The Throne

By uwayabee

32.7K 1.5K 903

When the sole heir to the kingdom refused to become King, political conflict within the palace began. Accusa... More

序幕 - prologue


665 37 16
By uwayabee

🎵 만개화

"What?!" Jisoo's loud voice startled Dokyeom.

Both of them are discussing about the plans to prepare for approaching dry season with Mingyu in his palace. It's supposed to be a meeting with two other people, Seungcheol and the new chief minister Mingyu will meet soon.

"After we brought those people here, we can't just abandon all the construction just like that?" Jisoo said again, his voice still as loud as before, "Without the harbor they won't have a job, and we'll be short in foods when dry season comes!" 

Dokyeom, who's standing right next to Jisoo, tried to calm his friend down. His fingers barely touch Jisoo's shoulders when Jisoo already pushed him away.

Jisoo was angry after Mingyu suddenly said he would stop the port construction. Apparently he changed his mind about letting people enter and leave Baekje by sea. If the reason was reasonable enough, Jisoo probably wouldn't be so angry with his King. However, even Dokyeom thought his reasoning was stupid.

"I'm trying to minimize every little chance for her to be found." Mingyu's hand holding a brush already hover over the announcement letter, close to signing it.

"Just because they can sail out of Baekje doesn't mean they will find her." Jisoo sighed after rubbing his face in frustration, "Your Majesty is being too paranoid right now."

Then Jisoo looked to his right--straight at Dokyeom with his brows furrowed, "Say something will you..?!" He mouthed quietly to his friend who had been listening but didn't know when should he jump into the argument.

"I-- ahem." Dokyeom cleared his throat when his voice cracked a little, "I agree. She's in safe hands now, you choose the safe place for her yourself." He then said.

"Listen, shutting down the harbor is the same as making our people starve. We have no other plans for dry season because that harbor was the best way out." Jisoo did his job as the King's advisor as best he could, trying his best to keep Mingyu from acting stubbornly when he couldn't think clearly.

"Even if we look for alternatives now, we won't have enough time. Crops don't grow overnight." Dokyeom said while watching Jisoo snatch the announcement letter from Mingyu's desk and tear it in half.

"But I need to make sure they're all safe--"

"What you need right now--" Jisoo interrupted Mingyu, "--is a proper rest. When was the last time you slept? Just look at those dark circles."

Dokyeom has also realized how Mingyu, who was known as a very handsome man, now look more like an unkempt person. His body had lost weight, his eye bags were dark and his eye balls were not as bright as before.

"I say we postpone today's meeting and continue after you've rested. At least try to get one night's sleep." Dokyeom frowned, begging Mingyu to comply with their request.

Now that Mingyu thought about it, he hadn't slept for days. Even when he lay on his bed, only his eyes were closed but his thoughts were all over the place. He knew how comfortable his warm bed and soft blankets were, but he didn't enjoy them. Dokyeom's words were exactly what he needed, maybe it would be okay to rest for a while.

Unfortunately it was Dokyeom's suggestion that needed to be postponed, because the long-awaited guest finally arrived. Seungcheol had returned to Mingyu's palace after showing the new chief minister--Yoon Jeonghan--around.

"My deepest apologies for being late." Seungcheol said while lowering his head towards Mingyu.

"Your Majesty." Called the person next to Seungcheol.

Mingyu's eyes finally met Jeonghan's.

"I believe you're the new chief minister." Mingyu straightened his back in his chair while looking at Jeonghan from head to toe, not in a disdainful way, "I have to say, I didn't expect you to be this young, based on the accomplishments I read about you."

"I shall take it as a compliment. I am an overachiever after all." Jeonghan smiled.

Mingyu's fingers on the surface of the table made a soft dribbling sound while the others waited for him to continue his words. The room was quiet, a little awkward as only the gentle breeze could be heard.

"I'm aware you're here to help me with the things going on around the palace. However, please note that I do not tolerate anything being done without my consent." Mingyu emphasized his tone on some words, "Especially my aides."

Jeonghan lowered his head obediently, "I will keep that in my mind."

Then silence took over, again. Being the talkative person he is, Dokyeom unable to stand the awkwardness any longer. He began to secretly look back and forth at Jisoo and Seungcheol, his eyes asking what they should do. Mingyu clearly wasn't interested in continuing the conversation while Jeonghan didn't seem like he was leaving any time soon.

"...What?" Seungcheol mouthed to Dokyeom. He then nodded his chin to the other direction, making Dokyeom turned his gazes to Jisoo--who was already looking at the two of them with such a brow raised.

