Red vs Blue : Mirage

By SILVETfighter

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Former mercenary Kyle Rayner has lived a rough life. After retiring from mercenary work he sought to live a n... More

Notice before you read
Season 1: Why are we here?
Red gets a delivery
The Rookies
Head Noob in Charge
The Package is in The Open
1.21 Giga-Whats??
Check out the Treads on that Tank
Don't Ph34r the Reaper
After Church
A Shadow of His Former Self
Knock, Knock. Who's There? Pain
Down, but not Out
Human Peer Bonding
Roomier Than it Looks
How the Other Half Lives
A Slightly Crueler Cruller
Points of Origin
S1 Finale: Last One Out, Hit the Lights
Season 2: Everything Old is New Again
Motion to Adjourn
Red vs Bleu
The Joy of Toggling
Sweet Ride
Last Words
Nobody Likes You
Nine Tenths of the Law
In Stereo Where Available
Radar Love
I Dream of Meanie
Room for Rent
Me, Myself and You
An Audience of Dumb
Aftermath, Before Biology
What's Mine is Yours
Nut. Doonut.
Dealer Incentive
S2 Finale: K.I.T. B.F.F.
Side Story: Horizon Finance Part 1
Horizon Finance Part 2
Horizon Finance Part 3
Horizon Finance Part 4
Horizon Finance Part 5
Horizon Finance Part 6
Horizon Finance Part 7
Horizon Finance Part 8
Horizon Finance Part 9
Horizon Finance Part 10
Horizon Finance Part 11
Horizon Finance Part 12
Horizon Finance Part 13: Finale
S3: The Best Laid Plans
Visiting Old Friends
Let's Get Together
You're the Bomb, Yo
Make Your Time
We Must Rebuild
New Toys
We're Being Watched
It's a Biological Fact
Heavy Metal
Roaming Charges
Silver Linings
Episode 50 Part 2
Have We Met?
Let's Come to Order
Hello, My Name is Andrew
Defusing the Situation
Calm Before the Storm
S3 Finale: The Storm
S4: Familiar Surroundings
Hunting Time
Fight or Fright
Fair Competition
Lost in Triangulation
The Hard Stop
Previous Commitments
Looking for Group
Exploring Our Differences
Setting a High Bar
Getting All Misty
Talk of the Town
Sneaking In
You Keep Using That Word
Getting Debriefed
Under The Weather
Right to Remain Silenced
Two for One
S4 Finale: The Arrival
S5: You Can't Park Here
Got Your Back
Baby Steps
Sibling Arrivalries
The Grif Reaper
In Memoriam
Strong Male Figure
Yellow Fever
Brass Tacks
The Nesting Theory
The Haystack
Terms and Provisions
Missed Direction
Where Credit is Due
Biting the Hand
Tucker Knows Best
The Wrong Crowd
Same Old, Same Old
Repent, the End Is Near
S5 Finale: Why Were We Here?
Season 6: Reconstruction, Chapter 1
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 2
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 3
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 4
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 5
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 6

Things Are Looking Down

133 7 1
By SILVETfighter

Fade in to Sarge leading Simmons and Grif across the Gulch at what could almost be called a run.

Sarge: Come on, double time men! That goes double for you, Grif.

Grif: Why are we always double timing, anyway? Can't we ever half-time? Or how 'bout no time?

Sarge: No, numbnuts. According to Simmons, the Blues have already re-established contact with their Command.

Grif: What? That's why we're running?

Sarge: Of course. By now they could be receiving reinforcements. Or taking advantage of some new technological weapons development.

Grif: Or maybe their Command has been giving them the same generic orders ours always gives us like, "try to win" and, "do better than you're currently doing." I swear, sometimes I think they don't even know our names.

Sarge: That's just what I wanted you to hear. The conversations I had with Command always provided vital intelligence.

Grif: Like what?

Sarge: Like the location of the Blue base.

Grif: Right there.

Sarge: And the number of soldiers they have.

Grif: Four.

Sarge: Also, the location of the base.

Grif: Auh, you already said that one.

Sarge: I meant our base.

Simmons: Weren't we the ones that provided them the intel in the first place?

Sarge: Initially, yes. But Command processes our raw data and gives us back the key details. You may recall they sent us plans of the next phase of the war. They were stored in Lopez before he was kidnapped.

Grif: You mean before he ran away.

Sarge: No, I mean shut up, Grif.

Simmons: But how do we even know he still has the plans? Last time we saw him, all that was left was a head. Maybe he stored the files in his legs, or his chest.

Sarge: You idiot, who stores memories in their chest? Don't you know anything 'bout biology? The chest is strictly reserved for digestion.

Grif: Maybe they'll send us more reinforcements like last time. Donut's arrival was a real turning point in the offensive.

Sarge: Where is Donut?

Simmons: There he is. Looks like he's talking to somethi--

Sarge: Sweet jumpin' jiblies, I can't believe it!

Grif: What?

Sarge: Those blue devil's tyranny knows no bounds. They've marked their territory.

Simmons and Grif turn to see what Sarge is seeing, only to see Rayner's and Sheila's creation.

Simmons: What the-- how did they do that?

Grif: Woah, nice.

Sarge: I can't believe they've constructed a monument before I did! Simmons, as punishment for your treason I want you to carve a statue in my image but bigger, grander than the blue's when we get back, do you understand?

Simmons: What!? I thought we were already past--

Sarge: I said do you understand?

Simmons: (sigh) Understood, sir.

Sarge: Good. Now back to the mission on hand. Grif!

Grif: What.

Sarge: I need information on that rock, ASAP! Approach the target via flanking maneouver and establish defilade at that ledge, Point Alpha!

