•Pheonix• Yandere Tnt Duo x R...

By povs_master

9.1K 344 1.4K

"I should have run when I heard the explosive boom happen. But my curiosity got the best of me. And now I am... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Special chapter for Rosana
the wilbur situation

Chapter sixteen

299 12 75
By povs_master

"Sorry for what?" I said to him confused. "Sorry I couldn't protect you from him..." my brother said with a sad tone. I stay quiet for a bit... "Don't say sorry" I tell him. He looks down and fiddles with his hands. "Listen our mom was horrible, but our father was a monster..." My brother said.

"You got left with him... I regret every day that I couldn't be there for you..." my brother adds. I felt tears enter my eyes... I didn't want to cry... "It's not your fault our parents were horrible..." I say to him.

My brother looks back up at me and he had tears coming down his eyes. "You didn't deserve it..." my brother said. I felt saddened... I did not want to cry... "We both didn't deserve it..." I say to him trying to reassure him. 

I try to speak again but my brother jumps to me. ingulfing me into a tight hug. I hugged him back with the same amount of tightness. "I missed these" my brother said sniffling and pulling away. He wiped his tears away and laughed.

I smiled at him softly... "Yea... Me too" I say softly. "Remember our old neighbor? Mr. Sterlin?" my brother says. I nod remembering those memories I had about our old neighbor. "God... He hated us... Remember when we would chalk up his house walls?" my brother adds.

"Brother! What if he catches us!" I shout whisper to my brother who had decided it be fun to draw on our neighbor's wall... "Oh, come on! his house needs a bit of color anyway!" my brother says to me.

He then handed me a pink chalk that had been worn down a lot. I sigh looking at our neighbor's house... Oh goodness... If he finds out, we decided to draw on his walls... We would be dead the next morning...

My brother was already drawing. I had no idea was he was drawing but it seemed to be... A L sign and the words 'Bozo.' I sighed in defeat and started drawing on the wall. But I first wrote the words 'Sorry' on it first.

"We got into so much trouble..." I say with a laugh. My brother nods laughing some more but then he sighs. "I am glad we found each other again..." my brother said. I nodded and smiled bigger. 

"Well... Want to do some sibling bounding?" my brother said. I tilted my head a little confused. "Go explore the city" my brother adds to his words. "I can't" I tell him, and he then seemed confused. 

"There are missing posters everywhere for me... And Quackity and Wilbur are still out there... So, if you are right about them..." I add. "Oh, yea true forgot sorry..." he says with an awkward laugh at the end.

I then saw a look on my brothers face change and he said "hey I will be right back..." I nod and watch him walk away like he had before. I stood there patiently curious of what he had to do. I looked back at my father journal.

I picked it up and decided to throw it away. I walked inside the kitchen and went to the trashcan. I threw it away and sighed. My father couldn't hurt me anymore... He was in the deepest parts of hell now...

I then heard walking back and saw my brother. "Hey... Question...?" I ask my brother. "Yea sis?" my brother said responding to me. "What is your whole plan?" I ask him. "Plan" he repeats what I had said to him.

"Yea what was your plan once you found me...?" I ask him. He gives an "oh' face and says "I will tell you later" he responds. I nod and he smiles patting my head and seeing I threw away father journal. 

He looks back at me and smiles. I don't know why but the thought of my friend Rosana came to my mind... I kind of wanted to go and see her. It had been a while... And it be nice to see her due to all that has been happening...

"Hey bro, I need to go somewhere..." I tell him and he looks at me confused. "But you said-" he started to say but I cut him off. "I will be safe " I tell him, and he seemed skeptical but nodded. 

"I will be back in an hour or two... If not, I am dead or something bad happened" I tell him. He nods and smiles I started to walk to the front door. 

I open it and wave goodbye to my brother. I really needed a little bit of a breather away from this house... Also, it be nice to see Rosana she was a good person at heart. I started walking away from the house going to the train station. 

(Time skip) 

I finally made it to the train station and was now waiting for the train. As I was waiting, I saw the train station Tv. It was reading off the lives that had been lost this month... Our city did this thing that every month they would tell who has died.

I found it quite weird... As I was watching my eyes had widen... The name that had been read off... 'Lucas Rivers' my neighbor... How was he even killed... Why was he killed... Listen Lucas would get annoying at times, but he was a good person at heart. 

As I was in thought I heard the sound of the train coming. I sighed slightly mourning for Lucas. Then the train stopped, and the doors had opened. I walked inside the train and took a seat...

(Time skip)

The train had finally stopped at my destination. I yawned and stood up leaving the train and walked out of the train station. I cracked my neck a little since it was left in place for a while. I looked around the huge city. 

Wait... How would I even find Rosana... Maybe she is at work...? I sigh annoyed at myself thinking I would visit someone but have no idea where they are... Stupid.

