By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65

190 11 19
By BangtanArmies

Sora's POV

Click. Clack. Click. Clack.

I composedly stared out the glass wall to gaze at the dark city's scenery while clinging to Taehyung's neck as he steadily typed on the keyboard with his stern gaze fixed on the beaming screen. The man asked me to deliver a warm lunch to his workspace today because he didn't feel like eating the meals prepared by a top chef at the corporation. 

I'm convinced he's bored at his office and wanted me around so I could keep him company because he insisted that I wait for him to complete his work... but it's been hours... and my liar husband is still smacking his keyboard as I sit sideways on his lap. 

It's close to 9:00 PM... and he's still working. 

The secretary and assistants were dismissed at the end of their shift, so I think we're the only souls in the vacant building. The man would weirdly turn his head to kiss my cheek with his eyes glued to the screen, and he'd frequently rub my hips over his lap as he scanned the information before his gaze. He instructed me to sit still and to remain hushed because he needed to concentrate on his work and wouldn't let me sit on the couch because he claimed... the view of my movement is too distracting. 

So here I am. Being the obedient and patient wife... I am quietly sitting on my husband's lap with my mouth sealed so he can focus on his work duties. Who am I to complain? This man could be fooling around with women at clubs, getting drunk with his friends, and he could be ignoring me like all the other typical male species. But what is he doing now? Working. Endlessly perfecting his tasks while babysitting me on his lap so he could sustain his credit cards for our family. 

Who am I to complain when my husband is literally working his ass off for me? 

He doesn't usually stay overtime at his office if I'm not around and would return home right on time, every day. So who am I... to whine and throw a tantrum when he's a literal perfect man? He could be a bad husband! An alcoholic! A cheater! An abusive man! But no-! He is holding me like a child on his lap while working at his private office! He keeps me fed throughout the day! He gives me his coat when I'm cold! He stores a drawer of socks at his work desk because he knows I have cold feet! And he kisses me throughout the day so I won't feel left out~! 

Who am I to complain?! All I can do is to grant him the peace he requested! I kid you not. I fell asleep twice in my husband's arms... and Kim Taehyung didn't budge an inch from his desk and remained in the exact same position. Maybe this is why his back is so stiff? He sits too much!

"Oppa," I muttered, finally shifting my gaze to his side profile with my head slanted against his shoulder. Taehyung didn't respond and continued typing on his keyboard with his eyes glued to the desktop. Did he hear me?

"Oppa~" I pouted while stroking the scar on his neck. He still didn't respond to my call... and turned his head to kiss my forehead instead. I exhaled in defeat and snuggled against his chest as I lowered my arms to hold his waist. I shouldn't disturb him.

"I'm almost done," He muttered without shifting his gaze to me and lowered his hand to pat my bum, so I exhaled again and nodded while caressing his chest.

"When did you develop feelings for me?" I grumbled. Taehyung calmly patted my butt as he scanned the bright screen.

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm curious. Was it when we... got together for the first time...? During our engagement?" I whispered while playing his button. Taehyung deeply exhaled and leaned back against the backrest before glancing down at me with a weak smile.

"Ever since I saw your boobies for the first time," He whispered. I pursed my lips and looked up at him unsurely.

"Are you for real?" I frowned. The man must be joking... right?

"Remember... the time you were floating in the pool? I thought you were drowning yourself... so I jumped in to save you- and you were almost naked that day. Had a painful erection as soon as I saw your glazed cleavage and your hard nipples beneath the thin cloth. Couldn't see you the same since," He shrugged. I scoffed and smacked his chest with an annoyed frown.

"That's it? Are you serious~?" I softly whined as I clung to his shoulder. Taehyung eyed my annoyed expression with a smug smile while patting my bum. Don't men fall for our pretty smiles or our weird habits!? That's what I see in films! Men always fall for strange women because of their weirdness!

"Well... I became even more obsessed when I saw your naked boobies for the first time. I fell down the rabbit hole. You got me hooked after I had a taste of your plump steamed buns," He shrugged. I scoffed and sat up straight with an offended glare.

"Wah~! I really thought you fell for my cuteness!- It could've been my smile! My cooking! My face! But my boobs!?- Sick pervert!" I huffed. Taehyung chuckled and pinched my cheek as he gently coiled his arms around my waist to hold me against his chest.

"You asked me when I started developing feelings for you. I answered. I fell for your inner qualities afterward. It doesn't make sense for me to fall for all of you at once, right? If you ask me... why I'm in love with you now... then that's because you are my greatest comfort. Your beauty is a blessing to my dull pupils. You're the mother of my children. I saw you carry and deliver my child with your frail body. You care for me and our family days and nights. It's everything about you. Even your annoying complaints and naggings. But yes... also because I really love your boobies," He shrugged. I frowned at the man as he smugly eyed me. I finally gave in and smiled.

"Stupid man," I grumbled, shyly burying my face against his chest. Men are visual creatures! Of course, he liked my body first!

"You didn't like me either from the beginning until I made you squirt for the first time. I saw the way... you blushed and frowned at me during our first love-making session at the abandoned Busan mansion. Did you fall for my other qualities? No. You only started to favor... and cling to me... after we slept together. And that's totally alright. There's nothing wrong with that. You loved the way... I pleased you... and you liked my muscles," Taehyung chuckled while grazing my cheek with his fingers.  

"It's our natural instinct. You fell for a strong and healthy man because he can protect you and your family with his strength, and I fell for your breasts and hips because it indicates you can carry and feed my children. It's natural human behavior," He chuckled. I glared at him while patting his cheek, so Taehyung took my hand and softly kissed my fingers. 

Maybe he's right. Maybe, he's not a sick pervert, nor am I. 

We were attracted to each other by our physical appearance because I needed a masculine man to put me in my feminine energy and also because I needed him to protect me and my children. And he started chasing my boobies because it's an unconscious acknowledgment that I am a healthy woman with the ability to carry and feed his children. 

Physical attraction isn't shallow or unhealthy. It's our primate instinct to reproduce and to select the most fitted partner to ensure the highest chance of our survival in the long term.

"Anyways. Can you buy me a phone?" I pouted.

"No," Taehyung replied without hesitation. I whined and smacked his chest, making Taehyung chuckle at my distressing reaction until he lowered his face to kiss my lips. 

"What if I get kidnapped one day?!- How am I supposed to call you!" I whined.

"You're always with me. Who will dare kidnap you?" He chuckled. I groaned and released his shoulder to press my hands against my face.

"What about a tablet? Oh? If not a phone-"

"No. You'll become addicted. Jang Sora should only focus on her husband," He shook his head. I grimaced at the man until he lowered his face to plant a tender kiss on my lips. Why won't he buy me a phone!? I feel like a jungle woman without access to technology~!

"You do realize I'm wealthier than you, right? In terms of our ranks?" I grumbled with my eyes narrowed on the man. He's only a supreme alpha because I married him! How dare he disobey my request?!

"You can buy my life with the dust on your fingertip. I know. But I'm also aware... you love to be spoiled by me. That's why... you keep asking me to do things for you. You can easily get a phone yourself... but you refused and chose to use my card whenever we're out shopping. I don't mind splurging on you. If you want to contact someone... call from the household's phone. The network is secured," He chuckled. I exhaled and softly kissed his cheek.

"Will you buy me a yacht then?- If not a phone?" I giggled.

"Which model are you into? One... that'll fit our family? Sure," He nodded. I scoffed.

"You won't buy me a phone, but you'll buy me a yacht?" I gasped, widening my eyes at the man. What kind of logic is he using?!

"Anything besides a phone," He nodded. I laughed and lightly smacked his chest.

"The moon. Buy me the moon," I pointed at the full moon in the dark sky. Taehyung slowly spun his chair around to face us toward the massive glass wall as he secured me over his lap. 

"If I'm allowed to purchase the moon. I would. But we'd have to live through many more lifetimes to finally buy the moon once civilization evolves," Taehyung chuckled with a fond gaze as he patted my hips.

"Okay. I'll wait for the lifetime where we can live on the moon together," I giggled. 

Taehyung gazed at my face with a faint smile, so I hugged his neck and gently pecked his lips. He smiled while holding my jaw and kissed me back until I exhaled against his sweet lips and pulled away to examine my handsome husband. Gurgle. My stomach loudly growled. Taehyung pursed his lips and glanced down in disbelief.

"Why didn't you tell me you're hungry?!" He scoffed.

"Why should I tell you?- You should be mindful of my needs!" I snapped. Taehyung laughed as he stood up from the chair, and carefully lowered me to the floor.

"Tell me if you're hungry~! I'll drop everything to keep you full because you'll get grumpy and nag this pitiful man over the silliest things if you're starving!- What do you want to eat? I'll make a call," He chuckled.

"Most restaurants will be closed by the time we arrive! Forget it!- Let's eat at home! I'll cook dinner!" I smacked his chest as Taehyung bent over the table to shut down his desktop. I hurried toward the couch to collect my side bag and his empty lunch box. Taehyung grabbed his suit from the rack, and we exited the office together. Nothing beats our home-cooked meals! We took the elevator and headed out of the corporation to fly back home without a delay.

A moment later.

"Seobang-nim~! The food is ready~!" I called while carrying the tray of steaming food to place on the platform bench before the sea view. Taehyung was dusting the platform with a worn-out rag as he sat under the warm light pole. I carefully settled the plates and crawled over the bench to sit across from him as Taehyung popped open a can of beer and handed it to me. Smiling, I took a sip and gasped in pleasure. 

The household was already asleep upon our late-night arrival, so it's just my husband and his precious wife... enjoying our romantic late-night dinner with the leftover food~! Fancy restaurant food?!- No! I'd rather cook and feed my man with self-made meals so I can properly sustain his health!

"Ah~" Taehyung lifted a piece of beef with his chopstick, so I opened my mouth to let him feed me. He chuckled and wiped my lips.

"Why don't you hire workers to handle the garden?" I sorely glanced at the stacks of bricks, cement sacks, and fertilizers on the side of the mansion. He's been spending his time manicuring our garden. He keeps heaving the heavy sacks himself~! I'm worried about his aching back!

"For you, of course," He chuckled. I smiled.

"For me?" I blinked.

"Yeah. You claim I'm a bare minimum and ungenerous man despite showering my woman with crazy expensive gifts. So I'll stop buying you flowers or rare gems from now on. Instead, I'll grow an entire garden for you with my two bare hands. My love for you will never die as long as the flower blooms, so I must work hard to preserve my undying affection for my precious wife!" Taehyung chuckled while chewing his food. He lifted his palm to show me his blistering palms. I sadly smiled at him. So that's why he's so determined to handle the garden?

"I'll accept your bare minimum effort. That's fine. You might break your spine trying to please me, old man~!" I teased.

"No. You'll never stop nagging me if I don't try harder- so I'll show you!- Just how devoted I am!" He firmly shook his head. I laughed and handed him our shared beer can. Taehyung took a sip and screwed his face in relief. Taehyung and I... usually share our things. We eat from our one plate or bowl most of the time. We share the same mug. The same utensil. The same glass. I don't know why... but we prefer doing things together.

"You never told me... you're the initial... owner of this property," I whispered, unsurely lifting my eyes to Taehyung. We were at an exclusive estate exhibition the other day after Taehyung received an invitation... so we attended the event together and even met a famous architect, who approached us to greet my husband. The woman asked about the mansion she designed on the hilltop for Kim Taehyung... so I was surprised to discover... that this land was originally... purchased by my husband. Why did he place this beautiful property on sale~?

"It was actually a gift for you," He shrugged. I pursed my lips with a slight frown.

"What?" I asked.

"I purchased the land myself because I wanted to build our dream home," He explained.

"But you never mentioned it-"

"Of course not. I wanted to surprise you after our wedding during our engagement days... but things fell apart, and we broke up over a woman. It was a mess, so I gave up on the property and placed it on the market for sale under a different name," Taehyung shrugged. I pursed my lips and glanced at the mansion on our side before shifting my eyes to the beautiful sea. We could've lost this rare gem! This is such a sacred space!

"What's meant to be... will eventually return," I whispered, glancing back at Taehyung. He smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Jae Yangcha had his eyes on this property. It's meant to be your dream home regardless of the lover you're with. Everything within the property is designed to suit your taste. I would've gone for a more simplistic modern design to suit my preference... but I knew... you like things a little exaggerated... so I made sure to include as many details as I possibly could. A mansion... spacious enough for a family but not too big and distant like the Seoul mansion. I wanted the property to fit just enough people so you wouldn't feel small within the tall ceilings," Taehyung exhaled. I stared at him in silence and glanced at the mansion again.

He's right. I absolutely love the hilltop mansion and the interior. The structure of the property isn't as complicated as the Seoul mansion. My late mother designed a maze-like corridor to mislead intruders, so it felt like I was constantly stuck in hiding behind her walls. But here? The layout is simple. The corridors aren't too wide apart, and the rooms are close to one another... so I can easily visit my family just by stepping out of my room. If I scream... anyone within the property can hear me, so I don't have to worry about my children's safety because I know... I can always reach them on time if there's trouble.

The previous Seoul mansion was too spacious and dull. It felt like I was always distant from everyone since we had to travel all over the place to reach our destination. I have to use the installed buttons to call the maids and the maid has to use a cart to deliver food and drinks. No one would hear me if I screamed for help because of the thick walls. 

We were all disconnected within the Seoul mansions. But here? I land straight in the living room coming from the stairs. And I can enter or exit the mansion through the front or back door. The kitchen is close by... with a door leading straight to the dining room.

And unlike the dull and plain high walls of the Seoul mansion with a boring manicured garden and a useless water fountain... I can witness the stunning sea view from every window and door in my current mansion. We're supplied with refreshing air in the morning... and there's enough sunlight beaming through the windows to keep the place bright and warm. And instead of an artificial pool... Taehyung offers another vacation villa where I can literally swim in the sea and watch the sunset on the beach with him. A ride up and down the hill in his sidecar for a refreshing breeze and real ancient tree shades to rest under during a scorching day.

Bare minimum...? Maybe he was never a mediocre man after all.

Kim Taehyung has been healing me with his carefully curated master plan since the day I stepped foot in this property... and has never bothered to inform me of his effort. He never took credit for all his hard work and considerate gestures. 

Why? I don't know, but I feel so sorry for only learning the truth now.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for me," I whispered. Taehyung smiled as he chewed the food before lifting his eyes to meet my apologetic gaze. 

"All I ask is for us... to remain by each other's side forever," He whispered. I chuckled.

"I'll never let us fall apart again. You have my words," I nodded while reaching out with my open palm. Taehyung chuckled and firmly shook my hand. He lifted my hand to kiss my forehand, so I giggled and patted his cheek as we laughed and chatted over our cold meals before the breathtaking view of the dark sea.


A Future Event

"Hyung! Did you actually live in a castle?!" Kanghoon smiled across the table as the heirs dined in the dining room to celebrate Choi Woobin's return.

"Yes, he did! It's a real castle with ancient artifacts!" Beomseok chuckled at his grandson's curious smile.

"We took pictures there- I'll show you," Beom chuckled.

"I wish I was there!" Woojin pouted as he placed the food on his mother's plate. Sora quietly ate her meal with a discouraged expression until Woobin glanced at his wearied mother. It's been a week since the family returned to the hilltop mansion in Busan.

"Eomma. Are you feeling unwell?" Woobin asked as he anxiously chewed his food. Sora blinked out of her webbed thoughts and glanced at her oldest son.

