By niikosia

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Haruchiyo Sanzu and Y/n Hanemiya had what seemed like true love, but their relationship was a roller coaster... More

━━ prologue.
S1 ━ Inception.
S1 ━ Clandestine.
S1 ━ Foxhole.
S1 ━ Enmity.
S2 ━ Paranoia.
S2 ━ Altercation.
S2 ━ Miscellaneous.
S2 ━ Rumor.
S2 ━ Paramour.
S2 ━ Collision.
S2 ━ Adjournment i.
S2 ━ Adjournment ii.
S3 ━ Reiterate.
S3 ━ Demented.
S3 ━ Impasse.
S3 ━ Perpetrator.
S3 ━ Oblivious.
S3 ━ Reassert.
S3 ━ Reprisal.
S4 ━ Ignorance.
S4 ━ Chafe i.
S4 ━ Chafe ii.
S4 ━ Dubiety.
S4 ━ Mastermind.
S4 ━ Glimpse.
S4 ━ Rampancy.
S4 ━ Memorandum.
━━ Epilogue.
The untold letter.

S3 ━ Bloodbath.

107 8 0
By niikosia


In the past, specifically eleven years ago, there existed a trio of sisters known as Margarette, Y/n, and Karli Hanemiya. Their love for their family, particularly their brothers, knew no bounds. However, conflicts would occasionally arise among the three sisters due to their brothers' old friends.

Nevertheless, everything changed when, on their brother's special day, he formed a new friendship with a person named Baji Keisuke. This newfound friend treated him with genuine kindness, despite their initial lack of closeness. As a result, Baji decided to introduce Kazutora, their brother, to his own circle of friends, and astonishingly enough, they all quickly formed a strong bond.

The harmonious atmosphere among the group would be tested when, on Manjiro's birthday, a grave crime took place, with their brother becoming the prime suspect accused of the murder of Shinichiro Sano. Consequently, Kazutora found himself placed under arrest and confined to a prison cell.

The triplets grew visibly frail and feeble upon receiving the news. As Kazutora remained incarcerated, he remained oblivious to the agony his sisters were enduring as a result of his grave error. However, Kurokawa Izana, once the esteemed leader of the notorious Black Dragon gang, discovered the true identity of the triplets and their connection to his brother's assailant.

Fueled by rage and vengeance, Izana forcefully seized the triplets, harboring sinister intentions of subjecting them to torment and ultimately causing their demise. Unwavering in his malevolence, Izana took sadistic pleasure in repeatedly inflicting suffering upon the defenseless girls, relishing in their anguish as he callously doused their raw wounds with streams of whiskey.

With courage, Margarette fearlessly took a bold step towards the forefront, shielding her vulnerable sisters from any potential harm. In a calm yet determined manner, "What do you want from us?" she confronted Izana, seeking to understand his intentions and demands. Izana's response was accompanied by a chilling grin, revealing his pleasure derived from orchestrating this distressing scenario.

In the pursuit of "justice," Izana forcefully seized the rope, yanking Marga's hair with a grip that conveyed an immense hostility. Relentlessly, he proceeded to drag her towards the ominous drum that awaited her demise. Margarette's hapless fate was sealed as she was mercilessly submerged in the suffocating depths, time and time again, enduring a cruel ritual of death by drowning.

Only after enduring over ten of such harrowing sessions, did Izana resort to a different method, gripping her fragile neck until her feeble attempts to breathe ceased.

The shock of such brutality left Y/n and Karli frozen, their eyes appearing wider than ever, fixated on the loss of their eldest sister, incapable of blinking as if fearing to miss even the smallest detail of this horrific scene. Seemingly unaffected by the gruesome spectacle, Izana boldly rose, straightening his back, and executed a resounding clap with his hands, showcasing a sadistic pleasure in his heinous actions. His gaze fell upon the remaining sisters, Y/n and Karli, who were both trembling with a mix of terror and rage.

