By niikosia

8.6K 474 369

Haruchiyo Sanzu and Y/n Hanemiya had what seemed like true love, but their relationship was a roller coaster... More

━━ prologue.
S1 ━ Inception.
S1 ━ Clandestine.
S1 ━ Foxhole.
S1 ━ Enmity.
S2 ━ Paranoia.
S2 ━ Altercation.
S2 ━ Miscellaneous.
S2 ━ Rumor.
S2 ━ Paramour.
S2 ━ Collision.
S2 ━ Adjournment i.
S2 ━ Adjournment ii.
S3 ━ Reiterate.
S3 ━ Demented.
S3 ━ Impasse.
S3 ━ Perpetrator.
S3 ━ Oblivious.
S3 ━ Reassert.
S3 ━ Reprisal.
S3 ━ Bloodbath.
S4 ━ Ignorance.
S4 ━ Chafe i.
S4 ━ Chafe ii.
S4 ━ Dubiety.
S4 ━ Mastermind.
S4 ━ Glimpse.
S4 ━ Rampancy.
━━ Epilogue.
The untold letter.

S4 ━ Memorandum.

177 8 1
By niikosia

November 1, 2005

Tonight is Y/n's prom night and I found myself patiently waiting outside her dormitory for her arrival. It feels like an eternity has passed as I anticipate her slow and meticulous process of getting ready in her exquisite attire. Impatiently, I tap my stylish Versace shoes against the ground and casually lean on my sleek Kawasaki Ninja 400 motorcycle, all the while still yearning for my best friend's presence, who seems to be taking an eternity to prepare herself.

"Y/n!" I expressed my frustration audibly and made a disapproving sound with my tongue, feeling irritated by the situation. I shifted my gaze towards the side mirror of my bike, whereupon I let out a self-conscious chuckle, realizing that it was due to her insistence that I had to get a mullet haircut and dye my hair black.

"Haruchiyo?" As soon as I caught sight of her and heard the melodic tones of her voice, my reflexes kicked in and I swiftly readjusted my suit, meticulously ensuring that every crease was smoothed out. At the same time, I hastily ran my fingers through my disheveled hair, determined to present myself in the best possible way. Her voice resonated with an ethereal quality, as if it had the power to unlock the gates of heaven itself.

The gentle and tender manner in which she pronounced my name left me in awe; it was the softest utterance I had ever encountered.Trying to put into words the overwhelming emotions that washed over me in that moment is an arduous task. All I can say is that her captivating voice consumed my attention entirely, leaving me spellbound and utterly entranced.

As soon as she exited her dormitory, my gaze immediately fixated on her breathtaking attire, the Color Dress 2005, which accentuated every curve of her body. The intensity of her appearance was undeniably captivating, making her arguably the most attractive person I had ever encountered throughout the entirety of my existence.

I found myself unable to divert my eyes from Y/n, overcome with an overwhelming desire to continue observing her. Attempting to alleviate my nerves, I inhaled deeply and bravely took a step closer to her, my laughter betraying my anxiousness. It was astonishing to comprehend just how stunning she was, as if an ethereal goddess had graced my presence. The rapid and palpable beating of my heart seemed to echo her name incessantly, desperately yearning for her attention.

God, I am absolutely astounded by the immense blessing that has been bestowed upon me in my life. Y/n, she is without a doubt the epitome of perfection; her beauty is beyond compare, her presence is awe-inspiring, and her kindness knows no bounds. I, Haruchiyo Akashi, am willing to go to any lengths, even lay down my life, to protect her.

I am eternally grateful to God for gracing me with such an incredible blessing, one that I never could have fathomed would bring such fulfillment to my existence. Her radiant smiles, her delightful giggles, and her infectious laughter have transformed me into the man that I know she deserves. Each day, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for having her by my side.

Jesus, Y/n, if you truly grasped the extent of your stunning beauty as perceived by my eyes, it would likely evoke an overwhelming surge of emotions within you that could potentially lead to tears of sheer bliss. The sheer magnificence of your angelic qualities renders me speechless and sends waves of nervousness coursing through my being, as if my heart were on the verge of bursting with an indescribable intensity.