"You two didn't speak at all? What have you been doing during the past month? Why was Hajin so startled?" Sora frowned. The table suddenly grew hushed when Taehyung stepped inside the room to settle beside his wife with a defeated look.

"She refuses to exit her room," The man sighed. Sora exhaled in frustration and glanced at Woobin again.

"She does eat. I saw her sneaking into the kitchen last night. The dumpling will never starve herself so don't worry too much about her," Kanghoon chuckled as he dismissively shook his head.

"Did she think she could avoid hyung forever?" Woojin muttered while rolling his eyes at Hajin's childish avoidance.

"Maybe you should try speaking to her?" Do-hwan nudged his son. Woobin pursed his lips and glanced at Sora's restlessness again.

"Hajinie did speak to Woobin during his stay because she wasn't aware of his identity. She seemed to enjoy his company and would often approach him. Aigo~! Even I couldn't recognize you! I thought Do-hwan sent a new man!" Imo scoffed as she patted Woojin's back. Woobin stopped chewing his food and exhaled deeply.

"Hajin couldn't recognize me during our first encounter, so I played along and pretended to be another person. I didn't know she'd be this shaken," Woobin shrugged.

"You should try speaking to her," Taehyung encouraged. Woobin nodded.

"And why are you sleeping in the old cabin? You can share the bedroom with Beom," Sora asked, unsurely staring at her son after he insisted on residing in his father's isolated cabin. 

"Hajin doesn't want my company in the house, so I'll stay in the cabin to avoid upsetting her. Abeoji is growing a little weak anyway... so he can have my bedroom upstairs. I prefer the peace at the cabin," Woobin shrugged. 

Choi Do-hwan is forced by his son to reside in the mansion's spare bedroom. Taehyung frowned restlessly but nodded at Woobin's statement and ate his meal beside his wife, who was placing the meat on her husband's plate. The family chattered softly in the dining room to catch up with their past... until someone unexpectedly entered the dining room. 

"Oh? Hajin- Are you hungry? Eomma made your favorite dish today," Beom greeted his grim-looking sister, causing Sora to widen her eyes at the presence of her precious daughter. Hajin stood in her nightgown with a poker face as she slowly approached the table.

"Dumpling must be starving~!" The twins teased their baby sister. Hajin fired the identical twins an annoyed glare... and glanced at her anxious parents again.

"What's wrong, honey? Have a seat if you're hungry," Sora anxiously examined her daughter. Hajin gripped her fists and took a deep exhale.

"I want to study at the elite university with oppa," She firmly stated. The dining room paused at her request. Sora and Taehyung glanced at each other and back at Hajin as if they didn't hear her right.

"But you said-"

"I think it's best if I study and prepare for the council. Please allow me to study at the elite university. I won't cause trouble. I promise," Hajin pursed her lips. Taehyung closed his eyes to collect himself once he processed her request to leave the mansion for her studies. The man lowered his head and pinched his nose bridge with a stuffy chest.

"Araso. If that's your wish... then we can arrange for your transfer and schedule your daily flights-"

"I'll stay with Kanghoon and Woojin oppa at their penthouse. There isn't a need to waste our resources on my routine flights. I'll visit whenever... there's a break," Hajin interrupted. Taehyung pursed his lips and glanced at Woobin... who was dimly staring at Hajin... but she refused to acknowledge his presence and stared straight at her parents.

"You're seriously not moving out just because hyung has returned to live with us?!" Kanghoon scoffed. Hajin grimaced at her brother.

"I wish to study-!-"

"Come on, Hajin~! The conflict was over a decade ago! You can't seriously still resent hyung over such trivial matters?!" Woojin snapped. Hajin clenched her jaw in frustration.

"Araso!- Araso! Let's not argue- I want you to think it through for another month, alright? You can't enter the academy right now anyway- since it's almost the end of the academic year. We'll enroll you if you're certain about your decision once spring arrives," Taehyung quickly spoke up to buffer the sibling's argument before his daughter lost her temper. Hajin pursed her lips to suppress her frustration, nodded stiffly, and quickly strode out of the dining room before anyone could speak. Sora sorely closed her eyes to recollect her scattered mind as Taehyung glanced at the household... sitting awkwardly at the hushed table.

"If she doesn't want me around- then I'll-"

"No. No one is leaving. If there's a conflict... we should resolve it. We're a family, so we can't break like this. You have every right to reside with us, so don't try to move out again. Hajin is still young and impulsive... so we'll do as she wishes... for now. She'll eventually listen to us if we give her time to address this situation," Taehyung firmly shook his head to stop Woobin from removing his presence from the family's property. Choi Woobin dimly stared at the elders and lowered his head with his hands clasped over his thighs. 

Fast Forward

A guard hauled the heavy luggage from the heiress on the front porch as she bid goodbye to her family. Sora pouted and hugged her daughter as Taehyung patted his wife's back to console her overflowing anxiety after they've agreed to send their youngest away. Hajin softly kissed her father's cheek and turned to hold Imo's hand, assuring the old lady of her well-being. Beom smiled at his sister and gave her a crushing hug. 

Hajin faintly smiled as she stepped back to gaze at her family for the last time... and strolled down the stairs to approach the car where Do-hwan was waiting to escort her. And on the far side of the property... Woobin gloomily stared at Hajin from afar as he lowered his hammer to the wooden plank... until she entered the car and left the property through the opened gate.

The eldest son attempted countless times to speak to the youngest before her departure... but every time he approached her... Kim Hajin would stroll off with a cold shoulder. She refused to... acknowledge his existence. He was invisible in her eyes... and she would never respond to his call. Choi Woobin exhaled and picked up his hammer to put the furniture pieces together with gleaming sweat beads all over his hairline... helplessly distracting himself with the manual labor after failing to reconcile with his younger sister.

Elite University

Kim Hajin frantically raced down the corridor a few minutes before lunch break with her bag swung over her shoulder while searching the school building in bewilderment until... she reached the bathroom- just as the classroom doors blasted open. The heir gasped in a panic at the sight of the flooding corridor, roughly shoved the door open... and hurried inside a restroom stall. She slammed the toilet lid closed and slumped down in relief after the successful attempt to dodge unwanted attention. Kim Hajin dug into her backpack and drew out her lunch box with her legs crossed over the toilet lid. She carefully popped open the container... and lowered her head to consume her meal in the stall.

"-She should be a canteen-"

"Let's hurry and find her-"

"Her brothers might be around though-"

"Dude! She's so freaking pretty! We have to see her-"

"Pff! I think Jeon Soo-ah is prettier!-"

"But Kim Hajin is the supreme alpha's household!-"

Hajin abruptly stopped chewing her food and stared at the stall door with a slight grimace as she listened to the chitchat about her in the restroom... until something struck her. The young heiress pursed her lips once she realized... she had entered the wrong space. Shaaaa~! She screwed her eyes shut in disgust once she heard the guys peeing loudly in the next stall. It's the men's bathroom! Hajin contorted her face and smacked her forehead in disbelief- Clatter! 

The heiress accidentally dropped a spoon, sending it skidding across the floor and out of the stall. She gasped and covered her lips in horror as she stared at the gap below her with her eyes bulging open and her heart... pounding hard against her ribs. Silence. The bathroom was dead quiet... so she lowered her shoes to the floor and cautiously crouched down to peek between the gap to scan the place... but it was empty. 

The alpha exhaled in relief and extended her arm between the gap to reach for the spoon on the tiles. She patted the floor aimlessly before lowering her face to peek again- but flinched in shock when she noticed a pair of polished shoes standing before her dirty spoon. Swallowing in fear... she lifted her face to stare at the person with her stuffed cheeks... but he was too tall... for her to recognize his face.

"What are you doing?" Kim Seojun asked while staring at her through the reflection. 

Hajin awkwardly shifted her doe eyes to the charming young man in the mirror... until she noticed... Kim Seokjin's son... standing over her spoon with his hands placed in his trouser's pocket. Hajin immediately flushed red in embarrassment as she hastily scrambled back up and quickly packed her lunch box before shoving the containers back into her bag.

"Hey?!-" Hajin shrieked once she flung open the stall door- gasping in shock when Seojun lowered his napkin to pick up the spoon and tossed it in the bin with a poker face. The tall alpha calmly turned to wash his hands in the sink with a straight face on the fuming young heir as she stood with her greasy lips, flushed cheeks, and dark frown on his unbothered expression.

A moment later.

Beep. Seojun pushed open the door to the school president's private lounge... so Hajin nervously gripped her bag and followed him inside. She flinched in a panic when Kim Seojun suddenly sprayed sanitizer all over her body, causing her to gasp and look up at him with an offended look.

"You were rolling on the bathroom floor," He muttered while spraying her hands with the sanitizing substance to ensure she was germ-free.

"You get to have a lounge to yourself?! How do I get one too?!- Do we pay extra for this?!-" Hajin gasped as she gawked at the private space with her mouth ajar. Seojun quietly rounded his desk to open a cabinet and handed her a spare pair of chopsticks.

"It's the perks of being a student council leader. You can't buy this with money or your parent's ranks," He muttered. Hajin unsurely took the clean utensil from Seojun and sat down on the couch with her backpack.

"Thank you for the chopstick," She muttered while unzipping her bag to eat her remaining lunch in the container as Seojun watched the heiress chew her food from his desk.

"Why would you eat in the restroom? Food and the toilet should never be together," Seojun muttered. 

"Where else can I eat?- It's hard for me to swallow with so many eyes and disturbing people," She grimaced. Seojun exhaled while eyeing the young woman.

"Okay. Have your lunch and leave," Seojun shrugged, turning to switch on his computer with an unbothered look. Hajin quietly chewed her food while studying the handsome school president until he grew uncomfortable from her unyielding stare. Hajin tilted her head and eyed the alpha up and down until... he cleared his throat and glanced at her with his eyebrow lifted.

"You're younger than me, but you're on a higher level," Hajin muttered. Seojun unsurely stared at the heir from his desk.

"I'm only a year younger than you," Seojun shrugged.

"So your mother is really an average?" Hajin curiously questioned the alpha.

"How do you know so much about me despite never meeting me?" Seojun scoffed.

"Your father is my parent's acquaintance. I overhear him boasting about your achievements all the time. You look exactly just like him- Seokjin ahjussi," Hajin shrugged.

"My mother is an average. She's a therapist at one of the well-known establishments. My father got her pregnant by accident while he was drunk. My mother hid her pregnancy because she knew the danger of the society... until my father found out... and chose to marry her and eventually revealed me as his blood son once I was of age," Seojun nodded. Hajin scanned the private lounge with a faint smile... clearly not paying attention to Seojun's words... but she nodded anyway and chewed her food, causing the school president to frown at her dismissive behavior.

Fast Forward

"Ah!- Ah!!?- OPPA! AHHHHHHH!" Hajin screamed, enthusiastically leaping from the bleachers after his brother scored another shot. The crowd erupted into chaos- so Woojin shrieked pridefully and waved at his sister while wiping the trickling sweat from his forehead.

"Seojun lost again~!" The lower ranks whined in annoyance as Hajin skipped down the stairs with a heavy bag over her shoulder.

"Is that for me?- Ohoh?!-" Kanghoon grinned at his younger sister with his sweaty arms wide open as she raced towards him with a cool orange juice in a glass bottle- but Hajin dodged his muscular arms and ran off with a smug expression to hand the fresh juice to his teammates instead. Woojin glared at his sister... who was... receiving endless praises from the older boys as they surrounded the young heir for the handmade juice. They happily reached for the juice she had made for them and patted her back with a proud beam.

"You two love pineapple~! So here it is~!" Hajin chuckled as she handed her brothers separate bottles. The twins proudly patted her head while draining the cool liquid as the losing team strolled off the court to collect their belongings. Hajin giggled and fooled around with her brothers and his team on the court until they too... left to change in the locker room.

A moment later.

"Seojun...?" Hajin called while knocking on the guy's shower room after a pack of older boys strode out of the space.

"Come in," Seojun replied. Hajin unsurely scratched her head and strolled inside with her face lowered.

"I- I made- apple juice for you-" Hajin stuttered while peeking inside the shower stalls... but the locker room was empty. She finally halted in the humid room once he found Seojun sitting on the bench with his shorts on. He was ruffling his damp hair with a towel... so she gulped and glanced at his toned torso before shifting her eyes away and raised the bottle for him.

[Kim Seojun Official Picture Reference]

"Did you add sugar?" He asked as he took the glass from her hand.

"No. No sugar for you," Hajin replied, awkwardly gazing at the ceiling to inspect the light bulb. Seojun unscrewed the bottle and took a sip from it with a slight frown before looking up as well... when Hajin wouldn't lower her gaze.

"It's not bad. Why are you standing there? Sit down," He patted the bench beside him. Hajin cleared her throat and sat beside the alpha but didn't look at him and stared in the opposite direction with a red face.

"Why did you want to see me?" Hajin muttered while playing with her loose hair. Seojun emptied her juice and stood up to open his locker... so Hajin glanced at his muscular glazed back before lowering her gaze to his strong hips as the alpha stood facing away from her in his white slippers.

"You asked if I could help you with the foundation-level tasks. I figured we could leave and study together after the game," Seojun replied as he pulled a fresh shirt over his head to cover his toned trunk. Hajin nodded and glanced down at her hands again with her lips pursed. It's been half a year... and Hajin is adjusting well to the academy. The heir isn't as popular as the Jeon's daughters... but everyone respects her... and no one would dare taunt her out of fear of being confronted by her twin brothers.

"Okay. Did you reserve a spot for us to study?" Hajin asked, unsurely glancing up at Seojun as he brushed his soaked hair backward.

"Yeah. Let's go. Can you carry my jacket? Put it on if you're cold," Seojun tossed his heavy letterman jacket at her. Hajin pulled the oversized jacket over herself as Seojun beckoned her... so she smiled and walked out after the alpha, who was dressed in a plain black shirt and white shorts. They stroll side by side through the empty corridor... in absolute muteness. Hajin clasped her hands together and stole a glance at the handsome alpha.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend before?" Hajin asked out of curiosity. Seojun smiled at her random inquiry as he sideways scanned her innocent beam.

"No. I've never really interacted with other women aside from you," He shrugged. Hajin chuckled and walked along his side until they exited the academy together. Seojun weakly smiled in confusion at... Hajin's strange wiggly habits whenever she got excited... and opened the car door for her so she wiggled her body again before getting into the passenger seat.

A moment later.

"Oh? You live alone...?" Hajin asked as she followed the alpha into a penthouse while gazing at the organized interior until Seojun dropped her bag on the couch.

"Yeah. I prefer to live alone," Seojun nodded before strolling off with his sports bag as Hajin peeked at the view of the vast river with her mouth hanging open.

"You've got a lovely view~! My brother's apartment's scenery is always ruined by the fog- because it's so high up~!" Hajin chortled, excitedly spinning around to smile at her friend as Seojun stepped inside the living room with a few snack bags and water for her. Hajin chuckled and strode forward to sit on the couch... as Seojun settled beside the heiress to coach her through her assigned work.

Regularly... the young heir would visit her friend's place to study together until a particular... rainy day. Hajin blinked out of her strained thoughts and glanced to the side to find Seojun... observing her with a curious gaze... so he cleared his throat and awkwardly glanced down at his paper once she caught his obvious stare. 

"Can I ask you a question...?" Hajin whispered, weakly smiling at the alpha. He refused to make eye contact and nodded while pretending to read the texts on his device.