In a swift and brutal motion, Karli pushed her sister Y/n aside, embracing a primal savagery as she lunged at Izana like a ferocious animal. She sank her sharp teeth deep into Izana's arm, a vicious act that tore off a significant portion of his skin, causing both agony and revulsion to engulf him. The pain elicited a vulgar exclamation from Izana's lips, while the sight of his own flesh detached from his body intensified his disgust and repulsion.

Izana twirled the rope skillfully in his hands before swiftly hurling it around Karli's delicate neck. His frustration was mounting as he struggled to subdue Karli, for the young girl seemed to have an uncanny ability to anticipate his every move.

"Die, you bitch," he hissed through gritted teeth, forcefully tightening the rope around her slender neck, causing her once rosy lips to fade into a deep shade of violet. With a resounding thud, the immense door swung open under the relentless kicks of Madarame Shion and Mochizuku Kanji, followed closely by the imposing figures of the Haitani brothers.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little sister of the infamous murderer," Shion taunted, his voice dripping with malevolence as he whispered the words into Y/n's ear.

Unable to bear the sight of her torment, Ran diverted his gaze elsewhere, pretending not to notice as Mochi ruthlessly struck Y/n's defenseless face. Rindou, on the other hand, remained fixated on the scene unfolding before him, his eyes unyielding as he observed Shion and Mochi mercilessly pummeling Y/n as if she were nothing more than a sturdy punching bag.

"Is something bothering you, brother?" Rindou inquired, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity. Caught off guard, Ran hesitated for a moment before responding, "No, it's nothing."

Izana couldn't help but crack a slight smirk across his lips as he overheard the conversation between the two brothers. Turning his attention towards Ran, he extended his hand towards him with a sly grin. "Will you be the one to finish her off tonight, Haitani?" Ran's heart skipped a beat as he nervously stepped forward. Taking a deep breath, he found himself kneeling down in front of Y/n.

The older Haitani's lavender eyes, found himself irresistibly drawn to the captivating golden eyes of the younger Hanemiya. "I'm sorry, please bear with me." he whispered softly, his hand tenderly caressing her cheek as he wiped away her tears. And then, with deliberate force, he twisted her elbow, causing Y/n to stifle a pained cry. To ensure she remained silent, Ran swiftly covered her mouth with his hand, causing her to make muffled sounds of distress. In response, Izana couldn't help but burst into laughter, clearly amused by Ran's predicament. In that instant, Ran instantly realized that Izana had orchestrated this entire situation intentionally.

Ran released his grip on Y/n's mouth and distanced himself from her. The sight of the unconscious girl left him feeling overwhelmed with pity. Izana, with Shion and Mochi in tow, gave the command for Rindou to bury the bodies, regardless of whether they were still alive. Expressing disbelief, Rindou sighed and knelt before Y/n. He tossed a stack of tissue paper to his subordinate and asked if Y/n could hear him. Ran, his hands trembling, asked desperately if Rindou had killed her. Rindou reassured him that she was breathing, albeit with her arms injured.

Rindou nodded at the task of burying the two bodies in the backyard, while Ran took a moment to fix his braid before carefully lifting Y/n into his arms. He hurriedly carried her to the nearest safe location, the Musashi Shrine, where he delicately placed her on the stairs. To ensure her comfort and support her back, he adjusted her position.

Removing his tie from his hair, he began to style Y/n's hair. Admiring the outcome, he commented that the fishtail braid suited her. In a tender gesture, he gently tipped her chin up to meet his gaze. Sensing the imminent arrival of her brother's gang, Y/n inclined her head towards his neck, seeking comfort as he enveloped her in his long arms. She couldn't help but whisper, "Why?"

Ran responded emphatically, stating that causing harm to women was not part of Haitani's principles. He kissed the top of Y/n's head to reassure her. Suddenly, the sound of a group of bikers approaching interrupted their moment. Reluctantly, Ran moved away from Y/n and started making his way back to the Black Dragon's hideout. With a departing shout, he bid her goodbye for now before breaking into a run.

Meanwhile, Y/n continued shaking her head incessantly, muttering incoherently to herself. Overwhelmed with confusion, she pulled at her hair and began scratching her arms until they bled. Puzzled by the voices she was hearing, she wondered why Marga and Lili's voices were echoing in her mind. Frustrated by the hurtful words they were uttering, she rolled her eyes and began laughing maniacally in the solitude of the shrine.