"Lord have mercy." Jisoo murmured in his sigh, almost forgetting that his two friends were very skilled in using swords but not really good at initiating words.

Jisoo looked Jeonghan straight in the eyes, taking in his facial features in less than a second. Based on his guess, he assumed they were the same age. He had to agree with Mingyu, he didn't expect such a young person to be the chief minister too. Jisoo thinks it is a great addition to the palace to have someone as intelligent as him.

"Forgive my intrusion, Chief Minister Yoon." Jisoo finally said, from the corner of his eyes he could see Dokyeom's shoulders finally loosened, "If there's nothing more you would like to discuss with His Majesty, we shall let His Majesty rest now."

"Ah." Jeonghan blinked twice, "I'm sorry I was too....mesmerized by the beauty of this room I lost in my own thoughts." He continued after trying to find the word to express himself.

Seungcheol blinked in slight confusion when Jeonghan put a hand on his back, he took a step forward when he felt a gentle push.

"I just have two things I want to talk to everyone here about." Everyone's attention turned to Seungcheol when Jeonghan turned to the confused Commander, "Firstly, as we know the General position is vacant right now. So I encourage Commander Choi to fill that position."

"I beg you a pardon?" Seungcheol responded almost immediately. Even though he knew his skills in fighting were above average, he didn't feel worthy enough to fill that position. Especially after what happened.

Everyone waited for Mingyu's answer. Even though no one said anything, there didn't seem to be any signs of objection. Mingyu rested his chin on his interlocked fingers, leaning against the table while thinking. His eyes looked straight at Seungcheol--making the Commander a little nervous.

"And the second one is?" Mingyu diverted the conversation to the second topic Jeonghan wanted to tell him.

Both Jisoo and Dokyeom glanced at each other, both of them also acknowledged Seungcheol's ability to fill in the position, both also thought Mingyu would immediately agree.

Jeonghan didn't insist for an answer right away. He then continued, "The second one is...It has been the hereditary responsibility for the Kings of Baekje to ensure the continuity of this palace--which rules this land. Including getting an heir."

"An heir?" Jisoo repeated, "Surely you're not suggesting about--"

"Marriage, yes." Jeonghan gave the confirmation right away.

For this particular topic, Mingyu didn't need any more time to think. Of course, with the current situation where a woman had taken over his mind and soul, it's hard for him to accept the presence of another woman in his life.

"Marriage is not what I need right now." Mingyu stated, "I'm still perfectly healthy to rule this land all by myself."

Jeonghan looked calm and collected as he answered, "Your Majesty, with all due respect, it is best to always prepare for the future. If, in the worst case, this palace does not have a chosen heir--"

"Then let it be the end of this palace."

This time Mingyu's voice sound a little bit annoyed. He doesn't mind if he's being pushed around about work related matters. But somehow when it came to who should be in his life, he's being way too sensitive about it.

Jisoo shook his head slightly when his eyes met Jeonghan's. As someone who had been by Mingyu's side for a long time, he knew Mingyu's mood very well--when he was upset like that, the more people pushed him, the more he would do the opposite.

Jeonghan understood the meaning of Jisoo's small movement. He decided to end the discussion before it left a bad impression.

"Very well."

They all remained silent as they watched Jeonghan walk towards the door. As his footsteps got closer, the door opened from the outside. Before Jeonghan stepped out, he turned around once again to meet Mingyu's eyes.

"If I knew Your Majesty was so against this idea, I shouldn't have done it but I've invited the youngest Princess of Choiseong Kingdom to see the beauty of Baekje next week."

The context of Jeonghan's words should have some guilt in it, but his face didn't show any signs of guilt at all. In fact, he looked relieved because now Mingyu had no reason not to meet the Princess of Choiseong, "I hope Your Majesty will consider at least talking to him, for the sake of the people of Baekje."


Jeonghan had disappeared from sight before Mingyu finished his sentence. A scoff came out as he acted and looked more relaxed with only his friends around him now.

"Did he really invite a Princess to come here?" Dokyeom looked at the three of them one by one, "He's not just bluffing?"

"I wish I had the answer." Seungcheol shrugged as he rubbed the back of his neck. Recently he had been training less but feeling more tired.

"That sneaky bastard. He got me good." Mingyu groaned with his head thrown back, turning to Jisoo with a defeated look, "Jisoo-ah, help me gather some information about this Choiseong Kingdom. If turns out they have valuable resources, I will try to build a business relationship instead."