"Are you stuck again?" He murmured. Hajin shook her head.

"Why don't you ever invite anyone over to your place?" Hajin whispered and nodded at his quiet space as they lounged in the living room.

"I prefer to keep my space untouched," Seojun muttered, glancing at her with a weak smile. Hajin blinked.

"But you're okay with me being here?" She asked while studying his handsome face.

"You're quiet and you don't gossip... so I assume my privacy is secured with you," He shrugged. Hajin chuckled and shook her head.

"Are you sure... it's not because... you fancy me?" Hajin keenly nudged his arm. He blinked at her delicate smile and gentle gaze before glancing back at his work with a tense expression.

"I'd be a liar if I said I didn't like you," Seojun muttered. Hajin pursed her lips, suddenly flushing red upon his unexpected confession. She blinked and glanced at her paper with a startled look before snapping her head back to Seojun... who was staring at her with an uneasy smile.

"So you do like me?" She scoffed while furrowing her eyebrows at the alpha.

"I do. I like you a lot," He shrugged. Hajin pursed her lips, clearly shaken by his blunt response.

"Then why didn't you ask me to be your girlfriend?" She whispered, suddenly leaning forward to question the alpha with a confused frown.

"I'm uncertain if our feelings are mutual," He muttered. Hajin scoffed, lightly smacking Seojun's forehead, and shook her head.

"Who wouldn't like the most desired alpha at the academy? You're handsome!- And also the highest-ranking academic achiever~!" Hajin chuckled.

"But it doesn't mean you like me too," He shrugged. Hajin pursed her lips.

"I like you too! Of course, I do!" Hajin scoffed in annoyance.

"Well then... I'm relieved it's a mutual feeling," He nodded. She frowned.

"You still won't ask me to be your girlfriend?" She asked, unsurely searching Seojun's neutral face.

"I don't want to bring unwanted attention to you and me. I'm sure your father is beyond protective of you... and I'm sure my father won't be happy... if I'm distracted from my studies. Your twin brothers... will probably beat me up too if I try to overstep our boundaries," Seojun shrugged.

"Oh... so you don't want to be my boyfriend?" Hajin blinked. He frowned and glanced at her clueless face again.

"I want to be with you. More than you can imagine... but right now... I've got nothing in my hands. I'm still living off my parent's wealth and reputation. I want... to assemble my legacy and achieve my goals... before asking for your hand in marriage. Only then can I secure our relationship," Seojun calmly explained.

"Marriage? Do you want to get married without dating? How's that possible?" Hajin scoffed.

"Haven't you seen the couples at school? They date- and they fight- and they break up over silly issues. I don't want to ruin our friendship over a childish fight if we were to date because... I might recklessly lose you. I want to properly be prepared for the relationship... so I can ensure that... we won't split up in the dating stage and waste each other's time," He nodded. Hajin quietly gazed at the alpha and glanced at her book again.

"So what are we supposed to do? Be friends?" Hajin asked.

"For now. Yes. I won't stop you from choosing to be with another man, but I do hope you're aware that I want to make my own name and properly figure out everything before I choose to hold your hands because... dating isn't simply about the short-term courtship. I'd have to consider our long-term future and ensure that I have the ability to sustain you and our family in the long run. I do not wish to date for pure entertainment. Instead, I'll date to marry you. So think about it. If you want us to... confirm our relationship... then I'll do as you wish... but whatever happens... I want you to communicate and resolve our problems together. So we don't have to break up and pretend to be strangers again. It's a waste of time and effort," Seojun stared at Hajin. She glanced at him with a troubled expression.

"Okay. Give me time. I will think it through," Hajin finally nodded. Seojun smiled and leaned forward to kiss her cheek, causing Hajin to freeze in her seat. She quickly clasped her hand over his lip print in shock- appearing somewhat offended by his love stroke- and darted him an uptight look.

"What? Why are you so startled-"

"You said you'd give me time to think!- What was that for?!" Hajin scoffed, turning bright red as she gawked at the dumbfounded alpha.

"That's the assurance of my feelings," He frowned at her exaggerated reaction. Hajin stared at him with a racing heart and finally cleared her throat.

"No," Hajin briefly replied.

"No...?" Seojun frowned, unsurely staring at her upset grimace with his lips ajar.

"I do not wish to be touched like this unless we're together- so don't ever do it again," Hajin stared at the alpha in annoyance as she rubbed his lip prints off her cheek. Seojun pursed his lips while eyeing her disapproving look when Hajin suddenly grabbed her books and quickly gathered her belongings with a dark frown.

"Hajin- I didn't mean to offend you-"

"I'm not offended- but I do not wish to give in to anyone without a definite label over our relationship. I don't do situationships or friends with benefits- please refrain from overstepping the boundary if you're not prepared. It might cause a lot of misunderstandings. My father warned me... to never... fall for a man... who is incapable of handling the consequences of his actions," Hajin quickly shoved her things into her bag and snatched it off the couch.

"Alright...? Alright- I'm sorry. I'll escort you home," Seojun quickly stood up and followed her to the door as Hajin slipped on her sneakers. Seojun tried to help her with her bag... but Hajin refused to let him carry the load and strolled out of the elevator once the door slid open. She got into the passenger seat, buckled her seatbelt, and hugged her bag over her lap with her head tilted against the window. Seojun awkwardly started his car engine and took the heiress home.

"Thanks and bye," Hajin muttered, quickly pushing open the door before Seojun could get out of the car. The alpha paused in disbelief when the young heir hurriedly raced into her building complex and disappeared through the lobby's door with her bag. He pursed his lips and stepped back inside the car... before lowering his head to the steering wheel and closed his eyes in embarrassment after she responded negatively to... his first... courtship attempt.


"Oh? Hajin, you're home? Oppa cooked the meals today~!" Kanghoon called once Hajin entered through the door with her bag clutched over her chest. The twins were gaming in the living room with the music blasting at full volume... so Hajin exhaled, entered her room to shower, and strolled out to grab her plate of meals stacked with her favorite food. She slumped on the bean bag with her plate as the twins shouted at each other while racing their avatars on the massive flat screen.

"Are you okay? Who brought you home?" Woojin glanced at his baby sister as she quietly chewed her food on the bean bag. Kanghoon lifted his toes to try and poke his sister's cheek- causing Hajin to shriek in annoyance. She shoved her brother's feet away and glanced at the TV screen while chewing her sausage with a grumpy expression.

"Seojun brought me home after our study session," She grumbled. Kanghoon grimaced.

"Why do you prefer him over us? We can teach you," Woojin muttered as he aggressively pressed the controller.

"You're always so loud at home. How can I possibly study?" Hajin muttered. The twins chuckled at her grumpiness and proceeded to game on their screen.

"You can always ask eomma to fly home if you're not used to living here," Kanghoon replied.

Hajin grimaced at the thought of living with Choi Woobin at their hilltop mansion, got up to wash her empty dish, and left to reside in her room. And despite having a soundproof door... she could still hear the twins screeching in the living room. Sighing deeply, she drew out a noise-canceling headphone assembled by Jae Boom as a gift for her to shut out the noises. She exhaled, covered her ears with the device, and laid down with her eyes closed to listen to the hushed... muffles of her brother's booming voices.

Fast Forward

Kim Hajin faintly giggled as she strolled into the academy with her twin brothers, who stood on either side of her. Woojin had his arm hooked over her shoulder as he steered his baby sister with him. She grinned and punched Woojin's abs as Kanghoon chattered loudly with Hajin's bag strapped over his muscular shoulder. The trio glanced at the gawking eyes from the lower ranks unsurely... but dismissed their strange stares and headed to Hajin's lecture room. 

The heirs assumed the lower ranks were admiring the twins... so the brothers bid their goodbyes after escorting their sister to her lecture room. Hajin quietly sat with the younger generation of alphas and lower ranks in her room when Yuna... one of the fifth rank... approached her desk. Jeon Soo-ah lifted her face from her book to stare at Hajin as the lower-rank alpha loomed over the heiress.

"So... are you dating Seojun? Kim Seojun?" Yuna smiled at Hajin, who blinked and stared up at her with an uneasy look.

"No. We're not dating," Hajin denied. Soo-ah exhaled and lowered her face back to her book.

"But people say you're always at his place until late night... though? Kim Seojun has never invited anyone over to his place," Yuna giggled while observing Hajin suspiciously.

"We were only studying," Hajin replied, shrugging dismissively. The lower ranks glanced at each other without speaking and left her desk... so Hajin prepared for her course until the... eventual nightmare... consumed the academy.

"Hajin-ah!" Kanghoon called as he stormed towards her with a dark frown, followed by Woojin. Hajin had only exited her class for her lunch break.

"Oh?- Oppa?-"

"We need to speak!" Woojin faked a smile, grabbed her collar, and dragged her with him. Hajin gasped and stumbled after her brothers as the lower ranks eyed them weirdly. Kanghoon checked for an unused room before nudging his sister inside... so Woojin closed the door... and suddenly... frowned at her with his arms crossed over his buff chest.

"What...? Did I do something wrong?" Hajin unsurely glanced back and forth between the identical twins.

"Your study place is his private apartment...?" The twins asked. Hajin gripped her fingers uneasily.


"You said you're studying with him at the lounge in the academy! Why did you lie to us?!" Woojin scoffed. Hajin blinked at her upset brothers.

"Nothing happened! We just studied! I promise-"

"Hajin-ah! Eomma and appa- have warned you countless times never to be alone with another alpha! Especially not a man! Who is physically stronger than you! And why did you lie to us!? We're responsible for your safety and wellness!" Kanghoon scolded Hajin. She stood in silence.

"I told you there's nothing to worry about! I never touched him! And he never touched me!-"

"But everyone thinks there's a lot more going on!- Oh?!- People have claimed to see you entering the guy's locker room alone with Seojun! And people have seen you exit and enter his place almost every day! Others claim to see you entering his private presidential room during every lunch break! Hajin, you have to be honest-"

"I'm not lying! There's nothing between us! I'm seriously not lying~!" Hajin whined while pouting at her older brothers. The twins frowned at their frustrated sister and glanced at each other to contemplate the reliability of her statement.

"If you can't admit the truth- then we'll question him," Kanghook exhaled, suddenly swinging the door open with an uptight frown. Woojin grimaced at his sister and stormed out after his brother. They found it hard to believe her since it is in her nature to deny her involvement in most issues... out of fear of being blamed.

"Oppa! There's no need to bother him! I swear there's nothing- OPPA! Seojun will get upset if you drag him into this- OPPA~!" Hajin shrieked as she frantically chased after her brothers to stop them... but they refused to believe her words and stormed into the canteen packed with students. Everyone immediately shifted their attention to the looming identical twins as they marched straight toward Seojun's table with dark scowls. Kim Dohyun stopped chatting with Jung Mirae... and glanced at the twins... who had their raging glares set on the second-rank alpha.

"What's your intention of bringing my sister to your personal space?" Kanghoon confronted the alpha. Seojun pursed his lips and glanced at Hajin as she stood with a racing heart, slightly lowering her face in embarrassment.


"Nothing? You invited her into your private living space every day... because of nothing?" Woojin scoffed, firing the alpha an annoyed glare.

"I never once forced her to enter my doors. She willingly followed me there. What are you trying to get out of this?" Seojun sternly lifted his eyebrows to question the twins. The brothers clenched their jaws with their dark frowns at Seojun and shifted their deadly gaze to the crowd of nosy students.

"Did you hear that? There's nothing between them. Now refrain from speaking nonsense about my sister and mind your business, or we'll address the situation ourselves," Woojin warned the crowd. No one dared to speak or budge in their seat as they shifted their gaze to Kim Hajin, who stood with an uncomfortable frown. The twins exhaled, strolled out of the canteen, and dragged Hajin after them to exit the packed space.


"You're not going to his place anymore," Kanghoon firmly locked the penthouse door after they dragged her home.

"Oppa! I have to submit my assignment tomorrow! I need his help!" Hajin whined, trying to shove her sturdy brother aside, but he refused to budge and glared at his stubborn sister.

"We'll help you with your work. No more secret study sessions with the jerk- Who didn't even bother to address the situation until we confronted him!" Woojin shook his head, firmly crossing his arms over his chest. Hajin pursed her lips at her older brother's disappointed glower and exhaled in defeat before storming inside the room with an attitude.

A moment later.

"OPPA!?- Can you lower the volume!?- I can't concentrate!" Hajin screeched, angrily storming out of her room to glare at the twins as they gamed on the screen.

"Use Jae Beom's headphone-"

"I can still hear you!" Hajin screamed in annoyance.

The twins scoffed and lowered the volume, so she stormed back inside her room and banged her door shut to sit at her desk with an irritated frown. The heiress lifted her phone to stare at the blank screen. Nothing. Seojun did not contact her after the ridiculous rumors about them. She exhaled in annoyance and glanced at her paper after the twins gave her their answers to the questions without much explanation. The young alpha sighed and copied all the answers into the answer sheet without much thought, threw away her book, and scrambled onto the bed to hide under the blanket with a stuffy chest.

A few days later.

"Hajin. I'd love to have a word with you," A professor spoke up when the alpha tried to get up from her seat. The other students glanced at her unsurely... so Hajin lowered her head and followed the woman to a private office.

"Why do you wish to speak to me?" Hajin asked. The professor sighed and slid an answer sheet over the table. 

"You do realize we do not tolerate plagiarism, right?" The woman asked. Hajin froze with her eyes on her answers and glanced at the woman.

"But I did it myself-"

"The answer you wrote does not correlate to the context of the exercise. This is the exact same copy of the previous year's answer. Hajin. I'm not upset... but you should've done better," The woman assured. Hajin pursed her lips on the answer sheet.

"I'm sorry," Hajin lowered her head in embarrassment. 

"I'll assign you extra materials and work to make up for this. Please do not repeat the same mistake," The professor nodded.

Hajin's POV

I nodded to accept my mistake before rising from the seat to exit the room with my head lowered as I passed by the gossiping lower ranks. Despite... clarifying my controversy with Seojun... people still chose to speak ill of me. 

They claim I'm the one at fault for choosing to follow Seojun to his penthouse and claim that it wasn't Seojun who was trying to take advantage of me. Rather. I am the desperate person trying to seduce him. I tried. I tried desperately to avoid reacting to their false claims... but it felt like everything was overflowing the longer I stayed hushed. I pursed my lips and stormed down the corridor to avoid the piercing stares. 

"Hajin. Can we speak?" Seojun appeared out of nowhere. I blinked and looked up at his neutral expression, immediately pausing in the corridor.

"No-" I whispered, sidestepping the alpha and strolled away with a poker face.

Third Person POV 

"The issue isn't dying down- and I'm afraid it'll be heard by our parents-"

"So? Are you afraid of ruining your own reputation? Don't worry. They're all on your side. I'm the one at fault, and you're the perfect man," Hajin suddenly spun around to glare at Seojun in resentment.

"Hajin- You can't be seriously upset-"

"Oh yeah? Yeah, it's totally my fault for 'willingly' following you through your door. Did you really have to direct the spotlight at me? So you could avoid being the main talk of the day?" Hajin glared at Seojun and stormed off with a dark frown. The Kim's heir stood in his place with his lips parted and closed his eyes with troubled feelings before striding away in the opposite direction.

Fast Forward

Kim Hajin hastily shook the heels off her feet as she stepped into the penthouse alone with her bag swung over her shoulder. The twin brothers are staying at the academy to rehearse for their upcoming tournament, so she was instructed to return directly to the penthouse. 