The voices in her head echoed hauntingly:

"You never defend us!" -Lili

"You fucking coward!" -Marga

"You let us die!" -Marga

"You are so selfish, Y/n!" -Lili

Y/n couldn't suppress a wide smirk as her sisters seethed with anger inside her mind. She found immense pleasure in their suffering, unbothered by their screams. It was evident that something had drastically changed within her, as she reveled in their madness. "It's not my fault if Kurokawa-kun shows favoritism," she laughed, provoking her sisters even further.

With a dewy brawn, Y/n announced, "From now on, you both shall be known as Marga and Lili." It was a pact sealed in the moment of their death and resurrection, binding the sisters to linger inside Y/n's body for eternity. Though they were resigned to this fate, their purpose now was to provide Y/n with suggestions and ideas for her actions.

Despite the rumors circulating about Y/n having multiple personalities, the truth was far simpler. She possessed only two distinct personalities, the sisters being separate entities within her mind. Y/n alone held control over her thoughts and physical being, undisputed.

Deception had become second nature to Y/n, as she had deceived, killed, consumed, tormented, and kidnapped numerous people. Her actions were shrouded in darkness, hidden from the prying eyes of society.

Following Y/n's unconscious state at Musashi Shrine, it was decided that Keisuke, Draken, and Mitsuya would take care of her while Kazutora served his time in jail. The next morning, her mother consented to Draken's proposal that Toman, the gang they belonged to, would be responsible for her well-being. Keisuke generously provided shelter for her, allowing her to reside in their apartment, even sharing a room with Aisa.

One fateful night, Aisa returned home late, around 3 a.m. Her craving for fresh milk led her to the kitchen, but her curiosity was piqued when she overheard a conversation emanating from the bathroom. She proceeded with caution, tiptoeing until she reached the bathroom door, attempting to eavesdrop on the voices inside.

"Y/n seems more fitting than Y/r/n," a voice murmured, revealing a mysterious connection to Y/n's hidden intentions.

March 21, 2015
10:38 p.m.

Outside Sanzu's house, the police officers engaged in a conversation regarding the crucial evidence that had been accidentally dropped near the vicinity of a tree during the suspect's hasty escape. This unexpected turn of events seemed to imply that the case, from the perspective of the law enforcement, would be relatively straightforward.

Naoto, on the other hand, who had already diligently traced the fingerprints on the knife, couldn't help but detect a peculiar aspect surrounding this investigation. He pondered the motive behind the suspect's decision to voluntarily discard such a significant piece of evidence. Could it be an unintentional act of self-incrimination, or perhaps there was a deeper and more complex motive at play?

All the people present nodded in agreement to Naoto's assertion that the so-called culprit had been wrongly implicated, and together they began making their way towards Sanzu's house. The majority of the police officers trusted Naoto's judgment, as they found it highly unusual for the suspect to resort to such a bizarre strategy that was, surprisingly, proving to be effective. It appeared that the suspect had the ability to imprison their intended victim indefinitely merely by manipulating fingerprints.

The FBI and local police officers confidently entered the living room of Sanzu, with an air of authority exuding from their presence. They swiftly directed their weapons towards all the members of the notorious Bonten gang, demanding compliance and submission. "Hands behind your back, Haruchiyo Akashi, also known as Sanzu!" bellowed the chief officer with stern determination, as he proceeded to withdraw his handcuffs from their holster.

"You are under arrest for murdering Kali Akashi."

The Haitani brothers, Koko, Takeomi, and Kakucho, were left astounded when they heard the shocking accusations directed at Sanzu - that he had murdered Kali Akashi. This revelation shook them to their core because they knew that Sanzu would never commit such a horrendous act, especially against his own family blood.

Sanzu was about to respond, his voice laced with disbelief, when suddenly, the cop positioned behind Rindou abruptly fired his gun in an erratic manner, bullets whizzing dangerously close to Ran. In response, Rindou swiftly contorted his body, locking his two joints to protect himself.