I extended my hand towards her, and without any hesitation, she willingly took hold of it. In that moment, a rush of emotions overwhelmed me; I was taken aback by the ethereal smile that adorned Y/n's face, causing a subtle blush to grace my cheeks. Mesmerized by her captivating beauty, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from her radiant presence.

She climbed onto my bike, and I passed the helmet to her as we headed towards her school. The gentle breeze caressed our skin, and a sense of excitement surged through me as I felt her arms spontaneously embrace my waist. Oh, how grateful I was in that moment to have this amazing girl, Y/n, effortlessly igniting a flutter in my heart. A genuine smile adorned my face when I stole a glance at the side mirror, observing her shutting her eyes while the winds playfully kissed her cheeks. It was adorable to see her maintain such an adorable demeanor even in such moments.

"Someone wants to court me." Y/n's remark shattered the silence, causing me to tense up upon hearing it. Intrigued by her words, my curiosity was instantly piqued. However, I refrained from asking any further questions since I already had a strong hunch about the person who desired to pursue her affection.

It was none other than Kakucho's best friend, Ryota Kise from Kaijō High School. At that moment, I couldn't help but roll my eyes, contemplating Ryota's appearance and questioning his suitability as a potential suitor for Y/n. Though I denied feeling any jealousy, deep down, a twinge of it might have existed within me.

"Just tell me if that guy treated you like a trash." I inquired as I abruptly changed direction on my bike, heading towards Rakuzan High where Y/n was diligently pursuing her studies. Knowing that this was her final year of high school, with college right around the corner, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for my best friend. Among the talented students at Rakuzan High, Y/n stood out as one of the most exceptional, second only to her renowned basketball player cousin, Seijuro Akashi.

As I arrived at her school and conveniently parked my bicycle, she gracefully dismounted and promptly adjusted her attire. Just then, she caught me off guard with an unexpected query, causing my eyes to open slightly wider.

"Hey, Haruchiyo," she asked innocently, "when are you going to find yourself a girlfriend?" In response, I couldn't help but chuckle with amusement. I couldn't believe it-this girl was lacking in perceptiveness, yet she had an undeniable charm in her innocence.

"That is a decision that is up to you..." I whispered quietly to myself. Unexpectedly, a sports car pulled up behind us and honked its horn as the window smoothly glided down.

"Hey there, Y/n-chan! I swung by your dormitory, but your neighbor informed me that you were with Sanzu," Ryota exclaimed, his face beaming with a captivating smile. He didn't even consider the possibility that I might be standing right next to Y/n. This guy really can't grasp a hint no matter how obvious it is at this point.

"It appears that your Prince Charming has arrived," I remarked casually before mounting my bicycle once more. However, much to my astonishment, Y/n leaned towards me and uttered softly, "I'll ride with Kise, you go ahead first, I'll see you at the prom." With a delicate touch, she tenderly brushed away a wayward strand of hair from my visage. And then, she gracefully departed, making her way towards Ryota's vehicle where she entered promptly.

When the car started moving, I couldn't help but express my annoyance by rolling my eyes. Thoughts raced through my mind as to why I was even responsible for taking care of her. However, despite my frustration, I couldn't bring myself to abandon her.

There was something about her that held me back, much like the attachment I have towards my katana. I have a tendency to cling on to things and people who hold sentimental value in my life, and she was no exception. Her presence in my life means a great deal to me; I cherish her, admire her beauty, and appreciate every aspect of her being.

I must admit that finding the right words to describe Y/n is quite difficult. She has an undeniable beauty that goes beyond mere physical attributes. Moreover, her inner strength and resilience are truly admirable. What sets her apart, however, is her genuine kindness and compassion towards others. Y/n is genuinely a good-hearted person, although some may misinterpret her actions and judgments due to her demeanor. I assure you, though, that she is not as negative as some may perceive her to be.

My girl is far from being a terrible person.

I started riding until I arrived at the place where everyone was enjoying themselves. I noticed some old Toman members, including Chifuyu and Takemichi, along with their girlfriends. I deliberately didn't pay any attention to them.

"Looking for Y/n?" When a tall man wearing a completely black suit approached me, I quickly redirected my attention towards him.

"I apologize, my name is Suguru Geto and I saw you with Y/n a few weeks ago, so I thought you were her boyfriend. However, she is currently with someone else. Drop that shawty dude."