It's been a month since the rumors stirred up... and all she's been doing is... hide inside the highest building floor with the dull clouds and visiting the academy... to study. Her mother has not visited them for over a month because she had a schedule with her father abroad.

"Oh? Eomma?!- You're back!?" Hajin gasped once she smelt the savory scent from the kitchen. The heir quickly swung her bag onto the couch and raced inside the kitchen with a wide grin- but abruptly halted in horror once she found... Choi Woobin... preparing the dishes on the counter. Her older brother lifted his face to stare at her, causing Hajin to stiffen in place as he stood with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Have the food if you're hungry-" Woobin tried to speak- Thump! Thump! Hajin wildly spun around and raced into her room. BANG. She slammed the door to shut off his voice, leaving Woobin dumbfounded in the kitchen. He exhaled at her harshness and lowered his head after she refused to face him... even after he granted her almost a year to settle their conflict.

Kim Hajin is definitely not an easy soul to appease.

A few days later.

Knock. Knock. 

Hajin slipped off her customized headphones and glanced at the door with a dark frown after listening to the persistent disturbance. The person had been knocking on the door for almost an hour. She exhaled, slammed her pen down over the desk, and got up to swing the door open until she found Woobin looming over her with a plate of warm meal. 

She glared at her older brother- aggressively slapping the plate out of his hands before he could speak- SMASH. Woobin froze at her aggression and averted his eyes to mess on the floor just as the door to the penthouse opened... and the twins appeared in their hoodies and sports bags.

"Oh hyung-" BANG. They flinched in a panic once Hajin slammed the door shut and stormed back to her desk without uttering a word.


The twins restlessly walked into the living room as Woobin bent over the floor to collect the broken shards. Kanghoon grimaced, picked up the trash bin, and walked toward his older brother as Woojin turned to grab the vacuum from the storage room.

"I'll handle the mess. Have your meal while it's warm," Woobin shook his head when his younger brothers tried to help him clean the mess.

"Yah! Aren't you being too much?! Kim Hajin!" Woojin angrily pounded on the closed door.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Hajin screamed, suddenly throwing something at the door. Thud! The twins flinched at the violent impact and glanced at each other with an offended look.

"Yah-? Yah! Come out this instant- you rude brat!-"

"It's fine. Don't upset Hajin," Woobin quickly stood up to block the door when Kanghoon tried to open the door with the master card.

"Hyung!- She can't behave this way!-"

"We cannot invade her personal space. I'll speak to her once she's ready- so don't barge inside her space without her permission. Go and eat, alright?" Woobin raised his hand to push the card back into Kanghoon's hand. The twins scoffed at the door and spun around to enter the kitchen... so Woobin crouched down again to collect the shards and quietly cleaned up the food stain on the floor before strolling into the kitchen to sit across from the twins as they hungrily devoured the tasty meal.

"Should I call eomma? Or appa? She only listens to them," Woojin asked Woobin as the man quietly ate from his plate.

"Don't bother. That's why I'm here to address the situation," Woobin muttered.

"She never really threw a tantrum after you left... but she's doing it again now? How is she so immature?" Kanghoon grumbled in annoyance as he fired Hajin's door an irritated look.

"Her tantrum and anger issues should be addressed... or she'll live her entire life banging doors and breaking plates," Woojin nodded. Woobin calmly ate his food.

"Kim Seojun. Is the boy involved with her?" Woobin asked to divert the subject. The twins chewed their food and nodded.

"She's not dating him. Seojun is her study partner, and she often visits his place. We only found out recently through the rumors," Kanghoon answered. Woobin nodded to ponder the situation.

"The principal called to address the situation, so I've decided to visit myself. Eomma and appa are on a vacation abroad... so I will not inform them of the matter," Woobin sighed.

"They're on vacation again?!- Hah! Without us?! They always run off alone!" Woojin funnily smacked his slice of bread on the plate, causing Kanghoon to chuckle over his warm soup.

"What about Beom? Why didn't you invite him over? Hajin never raises her voice at him. Maybe Beom can talk some senses into her," Kanghoon suggested.

"Beom is occupied with his genius work in his room. I left him at home because he doesn't like to be locked up in a tall apartment building like this one," Woobin smiled.

"I swear the little Jaguar is assembling a nuclear bomb inside his room! Have you seen his office?!- No human can comprehend all those scientific formulas and codes! It's like a science lab! Appa even tore down the walls of our old room to merge the space for Beom," The Woojin scoffed. Woobin chuckled and shook his head.

"He's a mad genius. Beom collected all of his father's belongings from the castle and has been obsessed over it since," Woobin shrugged. The twins chuckled and shook their heads with weak smiles.

"Anyways. What are you going to do with Kim Seojun? He's a decent person. Just like Seokjin ahjussi. I doubt he'll cause any harm to Hajin since his father is close with our family," Woojin asked as he unsurely eyed the older brother.

"I won't do anything. I'll speak to the alpha to remind him of his boundaries. Hajin might be an adult, but she's mentally still a child... so I'll remind him of that," Woobin shrugged. The twins nodded in agreement. The soft brothers chattered in the kitchen, spent time gaming in the living room, and eventually parted to sleep in their respective rooms.


"Thank you for the ride," Beom smiled, lowering his head at the taxi driver after the man dropped him off in the suburb of the city. He's in Daegu. The alpha took a deep inhale as he stood on the sidewalk with the hood over his head and gradually strolled through the street to observe the bustling area before pulling out a small piece of paper to review the notes.

The alpha quietly walked further from the bustling city until he found himself... standing on a quiet freeway surrounded by deep woods. He glanced from side to side and to the tree trunks until he noticed an odd tree... bending along the curved road. Beom smiled and strolled off the road to enter the wilderness alone. The young man carefully planted small devices on the tree trunks to mark his way as he wandered deeper and deeper into the isolated woods... until the afternoon sky turned dark. He blinked and glanced upward when the sky started pouring... so he exhaled and strolled quietly through the darkness without switching on the flashlights while crushing the dead leaves beneath the sole of his shoes.

Halt. The alpha blankly stared at the tall grasses above his head and glanced at his notes again before shoving his way through the thick barrier. He stared up at the sky to follow the small dangling ornaments above his head... that were tied securely to the branches and- Rustle. The alpha suddenly stepped out... onto the... flowing stream before him. He pursed his lips and glanced upward until he spotted... a looming villa in the wilderness.

"I found you," Jae Beom's lips parted in shock as he crossed the stream and walked toward the looming black door without an installed... door handle... or... a keypad. The alpha pursed his lips and lifted a black card to press it against the dusty screen- Beep. 

The little jaguar flinched and stepped back in disbelief as the door... slid open before his reflective pupils. The alpha stood in the light drizzle with his startled gaze on the illuminated property with his mouth hanging open... utterly stunned by the untouched property. He blinked, took off his shoes, and entered the place with his mouth ajar before strolling inside the clean space. Whirr~! Beom glanced down to find an automated device mopping the floor and stepped aside before striding into the living room... with his eyes... bulging open in shock.

The alpha pursed his lips and glanced at the artificial streams from the waterfall... and to the glowing pool... with his eyes wide open in disbelief. Everything... within the villa... was working as it was supposed to. There were lights and water... and only the outer property was covered in dead leaves and dust. Jae Beom blinked, spun around, and hurried into the bedroom to uncover a neatly made bed. The curiously alpha approached the vanity table to examine... the cute photographs... stuck to the wall and the glass frame. The alpha stared at his late father, who was beaming at him with a radiant smile as he hugged... Jang Sora... on his side.

"I found you. Appa. I finally found you," Beom whispered, wildly spinning around with a broad smile. The alpha quickly dropped his bag to the floor and sprinted out of the room to check on the other rooms... and to his astonishment... he found... his father's control room still intact...

. and even the laboratory was functioning.

Jae Beom grinned from ear to ear as he settled on the comfortable leather armchair, and spun in it with a cheeky smile before starting the computer. He straightened his back and chuckled at the loading screen. There was no password restriction because his father knew... only the rightful successor could enter his hidden villa. The alpha froze when a screen suddenly popped up... and he found himself... staring directly at... his late father... who was sitting in the exact same chair.

"Abeoji..." Beom whispered with an aching heart as he eyed his late father.

"Did you miss appa? Appa... is probably dead and gone by the time you find me. But I do hope you're well, and so are your mother and your siblings. Are you living well?- Aigo~! You must be an absolute genius to uncover my- precious space. This is all yours, Beom. Everything in here is yours. Please... use it well. I don't know what to say really... but all I want you to remember is that... abeoji... really loves you... and I hope... you'll lead a happy life with eomma and your family. Haha~! Eomma already knows appa has a tumor by now... so she agreed to spend time with appa here until my time ends-"

"Yeobo...?" Sora's familiar voice suddenly spoke up in the background. Beom blinked in excitement when his mother appeared through the door in her usual silk dress.

"Oh? Were you looking for me?" Yangcha chuckled, briefly smiling at her as Sora carried a fruit plate and placed it on the desk. She sweetly kissed Yangcha as he hugged her waist over his lap... so Sora cluelessly glanced at the screen with a weak smile while stroking her lover's nape.

"What are you doing? You shouldn't spend too much time here!" She playfully scolded her lover. Beom chuckled when his father pulled his mother down to kiss her before glancing at the camera again without informing her of the recording.

"I'm just sorting my files," Yangcha chuckled.

"Araso. Come out for breakfast," Sora smiled, kissed his cheeks, and got up to leave the room... so Yangcha ate the fruit and smiled at the camera again.

"Your mother is beautiful, isn't she? I'm sure she's still a beauty now. Beom-ah. I'm sorry- we didn't bring you here... but I'm sure your grandfather is taking great care of you at the Hanok house. Appa and eomma will return to you before appa leaves this world, so don't worry. Anyways- appa recorded all the manuals for automated codes and technical instructions. If you're into it... you may access all of appa's past work and take over our legacy. This won't be the only video because appa has filmed a lot of lectures personally for you, so I hope it'll guide you in your future journey. And you may check eomma and appa's... moments together in the duckie file~!" Yangcha chatted with his son through the screen. Beom rubbed away his unconscious tears and glanced around his father's workspace with a pained frown.

"You're a genius, abeoji," Beom softly sniffled in joy and smiled at his father through the screen. The alpha took a deep exhale... and leaned back against the chair to feel his late father's presence and closed his eyes with a relieved feeling.

He found Jae Yangcha's beating heart. 

Flash Back

Young Beom.

The young child sat alone at his desk with his father's duck toy and lifted the plastic before the bright sunlight... glimmering through the window to observe the dark shade inside the duck. He frowned and shook the duck until it made a faint... clattering sound. The boy scratched his head unsurely. The duck had... somehow stopped working.

"I have to make it work again," The child grimaced as he grabbed the screwdriver, and unscrewed the duck loose- Clatter. The young boy froze when a small black card and secured chip fell out of the duck. The boy pursed his lips and lifted the card to stare at it with a dark frown.

Jae Beom.

The boy blinked at his own name... engraved on the strange card... and flipped the card over in confusion before inspecting the memory card with a suspicious frown. Beom exhaled and placed the items he found away... until he was old enough to realize... the truth. The young alpha asked for his first computer on his 10th birthday and eventually inserted the chip to check the file. 

He discovered... a digital map of an unknown place in Daegu.

"You'll find appa here...?" Beom stared at the phrase over a red spot on the map and spun the software around to examine the detailed pictures of unfamiliar trees... roads... tall grasses... and dangling ornaments hanging from the tree above. The young boy frowned at the random photographs... and glanced at the card... on his desk again. He pursed his lips and glanced back at the phrase on the mysterious location on the map.

You'll find appa here.

End of flashback


Fast Forward

Kim Hajin aimlessly walked down the local streets with an empty mind as she dully glanced at the local stores and passersby in curiosity with her bag strapped over her shoulders. She had escaped from the university to avoid her assigned driver after school because she did not wish to return to the apartment to meet her older brother, who had been residing with her for the week... intending to speak with her... but she had shut him off every time.

"What are you doing out here alone...?" Someone spoke up from behind her back. Hajin jumped out of her skin as she wildly spun around... to find... Kim Seojun... following her from behind with his hand in his pocket.

"Are you following me?!" Hajin gasped while gawking at the alpha and suddenly scurried over the pavement to avoid him. Seojun stared at her bitterly and quickened his pace to match hers... so Hajin huffed and glanced forward with an annoyed grimace.

"I saw you sprinting out of the gate earlier," He shrugged. Hajin grumbled in annoyance.

"What do you want?" She asked without looking at him.

"I want to speak with you, of course... but you have been avoiding me. Where do you eat lunch these days if not in my lounge? You can't seriously be eating in the bathroom again?" He funnily nudged her shoulder. Hajin huffed and glared at the alpha.

"I eat on the rooftop~! It's peaceful up there," She shrugged. Seojun smiled.

"Well. Since we're speaking now. Can I finally resolve the issue between us?" He asked unsurely. Hajin suddenly stopped dead in her tracks with her eyes glued on one of the carts, so Seojun halted and glanced at the distracted alpha with a confused expression.

"Buy me that ice cream cone and I'll talk to you," Hajin pointed at the colorful freezer. Seojun pursed his lips and glanced at the vendor on the street.

"But I didn't bring cash-"

"You don't have a single note with you~?" Hajin scoffed at the alpha in bewilderment. Seojun pursed his lips in embarrassment until his ears turned bright red.

"Oh-! I have collected coins! Maybe it's enough!" Seojun suddenly swung his bag off his shoulder to search for his coins with a flushed face. Hajin huffed and skipped towards the man with a bright beam.

"Double scoop chocolate cone, please~!" Hajin smiled. The man nodded.

"Double?!-" Seojun gasped, looking up at her in disbelief.

"You can't afford double scoops? Aigo~! My mother told me to never settle for any man who can't-"

"Actually!- I might have more coins!" He snapped, suddenly dropping his bag to the ground, and quickly crouched down to rummage his bag with a dark frown. The ice cream man handed Hajin the stacked cone... so she smiled and licked the ice cream while watching the alpha search for his coins.

"How much for the double scoop?" Seojun quickly stood up with a few coins in his palm.

"3000 won," The man smiled. The alpha quietly counted the coin in his palm before freezing in place and glanced up at Hajin, who was cluelessly licking the ice cream on the street. 

"I have only 2500..." Seojun grunted under his breath.

"You don't have enough? Aigo~! My mother once said if a man can't provide basic necessities- then he is not my man for me! Ice cream has been a necessity since my existence in my mother's womb! And my father has always fed her ice cream to grow me~! You can't afford me ice cream?! You definitely aren't my potential husband~! How am I supposed to live with a broken man who can't afford ice cream~?!" Hajin funnily gasped at the young man, whose ears turned even redder at her mocking whines.

"Ani! I still have one more somewhere! I've got it!- I've got it!!!" Seojun firmly shook his head and crouched down again to tear his bag apart. Hajin chuckled at the alpha's cuteness and winked at the ice cream man after she got the alpha fumbling through his bags to pay for her pricey ice cream.

"Hah?!!- 3000 won!" Seojun quickly shot up with a brilliant smile and handed the ice cream man six coins... worth five hundred won each. The man chuckled, so Seojun quickly crouched back down to pack his bag and swung it over his shoulder with a proud beam.

"Are you guys a couple?" The man chuckled.

