The Boyfriend (The Camgirl Pa...

By taylorstorms

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WARNING: WHOLESOME, BUT SMUTTY AS ALL HELL (Read "The Camgirl" and "The Roommate" before this!) Just as every... More

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Part I: Almost Home
Part II: Home
Part III: Family
Part IV: Hey, Dad
Part V: I Don't Know Yet
Part VI: He Didn't Want to Stop
Part VII: If That's What She Wants...
Part VIII: Coconut Oil
Part IX: What if I Fuck it Up?
Part X: Even Better
Part XI: Just Lexi
Part XII: No Unexpected Pregnancies
Part XIII: Merry Christmas, Kiddo
Part XIV: Something Kind of Serious
Part XV: A Picture
Part XVI: Changing Room
Part XVII: The Old House
Part XVIII: Her. Lexi.
Part XIX: Delivery
Part XX: All the Way In
Part XXI: Jamie
Part XXII: I Trust Him With Everything
Part XXIII: Blake Lied
Part XIV: The Will
Part XXV: Therapy?
The Boyfriend Part XXVI: Dogs
Part XXVII: Cozy
Part XXVIII: Striptease
Part XXIX: Nothing
Part XXX: Clench
XXXI: Which First?
Part XXXII: Show Me the Dress
Part XXXIII: Dr. Cardaso
Part XXXIV: That's a No on the Yoga Pants?
Part XXXV: She Makes You Happy
Part XXXVI: He's Not There
Part XXXVII: How *Did* Blake Convince You?
Part XXXVIII: I Know What You're Doing!
Part XXXIX: Buttplug
Part XL: Fighting A Dragon
Part XLI: Ready For Your Present?
Part XLII: You're On
Part XLIII: Jingle Bell Buttplug
Part XLIV: Too Many Orgasms
Part XLV: Holy Reindeer Balls
Part XLVI: Clone Fantasy
Part XLVII: Intensity
Part XLVIII: Just a Bit Longer
Part XLIX: Dan
Part L: Thanks, Sis
Part LI: Roast
Part LII: Jacuzzi
Part LIII: You Didn't Invite Me?
Part LIV: A New Year
Part LV: Passing the Torch
Part LVI: Just Move On
Part LVII: Stop Wasting Your Time
Part LVIII: How Do I Do It?
Part LVIX: Sandcastle
Part LX: Have You Ever...?
Part LXI: Nowhere Near This Good
Part LXII: Cherry
Part LXIII: Nothing is Ever Certain
Part LXIV: Confession
Part LXV: Understanding
Part LXVI: And We're Back!
Part LXVII: All That Hard Work
Part LXVIII: Drenched
Part LXIX: Desperate
Part LXX: Go For It
Part LXXI: Yum
Part LXXII: Can We Start Now?

Part LXXIII: She Makes You Happy

200 3 0
By taylorstorms


Lexi glanced back at Marie's sleeping form and smiled as she opened the door slowly and silently, closing it the same way once she slipped through.

"Did you literally fuck her unconscious?"

Lexi jumped, hissing at Kendra's voice, and looked down to make sure her robe was closed enough to hide her cock. She didn't shrink much when flaccid, unfortunately, but enough that she could go without wearing boxer-briefs or panties under the robe and not have her cock flopping about.

Once she was secure, Lexi grinned and turned to her roommate.

"She asked for it."


Kendra laughed from where she sat on the couch eating something Mediterranean-smelling out of a bowl, a book open on the couch next to her.

"We weren't too loud, were we?" Lexi asked as she walked over to the fridge, getting out the water filter before grabbing two big cups from the cabinet.

Kendra shook her head, "I need to have more girls over so you can realize just how good the soundproofing is. If one of you shrieks, I can hear it, and I'm pretty sure I heard a spanking that left a mark, but other than that..."

Kendra shrugged, trailing off, and Lexi tried not to blush.

Lexi had hinted at what she was into when she first moved in with Kendra just so it wouldn't be a surprise if her roommate ever saw anything for whatever reason.

Then Kendra had met Helen, who had let it spill that she was also into bondage and domming, and Kendra had wanted a rundown of everything that entailed from both sisters.

But she's comfortable with it, and doesn't give me shit for it, which is all I care about.

"I take it things are going well between you two?"

Lexi smiled, setting the waters down and leaning down to rest her elbows on the couch over Kendra.

"Yeah. I know we've been moving kind of fast, but..."

"She makes you happy," Kendra finished, "I don't think I've ever seen you smiling so much as you have been today or the few weeks before break. Well, when I saw you, that is."

Lexi blushed, "Sorry about that."