Filled with anger and frustration, he unleashed a vehement yell, berating the cop for his foolishness. Furious, Rindou then swiftly drew his own firearm, challenging the group of officers with a question dripping with defiance: "Do you honestly believe that you all can bring us down?" Without hesitation, he firmly gripped the cop's joints and pulled the trigger, ending his life abruptly with a gunshot to the head.

"Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court law" The chief warned that any words spoken could be utilized against oneself in a court of law. After issuing the caution, he proceeded to draw his firearm and aim it towards Sanzu.

Observing this, Kakucho positioned himself against the wall and watched as the chief approached Sanzu. With a subtle grin on his face, Kakucho retaliated by pointing the gun directly at the chief's eyes. In a shocking turn of events, Kakucho's actions prompted the trigger to be pulled and the chief officer's eyes were met with a sudden explosion.

As Kakucho kept a vigilant eyes, "Bulls-eye." he muttered as he witnessed the smoke gracefully emerging from his glock 19.

The Bonten's gazed at the other officers and FBI members, offering them a confident wink as they removed their tops. The moment their adversaries laid eyes on the unmistakable Bonten's logo imprinted on their opponents' bodies, a wave of shock washed over the officers and FBI personnel.

Sanzu couldn't help but laugh as he discarded his gun and swiftly reached for his trusty Katana, relishing in the gratifying feeling of decapitating three police officers in one clean swipe. "This life of crime brings me satisfaction," Sanzu chuckled mischievously, malicious delight radiating from his eyes.

Taking pleasure in his opponent's sheer helplessness, he compelled the officer to taste the cold steel of his Katana, ruthlessly pressing it against the poor man's throat. With a disdainful mutter about the repulsive odor filling the air, Sanzu continued his bloodthirsty rampage, his gaze fixed on his next victim.

Mockingly, he questioned the terrified cops, tauntingly tracing the sharp blade of his weapon in searing proximity to their faces. "Which part of your body you wanna get sliced off?"

The Haitani brothers began flexing their fingers, preparing for the impending fight. Ran swiftly drew his baton from its holster, while Rindou appeared disoriented, much like a bewildered child. Both brothers targeted the first person on their left, assaulting him brutally and effortlessly snapping his neck. With a synchronized movement, the brothers redirected their attention towards the second adversary.

Rindou swiftly reached him, expertly manipulating his joints, while Ran followed suit, repeatedly striking the man's head with his baton, leaving no room for survival. Engulfed in a wave of nostalgic sentiments, the brothers chuckled heartily, savoring the lifeless body before them. Turning their attention to the young police officer, Ran sported a smug grin, tauntingly inquiring about the next course of action.

Kakucho tossed aside all of the weapons he carried on his person and extended his hand towards the bottle of whiskey. With a sly grin spreading across his lips, he leisurely sipped the whiskey, relishing in the discomfort that washed over his opponent, who nervously observed as Kakucho's fingers slowly traced the outline of his Adam's apple.

Breaking the silence, Kakucho tilted his head and taunted the police officer as he backed away in fear. Recognizing the futility of escape, the cop attempted to flee from Kakucho's grasp, only to be met with the sudden swiftness of his adversary.

Overwhelmed with panic, the cop's attempt at escape was futile, and Kakucho swiftly delivered a powerful punch to his opponent's nose, causing blood to flow uncontrollably. Following this brutal blow, Kakucho wasted no time in subjecting the cop to a barrage of more than five relentless strikes to his face.

The unfortunate officer found himself unable to catch his breath as his life slipped away. Kakucho callously forced the lifeless body of the cop to the ground, his lips moving in a whisper as he murmured a chilling message, "I give no mercy."

Koko began to forcefully toss money towards his two adversaries, provocatively asking them to choose between "Money or Freedom?" Both person responded by shaking their heads and pointing a gun at Koko, although this was undeniably an incredibly foolish move.

To their surprise, the police officers turned their attention around and noticed that shotguns were aimed directly at the back of their heads. One of the officers exclaimed, "Answer quickly, slapsoils!" Feeling emboldened, Koko boldly advanced towards one of his opponents and slapped him across the face with a wad of cash.