"No? Why would I date a broke man like him?" Hajin scoffed as she rolled her eyes and strolled away with the cone. Seojun frowned at her in disbelief.

"Hey! I gave you everything I had!" Seojun screamed while chasing after her with his bag. Hajin smiled and licked her ice cream.

"You barely had enough to buy ice cream~!" She shrugged, happily skipping forward. Seojun whined and raced after her while adjusting his straps until she slowed down... so he cleared his throat and smiled at Hajin's pretty face.

"Can we speak?" Seojun nudged her shoulder.

"At your apartment," She nodded.

"What?" Seojun asked.

"We can speak at your place," Hajin glanced up at him with her pretty doe eyes. Seojun blushed at the sight of her rosy cheeks and cleared his throat to contain his composure.

"Aren't you afraid of people speaking about us again?" He asked. Hajin shrugged.

"The next time they talk about it- I'll scream and say you're the one forcing me inside your apartment if you don't clear my name! I'll say Kim Seojun is a sick pervert trying to get me out of my panties~!" She threatened him with her ice cream cone. Seojun grimaced at her narrowed eyes before taking her back to his parked car and they eventually headed to his place.

A moment later.

"Are you done eating?" Seojun muttered as he sideways watched Hajin lick her half-eaten cone in the ascending elevator.

"Do you want some?" Hajin blinked, cluelessly looking up at him while leaning against the wall.

"No. Of course not," Seojun frowned at the saliva-coated ice cream. She narrowed her eyes at the alpha suspiciously as they stood side by side in the elevator leading to his private penthouse.

"You're disgusted by me...?" She huffed. 

"What-? No-"

"Then why don't you want to share the ice cream? Too bad... I thought you wanted to confess. But if you don't want to share my saliva... then you probably can't kiss me too," She shrugged, suddenly stepping forward to click the ground floor button.

"What are you doing...?" Seojun frowned at the alpha and glanced at the ignited button.

"What? This is your floor. You can get off... and I'll leave-" Hajin nodded at the alpha. Seojun grimaced at her attitude as he roughly snatched the cone from her grip and shoved the melting chocolate into his mouth... until his cheeks inflated like a hamster.

"Happy?!" Seojun grumbled while nodding at the opened elevator door in irritation. Hajin smiled at his puffy cheeks and walked out as Seojun held his hand over the sensor to hold the door open for her. The heiress strode toward his apartment... so Seojun quickly scanned his card and strolled in after her.

"Can I stay overnight today? I don't want to go home- AH!" Hajin happily skipped inside the apartment but shrieked in a panic- when she found... Kim Seokjin... sitting on the couch with his striking messy hair. Seojun quickly slammed the door shut and rushed inside the living room... to find... his dazed father... frowning at the heir's unexpected presence.

"Hajin?!" Seokjin blinked at the heiress whose lips were smudged with ice cream stains.

"Annyeonghaseyo~!" Hajin greeted and glanced at Seojun, who was struggling to swallow his ice cream until a stream of melted chocolate spilled messily from his mouth. Seokjin frowned unsurely as his son raced forward to snatch the issue from the coffee table and quickly wiped his lips with a flustered look.

"What are you guys doing here? I mean- How come-"

"Ah! Seojun invited me over to study together!" Hajin chuckled while smiling at Seokjin with her chocolate-stained teeth. Seokjin frowned at her innocent beam and glanced at his son suspiciously.

"Go and wash your lips..." Seojun nudged Hajin. She gasped and covered her mouth before scurrying inside the bathroom in embarrassment. Kim Seokjin widened his eyes at how familiar she was with his son's private space... and glanced at Seojun for an explanation.

"Why would you invite her over?!" Seokjin funnily gasped. Seojun swallowed the cone and rubbed his lips before dropping his bag onto the couch.

"She's my study partner-"

"She's a year below your level! Study partner?!- You're guiding her?!-"

"I am! What's wrong with that!? She asked me to!" Seojun snapped. Seokjin huffed at his son's annoyed grimace and tossed his cushion aside, causing Seojun to back away in a panic. The elderly alpha released a deep exhale to calm his raging temper, placed his hands on his waist, and funnily stepped toward his son with his eyes narrowed on the frightened young man.

"Did you think I was born yesterday?!-"

"Appa! I'm serious! We've never-"

"But you will! This is too obvious!- Bringing a pretty lady inside your home every day?!" Seokjin funnily glared at his son with his bulging eyeballs. Seojun frowned at his father unsurely and gulped at the man.

"You're speaking as if you know-"

"Oh! I was once a young man like you too!" Seokjin snapped while glaring at Seojun.

"Oh? You've brought a woman home before?!-"

"I brought Jang Sora home! Her mother!!!- I invited Kim Hajin's mother to my private villa! And I used the same excuse!- Study?!- Half of the time- I was lost in lalaland with her on my bed!" Seokjin snapped. Seojun flushed red at his father's unexpected confession.

"Her mother?!- ?!&^%!#*?! Hajin's mother used to be your lover?!" Seojun gasped, funnily covering his mouth with his wild eyes. Seokjin lightly smacked his son's forehead and spun away in distress, causing Seojun to whine in pain with his hand clasped over his face. 

"Did it have to be Hajin out of everyone?!-"

"But I like her!-"

"You're younger than her!-"

"So?! I'm still a man! I can still do all the manly stuff~!" Seojun argued with his voice lowered. 

"Did you at least buy a condom?!" Seokjin smacked his son's head.


"And why would you bring her home then?!-"

"I said I never did anything! And what the heck is Lalaland!?-"

"Lalaland happens before you even know it and the next moment you're having pregnancy scares! And she's going to cry with nasty snots and tears! And her father will come for your neck!- Anyways!- A proper man should prepare his condoms-"

"Oh!? So you stocked your place with condoms- just in case?!- That's so weird~! Hajin would think I have bad intentions!" Seojun snapped at his father. Seokjin clasped his hands over his mouth and aggressively rubbed his face in extreme frustration as he quietly argued with his son.

"You should be cautious around Kim Hajin! Her father will tear you apart!- Oh--! Hajin darling~! How have you been~? Ahahah~! Ahjussi is here to bring Seojun some supplements for his health," Seokjin glared at his son but quickly softened his voice and funnily cackled with a flustered face once Hajin strolled back into the living room with a clueless look.

"School is alright... with Seojun's help," Hajin shyly smiled. Seojun awkwardly glanced at his father after the alpha caught his son red-handed trying to bring the supreme alpha's daughter home.

"I see... my son... is treating... you well," Seokjin funnily forced a laugh... and glanced at Seojun, who stood with a bright red face. The room suddenly grew hushed... so Hajin glanced back and forth between the father and the son... whose ears were turning bright red.

"Uh- Thank you for the supplement abeoji. I'll escort you to the door," Seojun cleared his throat and nodded at the door to signal his father. Seokjin bulged his eyes at his son when the alpha tried to shoo his father away.

"Ahaha~! I actually want to stay over for dinner! Appa will cook for you and Hajinie~! Go and study~!" Seokjin chuckled while shaking his head with the 'I'll never leave you alone with her' look, and quickly raced inside the kitchen to avoid being thrown out of the penthouse. Seojun scoffed in disbelief and glanced at Hajin again.

"Sorry. Can we speak later...?" Seojun mouthed her. Hajin nodded and sat on the couch, so Seojun exhaled and settled beside her.

A moment later.

"Aish~! This rascal!- I have to pick up his mother- but he's stuck with a young woman inside his place! I can't leave that punk, or he'll try to do inappropriate things to her~! Why Jang Sora's daughter out of all women?!- Her bloodline is scary! My son might lose his mind because of her~!" Seokjin frantically typed on his phone to text his wife his whereabouts. The alpha funnily peaked from the kitchen's doorway to spy on his son, who was sitting in the living room with the young lady. Seokjin grimaced when Hajin chuckled and glanced at Seojun, who lifted his hand to ruffle her hair.

"Yeobo~! Come over to our son's place for dinner~! I'll send a driver to escort you!" Seokjin quietly sent a voice message, slipped his phone back in his pocket, and spun around to flip the food in the pan but would frequently peak at the young alphas every now and then until Seojun caught his father spying on them... so Seokjin cleared his throat and pretended to read the upside-down oil bottle. Seojun rolled his eyes at his father and glanced at Hajin's pretty face as she concentrated on her work.

A moment later.

"Time for dinner~!" Seokjin burst inside the hushed room out of fear until he found the alphas sitting on the carpet with their books and devices.

"Let's have dinner," Seojun nudged Hajin. She nodded and quickly got up to follow Seokjin when the door suddenly slid open... and Mrs. Kim appeared in her formal work attire.

"Aigo~?! There's a guest!?" Seojun's mother gasped once she noticed Hajin.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Kim Hajin," Hajin smiled, politely bowing at her. The woman covered her mouth in shock.

"Hajin...? You're the supreme alpha's youngest daughter?!" Mrs. Kim gasped, quickly rushing forward. Seokjin nudged his son aside... so Seojun exhaled and sat in the dining room until his average mother was done speaking to the heiress. The elders sat side by side as Seojun sat beside Hajin with a nervous expression.

"You really are a great cook," Hajin complimented Seokjin's dishes with a wide smile.

"I cooked your favorite sweet and sour stir-fries," Seokjin smiled and nudged the plate toward Hajin... so Seojun quickly lifted his chopstick to snatch the warm meal and placed it in her rice bowl.

"Thank you so much for the meal," Hajin chuckled, politely lowering her head at the elders and smiled at Seojun. She lifted her chopstick and was about to eat when- Ding. Dong. The Kim's family halted at the dinner table.

"I'll get the door," Seojun quickly stood up and left the dining room in his slippers. Hajin smiled and quietly ate until... Seojun returned to the dining room with a pale expression. Seokjin stopped chewing and glanced past Hajin's shoulder... so she unsurely turned her head... to find... Choi Woobin... standing beside Seojun. Her face suddenly drained in fear.

"Oh?- Woobin?- When did you return?!" Seokjin gasped, quickly getting up to round the table and pulled Woobin into a crushing hug. The oldest son chuckled and greeted Mrs. Kim before glancing at Hajin, who suddenly placed down her chopsticks- Thud! She quickly sprinted out of the chair to snatch her bag and raced to the door without a warning.

"I have to leave! Goodbye~!" Hajin waved with the rice left unchewed in her mouth. The heir wildly swung the door open, raced out of the penthouse, and quickly entered the reserved elevator with a racing heart.

"Oh?-" Seojun pursed his lips and glanced at Woobin after the heiress fled his place without her older brother.

"I'll escort her home," Woobin bid goodbye to the Kims and calmly turned around to follow her.

A moment later.

Kim Hajin aimlessly raced through the night street in a hurry with her bag without looking back. She whined, sprinted down the stairs to the underground subway, and jogged through the motion gate without scanning her card. The alpha rushed down another flight of stairs and entered through the train's open door without a clue to join the packed space. She grimaced as the locals pushed her against a pole... so she exhaled and clung onto the handle for her dear life as the train rolled forward... causing her body to sway with the acceleration until... she arrived at who knows where.

"Hongdae...?" Hajin blinked at the sign on the street once she climbed out of the underground tunnel to find herself on the night street filled with young adults and people racing home after their work shifts.

A moment later.

"Ahjussi~! Can I have another bottle?! Bring the flavored one, please! Grape! Grape flavor~!" Hajin drunkenly waved at the waiter as she hungrily devoured the basket of fried chicken. The man served her another bottle of soju, so she mixed it with her can of beer and downed the alcohol before burping her foul breath while eyeing the other tables with a slight grimace. She grumbled under her breath, grabbed the drumstick with her bare hands, and munched on the greasy chicken.

"Young lady~?" Someone suddenly knocked on the table. Hajin drunkenly lifted her blurry gaze to stare at the man... who was standing at her table.

"Neh?" She smiled while rubbing her sticky palms together after waking from her brief nap.

"I'm about to close my shop. You should head home," The man worriedly examined her drunken state.

"Payment-" Hajin hiccupped and rubbed her numbed face before standing up- when her head swayed violently until she lost her balance. Clatter! She gasped and tumbled into the other table, so the man quickly grabbed her arm to stabilize her. She assured him and straightened her body with a flushed smile.

"30000 won," He worriedly eyed the young lady. Hajin exhaled and gave him her card so the man could process it... but he frowned and glanced at her after a moment of tapping on the screen.

"Wae...?" Hajin blinked as she burped out the foul liquor odor.

"Your card is declined," He replied, pushing the card back. Hajin frowned and lifted her card to stare at it with a dazed expression.

"Eh~? Appa said it's unlimited~!" She mumbled. The man unsurely eyed her as the alpha scratched her head cluelessly while holding onto her heavy bag.

A moment later.

"Young lady... may I know your name?" The police frowned as Hajin sat at the police station with her head lowered. She scratched her red neck and lifted her squinted eyes to the officer. The man unsurely examined her flushed face.

"Kim Hajin! I didn't steal the card! It's mine!" Hajin whined in annoyance and glared at the shop owner... who suddenly accused her of stealing a credit card.

"The card has been frozen by the bank and labeled as lost," The office grimaced at her. Hajin frowned at the man and smacked her numbed head to process his statement.

"Excuse me?!~ Look at my pretty face and tell me- Hic~! Do I look like a thief to you!?" She whined as she angrily glared at the officer.

"I'll have to restrain you here if you refuse to-"

"Yah! I'm Kim Hajin! My father is a super-rich man! And my mother owns most of this city~!" Hajin screeched, suddenly shoving the document off the desk. Clatter! The police officer scoffed when she drunkenly got up from her seat and tried to storm out of the station... but the shop owner quickly launched from the bench up to stop her.

"Young lady! Please stay calm-"

"Ah!!?- Yah! Don't touch me~! I will tell my father about this!- I'm his only daughter, you know?!- Hic!" Hajin screamed, angrily thrashing between the man's arms, and tried to sprint out but failed, so she screamed and threw a tantrum until a few officers appeared to restrain her. The intoxicated heiress loudly cussed at authorities... until they threw her in the temporary jail to prevent her from initiating a disturbance.

"Did you get a hold of her relative?-"

"Yeah. He's on his way," The officer nodded as they bitterly watched the wealthy lady scream in the jail while rattling the bar like a monkey.

"How dare you throw me in this filthy place?! My mother will kill you!- Ah~! Appaaaaa~! They're being mean to Hajinie~!" Hajin sobbed in distress while extending her arms between the gaps with a big pout.

"Annyeonghaseyo~! I'm Kim Hajin's guardian," A man suddenly rushed inside with a pale expression, causing everyone to glance in his direction. Hajin sucked in her breath once she recognized him and gripped the cold bars with her eyes bulging open in fright.

A moment later.

Choi Woobin grimaced as he carried Hajin out of the temporary jail, who was drunkenly cursing under her breath. She cried in distress while waving her hands in the air with snot... dripping messily from her nose and tear streaks... staining her plump cheeks. The officer bitterly stared at the drunk woman... so Woobin apologized for the inconvenience and carried her through the door after he paid the settlement fee with the shop owner and signed the documents to release the heir from the police station.

"Put me down! Put me down~!" Hajin suddenly screamed while fighting to escape Woobin's firm grip when he nearly reached his car.