"I will." Jisoo nodded with a pitying smile.

If there was anything Mingyu should be grateful for from the results of the previous meeting, it was that Jeonghan had used up the remaining energy in his body with this surprising news so that drowsiness finally started to overtake him.

Mingyu asked not to be woken unless there was an urgent need. He really needs rest so he can think clearly and absorb Jisoo's information later.

"Oh, right." He suddenly remembered something after seeing a glimpse of Seungcheol's back, "Seungcheol-ah."

Seungcheol's steps stopped, "Yes?"

"Earlier, when Chief Minister Yoon suggested you to fill in the General position--I've been thinking the same thing."

At night, when Mingyu couldn't sleep, he often thought about making Seungcheol the sole General for all the soldiers in the palace. It had become his ambition to assign all important positions in the palace to be taken over by people he trusted. With Soon-young gone, he currently has no one else he can trust to be Commander.

"Your Majesty-- Mingyu-ah." Seungcheol called Mingyu without his formal title because of the frustration he wanted to convey as a friend, "After what I did, I don't think I'm worthy."

"I think otherwise." Mingyu quickly added, "It has to be you."

Dokyeom was smiling and nodding in agreement when suddenly Seungcheol's eyes fell on him.

"..What? You're not suggesting me to be the General, aren't you?" Dokyeom pointed at himself, his smile slowly faded.

"I mean, you're also as skillful as I am." Seungcheol raised a brow.

Jisoo was about to say a sarcastic words when he noticed Dokyeom's serious face. So he remained silent.

"You're right. I'm confident to say that I could have a chance to beat you in a fight." Dokyeom wasn't just talking nonsense when he said that, he truly believed his abilities were still slightly superior to Seungcheol's, "But, leading an army and being in someone's shadow are two different things. Like birds in the sky, like fish under the water."

Seungcheol understood what Dokyeom meant. It's true that not everyone can lead an army. Seungcheol grew up among soldiers, leading an army is in his blood.

"I...need time to think about it."

"I know. Which is why I didn't say yes right away to the Chief Minister." Mingyu nodded, "Give me your answer when you have it."

"Thank you.." Seungcheol let out a sigh of relief, then he was the first to leave the room.

Jisoo also sighed after Seungcheol left. In his mind he suddenly remembered the times when the four of them met they would just laugh and joke around. Now, in the cloudy atmosphere that never ends, how much he misses those days.

Not wanting to burden Mingyu with any more words, Jisoo took Dokyeom outside to let Mingyu rest. While Dokyeom was standing guard outside with several soldiers, Jisoo said goodbye and went to look for information about Choiseong.

Under the warmth of the blanket, little by little Mingyu could feel himself falling asleep. Several times his eyes opened again because he was afraid he had slept too long. What he felt was like he had been asleep for a long time, even though in reality only a few minutes had passed.

Once he fell asleep, his closed eyelids gradually became like a projector screen. Little by little pieces of an image began to form for him to see. Far ahead, he saw a blurry figure of someone he slowly start to recognized as time passes by—his own self.

He saw himself sitting on a boat, in the middle of a calm ocean with countless pink cherry blossom petals floating around him. He looked around, admiring the beauty he had never experienced in his entire life. The wind blew gently, blowing away all of his burdens. It felt like as if he was reborn.

"Your Majesty.."

He turned his head forward in the direction where the voice calling him had come from.

At that exact moment, his heart stopped.

He looked at you, sitting beautifully right in front of him. The soft hair that he longed for blew gently dancing with the wind. Gold and silver hairpins can't match your beauty. You were dressed in hwarot--just like he imagined if only he could choose you as the woman he wanted to marry. The gold embroidery all over the robe makes you shine even brighter.

"Y/N? But, how--" His hand reflectively reached for yours. Sadly, before he can make any contact, the waves become violent every time he tries to get close to you.

It broke Mingyu's heart how even in his dreams he couldn't be close to you. But if he had to choose, he would rather suffer the heartache in his dreams. Even though he couldn't feel your warmth, at least he could see you once again, imprinting your face in his memory before he returned to the reality once again.

"How is Your Majesty doing?"

Mingyu clenched his hands into fists, restraining himself from touching you so he wouldn't ruin the moment he had longed for for so long.

"I have a lot of stories tell you." He whispered shakily, still in disbelief, feeling a glimmer of happiness after so long.

How he wished in that moment he could stay in his dream forever.

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