I sighed and started walking to Rosana's workplace. As I was walking, I was starting to see buildings that looked destroyed... Wow... This city is becoming a waste land wasn't it... 

As I was walking, I swear I felt eyes on me... I started walking faster thinking people saw me and noticed I was on the posters.

As I was walking even faster, I saw Rosana's workplace in eyes view. I sighed in relief and ran to it fast. As soon as I made it into the doors. I sighed in relief...

I then started looking around for some sort of an area Rosana would be. As I was looking, I found a room that said in bold letters. 'Rosana's office' I wondered if she was busy at the moment... I knocked on the door and heard the shout "Come in!" 

I opened the door and saw Rosana writing at her desk. "Hey Rosana" I say to her, and she looks up me and her eyes widen. "Y/n!?" Rosana said with a loud voice mixed with shock. She got up from her desk and rushed to me.

She started checking if I were ok. "What happened to you! Are you ok!? did they hurt you!?" Rosana said very stressed. I put my hands on her shoulder. "I am fine... Calm down..." I say to her, and she breathes in and out.

She smiles and says "I am glad you are ok..." she says, and she hugs me. I hug her and we both pull away from the hug. 

"So, what has happened to you the last few days...?" Rosana asks. "Too much to explain" I say to her with a tired voice. "Oh... Ok" she says with a soft smile on her face. "I just came to visit" I say to her and she smiles big. 

"Aww you care about me!" she says with happiness which confuses me. "How does that-" I start to say but she cuts me off by saying "you could have spent time with anyone else, but you chose me!" 

I sigh and smile a little I liked Rosana's energy. "Well, I am about to leave here... Want to go to my house?" Rosana asks. I nod and she smiles more and goes to her desk grabbing her bag. Then motions to follow her and I do.

She opens her office door and leaves with me following her behind. She starts walking to the exit and opens the door moving aside so I could leave. I leave the building and Rosana follows and turns around locking the building with her keys.

She then turned around and said "my car is just down the street" I nod and start following her. I started to see a white jeep a few blocks away. I was going to assume it was hers since there was another car in eyesight.

As we finally made it to her car, she unlocks the car. I open the passenger side and get in. Rosana gets into the driver's side and starts the car. I looked into the rear view mirror and my eyes had widened...

Quackity... He stood there with a cocky smile once he saw that he had caught my attention. His smile then turned evil... Signaling that he knew that I knew... He then walked into an alleyway disappearing from view. 

I gulped knowing I had a new problem... The Tnt Duo were going to be a pain in my ass... I sighed and laid back into the cars seat. Then Rosana started driving. she smiled to me and said, "want to listen to some music?" 

I nod and she turns to her car stereo and turns it on. It started playing the song 'How to save a life' I knew the song a little. I closed my eyes and listened to the song. I started to feel tired, and I felt the darkness take me in.

(Time skip)

I woke up due to Rosana shaking me awake. "Hey wakey, wakey!" she says with a giggle at the end. I open my eyes and stretch and yawn at the same time.

I saw we were at a house now. Which I would guess it was Rosana's I stepped out of the jeep and stretched once again. I watched Rosana walk to her front door and unlock it. She entered and motioned me in.

I followed after and entered the house. It smelt like apple pie in her home... I looked around and saw Rosana's house was nicely decorated... Opposite of my tiny ass apartment. "You want some coffee?" Rosana asked.

I turned to her as she held a coffee pot. I nodded and she started making two mugs of coffee. She then walked towards me and handed me a cup. I took the coffee and sipped it. "You live alone?" I asked her.

She nodded and drank her coffee. I then looked at the clock and noticed it had been an hour and half since I had left my brother... I would have to go back soon... Time really does go fast when you're not focused on it....

I then look back to Rosana who had already drank her entire coffee... What in the hell? She saw my confusion and said, "I drink too fast." I nod and sip my coffee slowly.

"Hey, I have to go..." I say and she looks at me sadden...  "Oh... well I can drive you home if want-" she started to say but I cut her off. "No, I am good..." 

"Oh, well alright but please come and visit if want!" she says. I nod and smile "I will" I say to her, and she smiles happily. I walk to her sink and pour out the coffee and set the cup down in the sink. 

I then waved bye to her and left her house. I started walking down the sidewalk. As I was walking something jumped in front of me... 

My eyes had widened once I had saw Wilbur... "Well, Hello Love... Nice to see you..." he said with an unsettling smile. I started backing away but bumped into something. I felt arms wrap around me...

I turned my head around and saw Quackity... Oh shit... "Hi, Mi amor..." Quackity said with a toothy grin... 

(Author) AYEEE CHAPTER UPDATE.... YAYAYABDJNDJVBEWVJWNDNEVJBVJWKDVNERVNCWD Excuse me I have issues... But anyways love yall platonically <3

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