"Hajin! Stay still! Hajin!?- HEY!" Woobin gasped in shock when she suddenly rolled off his arms. THUMP! Hajin groaned once she landed on the concrete pavement, so Woobin quickly crouched down to help her... but Hajin shoved him aside... flung her heavy bag at the man... and scrambled onto her feet.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screamed, abruptly sprinting out of the gate and dashed away before he could stop her. Woobin scoffed in disbelief when the sky suddenly rumbled above his head... and a harsh downpour swept across the city... leaving him in a stressful situation. He hastily grabbed her bag and entered his car to dodge the storm as Hajin sprinted on her sore legs to outrace her older brother.

A moment later.

"Ah~!" Hajin grumbled in exhaustion after slumping on the public bench and glanced at the bleeding scratch on her knees as she panted out of breath while sitting under the cold rainstorm. She shivered and glanced at the dark street with a slight grimace and rubbed her numbed face until... the downpour unexpectedly stopped pouring over her... so she frowned and lifted her soaked face to find... Choi Woobin... towering over her with an umbrella.

"Let's go home. It's late-"

"Go away! Why are you here?!- Stupid clingy man~!" Hajin shrieked, attempting to dash away again, but Woobin caught her waist and tugged her right back with all his might.

"KIM HAJIN! THAT'S ENOUGH!- I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR BULLSHIT ANYMORE!" Woobin harshly bellowed in her face, causing Hajin to freeze in her place with her tearful eyes on her angry older brother.

"Who are you to scream at me?!-"

"I AM YOU BROTHER!" Woobin snapped back with his raging gaze. Hajin flinched and whimpered under the umbrella as he clutched onto her within his firm grip. The man furiously fumed at the heir... so she gulped in fright and shoved him away.

"You're not my brother!- You're not my family! So don't claim to be!-"

"Hajin! Jebal~! Can you stop being so fucking childish?!-" Woobin roared in anger. Hajin glared right at her brother in extreme spite.

"You're the last person I respect, alright!? I don't ever want to see or hear from you ever again! Fucking leave me alone!-"

"I'm sorry!- Alright!? I was young and naive-"

"I WAS YOUNG TOO! I WAS A FUCKING YOUNG GIRL! AND YOU TORE ME APART! YOU COULD'VE AT LEAST SAID GOODBYE- BUT NO!- YOU LEFT THAT DAY WHILE I WAS BEGGING YOU TO STAY! I WAS A CHILD TOO!- YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO BREAK MY HEART! YOU ARE THE MOST TERRIBLE PERSON IN THIS WORLD!- I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Hajin screamed, suddenly bursting into tears as she stepped out of the umbrella with her torn gaze on the man. Woobin pursed his lips at her messy tear streams as the harsh downpour soaked her pale skin with its icy droplets.

"Hajin- I'm trying desperately to make it up to you-"

"You don't have to! If you were truly sorry!- You could've returned the following year to speak with me! But no! You never returned!- Not once!- To visit our family! And suddenly- you're back!? And you honestly expect me to forgive you!? Fucking asshole!" Hajin screeched in pain. Woobin exhaled in frustration when she suddenly stormed through the rain, so he marched after the alpha seized her wrist, and forcefully dragged her through the wet pavement.

"I won't put up with you anymore! Get in!" Woobin snapped as he roughly shoved his sister into the passenger seat. BANG! He slammed the door shut and rounded the car. Hajin screamed in distress and tried to push the door open, but the man locked her in and got into the driver's seat- ZOOM! Hajin gasped in shock and gripped the handrest... until her eyes bulged... open in a panic as the vehicle blasted forward at a deadly speed. 

"LET ME OUT!" Hajin screamed in horror as Woobin fiercely blasted through the rain with a dark gaze on the soaked city road.

"I WILL FUCKING FLIP THE CAR OVER IF YOU DON'T SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH!" Woobin bellowed, dangerously snapping his raging glower at her face. Hajin whimpered and gripped the handrest in fright. The alpha sobbed and clung for his dear life as the man drifted over the road until she started panicking and shakily trembled against the window... like a lost puppy.




Hajin stiffly sat in the passenger seat with her head lowered as the endless hot streams... spilled from her lower lash lines. She blinked her puffy eyelids and glanced up at Woobin... who was sitting in his seat... at a dark car rest with his head tilted backward and an empty... wine bottle in his grip. The man stopped earlier to purchase a liquor bottle and has been drinking since to calm his nerves. Hajin glared at him in tears and glanced down at her dead phone. She couldn't contact her other brothers... or her parents... and not even the chief guard as she sat in the cold car where the windows... were fogged up by the harsh downpour.

Woobin calmly exhaled with his eyes closed after the man almost drove the car off the cliff out of anger. Hajin was too traumatized to speak, so she's been sniffling in silence with her swollen eyes. The man exhaled after an hour of absolute silence between them. He tossed the empty bottle into the backseat, started the engine, reversed the car, and headed back to the city without glancing at her. Hajin remained tense in her seat... with a sulky expression... until Woobin pulled into a luxurious hotel.

"I'm too drunk to drive you home. Get out," Woobin grumbled, hastily unbuckling his belt, and stormed out of the car to open the door for her. Hajin blinked uneasily... so Woobin took her wrist and dragged her inside the lavish hotel to book a room and took her to their reserved space.

"I'll call Woojin oppa-"

"No. We will talk this out, and then we can leave. Go and shower," Woobin glared with his jaw clenched and sternly nodded at the bathroom. She gripped her fingers in annoyance and stormed inside the room... so Woobin exhaled and slumped down on the armchair to rub his face in annoyance until she stepped out in the bathrobe with her damp hair. Woobin eventually took off his jacket as he sat on one of the two beds with a dark frown.

"I will never ever forgive you," Hajin gritted while sitting on her bed. Woobin sideways glared at her with his hands clasped together.

"What does it take for me to be forgiven? Do you want me to die? I can die, but that's too easy. So tell me? What do I have to do? I'm trying my fucking best to sort out this issue like an adult, Hajin. How long are you going to cowardly avoid me like this? We were both young, dumb, and stupid. I felt sorry for leaving your side-"

"Sorry? You only felt sorry? I had to live the past years with a wounded heart, and you never bothered to visit me once," Hajin seethed while glaring at her brother in extreme resentment. Woobin rubbed his throbbing temples and turned his head to glare directly at her as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Here I am... aren't I? I do not wish to fight with you over a mere conflict... so... tell me what the fuck you want me to do for you to be at peace. Eomma and appa will forever be burdened by our conflict if you won't agree to settle the issue," Woobin clenched his jaw as he sat in his plain shirt and pants. Hajin blinked at the man without shifting her gaze.

"A heart for a heart," She whispered.

"What?" Woobin frowned.

"You broke my heart, so I'll break yours," Hajin narrowed her resentful gaze. Woobin exhaled and lowered his face.

"How are you going to do that?" He frowned. Hajin slowly rose from the bed and walked towards the man, who straightened his back uneasily as she loomed over him. The oldest son sat on the bed... with a flushed face from being drenched in the liquor as his sister... glared at him with her evil-infested gaze.

"I will ruin you," Hajin darkened her gaze. Woobin stared at the heiress unsurely as she dimmed his eyes at him in their two-bedroom hotel space before the view of the harsh downpour... splashing relentlessly against the glass window... and blurring out the view of the city night from their sight.


Fast Forward

The private living space echoed with soft giggles as two souls playfully teased each other in the penthouse with their young love. Seojun lifted his face to kiss Hajin's cheek as she sat facing him with her hands on his shoulders. The alpha slowly pulled away to gaze at Hajin's bright red cheeks while stroking his thumb over her jaw to admire her captivating beauty.

"Aren't you being a little too naughty...?" Seojun smirked at his loose buttons. Hajin weakly smiled as she traced her finger over his toned abs and glanced back at his flushed ears after she undid the alpha's shirt while making out with him on the couch.

"Are you sure about us...?" Hajin whispered while searching his dilated pupils. Seojun smiled and lowered his hand to undo her loose shirt. Hajin pursed her moist lips and glanced downward as the young man slowly undid her buttons all the way and slightly nudged the fabric aside with his eager gaze on her plump breast beneath her plain white bra.

"Come on... Hajin... I promise I'll marry you," Seojun chuckled as he gently traced his finger over her bare cleavage. Hajin giggled, shyly pushing her boyfriend's face away when he tried to kiss her cleavage for the first time. 

Seojun chuckled at her playful resistance, seized her wrists, and suddenly shoved her frail body backward. Hajin gasped in shock and tried to sit up on the cushions, but Seojun firmly pinned her down by her shoulders and sensually kissed her neck with his parted lips. She deeply exhaled with her eyes closed as the alpha traced his damp tongue over her sensitive skin until she helplessly shivered with restrained wrists. Seojun eventually lowered his flushed face to kiss her plump cleavage as he skidded his hand downward to reach under her short skirt.

"Don't you think this is too quick~?" Hajin whispered, worriedly cupping Seojun's face to study his tempted gaze. The alpha gently stroked his fingers over Hajin's panty... so she pursed her lips and glanced down in difficulty as her boyfriend touched her private part between her humid inner thighs. Seojun quietly observed his lover's flustered face as he massaged his thumb over the nerves on her crotch until he felt the wet moisture... staining the thin fabric of her underwear. 

"It's our first time. I'm just as nervous," Seojun chuckled as he softly kissed her lips to calm her anxiety. Hajin moaned with a difficult frown and hugged his burning nape as Seojun stimulated her sensitive spot until the heiress skimmed her hands over his hard pecs to pull down his pants.

"I'm scared," Hajin whispered while frowning at her lover but groaned in pleasure when Seojun rubbed her wet panty harder to arouse her heated body.

"We'll go public after this. I'll let everyone know I'm all yours. Okay...?" Seojun assured as he reached inside his underwear to draw out his hard shaft. Hajin moaned in distress and nodded in agreement while biting down on her lips... so he kissed her again and escalated their heated moment... until they both... lost their virginities... at the alpha's penthouse. 

Fast Forward

"Seojun~!" Hajin waved in the corridor once Seojun strolled out of the higher-level lecture room. He smiled at the sight of his girlfriend and walked forward to greet her with a soft kiss, causing the lower ranks to gawk at their intimate interactions.

"Yah! Yah~! Have some manners and respect for our baby sister, will you?!" The twins snapped as they strolled out of the classroom in annoyance and shoved Seojun aside. Hajin laughed at her protective brothers' disapproving grimace and hugged her boyfriend's waist with a cheeky beam.

"Oppa~! Stop being so whiny~!" Hajin chuckled while clinging to Seojun's arm. The Kim's heir chuckled at the identical twins as they rolled their eyes and strode off... so Seojun smiled and lifted his arms to hold Hajin's shoulder.

"Are you hungry?" Seojun asked while staring down at her pretty doe eyes. 

"You told me not to bring lunch. Wae...?" Hajin unsurely glanced at her boyfriend. Seojun chuckled and led her to the rooftop without an explanation until they both settled on the bench.

"I cooked lunch for you," Seojun chuckled as he handed her his lunch box. Hajin gasped and opened the container to reveal the neatly decorated meal with a wide grin.

"Woah~! You are the best~!" She giggled, quickly lifting the kimbap to plop it in her mouth, and beamed even brighter at the delicious flavor. Seojun laughed at her adorable wiggly habits and kissed her cheek, so the couple happily ate their shared lunch on the rooftop in delight while chatting about their day.

Kim Hajin and Kim Seojun ultimately developed and sustained a healthy relationship throughout their year together at the university. They'd meet each other every evening after school to study and spend quality time together. The supreme alphas and the Kims... were aware of their relationship and had agreed to let the young lover birds bloom their love. 

And for some unknown reason... the heiress no longer avoided Choi Woobin. She didn't really speak to her older brother... but never avoided him or threw a tantrum again after they settled their issues so their parents would be at peace with their eventual reconciliation.

"He said he'll marry you?!" Jung Mirae giggled as she walked by Hajin's side with the stack of books in her arms.

"Yeah~! He even bought me matching bracelets. See~? Isn't it cute~? It's exclusively customized for us," Hajin chortled while flaunting the sparkly crystals on her wrist. 

"I'm so jealous!" Mirae nudged her shoulder.

"What about oppa? Did you try speaking with him~?" Hajin asked the bobbed-haired girl, who suddenly flushed red.

"Woojin wouldn't even look at me! He's always so occupied~!" Mirae shrugged.

"They're clueless dorks! Do you want me to set you up on a blind date? I'll convince oppa!" Hajin nudged Jung Mirae, who burst out laughing as they rounded an empty corridor. The duo abruptly stopped laughing when they found... a couple... kissing near the stair landing. 

Kim Hajin's smile faded once she recognized his familiar... body physique. Mirae's eyes widened in shock once she noticed... Kim Seojun... kissing... Jeon Soo-ah... in the empty corridor. RING! The bell abruptly rang just as the doors burst open... and the vacant space was suddenly packed with clueless students. Soo-ah quickly jerked away from Seojun... who was leaning against the wall with a bewildered look.

"H-Hajin-?" Mirae muttered while nudging the alpha's shoulder, who stood frozen in her place.

"It's fine. Why don't you head home...?" Hajin smiled, weakly nudging her friend. Mira frowned at the heiress's bright smile, nodded stiffly, and scurried off with her books.

"Hajin-ah~!" Seojun called. Hajin smiled and glanced at her boyfriend as he waved at her from the other side of the corridor. Seojun beamed brightly and walked towards her... and for some reason... Hajin did not react and hugged her boyfriend with a composed behavior.

A week later.

"Do you want to stay over tonight? I'll drop you off tomorrow," Seojun hoarsely whispered while stirring under the blanket as he held Hajin's naked body on his bed. 

The heiress sleepily turned over the mattress to face her boyfriend with her forearms tucked under her head as the young man fondly gazed at the natural blush over her cheeks. He lifted his face to press his soft lips against hers while caressing her bare shoulder with his depleted senses after he successfully pleased their bodies.

"I love you," Seojun smiled, slightly adjusting his head over the pillow to admire her face as Hajin gently stroked his plump lips with her thumb.

"I won't be staying," Hajin patted his cheek, suddenly sitting up to slip off the mattress and pull on her undergarment. Seojun frowned and pushed his sturdy body upward to sit up on the bed, unsurely staring at his girlfriend as she got dressed before him. 

"You can stay. I'll escort you tomorrow," Seojun offered.

"No. I want to sleep at home today," Hajin muttered while shaking her head to refuse his invitation, and drew the dress onto her body before picking up her purse and strode out of his bedroom. Seojun rubbed his face in exhaustion, quickly got up after her, and was forced to drive the heiress home in the dead of the night after failing to convince her to stay with him.

Fast Forward

Jung Mirae giggled with Kim Hajin as the heiress showed her friend the fetus photographs of Kim Woojin. It was a picture of baby Woojin sitting on the beach with his plump belly and cool sunglasses over his nosetip in his bright yellow underwear. Jung Hoseok's daughter covered her lips shyly and nudged her friend with a flushed face... until they noticed someone approaching them. Seojun appeared with his bag swung over his shoulder.

"Hajin. Do you want to hang out with me after school?" Seojun asked as he leaned downward to kiss Hajin's forehead. Mirae suddenly fired the alpha a dirty look and crossed her arms in annoyance.

"No. I actually have a sleepover with Mirae today," Hajin smiled. Seojun frowned at his girlfriend's rejection and glanced at her Mirae's sore grimace.

"Oh- Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then," Seojun nodded and strolled off. Mirae scoffed while chasing her dark gaze after the alpha until he disappeared through the gate.

"Why didn't you confront him!?" Mirae whined. Hajin smiled.