The disoriented cop stammered, "F-freedom..." Meanwhile, the other officer, fully aware of the severe consequences associated with Koko's choices, sadly shook his head in acknowledgement.

Grinning mischievously, Koko then proceeded to deliver a powerful punch to his opponent's head, followed by a relentless strangulation. The suffocating cop's face turned bright red as his life rapidly slipped away. With a sinister smile, Koko taunted, "This is what you get for not appreciating the money.😛"

Takeomi brought out his pack of cigarettes while facing the general, who sneered and commented on Akashi still being a member of a gang. The general squinted his eyes and adjusted his uniform, while Takeomi looked down at him and shook his head, proudly stating that being part of a gang was his way of life. He forcefully inserted the cigarette into his mouth, lighting it with determination.

Seeing this, the general believed he had accomplished something by delivering a punch to Takeomi's cheek. In response, Takeomi extended his arms and swiftly struck Kiyomasa's abdomen without any hesitation. He then proceeded to unleash a flurry of punches to his face, causing Kiyomasa to groan in pain. Takeomi grabbed hold of his opponent's hair and mercilessly continued his assault, vowing to keep punching until his cigarette turned to ashes.

"This is what you all get for messing with the Bonten."

March 21, 2015
8:45 p.m.

"Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... Sanzu... My beloved, Sanzu.

I will never be able to forgive that man, no matter what. He has deeply wounded both my emotions and those of my daughter. What's even more hurtful is that he doesn't even realize that it was me who fully accepted him for who he truly is. He doesn't understand that I am the one who would choose to be by his side over anyone else. He has inflicted pain upon me without realizing that I would go to extremes to protect him. He doesn't comprehend that I am the only person he can truly rely on.

"He has taken the life of Mucho! He deserves to endure immense pain and indescribable torment. I, Y/N L/N, solemnly declare, with the deepest depths of my being and in the unholy name of the Devil, that I will ensure he faces the consequences of his unforgivable mistake."

"Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... Mistake... That was only a mistake, It's not that big."

Despite what happened, my love for Sanzu remains unwavering. Regardless of the circumstances, Sanzu is the one whom I have fallen deeply in love with. That incident was simply an unfortunate mistake. It was not Sanzu whom I witnessed at the park with another girl; it was merely a random person. Clearly, there was deception involved ─ a web of lies spun to taint our relationship.

"Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... Lies... He probably loves her more than me."

"He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me... He loves her more than me..."

Does he love her more than me? Does he prioritize her son over our daughter? What does Aisa have that I lack? Why is he behaving in such a manner? Why does his actions cause me emotional pain? All I did was care for him, so why does he continue to hurt me? And yet, he also displays affection towards me by kissing me. But why does he persist in hurting my delicate emotions, knowing full well that I am a vulnerable woman? But despite all this turmoil, I cannot deny my love for Sanzu. He is truly an extraordinary and delightful person, the best person I have ever encountered. I am deeply in love with Sanzu.

"I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love Sanzu... I love sanzu... But does he love me too?"

Upon hearing the distressing cries of his daughter, I found myself immensely annoyed by the cacophonous noise. That particular child of his tends to be quite bothersome, and her loud voice is absolutely grating to my ears, causing me great discomfort. In fact, it feels as though her shrieks are so piercing that they could potentially even make my ears bleed.

"It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... It's making my ears bleed... So fucking irritating."

The current situation is causing my thoughts to race and I find myself considering the possibility that Haruchiyo and Aisa may be fucking at this very moment. Consequently, I am overwhelmed with an array of emotions and I cannot help but wonder how I should respond to this unsettling revelation. Perhaps crying would be an appropriate course of action to express my distress. The mere thought of it compels me to bury my face in my knees, seeking solace. In addition, I feel compelled to cover my ears in an attempt to block out the incessant and aggravating whines emanating from Kali, which only compounds my irritation.

"This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating... This is so irritating..."


