our conversations.

As Azzurra and I gathered items for our fictional trip, she hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. "I have a fear of flying," she confessed, her voice laced with genuine concern.

I looked at her with reassurance, offering a comforting smile. "It's going to be okay, Azzurra. Flying is safer than you think."

She shook her head, her fears not easily assuaged. "No, no. I'm terrified. What if we crash and die?"

I chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist to provide a comforting embrace. "You're not going to crash and die. Trust me, I've been flying for years. It's a lot safer than it seems."

She looked up at me, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and trust. "Can I sit with you?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper.

"Of course," I replied, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "We'll sit together, and I'll make sure you feel safe the entire time."

She continued, a hint of vulnerability in her next question, "Can we sit in the front, not the back?"

I chuckled at her specific request. "Actually, we're going with my private jet. I hate public transport."

Her eyes widened, surprise and gratitude mingling on her face. "A private jet? Seriously?"

I nodded, enjoying the excitement that lit up her eyes. "Seriously. No crowded airports, and we'll have the entire plane to ourselves."

As we delved deeper into our playful preparations, the imaginary trip unfolded with a delightful mix of whimsy and genuine connection. The shared excitement over gelato tours and private jet adventures provided a welcome escape, creating a bond that transcended the boundaries of reality. In those moments, our laughter echoed through the room, a testament to the power of shared dreams and the joy found in the simplicity of togetherness. 

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