"Once can be a mistake. But twice...? Twice is intentional," Hajin shrugged. Mirae rolled her eyes and chatted with the alpha at the bench until her twin brothers appeared after their after-school activities.

"Hajin!" Woojin waved from a distance, causing Mirae to flush red at the sight of her charming crush. The young lady quickly fixed her hair as Woojin strolled ahead of his twin brother, who was bouncing a basketball over the concrete ground. 

"Oh! Oppa~! Do you want to join us at Mirae's place? Her father invited us over for dinner!" Hajin beamed. Mirae's eyes widened in shock, so she glanced at her friend and up at Woojin, who greeted her with a cute bunny smile.

"Ahjussi invited us?!- Of course! Let's dine with him!" Woojin laughed, playfully ruffling his sister's hair. Hajin whined and nudged Mirae, who was shyly scratching her head.

"We'll drive you two~!" Kanghoon offered while beckoning the young ladies, so Hajin nudged her friend close to her brother. Woojin cluelessly chatted with Jung Mirae, who was stuttering over her words as she spoke with him until they arrived at the twin's yellow sports car. The young ladies got in the back seat... and... they drove off together to the Jung's property for an unplanned evening meal.

Fast forward

"Hajin~! Let's have lunch together," Seojun quickly approached Hajin after she walked out of her class.

"Sure," Hajin agreed, so Seojun placed his arm around her shoulder and guided her toward the stairs... but she paused and steered him in a different direction.

"Wae?" Seojun blinked.

"I want to eat in the private lounge," Hajin shook her head. Seojun cluelessly yapped about his day and followed her into his private lounge- but was abruptly cut short when his girlfriend shoved him onto the leather armchair. The alpha blinked with a startled look and held her waist as she crawled over his lap with a faint smile.

"You've been away for so long~! You don't normally visit home for this long~!" Seojun complained after Hajin remained at her hilltop mansion for over two weeks. Hajin searched her lover's face unsurely as they remained in the hushed presidential lounge.

"Not as long as waiting for you to confess... your wrongdoings," She whispered. Seojun unsurely smiled at her as she stared down at his baffled smile.

"My wrongdoings...? Did I upset Hajinie again~?" Seojun chuckled, trying to kiss her... but Hajin gripped his cheeks with her hands to hold him back. 

"Jeon Soo-ah. I gave you two months to confess... but you never once... spoke about your involvement with her," Hajin dimmed her eyes. Seojun's face suddenly flashed in dread.


"Go on. Tell me everything... and don't touch me," Hajin encouraged, slowly getting off his lap to lean against the desk with her arms crossed. Seojun anxiously stared at her poker face until his ears turned bright red.

"I swear- I never cheated on you. Soo-ah- she- she said she liked me," Seojun explained as he nervously gripped his hands with a guilty frown on her expressionless face. Hajin remained motionless while studying her boyfriend's timid behavior... until he tried to reach out for her... but she darkly shifted her cold gaze to his trembling fingers. Seojun froze in fear and lowered his hand without touching her.

"So you let her kiss you? Just like that?-"

"It was so sudden- the kiss- I couldn't react. I'm sorry, alright?" Seojun furrowed his eyebrows while looking up at her with a pleading look.

"And you never bothered to tell me?" Hajin darkened her stare on him. Seojun pursed his lips.

"I didn't want you to be upset, and I didn't want you to confront Soo-ah either. It'll cause too much trouble-"

"You're saying... you're afraid I'll cause you trouble over our love affairs?" Hajin scoffed. Seojun blinked at her in tears.

"Hajin! I swear I love you-"

"Yet you don't want me to confront Soo-ah? She knew you're mine and... that I do not wish to share my lover... but she went for you anyways-"

"Hajin! Baby, I know you're possessive~! That's why I figured it was best to hide the truth so-"

"So I won't cause trouble for you? You do not wish for me to fight for our love? Yeah?- Araso. I'll never fight for you... ever again... if your self-image is so important," Hajin huffed, dismissively turning away to leave the room. Seojun gasped and quickly leaped off the armchair to back hug his girlfriend with an aching heart, shakily lowering his face to her shoulder with his arms clutched... possessively around her frail body.

"Hajin- I'm sorry. Alight?!- I love you! Please-" Seojun whimpered while tightening his strong arms around her waist. Hajin blankly stared at the door and slowly rotated her body to face Seojun's guilt-ridden face. She exhaled and hugged him in defeat... so he sniffled and clutched tightly onto her.

"Once is a mistake. Twice... is intentional. Remember that," Hajin whispered. Seojun nodded repeatedly as held his girlfriend within his firm embrace... until she exhaled and patted his back to comfort him without stirring up a heated argument.

Fast Forward

Kim Seojun sat by Hajin's side in the canteen to have lunch with her and his classmates for the first time... because Hajin wanted to chat with Mirae. The couple chuckled at each other as Woojin and Kanghoon sat across from them to chat with Jung Mirae and Kim Dohyun until... someone approached the table. Seojun's eyes flashed in fear once he found... Jeon Soo-ah... standing by their table with her tray.

"Can I sit with you guys?" She asked and settled down before anyone could answer. Mirae darted the Jeon's daughter an annoyed frown and glanced at Hajin as Seojun gripped her hand under the table.

"Of course," Hajin smiled at Soo-ah. The Jeon's heir smiled and glanced at Seojun, who quickly avoided her stare and smiled at Hajin instead. 

The packed table chattered loudly again... until... Park Jiyoung... Park Jimin's daughter... settled at the table with her meal, causing Kim Kanghoon to weirdly clear his throat and puff his chest while brushing back his hair in her presence. He stiffly smiled at the Park's daughter while straightening his body to fix his posture. Woojin sniggered at his twin brother's obvious interest in the Park's beautiful daughter and glanced at Mirae, who flushed bright red and bit her lips at the handsome alpha.




"Seojun! Can I have a word with you... regarding the assignments...?" Soo-ah suddenly called as she strolled toward Seojun, who was escorting Hajin back to her class.

"Oh- I actually have to be with Hajin for this course," Seojun replied. Soo-ah frowned and glanced at Hajin's innocent smile.

"Let's go," Hajin rubbed Seojun's arm so he spun around and left the corridor with his girlfriend... leaving Soo-ah to frown at the couple in annoyance.

"You appear so desperate," Jeon Soomin rolled her eyes as she walked past her younger sister. Soo-ah grimaced at her older sister and spun around in annoyance to stomp away with an attitude.

A week later.

Kim Hajin cheered and screeched loudly for Seojun as he swiftly raced across the court with the twins but lost another shot to them, causing the divided crowd to scream and cheer for the leading twin brothers. Seojun grimaced at the draw on the screen and jogged to the side for water after the coach called for a break. Hajin quickly launched out of her bench with a cool juice bottle and sprinted towards her boyfriend... when Soo-ah... suddenly appeared before Seojun with a water bottle.

"How is she so shameless?!" Mirae snapped at Soo-ah in disbelief.

"Thank you," Seojun smiled after accepting the water from Soo-ah and passed it to his Kim Dohyun, causing the young lady to frown in disbelief once Seojun handed her water away without a thought.

"Jagi~!" Hajin shrieked, happily jogging toward the alpha in her sports shorts and loose ponytail. Seojun's face immediately lit up at his girlfriend's presence, so she handed him the orange juice with a cheeky grin. The alpha thirsty emptied the bottle before lowering his face so Hajin could kiss his sweaty cheek, causing her twin brothers to boo at her funnily from the side of the court.

"Don't run. You might hurt yourself. Sit on the front bench," Seojun chuckled while patting Hajin's head. Soo-ah resentfully stared at the couple and strode off to sit on the bench as Dohyun happily drank from the Jeon's daughter's water bottle... that was originally gifted to Seojun.

"If you win this tournament... I'll stay over at your place tonight," Hajin happily tiptoed to whisper in her boyfriend's ear. Seojun's eyes slightly widened at her statement as she chuckled at his smug smile.

"You swear?" He teased.

"You have my words," Hajin giggled. Seojun puffed his chest in determination and nodded with a confident smile.

"I'm taking you home with pride today~!" He fired a flirty wink and raced back onto the court after the coach blew the whistle to gather the team players. Hajin happily sat on the player's bench to watch the intense game as her boyfriend played against her older brothers. She giggled and cheered for Seojun until her voice cracked but Hajin didn't surrender to her strained vocal cord. She cleared her throat and screeched even louder to express her support. 

The heiress stomped her foot in excitement and waved her hands intensely as she turned back and forth to watch the sweaty players chase each other with the bouncing ball until... she noticed... everyone eyeing her weirdly from the side. The alpha cleared her throat uneasily and glanced at Mirae... who was staring at her phone screen with a startled look. Everyone started chattering loudly... causing the twins to shift their gaze to the distracted crowd in confusion.

"SCORE!" Dohyun shrieked in shock when Seojun stole the ball from Woojin's grip and slam-dunked it into the basketball hoop. THUMP! The orange ball bounced off the side of the court. 

The coach blew the whistle to end the game- so Hajin shrieked in surprise and raced over the court to chase her lover. Seojun grinned and spun around to scoop his girlfriend off the floor in his sweaty arms. Kanghoon whined in annoyance and slumped over the ground to ruffle his soaked hair as Hajin happily hugged Seojun's soaked back with a brilliant smile.

"So proud of you!" Hajin grinned, happily kissing her boyfriend on the lips. He smiled and placed her down as the teams stretched their strained muscles and shook hands to conclude the friendly match.

"Can you snatch my spare clothes from the locker? I'll head to the shower room with the boys," Seojun pinched his girlfriend's cheeks before pecking her lips. She nodded cheekily, spun around to hand out her fresh juice to both teams and raced off with her boyfriend's locker card to grab his spare sports bag.

The young alpha halted again once she noticed the students... staring at her weirdly in the hallways... so she paused to chat with one of the professors regarding her work while hugging her boyfriend's bag. The professor invited Hajin to his office for a detailed explanation... so she agreed and chatted with him until she realized she had been away for half an hour. The heiress gasped and sprinted out of the room with her eyes wide open.

"Oh no! He must be waiting~!" Hajin whined while sprinting down the hallway with Seojun's bag.

"Hajin!" Woojin called with a dark frown.

"Wait! I'll hand this to Seojun first! Oh- I won't be home tonight! He invited me to have dinner at his place!" Hajin swiftly dodged her older brother's stretched arm. Kanghoon scoffed and spun after his sister, who crashed into the guy's locker room with the bag... just as Mirae raced down the corridor with a terrified look

"Did you tell her?!" Mirae asked the twins with a startled look.

"No! I don't think she's aware!" Woojin replied, quickly racing towards the opened locker room.


"I'm here~! Sorry~! I was speaking with a professor earlier so-" Hajin sprinted into the empty shower room but stopped dead in her tracks once she found... Jeon Soo-ah... back-hugging her boyfriend... who was facing the locker. The heiress glanced at the... loose towel... on the floor with a startled look and backed up at her lover's naked body as he stood facing away from her. 

Seojun moaned softly with his head lowered as Soo-ah... kissed his muscular back from behind. Hajin paused in horror when Seojun wildly spun around in a panic once he realized... the woman... behind his back wasn't... his girlfriend. The dumbfounded young man glanced down at... Soo-ah... who stepped back with her lips pursed and shifted his frightened gaze to Hajin's shaken reaction.

"Hajin!" Seojun gasped, shoving Soo-ah aside, and quickly picked up his loose towel to secure it around his hips. Hajin remained frozen in place and glanced at her boyfriend's horrified expression before glancing at Jeon Soo-ah in tears.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?-" Hajin screamed, suddenly flinging Seojun's bag aside just as the twins barged inside the locker room with their eyes wide open. Mirae gasped in shock as Soo-ah... stumbled onto the bench with a dark frown.

"Hajin calm down- HAJIN!" Woojin snapped when his sister angrily launched forward with her bawled fist... but Seojun quickly snatched her waist and tugged his girlfriend backward, so Kanghoon quickly leaped between the alphas to block his sister from Jeon Soo-ah.

"HE'S MINE!- HOW DARE YOU HARASS HIM OVER AND OVER AGAIN!?! AGHH!!!- LET ME GO~! LET ME GO~!" Hajin screeched in extreme anger while thrashing against Seojun's wet chest with her flaming glower on Jeon Soo-ah.

"Put on your clothes!" Kanghoon snapped as he seized his upset sister. Kim Seojun left Hajin in her brother's arms and spun away to pull on his clothes... so Woojin placed his hand over Mirae's eyes to cover her sight. Seojun hurriedly pulled off his towel and drew on his shirt before turning to find Hajin still... thrashing in Kanghoon's grip to reach... Soo-ah... with her... baring teeth and balled fists.

"Yours? How can you shamelessly claim he's yours when you're fucking another man?!" Soo-ah snapped while frowning at the heiress.

"What?!- YAH!- YOU CRAZY BITCH-" Hajin shrieked, wildly kicking her legs in the air... until her sneakers flung off her feet and collided with the locker. CLATTER!

"Soo-ah! Leave! I've had enough of your problematic behavior!-"

"SHE CHEATED ON YOU! SEOJUN- SHE'S AN UNFAITHFUL BITCH!" Jeon Soo-ah screamed at Seojun... whose face flashed in confusion.

"What?-" Seojun frowned. Mirae yanked Woojin's hand off her eyes to find Hajin seething in extreme agitation within Kanghoon's embrace as she clawed her brother's arm.

"SHE WAS SEEN AT A HOTEL WITH A MAN! SEOJUN!- KIM HAJIN WAS AT A HOTEL WITH A MAN!" Soo-ah screamed as she shoved her phone screen into Seojun's face. Hajin gasped at the shocking accusation and snapped her startled gaze at her bewildered boyfriend... so he frowned and snatched the phone from Soo-ah to stare at the evident picture of... Kim Hajin... entering a hotel with a man at night and exiting in the morning with him.


"She cheated on you! I told you she's not worth your time!-" Soo-ah shrieked.

"No! It's not like that!- Seojun!" Hajin cried in horror when her boyfriend suddenly dropped the phone and sprinted out of the locker room in tears. The heiress wailed in tears while thrashing between her brother's strong arms to free herself but failed miserably and bawled out her bleeding emotions until her body vibrated from the aching pain that was tearing her heart apart.

A moment later.

"Hajin! Calm down and talk to us first!" Woojin scolded as she wailed on the couch in their penthouse living room.

"It's a misunderstanding!" She cried in distress. Kanghoon sorely stared at his devastated sister with a slight grimace and glanced at Woojin, who was just as uptight.

"This is definitely you. It's your face. There's even video evidence. Hajin- Who is the man?!" Kanghoon snapped while showing his sister the phone screen.

"It was oppa! Woobin oppa!" Hajin shrieked. Woojin frowned.

"What?!" Woojin scoffed.

"Woobin oppa and I got into a fight that day!- Hic- He got upset with Hajinie~! And he drank- He drank a lot of liquor until he couldn't drive. There was also a rainstorm, and he couldn't risk driving us!  So- he- he took me to the nearby hotel so we could rest! Nothing happened! Hic~! We stayed there for the night and eventually returned home the next morning!" Hajin cried. The twins covered their mouths and exhaled in annoyance.

"And why were you out so late!? Why didn't you call us if hyung was drunk?!" Kanghoon asked.