Kendra raised an eyebrow, "Don't be, I'm not getting the way of what's obviously a very good time."

Lexi snorted, then thought for a moment and grabbed her water before walking around the couch to sit next to Kendra, making sure her robe was placed correctly.

Her roommate threw her a pointed look.

"Lex, I told you that you don't have to worry about that. I'm not gonna clutch my pearls or anything if your cock slips out."

Lexi blushed, but grinned, "Clutch your pearls?"

Kendra shrugged, "Seems like something a bigoted old white person would do if they saw a cock, or...I don't know--found out someone was smoking weed?"

Lexi laughed, "Fair. And thank you. I don't think I'll ever be walking around with it just flopping or helicoptering all over, but...thank you. I really appreciate--what?"

Lexi cut off, frowning as Kendra threw her a shit-eating grin.

"I kind of really want to see you helicopter now?"

Lexi rolled her eyes, embarrassed, but feeling strangely more comfortable, "Don't make me slap you with it."

Kendra just grinned wider, "Is that what you did to Marie in there? Sound hot."

Lexi wanted to roll her eyes again. Instead, she returned Kendra's grin, "Only a few times."

Kendra laughed, covering her mouth as she threw back her head.

That made Lexi's smile even broader. After a moment, she reached forward and took Kendra's hand in hers.

"I'm gonna try to be a bit less of a shut in this semester. Or, just going forward in general. You're an awesome roommate and I want to spend more time actually hanging out with you instead of just being in the same room when we cook or do homework."

Kendra smiled, squeezing her hand, "I'd like that."

She glanced toward Lexi's room for a moment before meeting her gaze again, "And don't think it just has to be you, either. If you two are getting serious, I want to get to know her a better. More than just helping you tease her when she clearly wants to jump you."

Lexi blushed at that, "Thanks, Kendra. We probably won't be great at that the next few days--"

Kendra snorted, "I don't blame you."

She bit her lip for a moment, then smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear, "What would you think of a girls' night at some point? I was thinking of suggesting that Marie do one either with me and her roommates so I could get to know them, or just the three of them since she's been having some issues, but maybe just us three hanging out could warm her up to the idea of that?"

Kendra eyed her playfully for a moment, "Just don't rub it in that you'll be getting some later that night and I won't, and we have a deal."

Lexi laughed, "I'll try my best."

Kendra grinned, then glanced back toward Lexi's room, "So, do you have to get right back in there, or--?"

Lexi shook her head, blushing, "She's gonna be out for a bit."

Kendra barked a laugh.


Lexi's roommate scooted closer on the couch, "Tell me more about break. I know you said most of it was boring, but you were with Helen, and I know she's anything but boring. You also said there was a party."

Lexi rolled her eyes, but grinned as she got a bit more comfortable and started reminiscing about the good parts of her break with her roommate, feeling even more at home than she had before.



Blake was floaty and wet. But only between her legs. Her body tingled, humming with sensations that made her smile and shift around contentedly. She smiled as the humming grew stronger, and her lips parted in a relaxed sigh. When she moved a hand down to touch herself between her legs, though, she was no longer floating, and she found she couldn't touch herself. There was a head of hair between her legs.


Blinking bleary eyes, Blake found herself in her room, lit only by the soft morning light peaking in around the curtains. Strong hands gripped her thighs, and a tongue teased her lower lips. And fuck, she was wet.

Blake tilted her head up just enough to meet Liam's gaze as she glanced up from between her legs.

Then, smiling, she laid back and moved her thighs closer around his head, crossing her legs over his back.

"Mmm," she purred, "I could definitely get used to this. I missed waking up to you over break. I dreamed about it sometimes."

Liam laughed between her legs, the vibrations making her flinch and gasp, "All of them dirty, or a few wholesome ones?"

Blake shrugged, eyes still closed as she enjoyed what Liam was doing to her, "Pretty equal amount of both. Sometimes I dreamt about waking up to you doing this, or fucking me hard, or nice and slow. But other times, I just wanted to wake up I your arms, or to your soft kisses."

Blake moaned as Liam gave her one more firm, long lick with the flat of his tongue, then parted her legs and grinned as she rose to his hands and knees to crawl up her body and meet her in a kiss.

Blake giggled at tasting herself on him, and flicked her tongue out to swipe at his chin and jaw between kisses.

"Do you want me to make you cum?" he asked.

Blake giggled, "I always want you to make me cum, Liam. But--"

A yawn overtook her, cutting her off, and Liam grinned.

"Too tired?"

Blake nodded, blinking sleepy eyes that somehow seemed even sleepier after the yawn, "We did almost literally fuck until we passed out. And as much as I love having you between my legs...I miss waking up in your arms and snuggling with you until I wake up and get ready for everything."