Grif: Or I could just look through the scope of the sniper rifle since that's worked the last eight hundred times.

Sarge: Yeah alright fine, take all the fun out of it.

Grif looks through the scope and sees Donut talking to Lopez

Sarge: I like my way better. It was more dangerous for you.

Grif: Sarge, I have great news. Looks like you're gonna get your plans after all. And I'm not gonna have to do any more running. So everybody wins.

Simmons: What about me? I didn't win anything.

Grif: Oh don't worry about it, I'm sure there'll be somebody's ass you can kiss.

Cut to Church, Rayner and Doc on Blue Base looking down at the camera.

Church: Andy this is Doc, Doc this is Andy. Uh Andy, Doc is uh he's here to help Tucker. And he's also our worst enemy. You know- besides the Reds. And, Tex on, certain days.

O'Malley: Well thank you for introducing me to your bowling ball... hello bowling ball.

Andy: Actually, I'm a bomb.

O'Malley: It can talk?

Andy: Why is that the first thing everybody says to me?

O'Malley: A talking bomb, you say... Hmm I could use a fellow like you in my organization.

Rayner: I would like to point out that Andy here was specifically designed to blow up and kill you.

O'Malley: I see... Well this is certainly awkward.


O’Malley hurriedly backs up

O'Malley: Satan's bunyon!

Andy: Hah hah hah hah, heh, I was just kidding. I didn't really explode. Hahahahaha.

Church: Heh heh, good one.

Rayner: Atta boy Andy.

O'Malley: Yes, highly amusing.

Rayner: As you can see, we have an insurance to make sure you don't try anything funny. Cause if you do, well, you already had a taste of that.

O'Malley: Doesn't that mean you'd die too?

Rayner: We ride together, we die together.

Cut back to the Reds, who have caught up with Donut and Lopez.

Sarge: Lopez? Donut, where did you find him?

Donut: Right here.

Simmons: How were you two talking? Lopez, do you speak English now?

Lopez: No. [No.]

Grif: Well if he doesn't then why did he just say no in English? Busted.

Donut: I took four years of high school Spanish. That's the best way to learn any language.

Sarge: What've you two been talkin' about?

Donut: Oh, the usual Spanish fare. I told him my name, I asked him what his name was, I asked if he knew where the bathroom was, how much a ticket for the train costs, and I asked him for the cheque.

Lopez: Por favor haz que el hombre rosado pare de hablar conmigo. [Please make the pink one stop talking to me.]

Sarge: Ask him where he's been, no- ask him where he's going, wait- ask him if he has our secret plans. And if he missed me.

Donut: ¿Lopez, que es el tiempo? Voy a ir a la playa con mi primo quiere jugar a tenis. Yo comido un lápiz. Adios!

CaptionLopez, do you know what time it is? I am going to the beach with my cousin who likes to play tennis. I ate a pencil.

Lopez: ...

Donut: Hmm, looks like he's not talkin' Sarge.

Sarge: Allrright he wants to play tough, uh? I built in override codes for just such an event. Lopez! Give me root access, priority Delta One!

Lopez: Prioridad de Acceso solicitado. Por favor, indique el Código de Acceso. [Priority Access requested. Please state the Access Code.]

Sarge: The Access Code is... access code.

Simmons: Oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me.

Sarge: Ah, bitch about it later.

Lopez: Código de Acceso aceptado. Saludos Sargento, ¿le gustaría jugar un...? [Access Code accepted. Greetings Sarge, would you like to play a...]

Sarge: Lopez, replay the intel message from Command.

Lopez: OK. [OK.]

Grif: See, okay, now I'm telling you this guy's faking.

Vic: Hola hola. ¿Pueden escucharme? Hola.

Caption: Hello, hello. Can you hear me? Hello.

Vic: Hola hombres de Gulch Sangrosa, gracias por la información, muy provechosa.

Caption: Hey Blood Gulch Dudes, thanks for the information, very helpful.

Grif: Oh come on, the recording is in Spanish? That doesn't even make any sense!

Simmons: This guy sounds just like the guy the Blues were talking to, Vic Junior. I'll bet his kids changed sides.

Vic: (continuing in Spanish) After analyzing the data you provided...

Sarge: Eggs Benedict Arnold, those dirty traitors. No offense Simmons.

Simmons: None taken, sir.

Sarge: Traitor.

Simmons: God dammit.

Vic: ...we have calculated a fool-proof plan for winning the war.

Donut: Wait, how does Vic have kids? I thought he had a vasectomy.

Everyone looks at Donut, and even the recording pauses

Donut: Well that's just what I heard.

Vic: Here are your orders: eliminate the enemy. Good luck.

Sarge: We've got to figure out what he's saying. Donut, can you translate or can't you?

Donut: Uh I think he's saying something about losing his passport.

Simmons: Well, when I was in Blue Base, Church mentioned they built a translation device out of an old bomb.

Sarge: E-Gads, no doubt to decipher their plans to destroy us! If we don't translate the tactical plans Lopez is saying, we're all doomed!

Vic: Also, try to do better and please win.

Vic: See ya.

Sarge: That information could save our very lives!

Simmons: Why don't we sneak in to Blue Base, grab the translation device, and use it on our message?

Sarge: I agree.

Grif: Let me get this straight: We're going to steal a bomb from our enemies - a bomb that can be remotely detonated I might add - and then we're gonna bring it back to our base, and all huddle around it. What a great plan.

Simmons: Well sure, it sounds stupid when you say it like that.

Sarge: Go on, let's move. Somebody grab Lopez's cabeza.

Donut: Of course.

Sarge: That's not the cabeza Donut... and that's not Lopez!

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