I approached her crib on all fours, extending my hand to grasp her delicate neck. In that moment, our gazes intertwined and her infectious giggles filled the air. As I caught a glimpse of her foolish countenance, memories of Senju flooded my mind, provoking me to forcefully push her away. I convinced myself that she held no significant role in my life, reminding myself that she selfishly captured Sanzu's undivided attention. It should be me who receives the tender care and devotion from him, not her.

I firmly grasped onto my daughter's long locks and forcefully pulled her towards the living room, desperately searching for a weapon.

'Knife... Knife... Knife... Knife... Knife... Knife... Knife...' echoed through my mind repeatedly as I scanned the room for any semblance of a sharp object. Finally, my eyes locked onto a captivating sight - a collection of knives, glistening with an ethereal brilliance reminiscent of twinkling stars. In a moment of hesitation, I made the decision to first press the record button on a device, capturing the sound of my daughter's cries. My intention was to deceive Sanzu into believing that Kali, my daughter, was still alive.

I knelt before Kali, bowing my head in submission to her. Leaning in, my elongated, razor-sharp nails pierced her tender flesh, relishing in the harmonious symphony of her agonizing screams. "You useless bitch," I whispered sadistically as I forcefully plunged my nails deeper into her, ensuring her demise. With a firm grip, I clasped my hand around her abdomen, willing her to meet her demise swiftly. Each savage gesture fueled my insatiable thirst for her suffering. "Die!" I exclaimed as I forcefully tore through her delicate skin, reveling in the sight of her pain-stricken form. Finally, her very flesh succumbed to my merciless assault.

I carefully lifted all of her intestines and placed them into my mouth, relishing the unique texture of infant flesh compared to that of an adult human. This macabre act brings me an undeniable sense of joy and satisfaction, as the flavor of this tender meat surpasses any raw meat I have ever consumed. I tore off another layer of her delicate skin and proceeded to ravage her ribs, an action that filled me with twisted amusement before resuming my meal.

The most delectable portion of the human body is unquestionably the ribs.

The taste of everything is absolutely delectable, resembling a heavenly experience as I savor the raw meat. One particular element that I find especially delightful when consuming meat is the succulent thighs; their juiciness and exquisite flavor mimic that of a metallic essence, evoking a truly splendid sensation.

"Breasta? Breasts are repulsive."

As soon as I came to the realization, I made the impulsive decision to discard her ribcage, fully aware that I had made a colossal mistake. Overwhelmed with regret, I curled up into a ball, burying my head between my knees, wondering how I could have been so foolish. Once again, my thoughts were clouded, hindering my ability to think clearly. Damn it all.

"No, Sanzu and I can make another child," I responded, shaking my head as I chuckled silently in the dimly lit living room that used to be our home. Without warning, a wave of intense emotions engulfed me, causing me to feel disgusted as I uttered, "I consumed my own daughter." Overwhelmed with grief, I started to cry and frantically pulled at my hair, fully aware of my innocence and the fact that I would never harm our daughter. Who would ever willingly harm their own child? I laughed lightheartedly at the thought.

As I maintain my playful chuckles, I reflect on the fact that she has always been known as a seductress, stealing men away from others. Hence, her demise holds no significance to me. Taking a moment to arrange my hair to perfection, I flash a mischievous smile, fully aware of my innocence and forever destined to be perceived as the delicate and blameless young woman.

"I'm afraid that Sanzu will become angry with me," I cried once more, tears streaming down my face.

"You will not be held responsible. You simply did what was necessary. Remember, Y/n, it is Sanzu's fault that our daughter tragically lost her life." It is crucial to keep this in mind. I tightly embraced myself, allowing the tears to pour out uncontrollably. It is solely Sanzu's fault that my dear daughter now lies lifeless, robbed of her cries. How could he bring harm to his own flesh and blood? How could he inflict pain upon his own precious daughter? It is evident that his love is reserved for Aisa and Hanzu, surpassing any affection he may have for me and Kali. Perhaps this is the underlying reason behind the untimely demise of my cherished daughter.

I found myself filled with awe and my laughter took on a mischievous tone once more as I shared, "It was Sanzu's fault."

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