Out of nowhere, a tall guy who was about 6'1 slapped Suguru's neck, causing Suguru to turn his head and give a displeased look at the white-haired boy. The white-haired boy then casually apologized for the incorrect information provided by his best friend and mentioned that Y/n was not with another man, but rather she might be with her cousin, Seijuro. However, his tone seemed a bit arrogant.

"Cut the crap you two, where is she?" I told them to move aside because I don't care if those two are popular at Rakuzan High. My main goal is to find Y/n. She's probably intoxicated by now. I confidently entered the room where the event was happening and proudly announced myself as Y/n Margarita Hanemiya's guest. I walked through the crowd, feeling like a famous person in the center of attention.

A group of girls were gazing at me intently, their eyes filled with curiosity. Unexpectedly, amidst the crowd, I heard a familiar voice calling out my name, "Haruchiyo!" Y/n's voice had a noticeably slurred quality, indicating she had indulged in quite a few drinks. It was astonishing to think that she had only just arrived and yet had already been consuming alcohol without pause.

As I observed the scene further, I realized that not only Y/n, but all the girls around her were also participating in the drinking festivities. Moreover, the dance event they were attending had yet to be concluded.

"Uwi na tayo!" She shouted.

"Uwi kana sa'kin." I responded.

She began striding towards me, her steps purposeful and confident, until she came to a halt mere inches away from me. In that intimate proximity, she leaned her head gently against my chest just as the haunting melody filled the air, resonating within our hearts. In response, I instinctively wrapped one arm around her delicate shoulder, guiding her closer, and planted a tender kiss on her forehead. The weight of the moment lingered, as it marked the very first time I embraced her in such a meaningful way.

"What do you mean i'm going home in you?" That question is really strange, but yeah, I admit it was my mistake.

"What I'm trying to say is that I really missed you so much that it felt like my heart and organs were longing for you to come home. It was just a silly joke made by someone who isn't particularly funny, as you can probably tell."

"In one condition" She spoke softly to me and made me lower my head to look at her.

"Let's dance." She said.

"I don't dance. You should tell that to your Kise instead." The level of the music abruptly rose, intensifying to the point where the excessive noise caused a sharp discomfort in my ears.

"Haruchiyo, it's only one dance, pleaseeee." As she tilted her head and pouted at me, my attention was immediately captured as soon as the next song began, by the mesmerizing gaze in her round, golden eyes.

As my heart pounded rapidly within my chest, I extended my hand to delicately encircle her waist, while my other hand firmly grasped hers. Brilliant rays of light gracefully caressed Y/n's face, leaving me utterly spellbound by her breathtaking beauty. It is impossible to articulate the immense and indescribable beauty of this woman who now stood within my embrace.

"When do you plan on finding a girlfriend? This is regarding the question I asked you earlier on the streets." I inhaled deeply and consciously shifted my eyes away from her. I questioned myself, am I truly prepared to disclose the immense emotions I harbored during the duration of our time together? This moment was crucial; she stood before me, holding my hand, sincerely requesting an answer.

"I'm waiting for someone..."

I gently brushed her hair behind her ear and brought my nose close to hers, savoring the moment. The world faded away as I shut my eyes, focusing solely on the sound of her deep, anxious breaths. It was evident from her demeanor that she was feeling nervous.

"And that someone is you."

I gently laid my hand against her soft cheek, gently massaging it with affection and tenderness. The memory of the day when Mikey first introduced her to me still remains vivid in my mind, for it was during that very moment that I came to the profound realization that this incredible woman standing before me would be my future wife.

I saw in her eyes the qualities and attributes that made her my perfect match - my soulmate, my one and only, the person who completes me entirely. She encompasses everything that I hold dear, encompassing my entire world, and I can envision her as the loving mother of our future children. She is truly the one who holds the key to my heart and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Y/n has a certain indescribable quality that has awakened my senses and pulled me out of the mundane realms of reality. In a mere instant, she has managed to make me embrace concepts and emotions that I had previously deemed impossible to experience in my short existence of sixteen years.