"I got in trouble- hic! I ate- at a fried chicken place! And my card was frozen- hic- so the shop owner took me to the police station! I was afraid to contact you two or appa- or eomma! Because I knew you'd scold me- so- I called Woobin oppa- hic- knowing he'd keep my troubles hidden! I ran away after they freed me- he got upset with my tantrums and got drunk- and we ended up resting at the hotel for the night! That's all~! Hic~!" Hajin screamed in tears. The twins scratched their heads and glanced at each other again.

"Appa will find out about this. This is too massive for us to cover," Woojin shook his head.

"Can I please talk to Seojun now?!" Hajin sobbed with her pouty lips.

"No. Let him calm down first. You can speak to him when it's appropriate," Woojin shook his head. Hajin whimpered and helplessly slumped back on the couch with messy tear streaks and slimy snots on her burning red cheeks. 

The next morning.

Jang Sora burst through the door in bewilderment with Kim Taehyung as the twins groggily opened the door... early in the morning to welcome their parents. Woobin darkly strolled into the room with Beom as Hajin sat on the couch with dark circles under her eyes. She cried all night after the society circulated the false rumor about her.

"My precious child~! What have they done to you~?! This is so upsetting~!" Sora shrieked as she raced forward to hug her daughter, who sniffled and clutched onto her mother with a big pout. The news swept the society like wildfire... claiming... the heiress had a sinful affair with a secret older man at the hotel. The supreme alpha immediately shut down the news... but people were still gossiping about their heiress.

"Eomma~!" Hajin sobbed while hugging her mother. Taehyung exhaled and settled on the couch with a sore grimace on his daughter's swollen eyelids. 

"You have to stay strong. Okay~? You did nothing wrong and eomma will fix this for you!" Sora cupped Hajin's face and softly kissed her daughter's forehead. Hajin nodded and turned to hug her father, who quietly patted her back with a dark frown as Jae Beom quietly disappeared into the kitchen.

"Woobin. What happened that day?" Taehyung muttered. Woobin sat on the opposite couch with a straight face as the twins sleepily rubbed their eyes. 

"Hajin got into an argument with me. I got upset and drank liquor- and got drunk during the rainstorm- so I decided to rest at the hotel for a night for our safety. Nothing happened. I don't know why they brought it up. It happened months ago," Woobin calmly explained.

"I'm sure it's simply the university love affairs," Woojin muttered. Beom settled on the couch beside his mother while watching Hajin sulk against his stepfather and glanced at his older brothers as he uncapped a water bottle and drank from it.

"Love affairs?" Taehyung frowned.

"Jeon Jungkook's second daughter. Jeon Soo-ah. She's after Hajin's boyfriend. She probably leaked the news and twisted it to tear Seojun from Hajin," Kanghoon shrugged. Sora pouted at her pale daughter and hugged her head, so Hajin sniffled and tightly hugged her mother. 

"Find the culprit. We must confront the person responsible for this madness," Taehyung grunted under his breath as he patted Hajin's back.

"It is Jeon Soo-ah who leaked the footage and the images. She used an anonymous account. I already traced it," Beom muttered as he handed his father the device. Taehyung scoffed at the gossiping platform and glanced at his wife's grim expression.

"Beom. Eliminate the platform, and get dressed. We're heading directly to the principal's office," Sora sternly ordered with her eyes narrowed in extreme irritation.

"Roger, mother~!" Beom chuckled and took the device to shut down the platform with his programs until every single post and content was deleted. And within just a matter of minutes... the gossip channel was entirely wiped off the network... by Jae Yangcha's genius son.

A moment later.

The noisy Elite University premises suddenly grew hushed when a flock of people entered through the secured gateway, causing all the jaws to drop at the startling sight of the unexpected players. Every soul within the property turned their head after the most powerful household as... Jang Sora and Kim Taehyung... stormed through the door with a blank face. 

Hand in hand... the couple stormed through the academy in their long coats with their mighty energy... followed by... Kim Hajin... and ... Jae Beom... who emerged for the very first time before the public eyes with his family... to escort his sister. The crowd glanced at Choi Woobin... as he sternly strode behind the younger heirs with the buff twins on either side of him to back their parents.

The lower ranks and alphas stepped aside to pave the way in fear as the highest-ranking household marched into the lobby with their deadly presence, causing the staff and principal to race forward in a panic. The lower ranks gasped in shock as the most powerful household stormed the academy without a warning and finally entered the private meeting room to await... the Jeon's presence. 

The door eventually opened again... and Jeon Jungkook entered with his average wife, Chul Hwa-young, who appeared with her two daughters. Jae Beom glanced at Jeon Soomin, who seemed annoyed to be there. Jeon Soo-ah unsurely glanced at the supreme alpha's household with a pale expression once the powerful supreme alphas... requested her presence at the academy to address the dire matter.

A moment later.

"Soo-ah. Did you leak the posts?" Jungkook frowned at his daughter as the young lady sat with her head lowered. Hwa-young challenged Kim Hajin's stern gaze and eventually glanced at Soo-ah again. 

"I did. But does that change the fact that... she was involved with another man?" Soo-ah finally confessed, lifting her eyebrows to question Hajin, who remained blank in her seat.

"That man is the eldest son of the Kim family. He booked a two-bedroom for himself and his sister during a rainstorm because he was drunk and did not wish to drive the heir to avoid an unwanted accident, Jeon Soo-ah-shi," Kim Taehyung firmly refuted. Beom slipped all the tracking information across the table to present to the Jeons, who stiffened in their seats.

"Why would you leak the information without a proper background check?" Soomin rolled her eyes at her younger sister in annoyance. Hwa-young grimaced at her oldest daughter.

"Well then. We apologize for the misunderstanding," Hwa-young shrugged.

"Misunderstanding? It was an intentional defamation. I demand Jeon Soo-ah to formally apologize to my daughter before everyone's eyes," Taehyung frowned and glared at Soo-ah, who lifted her face in tears.

"Isn't that too much? It's a mere child's play-"

"I don't remember the act of... deceiving a man for your own greed as a mere child play. Right, Hwa-young-shi? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Your daughter is the exact clone of her mother. An inferior... soul... trying desperately to tear a healthy relationship apart because you can't stand being outshined," Jang Sora lifted her eyebrow to question the woman. Chul Hwa-young clenched her jaw at the supreme alpha's mockery and glanced at her daughter again as the timid principal monitored the tense households with his lips pursed.

A moment later.

Jeon Soo-ah stood in tears beside her parents on the stage... right under the glaring spotlight as the Jeon restlessly scanned the auditorium filled with curious students. Jeon Soomin sorely watched her sister from the seat below as Hajin stood with Jang Sora and Kim Taehyung behind her back. The couple placed their hands on their daughter's shoulders and shifted their deadly gaze to the mass... seated below the stage. 

Jeon Jungkook clenched his jaw and nudged Jeon Soo-ah, who swallowed in difficulty and stepped forward with her head lowered. Hajin stood darkly with her eyes on her fellow alpha... so Soo-ah gripped her fists and slowly knelt before Hajin, who stared at her coldly with no little emotions in her gaze.

[Jeon Soo-ah Official Picture Reference]

"I- Jeon Soo-ah am... asking for your forgiveness. I'm sorry, Hajin. I take full accountability for the false news I've disclosed. It won't happen again," Soo-ah bowed her head at Hajin's feet, who blankly stared at the alpha without budging. Hwa-young quickly rushed forward to seize her daughter's arm... so Soo-ah sniffled and rubbed her tears before glancing at the crowd... who were silently judging the icy cold supreme alphas after they showed up at the university and harshly demanded for the alpha to kneel before their youngest daughter.

"Please refrain from spreading nonsense about our household, or we'll charge you with a severe punishment," Kim Taehyung lowly spoke without a microphone... but his voice... was loud enough to be heard by every single soul within the room. 

The audience swallowed in fear as they sat stiffly in their seats, so Sora patted her daughter's shoulder to assure her of the situation. Kim Hajin firmly spun around and walked off the stage without sparing anyone a glance. Her four older brothers lifted their chins and followed her out of the auditorium without another word. The lower ranks fearfully chased their eyes after the powerful players... as Jang Sora... clung to her husband's forearm... and marched through the door with a dead expression... leaving everyone... petrified in their seats.


Fast Forward

Kim Seojun strolled the corridor with his bag swung over his shoulder while staring at his phone screen to read the unread texts from his girlfriend. She pleaded to speak with him, but he ignored her desperate plea and dismissed her repeated calls. Hajin hadn't texted him since. The alpha exhaled and dropped his bag at the desk when the door suddenly opened... and Hajin appeared with a blank face. The other alphas glanced at her in surprise as she took a seat at the desk beside her boyfriend without looking at him and stared straight at the screen as the twins strode toward their seats. Everyone... somehow... feared the heirs and lowered their heads at their presence.

Kim Hajin took the required exam and aced it... so the principal decided to transfer her to the higher level with the other alphas. Jae Beom suddenly appeared afterward and settled beside Hajin with his bag, causing the alphas to frown at the infamous silent killer's son in disbelief. The baby Jaguar has entered the academy to protect his siblings from the hostile alphas. Everyone eyed the Kims and the Jae uneasily as the professor initiated the lecture... so Hajin opened her textbook with a blank face and stared at the text... causing Seojun to inhale uneasily at her muteness.

Lunch Break.

Kim Hajin calmly ate her sandwich on the rooftop while gazing at the stormy sky beyond her gaze as the subtle wind brushed her delicate skin, causing her hair to flutter along with the mild current. She chewed her lunch and glanced down at the concrete pavement below until she heard the rusted door creaking open... but she didn't budge... and quietly chewed... until she felt a pair of arms circling her waist from behind. 

Seojun rested his nose against her shoulder and clutched onto her tightly, yet Hajin didn't react and dismissed his presence. Hajin had completely stopped texting or calling her boyfriend after he ignored her during the chaotic situation. The alpha did not wish to be involved with the scandal to protect his purity... and has now realized... the danger of losing his girlfriend because of his neglect.

"I'm sorry. I should've listened to you," Seojun muttered apologetically. Hajin exhaled... and slowly rotated on her heels to face her boyfriend as he anxiously frowned at her dim stare in extreme guilt.

"Why bother to speak to me when you didn't even respond to my texts or calls when I most desperately needed you to believe me? You're back now that everything is settled? You're a coward, Seojun," Hajin coldly muttered with her arms rested on the railings. Seojun tearfully stared at Hajin's blank expression, so he sniffled and rubbed his tears. 

"I'm sorry... I really am. Hajin- I won't let it happen again. I promise- Oh? I know I should've trusted you," Seojun begged, shakily gripping onto her shirt. 

Hajin sorely eyed his pitiful state and glanced at the gloomy sky above her. Seojun swallowed and lowered his head with his torn gaze on his lover... so Hajin averted her eyes back to him until he pressed his soft lips against hers. Hajin deeply sighed against his face and kissed her boyfriend passionately as he embraced her on the rooftop opening. 

The young couple eventually made up under the storm above their heads.

Fast Forward

"Oppa~! This cotton candy reminds me of our old days!" Sora chuckled while smiling at Taehyung, who stood beside her with their interlaced hands in his pocket. The man chuckled at his wife's wrinkled eye smile and nodded in agreement.

"Should I get it for you every day...?" The man chuckled as he strolled the crowded park with his wife. Sora giggled and patted his chest.

"No~! I want to buy it myself with you so we can stroll together like this~!" Sora giggled, happily glancing up at her husband. Taehyung suddenly opened his mouth to lick the cotton candy, causing his wife to shriek in shock at the melted sugar. She whined and smacked his chest for ruining the pretty cotton... so Taehyung chuckled and glanced forward until his phone started vibrating in his pocket.

"Aigo~! I get a little heart attack whenever the kids call me! What troubles are they up to again?!" The man cutely grumbled as he drew out his phone with his spare hand, and answered the call... until the boxy smile... faded from his face. Sora uneasily observed her husband's dreadful expression as he listened to the phone call.

A moment later.

"Eomma!" Woojin and Kanghoon sprinted toward their parents as the elders rushed inside the packed academy filled with bustling medical staff and guards.

"Where's Hajin and Beom?!" Sora shrieked, trying to rush inside but halted in horror with tears in her eyes when... Hajin suddenly appeared beside Beom at the lobby's entrance. Both heirs... were drenched in blood. Kim Taehyung's eyes widened in disbelief as the twins gasped at the bloody heirs... who appeared out of nowhere after... a few students... were stabbed to death in the lecture room and others... severely injured.

The lower ranks glanced at the two heirs in shock and glanced at each other with frightened looks. Beom blinked in tears and suddenly rushed forward to hug his mother. Kim Taehyung yanked off his coat to cover Hajin, who was trembling in tears... so she whimpered and hugged her father for support as the medical staff rushed the injured students inside the blaring ambulance.

"What happened?!" Woojin scoffed while frowning at the sticky blood on Hajin's face. 

"I don't know! Someone- someone chased me with a knife- and then- I blacked out! Beom- he was hiding with me in the bathroom after we saw the corpses!" Hajin cried in distress while hugging her father. Sora whimpered and glanced at Taehyung with her frightened puppy gaze. 

"Yah!?- Who is the victim?!" Kanghoon frowned as he rushed up to Mirae, who was crying in distress while clinging to Dohyun, who was comforting her on the bench.

"I heard it's Seojun and Soo-ah! They're missing!" Mirae sobbed while rubbing her tears. Hajin suddenly stopped crying and wildly spun around with her eyes... bulging in horror at Mirae's terrific claim. Beom suddenly pursed his lips as the medical team rushed out of the lobby with the wrapped bodies.

"Seojun?!- No- NO!" Hajin suddenly cried as she sprinted toward the body on the cart with her eyes wide open once she recognized his blood-soaked sneakers.

"Hajin! Sweetie~!" Taehyung called while racing after his daughter, who roughly yanked the fabric off the body and screamed in fright until her head swayed violently at the disturbing sight of her lifeless lover. 

"Seojun!? -N- No! Baby!? Why- ARGH!? WHY?! Who did this to you?!-" Hajin wailed in distress once she found Seojun's unconscious body beneath the sheet. The heiress gripped her lover's face and slumped weakly, so Taehyung seized her daughter to yank her back to her feet. The medical team quickly shoved Seojun's body into the ambulance as Jeon Soomin rushed after her sister's body in tears.

"Holy fuck!?- Did anyone catch the culprit?!" The twins cursed and gripped their hair in distress as the ambulances tore out of the property and blasted out of the academy with their deafening sirens.

"You killed them, didn't you?! You fucking psycho bitch!" Soomin screamed at Hajin in tears, who suddenly froze in her place.

"What?- I didn't!-"

"You found out he cheated on you with my sister! So you killed him and her!" Soomin shrieked in anger. Beom sniffled against his mother's shoulder... so Sora glared at Soomin as the identical twins sorely stared at the Jeon's daughter, who quickly dashed away with a phone pressed against her ear to alarm the Jeons... of their youngest daughter's dire situation.

The suspicious eyes within the area... suddenly shifted... to the young heiress as she tearfully whimpered while clinging to her powerful father.

The society... eventually stirred up yet... another conspiracy... accusing... Kim Hajin for... Jeon Soo-ah and Kim Seojun's... demise.

They claim... she murdered the duo... out of pure jealousy. 


Hello~! How's everyone doing~! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I might be a little late after this chapter because I have to take one more exam next week! But I'll be back next year! So see you in 2024~! <3 Thank you so much for supporting ALPHA! <3 I love you guys~!!!

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