Liam smiled at her, then leaned over to one side, and got back under the blankets, "Well, its early as fuck, so we can probably fall back asleep before you need to get up."

Blake smiled, a wonderful warmth spreading through her as Liam pressed his body against hers, fitting perfectly, and wrapped an arm around her waist to reach up before cupping one of her breasts.

This is right. This is what I need.

Blake had missed this so much, and was still so exhausted from the previous night's activities, that she barely registered Liam's big, hard cock against her ass before wiggling her hips against Liam and falling back asleep.



Liam watched with tired, still-jetlagged eyes as Blake started her morning routine, doing her stretches, push-ups and squats and lunges, and what looked like a little bit of yoga, all mixed together. She'd tried to get him to join one time, but though Liam usually enjoyed exercising, he did not enjoy it in the morning. Not this sort of exercise, at least.

Plus, Liam enjoyed watching Blake.

He would have preferred her naked or in underwear so he could watch the lines of her muscles as she moved through her workout, but the tight blue shorts and loose white shirt looked cute on her, and revealed enough that Liam was still mostly-hard.

It was her concentration and focus that fascinated him, though. Liam knew he could get like that about music or the right coding project, but he rarely was able to watch others get into that state, as it was usually a private thing.

Blake had seemed distracted by him the first time they'd spent a few days together here before break, apparently feeling bad that he had nothing to do, but he'd managed to convince her that he was perfectly content to lay in bed and watch her get ready.

As Blake started what Liam was pretty sure was her warm-down, he thought about what he'd asked his family regarding Blake.

Will she think it's too much?

That wasn't Liam's only worry. His house wasn't exactly that spread-out. He was pretty sure his Auntie and Uncle's bedroom was relatively well soundproofed--he and Kekoa never heard anything--but he didn't think he could say the same about his room, or the wall he shared with his brother.

Plus, as much as Liam wanted to just invite Blake over to stay with him during spring break, the idea of vacation that his parents had floated...

That might be too much to ask Blake about right now. It wouldn't be much different as far as who she would be spending time with and how often they would be with his parents, but Liam knew that there was always more pressure when you asked someone to come on a trip with you.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?"

Liam jumped, caught off-guard by Blake whisper right in his ear.

He turned, meeting her beautiful eyes, and had to take a moment to gather his thoughts.

"Sorry, what?"

Blake smirked at him, "You spaced out, dude. I finished my workout and started making faces at you during my last few stretches. When I pulled down my shorts and didn't get a reaction, I knew you were somewhere else.

Liam swallowed, blushing, "Sorry."

He looked Blake up and down. Her hair was bound up in a loose bun, her pale cheeks were still a little red from exertion, and she shone from a thin sheen of sweat.

"You're beautiful. I missed just being able to look at you."

Blake arched an eyebrow, but her cheeks turned an even deeper red, "You have pictures."

"Not the same and you know it."

Blake rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips, "So, what were you thinking about?"

Liam smiled at her, "Just what I wanted to do with you."

Not technically a lie.

"Oh yeah? And what's that."

"Spend as much time with you as I can."

Also, not a lie.

Blake smiled, "Well, we have until the afternoon before classes start before we need to worry about Marie coming back."

That made Liam frown.

"Any idea what we're going to do about that?"

Blake shook her head, returning his expression, "Haven't thought of anything yet. I don't think she would do anything really bad if she found out, but..."

Liam sat up enough to gather her into a hug.

"I know. I would make things tense here even if she took it well."

When he pulled back, Blake was biting her lip.

He cocked his head, "What?"

"Is there a chance she does take it well? And is just a little mad I didn't tell her for so long?"

Liam chewed on his lip as he thought, then shook his head.

"Marie isn't vindictive, but...she did have a jealous streak when it came to certain things, and those were the few times when she seemed way out of character."

Blake arched an eyebrow, "Tasha?"

Liam snorted, smiling, "Yeah. I very quickly learned not to bring her up or try to get them to hang out. Those were just two parts of my life that had to remain separate."

Blake took a deep breath, "Is it okay if we don't worry about her for right now? Once classes start, we can start thinking about it again?"

Liam grinned, "I can agree to that."

Blake smiled, "In that case..."

She whipped off her shirt, leaving her topless, "Want to join me in the shower?"

Liam jumped out of bed and scooped Blake into his arms, making her shriek, then devolve into a fit of laughter as he carried her toward the towels, then out and to the bathroom.

A/N: Isn't Kendra awesome? What do you think Liam and Blake are going to do about Marie? 

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