One such concept happens to be the powerful and transformative force known as 'Love'. Initially, I dismissed it as a mere figment of imagination, far removed from reality, but everything changed when she gracefully approached me one fine day, bearing a gift of her strawberry ice cream. It was in that very moment that I knew she held a special place in my heart and soul.

Isn't it annoying? Constantly using the same words repeatedly? It may seem tiresome, but it's because I have developed strong feelings for Kazutora's sister.

She utters my name, "Haruchiyo..." in such a gentle and tender manner, as if the enchanting chorus of "Till I met you." is drawing near. I am determined to be the first one to steal her first kiss before anyone else in this room makes their move on her.




In an instant, I twirled Y/n in my arms and passionately pressed my lips against her plump, enticing ones. With an undeniable intensity, I gently caressed the small of her back, intensifying the depth of our passionate kiss. This enchanting moment, filled with overwhelming love and affection, is bound to forever etch itself into the depths of my memory.

As our lips remained locked, I could not help but whisper her name, Y/n, amidst the intoxicating exchange of breaths. However, our embrace eventually came to an end as Y/n slowly withdrew from our kiss, clasping me tightly in her embrace. The music, under the care of DJ Rindou Haitani, ceased, allowing a sudden and life-altering confession to escape my lips.

"Milyy, will you be my partner in mischief?" The declaration came as a complete surprise to everyone present in the room. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as the DJ shouted, almost resembling a marriage proposal.

"Y/n, you have been worth every second of the wait. My love for you knows no bounds. Your mere presence as you walked towards me felt like stepping into an alternate reality, as if I was in the midst of a surreal dream. Being with you is an experience that feels so incredibly unreal.

It's almost as if you are the embodiment of a figment of my imagination, Milyy. Words cannot adequately express the depth of my feelings for you. My love for you knows no boundaries, transcending all limitations. It is beyond measure, beyond comprehension. God, Y/n, I am head over heels in love with you. I love you to the moon and back."

Uttering those words, my nerves were on edge, my heart beating erratically. The fear of rejection loomed large in my mind, causing a wave of anxiety to wash over me at the mere thought of her saying no.

A gentle giggle slipped past her lips before she uttered, "It's more than a yes, Akashi." An eruption of boisterous laughter erupted from her, accompanied by a playful wink directed at me. In response, I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully and cast my gaze downward.

The overwhelming blend of happiness and slight embarrassment caused my cheeks to flush with warmth. Unable to contain my excitement any longer, I eagerly seized her wrist and pulled her towards the outside, completely disregarding the curious onlookers and their buzzing gossip surrounding our fleeting moments in the limelight.

"Fuck them." I lowered myself to a slightly crouched position and intentionally tore a small portion of Y/n's dress, compelling her to reluctantly climb onto the seat of my bike. As she began to protest, I swiftly interrupted her objections by silencing her with a passionate kiss upon her supple lips.

The woman who has given me unconditional love is worth waiting for.

The woman who has given me unwavering support is worth loving for.

The woman who has given me a reason to live is worth fighting for.

And that woman is Y/n Hanemiya, who has helped me live to the fullest and shown me that not everyone is my enemy.

"You stole my first kiss Haruchiyo!" She complained, which caused me to laugh a little.

Then, I carefully pulled her hair back and quietly said, "Do you want to know what I'm really fixated on?" I gently kissed her ear and confessed, "My first obsession is you. My second obsession is having sex with you." These words made her skin tingle, a sensation that I even felt, and her cheeks turned red from the heat.

"I love you more than yesterday, Milyy." I whispered again.

November 1, 2017

"To my Significant other... I'm confused, what is the purpose of this letter? I can't believe it. If this letter is from Ran, I might as well just end my life. Kazu, this is ridiculous! I have no interest in reading this kind of nonsense," I said with a small smile, arranging all the pictures that Sanzu and I took during my junior high prom night.

Y/n shoved Sanzu into the photo booth and made her hands create a big smile on Sanzu's lips, saying, "Dumbass! Show your unique scars that Professor Wakui made!" Y/n rose to their feet and gracefully settled onto Sanzu's lap, finding solace in the pleasant heat that enveloped them as they occupied the cozy enclave of the photo booth.

"Smile Haru baby!" As Y/n rested her head against Sanzu's cheek, a mischievous smile slowly spread across his lips. With a swift motion, he effortlessly took the photographs from her grasp and promptly tucked them away inside his pocket.

"He kept this image?" Once more, my heart was unexpectedly taken aback. Hadn't he discarded this picture? Despite its imperfections, the photograph contained numerous significant memories, and I found myself reminiscing about the night when he formally asked me to become his girlfriend. Ah, the nostalgia for those bygone days is overwhelming. If only it were possible to rewind time and relive those cherished moments.

"Just open the letter, Y/n." My brother was pressuring me to open this cursed letter, handed to me by an unknown person. Feeling a mixture of trepidation and anticipation, I paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before carefully unsealing the envelope. As I unfolded the paper within, I immediately recognized the handwriting as belonging to Sanzu. A surge of anxiety overcame me, intensifying my already nervous state.

"Before you open that letter, let me tell you something.." My brother's face lit up with a warm smile, while tears welled up in his eyes, displaying a mix of emotions.

"The day you gave birth was also the day he disappeared." What is he referring to in his conversation? Who in the world disappeared, causing such a surprise? Despite feeling a tinge of annoyance towards his unclear statement, I couldn't help but swiftly unfold the letter in anticipation, and with every passing moment, my heartbeat accelerated at an accelerated pace.

As I carefully read the letter, my chest begins to tighten even more with each passing minute.

I started trembling when I read the words from Sanzu. My heart started pounding faster as he finished speaking. It's too much, it's painful, I despise it, I hate this, it hurts, it really hurts. All of a sudden, tears started streaming down my face.

I finally understood the answer to my question from three years ago, and I hated it. I hate it so much. This cannot be true, Sanzu, Haruchiyo, Akashi, this cannot be happening, this cannot be, this cannot be, this cannot be, for goodness' sake.


✧ ━━━━━━ ✧ ━━━━━━━━ ✧ ━━━━━━━━ ✧


November 1, 2015

To: Y/n,

My Significant Other,

Y/n, I am aware that you are currently perusing these words within the confines of a mental institution, exactly three years since the commencement of your stay, and today signifies your long-awaited liberation from this place, is my assumption correct? Feel free to vociferously express your discontent if my observation happens to be inaccurate.

My baby, I understand your dislike for traditional letters, but I implore you to spare a moment to peruse this heartfelt correspondence, adorned with my delicate penmanship.

Are we already in the year 2017? More specifically, are we in the month of November, and further still, on the first day of this November?

Today holds a significant event - Kali, our beloved child, celebrates her third birthday. I beseech you, Milyy, to grace her with your presence on this special occasion, as I regretfully cannot fulfill this duty.

My personal endeavors have consumed me, and alas, ever since your departure, life has taken a downward spiral, leaving everything awry.

Do you remember our first kiss? That time on your prom night? Because if not, Kazutora will give you a piece of everything that will make you remember from the past."

"Drugs, Pleasure, Adrenaline, and Bonten. that's what I valued the most then, you arrived.

You were pretty and somewhat, surprising. Our relationship was full of surprises, It was so thrilling because of you, full of pleasure.

It's funny how I ended up with you for the past 7 years but who knows? You were so mesmerizing, you're still at it. Remember what I said? You're a goddess, a goddess who can do the unexpected.

Unexpected that I, myself didn't know you had the capability to do so.

Kali, our dearest first daughter. I don't know how to describe my feelings. Mixed emotions, mad and sad. I can't believe what happened, not to you atleast.

We lost our daughter and it was because of you.

For the past months or years, it bugged me. Your question bugged the living shit out of me. Did I ever loved you?

I kept thinking, Did I love you? Was it just pleasure and your gifted beauty that I chased you for? I got high because of it, it kept bugging me.

Love and adoration-it's similar. Is that what you're talking about? The one you're asking for?

I knew I held your heart, you loved me, Y/n.

I wanna see you, little by little, the dreams we planned together- slowly coming to life even when I'm gone.

Even when I turned my back on you, you still called for me. I'm sorry for turning my back at you, Y/n Hanemiya.

Finally, I thought again. Did I ever love you for the past 7 years? Our past 7 years, together.

I wanted to tell you my answer, personally- but it feels so wrong that when I face you, I'll say yes."

"I love you but not the way I used to."

From: Haruchiyo.

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